by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf
FosarBludorf Website
Thousands of people world-wide report
almost agreeing on experiences, which sound more than bizarre: they
were abducted allegedly in any unsettled way to an unknown place
("spaceship"), where strange small grey "extraterrestrials" with
huge black eyes (in America briefly named "the Greys") accomplished
medical investigations at them.
Very often people report that they were "sucked inside" the presumed
"spaceship" with a kind of ray of light or that they had to cross a
During the whole experience people mostly are in a kind of rigidity
condition, where they can neither move nor resist against the whole
Usually is then reported about genetic experiments on a kind of
"operation table", about withdrawal of tissue samples, egg or sperm
cells, sometimes also about surgical interferences. After the
experience time delays often arise, i.e. time passed (often hours or
days), over which one does not know what happened.
In very rare cases even physical traces stay, e.g. in the form of
fire-pure in the area, or the persons show local burns, scars etc.
after such experiences. It will be shown that not necessarily
interference of "extraterrestrial spaceships" have to be assumed for
the explanation of these effects.
Information about the well-known explanation models - which are not
particularly convincing all - you may call up via the specified
links here.
UFO abductees" are psychologically
ill, or they daydream themselves these experiences only after
the consumption of too many science fiction films.
UFO abductions" arise only during
hypnotical trance, they are suggested by the therapist or
produced unconsciously by the people, in order to please the
UFO abductions" are a repressed
memory of own birth.
UFO abductions" are masked
experiences of sexual abuse in the childhood.
UFO abductions" are hallucinations,
which are released by electromagnetic waves (Schumann waves).
UFO abductions" are memories of a
real experience, i.e. an extraterrestrial civilization actually
visits the earth, in order to abuse humans for their
Due to own research of many years in
this field the authors came to the following conclusions: The
hypothesis that extraterrestrials abduct humans into UFOs, is not
The subjective experiences of humans have a very strongly
archetypical character in the sense of the psychology of C.G.Jung,
whereby the remarkable uniformity of the descriptions all over the
world is explainable. This led it in the past to erroneous-proves to
interpret them as "objective experiences with extraterrestrials"
(more details for this in the separate article
Structure and meaning
of the archetypical UFO experiences).
Even if the "UFO experiences" can be only subjective realities, they
are nevertheless very important, because they hide a more
deep-seated experience level, which does not necessarily have to do
something with "UFOs" or "extraterrestrials".
Insights of modern physics (especially in the field of gravitation),
genetics and behavior research (especially about group
consciousness) may explain this experience level scientifically.
According to experience "UFO experiences" always take place in an
altered state of consciousness. Such virtual experiences in altered
states of consciousness are not anything unusual. For example our
nocturnal dreams run off on a similar level.
For the therapeutic treatment the medical hypnosis is recommended.
The experiences are first worked on quite classically
linear-analytically by regression techniques, thus by going back to
the presumed time of the experience, so as if it would be past real
experiences (e.g. from the childhood) or past nightmares.
In view of the bizarre topic one could naturally try to argue with
reason arguments and refer the people to the untenability of his
Such a proceeding would be however totally wrong. The modern
hypnotherapy by Milton Erickson teaches rather that materials
produced by people in hypnotic trance should be taken impartially to
the knowledge and be placed into the center of the therapeutic work,
independently of whether they represent memories of real experiences
or not, in the opinion of the therapist.
Repeated linear working on these materials contents in the sense of
the regressive hypnosis (thus in this case - going back to the
moment of a hypothetical "UFO experience") leads with time -
according to the theory - to the fact that people concerned are
automatically able to interpret and/or change these experiences,
without standardized interpretations of the therapist would have to
be suggested.
In the case of the "UFO experiences" in many cases it actually comes
to a state, in which people recognize the fact on their own part
that these experiences are not objectively real but that they only
mask another experience. Usually next they draw the conclusion that
they do not need these archetypical-brutally looking pictures any
longer, and they carry on automatically to another experience level.
This process of transcendence of the classical "UFO experience"
normally leads to a clear improvement of the general psychical
condition. The typical post traumatic stress symptoms disappear.
The virtual
communication level
The level which people achieve in this moment is characterized by
some important parameters:
The "extraterrestrial" scenery
A new, again obviously virtual reality comes up instead, that is
mostly somewhat more abstractly as the typical "UFO scenery" -
and in that people may communicate with an apparently different
The so far linear experience, connected
with a fixed time, becomes now nonlinear. Even if the starting point
were an alleged experience from the past, to which the concerning
was led back by the therapist, the experience changes now to a
spontaneous transition to "here and now". People may interact
directly with the new coming up virtual reality and/or with the
apparent intelligence acting therein using a kind of
Following the descriptions of people this is not
a normal discussion dialogue, but answers to questions posed are
directly accessible to the consciousness of humans.
The question, with "whom" or "what" humans communicate in such a
moment, may not be finally answered.
It is important that people recognize in this moment (this cannot be
suggested in any case!), that the scenery is virtual and that they
are not helplessly delivered thereby by any means to any objective
happening. Their role in the scenery changes itself fundamentally
from the passive observer and/or victim of the experience to the
active "co-arranger".
If this is once recognized, then the therapist may embody this
attitude more firmly in the subconscious mind, by encouraging him to
"co-arrange" the virtual scenery from now on even more actively.
The virtual
conference room
People are encouraged to visualize themselves a virtual environment
in trance after own conceptions, for example a modern conference
room with all audiovisual equipments, and next to start
hypercommunication with the unknown intelligence in this area.
Thus he gets the feeling to receive even more control on the
experience. Usually hypercommunication worked exactly in the same
way as in the virtual reality, which had come up automatically after
transcendence of the archetypical "operation table scene" in the
In this scenery the therapist may try to ask questions, about which
he is sure that their answers are unknown to the client (we usually
asked for certain scientific facts, which were even not known to us
in many cases).
Normally he gets answers to these questions from his client, which
may be (and even have to be) examined afterwards for plausibility,
in order to avoid the danger of a naive and credulous interpretation
of the situation.
While a part of these answers obviously, not comprehensible or even
unreasonable (more details here), another part could afterwards be
examined perfectly. Among them were some amazing statements, which
were not known to the authors before:
A woman described an
anti-gravitation experiment in easily symbolically disguised
form, but nevertheless scientifically accurately comprehensibly,
as it was actually already accomplished in this form.
Another statement mentioned that
"UFOs" were not spaceships, but only a "carrier of
communication", and that for this "mirror masses" are necessary.
On this level people often receive in
trance entrance to further, substantially more abstract virtual
communication areas, which had a smooth, but from today's view
unusual character. Often thereby even the impression of a so far
unknown aesthetics came up.
People report during the trance work in such areas to be often
confronted with a strong energy. They have occasionally the feeling
to withdraw with consciousness from their body (OBE = Out OF Body
Experience), and even learn to move in the virtual realities in a
completely new and different kind (partly also with their "astral
body"), whereby such movements may lead to different results, which
we cannot interpret on the today's conditions of science yet.
In view of the fact that virtual realities apply more and more in
today's time, for example in architecture or in medicine,
philosophers and culture scientists discuss already now the
relationship between the virtual worlds of the modern technology and
the interior world of humans (the latter existed always!).
In this context also the therapeutic work with virtual communication
areas in suitable cases will be more and more important in the
future. One must separate these techniques strictly from picture
worlds daydreamed purely, as for instance using the well-known
therapy of the "katathyme pictures" or other daydreaming techniques.
In the case of the virtual conference room the produced internal
worlds seem to be neither purely subjective nor purely objective,
but in an intermediate range, because comprehensible information is
conveyed, and it comes occasionally even to outwardly measurable
physical side effects.
measurable side effects
Working therapeutically in trance with people, which had such "UFO
experiences", particularly when operating virtual communication
areas, leads quite frequently to the fact that it comes thereby in
the consulting rooms to measurable physical side effects. For the
first time in the history of the study of these experiences the
authors could prove that these experiences do not only take place in
the brains of people:
Measurable electromagnetic fields in
the area arise, electronic devices (CD players, tape recorders,
bio feedback devices) are disturbed in their function or even
These fields may be measured
occasionally even at the body of humans concerned, without
having appropriate things with them, which could be responsible
for this this.
These fields even remain in the area
still for a while, if the person already went off.
These strange effects can be
explained scientifically only by interdisciplinary research,
whereby modern insights of physics (above all the gravitation),
genetics and behavior biology (group consciousness) have to be
taken into account.
Latest scientific
At the Russian academy for sciences in Novosibirsk, among other
things, V.Djatlov and A.Dmitrijev found out that smaller
tunnels (so-called wormholes), which after newest insights are kept
stable by negative masses (so-called mirror masses), may form
vacuum domains
in our terrestrial atmosphere. Inside them
gravitation may transform into electricity, which leads to dancing
luminescent objects, which often resemble the form of UFOs. In
similar way natural rotation fields can transform into magnetism and
vice versa.
Nearly identically a person in trance described the procedure of
hypercommunication with the "UFO as carrier", although these
scientific insights were not known to the public at that time (and
until today) and were not published in German language.
This should not exclude categorically the existence of material
spaceships from other planets, but this way the multiplicity of the
UFO sighting may be explained scientifically. Anyway skeptics like
critical UFO researchers always remark that much too many UFOs are
sighted, so that it is impossible they could be all visitors from
the universe. Even still: Even if there should be material
spaceships, which visit the earth, then they would avail themselves
in all probability - in view of the large distances in the universe
- of a space-time tunnel, thus a medium sized, sturdy wormhole. Thus
they " would announce themselves " automatically in form of a bright
vacuum domain.
Such wormholes deposit themselves however on the level of our body
cells, at the DNA, as in Moscow Professor P. Garjajev found out.
After newest insights the DNA forms communication channels this way,
or more exactly said - the channels of hypercommunication, by which
space and time-spreading information may flow.
The DNA molecule is, after the Russian research, a superconducting
information memory, which is wrapped by a so-called nonlinear Soliton wave, which is able to store and also send data beyond the
material-genetic information. So far science always regarded the
genetic code as something static, that developed in the moment of
fertilization and programs the organism following a rigid pattern
later. Now we know the fact that the DNA molecule is set in
oscillation beyond these biochemical characteristics using a carrier
wave which changes dynamically and may store and send information.
Thus the DNA may interact also with the genetic substance of other
organisms, via the hypercommunication channels.
This could explain the achievements of the group consciousness of
many animal species, state-forming insects, which quite obviously
communicate with one another with their joint venture works without
help of the well-known senses.
If then in addition, humans communicate with one another via the DNA
level, then thereby naturally not only hereditary instinct knowledge
flows, as possibly with the animals, but all knowledge of mankind
also may be acquired. Communication on this level of human group
consciousness could be responsible thus for the amazing,
scientifically examinable statements in trance.
Since during this procedure vacuum domains in the sense of the
theories of Djatlov and Dmitrijev come up, also the presence of
measurable electromagnetic fields in the process of such a
hypercommunication is explainable, likewise the fact that these
fields are still present later, i.e. if humans already went off. A
similar phenomenon Garjajev discovered in Moscow with spectrographic
analysis of DNA samples: the spectral changes remained for a while,
even after the tissue sample was removed from the experimental
equipment. In extreme cases this "phantom DNA effect" could be
proven still for months.
Modern physics interprets this in such a way that by the
accumulation of microscopic wormholes to the DNA sequences the
space-time structure itself is locally changed and that these
changed structures of the hyperspace - similar as the Soliton wave,
the carrier wave of the DNA - are temporally quite stable.
Now the reader shouldn't come to the wrong conclusion, that we
consider hypercommunication as a purely mental procedure, and in
strict contrast to the material network technologies already
existing. A coupling of both aspects, i.e. artificial releasing of
hypercommunication with technical aids probably already happened.
An example is the well-known "Persinger helmet" (see
hypothesis 5),
by which humans were stimulated with modulated
Schumann waves (i.e.
extremely long-wave electromagnetic waves within the range under 10
cycles per second), to which the human brain reacts. This way UFO
similar experiences could be generated with test persons.
Also at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow experiments
already were performed to transfer information to the DNA by
irradiation of DNA samples with certain modulated frequencies. The
results were amazing, because the DNA molecules reacted to this
irradiation, by sending for their own part electromagnetic
Even if the different virtual realities dissolve with the trance
work with such experiences gradually, the core, i.e. the ability for
hypercommunication, remains thus the binding to a still unknown
consciousness information network, which remains accessible to the
humans concerned further. With the time, as experience shows, they
learn to deal with these new ability of communication. Fears
diminish themselves to a large extent. Quite obviously develops a
new form of human intelligence, which one could call network
The nature of this network is unclear so far. It appears as safe
that it covers human group consciousness (collective subconsciousness), because archetypical pictures arise, and
information becomes available, which as a whole is known to mankind
(even if it is not to the receiver).
It is not however clear on today's knowledge by any means whether it
could concern thereby an open net, so that in this way also
different intelligence forms would be attainable, for example animal
consciousness, holistic structures of consciousness of ecosystems or
- exceeding the range of the earth - hypothetical extraterrestrial
Note: More exact information about the proceeding with the trance
work with virtual realities, particularly in the virtual conference
room, is available from the authors on request.
Fosar, Grazyna and Franz Bludorf:
Das Erbe von Avalon. Verborgenes Wissen in den europäischen
Mysterien wiederentdeckt. Munich 1996.
Fosar, Grazyna and Franz Bludorf:
Zaubergesang. Geheimnisvolle Erdfrequenzen - der Schlüssel zur
Wetter- und Gedankenkontrolle. Munich 1998.
Dmitrijev, A.N. and W.L.Djatlov:
Planetophysical Function of Vacuum Domains. Novosibirsk 1995.
Garjajev. P.P.: Volnovoi
genetitchesky Kod. Moscow 1997.