Dan Sewell Ward
LibraryOfHalexandria Website
Undoubtedly, the premier website with
respect to Hyperdimensional Physics is
Richard Hoagland’s
Hyperdimensional Physics.
The only
disadvantage of this particular website is that it has a lot of
information, and thus takes some time in consuming. (Which is why
portions of it are condensed here.) However, Hoagland’s work is well
written, has lots of intriguing graphics -- many of a geometrical
nature -- and is scientifically plausible. Highly recommended as
some intriguing, speculative material.
A briefer, Hoagland-style version
HERE, where the introductory
portion discusses the field of hyperdimensional physics as one based
on geometry and mathematics, and which involve other spatial
According to Hoagland (with due regard to Tom
Bearden, et al), hyperdimensional physics goes back to the 19th
Century, where mathematicians and physicists began delving into,
“theoretical ‘non-Euclidian’
geometries (geometries involving spatial dimensions in addition
to ‘length, breadth and height’), and a set of specifically
predicted physical interactions of energy and matter determined
by those ‘non-Euclidian geometries.’”
This introductory site also includes,
“the results of continuing,
world-wide, contemporary physics and ‘free energy’
experiments... which are now confirming increasingly specific
predictions of the ‘hyperdimensional’ model.”
This includes:
Zero-Point Energy, and the basis of
Connective Physics.
Hyperdimensional Physics is worth
reviewing in detail. Hoagland notes, among many other things,
that the anomalous energy being radiated by the giant planets of
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune can be explained by
Hyperdimensional Physics. In essence, these planets’ energy
output is “over unity”, i.e. they are giving off more energy than is
being absorbed from the Sun energy impinging upon them.
when Uranus and Neptune are “normalized” (i.e. their
different distances from the Sun are taken into account), these two
planets are roughly equal in their output.
Hoagland then explains that all
of this can be accounted for if we assume:
“The existence of unseen
hyperspatial realities... that, through information transfer
between dimensions, are the literal ‘foundation substrate’
maintaining the reality of everything in this dimension.”
That statement says quite a bit. Reread
it and think about it. Hmmmmmm... Via
Hyperdimensional Physics
Hoagland goes on to discuss the following:
“Vortex atoms” -- tiny,
self-sustaining “whirlpools” in the so-called ether -- one
envisioned by William Thompson (1867), which he and his
19th Century contemporaries “increasingly believed
extended throughout the Universe as an all-pervasive,
incompressible fluid.” The latter included James Clerk
Maxwell -- undoubtedly the patron saint of modern
electromagnetic theory -- who developed a mechanical vortex
model of an incompressible ether in which Thompson’s vortex atom
could exist.
The use by Maxwell of quaternions (ordered pairs of complex numbers), who made it
clear in his writings that his choice of quaternions as
mathematical operators was predicated on his belief that
three-dimensional physical phenomena -- including quite possibly
human Consciousness -- was dependent upon higher dimensional
realities! Some of these writings are included herein as Hyperdimensional Poetry. A brief diversion.
The disastrous “streamlining” after
Maxwell’s death of his quaternion equations by two 19th
Century so-called mathematical physicists, Oliver Heaviside
and William Gibbs, who simplified to extinction the
original equations and left four simple (if woefully
incomplete!) expressions. This was done by Heaviside’s drastic
editing of Maxwell’s original work after the latter’s untimely
death from cancer. The four surviving, “classic” Maxwell’s
Equations -- which appear in every electrical and physics text
the world over, became the underpinnings of all 20th
Century electrical and electromagnetic engineering -- from radio
to radar, television to computer science, and were inclusive of
every hard science from physics to chemistry to astrophysics
that deals with electromagnetic radiative processes. The classic
equations never appeared in any of Maxwell’s papers or
The introduction in 1854 by Georg
Bernard Riemann the idea of hyperspace, i.e. the description
and possibility of “higher, unseen dimensions”, a fundamental
assault on the 2000-year old assumptions of Euclid’s The
Elements -- the ordered, rectilinear laws of ordinary three
dimensional reality. “In its place, Riemann proposed a
four-dimensional reality (of which our 3-D reality was merely a
‘subset’), in which the geometric rules were radically
different, but also internally self-consistent.
Even more
radical: Riemann proposed that the basic laws of nature in
3-space, the three mysterious forces then known to physics --
electrostatics, magnetism and gravity -- were all fundamentally
united in 4-space, and merely ‘looked different’ because of the
resulting ‘crumpled geometry’ of our three-dimensional
reality...” In lieu of Newton’s “action-at-a-distance theories,
Riemann was proposing that all such apparent forces were the
result of objects moving through three dimensions, but distorted
by an intruding geometry of 4-space.
The fundamental problem of an
alleged lack of experimental or experiential evidence of a
fourth spatial dimension. This was addressed in part in 1919 by
Theodr Kaluza, who suggested a solution to the
mathematical unification of Einstein’s theory of gravity with
Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic radiation, via the
introduction of an additional spatial dimension.
Kaluza also
proposed that the additional spatial dimension had somehow
collapsed down to a tiny circle -- an idea now prevalent in
Superstrings! This idea was expanded in 1926 by Oskar Klein,
who applied the idea to Quantum Physics and came up with the
idea that Kaluza’s new dimension had somehow collapsed down to
the “Planck length” itself -- supposedly the smallest possible
size allowed by quantum interactions -- thereby tying in with
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
A rebirth of hyperdimensional
physics in the guise of
Superstrings (beginning in
1968), in which fundamental particles and fields are viewed as
hyperspace vibrations of infinitesimally small,
multi-dimensional strings -- with updated versions of the old Kaluza-Klein theory; discussions of a modern supergravity
hyperspace unification model; and the exotic “String Theory”
itself. The enormous increase in interest represents a
fundamental revolution within a major segment of the worldwide
scientific community. A significant factor is the number of
dimensions: 10 (or 26, depending on strings rotation). And
still, all additional dimensions are still within the Planck
Discussions by
Thomas E. Bearden,
“Maxwell’s original theory is, in
fact, the true, so-called ‘Holy Grail’ of physics... the first
successful unified field theory in the history of Science... a
fact apparently completely unknown to the current proponents of
‘Kaluza-Klein,’ ‘Supergravity,’ and ‘Superstring’ ideas....”
“...In discarding the scalar
component of the quaternion, Heaviside and Gibbs
unwittingly discarded the unified electromagnetic/gravitational
portion of Maxwell’s theory.”
“The simple vector equations
produced by Heaviside and Gibbs captured only that subset of
Maxwell’s theory where EM and gravitation are mutually
exclusive. In that subset, electromagnetic circuits and
equipment will not ever, and cannot ever, produce gravitational
or inertial effects in materials and equipment.”
The unwarranted restriction of
Maxwell’s theory, also impacted Einstein who restricted
his theory of general relativity, and thus by fiat prevented the
unification of electromagnetics and relativity -- as well as
experimental evidence of the general theory due to any local
spacetime curvature being excluded.
The exclusion by quantum physicists
of Bohm’s hidden variable theory,
“which conceivably could have
offered the potential of engineering quantum change --
engineering physical reality itself.”
“Each of these major scientific
disciplines missed and excluded a subset of their disciplinary
The loss to science by the limiting
of Maxwell’s equations of: The electrogravitic control of
gravity itself, in effect, the ability to curve local and/or
distant spacetime with electromagnetic radiation.
“Whittaker accomplished this by
demonstrating mathematically that ‘the field of force due to a
gravitating body can be analyzed, by a spectrum analysis’ into
an infinite number of constituent fields; and although the whole
field of force does not vary with time, yet each of the
constituent fields is an ondulatory character, consisting of a
simple-disturbance propagated with uniform velocity.” [emphasis
Significantly, the waves would be
longitudinal and require gravity to be propagated with a finite
velocity, which however did not have to be the same as that of
light, and in fact may be enormously greater.
The measurement of the hidden
potential of free space by Yakir Aharonov and
David Bohm in 1959, the
resulting “Aharonov-Bohm Effect” providing compelling proof of a
“deeper spatial strain -- a scalar potential -- underlying the
existence of a so-called magnetic force-field itself. This
potential is equivalent to the unseen, vorticular stress in
space first envisioned by Thompson.” “And stresses, when they
are relieved, must release energy into their surroundings!”
Quantum Electrodynamics Zero
Point Energy of space -- vacuum energy -- in which is
created, then relieved stresses in Maxwell’s voticular ether (a
process equivalent to tapping the energy of the vacuum -- a
vacuum which, according to quantum physics, possesses a
staggering amount of such energy per cubic inch of space.
“Given the prodigious amount of
‘vacuum energy’ calculated by modern physicists (trillions of
atomic bomb equivalents per cubic centimeter...), even a
relatively minor but sudden release of such vast vacuum (ether)
stress potential inside a planet... could literally destroy it.”
Or alternatively, in a far more controlled fashion, provide the
anomalous infrared energy output of the planets Uranus, Neptune,
Saturn, and Jupiter; or even the same source of energy for
stars, including the Sun.
A model of hyperdimensional
physics based upon angular momentum -- the mass of an object
and the rate at which it spins -- but an orbital momentum
connected to four-space, and simultaneously affected by the
planets’ satellites (or in the case of the Sun, the planets, or
even companion stars where applicable). A plot of total angular
momentum of a planet or solar system against the total amount of
internal energy being radiated into space, results in a
“striking linear dependence which seems to hold across a range
of luminosity and momentum totaling almost three orders of
The resulting math, equivalent to E = mc2,
is that a celestial object’s total internal luminosity seems
dependent upon only one physical parameter, it’s total system
angular momentum (the celestial body, plus all orbiting
satellites), and given by L = mr2. [L is the total
system angular momentum, m each of the individual masses at a
distance, r, from the center of the rotation.]
The Earth-Moon system constituting
yet another example of over-unity radiating of energy (as
opposed to the Earth’s internal energy being derived from
“radioactive sources”). Implications involve major effects on
past and future geological and climatological events, which may
be driven, not by rising solar interactions or by-products of
terrestrial civilization (e.g., accumulating greenhouse gases
from burning fossil fuels), but by hyperdimensional physics!
An explanation of the missing
neutrinos from the Sun, where the assumed thermonuclear reaction
model to account for the Sun’s output should be resulting in
over twice the number of neutrinos actually observed. But when
the Sun’s primary energy source is hyperdimensional (i.e.
its angular momentum -- including the planetary masses orbiting
it), the problem can be addressed.
[The Sun has 98% of the solar system
mass, but only 2% of its total angular momentum -- the latter
due to the variable r, the distance of the mass from the center
of rotation!]
But in the hyperdimensional
solution, another big planet (or a couple of smaller ones) far
beyond Pluto are needed! (In this theory, about 30% of internal
energy is still expected from thermonuclear reactions.)
Hyperdimensional physics
requires that energy generation in planets and stars be variable
-- in effect, a mechanism resulting from an ever changing hyperspatial geometry. In effect, the changing pattern
(gravitationally and dimensionally) of interacting satellites in
orbit around a planet or star must change the stress pattern, in
something of a geometrically twisted ether.
[This tends to explain Astrology,
but Astrology does not directly incorporate the ellipsoidal
motion of the planets, which has a dramatic effect on r,
the orbiting distance parameter. I.e., the time-variability of
the hyperdimensional geometry -- yet more Cycles! -- is a
central hallmark of the theory.]
Application of hyperdimensional
physics to technologies based on the same ideas -- and which may
explain free energy machines, electrochemical
Cold Fusion, and the reduction
of radioactivity in nuclear isotopes (or the acceleration of the
process such that half-lifes are dramatically reduced).
“The implications for an entire
‘rapid, radioactive nuclear waste reduction technology’ --
accomplishing in hours what would normally require aeons -- is
merely one immediate, desperately needed world-wide application
of such ‘Hyperdimensional Technologies.’”
A hyperdimensional explanation of
the anomalous motion of the Giant Red Spot on the planet
Jupiter with variations in longitude and latitude -- not
the result of gravity or tidal actions by the moons of Jupiter,
but due to the lever (the “r”) of angular momentum.
Hyperdimensional astrology,
where variations in energy output from planets would be due to
the constantly changing hyperdimensional stress due to their
relative interactions, and variability in orbits. The,
“changing interactive stresses in
the ‘boundary between hyperspace and real space’ (in the Hyperdimensional Model) now also seem to be the answer to
the mysterious ‘storms’ that, from time to time, have suddenly
appeared in the atmospheres of several of the outer planets. The
virtual ‘disappearance,’ in the late 80’s, of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is one remarkable example; Saturn’s
abrupt production of a major planetary ‘event,’ photographed by
the Hubble Space Telescope in 1994 as a brilliant cloud erupting
at 19.5 degrees N. (where else?!), is yet another.”
Variability of solar phenomena --
such as solar flares, coronal disturbances, mass ejections -- in
terms of the sunspot cycle -- 11 years (or closer to 20 for the
complete solar cycle). The observation of short-wave radio
communications and their connection to the sunspot cycle, and to
the motions of the major planets of the solar system, the latter
an astrological correlation between the orbits of all the
planets (but especially, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune),
and major radio-disturbing eruptions on the Sun!
What had been “rediscovered was
nothing short of a ‘Hyperdimensional Astrology’ -- the
ultimate, very ancient, now highly demonstrable angular momentum
foundations behind the real influences of the Sun and planets on
our lives.” The research also noted that when Jupiter and Saturn
were spaced by 120 degrees [an astrological trine -- interpreted
as an excellent aspect] -- and solar activity was at a maximum!
-- radio signals averaged of far higher quality for the year
than when Jupiter and Saturn were at 180 degrees [an
astrological opposition -- interpreted as challenging], and
there had been a considerable decline in solar activity! In
other words, the average quality of radio signals followed the
cycle between Jupiter and Saturn, rather than the sunspot
Recognition that hyperdimensional
physics allows for a disproportionate effect on the solar
system by the planets due to the lever arm (“r”) of the angular
momentum equation, a physical mechanism -- Maxwell’s changing
quaternion scalar potentials -- to account for anomalous
planetary energy emissions, and the reason for sunspots at the
predominant solar latitude of 19.5 degrees.
Noting and explaining the observed
(by Voyager) polar hexagon around the north pole of Saturn, and
with five radii extending from the center!
The implication of extremely distant
undiscovered planets of this solar system, which theoretically
(via Kepler’s Third Law) could involve orbital periods of
thousands (if not tens of thousands) of years -- and which
because of their disproportionately large effect on the
leveraged angular momentum could account for long-term cycles in
the Sun’s total luminosity.
Given that Jupiter and Saturn return to their same geometrical positions roughly
every 20 years (i.e. the complete solar sunspot cycle), then it
is equally plausible that unknown planets in our solar system
could have a much longer term effect, and may be causing a
cyclical increase and decrease of the misnamed solar constant,
with the result of the already observed increase in solar
energy, which may trigger profound, millennia-long climatic
changes on Earth:
“Including, melting ice caps; rising ocean
levels; dramatic changes in jet stream altitudes and activity;
increased tornado intensities; increased hurricane wind
velocities... and a permanent “El Nino” (whose warmest waters,
satellites report, are at ... ~19.5 degrees).”
Hyperdimensional physics then might explain the very long term
Cycles observed by Browning.
Conclusion by Thomas Van Flandern
“that Mars’ uniquely elliptical path around the Sun (of all the
inner planets) is highly consistent with its ‘escape’ from... a
‘missing’, former member of the solar system.” Hyperdimensional
physics could then be utilized to consider whether or not entire
worlds within our solar system might have been destroyed.
Alternatively, to consider “the
demonstrable, historically-unprecedented changes currently
occurring in our own environment -- from mysteriously-rising
geophysical and volcanic activity (some of the most significant
now occurring at that suspicious “19.5 degrees!”), to
increasingly anomalous climatological and meteorological
activity (does anyone notice that hurricanes have always been
born at an average latitude of... 19.5 degrees?) --
verifying the effects of a changing ‘hyperdimensional physics’
in our own neighborhood.”
An accelerating slow-down of the
Earth’s spin on its own axis over the last 20 years -- a
progressive phase-shift now occurring between the rotation of
the Earth and the quantum standards of an atomic clock.
Additionally, the experimental observation of a change in the
Gravitational Constant by as much as 0.06%, such that the
suggestion that gravity during the era of the dinosaurs was less
(to allow the dinosaurs to be able to stand) and that
simultaneously, the Moon was precisely at a distance of 60 times
the radius of the Earth... suddenly, these ideas are no longer
far-fetched. In fact, hyperdimensional physics predicts
such variations.
And finally, Hoagland
suggests an intrinsically changing physics,
“affecting every known system of
astronomical, physical, chemical and biological interaction
differently over time -- because it affects the underlying,
dynamical hyperspace foundation of ‘physical reality’ itself.”
“And now, according to all
accumulating evidence and this centuries-old physics... we are
simply entering once again (after ‘only’ 13,000 years...) a
phase of this recurring, grand solar system cycle ‘of renewed hyperdimensional restructuring of that reality ."
Hoagland thus makes an excellent
argument that Hyperdimensional Physics is not only good
science, but is highly relevant to our modern world.