Lisa Renee
1318 2nd Street, Ste 15
Santa Monica, CA 90401
January 29, 2005
EnergeticSynthesis Website
From various sources of data establishing a timeline, First
Generation Indigos began to be born upon the planet over the last 50
or so years, and are known as “Adult Indigos” or “StarSeeds”. The
term "Indigo Child" comes from
psychic and synesthesiac Nancy Ann
Tappe, who classified people’s personalities according to the hue of
Usually each Evolutionary Cycle is accompanied by a preponderance of
humans born with an energy field that has a specific quality of
energetic life force and similar layers of color within the Aura.
For example, most Adults incarnated now are either embodying the
energetic force of Blue or Violet, the two Rays of Force (colors)
with the attributes that most support this Ascension Cycle of
transition to higher consciousness. During this next age, we may
call it the “Indigo Age”, Indigo colors will become the primary
colors within the Human Energy Field. (You may want to refer to Tappe’s book -
Understanding Your Life Through Color
The next wave of a new generation of Indigo’s with upgraded
DNA and
genetic potential began to come to the Earth in large quantities in
the 1980’s, born into tiny little baby bodies like any other Soul.
However these babies are unlike previous generations of babies born
unto the planet. These powerful and evolved Souls in little baby
bodies have come to Earth with a very specific purpose. Indigos have
a soul plan, a contract, to be the change we wish to see in the
World and lay the foundation towards new paradigms to experience
realities of higher consciousness. These souls have been referred to
as "The System Busters.”
Their purpose as the "The System Busters," is to expand open the
matrix from this current lower density reality into higher
dimensional experiences. The veils of duality and density that we
experience at the third and fourth dimensional levels suppress
humanity’s ability from evolving and activating their genetic
potential to access these higher realms. Indigos are evolved
of Light, Wisdom and Power, who have (at some point in their incarnational process) MASTERED this portion of evolution that the
rest of humanity is now beginning to transition through. Presently,
all mankind is slowly ascending to higher vibrational frequency
levels as the energies in the Universe change. As our awareness as
spiritual beings is increasing, Indigo children are already aware
and above our present levels of understanding.
These new children are here in global quantities to bring balance
and create a long overdue shift in our education, political, health
care and nutritional arena. They are here to question Adults in the
source causes of stress and discomfort in our home environments, as
well as the current systems in place within society. More
importantly, they question what we, within our society, base our
values and sense of wellbeing upon. Indigo children have increased
qualities of love as an active force and vibrate on a different
frequency level than what is primarily on the earth plane.
Therefore, it is more difficult for Indigo children to adjust to the
frequencies of the current energetic force on the planet.
Incarnated on Earth this time around may be a sad and difficult
experience for some of these children, as many have memory
(consciously or at cellular levels) that they did this level of
evolution in consciousness eons and eons ago. Many of these children
have heightened awareness, increased sensitivity and psychic
perceptions. To return to this level of consciousness, that is so
greatly enmeshed and dense, is extremely challenging on many levels.
Emotionally, it can be very, very hard for them.
During these last years, our society has
seen many increases in troubled behavior appearing within our
children, and we have been subjected to many new labels of
behavioral diagnosis, such as ADD, ADHD, Autism and other learning
disabilities. Much of this is caused by variances in the Indigo’s
neurological wiring and cognitive abilities that science nor our medical system has been able to identify properly in order to support
these special children. Instead the short term solution to handle
these kids within the current accepted societal parameter is to
administer synthetic chemicals (drugs) that further may confuse and
thwart these children from expressing their deep creative potential.
Many Indigo children are very intelligent, psychic beings and full
of a beautiful energy that is of a high quality of love and light.
They may communicate telepathically (especially to other Indigos)
and may have a direct link to the higher spiritual dimensions. It
may be easy and natural for them to communicate with other beings
and life forms such as passed on relatives, angels or nature
spirits. They possess a royal quality, as they have a strong sense
of self and know exactly who they are without external verification.
Many Indigo children are strong willed and cannot be disciplined.
They have their own sense of self worth
and self sovereignty in everything they do. Much to the chagrin of
unsuspecting Parents or Teachers they will refuse to acquiesce
themselves to the demands or expectations of others. Indigo
children may be a danger unto themselves, as they are not familiar
with the laws of density at this dimension. They may think they can
fly and attempt to do what most in our society would consider
abnormal. They literally have no sense of fear or limitation.
Indigo children may not always mix easily with other children,
others will have a lack of understanding or willingness to accept
the Indigo child, the Indigo may end up feeling lonely and lost when
treated as an outsider. They will not conform to the expected normal
standards of being and will in some way test everyone who has direct
contact with them and it can leave those people feeling frustrated
and angered. Social activities with an Indigo child may end up
causing some distress for the parents. This is a child who retains
individual freedom by being prepared to go against the standard norm
of expectations.
Obviously, if an Indigo child has sensitive parents who are aware
that their child is different, then the chances are they will
process through their childhood much easier. Educating parents and
society will become increasingly important to prepare and adapt to
these new children. Many Adult Indigos have come to prepare these
new structures of learning to enhance and cultivate their heightened
awareness, creativity and soul purpose.
Recent developments in new creative
learning centers and other private programs such as “Montessori”
have become available, yet unfortunately, to mostly wealthy
communities. With the exponentially increasing consciousness, we
will need to begin to evoke the change in our educational systems to
support these children and invest in our future. May those compelled
feel free to do so!
There is some wonderful material and a book presented by Lee Caroll
(Kryon Channel) and Jan Tober who wrote the book “The Indigo
Children”. I have included the below questionnaire and web
information for those parents who would like to investigate this
further. Please visit their websites for further information.
1. Feel misunderstood and not
heard in the world?
2. Feel lonely and isolated from peers?
3. Feel the need to be different?
4. Relate better to adults or the opposite gender?
5. Feel frustrated with systems that don’t respect
6. Start creative tasks but seldom complete them?
7. Have intuitive wisdom?
8. Prefer to be around plants, animals and music?
9. Prefer individual sports if enjoying sports at all?
10. Want to help or make a difference in the world?
How to recognize the
Indigo Child
The Indigo Child is recognizable by his or her aura and by certain
other traits, according to
The Indigo Children website (owned by
Kryon Writings, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober).
• They come into the world with a
feeling of royalty (and often act like it) • They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are
surprised when others don’t share that. • Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents
"who they are." • They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority
without explanation or choice). • They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting
in line is difficult for them. • They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented
and don’t require creative thought. • They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and
in school, which makes them seem like "system busters"
(nonconforming to any system). • They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If
there are no others of like consciousness around them, they
often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them.
School is often extremely difficult for them socially. • They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your
father gets home and finds out what you did"). • They are not shy in letting you know what they need.