by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
September 04, 2010
NaturalNews Website
New data released
by the CDC reveal that nearly half of all Americans are
on doctor-prescribed drugs.
Big Pharma, it seems, has managed to convince 5 out of
10 people that they're sick and in need of constant
chemical intervention. |
Nearly half of all Americans now use
prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a
CDC report that was just released.(1)
Nearly a third of Americans use two or more drugs, and more than one
in ten use five or more prescription drugs regularly.
The report also revealed that one in five children are being
regularly given prescription drugs, and nine out of ten seniors are
on drugs.
All these drugs came at a cost of over $234 billion in 2008.
The most commonly-used drugs were:
Statin drugs for older people
Asthma drugs for children
Antidepressants for middle-aged
Amphetamine stimulants for
America has become a nation of druggies.
seniors are being drugged for
nearly every symptom a doctor can find
children are being doped up with
(legalized) speed
middle-aged soccer moms are
popping suicide pills (antidepressants)
Prescription drug addictions are on the
rise, too.
Prescription drugs are so dangerous that
now even the
DEA is hosting "take back your pills"
day allowing citizens to anonymously surrender their unused
prescription painkillers to DEA agents.
Interestingly, DEA agents will only accept "legal" amphetamine drugs
such as Ritalin but not "illegal" methamphetamine drugs. You're only
off the hook if you paid monopoly prescription prices for
your drugs.
And it's only
going to get worse
The percentage of Americans taking prescription drugs is expected to
rise even further as the health reform insurance regulations kick
Much of the bill was specifically
designed to favor pharmaceutical industry interests by putting even
more people on medication. Expect to see more "screening" too - a
thinly disguised drug recruitment method that primarily seeks to
ensnare new patients in a high-profit drug regimen.
The mass medication of American citizens has reached a disturbing
tipping point where the future of the nation itself is at risk.
That's because pharmaceuticals cause cognitive decline, and once you
get to the point where over 50 percent of the voters can't think
straight, you're trapped in a crumbling Democracy.
And that doesn't even take into consideration the financial cost of
America's addiction to drugs: With nearly one out of every five
dollars out of the entire U.S. economy now being spent on sickness
and disease, America finds herself stuck in a cycle of high-cost
drug treatments that cure no one.
That's right: No one gets healthier from taking prescription drugs.
They don't cure anyone and they don't
prevent disease. They only maintain patients in a kind of "pre-death
stasis" where they're alive just enough to keep buying more
medication. Drug companies don't want you dead because that
would cut off their profits.
But they don't want you healthy,
either, because then they wouldn't have you as a customer.
So their drugs are actually designed to
keep you in a state of ongoing disease without curing your
condition but also without killing you outright. You sort of
chemically limp along, shelling out dollars while your memory fades
and your skin starts to show signs of severe toxicity.
Big Pharma is not merely sapping the
life out of you; it's also draining you financially.
Isn't it
obvious that pharmaceuticals don't work?
If pharmaceuticals really worked to make people healthy, then the
half of America currently taking pharmaceuticals would be the
healthiest half, and the people who don't take pharmaceuticals would
be unhealthy, right?
But in fact it's the other way around: People who take
pharmaceuticals remain unhealthy and really never get cured of
anything. Meanwhile, those who avoid taking pharmaceuticals are, by
and large, far healthier individuals.
If America were running a grand experiment to determine whether
pharmaceuticals really work - and trust me, the country really is
running precisely that experiment - any reasonable observer would
have to conclude that pharmaceuticals really don't improve the
health of those who take them.
The more pharmaceuticals you take, in
fact, the sicker you will become. That's because drugs cause an
imbalance in the body that soon leads to the emergence of other side
At the same time, many of the drugs people take actually cause the
very things they claim to prevent.
Osteoporosis drugs cause hip
Cancer drugs cause cancer
Antidepressants cause suicidal
The list goes on and on.
The people who are really, truly healthy in America are those who
avoid pharmaceuticals. They take care of their own health through
regular exercise, time in nature, sensible sunshine exposure and
healthy eating.
They distrust the pharmaceutical
industry and they don't let television advertising hypnotize them
into making poor decisions like
getting a flu shot.
Yet even though it is blatantly obvious that pharmaceuticals really
don't work to improve the health of any population, the drug
industry insists the only thing wrong with America's health is that
not enough people are taking medication!
If we could only get 100% of the population on drugs instead of 50%,
they seem to be saying, then we'd all be healthy! The logic
is absurd, of course. And that goal has nothing to do with actual
health but everything to do with increasing drug company profits.
While drug companies may not know much
at all about health, they do know one thing:
How to commit marketing fraud by
making outrageous benefit claims for their drugs while
whitewashing the very real dangerous side effects.
Big Pharma will
bankrupt America
Mark my words:
Big Pharma will bankrupt America.
And quite possibly the UK as well.
Any nation that hands over its health
care system to the drug industry is committing financial suicide.
That's because Big Pharma absolutely will not halt its single-minded
mission to extract as much money as possible from the population,
corporations and governments.
It will do anything and everything it
can to accomplish this goal:
bribe researchers to commit
research fraud
engage in false and fraudulent
lie to the public
hide negative study results
conduct experiments on children
in third-world countries
pollute the planet with drug
factory runoff
influence legislators with
campaign finance contributions
dominate the pages of medical
journals with false and misleading advertising
submit "scientific" articles to
the journals ghost-written by the drug companies themselves,
... this list never ends.
Drug companies will knowingly keep dangerous drugs on the market
that kill tens of thousands of people. They will knowingly withhold
research from the FDA if it might make their drugs look bad. They
will knowingly distort clinical trial data to eliminate whatever
outcome they don't want to see.
This is all "routine" in the drug industry. These aren't exceptions,
mind you: They are the way the drug industry operates on a daily
The worst part of it is that Big Government is now fully in bed with
Big Pharma.
I already
exposed Sen Harry Reid's efforts to
swing a sweet deal for Big Pharma in the recent health
care reforms. The FDA's collusion with drug companies, meanwhile, is
legendary: There is hardly a decision made by the FDA that doesn't
in some way protect drug company profits.
The med schools and science journals have been overrun by drug
company influence. Drug companies are so large and powerful now that
the U.S. government considers them "too big to nail."
Pfizer was recently found guilty of
felony crimes, the government allowed it to create a shell
company to take the hit so that Pfizer itself could remain in
business and
keep selling drugs to the government.
A federal prosecutor actually went on the record saying,
"If we prosecute Pfizer... a lot of
people who work for the company who haven't engaged in criminal
activity would get hurt."
Therefore, the logic goes, they have to
let Pfizer off the hook.
And so it goes:
Big Government protecting
the criminals in the drug industry, making excuses for
looking the other way when scientific fraud and marketing fraud
is routinely being carried out right under their noses.
The Dept of Justice isn't even
interested in taking down criminal drug companies!
How this will
So where does this medication madness ever end?
It will end, I predict, with the
economic downfall of the United
States of America. When the nation is too broke, too medicated
and too chemically compromised to stay afloat, it will suffer an
enormous economic collapse.
Following the financial failure of big government,
Big Pharma will implode virtually
Without the government buying its
products, Big Pharma will find few willing private customers.
Ordinary people will seek out affordable and safer natural remedies,
and the drug industry will collapse to perhaps 10% of its current
This will be a great day for the health of all Americans who have
suffered under the chemical assault of Big Pharma. To live without
the daily onslaught of Big Pharma's chemicals is to live a healthier
life with improved brain function and awareness. Once people get off
all their drugs, we might have hope to thoughtfully rebuild a nation
based on nutrition rather than monopoly-priced medications.
I've said this at least a hundred times, and I'll say it again: No
nation that ignores the nutritional health of its citizens has any
real future.
A successful long-term society MUST, at
its core, invest in real nutrition and the holistic health
education of its citizens. Without good nutrition, every society
is ultimately doomed to fail.
Modern medicine, in other words, is destroying our country. And the
"cure" for this disease is to throw out what doesn't work
(pharmaceuticals) and start embracing the things that do work
(nutrition and superfoods) to keep people healthy.
(1) National Center for Health
Statistics: "NCHS
Data Brief No. 42, September 2010."