August 31, 2011
YouTube Website
Watch Arjan and Franco
discover Morocco in the 3rd Strain Hunters
documentary: Strain Hunters Morocco Expedition by Green
House Seed Company Amsterdam. |
Strain Hunters is a series of
documentaries aimed at informing the general public about the quest
for the preservation of the cannabis plant in the form of
particularly vulnerable landraces originating in the poorest areas
of the planet.
The sole intent of Strain Hunters is to identify, locate and
retrieve cannabis landraces that have not yet been studied, in order
to give scientists and doctors the possibility to further enhance
knowledge of the cannabis plant in the medicinal field.
Many previously unknown
profiles are contained in cannabis landraces originating from areas
where there is no possibility of scientific research.
One day these plants could be helpful in developing better
medications for the sick and the suffering. We feel it is our
duty to preserve as many cannabis landraces in our genetic database,
and by breeding them into other well-studied medicinal strains for
the sole purpose of scientific research.
During the making of the Strain Hunters documentaries no harm
was done to any person, animal, plant, or the environment. All
carbon emissions generated by this project have been offset by
planting thousands of seeds.
The Strain Hunters documentaries have the defined and limited
purpose of information to the general public.
Strain Hunters do not endorse or
promote illegal activities of any kind.