July 13, 2010
PreventDisease Website
We now know the disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico could very
well reach biblical proportions.
The millions of gallons of oil and other
chemicals released have already decimated life and guaranteed years
of polluted waters. Now BP is readying a "super weapon" supposedly
to avert an escalating Gulf nightmare.
The giant oil company is now quietly preparing to test a small
nuclear device in a frenzied rush against time to quell a cascading
If successful they will have the
capability to detonate a controlled fusion generated pulse.
Methane Still
a Big Problem
Reports still indicate that
methane hydrate is flooding the Gulf
waters at a rate one million times more than normal, and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research
vessel, Thomas Jefferson has reported spotting new fissures.
Many geologists concur:
"The consequences of a
methane-driven oceanic eruption for marine and terrestrial life
are likely to be catastrophic. Figuratively speaking, the
erupting region "boils over," ejecting a large amount of methane
and other gases (e.g., CO2, H2S) into the atmosphere, and
flooding large areas of land.
Whereas pure methane is lighter than
air, methane loaded with water droplets is much heavier, and
thus spreads over the land, mixing with air in the process (and
losing water as rain).
The air-methane mixture is explosive
at methane concentrations between 5% and 15%; as such mixtures
form in different locations near the ground and are ignited by
lightning, explosions and conflagrations destroy most of the
terrestrial life, and also produce great amounts of smoke and of
carbon dioxide..."
The warning signs of an impending
planetary catastrophe - of such great magnitude that the human mind
has difficulty grasping it - would be the appearance of large fissures
or rifts splitting open the ocean floor, a rise in the elevation of
the seabed, and the massive venting of methane and other gases into
the surrounding water.
Such occurrences can lead to the rupture of the methane bubble
containment - it can then permit the methane to breach the
subterranean depths and undergo an explosive decompression as it
catapults into the Gulf waters.
Create A High
Risk, High Energy Explosion To Fix The Problem?
Would you ever sent a very small child to clean up their own mess?
Well that's exactly what the
Obama administration has done by
allowing BP to operate as the clean-up crew for our precious waters
in the Gulf of Mexico.
Every single effort by BP to stop the
monstrous leak has resulted in failure. The latest plan being
developed are what some insiders are saying could be catastrophe in
the making which may culminate with a world-killing mass extinction
event that modern civilization could not survive.
At a
super-secret security base-CFB Suffield-located in southern Alberta, Canada,
area reports indicate that high level engineers, physicists and
military scientists are feverishly working to complete an 'explosively pumped flux
compression generator' (EPFCG).
According to published scientific papers an EPFCG generator can be
powered by a very small, controlled fusion explosion - in other words,
a tiny nuclear bomb.
Why the UK based BP has set up operations at CFB-Suffield is
The company already runs three oil rigs on the base, have
worked with Canada’s chemical and biological efforts on and off for
almost 40 years, and have strong ties to the Commonwealth’s
The EPFCG device can only be used once and generates a high power
electromagnetic pulse.
It achieves this by using a powerful
explosive, preferably nuclear. Advanced, nuclear driven EPFCGs can
instantaneously create up to billions of amperes and hundreds of
terawatts. Such raw power exceeds lighting bolts by huge orders of
magnitude. The resulting electromagnetic pulse is in effect an
electromagnetic shock wave.
Vladimir Salmanov, an engineer who worked with the Russian
military stated,
"in the early 80s experiments in
submersion showed that the use of EPFCGs could produce enough
force to send shockwaves that could travel more than 50 miles in
just seconds."
Due to the nature of by-products
produced, the wastewater needed to be treated to remove its
The pulse can be shaped and directed and used to knock out
electronics-or more importantly in this case - to fuse virtually any
material - including crumbling rock strata deep under the sea. The
fantastically energized pulse can also compress objects to very high
pressures and densities.
According to engineers familiar with the technology, the devices can
generate plasma arcs of highly ionized gas creating fields hotter
than 15,000 degrees Celsius (3 times hotter than the surface of the
sun) that can melt and fuse materials in nanoseconds.
Plasma arcs have a very high destruction efficiency and concerns
have been raised regarding the reliability of plasma torch
A special security force manned by members of
AEGIS, a UK based
paramilitary security corporation similar to the old US
Blackwater Security company, is
reported to have cordoned off the base. The security lid has clamped
down hard while the engineers and scientists work with the nuclear
BP’s secret Omega Plan kicked off in earnest on July 7th,
According to sources on the base the British Geological
Survey (BGS), the United States Geological Survey (USGS),
BP and Halliburton have set up a test site at one of the drill rigs.
While the plan would admittedly only be executed if a worst case
scenario seemed imminent, some geo-chemists have expressed concerns
that detonating an EPFCG in the Gulf might ignite the methane.
If the methane bubble - a bubble that could be as big as 20 miles
wide - erupts with explosive force from the seabed into the Gulf,
every ship, drilling rig and structure within the region of the
bubble will immediately sink. All the workers, engineers, Coast
Guard personnel and marine biologists participating in the salvage
operation will die instantly.
Next, the ocean bottom will collapse, instantaneously displacing up
to a trillion cubic feet of water or more and creating a towering
supersonic tsunami annihilating everything along the coast and well
inland. Like a thermonuclear blast, a high pressure atmospheric wave
could precede the tidal wave flattening everything in its path
before the water arrives.
Any life remaining would be exposed to the chemical cocktail of
poisonous gases, cancer causing agents and residues that are now
currently creating dead zones in the Gulf.
Many optimistic toxicologists, marine biologists and geologists
insist that this could not possibly result in a global extinction
event which may very well be true, as the earth will heal in due
However, there is an extremely high
probability that all life in and around the Gulf Coast and up to
several hundred miles away will likely suffer fatal or severe health
consequences in the months to come should a nuclear explosion
materialize in the Gulf.
Why You Need To Know What Methane
Hydrate Is
by Liz Bentley
June 22, 2010
PreventDisease Website
Liz Bentley is a graduate in geology, professional photographer and
freelance journalist with an acute insight into fossil records and
climatology. |
Originally thought to occur only in the outer regions of the Solar
System where temperatures are low and water ice is common, a
significant amount of methane hydrate is deposited under sediments
on the ocean floors of Earth.
The BP Gulf disaster could unlock
millions of cubic feet of this gas which could potentially have
devastating consequences for the entire planet.
At the ocean floor lies a sleeping monster, one that millions of
years ago devastated the Earth, causing a mass-extinction, and today
is slowly being released again. It is silent, invisible and deadly,
and contains double the energy of the entire world's fossil fuels
combined. It is the frozen methane reserves at the bottom of the
sea; capable of causing massive rises in global temperatures and
igniting the atmosphere.
Methane is an extremely flammable and explosive gas. At the bottom
of the ocean it is found in the form of 'methane hydrate', when the
particles are locked in a lattice with water. When this melts, it
releases methane gas with 160 times this volume.
Methane hydrate is found deep in the
oceans, usually more than 1000 feet deep and abundant at the levels
drilled at the BP Gulf disaster site. It is estimated that there is
more than 200,000 trillion cubic feet of this gas at the bottom of
the ocean; 80,000 times conventional natural gas reserves.
55 million years ago, 20% of the world's frozen methane reserves
melted. This sparked cataclysmic changes in the atmosphere: global
temperatures rose by 13 degrees Fahrenheit, melting the ice caps and
forcing many species to extinction. 80% of all deep-sea creatures
became extinct, and there were severe consequences for land animals.
Could the same be happening today?
A very high concentration of what is
being leaked from the BP site is likely methane gas. If it were only
crude oil, you would primarily see a black viscous liquid (like tar)
seeping from the well. If you look closely at the video, this is not
the case. In fact, although millions of liters of crude oil have
escaped from the drill head, they pale in comparison to the amount
of methane and other compounds that are being released.
This is the sleeping dragon, not the
crude oil.
Methane is 20 times more powerful a gas at raising global
temperatures than carbon dioxide, so a release of a vast quantity of
gas would cause huge temperature rises around the world.
If temperatures rose by the 13 degrees
Fahrenheit they did during the last release, ice caps would start to
melt flooding large areas of the Earth.
They wanted man to influence global
warming? Well BP may have single handedly accomplished it.
Worse, the gas could be ignited by
lightning, leaving huge fires over areas of land, with coastal areas
at especially great risk of destruction. Many cities that escaped
the rising sea levels would not be spared the fire.
What BP really appears to have accomplished is drilling into a high
pressure under water volcano. This is not something that can be
capped or stopped with any means or technology that is currently
available. The amount of pressure would be so high that only an act
of God could stop it. It will simply spew until the pressure
decreases or until ignited by some type of explosion.
Judging from
the political antics, the latter seems more plausible.
If an explosion does occur, it will likely be so dramatic that it
will displace a large portion of the ocean floor causing a
potentially devastating tsunami that could affect the entire coastal
A word of advice to those residents living 200 km from the Gulf
Coast... start heading North now while you still have the chance.