Inseguro acerca de la decisión que debía tomar, Fox inició un viaje a través de 24 estados de Estados Unidos para averiguar las consecuencias de la explotación de gas natural.
Desde Pensilvania hasta Utah, de un extremo al otro de Estados Unidos, Fox fue descubriendo que en aquellas zonas en las que el gas natural es explotado el los habitantes no podían encender un mechero cerca del grifo sin que el agua corriente se prendiese en fuego debido a la contaminación por gas.
De ese viaje nació GasLand.
The Reason? In America, the company hopes to tap into a huge natural gas reservoir dubbed the Saudi Arabia of natural gas.
Halliburton (...again! - think... 'Dick Cheney') developed a way to get the gas out of the ground - a hydraulic drilling process called fracking - and suddenly America finds itself on the precipice of becoming an energy superpower.
GASLAND is a powerful personal documentary that confronts these questions with spirit, strength, and a sense of humor.
When filmmaker Josh Fox receives his cash offer in the mail, he travels across 32 states to meet other rural residents on the front lines of fracking.
I submitted this before and killed it after it went dead, which was probably a little hasty. It'll probably go dead again soon, so let if you don't want to watch it now, let it buffer in your browser for later viewing.