November 6, 2009
PreventDisease Website
The first deputy minister of Health in
Ukraine said in a statement that they have a different H1N1 swine
flu than the rest of the world. In 6 days 500,000 people have been
infected and 109 deaths have been confirmed.
According to statements from departments and officials there is no
consensus, however some infectious disease experts are stating that
this is either a mutated, recombined H1N1 or a new flu strain.
The Ukrainian government
imposed quarantines in nine western
provinces in late October in an attempt to curb the spread of flu.
All education establishments in Kiev were closed, and people were
obliged to wear medical masks in all catering establishments, shops
and social services facilities across the former Soviet republic.
Infectious disease expert Dr. Donald Lau had previous stated
that the chances of the Ukrainian pandemic being the same H1N1 virus
were statistically low since the high viral transmission rates were
unusual for H1N1.
He stated,
"there is almost certainly some type
of new virus, or a lethal recombination that has occurred."
Dr. Lau had also speculated that the
number of deaths was much higher than what the Ukraine and World
Health Organization were reporting.
Some have blamed a lack of public health for differences but
according to sources this is not the case. The plague or virus in
the Ukraine was quoted as having 10 times the mortality rate than
the normal swine flu.
In a paper published in microbiology news called resurrecting
influenza pandemic strains, the author recognized 5 strains of
weaponized flu.
Confirmation that this could be a mutated version (or a viral
pneumonia which is a new strain):
250,000 to 500,000 infected in
one day, which is much faster than any other country has
seen for H1N1
Many cases of viral pneumonia
where the lungs fill with blood, a much higher viral
pneumonia rate than any other country
Ukraine Health minister stated
himself that "swine flu has mutated"
Much higher death rate than with
Most cases are in the rural north west
area of the Ukraine.
That statistics are not unusual for a few
months but this is for a few days.
On the ground though, unconfirmed reports say that people are going
on as normal, they also say that this is fear mongering. (speaking
to locals)
WHO still needs to confirm gene sequences that are different.
Everyone is waiting for the gene sequences which will confirm
whether this viral pandemic has been hyped, recombined, mutated or
simply due to a lack of health services in the Ukraine.
Baxter's Ukraine Pneumonic Plague Virus is a
Dr. Ott's
interview with Alexander S. Jones
Speculations Surrounding Ukraine Plague
Part 1
Part 2