from RiverbankOfTruth Website
Everyone faces this same dilemma, so
everyone else is also quite ignorant of the Truth. Everyone is
steeped in ignorance, including our parents. So they raised us in
their ignorance, as their parents raised them.
It's a maze, and we have been wandering through it for lifetimes. It is an artificial covering obscuring the true reality, and therefore leaves us ignorant of the true nature of things.
This Matrix is created from programs that are inserted into the minds of the people.
These programs enter through the mind and take over the individual, which then remains imprisoned within his own mind. It's like a ghost in the machine, that has somehow not only taken control of the mind, but also convinces the individual that he Is the mind.
Hence, everyone has a mistaken identity, also known as the false ego.
He believes he is his mind, and the mind
has many tools to keep the individual Self imprisoned.
This causes fear and conflict; fear of others and nature, and confronting everyone because of this fear. This perpetuating separation, fear and conflict is important for the mind to remain in control, so it is always creating fearful situations, dramas and conflict.
Both of these strengthen the false ego, the misidentification of Self, the runaway mind itself.
These minds then act and create from this flawed premise, so everything they do and create will have these intrinsic characteristics of separation, fear and conflict. These programmed minds then create new programs. Humankind then builds the outward manifestation of the Matrix, which he calls the world.
Every civilization has been created from
this false premise, and therefore are outward manifestations of the
Matrix, which is generated by the infected mind.
Reality is nothing like where we find
ourselves now. Most people (even those that may believe they are
free) are in this predicament, where they are mistaking the
illusions and deceptions as reality.
to the extent of being exactly contrary
to the usual perception."
These false beliefs create the perspective in which the individual perceives the world and acts within it. They are all programmed beliefs, and they lead the individual into the labyrinth, where he becomes trapped in a world of illusions, deceptions and lies.
Yet he believes that it is all reality. This is what every person is born into.
He is programmed by his,
...and a thousand various forms of other programming.
Everyone is programmed to accept the reality that is present in the world as being real and to conform to it and believe it. And there are punishments for those who do not want to follow the program. All of our teachers have become programmed themselves, so there is no possibility of any of them imparting any true knowledge.
No, we were born into ignorance, and
most people remain in ignorance their entire lives, until they die
in ignorance...
Humankind has developed a civilization with many wondrous technologies. Yet few people are happy. The majority of the world lives in abject poverty, many without even the basic necessities of proper food, clothing and shelter. Even those that live in prosperity are not happy, filled with fear, anxiety, anger, depression, conflict, loneliness, shame, ignorance and discontent.
There seems to be much more pain and
suffering than there is pleasure or happiness.
Most of these are the gatekeepers, those that lead us back into the Matrix. They are put into place by programming to make sure you don't wander too far off of the reservation.
They themselves are trapped within the Matrix, so how could they possibly lead anyone else out of it?
I have followed many of them down dead end paths, detours and traps. If or when one finally figures out the deception, if he's lucky, he may end up where he started, that much wiser.
But many people remain trapped in the web of deceit.
...are all detours at best...
He must inevitably become an outsider.
The road out of the labyrinth is a road less traveled. The crowds are all going in one direction, and you are going in another direction. This is not an easy road, as the rest of society, friends and family oppose it.
This generally can create many problems, because you have stopped conforming. This road takes you into a place outside of the mainstream, where one finds himself alone for much of the time. One spends time in nature and performs various meditative practices.
It is in this state, down this road, where a person can unravel the Matrix and find his way out of the labyrinth.
It is the road back to the Self...
This is the way out, to see the illusions, lies and deceptions for what they are. To know the Truth, you must know the lies.
As you dismantle the illusions, the Truth begins to shine forth.
In ancient Vedic traditions, this is known as the path of Jnana, knowledge. It is called Neti-Neti, not this, not that.
By exposing the lies, the truth
begins to shine forth, as the Matrix was obscuring the Truth from
our vision. I question things. I even question the questioners. I
spend time in deep contemplation, and I unravel the deceptions.
When you enter back into the world, the deceptions are much more easier to unravel, as you now have a higher and clearer perspective from which to perceive the deceptions.
You are seeing them in a brighter and
clearer light.
Once you walk out of the labyrinth, you will never see it the same again.
Once the magic trick is found out, it's
no longer magic...