by Clifford E Carnicom
February 03, 2010
Edit February 11, 2010
Carnicom Website
I am not offering any medical advice or
diagnosis with the presentation of this information. I am acting
solely as an independent researcher providing the results of
extended observation and analysis of unusual biological conditions
that are evident.
The so-called "Morgellons"
condition has thus far defied proper identification as to its root
causes or nature. Although there appear to be many varieties of
manifestation, this researcher has from the beginning attempted to
identify and focus on those aspects that exist as common
Available resources and technology by
necessity limit the scope of this examination, and it is expected
that additional discovery will come to light. At the present time,
however, a set of four primary components has been established at
the microscopic level as having , at the very least, some degree of
association with the condition.
These are (at a minimum):
An encasing filament structure,
generally on the order of 12 to 20 microns in thickness, and
it is this form which is visible to the human eye. This
encasing filament may contain an internal network of
sub-micron filaments, or some combination of the following
items on this list.
A chlamydia-like organism
(Chlamydia pneumonia is the strongest candidate thus far)
measuring on the order of 0.5 to 0.8 microns.
A pleomorphic form (Mycoplasma-like
is the strongest candidate thus far).
An erythrocytic (red blood cell
- likely artificial or modified) form.
It is proposed that one reason that this
set of organisms has defied definition is because IT NEVER HAS
existed before, i.e., it is indeed a "new" organism.
The question that arises is how do we go
about classifying the overlying form given the underlying complexity
and variation of the INTERNAL constituents? This paper will attempt
to provide a rationale that is consistent with the available
information and evidence.
The term "Morgellons" arose out of necessity and convenience; it did
not arise from a basic understanding of the dynamics and metabolism
of the organism(s) involved. This is understandable for many
reasons, not the least of which is that no such foundation of
knowledge even existed at the time.
This foundation remains far removed,
undoubtedly in part because of the pattern of denial, refusal and
misdiagnosis that has plaqued the "formal" involvements or
investigations from the onset. Whether or not the failure to
confront the reality of the condition has been deliberate or not,
history shall judge for us regardless of our belated participation.
The name "Morgellons" will probably stick with us now whether we
like it or not, and whether is is accurate or not.
The term will almost always be shrouded
in controversy and denial to a certain degree. This is the way of
language and of human beings. Again, how much of this mire is
deliberate or a result of confusion and ignorance is also uncertain,
but at some point the truth speaks to us whether we are ready to
listen or not.
The point of this paper is to strive for a foundation that is, to
the best of my knowledge on the subject, consistent and accurate
with regard to that which is known. My research is not complete or
representative of the whole, it is only that which I can offer under
the circumstances.
These circumstances are hampered by the
lack of open, fair and honest discourse amongst the public,
professional and governmental communities and by the lack of
coordinated and properly funded research. It is nevertheless, the
best overall picture that I can offer at this time.
Now, to the details:
One of the more vexing challenges that faces the characterization of
this condition is the diversity of form and structure within the set
of components identified. Also, under certain circumstances, all
four components have been identified as existing within a single
integral unit, i.e, all bounded by the encasing filament structure.
In addition, the filament form appears
to represent the culmination of the developmental stages, at least
within the culture trials examined thus far.
If we take each of these components separately, the confusion of
varying form becomes apparent:
First, with regard to the
encasing filament, the more obvious interpretation might be
that we could be dealing with a fungal form. Unfortunately
we run into numerous difficulties right away, such as no
known match to any fungal form has been established thus
A breakdown of the filament has
been accomplished by subjecting it to extremes in chemistry
and heat, and this is highly indicative of a protective
casing to the internal components.
One of the reasons that we
cannot have a match to known fungal forms is because of what
is happening INTERNAL to the encasing filament, which brings
us to the second item on the list.
The chlamydia-like structure
would appear on the surface to be a bacterial form.
Chlamydia (esp. Chlamyida
pneumonia) has been suggested as one target candidate
because of numerous parallels in morphology, biological
characteristics and symptomatology that are in accordance
with my study of that particular organism.
But we must also notice that
from the beginning, I have specifically used the term "chlamydia-like"
, and not Chlamydia, for two good reasons:
No absolute and proper means
of identification at the required level has come forth
from any source.
Certain characteristics of
the organism DO NOT fit the Chlamydia genus, especially
with regard to chemical and thermal stresses that have
been placed on the organism during various testing
pleomorphic (many forms)
form is difficult by its vary nature, as indicated by the
name itself. The
mycoplasma candidate, at
its origin, is too small to be seen with conventional
microscopy. It is one of the smallest, if not the smallest
bacterial form known and has the distinguishing feature of
having no cell wall.
It is this very lack of the cell
wall that allows for the pleomorphic form to occur.
Therefore it appears that we are dealing with only a
subsequent morphology that develops and is visible, and it
is at this level that this candidate identification has been
made. Unfortunately, we also have the same chemical and heat
stress issues with this structure as we do with the the
chlamydia-like structure. Thus far, both of these
"bacterial-like" forms have resisted all chemical and heat
extremes that they have been subjected to.
The fact that the bacterial-like
forms exist WITHIN the encasing filament confronts us with
an additional serious contradiction in conventional
And lastly, at least for now, we
consider the
erythrocytic (red blood
cell) form. This identification truly stretches the limit of
common understanding and conventional knowledge.
Erythrocytes are from blood, and blood comes from animals.
The appearance of this entity is completely incongruent with
any fungal or bacterial interpretation that we might attempt
to make.
Even the appearance of an
erythrocyte (artificial or not) outside of the host biology
is a leap outside of conventional knowledge and public
discourse. And so, we are forced to ask, how could this be?
We must now talk about phylogeny, or the
structural aspects of life as we know them to be (i.e., the Tree of
Science often evolves arduously and gradually, and many times this
is for good cause and reason and to our benefit. At other times, the
processes of review and acceptance are stubborn to the point that
they deliberately hamper the progress and renaissance of
understanding that is eventually to usher in.
Certainly at times, and usually for that
matter, there are power, economic and institutional frameworks in
place that have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. The
emotional state of society must be prepared and "ready" to accept
the knowledge base that has painstakingly developed over the decades
that precede those special moments of insight that have been gifted
to mankind.
One of these transformational states appears to have occurred in
In that year, Carl R. Woese
provided a somewhat radical interpretation to our understanding of
phylogeny1, There were obviously difficulties that
existed with the earlier template that had been established, which
was composed of six "kingdoms", for example, the plant kingdom, the
animal kingdom, the fungal kingdom, etc.2.
What Woese did was to seek the lowest
common denominator within phylogenetic relationships, and it was the
RNA (ribonucleic acid), or the
underlying genetics, of the organism that became the key of
understanding. As such, Woese essentially re-wrote the blueprint of
the structure for life as we know it, and elevated (and reduced at
the same time) the structural branches to three DOMAINS instead of
six "kingdoms".
It would appear (after this period of
roughly 30 years) that the insight of Woese has been generally
accepted and rightfully transformational in our understanding of the
"structure" of life.
This demonstrates to us that science is
sometimes in need of radical change, and that we should not become
too comfortable as to what we think is true or false.
These Domains are :
The Bacteria
The Archaea
The Eukarya
It is in our interest to understand the
basic members and characteristics of each of these groups, as they
represent a simpler, more comprehensive and a more accurate model
for the understanding of life's "structural" features.
I encourage each of us to make this
effort, at least at the fundamental level. The three Domains vary in
the cell type, cell wall, membrane lipid (fat) structure, protein
synthesis, the transfer RNA molecules and in their sensitivity to
antibiotics.3 Even the terms prokaryote and eukaroyte
(non-nuclei or nuclei) are no longer adequate and they fail to
define the salient features identified by Woese.
What has prompted this paper is the realization that the "Morgellons"
condition crosses the lines between these three Domains.
Here is, at least in part, the reasoning for the rather bold
statement that has been made:
The difficulties with the "bacterial
like" forms (chlamyida-like and mycoplasma-like) have already
been enumerated.
The testing processes thus far have
subjected these two components to boiling, extremely strong
alkalis (sodium hydroxide, bleaches) and extremely strong acids
(e.g., hydrochloric acid). There is also good reason to think
that the structures have been subjected, at a minimum, to
extremes of cold (e.g., -50° to -60° C).
At this point none of these stresses
imparted to the "structures" have damaged their viability for
future growth or reproduction. Under the harshest of
circumstances, it appears as though these structures are still
held in biological stasis or dormancy until more favorable
environmental conditions return. One of the dominant
characteristics of
the Archaea is their ability to
withstand extreme environmental conditions and stress.
It is representative to encounter
these forms of life in volcanic vents and deep under the ice
shelf; they are prime candidates in the explorations for
extraterrestrial life. Many of the organisms from the Archaea
group do not require oxygen and can thrive under anaerobic
conditions that metabolize carbon dioxide rather than oxygen.
Archaea are considered to likely be one of the oldest forms of
life on earth.
It is relevant to mention that the
Archaea are not sensitive to antibiotics 4, and it is
of interest to note that the existence of Archean pathogenic
forms has apparently not yet been established.
By the same token there are some aspects
of these two structures that are quite in accord with bacterial
expectations, i.e., metabolism within a cell, size, pathogenic
impact, symptomatology, etc..
It is this variation that forces us to
consider a crossover between two of the Domains even at this early
level of discussion, i.e., the Bacteria and the Archaea.
In addition, we must now consider the encasing filament structure.
On the surface, this would appear to bring
the Eukarya to the forefront, as
the fungi are one element of this group. The Eukarya includes such
examples as fungi, protozoa, slime molds, plants and animals. The
difficulties, as mentioned before, are that no such fungal
identification exists to date and that structures more
representative of the OTHER Domains occur INTERNAL to the encasing
And lastly, the existence of an "erthyrocytic" form violates all
boundaries from any of the considerations above.
Blood cells emerge in the more complex
phyla of life, such as humans, for example. Blood cells, by any
conventional biology, do not grow in test tubes. Admittedly, the
desire to create an artificial blood has been a holy grail of
biological research for some time now.5 The commercial
world teeters on the edge of artificial blood production and we
should not be surprised if clandestine operations have made
significant advances in this field.
But at this stage, regardless of the
marvels involved, one does not expect Eukarya characteristics to
share the same house with the Bacteria and Archaea Domains.
The Eukarya are also 6 stated to be insensitive to
antibiotics. The fact that two of the three domains have this
insensitivity points out the difficulties that might be expected in
treating the condition with conventional antibiotics.
As such, it appears that we are dealing with an "organism" that
transcends the structural existence that has been defined for life
itself. The Morgellons condition appears, by the best information
and analysis to date, to be an orchestrated synthesis that crosses
the lines of the three established Domains of life on this
It is very difficult to envision, at
this state of knowledge, that this "organism" (for the sake of
discussion) is the result of any "natural" or "evolutionary"
process. This hypothesis, if accepted, forces us to consider the
very real prospect of deliberate and willful indulgence in the arena
of genetic engineering. This could certainly explain, at least in
part, the deliberate and willful lack of disclosure and honesty on
the issue to the public.
We may also ask what was the motivation
for the "ordained" misdiagnosis of 'delusional
parasitosis' that was promoted so negligently and that
has now failed so prominently? What is at the heart of the strong
coincidence between biological and certain environmental samples?
Disclosure and full honesty will reclaim
their rightful positions in the end, regardless of the machinations
of our own species.
The more appropriate "term" for this condition may evolve in like
order to that which has been described for science in general; I
will not confuse the issue with additional nomenclature at this
What has happened here is that the term
"Morgellons" now encompasses a broader context than that which has
been previously understood. I shall always correct my ways if a
straightforward address of the issues reveals that everything after
all is amazingly simple, and that we can get on with our ordinary
business of taking yet another pill to alleviate the symptoms.
The evidence and history thus far does
not project such an innocent and gleeful outcome, and in the
meantime we must prepare ourselves for the heinousness that has been
unleashed, by whatever means, upon us.
Additional Note February 11, 2010:
For those that consider the
extent of this article to be implausible, please refer to the public
disclosure on February 05, 2010 of the project by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
to develop immortal "synthetic organisms", as outlined in the
unclassified version of the 2011 budget. 7
From a recent article 8 on
the budget that has been published, it declares that,
"As part of its
budget for the next year, Darpa
is investing $6 million into a project called BioDesign, with
the goal of eliminating “the randomness of natural evolutionary
It may be of interest to compare this
phrase with that which has been declared within this report:
"It is very difficult to envision,
at this state of knowledge, that this 'organism' (for the sake
of discussion) is the result of any 'natural' or 'evolutionary'
There are many that believe that the
accomplishments from classified projects and budgets precede the
disclosure of similar goal-oriented unclassified projects by a
factor of many years to decades.
My appreciation is extended to the
individual that brought this disclosure to my attention.
1. Tortora, Gerard; Microbiology, An
Introduction, 2001, Benjamin Cummings-Addison Wesley, 277-287.
2. Towle, Albert; Modern Biology, 1999 by Holt, Rinehart &
Winston, 350.
3. Tortora, 277.
4. Tortora, 279
5. Towle, 39.
6. Tortora 279.
Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal
‘Synthetic Organisms,’ Molecular Kill-Switch Included,
Wired, Feb 05, 2010.
Department of Defense Fiscal Year (FY)
2011 President's Budget, Defense Advanced Projects Research