by David Hambling
03 July 2008
NewScientist Website
A US company claims it is ready to build a microwave ray gun able to
beam sounds directly into people's heads.
The device - dubbed MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using
Silent Audio) - exploits the microwave audio effect, in which
short microwave pulses rapidly heat tissue, causing a shockwave
inside the skull that can be detected by the ears. A series of
pulses can be transmitted to produce recognizable sounds.
The device is aimed for military or crowd-control applications, but
may have other uses.
Lev Sadovnik of the Sierra Nevada Corporation in the US is
working on the system, having started work on a US navy research
contract. The navy's report states that the effect was shown to be
MEDUSA involves a microwave auditory effect "loud" enough to cause
discomfort or even incapacitation. Sadovnik says that normal audio
safety limits do not apply since the sound does not enter through
the eardrums.
"The repel effect is a combination
of loudness and the irritation factor," he says. "You can't
block it out."
Sadovnik says the device will work
thanks to a new reconfigurable antenna developed by colleague
Vladimir Manasson. It steers the beam electronically, making it
possible to flip from a broad to a narrow beam, or aim at multiple
targets simultaneously.
Sadovnik says the technology could have non-military applications.
Birds seem to be highly sensitive to microwave audio, he says, so it
might be used to scare away unwanted flocks.
Sadovnik has also experimented with transmitting microwave audio to
people with outer ear problems that impair their normal hearing.
Brain damage
James Lin of the Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department at the University of Illinois in Chicago says that
MEDUSA is feasible in principle.
He has carried out his own work on the technique, and was even
approached by the music industry about using microwave audio to
enhance sound systems, he told New Scientist.
"But is it going to be possible at
the power levels necessary?" he asks.
Previous microwave audio tests involved
very "quiet" sounds that were hard to hear, a high-power system
would mean much more powerful - and potentially hazardous -
"I would worry about what other
health effects it is having," says Lin. "You might see neural
Sierra Nevada says that a demonstration
version could be built in a year, with a transportable system
following within 18 months.
They are currently seeking funding for
the work from the US Department of Defense.
MEDUSA Controls Crowds By Talking
Inside Their Heads
by Bill Christensen
July 07, 2008
Technovelgy Website
MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) is a
device that uses the microwave audio effect to produce recognizable
sounds right inside a person's head.
Lev Sadovnik of the Sierra Nevada Corporation in the US is
working on the system; he says the device will work thanks to a new
reconfigurable antenna developed by colleague Vladimir Manasson.
It steers the beam electronically, making it possible to flip from a
broad to a narrow beam, or aim at multiple targets simultaneously.
MEDUSA involves a microwave auditory effect "loud" enough to cause
discomfort or even incapacitation. Sadovnik says that normal audio
safety limits do not apply since the sound does not enter through
the eardrums.
"The repel effect is a combination
of loudness and the irritation factor," he says. "You can’t
block it out."
The Overlord Karellan discusses a
similar device in Arthur C. Clarke's 1953 novel
Childhood's End.
"All political problems," Karellen
had once told Stormgren, "can be solved by the correct
application of power."
"That sounds a rather cynical remark," Stormgren had replied
doubtfully. "It's a little too much like 'Might is Right'. In
our own past, the use of power has been notably unsuccessful in
solving anything."
"The operative word is correct. You have never possessed real
power, or the knowledge necessary to apply it. As in all
problems, there are efficient and inefficient approaches.
Suppose, for example, that one of your nations, led by some
fanatical ruler, tried to revolt against me. The highly
inefficient answer to such a threat would be some billions of
horsepower in the shape of atomic bombs. If I used enough bombs,
the solution would be complete and final. It would also, as I
remarked, be inefficient - even if it possessed no other
"And the efficient solution?"
"That requires about as much power as a small radio
transmitter-and rather similar skills to operate. For it's the
application of the power, not its amount, that matters. How long
do you think Hitler's career as dictator of Germany would have
lasted, if wherever he went a voice was talking quietly in his
ear? Or if a steady musical note, loud enough to drown all other
sounds and to prevent sleep, filled his brain night and day?
Nothing brutal, you appreciate. Yet, in the final analysis, just
as irresistible as a tritium bomb."
Regular readers are already familiar
with how the 'Paranormal State' Ad Billboard Makes You Hear
Voices; it uses an "audio spotlight" to put a commercial message
right next to your ear.