by Carolyn Williams Palit
October 2005
NoExoticWarfareZone Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
A criminal syndicate is trying to take
over the world with space weapons. 6 billion people are waking-up to
this fact. 6 billion people will soon be standing in their way of
world domination.
That criminal syndicate is on a Mission Impossible.
Energy weapon hitting my left temple. In the first photo
above, can you see the touch of blue on the right in my hair?
cropped that section and blew it up. Orbs, orbs, orbs. Their
real name is: microplasma.
Chemtrails... crystalline fibers on you for signals tracking; barium
powder all over you to be able to see you better in your home with
"through the walls and roof" thermal imaging devices (you will
fluoresce and glow better behind those walls); and aluminum, carbon,
and metal particulates to generate plasma by hitting those
particulates with the "space-based laser."
Or, maybe hitting those particulates
with microwave energy. Microwave weapons exist down here so why not
up there? Plasma is created for steady-state beam optimization of DE
weapons. Beams hold together better with entrained plasma and
whirling magnetic fields. Plasma is also a medium on which to
transmit voices and pictures to you.
Think about a regular laser - the energy travels through a gas
chamber to become the laser beam. Ionized clouds are created by
barium being "vaporized" with electromagnetics and then heated by UV
from the sun. Vaporize these barium gas clouds even further and get
plasma clouds - what regular folks call "orbs."
Scientists call
these orbs - plasmoids or when very small, microplasma. Yes, plasmas can be cold if created in a
certain way.
There is also such a thing as "fixed
geometry plasmas" - plasmas that will hold a certain geometric
What are the dark beams that are associated with the chemtrail
spraying? Exactly that... a beam with carbon trapped in the whirling
magnetic fields of the beam. The carbon makes the electromagnetic
beam energy more visible. Carbon will also absorb microwave energy.
A plane will follow this beam and lay the chemtrails right into the
Must be that the chemtrails help create
the plasma for the steady state structure of the DE beams. When a
remote viewing plasma beam hits you and bounces back and is read by
the satellite - they can see you and exactly whatever you are doing.
They see you in real-time and in color.
Biowarfare testing? Definitely.
They have done it before.
Psychotronic and economic
warfare on the American People? Sure.
Big insurance and real estate
scams? Check out dirt on the levee being blown up in New
Orleans after Katrina.
Genocide? Getting rid of the
old, infirm, or the undesirables? They have done that
before, also.
The short range DE weapons are the
weapons are called non-lethal, but are used to torture
in many countries. The even more dangerous weapons orbiting above
you are the Big Secret.
Welcome to AmeriKKKa or Amerika, if you prefer. Read
this site and realize. Get involved now in the process of taking the
country back or my present reality will become your present reality.
Your children will be zombie slaves. Some already are.
Really want to learn about directed energy, surveillance,
psychotronics, slow-kill weapons, weather control?
This site is a legislative packet;
please use it!
Everything you need to fight the
politicians, corporate creeps, and military planners who brought you
chemtrails, psychotronic/resonance weapons, weather/disaster
weapons, pervasive surveillance, and the new generation of
space-based, directed energy weapons is here.
The victims of electromagnetic weapons are here to tell you that the
testing and developmental phase of directed energy weapons is over.
We know.
We were the ones they tested and
developed some of these weapons on. Now, the weapons will be
deployed upon societies. This deployment will not be covert and will
not be subtle. They have really cranked up the frequency. We are
getting killed. Many long-term victims are now being murdered.
This world is facing psychopolitical/psychosexual corrections,
genocide, and boot-in-the-face fascism unless Americans and other
world citizens find their courage to stand up and roar.
Think about how we are now all hostages to the controllers of hot
rays from space. If there is anyone honest left in Congress or the
military, they had better hurry up and grow some huevos, or millions
will be toast. This is the GHWBush/Ollie North crowd, and they have
a list of people they do not like, and Haliburton just got the
contract to build more "camps." Rumsfield got $200 million to hire
foreign troops.
For what? Fatherland Security? Stateside
death squads?
The physicist told AFP that he believes that a plasmoid may have
been projected onto the towers before the planes struck.
The planes
may have had plasmoid in front of them. Just two or three seconds
before the planes hit the towers, the plasmoids on the towers would
have caused the Faraday cabin effect, like a car being hit by
SIGINT is derived from the signals environment that is described by
the graphic above.
Other agencies within the Intelligence Community
are responsible for other types of intelligence:
Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is
primarily the responsibility of the CIA and DIA
Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)
belongs to NGA
Military Intelligence and
Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) belongs to
Infrared imaging - X-Ray imaging - can see through clothing. Talks
MASINT using plasma for signals intelligence. Talks about
electro-optical intelligence. Very pertinent to this discussion.
Scientific and technical intelligence
information obtained by quantitative and qualitative analysis of
data (metric, angle, spatial, wavelength, time dependence,
modulation, plasma, and HYDROMAGNETICS) derived from specific
technical sensors for the purpose of identifying any distinctive
features associated with the source, emitter, or sender and to
facilitate subsequent identification and/or measurement of the same.
Far Infrared Imaging - Thermal imaging can see through walls. X-ray
photography can see through clothes - Satellite or aerial
pornography, perhaps? Are they taping Mom and Pop doing it? Or, your
12 year old daughter taking a bath? Right, just looking for drug
dealers and terrorists. Sure.
Just what are the men in that DOD Drug
Interdiction helicopter hanging over your house all night long
looking at through your roof? You know, one of those whisper-quiet
helicopters that you would not even know was there unless you went
outside and happened to look up and see it? They work the cities
grid by grid, house by house, every night.
Might want to start
paying attention to your surroundings if you have not figured this
out yet. (see
infrared and thermal
sensitive camera products with some good explanations.)

source file from German television
It is NoExoticWarfareZone's opinion that the planes were holograms
projected onto plasma. The hologram planes were cloaking missiles
and that the "flash" recorded above was a plasmoid. Just like the
physicist said.
Now just imagine if the beam in the picture below was much, much
bigger. And, that that beam could make bigger plasmoids than the
smaller plasmoids that are signatures of psychotronic weapons.
Imagine that a 2-D picture of an airliner could be transmitted by a
beam weapon. The beam would contain successive pictures of the
airliner like frames in a movie. This weapon is probably just like a
Birkeland current. It has two beams twisting around each other. One
beam for the 2-D pictures and one beam to heat the chemtrails to
make metal-induced, ionized gas plasma.
But, both beams are capable
of doing heating (ionization) before they decide to send the
pictures along one of those beams. This beam would look like two
pearl necklaces braided together. Some of the civilian targets have
been calling this weapon a splay-beam weapon (thanks to Bill at
www.luxefaire.com for this term).
It would probably take only one more beam hitting this one (at the
target location) to make the 3-D hologram. The first beam heats up
the metals in the chemspray producing ionized gas which in turn is
heated up more to become plasma. The second beam would transmit the
2-D pictures once conditions were just right. And, the third beam
crossing over the first two would make the pictures pop and be 3-D
holograms. This would be two weapons (that are double-beam or
splay-beam weapons) crossing their beams.
Would this be a type of
scalar weapon? Was the WTC attacked with a scalar weapon?
Or, maybe one could just transmit the 3-D holograms very fast across
large spaces filled with ionized gases. You would not be able to see
the plasma with the naked eye. The plasma would be like an invisible
screen you are projecting pictures onto. You would just see the
airliner holograms.
The airliner pictures below show the plasma very close to the
hologram. There is not that much plasma outside of the hologram.
This tells me that the beams deployed at the WTC were not solely
holographic projectors. They were not projecting holograms across
vast spaces filled with plasma.
The plasma was in the beams and around
the beams where the electromagnetic energy from the beam would make
the most ionization. There were at least 11 stealth fighters
present. I imagine that they have directed energy weapons, too. Who
knows how many DE weapons were used on 9-11.
If these roques would use weapons like these on their own country,
what the heck do you think they are doing in Iraq? Maybe that is not
Add the lightning-bolt power of big beam weapons and missiles to the
explosive charges that had been already placed in those buildings,
possibly by some nefarious Israeli art students, some of whom may
have had Israeli military backgrounds and links to our
administration and other domestic and foreign roques, and you have
enough to demolish those buildings and kill thousands of Americans.
Right below are two photos of beams sent to me from psychotronic
victims. What I want the reader to notice is that the first picture
shows a series of chain-like orbs, and the second photo shows
holograms in a beam just like frames in a movie. Those holograms are
transmitted on those chain-like orbs.
Some of the victims of
psychotronic technology can see a
little bit
into the near infrared. It is a fact that some people can. They can
just barely see the orbs and sometimes the beams. Theoretically, the
orbs and beams are in the infrared or microwave ranges. When the
frequencies dip into the infrared ranges - then a small percentage
of victims will be able to see some of the orbs and beams.
The holograms inside of the orbs are usually quite visible.
Because the controllers want the victims to see the holograms -
which are the terror pictures. The holograms use visible light. The
gas orbs are seemly in chains. Those chains are really gas entrained
by the magnetic fields of electronic beams. Eventually, I will find
you pictures of orbs with the holograms inside of them. This victim
experience is very pertinent to The Hologram Theory of 9-11.
The smaller beams from psychotronic
scalar weapons being used on Americans are very related to the big,
holographic scalar weapons used on 9-11.

Courtesy of Pat Stewart, S. Carolina.
Is this a big beam going
through the room or a little beam in front of the camera?
Janis in Texas, 2006.
Her sites:

The blue beam that is square-shaped has
pictures of her television screen in it.
She says it also has added
psychological operations terror pictures.
Does that mean they are
aiming the psychotronic beam at the TV screen
and adding
subliminal pictures to our nightly viewing?
Up on the left, we have a bunch of
SHIFTS & 11:11
When you look through the turret on a WWII tank site, the number in
the middle is 0. The first number to the left is 11, and the next
number to the right is 11. 11:11, I suspect, is a code used in
military brainwashing.
I'd stay away from caves in Mt. Shasta and 11:11 activations as per
Ashtar Command and those groups, folks.
The technology exists to make
a walking, talking, life-size Jesus, Shiva, Mohammed, or whomever.
The leaders of those groups are always talking about "shifts."
Shifts in consciousness, I guess.
Don't go down in caves with shifty

Cameras that are infrared sensitive should show the plasma and
sometimes the holograms.
Low-end, low-megapixel digital cameras
do not have much ability to filter out infrared. Either the infrared
filters are not that good or there are none. There are infrared
cameras that have full-spectrum capabilities or are built just for
photographing infrared that have high megapixels, but they are
expensive. Many security cameras can photograph infrared, but they
do not have a high megapixel.
The trick for victims of psychotronic weapons is to find a low-end
camera that is infrared sensitive but that has a high enough
megapixel count that they can acquire fairly good resolution in
their photographs. Of course,
if you are more "well-off" victim,
then you have a lot more options. Psychotronic victims are dealing
with lower frequencies and colder plasmas as compared to what may
have hit the WTC.
But, these jerks certainly do crank up
those frequencies to horrific, agonizing levels.
These plane photos were taken from
Grossman and Marcus Icke have done enormous work in the
effort to prove
The Hologram Theory of 9-11.
I have taken three of the photos from his site and used an editing
program to do a couple of things to each photo - like increase the
contrast, lower the light in the photos, or lower the gamma, maybe
increase the color saturation, and in some cases, I have turned the
photos into negatives. But, I have not altered the images.
Photographs of the Ghost Gun planes from 9-11 that were taken with
cameras that had infrared filters will not show any or very little
of the plasma that is the transmission medium for the scalar
hologram planes. It depends on the quality of the infrared and more
likely also the UV filters that were in the cameras. Very cheap
cameras may not even have infrared filters. But, the plasma does
hold light - so some of those better cameras may pick up something
More than likely though, it would have been the photographs taken of
the 9-11 attack by people using lower-end, lower resolution cameras
that will show the plasma.
These are the photographs we need to

Hologram plane busting up into gas plasmoids.

Close-up of tail


Look at the gas orbs in those wings. This is not pixelization.
Pixels are straight-edged. Rectangles or square-ish.
These shapes
are round.

The last photos are the Taylor photos:


Blobs on the right-hand wing
Now watch:

The wings in these digital photographs when the pictures
are blown-up
like this should have zig-zag edges not blob edges.
Where are the jagged edges that should be there?
Negative. Check the gas on the edges of the wing. |
Negative of the
negative. |
These are not planes.
They are holograms. Think about that.
We have
had a grand coup...
Domestic enemies at the very top levels of our
government are in collusion with foreign enemies.