Montalk Website
Part I
In-depth look at organic
portals and reanimated humans. |
This article seeks to summarize, clarify, and update the information
available on the subject of the Matrix and its various agents,
particularly one class of agents called “organic portals”...
I will
be paraphrasing from published sources listed in the footnotes, and
will include personal observations from friends and myself.
This article first defines organic portals (OPs) and
souled humans (non-OPs), then makes a comparison
between them based on physical, psychological, and metaphysical
Second, it explores the evolutionary origin and purpose
of both types of humans.
Third, this article describes the function
of OPs within modern society, particularly concerning their role as
passive enforcers of the Matrix.
Lastly, it contrasts the usefulness
of intuition versus intellectual analysis when it comes to
identifying OPs.
Interspersed throughout this discussion
will be additional comparisons between these and other Matrix
agents, particularly soulless robotic humans.
Definition of Souled Human and Organic
Organic portals comprise approximately half of the human population;
the other half mostly consists of souled humans. Here we define
“soul” as the core of individualized consciousness that remains
intact between successive incarnations.
Due to genetic mixing, Organic Portals exist among all known races
today, though with unequal distribution among them. While souled
humans have a divine spark of consciousness that gives them the
ability of individual self-awareness, OPs lack this divine spark and
are only dimly conscious in comparison. They belong to an
animal-like group soul that exists, evolves, and incarnates
collectively rather than individually.
While each souled human has a relatively
unique energy shaped by that person’s awareness, experience, and
essence, the energy that animates one OP is the same animating any
Physical Comparison
Physically, the two races are virtually indistinguishable.
Statistically, there are minor physiological and perhaps genetic
differences4. Physiologically, OPs tend to be more attractive and
well proportioned. Because they exist on an emotionally primal
level, natural selection has ensured that sexuality, physicality,
and attractiveness play a large part in their physical evolution.
Also, unlike souled humans, OP bodies are conceived and develop
independently of soul pressures or karmic burdens, so they are as
attractive as probability allows within the constraint of
environmental and genetic parameters.
Because soul and genetics are coupled5, karma and soul composition
influences the physiology of souled humans, not just genetics or
environment. For metaphysical reasons, they rarely maximize the
potential for attractiveness allotted to them by genetics unless
their soul quality deserves it. Also, souled humans tend to marry or
reproduce for reasons other than just physical attraction, so the
lowering of priority of physicality reflects in their offspring.
There may be genetic markers in the X chromosome that distinguish
them, or perhaps differences in body chemistry and hormones, but
such are not known at this time.
It must be stated that the difference in physical appearance between
OPs and non-OPs is so slight that it cannot be used as a reliable
criterion to distinguish between the two on an individual basis.
Psychological Comparison
Psychologically, OPs are much simpler and therefore more efficient
than non-OPs. This is because they have fewer psychological
components. While OPs have two components, souled humans have three.
For souled humans,
The first component is the divine spark known as
spirit, Higher Self, essence, or the real “I”.
The second component
is a neural product of the environment known as ego, personality, or
mechanical aspect, which consists of numerous contradictory lesser
The third component is body or somatic
consciousness, the collective consciousness of one’s physical cells
and organs.
OPs have only body-consciousness and
personality, but no divine
essence or Higher Self.
Because the body and personality know no
morality beyond social conditioning or self-preservation, OPs lack
true empathy or compassion. Any appearance of such is mimicked. Due
to their psychological simplicity, they are fickle creatures who are
predictable and easily manipulated.
Like the two-bodied problem in physics, they are linear systems.
Like the three-bodied problem in physics, souled humans are
nonlinear systems and can therefore be unpredictably complex. This
complexity is advantageous in the sense that chaos arising from such
complexity allows for true creativity, while it is detrimental
because machine efficiency is sacrificed.
OPs are stagnant but efficient machines
with great calculating ability to achieve their aims, while souled
humans are complex beings capable of creation and transducing
energies from higher realms.
Metaphysical Comparison
While there are only slight differences between the physical bodies
of these two types of humans, there is significant difference in
their metaphysical bodies.
As stated, OPs lack the divine essence.
The essence, personality, and body-consciousness are general terms
that group a system of chakras or centers comprising the
metaphysical body of conscious beings. To better understand the
metaphysical difference, an explanation of the various centers or
chakras is necessary.
The difference between centers and chakras is that the latter
involves energy organized into localized vortices in the etheric
body, while centers are merely the centers of gravity of a various
functional systems. There is a direct correspondence between centers
and chakras, so for practical
reasons they may be considered equivalent.
Centers have independent consciousness and perform specialized
functions involving the collection, transformation, and dispersal of
various types of information and etheric energies. They function as
energy ports and information uplink centers.
In the fully souled human, there are three higher centers and three
lower centers. Low or high refers to what type of energy and
activity they are associated with. Low centers deal with low-density
energies and information from the immediate third density or lower
environment. Higher centers uplink with higher aspects of one’s
consciousness and derive their energy from higher realms.
It is beyond the scope of this article to explain the subdivisions
within each of the lower centers, except to say that the lower
centers are divided into often-conflicting sections, while the
higher centers are whole.
Description of the Centers
Lower centers consist of the motor center (base chakra), lower
emotional center (sexual chakra), and lower intellectual center
(throat chakra).
Higher centers consist of the sexual center (solar
plexus chakra), higher emotional center (heart chakra), and higher
intellectual center (crown chakra).
The sexual center is the primary energy port from which other
centers derive theirs. By itself, sexual energy is merely a coarse
creative energy of which the physical sexual act is just one
application. The other centers transduce this energy and create
various grades of energy and effects from their utilization. The
sexual center normally gets its energy directly from the Creator,
seventh density.
The motor center has to do with body consciousness and instinctual
motions. Sexual energy used by this center is associated with the
physical sexual act, among other things. The motor center is the
seat of the somatic, genetic, or body consciousness.
The lower emotional center has to do with base emotions, the kind
animals are capable of experiencing. This center is responsible for
the animalistic side of humans.
The lower intellectual center isn’t present in most wild animals,
though it is highly developed in most humans and gives them the
ability to speak, read, write, and perform abstract reasoning. This
center is the seat of ego and personality, a mechanical product of
the environment encoded in the neural structure of the nervous
system. It has little consciousness in itself, and is more like a
computer or artificial intelligence program.
The higher emotional center allows souled humans to feel when
something is wrong, and gives one the ability to experience empathy,
joy, and enthusiasm. It is an uplink with the emotional side of
one’s true self, the Higher Self, and the source of one’s gut
instinct or intuition.
Lastly, the higher intellectual center is an uplink with the
conscious core of the Higher Self. This center allows one to know
absolute truth24, and is a source of higher density information.
While souled humans possess all these centers, organic portals lack
the higher intellectual and higher emotional centers. Like all
animals, the only higher center they have is the sexual center,
which interfaces with their group soul. It is absolutely important
to understand that the lack of the two higher centers accounts for
the all the differences between them and souled humans.
As for souled humans, while they possess all six centers, the two
higher centers are often dormant or inaccessible. This does not mean
the Higher Self is dormant, just that the communication uplink is
weak or inoperative.
Most souled humans act very similar to organic
portals for that reason.
Furthermore, organic portals can emulate the higher centers by
stealing such higher energy from souled humans. The distinction
between OPs and non-OPs can sometimes be difficult for that reason.
Consciousness manifests only when centers observe each other. Each
center is a mechanical component of our metaphysical body, and
endowed with limited consciousness. But when they couple together by
observing each other, a consciousness greater than the sum of its
parts may manifest. It is known in physics or chaos theory that when
the complexity of a system composed of coupled parts goes beyond a
certain point, it becomes chaotic.
It is through chaos that true
consciousness manifests itself in this reality. Anyway, the point
here is that since most of us are bound through identification with
our ego and body, we neglect to observe the two higher centers and
are therefore not manifesting or experiencing higher consciousness
in this reality. The key to experiencing higher conscious is being
self-aware rather than lost in what we perceive, to remember
ourselves at every moment possible.
Our Higher Self exists, but without a connection between our lower
centers and higher centers, its efforts to communicate go unheard.
Nevertheless, the higher centers still exist for souled beings,
albeit passively most often, and provide for inspiration,
creativity, and originality.
The more developed one’s connection with
the higher centers, the more creative, enthusiastic, intuitive, and
Gnostic one becomes.
The Function of Centers in OPs
Because OPs have no genuine higher centers, they are incapable of
empathy, higher emotions, and higher knowledge 31.
As previously
mentioned, animals have only the motor center, lower emotional, and
sexual center – lacking the intellectual center. Without the
educational and energetic presence of souled humans, OPs would
barely be any different.
In their natural state, OPs lack the lower intellectual center just
as most animals do. Only by stealing energy from souled humans can
their lower intellectual center first be formed, and only by being
trained via education, media, culture, and environment can this
center be refined. Once endowed with an intellectual center, they
can make up for their lack of higher centers through deft emulation,
particularly by stealing and sampling the higher energies of a
souled person.
The type of energy stolen depends on method of acquisition. Through
physical proximity, an OP can siphon physical energy from the motor
center of a souled person, which manifests as fatigue or exhaustion.
Through intimidation, venting, or seduction, the lower emotional
center is tapped. Via lies or fantasies and the begging of
attention, the lower intellectual center energy of a souled human is
drained. Through orgasm of a souled person during sexual
intercourse, an OP may take in a large quantity of all one’s
All this places stress upon the higher centers, meaning they don't
function as optimally because they are underpowered. This indicates
that interaction with an OP will temporarily decrease one's
creativity, individuality, and originality. Since the lower centers
are drained, intellectual performance can suffer as well. This
mental muddying makes one less able to catch the logical fallacies
OPs use in their arguments and allows one’s perceptions to be more
easily twisted by them.
The primary energies OPs seek come from the higher emotional center
of souled beings. Sometimes the higher centers are drained
indirectly when energy normally reserved for those centers is
instead channeled toward the three lower centers to make up for
their drained conditions.
More directly, many OPs will stage
elaborate melodramas and pretend victim status, whining and begging
to be pitied in order to steal energy from the higher emotional
center of those who care to listen and make the mistake of
empathizing with something that doesn’t have true feelings.
With this energy, OPs can emulate their
targets more accurately, giving the appearance of having a soul.
Simulation and Manipulation of Souled
Organic portals are human chameleons.
When activated to reel in a souled person for manipulation, they adjust themselves based on the
soul profile and behavior of their target. This adjustment falls
into two categories: intellectual calculation, and soul emulation.
Intellectual calculation is performed through the intellectual
center. In OPs, this artificial intelligence center is responsible
for formulating the OP’s behavioral approach toward the target. This
includes what to say and what body language to use.
Most OPs are just background characters with seemingly independent
personalities, but occasionally they may become “activated”. When
activated, they use their emulation and calculation abilities to the
fullest to get what they want or are assigned to get. If they seek
to gain trust, they know just the right things to say. When building
rapport, they may describe their personal history, movie and music
interests, hobbies, jobs, or places they have previously lived.
Many of those details happen to coincide
with their target to a degree effective at building “friendship”,
but not so much as to spark alarm over the weirdness of it all. On
the other hand, if their aim is to harass or sabotage, they know
what buttons to push and which logical and emotional tricks work
best against a souled person’s intellectual and emotional
Whatever their aim, the efficient intellectual center of OPs allows
for a custom-fit approach toward manipulating a target. Because OPs
are capable of hive-mind behavior, once one OP has read a person’s
profile, it can instantly be shared with all others. This makes for
some strange synchronicities sometimes. As will be discussed
shortly, they are also interfaced with a hyperdimensional hierarchy
of negative beings and are thus extensions of not only second
density group soul, but also the Matrix itself.
Their hive behavior is due mostly to
their interface with the Matrix. Without it, their group soul might
still cause for some hive-like behavior except it would be less
noticeable, something akin to the 100th monkey phenomenon.
Soul emulation is their second asset. While intellectual calculation
concerns mundane behavior, soul emulation involves the illusion of
soul depth. By sampling the energy from a souled person’s higher
centers, an OP can fine tune its intellectual calculations in
addition to projecting that energy back at the target, making the
target perceive a reflection of his own soul image. The naive target
will ascribe soul qualities to the OP that are actually his own.
The ability to mirror is an OP’s greatest asset. It is also their
greatest weakness because it exposes them. Those who are observant
and understand the organic portal phenomenon will recognize their
mirroring as being too uncanny, too synchronistic, too strange, and
too good to be true. A souled person can have much in common with
another souled person, but one must ask whether the degree of how
much they have in common is even possible assuming both have
freewill. High levels of mirroring are seen only in cases of
activated OPs, however.
The passive background-character OPs
display the mirroring trait less often, but in an equally as
synchronistic manner.
Comparison Between OPs and Robotic
There are other types of matrix agents that employ the mirroring
method, and they can be discovered the same way.
Agents who must
gain trust before commencing sabotage or intelligence gathering may
use the mirroring trick. Alternatively, those who intend to steal
energy, intimidate, or deal with noncompliant targets use rapid
switching of personalities or methods. The unusual nature of these
180-degree changes can be startling.
Both conscious and robotic agents are prone to making mistakes and
can misread their targets because they cannot sample soul energy as
accurately or perform calculations as quickly as organic portals
can. Robotic agents are more likely to mirror imperfectly, not being
as smooth or knowing how to avoid stepping across the target’s
threshold of suspicion.
Since the same hyperdimensional guided
artificial intelligence network that directs organic portals also
controls robotic agents, they are capable of truly outrageous
synchronicities and mirroring. But unlike OPs, their mirroring is
based mostly on intelligence gathered through surveillance and mind
reading technologies and is therefore less effective.
Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
While OPs can mirror
effectively, they have greater freewill than robotic agents because
of their relatively greater level of consciousness. This makes them
more difficult to mobilize and customize. Also, they require energy
maintenance; when a hyperdimensional group of negative beings
assigns an OP to steal energy from a target for their consumption,
the OP takes part of that energy for itself and the second density
soul pool. OPs and robotic agents are analogous to horses and
motorcycles, or pawns and towers in the game of chess.
Robotic agents are virtually non-conscious and under the complete
guidance of external control mechanisms. This means they are not as
limited, as they are cybernetic extensions of higher negatively souled beings. Nevertheless, they are susceptible to glitches when
faced with situations beyond the parameters of their programming.
Organic portals are primarily passive agents, while robotic types
are active agents.
The strength of OPs lies in their numbers,
approximately three billion 40. Their primary function is to keep souled individuals too distracted and beat down in life to advance
spiritually, to direct public opinion by functioning as “hired
clappers”, to suppress and ridicule those who voice or think
dissenting thoughts about the Matrix “reality”, and to function as
portals for lower and higher density forces to reach through and
interact with third density souled humans41.
Hence their name,
organic portals. They are like weeds in a field, crowding out and
weakening the good crops.
Robotic agents are active agents and their strength lies in their
complete malleability toward negative external control. These are
used most often to hone in on specific targets for sabotage,
distraction, or intelligence gathering.
What often gives them away is their
impatience, forcefulness, single-mindedness, synchronistic
appearance and disappearance, overly inquisitive natures on limited
topics (to the point of feigned stupidity), extraordinary demand for
one’s time, inflexibility at adjusting to conversations that span
beyond certain parameters, and their relentless drive for
propagating and advocating sources of disinformation. Most don’t
share all these signs, but all share most of them. The more naive
the target, the more an agent can employ these characteristics
without causing suspicion.
Also, robotic agents are much more stable in times of planetary
chaos than organic portals because OPs don’t function well when
their mundane reality crumbles. They are apt to go into denial, shut
off, or become uncontrollable.
Robotic agents, however, react as they
are remotely controlled to react.
Affinity for Mundane vs. Esoteric
Returning to the subject of organic portals, they are only capable
of acting or thinking within the realm of the Matrix.
This realm
consists of mundane ideas that are void of genuine metaphysical
truths, truths that reveal a reality greater than the common
worldview that has been programmed into the masses via education,
culture, and the media.
These irrelevant ideas that pressure one
into conforming to the Matrix are called A-influences; they are
factors that have little or no bearing on one’s spiritual evolution,
but rather serve as distractions, sometimes necessary ones.
The pressure to:
watch TV
subscribe to popular
engage in political activities
memorize sports
recite lines from movies
explain away weird phenomena
with orthodox rationalizations
the drive to pursue money and
...are examples of A-influences.
piecing together the truth
observing one’s environment for glitches
and synchronicities
meditating on problems to solve them
developing one’s individuality
paying attention to signs from the
Higher Self
analyzing and learning from one’s mistakes
to develop independent thinking and creativity...
...are examples of
following B-influences.
Organic portals are masters within the realm of A-influences. They
can think, say, and act within this realm with perfection. But they
are incapable of conceiving or functioning within the realm of
They may occasionally pretend to operate there with
words alone, but never follow with action. Their actions never match
their words when it comes to B-influences, and often they won’t even
talk or admit to such things.
Their common refusal to acknowledge or admit to strange phenomena
follows from two facts. The first is that they lack higher centers
and therefore cannot even comprehend46 anything other than that
which belongs to the realm of A-influences. The lower centers are
more than comfortable within the Matrix, while the higher centers
urge us to transcend.
The second fact is that they are
directed by the hyperdimensional hierarchy of negative beings,
entities who possess cold calculative intelligence. When calculating
risk versus reward, it is always advantageous for an OP to
ambiguously deny the possibility of anything outside the Matrix. By
being ambiguous, an OP can cloak its given agenda under the mantle
of ignorance typical of an asleep souled person.
By not admitting to
anything out of the ordinary, the OP does not reinforce ideas of the
waking souled individual.
Usually, curbs are put in place to
switch the conversation to something more mundane. OPs can converse
proficiently about anything until an esoteric topic arises, then the
OP hits a brick wall and either goes silent, rolls eyes, frowns, or
switches topics instantly - any passive way of avoiding the
discussion, for their proficiency breaks down at that point and
reveals their true nature.
They cannot argue logically about
non-Matrix concepts because it is beyond their comprehension. They
can fake the subject with memorized sound bytes and mirror their
target, but such attempts lack depth and are never matched with
corresponding action.
The difference between a sleeping souled person and an OP in this
regard is that for a souled person, their words or actions do not
sharply stop at the border between A and B-influences. Skeptical as
they may be, they have the potential to stray past that border and
grow while OPs are denied that possibility. They lack the hard
'permanence' of ignorance that OPs display.
Organic portals are not interested in
ideas, but in energy and self-gratification. When backed into a
corner, or if it allows perpetuation of control, they can have a
conversation in which they poorly simulate interest in B influence
ideas or fake having learned a lesson, but their actions never
reflect their glib words, and very soon they behave as though the
conversation never happened. Even if rarely, a souled person will
undergo inner change after learning a lesson, and this reflects
visibly in behavior.
OPs have complete mobility to mirror the mundane aspects of their
But they are incapable of mirroring the B-influence
details. For example, an OP can have similar hobbies, personal
experiences, preferences for certain types of entertainment,
political affiliation, and prefer identical sports or outdoor
activities. But when it comes to spiritual progress, pursuit of
truth, and questing after one’s destiny, OPs cannot follow and are
usually programmed to dissuade their targets from progressing along
such paths.
Because the first set of shared
interests are all they can mimic, they go to great lengths to
emphasize these to cover up their inability or non-allowance to
follow the second set. Thus, a targeted person attempting to awaken
spiritually can often be entrapped by someone who has so much in
common with them, not realizing that all they have in common are
A-influence interests.
All the while, they are deterred from
gaining B-influences. Once again, the difference between a partner
who is an OP, and one who is an asleep souled person is that the
latter doesn’t continually hit brick walls at every turn when it
comes to ideas that transcend the Matrix. Sometimes they will ponder
a non-Matrix idea or two, and it will stick in their minds.
An OPs inability to cross that line
should raise alarm for anyone who observes such consistent behavior
in others.
The behavior of robotic agents does not follow the delineation
between A and B influences, however. Their limits merely fall along
the perimeter of their programming or the ingenuity of their
controllers. What characterizes them is that when they do engage in
discussion of seemingly non-Matrix topics, from spirituality to
alien abductions, alternative health to alternative science, and
philosophy to metaphysics, they propagate 'false' B-influences, or
Robotic types are slicker than OPs when discussing
esoteric things, and as mentioned earlier serve more specialized
functions as active agents rather than passive ones (OPs) whose
strength lies in number.
To summarize, when it comes to esoteric subjects,
OPs generally tend
to ridicule, distract, and suppress
robotic agents push
disinformation and commit sabotage
Respectively, these functions follow
from their passive and active natures.
Origin of OPs and Robotic Agents
Robotic humans, also known as reanimated humans, are manufactured or
created from existing human bodies by altering the nonphysical
component to suit a mission or agenda.
Whether souled or an organic
portal, anyone can be a candidate for this process which involves
expiration then reanimation with a new soul, reprogrammed soul, or
remote cybernetic interface.
Generally, OPs are easier candidates
because they lack Higher Selves and have no protection in the sense
of divine intervention. Among other factors, souled humans are
easily susceptible if they have a negative soul frequency, were
going to die anyway according to life script, or have damaged their
soul-body connection through extensive drug use.
Because OPs are controllable anyway in their common state, there is
little need to reanimate them unless special circumstances exist
that absolutely require it, such as when a particular individual
must do what only a robotic human can do. One such application might
involve covert military operations that contain esoteric,
hyperdimensional, or occult factors. OPs cannot comprehend such
things, would give in to primal fear, and would therefore be
ineffective. But through reanimation, they can perform their duties
as intended.
The history of organic portals predates souled humans by hundreds of
thousands of years. They are the original humans, a natural
evolutionary progression from our ancestral primates. Like most
animals, their evolution happens collectively and slowly rather than
individually and within a single or lifetime. This is why early
humans produced no culture or agriculture and only the most
rudimentary stone tools for such a long period of time. OPs lack
creativity, and left to their own would not be capable of building a
cultured society.
Periodically, the physical evolution of mankind who were all organic
portals at the time, was genetically modified by extraterrestrial/hyperdimensional
beings to increase their manual dexterity for use as slave labor.
Nevertheless, after the initial modifications, the soul structure of
mankind remained the same,
that of a group soul.
Eventually, there came the introduction of a higher density soul
matrix into human bodies. This was accomplished via an agreement
between a higher density soul group desiring physical existence, and hyperdimensional aliens who genetically prepared human bodies for
their incarnation. Being of a divine origin, the new humans
contained the spark of individualized higher consciousness.
They were brought to an earth already
populated by OPs, and over time intermixed with them to such a
degree that today, OPs and souled individuals can be found even
within the same family.
The Larger Perspective
In the grand scheme of things, organic portals serve a beneficial
They are bridges between densities, particularly second
and third density. Souled humans possess higher centers, and are
able to produce higher energies.
When a lower density being is
exposed to such higher densities, its evolution is accelerated.
Second density group souls evolve more
rapidly into third density individual souls if there is an influx of
higher density energies. Organic portals serve that function as
“energy scouts” of second density that exist in third density,
sucking the energy of souled humans. This energy is funneled into
their second density group soul, accelerating its collective
At present, the Matrix takes a large share of that
harvest. The 50/50 ratio between OPs and souled humans on earth is
the optimal ratio for maximum energy transfer between densities.
Unlike animals, which evolve in their own second density realm, OPs
are simply energy scouts in third density. This means that an animal
has the possibility of evolving into third density in a single
lifetime, while OPs cannot. Organic portals are mere feeding tube
extensions of their group soul, and exist primarily to collect
energy for that group soul. An animal, particularly those who become
pets, may acquire sufficient experience and soul essence from their
owners that they individualize and split off from their group soul.
They may then incarnate in third density
as a souled human, though a very poorly developed one at first.
Because of the impersonal nature of OPs,
it is impossible for them to individualize within a single lifetime,
at present. Not until the group soul evolves from second into third
density as a whole, can individualized souls spontaneously incarnate
from it.
There are differences between OPs and lower evolved souled humans
who are first time incarnates having recently graduated from second
density. The latter have souls containing a divine spark of
individuality with as much potential for full soul development as
all maturely souled humans, although it will take many more
lifetimes to mature to the same level. OPs also have this potential,
but not on an individual level and not within this current cycle of
human evolution. An animal can graduate to third density independent
of its soul group, but as mentioned, OPs cannot.
Souls who are new to third density take on crash courses in the
basics of this realm, and so their lives tend to be basic and often
primal regardless of where they live: whether inner city, suburbia,
or the rainforest. It would be reasonable to say that they live a
primarily emotional existence because their lower centers dominate
over the newfound intellectual and embryonic higher centers.
may even have residues of their former animal essence, which can
reflect in their personality. Because of their vulnerable nature,
having not learned many third density lessons yet, external forces
easily influence them.
The portal-like nature of OPs makes them even better agents of the
Matrix. It employs them as feeding tubes and passive suppressors to
keep souled humans in line and connected to the milking machine, as
well as open doors through which the Matrix can directly interact
with them. Being a milking machine is the Matrix’s primary function,
a way for higher density negative forces, who are disconnected from
directly accessing the creative energy due to atrophied higher
centers, to continue their existence.
Through agents and the Matrix, souled humans are kept in place as an
energy source, as metaphorically portrayed in The Matrix except this
energy is actually of a higher etheric kind rather than electric.
This is man’s place in the cosmos, much in the same way cows have
their place as providers of dairy and meat.
One might disagree and say that cows do not deserve to be in farms,
but the truth is that they are being milked and slaughtered because
most never contemplate resistance or escape, or have the ability to
do so. Likewise, humans do not deserve to be enslaved for use as a
natural resource either, but this is where we are because most
people never contemplate resistance or escape. But just because most
cannot, doesn’t mean certain individuals with determination are
denied escape.
Thus, while OPs, humans, and the Matrix
serve evolutionary and metaphysical functions, individual souled
humans have the choice of whether to participate in this plan or
attempt to transcend it. It is the choice between being a slave and
being a sovereign being. Some enjoy being slaves of comfort, but
others see the illusion and are trying to wake up and reconnect to
their higher centers.
This job is difficult because life on
earth is designed to oppose awakening and escape in every way.
Role of OPs in Society
Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix’s social control
infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of
preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans
are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous
Those who try to wake up are targeted by
the Matrix to be put back to sleep, lest they face opposition from
those around them who have been purposely inserted for that reason.
From mechanic to professor, salesman to actor, pizza man to
president, OPs can be found in every level of mainstream society. In
general, whether they work in business, science, government, or
religion, they tend to occupy the upper management positions. This
is because their lack of compassion, knack for deceit, and hive mind
nature allows them to make it to the top in every common institution
or corporation.
They are favored for advancement by other OPs already established in
higher positions. From such positions, they are able to implement
Matrix control tactics in very effective ways. In schools, for
example, they are instrumental in enforcing oppressive educational
climates, influencing school board decisions to adopt sterile
teaching regiments and programs for indoctrinating or preoccupying
them with garbage.
In universities, they influence peer
review committees and reject any research that goes contrary to what
has already been accepted. In government, they do as told by higher
authorities and manipulate the voting population - half of which are
organic portals - into re-electing them. Souled people can do all
these as well, but have freewill and the potential to evolve
dynamically while OPs perform the same routines statically and never
change on a fundamental level.
The hallmark signature of an organic portal is his or her absolute
devotion to the orthodox and mainstream. Whether it’s orthodox
science or mainstream fashion trends, OPs are immersed in the realm
of the mundane like fish in water, and fight or ignore anything that
lies outside of it. Sadly, many souled humans are programmed to
defend the Matrix as well. As stated, the difference is that they
have the potential to awaken in this lifetime while OPs do not.
It must be emphasized that they exist in a broad spectrum of
society, from the lowest scoundrels to the greatest academicians.
Their adept use of the intellectual center gives them flexibility in
what position to occupy within the Matrix-controlled social system.
Their charm and disguised ruthlessness helps them infiltrate and
subvert the upper levels of any organization run by naive souled
humans, ones whose kindness, compassion, or reticence makes them
underestimate the intentions and capabilities of the newcomers. This
is the main reason why institutions that begin with honorable
intentions are eventually corrupted.
The only people who can consistently beat out OPs without knowing
their nature are souled humans with extremely negative psychopathic
natures. A true psychopath is anyone who is incapable of feeling
empathy or has a twisted sense of empathy; all organic portals are
fundamentally psychopathic even if they disguise it with seemingly
normal behavior.
The souled psychopath has the advantage of using
ingenuity and creativity in his pursuits, as well as having soul
energy that may be bartered with negative or demonic forces for
The social system forming the third density manifestation of the
Matrix is designed to promote OPs and anyone who acts linearly, and
punish or oppress those who express true creativity, originality,
and individuality. Of course, organic portals are merely mechanical
enforcers of the Matrix, the pawns in the game. Ultimately, they are
part of a system engineered by negative souled beings, ones who
possessed the creativity necessary to design and command it.
The ones who really run the show in this
world are therefore souled, although of a very negative soul
frequency. OPs are simply the workhorses of the Matrix.
Role of OPs in Families and
Their presence in our lives is not limited to impersonal sources of
They can be quite personal, occupying places within even
our own families 60. When placed close to us, their primary function
is to keep us too oppressed or distracted to notice or pursue
They are not aware of their roles as
agents because their level of individual consciousness is quite dim
anyway; they simply do what is in their nature to do, and what they
are manipulated into doing by the Matrix. It is fitting that the
best way for the Matrix to access our lives is through those who are
closest to us, whom we spend the most time with. And if we are tied
to such people through financial, legal, or emotional obligations,
we are on a leash with the Matrix holding the other end.
These personal agents are the greatest source of energy drain we may
encounter. If one spends too much time (many years) with an organic
portal as a spouse or lover, one’s energy can be drained beyond
recovery. This involves the death of one or more of the centers61.
Such a targeted souled person is bled dry and becomes an empty
shell, virtually indistinguishable from an OP.
The organic portal
and Matrix cannot be blamed in such instances, only the souled
person for once being too stupid, ignorant, or naive to know better,
having given in to the temptations and desires of the lower centers.
Of course, one has close to no choice in the case of an organic
portal parent. It is difficult, if even possible, for the Higher
Self to script the presence of OPs in life because organic portals
themselves have no Higher Selves with which to negotiate. This job
is left to the Matrix.
Therefore, as far as one’s life script
is concerned, OPs are the wildcard factors that can slow things
down. Regardless, lessons will be learned whether it’s the easy way
or the hard way; the unheeded presence of OPs in one’s life ensures
that it will be learned the hard way.
It is therefore important to know about Matrix agents, their
methods, characteristics, and how to counteract their influence.
Without such knowledge, souled humans
make the false assumption that everyone else is like them, which
puts them at a significant disadvantage by underestimating potential
agents placed into their lives or misunderstanding their motives.
Part II
The role of intellectual
analysis and intuition in discerning matrix agents. |
A Note of Caution
It is very important to remember that this knowledge is to be used
for defense and prevention, not persecution.
Organic portals are
simply portals, passive beings through which external influences can
Preemptively targeting them, or any
other agent including souled humans who occasionally succumb to
playing part in another’s manipulation, is missing the point because
one merely attacks the messenger. While defensive measures to
counteract their attacks are appropriate, acting offensively to
persecute agents is not.
This knowledge is best used for dealing with agents already present
or entrenched in one’s life, and for preventing the formation of
relationships, friendships, or partnerships with new agents. Because
agents only slow down progress in life, one must not confuse ends
with means. The ends is to fulfill one’s destiny, the means is aided
by immunizing oneself against the influences of Matrix agents.
People who are careless can become
preoccupied or obsessed with finding agents everywhere, and can make
detrimental mistakes because paranoia dulls discernment. They will
be too distracted to follow their life path and pursue their true
goals, and may sabotage themselves by being too paranoid to follow
beneficial opportunities when they arise. By concentrating only on
removing the negative, they forget to also progress toward the
So, one must be observant of priorities. Following one’s life goals
(B-influences) is primary, while reducing friction (A-influences) is
secondary. Honing razor sharp discernment makes the entire process
Additionally, this knowledge is useful not so much for
distinguishing between the various types of agents, but for
recognizing the presence of any agent at any time, regardless of the
Endlessly splitting hairs about whether an agent is one type
or another undermines the immediate practicality of this knowledge.
Also, being too focused on one type distracts from recognizing some
of the others slipping by. One must also not forget that even souled
humans can act as agents at times, or disconnected from their higher
For practical reasons, it is best to initially focus on
their mere presence rather than type.
Robotic humans are agents all the time, organic portals are agents
most of the time, and souled humans can be agents some of the time.
Because of this, without proper discernment, there is great danger
in judging whole individuals as opposed to evaluating individual
actions. One could easily make the mistake of completely writing off
a souled individual based on just a few actions committed during
instances when he or she succumbed to Matrix manipulation.
Unless one’s confidence in the nature of a suspected agent is based
on accurate discernment and consistent observation, it is best to
deal with them on the basis of individual actions. This is because
besides one’s judgment being prone to error when higher intuitive
faculties are not developed to allow direct sensing of danger, the
Matrix itself is known to play upon one’s false perception and
amplify paranoia to sabotage otherwise beneficial relationships.
Lastly, knowing type is important for gauging the potential of the
individual in question.
Robotic humans and organic portals are
hopeless cases, for they cannot be taught, changed, helped, or
enlightened. Attempting to do so drains one’s energy and slows down
progress in life. Souled individuals, even if asleep, have the
potential to progress, and helping them when requested can make a
difference. Robotic agents and OPs can request help or assistance as
well - a common attack method - but it is just a ruse to play upon one’s
empathy and naive nature and serve as distractions.
In sum, type and presence have their respective places.
Knowing how to distinguish type and
knowing when to recognize presence take alternate priorities
depending on whether one seeks merely to defend against the Matrix,
or whether one engages in assertive action to help a person or
fulfill a request.
What is Required to Discern Agents:
Critical Analysis
The discussion now turns to what is required to identify the type of
agent, recognize the presence of any agent, or distinguish the true
nature of a Matrix induced individual action.
There are unique and
shared traits among the various types of humans. Observing unique
traits allows confident determination to be made. Shared traits are
more ambiguous, and only provide circumstantial hints as to type.
The more obvious an agent, the more he will display unique traits.
As an example, let us compare organic portals with souled humans.
Unique traits are those that one or the other type absolutely has,
or absolute does not have. For example, independent souled humans
are incapable of consistently displaying hive-mind behavior.
Observing such behavior means an individual in question is most
likely not a souled human.
Independent displays of genuine
creativity and originality are traits that are unique to souled
humans, so someone who has a unique personality, essence, and
displays independent creativity and originality is most likely a
souled human.
Shared traits, on the other hand, do not allow the discernment
between type, merely presence.
For example, someone with a loud and
prolonged victim mentality may be an organic portal sucking energy of souled humans by playing upon their empathy, or it may be a souled
human having rough times who refuses to solve his or her own
problems. In this case, it is impossible to determine type until
observations span a length of time in which shared traits may become
To illustrate, while souled humans
eventually get over it, organic portals keep talking about the same
problems like a broken record. As can be seen, with shared traits
one can recognize the presence of individual actions that must be
deflected, regardless of the type of person committing them.
It should be obvious that intellectual methods of dealing with
agents can get very complex. It involves not only eagle-eyed
observations, but also skills of logic and analysis.
If one takes
the time and effort to sift through information and observations,
put the pieces together, watch for inconsistencies in one’s logic,
avoid assumptions based on paranoia, and take into account the
difference between unique and shared traits, intellectual methods
alone can be quite effective. But there is much room for convoluted
thinking and mistakes without some compass to give orientation and
allow for proper perspective.
Because intellectual methods by
themselves are often insufficient, intuition is the necessary
component that completes one’s ability to identify, deal with, or
avoid Matrix agents.
What is Required to Discern Agents -
Intuition or gut instinct is a glimpsed emotional message from one’s
higher emotional center, the center that links up to the Higher
Pure intuition never fails, because the Higher Self knows
objective truth. The better honed one’s intuition, the more easily
one can identify which individuals are dangerous and deserve
scrutiny, and which actions are detrimental or performed by someone
who is being influenced by the Matrix.
Intuition is a gut instinct, and feels like a strong tug at one’s
heart and mind. There are differences between intuition and
subjective emotions, differences that must be understood in order to
know what internal tugs are genuine signals from the higher centers.
Intuition is always in agreement with objective facts, and requires
an ignorance of certain facts to ignore.
Subjective emotions go contrary to
objective facts, and require ignorance of both intuition and certain
facts to follow. In other words, following subjective emotions or
ignoring intuition involves wishful thinking and a conscious effort
to not look at certain facts. Intuition is also generally stronger,
deeper, and longer lasting than emotions. Subjective emotions can be
triggered by chemicals, electromagnetism, implants, astral
manipulations, and basically any stimuli whose triggering the soul
has no control over, merely how it responds to such stimuli.
Intuition can inform of another person’s soul frequency, degree of
consciousness, intentions, and future actions. Of course, many who
have weak connections to higher centers will find it difficult to
use intuition to such an extent, but practicing listening to
intuition increases its strength. (For safety reasons, one should
use intellectual analysis to accompany intuition, to check if both
are in agreement. If they disagree, recheck the assumptions upon
which the analysis is based).
While OPs are masters of disguise in the realm of A influences, and
robotic humans can be programmed to be quite lifelike, both are
incapable of bypassing the discernment of a souled person’s
intuition. Their nature lies naked beneath the gaze of one’s Higher
One’s intuitive impressions reveal the nonphysical traits of various
types of humans. Organic portals share a second density hive mind
and therefore have identical auras, while robotic humans have
electronically projected auras that are also nearly identical.
As an
aside, one person with clairvoyant abilities has even observed the
auras of several people flick on and off simultaneously, which
suggests they were probably robotic humans. OPs have dim levels of
consciousness, and robotic humans have almost none.
Negative entities of various types
monitor through, or possess, these agents at times; the presence of
such entities can be intuitively sensed as well.
Intuitive Impressions Characterizing
the Presence of Agents
Based on personal observations from others and myself, here are some
impressions one may receive from non-conscious or dimly conscious
humans. Words fail to accurately describe them, but here is a rapid
collection of descriptions:
Generally, it is difficult to mentally or emotionally connect with
them because there is nothing there to connect with. It seems like
something is missing within them, that they are hollow caricatures
or cartoons despite physically looking like any other human.
Mentally projecting oneself into their head reveals only silence, or
a neutral hum.
Concerning robotic humans particularly,
one often has the same feeling around them as when alone: a bland,
neutral, and quiet feeling. Normally, the presence of a souled human
is noticeable, for they have vibrancy, thickness and dimensionality,
but robotic humans do not. This can be confusing, because one may be
physically in the same room with them, yet in every other way it
feels like they are not there.
Being around a souled person, one may perceive energy of a different
type if the person has a different soul nature, but there is still
something within them that seems conscious and mentally tangible.
Being around a souled person who has a similar soul frequency as
oneself usually leads to instant rapport and a drive to interact
with them, even if they have a different personality than oneself.
If an OP does give the impression of soul depth, it is simply
reflecting back one’s own soul energy. They can be discerned because
the soul energy is identical to one’s own, but there is still lack
of something to connect with.
Neither type of agent has any depth to their eyes, which appear
glossed over or blank. Physically, there is nothing glossy or blank
about them, but it is an intuitive overlay upon a physical
perception. They may be attractive, but like a mannequin or
porcelain doll, there is no inner beauty.
Despite projected auras, robotic humans are energetically invisible.
The “comfortableness” one may feel around them is actually
blandness67, which follows from the absence of uncomfortable energy
because they don’t even emit any energy. So the lack of feeling when
around them is what should alert one to their presence.
one may still get an intuitive message that they are bad news, and
so a negative intuitive impression can nevertheless arise. One
shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that absence of negative
feeling alone means they are not agents, especially if the feeling
is one of blandness instead.
In many cases, agents can be physically very dynamic, loud,
seemingly spontaneous, attractive, smiling, or they can be using
positive body language, but the impression one receives is that it
is all artificial or an act, form without substance, that they are
little more than elaborate animatronic meat puppets. Souled humans
who act positively or dynamically have a beaming face and a sparkle
in their eye.
Or when they are sad, they emit sad
vibrations and the air turns heavy. When they are neutral, there is
still activity within their minds; they are thinking, perceiving,
being. Organic portals or robotic humans can act sad but shed only
crocodile tears; there is no anguish or sadness there except what a
souled person has been tricked into imagining or projecting upon
As can be seen, robotic humans and OPs give off similar impressions,
though it is more severe with robotic humans due to their unnatural
nature and comparative rarity. No matter the type of agent,
something can be felt as being “off” or “wrong”, which can often be
ignored out of wishful thinking or when succumbing to perceptual
The importance of balancing intuition with critical thinking cannot
be adequately emphasized. With these skills in tandem, one can
accurately detect and avoid agents before they become entrenched in
one’s life.
Striving for one’s destiny (that which
fills one with enthusiasm and joy) will naturally detach a souled
person from those who cannot keep up, particularly agents of all
types who would otherwise cling on like barnacles.
Dealing with Close Agents
Of course, we may have made errors in our lives and become mired in
the consequences through financial, legal, or moral obligations.
These include lovers, roommates,
spouses, and offspring who are
detrimental to one’s life plan, especially if they are organic
portals or souled individuals with entirely different life paths who
do nothing but hold one back. Nevertheless, one must take
responsibility for past irresponsible actions. Depending on the
legal and moral viability of leaving, some may be stuck, and some
have hope for escape and starting anew.
Not everyone is a permanent agent, and no one is perfect. Souled
partners can have different views and opinions, cause distractions
and upsets sometimes, and occasionally delay one’s plans. They can
act as vectors of Matrix attacks when not watchful, and demand
certain sacrifices. Here, it is a matter of degree that determines
if they are ultimately beneficial or detrimental to one’s life path.
If possible to leave, one’s decision should not be based on the
consequences of leaving, but the consequence of staying. Emotional
weakness and dependency is the least valid excuse for staying.
Following one’s destiny is the best reason to leave.
The choice to leave is personal; each individual must decide whether
it is appropriate based on circumstances. It must be said, however,
that when a souled human is matched with another souled human of an
ideally compatible soul frequency, the relationship becomes
virtually superconducting, without resistance, heavy demands for
sacrifice, or hope that the other partner will change.
There may be external interference by
the Matrix attempting to break such a partnership apart, but the
interferences are usually based on misunderstandings more so than
fundamental differences and ongoing resentment. Because an organic
portal is not part of the life plan, staying with them is delaying
the arrival of one’s destined relationship with a specific souled
For cases where escape or removal is not an option, agents must be
dealt with on an action-by-action basis. The skill of properly
handling attacks by the Matrix is of inestimable value. So the
positive side of this is that dealing with permanently present
agents sharpens one’s ability to deflect Matrix attacks.
But no matter how deep one is, there is no point in getting deeper,
which is why prevention is the prime mode of application of this
knowledge. There is no excuse for continuing to form associations
and relationships with Matrix agents if one has this knowledge.
Ultimately, it does not matter if one’s partner is an OP or not, and
often it is impossible to be absolutely sure either way.
What’s more important is the nature of
the relationship, whether it is oppressive or expansive.
Other Methods of Attack
Aside from the intimate avenue of family and relationships, agents
can attack in a far more impersonal manner.
The crudest method of
attack happens via harassment by strangers who are part of the
Matrix hive-mind network. When walking down a street, through a
shopping mall, around a university campus, or riding the subway,
etc… one must realize that at least half of the strangers around are
organic portals, and most of the rest are asleep souled humans.
All of them are open to temporary
animation by the Matrix for direct interaction with a targeted
individual. They may mumble cryptic phrases with synchronistic
meanings, yell offensive statements tailored to press one’s
emotional buttons, and rarely but occasionally engage in a physical
attack. What separates them from ordinary crazies or random acts of
harassment is that their actions seem unrelated but are far from
random. There is timing, engineering, and synchronicity involved in
what they do that singles out a specific target at a time.
They could be OPs looking for a quick
gulp of energy from vulnerable targets, but the Matrix ensures that
whom they pick “deserves” it. Other examples of hive-mind harassment
may include hateful stares by strangers for no apparent reason.
Souled people may consciously do these things as well, but there is
selfish reason for what they do, whether boredom, general hatred or
anger, or just for fun, rather than direct manual control by a
hive-mind. With intuition, one can sense the difference. With agents
of the Matrix, there is sign of a single coordinated intelligence
behind multiple strangers.
When staring into their eyes, one is
looking directly into the eyes of the Matrix and the negative beings
that maintain it.
The Path to Liberation
What is one to do about all this? What can one do?
The first and
simplest step is to seek out those who share a similar soul
frequency, other souled humans with whom to network and form
friendships. They provide support and can form an impenetrable
nucleus, an island of refuge, and a counteraction to the Matrix’s
divide-and-conquer tactic.
How does a person know he or she has
found another with similar soul frequency?
There is a mutual enthusiasm that lacks
any need to put on a mask or hide part of oneself, and the intuitive
impressions and logical observations are positively in agreement.
Aside from this, the basic way to proceed is to immunize oneself
against the manipulations of the Matrix and its agents, conserve
soul energy, gain awareness about the true nature of one’s reality,
and strengthen the connection with the Higher Self.
Immunization comes with knowledge. Because agents hide behind one’s
blind spots, the more one knows about them, the less room they have
in which to maneuver.
Much of their power lies in the
illusions they project, illusions that lead one to make false
assumptions about who they are and what they want. Naturally,
illusions only have as much power as is granted by the perceiver. In
judo, the superior force of an opponent is not confronted directly
but cleverly displaced and therefore used against him. In Matrix
tactics, the superior spiritual force of a targeted souled human is
also cleverly displaced via illusions so that his freewill fails to
directly engage the spiritually weaker manipulator. Having knowledge
prevents one from misplacing this force and allows successful
Adequate soul energy is necessary to reach escape velocity. The
lower one’s reserves of energy, the stronger one is pulled into the
sphere of A-influences. Energy is also needed to fuse consciousness
and personality into a coherent whole rather than fickle fragments
that change to the whim of environmental triggers. Lastly, energy
is required to build a strong connection with the higher centers.
Conservation of energy is accomplished by not succumbing to
emotional drain attempts by agents, by not stressing or worrying
about trivial things, and by redirecting and transforming negative
emotional energy when it arises by consciously focusing inward and
becoming aware of oneself when such emotions are generated, rather
than becoming lost in the source of what originally triggered their
Energy can be generated through enthusiasm, the aforementioned
transformation of negative energies triggered by external shocks,
and conscious suffering, which involves asserting the will of the
conscious core over the body and ego. This can be achieved by
practicing going contrary to the desires and inertia of the body and
ego, within practical limits. It is a form of discipline.
In short, the entire process concerns making the internal mental,
emotional, and spiritual state not only coherent, but also
independent of external actions and stimuli. This does not mean
shutting off or doing/feeling/thinking the opposite, as that is not
independence but mere inverted dependence. Independence means being
sovereign king of one’s inner kingdom.
As long as the mind is chained to the environment via a one-to-one
correspondence between internal emotion and external trigger, we are
at the mercy of the Matrix. But when this dependency is severed, one
becomes free. External triggers do not have to stimulate negative
internal emotional responses. External actions and internal emotions
do not have to be absolutely consistent with each other.
For example, just because one feels
kindhearted inside does not mean one must act kind to absolutely
everyone on the outside, especially toward predators or agents who
rely upon the sheepish non-resistance of some people to make an easy
meal out of them. In fact, to be truly kind, one must also be cruel
to be kind to those who indirectly ask for such treatment by
initiating hostile behavior. It is one’s right to resist being
Ideally, one can and should burn with a permanent flame of positive
enthusiasm that cannot be extinguished by any external wind, while
externally one should act in whatever manner necessary to most
efficiently and safely repel attacks from hostile people, act in
service to those who request and deserve it, and follow one’s
destiny. When combined with knowledge and awareness derived from
contemplating information to derive truth, one becomes evermore
impervious to impacts from the Matrix. Then there is no longer any
need to dodge bullets, as hinted in the movie.
Positive enthusiasm does not imply
ignorance, because when combined with a drive for greater awareness,
one would also be aware of external dangers and intuitive messages
of warning.
Intuition is a genuine internal message from the higher
centers, not a false signal from the lower centers or external
Matrix agents are both a hassle and a great learning tool.
possibly slowing us down in life, they also indirectly urge us to
exercise our freewill and develop spiritual muscles. They are not to
be redundantly sought out, or prematurely eliminated. In fact, it is
impossible to do so. All one can do is steadily strive toward
Knowledge shows the way.
Numbers of the associated footnote
is listed after each published source. In many cases, personal
observation was only later confirmed by a source, but they are
cited despite not being the original source of an idea. Some
ideas were found in multiple sources, and will be cited
accordingly. Areas not referenced with superscripts come from
personal observations and private/public correspondences.
excerpts from some of the sources
listed below.
Baines, John - Hypsoconciousness
(1995) | # 10, 29, 70
Cassiopaean Transcripts: Session – July 13, 2002 | # 1,
Session - June 3, 1995 | # 14
Session - November 19, 1994 and
June 9, 1996 | # 50
Session - October 21, 1995 | # 39,
49, 64, 65, 67
Session - May 31, 1995 | # 62
Session - Sept 12, 1995 | # 63
Conti, Carissa - What They’re Not
Telling You About Death(2003) | # 30
Elkins, Rueckert, McCarty - The Ra
Material, Book I (1984) | # 53, 54
Gurdjieff - Views from the Real World
(1973) | # 10, 16, 28, 29, 61, 71
Mouravieff, Boris - Gnosis, Book One:
Exoteric Cycle (1989) | # 2,
Mouravieff, Boris - Gnosis, Book Two:
Esoteric Cycle (1992) | # 1, 2, 18, 19
Mouravieff, Boris - Gnosis, Book
Three: Mesoteric Cycle (1993) | # 2,
Organic Portals (2002) | # 34, 45,
60 - >
Ouspensky - In Search of the
Miraculous (1949) | # 10, 16, 29, 30, 71, 70
Quantum Future School - Organic
Portals: The Other Race (2002) | # 1,
Warner Bros., The Matrix (1999)