by N.I. Anisimov
translation by Ramon
MindJustice Website
Twenty-five pages of the seventy-two
page book, generously translated by Ramon Ruelas
Table of Contents
Psychotronic Weapons
Humanitarian Weapons -
A Plague of the 20th Century
Cannibalism, Psychotronic Weapons and Diabolical
Totalitarian Sects - A
Range for Testing Psychotronic Weapons
Anticipate - Watching Television is Dangerous!
Wizards, Witches and
other Evils Under the Roof of the Government
Aliens, [***],
Baba-Yaga and Other Devilries
Contemporary Exotic
Types of Weapons
The Computer is
Destroying Manking
Certainty in Complete
Non-punishment or a Bandit's Farce?
Vampires in White
Dressing Gowns
Yellow Gulag and
Psychotronic War
Towards a Backward
Thinking In the Name of Stopping the Bio-robotizational
KPSS Central Committee
and KGB Plan: "Psychotronic Golgotha"
Your Brain, Your
Private and Intimate Life are Under the Control of
the Secret Service
The White House in a
Psychotronic Dimension
"Ch" Hour *
Dispassionate Codes
Strike out in Alarm
Customers and
The Conducting of
Political and Governmental Secret Terrorism
Crazy "Little Vodka"
An Electronic God
Blindly Punishes and Pardons
Free Will for
Citizens, Democratic Elections are Impossible Under
Conditions of Psychotronic Applications on the
On the Quiet to the
Authorities: On the Scenario of the Model of the
Puppet Theater
Murder will Out
The Threat to National
Security Demands the Urgent Adoption of Laws
Notes on the Sources
of Information Used in this Book
The Russian author, N.I
Anisimov has been interviewed in several mainstream
Russian press articles in the 1990s as the spokesman for
a Russian group of 'mind control' or psychotronic
He has appeared in the
1998 ZDF German TV documentary, "Zombies of Russia".
Anisimov has been quoted by Foreign Military Studies
Office, military analyst, Timothy L. Thomas in the
Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly Vol. XXVIII,
No.1, Spring 1998 article, "The Mind Has No Firewall".
Anisimov describes the history of psychotronic
weapons, the weapon effects, who is targeted in
illegal experiments in Russia, who is developing the
weapons and the extent of the problem. |
Psychotronic Weapons
At the dawn of the scientific-technical progress, dictators and
rulers of totalitarian governments dreamt about how to embody the
most ancient occult sciences and hidden potentials of mankind's
psyche in technical weapons in order to, with their help, make their
own populations obediently conformist, blindly fulfilling the wishes
of the dictator and his associates.
They even cherished monstrous ideas,
after the creation of super-weapons, of using these for the
enslavement of other governments and of becoming rulers of the
world. With the creation of such types of weapons the military has
been receiving the ideal weapon of mass enslavement and destruction,
and the Secret Services an ideal zombie agent capable, without
portable radio sets and guns, of obtaining and conveying secret
But if at the end of the past century,
the embodiment into life of these dreams -given the weak development
of technology -was not possible, then already by the start of the
20th century, when scientific-technological progress was becoming
intensively developed, these dreams came to be realized into
One of the founding fathers of these national psychotronic weapons
became the academician V. Bekhterev. In 1925 B. Bekhterev's group
conducted the first experiments on the collective suggestion of
emotions over a distance. Mass suggestion was achieved with the
radio-set. A considerable contribution in the creation of these
diabolical weapons was introduced by the daughter of F. Dzerzhinskovo M. Tal'tze and the docent
D. Luntz.
They were engaged in the development of
combined psychotronic technologies that were based on imported
special narcotic preparations and technical apparatuses. In the
capacity of guinea pigs they employed prisoners of Lub'janka and
patients of the psychiatric institutions. With the invention of the
television, there appeared the possibility of the mass psychotronic
treatment of the population by mean of television sets.
After the fall of fascist Germany, the
scientific research in the area of the creation of
psycho-technological weapons fell into the hands of the Soviet
military and the Chekists, and they gave a significant push to the
creation of national psychotronic weapons.
At the end of 50 years, contemporary national psychotronic weapons
emerged from the laboratories of the secret NII and began to appear
in the arsenals of the secret service and the military. At the same
time, in the "List of Knowledge Prohibited from Publication," the
point was introduced regarding the prohibition of the open
publication of material about technical devices intended for
influencing of the behavioral functions of a person and about the
possibility of controlling the behavior of a person.
At the end of 70 years, psychotronic
weapons started to come off the conveyors of assembly lines of
secret factories to be used against the population on a mass scale.
At the end of 80 years, the first rights-defense movement in the
country came to be created, leading to the uneven struggle against
the monstrous criminals of the century.
"Humanitarian weapons" - A plague from the 20th century
Psychotronic weapons are related to one of the types of the
so-called "nonlethal" weapons.
Their invisible components can:
kill at a distance, imitating or causing any chronic illness
can make a person a criminal or irresponsible
create aviation,
railroad or automobile accidents in a matter of seconds
fundamental structures
destroy, create or provoke any climatic
control the most complex instrument or mechanism
the behavior of people and any biological object
change the world-view of the
Non-lethal weapons are composed of the
fourth type.
The first type are taken from a
series of military technologies and structures along the path to
changing the molecular structure of material, the reduction of
its stability, the altering of physical-chemical properties, but
also to put out of service any apparatus or any mechanism by
destroying the functioning of radio-electronic devices.
The second type put out of a order
only living powers, permitting the destruction of the psyches of
the enemy, the coordination of body movement, muscular tone, the
change in the functioning of various systems of the body, among
them the cardio-vascular system and visual apparatus.
Radio-sound is employed that is capable of lulling to sleep
large contingents of enemy troops and of optical-generating
capabilities for the projecting into the atmosphere holographic
monstrous images to demoralize enemy soldiers.
Holographic images of "the grim
reaper" and armadas of "UFOs", an artificially created
crimson-red setting sun and the appearance of images of the moon
during the daytime, or artificially created unpleasant climatic
conditions in specific places where military activities are
underway, undo the psychological processing of the enemy and
create panic. With over-doses of the given effects are caused
trauma to organs that are not treatable, mental damage that is
non-treatable, and an increase in the number of invalids.
To the third type are related
psychotronic weapons.
The fourth types are based on
anti-gravitational technology. The principle of gravitational
types of non-lethal weapons consists in that any object can be
artificially deprived of the earth's natural attraction and
become an obedient toy in the hands of an operator sitting at
the control panel of the gravitational weapons. Military
technologies created on anti-gravitational technology possess
the highest maneuverability of any of the most modern and exotic
The first and second types of non-lethal weapons - at
the end - are not classified, but the third and fourth - from
previously - are officially considered Secret.
More than 20 years ago, starting with
the first secret research in the area of the creation of non-lethal
weapons, the government and the Secret Services foresaw with concern
that in the case of even the minimal declassification, information
about similar types of research carried distortions or a veiled
nature that did not cause the international society to prick up its
ears in concern. At the present time, such a time has arrived.
And military scientists connected to its
development, complying with secret directives, attempt to present
its type almost as a blessing for mankind, fondly call their
eccentric weapons nonlethal, bloodless weapons -or a humanitarian
bomb. With this they are attempting to pass themselves off as
upright, infallible citizens, pretending to be generally respectable
and accountable.
This untruthful information - and
cynicism to the highest degree - is easily fed through several of
means of mass information, in many cases achieving the aim of taking
hold in the minds of uninformed citizens, and serves as a preventive
defense for the criminals who are employing these types of weapons
against the population on a mass scale.
In connection with these and
a host of other circumstances, today nonlethal weapons do not come
under even one of the international conventions which would prohibit
the development, accumulation and applications of such types of
Cannibalism, Psychotronic Weapons and Diabolical Technologies
The direction of secret
scientific-research of institutes that are working on the creation
and perfection of psychotronic weapons:
psycho bio-physics
Secret NII is taking on the following
[general] tasks:
police [law
scientific research
the expert appraisal of conducting a psychotronic war
Narrow [high] specialization:
development of technological
means of distant control and management of the thought
processes of humans
the perfection of
technologically distant control of the behavior and
organisms of man with the help of apparatuses used in the
capacity of directing sources of electromagnetic, magnetic
fields and acoustic waves
the use of telekinesis of a techtronic character for the influencing of a technological
the development of devices with
the aim of the distant control of behavior of humans, with
the use of the implanting into the brain and body of
electronic data
distant control of the behavior
of people with the use of pharmacological means along this
schemes: introduction in the human body of pharmacological
means (behavior modification), and afterwards the
distance-influencing by psychotronic apparatuses for the
modification of the body of humans
the perfection of technological,
distant transporting into the body of a bio-object chemical
and other object matter
the distant control of people
with the use of radio and television
the creation of a bio-robot
the perfection of technology for
erasing information from the brain
the distant physical and
biological influencing of a living organism by
electromagnetic, magnetic fields and acoustical waves
the distant influencing of
particular factors of the surrounding environment and on the
growth of animals and humans:
Geo-political tasks:
development of systems of distant control of third
countries, expert appraisals of the creation of
geo-political hotbeds of tension and their location
Ideological tasks: the
distant influencing of populations with the aim of the
creation of a law-abiding society loyal to the existing
governmental order and political system
Military tasks: expert
appraisals of the conducting of psychotronic war against
enemy governments, technological defense of troops and
populations from the destructive factors of psychotronic
weapons, coordination of the applications of
psychotronic weapons with other types of non-lethal
weapons, the coordination of psychotronic weapons with
other types of contemporary weapons, the coordination of
army units.
Police (law enforcement)
tasks: control and management of criminal group and of
individual criminals, investigations and operational
activities, suppression of protests and demonstrations,
coordination of the Secret Services.
medical-biological tasks:
new technological treatment of illnesses with the use of psychotronic apparatuses and pharmacological means, the
distant control of the health of the population, the
distant control and management of people with mental
deviations, the distant alteration of individuals at the
genetic and psycho-physical level.
Space tasks: the taking out
into outer space of psychotronic weapons (apparatuses)
with the aim of controlling and managing the behavior of
the population; the distant control and management of
scientific research tasks:
the development of new technologies of psychotronic
weapons and psychotronic apparatuses, their interaction
with the surrounding environment and pharmacological
manufacturing-farming tasks:
the distant automatization of manufacturing-farming
activities, the distant control of city communications
and transportation.
Agricultural tasks: increase
crop yields, control and management livestock.
Geological tasks: the
distant search for useful minerals.
Climatic tasks: the distant
control of annual conditions and cataclysms.
According to information received from
the military-history academy, the period preceding the Second World
War was a big period of time when the Soviet and German military
scientists jointly developed chemical weapons, and in secret
laboratories of the town of Vol'sk (Shikhany-1) they closely
collaborated in the creation of weapons of psycho-technology.
Those who know are few that in the years
'20-'27 in the territory of the Soviet Union there were numerous
joint Soviet-German aviation and armoury schools in which future
fascists of the Axis were trained in military skills.
military-history academy names several such sites. For example, in
the town of Lipkakh there was located the joint Soviet-German
aviation school, and in Saratov region, the joint Soviet-German
armoury school.
After the start of the Second World War, interest in the creation of
weapons of psycho-technology enveloped practically all the military
circles of the leading countries of the world. At the end of 40
years, applying the received developments, the military scientists
of many countries of the world conducted innumerable tests on the
creation of universal narcotics with the aid of which it would be
possible to control the behavior of man.
In the end, such a
preparation was created. It was called LSD. In the year 1951 the
Swiss company "Condor", having received the monopoly rights to its
production, illegally sold the Soviet Union 50 million doses of the
narcotic which were put into use immediately.
There is information that already the end of 50 years, for these
very same goals, the Soviet scientists created an entire series of
national, unique pharmacological preparations --behavior modifiers
of special gases and chemical means. It is probably not difficult to
figure out who were their customers and where they found their
application. In the following years, special pharmacological centers
continued to create still newer and newer behavior modifiers.
Towards the end of 70 years, their production was received to a
sufficiently wide extent and led to a full Secret classification of
military installations that were engaged in its production.
There is information that medical workers employed at the Secret
Service and VPK, with the conducting of surgical operations and
vaccinations of the population, introduced into the bodies of
patients, micro-schematic records that can be readily inserted into
epidemic needles.
After the introduction of such micro-schemes, the
person becomes a radio-controlled bio-robot. According to
confidential information, nearly 30 % of the population of the
former Soviet Union carry in their bodies these micro-schemes.
Psychotronic weapons are a complex of unique electronic-irradiating
apparatuses capable, over a large distance, of controlling the
psycho-physical activities of a person, purposefully destroying his
health. Psychotronic weapons are lofty, rational weapons which are
applied in combination with other types of nonlethal weapons and
psycho-technological weapons.
In the year 1995, at Prospect Mir, No.
36, in the Moscow Chapter of the Information Center for the Rights
of Man, direction: Defending the Citizen from psychotronic
terrorism, there took place a colloquium of scientists at which was
adopted the decision:
"In connection with the
classification of weapons of psycho-technology and the confusion
about the terminology, all types and sorts of weapons capable of
distantly controlling the psycho-physical activities of a
person, which can change his surrounding environment when
applied jointly, are called psychotronic weapons."
Destructive factors of psychotronic weapons
torsion generators, SVCh-generators,
lasers, acoustic and microwave apparatuses used as powerful energy
sources for stationary and portable psychotronic stations located on
Earth and taken into outer space, as well as in the surrounding
environment, and also chemical and gaseous means.
Focusing types of
irradiations without hindrance, without losing the given strength,
freely penetrate through any barrier and with a high degree of
[accuracy in] striking the chosen victim at any distance.
The effects are realized at the
cellular-molecular level by methods of the psycho-physical treatment
of the brain and organs of persons along the principle of
associative and neuro-linguistic psycho-programming with the
application of radio-acoustic effects and distance tomagraphy. With
psychotronic complexes are controlled super-IBM and staff-operators.
Computer psycho-programming is conducted along the following
schemes: operator-computer-victim and in the reverse sequence:
victim-computer-operator. The exchange of information along these
schemes carries the name bio-feedback ties (BOS).
The effects exerted on a person can be
realized in a positive, negative or a neutral regime. The
irradiative components of the weapons can change the indicated
instruments and chemical reactions that allow the terrorists a
sufficient length of time to escape detection and punishment.
There exist three types of psychotronic influencing on a person:
secret, open and combined.
With the secret influencing the victim
does not know and does not even suspect that his brain and organs
are being subjected to distant influencing. All external
thought-transmissions he takes as being his own, all conditions of
illness are related to as natural illnesses and to the poor state of
his health.
Such a person-victim, being under influencing through
his psyche, can commit any crime that comes to his mind; under the
manipulation of the brain, he adheres to one and then to another
political grouping.
It is easy to lead such a person-victim
type to any psychological state, a state of irresponsibility, and to
imitate in the victim any mental illness. With this the person will
think that he himself achieved the criminal thoughts that came to
his mind, that he himself has such and such a political viewpoint
and persuasion, that he himself became ill from an illness. Such a
person is a bio-robot since he (no one knows why) fulfills the
wishes of the criminal.
Such a person-bio-robot is the greatest
danger for any society. Secret methods of influencing are the basis
for controlling a large mass of the population.
With the open method
of influencing, the person-victim knows and understands that his
brain and organisms are being subjected to psychotronic influencing.
To such a person is artificially attached and grafted special
systems of arrangement, being capable of extracting from his brain
and introducing into him information at the speed of his
psycho-programming, and in several cases also capable of
reprogramming in full or partially rebuilding his personality and
his bio-robotization.
The person-victim intended for this type
of goal very often cannot distinguish his own thoughts from those
artificially introduced. But usually the bio-robots are created with
the application on the victim of secret influencing. Besides secret
and open methods, there exists also the combined method, when the
brain of the victim is under secret influencing while the body is
under open influencing.
Open and combined influencing are
realized by methods of manipulation of the judgment on the principle
of Yes-No, manipulation of the psyche in conjunction with
manipulation of functions of internal organs and of the whole body.
Usually for the victims of open and combined influencing are brought
in operators creating the newest type of psychotronic weapons and
who are conducting medical-biological and pharmacological
For the guaranteeing of safety of psychotronic technology they have
two basic types of defenses - the so-called alibis. The first type of
defense consists in the fact that open and combined influencing are
realized along the principle of studied clinical illnesses. Usually
this type of defense is used by the involved terrorist in the cases
that the victim turns to law-enforcement organizations and to
As a rule, after the becoming familiar
with them, the victim ends up in a psychiatric hospital, and upon
leaving the victim forever has acquired the status of an insane
person with the surety that the condition will be explained on a
psychiatric basis. The second type of defense consists in that the
capabilities of the weapons momentarily are attached to any person
appearing with the victim in connection with the resulting changes
in his thinking and his behavior.
As a result of employing this type of
defense, officials, even if they are not connected to the criminals,
are not going to correctly and logically perceive information
received by them from the person undergoing the experimentation. For
a more hopeful guarantee of an "alibi", and for the realization of a
specific determined program, the victim is previously worked on by
secret methods.
Unnoticed, they attached to his
bio-fields and they study his intellect, his psychological type and,
depending on the program to follow, artificially induce in him
various illnesses of his internal organs - they create conflicting
situations in daily life and at work which, during the time of open
and combined influencing, will also serve to veil it.
With the realization of influencing and terror, the criminals
practically in all cases follow a basic rule: all artificially
created situations should have a reason and consequences, even if
the artificially created reasons appear absurd and the consequences
There exist three stages of psycho-programming.
The first stage
-control of the brain. The second stage - control of the
psycho-physical activities of the person. And the third stage -the
elimination of the person under experimentation. To the third stage
terrorists come running in the following cases: the danger of being
exposed, worked out material, fear, and the artificial stabilization
of the size of the population. The elimination could be realized by
traditional, as well as by non-traditional methods.
All national psychotronic programs carry a coded name: "zombie". But
if earlier the term "zombie" meant a person bio-robot whose brain
had been rigidly coded with the help of narcotics and special
psychological influencing, then in contemporary interpretation
"zombie" implies an abbreviation which is deciphered as: secret
object of medical-biological research.
Why secret?
This is because of the costs
of the person under testing speaking to those around him about what
is going on with him, as in matters that appear in all the above
described types of defenses.
The person under testing, being under
the control and command via the psyche, is outwardly little
different from ordinary people. Psychotronic terrorists vigilantly
track him in order to ensure that he remains secret up to his very
Psychotronic weapons by their own specifications are at the root
different from other types of weapons. If an automatic Kalashnikova
could have been invented, approved and perfected at the shooting
range, then for the development of psychotronic weapons
people-donors are constantly required. Any person could become a
donor if his intellect and physical characteristics are required by
the terrorists.
The selection of donors is achieved
according to the following principle: it is known that human society
is composed of specific groups with their own intellects and
psychological types. Every person is a representative of such a
group. The selection of donors for open psycho-programming and the
treatment of him with psycho-technology could secretly control the
behavior of the entire group and consequently all the society in its
But psychotronic weapons have long ago emerged from the testing
stages. They were transformed into monstrous weapons of mass
repression, destruction, and elimination.
Psychotronic military
weapons are called super-weapons, ultra-weapons - weapons of the
fifth generation.
In the former USSR over the course of
more than 30 years there has been conducted a secret undeclared
psychotronic war by the communist regime and its followers against
its people.
At the present time in records of governmental
departments, rights-defense organizations and in means of mass
communication, there exist more than one million victims of open psychotronic terror and psychotronic influencing.
Usually people who become victims are gifted people not loyal to the
regime, servicemen from military subdivisions, athletes, those held
in prisons and concentration camps, people who make up the ranks of
dispensaries, without exception prisoners of psychiatric hospitals,
and also the population in free behavior.
For the covering up of the
crimes and for the shifting of the responsibility to the USA and
Mafia organizations, to open psychotronic terror are also subjected
portions of the communists and employees of the Secret Service.
Psychotronic terror, realized openly in relation to the selected
victims is conducted every second, around the clock and over the
course of many years along the principle of the activities of an
executioner in the middle ages -- torture chambers and "works" of
researchers of the VChK- KGB in communist torture chambers in the
same terrible years of the history of our much suffering country.
Contemporary executioners embody in the
technology of psychotronic weapons the entire enormous arsenal of
torture handicraft. For terrorists the person under testing
represents an ideal target upon which the invisible rays-impulses
fall, inflicting traumatic blows. Sometimes in sadistic ecstasy, the
terrorists with particular cruelty torture their victims for a
sufficiently long enough time. The brain jailers climb [samoe
svjatoe***] intimately and secretly,
with electronic-ray whips, punishing him for disobedience.
With the shouts of the defenseless
person for help, he is appraised by the law-enforcement agencies and
those around him as a raving lunatic. There is created a distinctive
psychotronic hood, electronic-ray tentacles which entirely keep
their own victims in firm isolation from the rest of the world
around him. Distant control and the constant stimulation of
important life-sustaining areas of the brain and organs allows for a
quick get-away for the killers of the person under testing. {that
line is not clear}
As a rule the terrorists treat the
entire genetic tree of the selected victim. But if the very victim
is terrorized by the open method, then his immediate family and his
relatives are treated secretly along a more merciful program in
which there prevail [directions for misunderstood problems]. {Not
positive re: what is in brackets}
With the realization of the psycho-programming and terror, the
criminals strictly adhere to the basic principle of
psycho-com-fascism which consists of the gradual suppression and
destruction of the person in a psycho-physical plan, as with the
personality and the destruction of his I.
If the person possesses any positive
qualities, then he is converted into the total opposite. For
example, is the person possesses a good intellect then he is
transformed into a totally "degraded" person, athletes are
transformed into invalids, "beauties" into "uglies", sociable people
into reserved persons, and neat persons are changed to untidy
people, etc.
Results of scientific research in the
area of the study of influences of electro-magnetic fields and
acoustic waves on the psycho-somatics of a person completely
coincide with the sensations of victims of psychotronic weapons. In
both cases there is present:
tightness and sharp head pains,
dizziness, pressure on the eardrums, oscillations
(vibrations) of the walls of the peritoneum and rib-cage and
of individual groups of muscles
dryness of the mouth, pain in
teeth and gums, difficulty swallowing
dampness in the hands, muscle
pains and aching bones
tremors of the extremities,
painful sensations in the sex organs and anus, arousal of
sex organs, depression of sex organs
arrhythmia, an increase or
decrease in arterial blood pressure
a decrease in visual acuity
an increase or decrease of the
body temperature
bursting of tissue
modulation of speech
occurrences of fears
anxiety, etc...
With the purposeful irradiation, the
above-described sensations can easily be significantly controlled in
their expansion, purposefully influencing any portion of the brain
and organs [in order] to use the person in the capacity of a
radio-controlled model.
The list of artificially created illnesses
and damage to the health of the person undergoing testing completely
coincide with the list of illnesses and damages to the health of the
person subjected to electro-magnetic and acoustic irradiation.
According to this list, the most
widespread are:
malignant new growths
damage to the cardio-vascular
coagulation or disintegration of the blood
illnesses of the
a functional change or a destruction -up to the point of
being lethal -in the peripheral and central nervous systems
illnesses involving the sex organs
a deterioration of
movement-support apparatus
a breakdown of the rib-cage
damage or
rupture of organs
muscle atrophy
a destruction of the endocrine
damage to the skin
troficheskie] damage -- hair loss
brittleness of the nails
troficheskie - no luck finding this.
Information for consideration
Practically all technologies for psycho-programming of people
foresee compulsory harsh treatment of the psycho-energetic centers
man, included among these: the heart, organs of [inclination*]
in the peritoneal area, sex organs, prostate gland, the womb and its
appendages, the spine, the cerebellum, the left and right
hemispheres of the brain, the frontal lobe, visual and other sense
organs and the vocal cords.
[inclination] best I could come up with. Same with "Frontal lobe" in
the same section.
According to official statistics in the
countries of the former USSR, there is practically not even one
person who did not suffer from some kind of chronic illness.
most common are composed of:
illnesses of organs of [inclination*]
in the pelvic area
mental and nervous disorders
oncological and
cardio-vascular illnesses
illnesses of the eyes and of the
movement-support apparatus
Sects: Laboratories for Testing Psychotronic Weapons
The most significant example of the applications of psychotronic
weapons on a mass scale would be served by the recent exposure of
the totalitarian sect "The White Brotherhood," financed by the
Minister of Defense and the KGB-FSB.
The Minister of Justice of the
country of the former USSR, Russian Federation, liberally registers
hundreds of totalitarian sects supplying them with psychotronic
weapons, among which are the international terrorist sects of "Aum
Shinri Kyo", having the most technical ties with the Russian Secret
Service and military.
This sect conducted mass zombification
of populations, employing the Russian radio station "Majak". The
leaders of the sect, complying with the directives from the military
and Secret Service and from the powers that be, crippled hundreds of
thousands of children, transforming them into bio-robots.
In the terrorist country of the former
USSR, there functioned hundreds of Secret Service schools, the
students of which were subjected to neuro-linguistic programming.
Rights-defenders Warn that Watching Television is Dangerous!
Over the course of several decades, for the creation of a
conformist-obedient population are use the means of mass
communication: radio, television, and cinematography.
built into the frames of motion picture and texts unnoticeably
influence the subconscious of a person and form in the population a
definite stereotypical world-view, depending on the political goals
of those who are in power. Such type of treatment of the population
has for a long time and successfully been employed for control by
the KGB-FSB.
In the USA and Japan, the employment of the means of mass
information for the modification of the behavior of the population
is prohibited, since the effects of bio-electronic signals on the
brain and organs of the body of a person inflict irreparable damage
to his health, permitting the transformation of people into
bio-robots and represent an infringement of the rights of people.
In recent times, "subliminal cassettes"
have appeared in commercial sets on which special methods of
recording texts influence the subconscious of a person and help to
formulate his world-view.
Witches and other Evils Under the Roof of the Government
In the former USSR, Russian Federation, in only one year - 1988 -
there appeared thousands of "treatment" centers for non-traditional
medicine, equipped with ultra-modern medical and psychotronic
apparatuses issued out of secret factories.
These centers widely
used occult sciences which represent the basis of psychotronic
As a rule, the heads of these centers
were secret, but the service personnel each had two kinds of higher
education -- medical and technological. Surely it would not be hard
to surmise where, when and by whom were created these unique
apparatuses. For example, medical scientist - and at the same time a
physic - I.
Smirnov conducted experiments on
prisoners from one of the psychiatric treatment centers in Moscow
with the use of a psychotronic generator, the director of IKEMa SO
AMN USSR, the academician V. Kaznacheev and his colleagues conducted
medical biological-technological experiments on patients of their
clinic and population of the town of Novosibirsk, while the
academician N. Bekhtereva and her colleagues on patients of a clinic
having her at its leadership at her " Mozg" center, etc. Centers,
with the blessings of the Minister of Health, would daily turn out
thousands of zombie retransmiters with "sorcerer" diplomas in their
pockets. {I think this is what is meant re: Mozg center...}
The tele-seances of Kashpirovskii, Chumaka and other miracle-workers
enter into a single global system of developers of psychotronic
weapons and are nothing other than obedient toys in the hands of
criminals, maniacs sitting at the controls of technological
psychotronic weapons.
If anyone has any doubts as to the
accuracy of the above written lines, then the person reading them
should consider Kashpirovskii and others, or wizards and witches, or
sorcerers and magicians, and hang their images either next to Baba-Yagi
or with Nikolai Ugodnik.
Giving out licenses to characters supposedly possessing magical
charms, the leadership of the Ministry of Health simultaneously
negates any possibility of manipulating people. Few of those from
all who make declarations about any external influencing having
effects on them, the doctors again, with the blessings of the
Ministry of Health, subject them to forced "treatment" in
psychiatric stations where they conduct the most dreadful
psychiatric diagnosis.
The inadequateness and illogicalness of
such operations of these "highest" doctors not only do not fall
under any kind of logic but also usually not even by most primitive
of concepts.
In connection with this, the conclusion suggest itself: that governmental departments, called upon to stand as the
guardian of the health of the people, appear to be direct
participants in these abominable crimes.
Notes on the
sources of information used in this book
(Translation of 25 of 260 footnotes
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