by Mark Sircus
25 March 2011
IMVA Website

None of us could have calculated in our
wildest dreams the likes of what is happening and still yet to
happen in northern Japan.
The 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami laid
waste to Japan’s industrial northeast on March 11 triggered a huge
nuclear disaster. Many of us feared something like this might happen
in the nuclear industry someday.
And now it has happened and we can
all start saying prayers for the men, women and children in Tokyo
and the rest of northern Japan. The entire world is struggling to
determine the fallout effects of the Japanese earthquake and
tsunami, along with many ensuing and complicating problems.
really have no idea the mess the Japanese are in and how bad this is
all going to get.
Countries across the world have shunned Japanese
food imports as radioactive steam leaked from a
disaster-struck nuclear plant, straining nerves in Tokyo.
The desperate attempts to contain the fallout from the
atomic Fukushima Daiichi plant are failing and no one is truly
talking about how long-lasting and widespread the radiation’s
effects may be.
Day after day we hear of setbacks:
On the 21st it
was a pool holding spent nuclear fuel heated up to the boiling
Then it was another fire and forced evacuation of the plant
yet again by men who are risking their lives in a desperate attempt
to bring the disaster under control
It is now near the end of the second week and what we are hearing is
that the contamination is spreading further and further from the
plant and now the anxiety levels of the Japanese is going off the
Richter scale
The effects are going to be pervasive, profound, and
critical on a scale never seen by a modern culture.
German shipping companies are avoiding Tokyo Bay
area ports due to radiation fears and Japan could face
severe supply chain bottlenecks as vessels get diverted.
The principal elements that have been released from reactors at the
Fukushima Daiichi plant are
iodine 131 and
cesium 137.
Cesium is
very dangerous because it is long-lived and travels easily through
the food chain, continuing to emit particles for centuries once it
is released. The media is programming in tranquility and calmness
while nuclear contamination spreads and gets worse.
The Japanese are
a much disciplined people not prone to panic but sometimes a measure
of panic will drive people to act instead of vegetating in
A rise in radiation levels in faraway Tokyo’s tap water spurred
deepening fears about food and water safety. Radiation in Tokyo’s
tap water rose to twice the level acceptable for infants 12 days
after the nuclear accident and we can expect contamination levels to
get worse with each passing day.
The water in Tokyo already contains
becquerels of iodine-131 per liter making it unacceptably
dangerous for children to drink.
Soon, if not already, it will be
undrinkable for adults if present trends of contamination continue,
which they undoubtedly will. It hardly pays to be either optimistic
or pessimistic about this one. The nuclear dice have been thrown and
they are crashing down most on the citizens of northern Japan.
Many distant villages were contaminated with iodine-131 fallout from
Chernobyl accident, and local cows ate grass that contained the
radiation. Children who drank milk from those cows ended up with
high rates of thyroid cancer. So it is not really a good idea to be
complacent no matter where you are on planet earth today with a
large nuclear power station running out of control.
New York Times published on the 24th,
“Despite the frequent rain
in recent days, it was not entirely clear why the levels of iodine
were so high," said a senior Western nuclear executive, noting that
the prevailing breezes seemed to be pushing radiation out to sea.
“The contamination levels are well beyond what you’d expect from
what is in the public domain,” said the executive, who insisted on
anonymity and has broad contacts in Japan. It was possible that the
levels were an indirect indication that the problems at the plant
were deeper than had been publicly acknowledged.”
Hints don’t get
any louder than this.
Fallout from a damaged power plant has already
reached halfway
around the globe to Iceland and is expected soon to touch down in
France and the rest of Europe.
According to the absence of reports
from the United States one could imagine that America escaped
untouched but we all know that is not true - they are just not talking
about it. If you look enough though you will see that increased
levels of “safe” radiation has
fallen on the North American
If anyone actually wants to know, hard core science
insists that there is no level of radiation that can be considered
The fact is radiation levels around the world will go up but in
certain places they’ll go much higher than in others. Fate chose the
wrong nuclear power station to destroy because it is the largest
with unimaginable tonnages of spent nuclear fuel on site. It’s a
setup for nuclear Armageddon.
There is a growing suspicion that the full effects of the
radioactive release have been downplayed to the public. Everyone who
works with nuclear radiation pretends its safe, when it’s not, and
that includes just about every doctor and dentist in the world.
The world’s most significant nuclear accident occurred 25 years ago
at Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Although its effects are now well-documented,
many forget how thoroughly the damage was covered up at the time. To
avoid panic, the Soviet authorities grossly downplayed the risks to
those living near the plant, as well as those who lived hundreds,
and even thousands, of miles away. In the months that followed, high
levels of radiation were detected as far away as Scotland.
Contamination will be most intense in the areas local to the nuclear
power station. It’s a foregone conclusion that the entire northern
half of Japan is threatened as is most of its food and water supply,
yet the Japanese are told to remain calm and sit in their homes.
Will the government allow their citizens to slowly succumb to the
radiation sickness that will surely come or will they come to their
senses and start a wholesale evacuation of northern Japan?
Areas continents away are reporting levels of contamination that are
still considered safe but that’s what the Japanese in northern Japan
are being told. Every report you read will tell you (or the
Japanese) that it is only safe amounts though already 220 kilometers
away in Tokyo it’s no longer safe at all for the children.
indoors is neither a solution nor a preventive treatment.
The most dangerous accident that humanity has ever witnessed is
happening but don’t worry, the nuclear power industry is safe. The
elites’ media team will have a hard time double speaking this one.
You will see their editorial hands moving every time you see the
word safe.
If you want to close your eyes for a second and imagine what is
really going on over in northern Japan just imagine the invisible
level of energy and radiation like a hot fire radiating out in 360
degrees of direction, including right down into the ground and the
waters below, sending death rays (yeah sure, safe ones) hundreds and
now thousands of miles away.
So powerful is this nuclear firestorm
that hundreds of miles away it’s unsafe for the children to be
drinking the public water. In twelve days the contamination has
spread powerfully into the local area where it is becoming unsafe to
live. It’s an invisible fire but a deadly one.
Everything is safe to the monsters that have enriched themselves by
poisoning humanity and polluting the world.
This is a dramatic book
about many converging forces that are breaking across the neck of
humanity. It really does not help our present world situation that
it is mostly psychopaths who roam the top of the human heap and it
has always been that way. We have trusted the wrong people and
organizations and now we will pay for that huge mistake.
Denial is the name of the
toxicity game that industry has played for
well over a hundred years.
To the chemical industry, then the
petrochemical one, on into the pharmaceutical universe and then the
atomic one those who make money from toxic substances deny that
there is any problem with them in terms of health.
Do you think we can relax with the authorities and have confidence
that they will get it all under control?
Can they stabilize the
Or will it get explosively worse?