by Pongphon Sarnsamak
The Nation
March 15, 2011
NationMultimedia Website
Japanese seismicists and geologists are
being doubtful about the recent Great East Japan earthquake with 9
magnitude and killed over ten thousands people on last Friday,
saying it was abnormal phenomenon.
"Nobody could tell the reasons about
this strange phenomenon," a prominent Japanese geophysicist
Professor Michio Hashizume, who is lecturer of
Chulalongkorn Univesity's Department of Geology.
His finding was presented at the round
table discussion entitled "The new finding from recent earthquake in
Japan and concerning related with Thai society" organized
Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Science.
He said he,
was surprised by this earthquake by
the size of the area of fault. It was between 400 kilometers and
100 kilometers wide.
Moreover, at least "7 earthquakes with magnitude between 5 to 7
had occurred after the killer earthquake near Sendai on Friday,"
he added.
"These series of quakes are not the aftershocks. So far, nobody
could explain how these small quakes linked with the earthquake
in Sendai," Michio said.
The small quakes with between 5
magnitude to 7 magnitude had occurred in different areas in Japan.
The quakes did not occur in the proper areas that aftershock should
The aftershocks should occur within 100
kilometers from the epicenter of the earthquake.
"This was very strange. Everybody is
now being headache," he said.
He said the Japan Earthquake
Prediction Committee had recently predicted that the earthquake
with 7 magnitude nearby Sendai city would be occurred in next 30
years but it had took place earlier than the prediction.
"We need at least ten years to study
about this phenomenon," he added.
Macho also expressed his concerns over
the constructions in Japan especially in nuclear plants across
Even a preliminary report confirmed that the nuclear plants were not
destroyed by the quake but they were damaged by the powerful
That means most of constructions in Japan including nuke plants were
designed and constructed to handle with the earthquake except the
powerful tsunami.
"This was our weak points to handle
with natural disasters," he said.
"It was our lesson to learn how to improve the facilities in
Japan to prevent the devastation from tsunami," he added.
However, he said the Japan Earthquake
Prediction Agency has predicted that another earthquake with 7
magnitude would take place in Japan next three days.
Meanwhile, Sathon Vicharnwannalak, a lecturer of Physics
Department, Chulalongkorn University said there were a lot of
confusion about the tsunami early warning messages that released by
Thailand disaster related agencies such as Meteorological
Department, National Disaster Warning Center, and Mineral Resources
"There was no unity among related
agencies to issue tsunami alert messages and caused confusion
among people in 15 provinces in the south," he said.