by Dennis
J. Ramsey
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Vasiliy got up from his bed and pulled the sheet from the calendar.
It is June 30, 1908. "I am thirty seven years old today", he mumbles
to himself. I feel ninety. He stumbles to the steps of the cabin and
sits down to drink his thick coffee. Examining a map of his traps in
his mind, he contemplates the day's work. Suddenly, a blinding flash
surrounds him. Looking up, Vasiliy sees a tree burst into flames,
and he covers his eyes. He feels scorched. The shirt on his back
seems on fire. Then he hears the rumble of a thousand cannons. It
overtakes him from behind and blows his house down and over him. He
is thrown to the ground and looses consciousness for several
Recovering his senses, Vasiliy stands up and looks around. Behind
him, forty miles away, a huge cloud like a mushroom penetrates the
heavens. It glows iridescent like a jewel. Looking downward, he sees
the wealth of his life: 200 reindeer, tents, furs, stores and
supplies, charred and burned. The smell is overwhelming. Unknown to
Vasiliy, he will die in two weeks. He will vomit up his stomach and
writhe in pain for the last three days of his life. The chief of the
Evenk people will declare the area forbidden and enchanted forever.
Many of his people have died similarly, just by walking near the
explosion area. Houses were destroyed 200 miles away from the blast.
The gods have been displeased, and they have smitten the land.
Four hundred miles away the conductor of the
Trans-Siberian Railway
train sees the tracks ripple and slows the train to a halt.
Passengers stream out of the coaches and talk of a cylinder of white
light with a fiery tail that fell with a tremendous flame and
explosion. It rains down little smoldering rocks. Some of the
passengers try to move the rocks with sticks, but the white heat
engulfs the sticks with flames. In the skies a huge black cloud has
risen, and a black, tar-like rain starts to fall. The people run for
the train and wonder if the world is coming to an end. The conductor
pushes the throttle forward. The tracks are serviceable, and he
wants to leave this cursed place behind.
On the other side of the planet a sea going freighter equipped with
the new amplified radio from Marconi is transmitting position
information. The radio operator suffers minor burns as the antenna
wires nearly explode in flames. The radio indicator lights go dim,
and then out. The expensive triode tube looks as if the glass has
melted around the insides.
All over the world instruments have told their watchers that
something big took place in Russia. In 1992 we will calculate that a
blast approaching 40 megatons had occurred. Nothing of this
magnitude has ever happened before in recorded history, until the
mind of man found the destructive power of the fusion bomb 50 years
later. The great crater in Arizona created by an asteroid 50,000
years ago was only 3.5 megatons.
This is not fiction. These events actually happened at 7:17 in the
morning on June 30, 1908. People died and a vast wilderness was
destroyed. Had this occurred in a populated area of Europe instead
of the Taiga of Siberia, 500,000 people would be dead. Whole cities
would be flattened and burning. The blast was more than 1000 times
the atomic explosion produced in Hiroshima in 1945.
So what was this that the gods threw at our earth? Some say a
meteor, others a comet, others yet proclaim
aliens, UFOs, or
Russia was not able to investigate until 1921. A world war had to be
fought, and a political purging and engorgement of death had to be
inflicted on her people before someone could be sent.
Leonid Kulik
was selected by the Soviet Academy of Sciences to investigate what
happened. He began by gathering eyewitness accounts of the event.
Many newspapers recorded the explosion, like the Irkutsk
'in the village of Nizhne-Karelinsk
in the northwest high above the horizon, the peasants saw a body
shining very brightly - (too bright for the naked eye) with a
bluish white light. It moved vertically down-wards for about ten
minutes. The body was in the form of a 'pipe' (i.e.
cylindrical). The sky was cloudless, except that low down on the
horizon in the direction in which this glowing body was
observed, a small dark cloud was noticed. It was hot and dry and
when the shining body approached the ground it seemed to be
pulverized and in its place a huge cloud of black smoke was
formed and a loud crash, not like thunder, but as if from the
fall of large stones, or from gunfire, was heard. All the
buildings shook and at the same time, a forked tongue of flame
broke through the cloud. The old women wept, everyone thought
that the end of the world was approaching.'
Nizhne-Karelinsk is 200 miles from the
event ground zero. People heard the explosion from 500 miles away.
March, 1927, Kulik stepped of the Trans-Siberian Railway at
and headed to the village of Vanavara
left image). The village is an old one,
unlike Bratsk which seemed to be composed of 30 year olds
transplanted from the Moscow area. He recruited a guide named Il'ya
Potapovich, whose brother had felt the effects of the explosion 19
years before by having his tent blown away at 75 miles from the
epicenter. By mid April Kulik and his guide had reached the
River and he saw the first signs of devastation. From the river
small hillocks could be seen, completely stripped of trees. Kulik
climbed up one of the higher hills and saw for at least 12 miles in
front of him trees knocked down, all facing one direction. The harsh
winter prevented him from pressing on. The devastation had taken
some time to dawn on him. He wrote down in his diary:
"ruin as far as the eye could see, what if this had been St.

The forest
in 1927 at 13 miles out from the epicenter.

13 miles
out, in 1990

Tree at 40
miles, 1990 |

side of the cauldron, 1927
In June, Kulik returned and
followed the line of devastated trees to finally reach
what he was to call the "cauldron". Here the trees fell
radially outward. He was standing in a low depression
with an irregular diameter of about a mile. From here
the burned and flattened forest stretched 20 miles
behind him, and 37 miles in a fan in front of him.
Familiar with the great crater in Arizona, he looked in
vain for the meteorite core. He saw many little flat
holes, but unknown to him at the time they are a natural
feature of the land. |

location, 1953
Kulik would make three more
trips before he died in world war II, defending his
country from the Germans. He never found any sign of
impact or fragments.
Whatever it was seemed to explode
in the air and disappear into nothingness. |
1927, "the cauldron" |
1990, from a distance |
After reading hundreds of eyewitness accounts and scientific
reports, here are some of the observations that I have.
object looked like a shaft or cylinder of light, white, and
brighter than the sun.
It had a 500 mile long trail that was not smoky but looked like
bright, iridescent, multicolored bands.
A magnetic storm began a few minutes after the explosion. A
compass was useless in Irkutsk, 600 miles away.
Electromagnetic pulse like anomalies (EMP) were reported on the
opposite side of the planet.
In Antarctica
unusual aurora displays were observed before and
after the Tunguska event.
Part of the object appeared to veer upwards, like it bounced up.
A week before, and for a month afterward, very bright nights
were experienced world wide. In some places you could read a
newspaper at night.
No meteorite pieces have been found, nor has a crater.
Both plant and animal life have been affected genetically, trees
and plants have an accelerated growth rate. This effect was at
the epicenter and along the trajectory.
People were burned and died unusual deaths that are
similar to
radiation exposure. The chief of the Tungus (Evenk) people
declared the area enchanted and sealed off. A few people had
touched rocks laying on the ground and became sick.
The RH blood factors of several groups of
Evenk people are
abnormal, as well as several abnormal insect species and plant
The large epicenter, where the trees fall radially outward, has
within it four smaller swirls having their own radial pattern -
observed in 1960. The object exploded at 5 mi up by calculation.
Abnormal levels of radioactive carbon 14 were reported and then
later declared to be incorrect. Other radio-isotopes were
searched for but not found.
A pillar of smoke and bright fire was seen from 250 miles away.
Horses were thrown down 400 miles away. A sound like thunder
claps came four in succession and was heard 500 miles away.
One side of trees were burned as far as 40 miles away.
Tiny green globules of melted dust called
trinitites were
discovered in the area, similar to those produced at the Trinity
site of the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico.
Menotti Galli,
Giuseppe Longo, and
Romano Serra of the
University of Bologna have been looking for carbon 14 and other
materials. One thought in the U.S.A. is that some hydrogen would
compress and heat up to create a fusion reaction. This would
produce neutrons that would be absorbed by the nitrogen in the
air and form carbon 14. No carbon 14 was found, but
captured in the resin of surviving trees was unusual
concentrations of "high Z"
metals. These
metals have a large number of protons (copper,
gold, and
nickel), and were
present in quantities ten times more near the time of the
explosion than before or after.
The present accepted candidate for the
object that exploded over Russia is an asteroid; perhaps stony in
nature, with ice, and weighing about 100,000 tons. Personally I
can't accept this. The magnetic, EMP, and
radiation effects disturb
me. Most of the data supports something more like a nuclear
explosion. The effects on the local biology, and the human deaths
also support radiation exposure. Since residual radiation and
isotope data seems to be lacking the nuclear approach is discounted.
I do not think that the heated plasma from a comet / asteroid could
account for radiation exposure at 40 miles. Heat yes, radiation, no.
I prefer to re-examine the antimatter hypothesis of Cowan and
but I absolutely refuse to entertain the UFO drive reactor bunk. A
chunk of antimatter seems quite plausible to me. It can account for
the tremendous explosion, biological effects, visual description of
the asteroid, EMP, magnetic effects, and most of the items described
above. The table below lists which theory seems to fit the
observations discussed above.
Comet / Asteroid |
Antimatter Asteroid |
cylinder of light,
and brighter than the sun. |
Probable |
Very bright plasma driven by Gamma
radiation. |
Possible |
bright, iridescent,
multicolored trail |
Reaction of coma? |
Multilevel ionization, a range of
colors would be a requirement |
If it was already this hot, it
is doubtful if it could have
changed direction. |
magnetic storm |
Possible plasma reaction |
Axiomatic, the "rock" would have a
magnetic bottle containing the plasma
reaction, and would break when the
atmosphere is dense enough to
rupture the bottle. |
Possible nuclear effect |
Electromagnetic pulse |
Unlikely plasma effect. Possible
if some Hydrogen fused into
Helium. but unlikely. |
Expected |
Possible nuclear effect |
aurora displays
before and after |
Coma responsible before,
soil removal after. |
Magnetic filed disruption before,
soil removal after. |
Before improbable. |
veer upwards |
Possible bounce |
Possible bounce. |
Not controlled,
occupants are dead,
computer is a plasma
by now. |
bright nights
before and after |
same as 5 |
no crater or pieces |
That is the hope by the
proponents |
Expected |
More material expected |
genetic mutation
epicenter and trajectory |
Possible by thermal neutrons
and x-rays from plasma.
NOT along trajectory |
Expected gamma exposure full
trajectory course, 20 mi range easy. |
Epicenter expected,
trajectory 5 mi possible. |
near term radiation |
Improbable |
Possible, short lived isotopes expected |
Expected, but short
range < 5 mi. |
genetic mutation |
Doubtful unless fusion |
Gamma ionization, long range |
Expected |
epicenter pattern
4 swirls, 4 booms |
Breakup expected |
Breakup expected |
One drive? Doubtful. |
no radioisotopes |
Expected. |
So what have searched for? Expected
left over by our ability to measure
now due to gamma absorption are:
C14, Si32, Fe60, Ni59,
Ni63, Sn126
most have a 100 to 300 year half life |
A veritable zoo expected
many very long lived. |
destructive range |
At 100,000 tons, possible |
Not surprising |
Big drive, wish I had it
in my car. |
40 mile heat flare
and radiation |
Not possible from plasma alone
improbable even if fusion |
Again not surprising, deep
penetrating gamma radiation. |
Not expected, but possible |
trinitites |
Only if fusion |
Very small particles expected. |
Large pieces expected
since the trees on the
ground survived, the
atomic glass should. |
high Z metals |
Absolutely only if fusion. |
Few thermal neutrons, unusual mix
of short life isotopes expected. |
Many types, most showing
radioactivity. |
The last road block to antimatter is that it doesn't exist in our
galaxy, and if it did it would be used up by the time it got here to
us. The "great annihilator" in the center of the galaxy seems to
indicate a large fountain of antimatter production. Further, a mass
of antimatter traveling through space could form a plasma shield
derived from the annihilation radiation, which would burst when in
contact with a planet's denser air layer.
While we only observe 1 anti-particle for every 104 particles
entering our instruments here on earth, improved instruments may
change this. Present cosmology also predicts that matter and
anti-matter is always observed in mirrored pairs. Originally in the
favored cosmological models most of the matter in the universe
experienced annihilation and only a slight asymmetry allowed matter
to dominate. I have some problems with this assertion also.
The number of photons in the universe, biased on black body
radiation, it proportional to k T4, and the average energy per
photon is approximately kT. This gives the number of photons per cm3

Where the 10.3k here is temperature in
The number of particles per cm3 in the universe is approximately:

This gives us the present ratio of
photons to particles as:

What the theory says is that perhaps 109
+ 1 electrons existed, and 109 positrons existed at the beginning.
Annihilation gives us 2x109 photons and 1 electron. Most of the
original matter/anti-matter in the universe was then converted to
the photons that we see today, and a little normal matter was left
due to this initial asymmetry.
In random statistical processes if we had N out of balance events,
N2 trials had to have been made. If we calculate the number of
protons in the universe:

we get that 3x1080 protons survived the
initial cosmic fire. If we view these as out of balance events, then
about 9x10160 protons exited initially. This would imply that
something greater than 10160 photons should exist now in our
universe instead of 109. Something is wrong somewhere. Antimatter
may be more common than our theories tell us.