by Brian Onley 2014
Vimeo Website
Brian Onley published this information back in 2010 and although it has not been successfully published under even alternative publishers, it has been released as a video album of a chapter by chapter exposition.
This has been compiled from existing records easily located here on earth.
It is unclear where Brian got his information from, but, it's like a basic 101 recap of our history.
It goes way back. It involves other various 'human'
races across our galaxy, and wars with the Cekahrr, which are more
widely known as the Alpha Draconians or
the Reptilians.
And in case it is true, we need to change our behavior ASAP, since we are basically living in a draconian system of control, and will have to break free of it soon.
Otherwise, we will never be free again...
And we don't know why they came. But we do know where they were going.
And we finally know their
Alex Collier, June 2014
...Huffington Post article by Denise Wilbanks