1.  Bass, Robert W., "Self-Sustained Non-Hertzian Longitudinal Wave Oscillations as Rigorous Solutions of Maxwell’s
     Equations for Electromagnetic Radiation."  Proceedings, IEEE Tesla Centennial Symposium, 1984, p. 89 - 90.

2.  Des, Jack Y., "Scalar Fields: Their Prediction from Classical Electromagnetism and Interpretation from Quantum 
     Mechanics."  Proceedings, IEEE Tesla Centennial Symposium, 1984, p. 94 - 98.

3.  Blade, Richard A., "Modification of Maxwell’s Equations in Free Space to Account for Nonzero Photon Mass and
      Scalar Electromagnetic Waves."   Proceedings, IEEE Tesla Centennial Symposium, 1984, p. 91 - 92.

4.  Bearden, T.E., "Tesla’s Electromagnetics and its Soviet Weaponization."  Proceedings, IEEE Tesla Centennial 
      Symposium, 1984, p. 119 - 138.

 5.  Kaluza, Theodor.  sitz. Berlin Preuss.  Adad.  Wiss. 966, 1921.

 6.  Klein, O., Z. Phys. 37, 895, 1928.

 7.  Misner, Thorne and Wheeler.  Gravitation. W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, CA 1973, pp. 19 - 21, 71 - 72,
      163 -165, and 367 - 369.

 8.  Vlassov, A.A. and V.I. Denisov,  "Einstein’s Formula for Gravitational Radiation is not a Consequence of the General 
      Theory of Relativity."  Theor. and Math. Phys., 53(3), June 1983, p. 406 - 418.

 9.  Denisov, V.I. and A.A. Logunov, New Theory of Spacetime and Gravitation."  Inst. of Nuc. Rsch., USSR 
      Acad. Sci.., Moscow, 1981 (in Russian).

10.  Roberts, Gwynne.  "Witness to a Super Weapon?"  The Sunday Times, London, Aug. 17, 1980.

11.  CIA IR No. CD-B-321/15354-66, "Sighting of Unusual Phenomenon on Horizon Near Iranian/USSR Border."
       Sep. 8, 1966. FOIA release. 15 Dec. 1978.

12.  CIA FI IR CO-B-324/33601-76, "Aerial Observation of Intense Source of Light."  Nov. 18, 1976. FOIA release
       15 Dec. 1978.

13.  "Explosive Events Seen on Soviet Island."  Aviation Week and Space Technology, Sep. 26, 1983. P. 31.

        Here are some important references.

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