On this slide we show a postulated Soviet fire control system for the grid weapon. .
        Two or more operators sit at a control console, facing a giant display (screen). The display contains a grid which represents the distant interference grid of the Woodpecker carriers (or scalar EM carriers, if in the underground or underwater mode). A distant missile launched into the real interference grid overhead will cause a spot of light to appear in the appropriate grid square (cell) on the operators’ screen. The operators will track the displayed target, select firing mode and type of action, engage the target, and assess whether or not the distant target is killed or missed by the firing.
        When a missile is launched in the distant area over which the Woodpecker grid has been placed, it quickly rises through one of the scanned grid cells on its upward journey. As it penetrates the cell, additional energy is extracted (since part of the missile’s exhaust energy is now extracted also). At the screen in the Soviet Union, the additional energy received rises above bias, causing a "bloom" or spot of light to appear on the screen at the appropriate grid cell representation.
        The distant operator has now detected the missile launch and its location. He places a marker over the target track and activates the computer, also inputting the type of firing or action to be performed. In this case, let us say he wishes a burst of energy to emerge inside the distant launched missile, and has activated that mode of firing action.
        The computer computes the necessary parameters for another scalar interferometer channel in the exothermic mode, and for firing at the location of the rising missile so that two scalar pulses will meet in the cell penetrated by the rising missile on the other side of the earth. As the channel is opened, the firing solution settled, and the interferometer howitzer readied, the computer activates indicators on the console notifying the operator. When all is ready, a "ready-to-fire" light is lit on the console.
        Upon receiving the command to fire and destroy the missile, the operator presses the fire button. The computer fires the activated scalar EM howitzer ;n the pulse mode. The operator continues to watch his screen.
        When the pulses meet in the distant grid cell, a violent EMP suddenly arises in and throughout the missile and its surrounding vicinity. This explodes the missile propellants and warheads, destroying the target..
        On the distant screen, a sudden drastic "blossoming" of the target results from the sudden extraction of a great deal of additional energy by the scanning scalar interferometer. The operator thus knows he has made a "kill."
        Should for some reason the target be missed, additional energy will still be extracted by the scanning interferometer from the grid cell/vicinity in which the EMP suddenly emerges. The distant operator will still see a bloom on his scope, but not nearly so great as when the missile explodes. He thus knows that the EMP effect of the firing has occurred, but the target has been missed (he will see the bloom in its offset location as well) .In that case, the operator can quickly mark the EMP location, hit the switch, and the computer will automatically correct and fire again.
        At any rate, for a miss a large "sonic boom" or blast still results in the EMP emergence zone from sudden heating of the air. These are precisely the type of booms that were associated with three NASA shuttle launches prior to the end of 1985. These were actual testing of this weapon system, using the shuttle launches to provide a target, and delaying the burst some minutes so the shuttle would not actually be destroyed. On Nov. 26, 1985 a "marker beacon" (glowing ball of light) was also created over the site. This was probably to orient satellites and other detection systems. Some 12 minutes after that nighttime launch, a large blast occurred over the site, heard for hundreds of miles up and down the coast. Shortly after, the light suddenly moved away very rapidly -- faster than a jet aircraft.
        If many missiles are being launched, the operator marks them rapidly, one after the other, and the howitzer fires burst after burst at them, decimating the launched missiles, one after the other. In this fashion most of the counterstrike missiles launched by the U.S. would be destroyed shortly after launch, greatly reducing the number of missiles which make it to midcourse.
        However, apparently the loss of the shuttle launched on Jan. 28, 1986 was caused by the addition of a metal-softening pattern in the exothermic mode, in and around the booster, using the actual booster ionic flames as a receiver-amplifier. This led to the failure of one of the supports and the partial breakaway of the right booster. The booster rotated into the tank, causing damage and the resulting explosion when the venting main fuel hit the booster flame.
        By spread spectrum techniques and proper timing and phasing, one system of Woodpecker transmitters can set up multiple interference grids, in various parts of the world. The scanners and howitzers can operate in the appropriate zones, again by spread spectrum techniques and proper timing and phasing.
        In fact, the latest versions probably can operate in the "ordinary EM carrier" (atmospheric) mode and the "scalar EM carrier" (underwater and in the earth) mode simultaneously -- again by timed switching between EM and scalar EM carriers, spread spectrum techniques, and timing and phasing of howitzers and scanners.
        Thus a single system can operate in the earth, underwater, and atmospheric modes. It can operate against the very wide range of different targets previously mentioned. It can do all this "simultaneously," from a real-time practical viewpoint.

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