But that’s still not all.
You can also communicate with your submarines underwater. High data rate. Chat away as you wish. You can
scramble, frequency hop, encrypt, the works. They can also communicate back to you.
Remember. EM force fields of any appreciable frequency won’t travel through the water.
Natural EM potentials grab charged particles and ions, so they won’t travel through the ocean either. But
artificial potentials don’t grab onto charged particles or ions. and they
will go through the ocean quite nicely.
Everything --
aircraft, ships, shore installations, submarines, etc. -- can communicate like gang busters if they possess scalar EM technology.
In fact, you can even build scalar
EM underwater radar if you wish.
The airborne scalar EM radar can see under the ocean with a little
adjustment, perhaps as well as a conventional side-looking radar sees distant targets today. The airborne scalar
EM radar can detect and track the underwater submarine while tooling along.
In fact, the airborne scalar
EM radar can then destroy the sub, by using a little scalar interferometry. And it’s
even possible to do scalar interferometry with a single transmitter! How, is proprietary to a friend.
In fact. you can even use your enemy’s jamming transmission as a "wire" along which to establish your scalar
EM channels. You can use these scalar channels in the "weakly endothermic mode" to locate his transmitter and "lock-in" on it. You can "walk" the lock-in right past his encryption function to the "clear"
input, and receive and record that in the clear. All this from a distance.
You can then destroy his equipment if you
wish, or just continue to monitor him in the clear if it’s important to do so. Perhaps now
we can understand what the decades-long weak microwave radiation of the U.S. Embassy in
Moscow is all about. Or why the Soviets are building a nice new Embassy, bristling with
antennas, on the high ground in Washington, D.C.