by T.E.B.
James C. Hayes, Ph.D.
James L. Kenny, Ph.D.
Kenneth D. Moore, B.S.
Stephen L. Patrick, B.S.
Magnetic Energy Limited
Huntsville, AL 35801
IndyBay Website
Note: Posting of this document on a DoE website does
not imply approval or disapproval by the Department of
Energy. This work is made available to illustrate
innovative energy research by multiple researchers
involving new concepts. Scientific method requires
replication and independent test and verification, and
an additional research prototype build-up for those
purposes is presently underway by the authors. |
For about 10 years the inventors have been working together as a
team, and exploring many avenues whereby electromagnetic energy
might be extracted from various sources of potential, and eventually
from the active vacuum itself.
This has been very arduous and
difficult work, since there were no guidelines for such a process
whereby the electrical power system becomes an open dissipative
system in the manner of Prigogine’s theoretical models {17-19} but
using determinism instead of statistics. There was also no apparent
precedent in the patent database or in the scientific database.
Since the present “standard” U(1)
electrodynamics model forbids electrical power systems with COP>1.0,
we also studied the derivation of that model, which is recognized to
contain flaws due to its 136-year old basis. We particularly
examined how it developed, how it was changed, and how we came to
have the Lorentz-regauged Maxwell-Heaviside equations model
ubiquitously used today, particularly with respect to the design,
manufacture, and use of electrical power systems.
Our approach was that the Maxwell theory is well-known to be a
material fluid flow theory, since the equations are hydrodynamic
equations. So in principle, anything that can be done with fluid
theory can be done with electrodynamics, since the fundamental
equations are the same mathematics and must describe consistent
analogous functional behavior and phenomena. This means that EM
systems with “electromagnetic energy winds” from their external
“atmosphere” (the active vacuum) are in theory quite possible,
analogous to a windmill in a wind.
The major problem was that the present
classical EM model excluded such EM systems. We gradually worked out
the exact reason for the arbitrary exclusion that resulted in the
present restricted EM model, where and when it was done, and how it
was done. It turned out that Ludvig Valentin Lorenz {55}
symmetrically regauged Maxwell’s equations in 1867, only two years
after Maxwell’s seminal publication in 1865, and Lorenz first made
the arbitrary changes that limited the model to only those
Maxwellian systems in equilibrium in their energy exchange with
their external environment (specifically, in their exchange with the
active vacuum).
This is not a law of nature and it is
not the case for the Maxwell-Heaviside theory prior to Lorenz’s (and
later H. A. Lorentz’s) alteration of it. Thus removing this
symmetrical regauging condition {31, 34-38} is required - particularly
during the discharge of the system’s excess potential energy (the
excitation) in the load.
Later the great H. A. Lorentz, working independently and apparently
unaware of Lorenz’s previous 1867 work, independently regauged the
Maxwell-Heaviside equations so they represented a system that was in
equilibrium with its active environment.
Implications of the
Arbitrarily Curtailed Electrodynamics Model
Initially an electrical power system is asymmetrically regauged by
simply applying potential, so that the system’s potential energy is
nearly instantly changed. The well-known gauge freedom principle in
gauge field theory assures us that any system’s potential - and hence
potential energy - can be freely changed in such fashion. In
principle, this potential energy can then be freely discharged in
loads to power them, without any further input from the operator. In
short, there is absolutely no theoretical law or law of nature that
prohibits COP>1.0 electrical power systems - else we have to abandon
the successful modern gauge field theory.
But present electrical power systems do
no such thing. However, all of them do accomplish the initial
asymmetrical regauging by applying potential. So all of them do
freely regauge their potential energy, and the only thing the energy
input to the shaft of a generator (or the chemical energy available
to a battery) accomplishes is the creation of the potentializing
entity - the source dipole.
It follows that something the present systems perform in their
discharge of their nearly-free1
regauging energy must prevent the subsequent simple discharge of the
energy to power the loads unless further work is done on the input
section. In short, some ubiquitous feature in present systems must
self-enforce the Lorentz symmetry condition (or a version of it)
whenever the system discharges its free or nearly free excitation
Lorentz’s curtailment of the Maxwell-Heaviside equations greatly
simplified the mathematics and eased the solution of the resulting
equations, of course. But applied to the design of
circuits - particularly during their excitation discharge - it also
discarded the most interesting and useful class of Maxwellian
systems, those exhibiting COP>1.0.
In real systems, we have to pay
for a little switching costs, e.g., but this may be minimal
compared to the potential energy actually directed or gated upon
the system to potentialize it.
Consequently, Lorentz
unwittingly discarded all Maxwellian systems with “net usable EM
energy winds” during their discharge into their loads to power them.
Thus all present systems - which have been designed in accord with the Lorentz condition
- cannot use the electromagnetic energy winds that
freely arise in them by simple regauging, due to some universal
feature in the design of every power system that prevents such
We eventually identified the ubiquitous closed current loop circuit
as the culprit which enforces a special kind of Lorentz symmetry
during discharge of the system’s excitation energy. With this
circuit, the excitation-discharging system must destroy the source
of its EM energy winds as fast as it powers its loads and losses,
and thus faster than it actually powers its loads.
Also, as we stated and contrary to
conventional notions, batteries and generators do not dissipate
their available internal energy (shaft energy furnished to the
generator, or chemical energy in the battery) to power their
external circuits and loads, but only to restore the separation of
their internal charges, thereby forming the source dipole connected
to their terminals. Once formed, the source dipole then powers the
circuit {16, 22}.
Overlooked Principles in Electrodynamics
We recovered a major fundamental principle from Whittaker’s {1}
profound but largely ignored work in 1903.
Any scalar potential is a
priori a set of EM energy flows, hence a set of “electromagnetic
energy winds” so to speak. As shown by Whittaker, these EM energy
winds pour in from the complex plane (the time domain) to any x, y,
z point in the potential, and pour out of that point in all
directions in real 3-space {1, 26, 43}.
Further, in conventional EM theory, electrodynamicists do not
actually calculate or even use the potential itself as the unending
set of EM energy winds or flows that it actually is, but only
calculate and use its reaction cross section with a unit point
static charge at a point. How much energy is diverged around a
single standard unit point static coulomb, is then said to be the
“magnitude of the potential” at that point. This is a non sequitur
of first magnitude.3
E.g., just as the small “swirl” of water
flow diverged to stream around an intercepting rock in a river
bottom is not the river’s own flow magnitude, and certainly is not
the “magnitude of the river”, neither is the standard reaction cross
section of the potential a measure of the potential’s actual
Indeed, the potential’s “magnitude” with respect to any
local interception and extraction of energy from it, is limited only
by one’s ability to,
(1) intercept the flow
(2) diverge it into a
circuit to power the circuit
The energy flows identically comprising
the potential {1} replenish the withdrawn energy as fast as it can
be diverged in practical processes, since the energy flows
themselves move at the speed of light.
Although Lorenz did this first, such was H.A. Lorentz’s prestige
that when he advanced symmetrical regauging, it was rather
universally adopted by electrodynamicists, and is still used by
them today. E.g., see J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics,
2nd Edition, Wiley, New York, 1975, p. 219-221; 811-812.
E.g., just replace the assumed unit point static charge assumed
at each point with n unit point static charges, and the
collected energy around the new point charge will be n times the
former collection. If the former calculation had yielded the
actual magnitude of the potential at that point, its magnitude
could not be increased by increasing the interception. But since
the potential is actually a flow process, increasing the
reaction cross section of the interception increases the energy
collection accordingly.
The rest of the article can be read in
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