“Stage I Secret Gravity Physics” includes an attempt to explain
gravity as an electrostatic phenomenon.. Though incorrect, this
argument is included and compared with the material in the
Introduction (“XI: Occult Ether Physics”), and other material, to
give it as fair an argument as it deserves. Ether physics is “it”,
There is not ‘another system’ which is powered by electrostatics, or
Felix Schauberger’s alleged boundary layer or other vague,
undefined, “new age Austrian” method.
Though other flying craft may
be ‘saucer-shaped’, if they are not electrically powered, they are
no more “flying saucers”, than an oxcart shaped exactly like an
automobile is a “car”. The “Adamski-type” ships were complete
fabrications, photographs of a chicken feeder. Adamski was on the
CIA payroll, and his allegations were misinformation. In addition,
there are many ways to create hoaxes. For example, it is easy to
suspend a model from a balloon, by means of a fine nylon fishing
line, with camera out of focus, and produce a convincing photograph.
Get real.
Reality is unmistakable in certain cases. I knew from my
observations in 1953, that a secret theory of gravity physics is
involved in flying saucer technology. Today, over forty-five years
later, the underlying cause of gravity is still (supposed to be) a
mystery. People continue in the Relativist Rut, blabbering on about
Einstein, but Einstein never explained gravity. Truth, like
creativity, requires courage. Scientific cowards continue to yield
to the Trilateralist sham. Since around 1950, textbook writers have
followed secret government orders, helping us ‘forget’ some (now)
little-known facts once taught along with Newton’s law of
accelerating bodies.
Fascist-state revisionists concealed the
scientific truth about gravity as a “national security secret”. In
1942, the F.B.I, sequestered all known information relating to a
scientific understanding of gravity, electrical control of gravity,
or ‘free energy’, as it might pertain to flying saucer technology.
Accordingly, the same CFR and Illuminati which controlled Wernher
von Braun and the Nazis, in the 1936-38 Los Alamos “p2” project,
controlled our F.B.I. as well. For this reason, I have renamed J.
Edgar Hoover, “J. Edgar Himmler, the American Fascist in a Red
To conceal “flying saucer secrets”, they rewrote theoretical
physics, obliterating the greatest
moments in mankind’s scientific history. Perhaps when our people are
reduced to ignorant,
scientifically-deprived yokels, we will have “national security”,
and only the NSA., the
CFR, the
Trilateral Commission, the
Bilderbergers and the
Illuminati (all one
and the same) will possess true
scientific knowledge. What the Rosicrucians/Illuminati refer to as
the “wisdom of the ages”, is
actually a collection of stolen and concealed scientific—not
“mystical”—secrets! Such knowledge
is discovered by individual geniuses, deluded into thinking they are
doing mankind a favor, but
instead unwittingly doing research for the Trilateral
Commission/Illuminati rats, who will steal and
hide such “treasures of posterity”, and use them to enslave mankind
After all, the rats said, since a ‘healthy petroleum industry’ is
essential to “national defense”, protecting Big Oil at the expense
of scientific, economic, and social freedom and progress, is in the
“national security interest”. Since society is “not ready for the
flying saucer” - they decided without our consent—such secrecy was
“sound public policy”; after all, how could Gulf Oil continue to
produce and sell gasoline and diesel at a ‘fair’ profit, if one
could fly a zillion miles on a gallon?
With such inventions as the flying saucer at the public’s disposal,
the economy would be wrecked,
they said (at least for the Trilateral Commission). Meanwhile, our
government helped the fascists take firmer control of the system, in
the interest of “national security”.
Numerous centers throughout the world conduct “gravity research”, to
‘prove’ Newton’s laws. The only parts of these old laws which have
been brought into question, deal only with the first few inches of a
falling body’s acceleration The remainder of the tests are false,
deceptive, and unscientific, intended to dispel widespread suspicion
by lay people, to reassure the lazy scientists who accept them, and
to heap ridicule upon doubters. Without accurate and honest tests,
over at least 1,000’ of vertical drop, the results are worthless.
Yet what independent scientists have the personal finances or
resources to conduct these tests accurately on their own? Most
people accept the theories of the “experts”, failing to realize they
are government-paid, Trilateralists/Illuminati national security”
yeggs. “Question everything”, the ancient Greeks wisely advised.
I predict that proper tests will eventually disprove Newton’s laws
in a big way. Such tests would require a vertical, non-metallic,
non-electrically-conductive tube, extending up at least 1,000’ from
the earth’s surface, which could be evacuated. A weight carrying a
precision movie camera with a digital clock read-out, would
photograph calibrations on the sides of the tube, as it was dropped.
Its rate of acceleration would be accurately recorded. When the
weight reached approximately 120 mph., no further acceleration
should occur. At the accepted rate of acceleration (32’/sec./sec.),
the 120 mph. velocity should be reached at approximately 696 feet.
However, if I am correct, this could take either more or less
distance/time, depending on the reaction.
Nikola Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity provided a scientific basis
for explaining Newton’s “laws” of gravity, which attempted to
explain with some degree of mathematical certainty, the physical
measurements, and offered no cause. Even this is questionable.
The erroneous concept of “anti-gravity” cannot explain flying saucer
propulsion. Insufficient to merely “overcome” gravity, or “reverse”
it, propelling a ship with astounding results and directional
controls is much more. The fictitious moon ship of H. G. Welles’ Dr.
Cavour-was razed on a “blocking” theory, in which ‘doors’ were
painted with “Cavourite”, which blocked gravity. This chapter
includes my examination of an electrostatic theory of gravity, and
attempts to explain flying saucer propulsion in the manner
demonstrated by observed flying saucers.
Hydrogen has the highest charge-to-mass ratio of any element.
Accordingly, it is the lightest element, even though its nuclear
proton and orbital electron are identical to those of lead. The
masses of the remaining elements are determined according to their
respective mass units and densities, and charge-to-mass ratios,
which are correlative to their relative gravitational, electric, and
electromagnetic interactions.
I consider electrons as already having “negative gravity” (or
“anti-gravity”), even though they have mass, because they will
normally tend to gravitate upward from the earth, like a light gas,
due to their high charge-to-mass ratio and low mass density. This is
more consistent with ether theory than with Relativism. Cosmic
radiation and lightning storms bring electrons down to the earth,
which is generally an electro-positive mass, upon the surface of
which a continuous negative charge is maintained by lightening,
though the electrons tend to ‘leak’ and migrate back upward.
Accordingly, the ionosphere is charged at least 176 million volts
positive in respect to the earth,
creating a vertical electric field, which radiates from sea level,
around 150 volts per meter upward, from negative to positive. This
electric field is reversed and multiplied around ten times under
storm clouds, rendering the earth’s surface relatively positive
under the storm clouds, since the higher negative charges of the
clouds repel the earth’s negative ‘like’-charges.
This vertical electric field might be erroneously conceived as the
origin of gravity, but there are many gravitational planets which
have no ionosphere, while all atomic mass possesses electrostatic
charges which are in motion with the masses, representing currents
(H. A. Rowland’s experiment), a fact used by Tesla in support of his
Dynamic Theory of Gravity.
Gravity is apparently a secondary product resulting from an
imbalance of other, primary forces. No separate basis has been
found, though an electrostatic imbalance is evidenced in atomic
matter. The Dutch physicist, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1833-1928), in
measuring the relative magnitude of the single negative (“moving” or
“orbital”) electron charge, and the positive (“stationary” or
“nuclear”) proton charge in the hydrogen atom, actually claimed the
two to be slightly unequal, with the proton possessing an excess
positive charge, slightly greater than the allegedly ‘equal and
opposite’ negative electron charge.
This information has been
conveniently disregarded, since, by implication, it contradicts the
Relativist Theory, since unequal charges could disqualify the entire
theory, and support Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity. Lorentz
further postulated that this excess positive charge is responsible
for the weak force of gravity, and that, by increasing the negative
(moving) charges, the gravity of an atom’s stationary nuclear
positive mass would be entirely “canceled”.
Even so, how would this
explain electropulsion? It wouldn’t Lorentz calculated the
electromagnetic forces encountered by a body, within an electric and
magnetic field, according to the equations of Sir George Clerk
Maxwell. This force, called a “Lorentz Force”, is so much more
powerful than the force of gravity, that it is difficult to
conceive. Nonetheless, it is only part of the picture, since it
purported to represent only a comparison between static electrical
and gravitational attractive forces, rather than the net dynamic
After all, one has to bear in mind that, in addition
to Werner Heisenberg’s so-called “Uncertainty Principle”, there is
the problem of considering the fact that, in all attempts to measure
anything on earth, all the measuring instruments, the observer, and
all charges are in motion, at over 70,000 mph through space, which
means that everything contains “currents”.
Since, according to Lorentz’s hypothesis, gravity is the result of
an imbalance in electrostatic charge/content, this imbalance should
also explain Newton’s laws, except there was no provision for the
dynamism of the universe in it. Since
Nikola Tesla knew Lorentz, it
is also possible they discussed these views. Tesla said that
electrostatic force is the most important force for us to study.
Although his gravity discoveries were complete over 100 years ago,
the Illuminati stole ten away, and smugly keeps them from us today,
while hiding, or misrepresenting essential parts of gravity and
ether theory and experimental results.
Excess positive charges, or parts thereof in a body, induce negative
electrostatic reactance when moving through space permeated by
electric and magnetic fields. Since all mass is in motion, and all
space is permeated by electric and magnetic fields, this inducement
applies to all bodies and all space. The earth induces negative
electrostatic reactance as it moves through space.
Naturally, this inducement also applies to all bodies within the
dynamic electric field of earth, in
which enormous, rapidly varying electrostatic forces exist. This
inducement continually changes
the electromagnetic characteristics of the bodies and the space,
according to their relative
movements, and redistributes the conglomeration of changes.
Accordingly, with a redistribution (or
“displacement”) movement, away from or toward the equilibrium
position, an equal and opposite force tending to counteract it, is
produced in tie direction from which the negative electrostatic
forces of the earth emanate, which is called “gravity”. This is part
of Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity, which requires an
understanding of the ether and its effects.
Inertia is the resistance within a body to changes in its state of
motion. Momentum is the same thing, since all mass is already in
motion, but the cause of this resistance to change requires an ether
theory which includes the tubes of force. Inertia/Momentum is
observed in the dynamic rotor of an electric generator, in which the
momentum of the rotor is imparted, via electric current (tubes of
force), to the rotor of an electric motor run by that current. In
other words, as the rotor is placed into motion, it absorbs electric
tubes of force, which travel through the circuits to the motor,
which absorbs and dissolves the tubes, imparting momentum to it.
Although the laws of inertia are incorrectly said not to apply to
the laws of electromagnetism, that is a lie.
Where the
electromagnetic interaction is 1040 times stronger than the
gravitational interaction, force gathered in a gravitational
interaction—momentum—such as by hydraulically turned dynamos, may be
converted into much stronger electropulsive force! (In this respect,
I refer you to the Introduction; V: A Comparison of Gravitational and Electrical Force, as Applied to
Flying Saucer Propulsion.)
This little trick of nature yields so
much free energy that the Illuminati have been masturbating over it
for over half a century. It allows for much more powerful
electromagnetic energy to be concentrated and stored in much weaker
inertial form, until converted and magnified into relatively
super-strong electropulsive form.
If inertia is the result of a body’s resistance to changes in the
strong electromagnetic patterns (the pitch, frequency, and momentum
of its ether micro-helices) existing as a result of its particular
state of rest or motion, within a particular electrostatic ether
environment, then the synthetic conditions of an electric
generator’s rotor field coils are only an unnaturally altered state
of the conditions which were already there. I am reminded of the
account as to how Tesla discovered the rotating electromagnetic
field, in a flash of creative intuition, while on a walk with a
friend named Tageti in Buda-Pest, over 100 years ago, and quoting a
line from Goethe.
Existing patterns of forces acting on a body become uniform whenever
there is no change in its state of motion, and the body encounters
no force. Only when the body accelerates, decelerates, or changes
directions, or encounters certain external bodies or electric or
magnetic forces, do the existing patterns of force resist the
change. This is consistent with the theory of the tubes of force. It
is obvious that this phenomenon is electromagnetic.
Einstein’s hypothesis that a mechanism having weights which
oscillated over time, as a gravitational analogy to the oscillating
electric and magnetic fields in inductance, would generate “gravity
waves”, as the gravitational equivalence of electromagnetic waves,
was obviously wrong, else someone would have easily proved it. Since
that hypothesis has never been a secret, it is additionally wrong.
Just exactly how Einstein thought such ‘waves’ were supposed to be
responsible for the alleged “attractive force”, even if they could
be generated that way, remains unclear.
The reason we know that inertia/momentum is an electromagnetic
phenomenon, is because it
occurs only during the acceleration, deceleration, or directional
changes which are essential to
inductance principles, and because we can find no other reason.
Since no inductance occurs unless
electric or magnetic fields change, or unless a body moving within
than changes, causing inversely rising, collapsing, and reversing
electromagnetic fields, there is no essential difference between
electromagnetic and gravitational, inertial/momentum forces, which
cannot be explained using electromagnetic theory, integrated with a
valid and consistent theory of ether physics.
The propulsive force
also appears on the correct axis, as predicted by the Hall Effect.
We know that magnetic lines of force exist, and can chart them with
paper and iron filings. These lines represent variations in magnetic
flux densities, along and across flow lines. Whenever a conductor or
body cuts through them, electric current results in the conductor or
An electric current creates a magnetic field around itself and
the conductor or body through which it flows, at right angles to
itself, according to the “right hand rule”. The variations between
the magnetic field lines represent the necessary changes required to
generate the current within the conductor cutting through them, and
therefore even a “D.C.” generator creates its current by an
“alternating” (high-frequency) inductance phenomenon.
Since a spinning object cuts through lines of a magnetic field which
can permeate it, the earth thereby generates an electric current,
which continues to build up at right angles to its magnetic field,
until sufficient to cancel the magnetic field. This comports with
the Hall Effect, if the current is drained off, the magnetic field
is increased, and vice-versa. If a spinning object creates an
oscillating current, it therefore constitutes an electromagnetic
dipole, which multiplies the electromagnetic energy radiated at the
forth power of its frequency.
As Tesla said, every physical entity
has a natural set of electromagnetic resonant frequency
characteristics. It has been suggested that gyroscopes actually
respond to electromagnetic transmitter/receiver effects, beyond our
solar system. As the basis for the celestial guidance system
invented and tested by Tesla in 1917, and developed further by the
Germans during WW II, they were not used by us until twenty years
later. The electric field of a spinning body, at a particular rpm,
within earth’s weak magnetic field, should generate increased
negative charges sufficient to partially cancel its own gravity, by
causing a partial reversal of the displacement of its charges, to
lessen their down force, as the ether passes through.
Since it
rotates about its center, the greatest angular velocity is along its
outer circumference. Once its surface charges begin to move, the
magnetic field is progressively blocked, as in a Faraday cage.
Because earth’s magnetic field is so weak, a spinning body will not
develop enough upward electromagnetic thrust to become weightless,
but delivers its entire gravity on its spinning point, even when
turned completely sideways, as with a gyroscope, which behaves in
“semi-defiance” to gravity. The stabilizing properties of a
gyroscope, which behaves as if held by something in space, proves
the existence of the ether and tubes of force.
I observed that precession is common to falling objects, even though
they are not spinning,
which becomes especially pronounced after they have fallen for
around 700 feet. This can be seen
in movies of falling bombs. Though an object falling at 120 mph.
may be virtually weightless, it
still has momentum/inertia, and the force delivered when it strikes
the ground is electromagnetic
momentum built up over time. A flying saucer’s electromagnetic
momentum is not bound by the
law of acceleration of falling bodies, determined by the time
required for a falling object,
accelerated by the force of gravity, to absorb a certain quantum of
tubes of force, but may be
greatly accelerated by the high voltage current, and multiplied.
Falling objects are penetrated by
ether carriers, which bring along the micro-helical tubes of force,
which during acceleration have progressively increasing pitch,
before dissolving, transferring momentum to the mass.
All bodies are both gravitationally and electromagnetically affected
by the principles of inertia, momentum, polarity, and precession, as
explored in the Introduction. Their movement, as flying machines,
may be caused according to the Hall Effect the reactions of which
are of such magnitude that they can only be surpassed by nuclear
fission or fusion reactions.
Nikola Tesla built his flying saucers
around 1915, using his tuned, resonant air-core coils. 62 years ago,
there was a secret German flying saucer project at Los Alamos, using
technology stolen from Tesla, called “p2”, the existence of which
has been carefully concealed.
Baron Wernher von Braun was in charge of that project. He dated
several women in the Santa Fe area, in 1936-38, and those women
described him as a romantic and gregarious man. He moved rather
freely from Germany, to here, then back to there, to run Germany’s
top secret “rocket” center at Peenemunde, then easily glided once
again back to Ft. Bliss, Texas, in 1945, all with the facility of a
gazelle leaping a small creek. Von Braun was not an inventor, but
more of a “pusher” of projects...a “politician with a rocket”.
has been depicted as a “dreamer”, who only wanted to “go to the
moon”... to travel “... beyond the stars”. Now that we know of his
control ova the “p2” project, on behalf of the Illuminati, a secret
society to which the major political players—Hitler, Einstein, Von
Braun, Himmler, Lenin, Trotsky,
David Rockefeller, to name only a
very few—all belonged, the almost incredible phenomenon of von
Braun’s international cha-cha is more fully understood.
And what of
the false story that there was “...nothing at Los Alamos but a boy’s
camp” before the war? It is simply not possible that those
responsible for that story could be so ignorant, and the “Los Alamos
Story” is just one more chapter in the Book of the Big Lie, intended
to magnify the importance of the huge government expenditures there,
by laying claim to many things which were developed first elsewhere,
by other people. Even the “p2” project was second-hand, having been
stolen from Tesla.
It is my belief that an important fact has been ostensibly omitted
from what is taught today...that a falling body will cease to
accelerate when it reaches a velocity of about 120 which
it naturally maintains or tends to maintain a constant velocity. Has
this been secreted away by the Illuminati, because it presupposes
other important facts, which naturally occur once the first fact is
known? If so, it represents additional proof of the existence of an
interceding ‘substance’—the ether—and suggests the accumulation of
something at a predetermined rate which has reached its maximum
under the natural forces present.
If the reaction due to the
gravitational constant G ceases to accelerate a body at the 120 mph
velocity, it could be because of a time-related “equal and opposite
reaction” to the force with which it is actuated to move downward,
evidenced by the counter-buildup of momentum, sufficient to cancel
the acceleration due to the gravitational force G.
Does this buildup
cancel the G-force, proportionately with time, as the body finally
becomes weightless, with its entire gravity cancelled?
Could it be for this reason that one physically, momentarily, senses
complete weightlessness,
when riding in an airplane which is taking off, at the instant that
it passes through the 120 mph
Most people probably think the sensation is when the plane
leaves the ground, because
so many planes leave the ground at about the same time, but the
sensation of physical
weightlessness is quite different than just becoming airborne, and
can be felt in the inner ear, causing a special sensation in the
stomach. It is also possible that the principle of aerodynamic lift
is supplemented by the tubes of force as stated in the Introduction.
As atmospheric air resistance slows down a falling body, the
gravitational constant again comes into play, so as to accelerate it
once again to the constant velocity, and so forth, thus maintaining
the constant velocity, at which the equal and opposite positive-mass
G-force, and the anti-gravity, electropulsive neutralizing force,
are in equilibrium, with the precession angle at its maximum, and
precession frequency at its minimum.
Michael Faraday’s experiments showed that an excess negative charge
will always appear on the surface of an enclosed, hollow vessel. You
place a charge inside, and it will always appear on the outside.
This mystery is a convenient tool for flying saucer technology,
because we don’t want those charges jumping around inside our
cockpit, all over us, but want them outside, where they can do their
All bodies are essentially composed of entities which represent
“electrical content” (protons, electrons, neutrons). The presence of
these charges in a dynamic mass, allows it to generate or attract
its own electrons, to create them from Omni Matter, or to emit them,
and to encounter its own gravitational reactions, according to its
relative movement, within the magnetic and electric fields of its
This is probably what Nikola Tesla had in mind in his Dynamic Theory
of Gravity. The fact that the government has it, and no copies of it
are available to the public, should indicate the importance of this
over 100-year-old theory, except most scientists have never even
heard of the theory. We already know that the same
Trilateral/Illuminati symbol was used in the original Nazi-run “p2”
Los Alamos project, and in Chapter II, I relate how it appeared on
the 1950’s I.G.S. resonator implantations. It has been reported in
several forms on UFOs.
According to what we know about the difference between the
gravitational, electrical, and
electromagnetic interactions, if there is a tiny excess positive
charge on the proton—so small that
its detection has been concealed from ordinary gullible
‘physicists’—such a charge could
hypothetically be the origin of the weak “gravitational
interaction”. Suppose the gravitational force
is equal to the electrical force created by the hypothetical excess
positive charge of the hydrogen
proton, in terms of accounting for its “gravity”, which is the least
for all known elements.
For the
same reasons, all the elements would be very close to being
weightless, An atom of even one of the
heavier elements, lead, may require the addition of less than a
single election, to
gravitationally/electrically cancel all of its mass units, and to
give it the same charge-to-mass ratio
as hydrogen. In order for us to appreciate the power electrons exert
over protons and neutrons, it
should be emphasized mat the mass of a proton is around 1,837 times
that of an electron, (the
neutron having a slightly higher ratio).
While it is said that the
neutron is electrically neutral,
because it is composed of a proton and a ‘tightly bound electron’,
this neutrality only applies to
electrical conductivity, and has not been shown to relate to
electro-gravitation. The neutron’s
tightly bound electron already cancels most of its positive charge,
but the cumulative total of all the
tiny excess positive charges—if the Lorentz hypothesis is correct—of
the 82 protons and 125 other
neutrons of the lead atom, are still unaccounted for. Under these
circumstances, the vast differences
between electromagnetic and gravitational interactions favors
Since it would only be
necessary to add whatever negative charge required to equal the
totality of all those tiny excessive
positive charges, in order to completely cancel the gravity of the
lead atom, it would be necessary
to add less than a single complete electron! Otherwise, the lead
atom would already possess another electron. The first thing that an
atom “does” when its nuclear mass develops an (electrical) “need”
for another electron, is to acquire a new one in its outer orbit.
All atoms, molecules, or compounds, composing the matter on or
around our earth, are predominantly electro-positive (although some
of them are considered electro-negative in relation to hydrogen,
sometimes by as much as perhaps six volts, but this is only in terms
of “free electrons”, in non-ionized states). The charge-to-mass
ratios of all elements are positive in nature, because in all cases,
even hydrogen, there is excess positive mass in their nuclei.
The high voltage charges on a saucer’s front or top, easily
“penetrate” electron cloud barriers, and should exhibit an
electrical attractive force toward external positive matter, which
according to Lorentz, is 2.2 x 1039 times stronger than the
gravitational attractive force, but this is not true, and does not
work “at a distance”. This huge force, which according to the
Newtonians, acts over a greater distance, conflicts with the
Relativists, who don’t believe there is a force at a distance, which
is something I agree with, for different reasons.
“electromagnetic interaction”, for reasons unexplained, is less than
this, or 1040 times the gravitational “interactive” force G. If the
Relativists don’t believe in force at a distance, why do they keep
referring to the “attractive” force?
It has been incorrectly assumed that the Michelson-Morley
Experiments disproved the existence of an ether, based on a failure
to observe a “shift” (the “red-shift”) on the fringes of two light
beams placed at 90 degrees, perpendicular to the earth, at
equidistant positions from their point of intersection Since ether
theory asserted the ether as the medium which conducts light through
space, and since no shift was observed, these results were
misinterpreted to mean that there is no ether.
This experiment was
based on Lorentz’ erroneous concept of a “quiescent, stationery
ether”, which held that there is an ether ‘wind’ which is everywhere
the same, and that Maxwell’s deficient calculation of C was a
constant, but which in fact failed to provide two required constants
of integration for time (one for each of its two differential
equations), which included no definition of Maxwell’s coordinate
system’s position and velocity (as a vector sum).
The false assumptions which arose from this failure by Maxwell
resulted in the Lorentz’ equation, called the Lorentz
Transformation, which had built into it, the elastic space/time
frame which attempted to supply Maxwell’s lack of definition, and to
explain the red shift observed near planets in space. It was this
elastic space-time frame in the Lorentz Transformation which was
adopted by Einstein in his Relativity theory, initiated to conceal
and suppress ether physics.
Since ether theory had already assumed that gravity is a function of
the ether, Einstein was
incorrect to treat photons the same way as material bodies, to
explain the red-shift, with the theory
that the photons passing near a planet were “curved by the
space-time continuum”, producing the
spectral shift. According to the Relativists, it was supposedly
proved, on May 29, 1919, “...that we
live in a curved, four-dimensional space-time’”.
1Gary Taubes, Relativists in Orbit, Discover (Mar., 1997).
Albert Einstein said a massive body spinning in
space “...would drag space and time around with it...”, the origin
of so-called “frame-dragging”
and “space curvature” which Tesla was so opposed to, along with
Einstein’s statement,
“Gravity is no longer a mysterious force
acting at a distance but the result of an object trying to travel in
a straight line through space curved by the presence of material
In researching for more possible explanations for this apparent
tragic-comedy of mistakes, I found an article by Swedish physicist,
John-Erik Persson 1, who seemed to agree with me. Persson said the
Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the ether is
space-dependent, not non-existent. Since the observations were made
by stationary equipment in relation to earth (moving at over 70,000
mph through space), it was not a valid ground for postulating
Relativity. If the ether has a constant velocity V in relation to
the observer, the observed velocity of light becomes a vector sum C
+ V, according to ether theory.
If the observer is moving at the
same velocity and in the same direction as the ether, no red-shift
should be observed. Michelson’s empirical results showed that V,
near the earth, is equal to the velocity of the nearest part of the
earth (in the horizontal plane), in agreement with an ether which
was stationary near the earth. This gave rise to Relativity, which
made the false assumption that an observer will always find V to be
zero, independent of his own velocity, giving rise to elastic
space-time concepts, which are against intuition.
What I always point out as Einstein’s preoccupation with his
“apparent effects”, resulting from an observer’s failure to take
into consideration his own motion, as well as the possibility that
the ether has zero velocity only near the earth’s surface. This zero
velocity was due to what Tesla said was the “rigidification” of the
ether caused by the emanation of earth’s rapidly varying
electrostatic forces, which would decrease in intensity at the
square of the distance from earth, as the ether would have a
commensurately increased relative motion. This same rigidification
of the ether was consistent with Tesla’s (Faraday’s, Wm. Thomson’s)
statement that the ether behaved as a “fluid to material bodies, and
a solid to heat and light”, as still another explanation for the
red- shift. That would allow the ether near planets to refract the
light passing near it.
Persson said that the theory of the ether interprets Maxwell’s
results as,
The velocity of Light = C + V.
With the missing space dependent V® (velocity V and position vector
R) supplied, the Lorentz Transformation is unnecessary, (and
rationality and truth are restored to physics!). V® must represent a
description of reality, and the reality of material particles is
defined everywhere by acceleration A®, concerning the distribution
of matter in a vicinity. We have reason to suspect a relationship
between V® (the translational field) and A®, (the gravitational
field), showing their common origin (the ether), shown by a photon
(a fast wave field) added to gravity (the ether, a slow reference
Since V® (the fast wave field) is the distribution of matter
in the vicinity, it has the same value as the nearest part of a big
material body it may be near, as a more reasonable interpretation
which agrees with the Michelson-Morley experiment, showing that the
photon adapts its velocity to local conditions.
This means that the space-dependency of the translational field, V®,
allows the theories of
Newton and Maxwell to be united without any non-linear Lorentz
Transformations, and that, by
the rule of Ockham’s Razor, the Translational Field is a more
plausible explanation than the Theory of Relativity.
1John-Erik Persson, About an Alternative to the
Lorentz-Transformation (Hagersten, Sweden, 1997).
I had always assumed that, since calculations of C made in
conductors and fiber optics, require the “velocity factor” (.97 x C
in free space), that such an adaptation of C to the local conditions
of the conductors, disproves the Lorentz Transformation and the
Theory of Relativity.
Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity (c. 1893-94) was based on the idea
that all bodies emit microwaves (rapidly varying electrostatic
forces) of particular voltage and frequency, as determined by their
“electrical content” (mass, composed of protons, electrons, and
neutrons), and relative motion. Tesla measured the microwaves of the
earth with a special tube he invented (you could see the peaks and
nodes of the microwaves created in the gas in the tube), as being
only a few centimeters in wavelength. He said the frequency and
voltage were related to the velocity and mass (electrical content)
of the earth, and that gravitational interaction between bodies, was
determined by the vector product of the mutual interaction of their
microwaves with the ether, and to electric currents and tubes of
force, passing through space and between and within bodies.
Tesla confirmed this, placing two metal plates a certain distance
apart, and electrifying them with high voltage, high frequency
currents (“Tesla currents”, or “microwaves”). At sufficiently high
voltage and frequency, the space between them became “solid state”.
It also worked with one plate only, suspending the zinc plate (1/8”
thick x 12” square, weighing about two pounds) in mid-air.
This is further documented in 1943 FBI documents released under the
F.O.I.A., as being witnessed
by Marguerite Merrington, in an 1894 demonstration by Tesla in his
Houston Street laboratory.1
The flying saucer uses “p2”, which refers to two potentials,
primaries or kinds of currents.
The forward end of a saucer—“pl”—uses Tesla’s tuned “Single Terminal
Coil” (see page 300 for
set of plans), tuned to either ¼ wavelength, or 3/8th wavelength. It
is an air-core, step-up
transformer, which converts normal A.C. current to high voltage,
high frequency current, which
has charge-increasing effects similar to an electrostatic generator,
but with a much greater
reactance, due to its high frequency and tuning, which allows it to
shoot out bursts of current of
one sign (positive or negative) from one end, while remaining
neutral or peak reverse voltage on
the other end.
Tesla created this coil specifically for the purpose
of powering his flying saucer, even
before the century began. Tesla noted and was greatly pleased by the
“pseudo-electrostatic” effects
of his coils. In writing a critique of the enormous Van de Graaff
generator built by M.I.T. and
tested in 1938, Tesla pointed out the fact mat only a tiny version
of one of his coils, dating from
the 1890s, would outperform the giant Van de Graaff. This is because
a Tesla coil uses alternating,
high frequency, high voltage inductance, to throw out electrostatic,
D.C. pulses.
A much smaller
unit will produce the necessary high voltages, through inductance,
and a much smaller conductor
will carry the high frequency current, while D.C. systems require
much larger conductors for the same total wattage. In MHD pumping,
it has been proven that a pulsing DC, current is better than a
steady D.C. current, so the Tesla coil is ideal for the flying
saucer application, producing the traditional purplish brush, a
facsimile to the earth’s aurora borealis.
1FBI Documents Regarding Nikola Tesla (252 pages), Part 1, page 49,
Using “p2”, the vastly greater strength of the electromagnetic
interaction is applied to control the very weak, gravitational
interaction, to pump the ether and tubes of force into the ship and
dissolve them, to impart momentum to the conductors attached to the
ship, at right angles to the electric and magnetic fields, as
explained in the Introduction. A relatively small amount of
electromagnetic force, created by an alternator turned by a Tesla
turbine, can easily dominate the gravity of a large ship, create
electromagnetic momentum, and propel it at great speed.
In theory, an oscillating electric dipole consists of two equal and
opposite charges of dipole moment p, where p oscillates sinusoidally
with time. A dipole which is tuned to 3/8th or ¼ wavelength, will
continue to throw out energy even when the conditions are reversed,
because there is a time-lag between changes in charge and current
The power radiated varies as the fourth power of the
frequency, so the higher the frequency, the higher the reactance.
The use of the 3/8th tuning, causes the positive and negative
potentials to cross and neutralize one another on the neutral end,
while emitting the desired peak negative pulses at the other. The
3/8th tuning is convenient where it is desirable to have a neutral
connection for the lower end of the coil. Since all gravitational
atomic mass has a net positive charge, the negative charges are
needed to manipulate gravity.
The positive mass possessed by the
ether carriers, reacts with the negative pulses, to attract them
into the conductor, aeating and bringing along the tubes of force,
which are dissolved in the conductor, to impart momentum to the
conductor, with a force which is 1040 times stronger than the
gravitational force:
Fe/Fg = 1040 x Fg
The primary L-C circuit is composed of a primary coil (of few turns,
using a large conductor), choke coil, spark gap, tuning coil, and
capacitors. This combination produces the primary frequency for
inductance of the secondary coil, of many turps, using a small
conductor. The inverse ratio in number of turns and conductor size
converts the electricity from low to high pressure. Tesla found that
a primary coil consisting of a wide, thin, strip of metal, laid down
flat between layers of insulation, was best, because it had less
(undesirable) “self-inductance”. This is even better with the
bi-filar coil, which eliminates self-inductance altogether.
NOTE: The following illustration was an unlabeled drawing from a
patent application which Tesla withdrew, to prevent J.P. Morgan from
acquiring the invention, since Morgan tricked Tesla into giving him
a 51% controlling interest in “all his patents”, when he funded his
Wardenclyffe world energy system project. When Tesla was driven into
bankruptcy, the patent didn’t issue and Morgan didn’t own it. Tesla
made this discovery at about the time his
Colorado Springs
experiments ended, as a new way to produce electricity from air,
shown as follows:

The consideration of gravity as a separate force may be superfluous,
since it appears to be a naturally occurring weak electromagnetic
interaction in the first place, caused by displacement of the nuclei
of atomic mass downward by the upward passage of ether carriers and
dissolving tubes of force, induced by the currents created by the
movement of mass through space.
As previously stated, gravitational mass is almost electrically
balanced and neutral. If a flying
saucer has an artificially created, strong, relatively negative
charge, it will strongly attract relatively
positive ether carriers. Of course, where this attraction is equal
in every direction, the saucer will go
nowhere. Since all atomic mass, elements, and compounds have net
positive charges which
exceed their normal negative charges, there will always be some
electrical attractive force between matter and negatively charged
bodies, but not enough to create electropulsion.
If both an electric field and a magnetic field are present in a
region of space, the resulting force on a moving charge is the
vector sum of the electrical and magnetic force, and is known as a
Lorentz Force, as shown by:
F = qE + qVxB
For this reason, Lorentz said the electric attractive force is 2.2 x
1039 times stronger than the gravitational attractive force.
The magnitude of charge on the electron (supposedly matched by the
charge on the proton) is e =1.6 x 10-19 C. The gravitational force
is also allegedly a constant:

(NOTE: Lorentz alleged that e+ is slightly less than the (positive)
reciprocal to 1.6x10-19 C, which suggested that Fg is really the
electrical product of that difference. I found this information only
by incidentally referenced (“glossed”, handwritten notations on the
sides of the pages) in material available at the National Security
and Resources Study Center at Ins Alamos (now called The J. Robert
Oppenheimer Study Center), in 1979. The reference was possibly an
inadvertent “lapse in security”, since it isn’t mentioned widely,
but it may have been conveniently ignored because it conflicts with
the current Relativist theory, and may show that Lorentz made
several serious errors.
Lorentz’ hypothesis implied that, in the natural electric and
magnetic fields of the earth, a saucer need only be given a net
negative charge in order to be accelerated toward the ionosphere
with a Lorentz Force which is many times the force of the gravity
normally pulling it downward. According to Lorentz’s naive
hypothesis, by merely adding an excess negative charge to a ship,
the force of gravity would be neutralized, just that easy! Would
this not only free the craft from inertial as well as gravitational
force, while also repelling it upward with the like’ negative
charges on the earth? I once thought that, once conditions necessary
for electromagnetic repulsion have come into play, there would be no
gravity. Would that it were so easy! Lorentz’ silly theory was
wrong! We all make mistakes.
Besides, during thunderstorms, the electric field is reversed, due
to the high negative charges
on the bottoms of thunderclouds, which multiply the potentials
around ten times. Had Lorentz’
hypothesis been true, a saucer would be slammed to the ground with
astounding force, though I
have often observed that saucers do experience apparent malfunctions
in lightning storms, but not
enough to drive them down. There must be some provision for quickly
adjusting the potentials and amperage to maintain somewhat stable
flight beneath a thunder cloud, as the ships sometimes jump wildly
around. A smart pilot would stay above the clouds when possible.
The ionosphere, 620 miles above the earth, is at least 176 million
volts positive in respect to the earth’s surface at sea level. The
earth’s surface generally possesses a high negative charge,
maintained by thousands of lightening bolts per second, all over the
earth’s surface. This creates a vertical electric field, the
potential of which increases from negative to positive, about 50
volts per foot (as observed by Tesla), or around 150 volts per
meter, on a clear day.
Since an electric field is always accompanied by a magnetic field at
right angles to it, this also implies that earth’s magnetic field
might be a product of this earth-ionospheric electric field, but the
magnetic field is more likely due to the huge current from the sun
through the earth, as noted by Kristian Birkeland and Hannes Alfen.
It should be noted that the mechanism for neutralization of the
so-called gravitational force—which should be by the blockage of the
upward-moving tubes of force which dissolve to accelerate the body
downward—as a reversal of the mechanism of downward acceleration.
This means that a saucer in horizontal flight might use negative
D.C. pulses in its brush discharge on its top, for ‘buoyancy’,
together with the high frequency A.C. on its bottom, to block the
upward movement of tubes of force, while a stronger negative brush
on (its forward, attracts the tubes of force in the direction of
travel (with increased high frequency A.C. to its rear to block the
tubes of force in that direction).
The blockage of the upward-moving
tubes of force alone, should block the force of ‘gravity’ and give
the saucer buoyancy, though buoyancy may require the brush on top to
bring in tubes of force. The direction and velocity of the movement
of the saucer is the vector product of the electric and magnetic
fields of the two bi-polar pairs, according to J.J Thomson.
So what we have here is a sort of modulated electronic surface on
our saucer; a negative “pseudo-electrostatic” brush discharge on top
and in front, and a high frequency blocking current on bottom and to
the rear. The vertical dipole creates ‘buoyancy’—the vertical
position above the earth—and the horizontal dipole creates velocity.
This would be similar to the Milliken “cloud chamber experiments”,
in which oil drops were suspended in the cloud chamber by adjustment
of external electric and magnetic fields cris-crossing the chamber,
in respect to the charges possessed by oil drops, except with our
saucer, moving charges are generated by motive power within it, to
affect the ether external to it, to draw in and dissolve the tubes
of force to accelerate it in any direction, in defiance to the
magnetic and electric fields of the “chamber” (earth’s atmosphere).
Superimposed over this “oil drop” environment, is a double “p2”—one
to position the saucer vertically, and the other to move it
sideways—by emitting negative charges on one end to neutralize the
gravitational and inertial effects on the other, thus actuating the
ether and creating a powerful force to effortlessly propel the
saucer forward instantaneously, while the internal effects of
inertia, momentum and polarity are instantaneously switched and
controlled, and the mass of the saucer is liberated from the
ordinary rules of gravity, inertia, momentum and polarity, with the
saucer’s internal (human and mechanical) contents protected from
these forces.
Based on Tesla’s knowledge that the production of moving negative
charges was essential for the Teleforce to act upon his “electric
flying machine”, he invented the “Tesla coil”. The coil manipulates,
recreates and magnifies the forces which normally exist, between
atoms, and between e+ and e-, to control Fg, and to accelerate a
body at astounding speeds.
It is important to understand the effect of the shape of the outer
hull on the distribution of the action of the force. Were the hull
shaped concave, rather than convex, the force field might become
focused on a point some distance from the saucer, and react so as to
merely draw whatever ether carriers and tubes of force might be at
that focal point, toward the saucer with astounding force. It is for
this reason that the outer hull is curved above, so as to “spread”
the area over which the force acts to a very large area, drawing the
tubes of force in.
As pulses of high voltage, high frequency negative charges move
outward to distribute themselves over the saucer surface, some
combine with atmospheric gasses and “slough off” as ions, creating a
“protective envelope” which shields the saucer from friction and
heat, dampens the sonic boom, and creates the “beautiful corona” I
observed in 1953...the “lights” often seen.
I’m sure this fact makes
the “Illuminati” very, very, happy, so let’s ruin it for them.

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