Now that I have introduced you to the theory and possibilities, I
will now get down to the nitty gritties of flying saucer nuts and
bolts, and tell you how I discovered them, step by step, in an
Odyssey which lasts even unto the present, as I fill in more and
more of the details.
My “odyssey” has involved some remarkable experiences and dangers
which, in a way, remind me of a movie I saw a few years ago called
Zardoz, starring Sean Connery. The title was derived from parts of
the title words spelling “Wizard of Oz”, on the cover of the book by
L. Frank Baum. The story in Zardoz entailed the education of Connery
by a secret elite. Connery played a murderous barbarian, through
whom the elite, who had the secret of immortality, wanted to finally
destroy themselves, because they had become tired of living.
They arranged for tidbits of information
to be made available to the barbarian, until he figured out that
they were deceiving the violent society in which he lived, through a
religious hoax, preaching constant destruction and war, and spewing
out weapons from a giant head, for the barbarian worshippers to use
against each other, while the elite lived in complete safety, with
the secret of immortality as well. As you may see, there are certain
parallels between my story and Zardoz, although I am not admitting
that the society into which I was born tried to completely raise me
as a barbarian, or that the elite which dominates us has any intent
of bringing their power to an end The many “revelations” I have
experienced, have appeared before me as if intentionally placed
there by some clandestine elite. That did not happen to my
knowledge, but it is creative and fun to imagine that it did.
Some have suggested that the fact that so many startling
‘revelations’ have seemed to have ‘appeared’ to me “alone”, is
“statistically challenging”. The fact is, they appeared to me only
because I was aware of them and not asleep. Had I not been aware of
them, I would not have known about them I believe that there are
astounding events occurring around many people, who, if they were
aware of them, and mentioned them to others, as I have done, would
also be accused of telling “statistically challenging” stories. I
make no claim to having any “mystical powers” which would allow me
to experience things others do not. What I do make claim to is the
development of my natural skills to notice such things, so that if
they occur, I will recognize them.
It is too bad that the analogy of Zardoz does not fully apply to the
Trilateral Commission, since they deserve to be destroyed, as
punishment for the many wars they fomented, and are still fomenting,
to needlessly sacrifice so many lives for an illicit profit, and to
reduce the population according to parameters which only they know
about, but which we can surmise.
As you will see in this book, this analogy as applied to our society
and its Secret Government is more appropriate than the typical
Corporate Serf will allow himself to believe. He gets up each
morning in the “burbs, and drives to his job at the Feudal
Corporation. He takes his Stepford Wife and love-starved children to
the Church of the Brain-Dead War Robots on Sunday, and prays to the
Lord of Collective Guilt for forgiveness, for the sin of having
daydreamed about living a real
life. He indiscriminately accepts the premises that he is “his
brother’s keeper”, that the Marxist graduated federal income tax and
the welfare system are the best way to enforce his religion on
others through the state, as part of ‘God’s plan under our
constitution’, and that the Founding Fathers fully intended for our
armed forces to police the whole goddamned world no matter what the
cost in taxes and loss of American lives.
He doesn’t know that the government
records every single phone call in America and stores it for a
period of two weeks...and longer if they have a reason to suspect a
person of belonging to a “conspiracy of freedom”...and can store
that purloined information forever (but if he did know all that, he
would believe the government had the legitimate power to do so under
the “general welfare” provision of the Article I, section 8 of the
U.S. Constitution). He doesn’t believe in flying saucers at all, but
if he did, he would think they were “signs in the sky” which the Old
Testament said would be seen in the “last days’, or the “wheel in
the sky” seen by the prophet Ezekiel. The CIA has used all these
The flying saucer I saw in 1953 was no
prophetic “sign in the sky”, but presented a genuine scientific
mystery. I saw no sense in attempting to address every theory of
gravity propounded by others, since they were obviously wrong. I
didn’t waste time with UFO reports or “updates” of every type
either. Government organizations like Project Blue Book were just
set up to plug leaks anyway. You are already familiar with what
others have said, and are obviously unsatisfied, because you are now
reading my book. So I will at least try to tell you how flying
saucers work, and what my theory of gravity is, while others pretend
that flying saucers are non-existent or “extraterrestrial” and that
gravity is still a “mystery”.
They look in vain for “waves” and
“particles” (such as the “graviton”), and have really found nothing.
Their experiments are only part of the Trilateralist science sham,
and since they are still looking, they must not know, right? So I
will stick my neck out, and give you my best shot. If what they say
is really the extent of their knowledge, then the flying saucer
would be one of those inventions which worked, but nobody who used
it knew why, so if they really don’t know, then I should be entitled
to the Nobel Prize in physics (which is out of the question), or the
Pulitzer Prize for Journalism (which I should get!).
My “flying saucer odyssey” began with an infantile boy’s experiences
with airplanes. My uncle, Roger Benton, had a Stearman biplane in
the late ‘30s and early ‘40s, which he used for crop-dusting and any
other hell or hair-raising, dangerous, daredevil-type fun activity.
When I was around three, Roger flew into my grandfather’s (“Papa
Benton’s”) field one day. Like a kid, Papa wanted a ride. Roger was
a “chip off the old block”, and inherited his love of excitement
from his father. So, instead of a bronco, Papa wanted a ride in the
Roger took Papa up and gave him quite a thrill, especially when he
looped the plane, and Papa had forgotten to fasten his safety belt.
He saved himself only by locking his knees under the instrument
panel, and hanging onto the joy stick. When Roger landed, Papa was
still grinning, with a pale fringe about his lips and eyes revealing
his narrow scrape with disaster. But that was part of the usual for
those two.
I fell in love with planes that day, as I waved to Roger, and he
disappeared into the clouds.
My second ‘big’ plane impression was when I was around four, in
1942. Our neighbor had gone into flight training, and was stationed
at a base which was near enough for him to buzz the neighborhood
while on training flights. One morning, after a storm had
flash-flooded the street in front of our little stucco house, with
around a foot of standing water, I was wading in the street and
gathering frogs which seemed to come from nowhere, since we lived on
a desert. As I stood in the
water-filled street, the flying neighbor came over, diving toward me
while rocking his wings.
His pull-out was almost too late, as I
stood with my hands upraised, touching one of the wheels with my
fingertips as the plane passed over me, narrowly missing me with its
prop as my mother stood horrified in the front yard. Quite unaware
of the danger I had experienced, this to me had a very personal
meaning, rather like the two reaching hands in the Sistine Chapel
mural by Michelangelo.
My fingers reached up as the ‘wheel from the sky’ reached down, and
‘contact’ was made.
In 1942, my father joined the Sea Bees. After boot camp at Camp
LeJeune, the Navy convinced him to transfer to the regular Navy,
because of his wife and three children, since the mortality rate for
the See Bees at that time was 97%. He was sent to San Francisco, to
set up and run the west coast Navy printing operation at San
Francisco Naval Depot. Our whole family soon moved to Oakland, in
1943. For those two years in California, my life was immersed with
being a “Navy brat”, with weekends in San Francisco, and my frequent
walks to the Museum of Oceanic Art, in Oakland.
At six (1944), I found a German spy’s short-wave radio, set up in
the back of a trash bin behind a grocery store near our apartment
building. Navy intelligence allowed me to keep it, along with
another my father had found in 1942, under a bed in a hotel room
during his first trip to San Francisco. A neighbor and I connected
the marvelous radios to his father’s antenna, and we “listened to WW
II”. The German shortwaves were fantastic, and I have never seen
another like them My mother threw them away one day because I forgot
to remove them from the living room floor after repeated warnings.
My mother and three kids returned to Texas for the last year of the
war, staying at my grandparents’ place in Dayton, Texas, around
forty miles east of Houston. (I later realized that this had been
because of the Navy’s test of the first American nuclear explosion
at Port Chicago, California, on the Sacramento River, prior to the
nuclear detonation at Trinity Site on White Sands Missile Range in
New Mexico.)
After the war, our family returned to West Texas, where I resumed my
interest in experimental aircraft, building many flying models. I
took a strong interest in aerodynamics, and made hundreds of
well-executed designs, plotted aerodynamic flow patterns, and even
did some improvised wind tunnel tests. I belonged to the West Texas
Model Airplane Club, organized by three or four WW II aces,
including Bill Decker, Don Wooten, and a man named McKinzie (who
purportedly was highly decorated), and others. Around 1952, at
fourteen, I delivered a paper to the group and its affiliate in
Odessa, Texas, on the feasibility of a glider and soaring
competition, suggesting Marfa, Texas, as an ideal site.
This meeting was attended by several men
and boys from Odessa, such as Wally Scott and Mr. Schleymeyer, who
later became international competitors, and there is now an annual
international glider and soaring competitition meet at Marfa. I
wasn’t able to be the first to start it, because my father had
caught me building a full-sized glider, using our living room floor
as a lofting surface, and scrapped my plans right away, because he
feared I might break my neck. But that lecture, in my fourteenth
year, was the beginning of the international glider competition at
Marfa, started by men who had heard my lecture.
Our town, Kermit, was around 325 miles E-S-E of White Sands Proving
Grounds and Alamogordo, New Mexico. My first memories of “flying
discs” (the first designation) and “flying saucers” (the second
designation) which were sighted in the area, was in 1946, even
before the 1947 “Mount Shasta” siting. Before I had seen a saucer in
daylight, I had heard reports of them from oilfield pumpers who
worked the area northward, near Jal, Carlsbad and Roswell, New
Mexico, and had gotten other first-hand reports from several people
who had seen them.
From those reports, I knew that saucers
were real, because that was before reports of them had appeared in
newspapers, and the people sighting them really had no motive to say
they had seen them unless it was true, since there was no
sensationalism associated with the phenomenon. Some of these people
had served in the Army Air Corps during the war, fighting in the
skies of Germans’, either as pilots, navigators, flight engineers,
crew, gunners, or bombardiers, and often compared them to the “foo-fighters”.
I had watched the ships maneuvering at night, but had never seen one
in broad daylight, at close range, until 1953, although I had seen
several discs high in the sky, at great distances, which looked like
new dimes glinting in the sun, in the Roswell vicinity.
By 1950, 1 had talked to many people who had seen saucers over the
area, and was getting impatient. I slept in our back yard for nine
months each year (the warmer months usually), and had observed whole
squadrons of them in the night sky. I noticed that they had a
peculiar habit of turning in increments of thirty degrees, or
multiples thereof. This divided the compass into twelve coordinate
directions, and indicated something about their navigational and
flight system.
Between 1950 and 1953, I hoped for a sighting, and never assumed
that they were anything other than secret government aircraft from
New Mexico.
My mother had heard the rumor that they
were connected to the A.E.C. and radiation, and that they were
nuclear-powered, using helium fuel. We had many friends all over New
Mexico, particularly the Roswell area, Alamogordo, and Deming,
because our family business was the only state-of-the-art decorating
source in the area between Ft. Worth, El Paso, and Albuquerque, for
several years, until 1954 or so.
By 1952, 1 had developed a proficiency at aerodynamics, had designed
and tested many experimental model aircraft, and had designed, built
and tested my “ground-effects” system for autos, using a model with
two engines, one to drive the wheels and the other to drive a prop
on the back, which sucked air from under the belly pan. I planned on
a career as an aerodynamicist and aeronautical design engineer,
along with a career in art. I had, in effect, prepared my mind and
senses to make rather specific observations, whenever the time came
for me to have the opportunity to see a saucer up close, which I was
convinced was in the near future.
I had already been carefully building
and testing flying model airplanes of every conceivable design, for
seven years, since 1946 (when I was eight), and considered
aeronautical design, aerodynamics, maneuverability, and performance
characteristics as serious matters. I had also flown so many
conventional and experimental designs that I could usually analyze a
particular configuration and predict its aerodynamic behavior. I
knew from my two 1952 propeller-driven flying saucers (powered by an
“Allard 19” engine), that vertical stabilizers were essential on
“flying pancake”-type designs. No fins had been seen by any of my
witnesses on the saucers they had observed.
This was already two years after the
saucers had been sighted near our house, during which time I had
hoped for a sighting. Yet, with all my intense interest in aircraft,
I would not ride in a real airplane until I caught a hop’ from
Keesler, A.F.B., Mississippi to Texas, in a general’s C-47, when I
was an 18-year-old Air Force trainee.
In the summer of 1950, during the time of the sightings, I had gone
to the Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch in the Davis Mountains, for a
two-week bivouac with my troop.
During my stay in the mountains, cut off from the outside world,
after returning from a trek lasting several days, we discovered that
Manchurian tanks had rolled across the 38th Parallel in Korea. On
return home, I had learned that, on the first day of the Korean War,
a flying saucer had appeared in broad daylight, above the city hall
across the street from our house, and had maneuvered for fifteen
minutes, and that, on the following day, two saucers had appeared,
and maneuvered for thirty minutes. In each case, my mother was the
first one to spot them
She taught China painting classes as
part of our family business. On each of the two days, she went
outside to fill her bowl with water and rinse out slip, with water
from a faucet on our front porch. Being a farmer’s daughter, she had
a habit of surveying the sky for weather signs, shielding her eyes
from the sun’s glare with her hand. When she sighted the first
saucer over the City Hall on June 25, 1950, she called her ceramics
class out to watch, and hailed the firemen and police across the
street along with the mayor, Fred Pearson. The excitement spread,
and within a few minutes, much of the town was watching. When it
left, it departed in an upward blaze of instant acceleration. Mother
said they were like “new silver dollars”, and I distinctly remember
her comparing them to her sewing machine bobbin, which meant the
flat, shiny, “disk” type with peripheral groove.
On the next day, the same sequence occurred, only with two saucers
appearing and maneuvering for around thirty minutes, then departing
very fast as before. In each case, the description sounded as if the
crews had experienced malfunctions, or were lost, which were
responsible for the saucers being there in the first place, rather
than over White Sands or Alamogordo. I later determined that these
first saucers appeared to be of a sleek, silvery, slightly older
“disk” type of WW II-vintage German design of the electric type, not
similar in any way to the dumpy and “top-like” kind often shown in
pulp magazines. It was my opinion at the time, that they were
preparing these saucers for observational use in Korea.
I was disgruntled that I had not seen them, because I just happened
to be out of town, although I was only a short distance south of
White Sands, and only a little over a hundred miles to the west of
Kermit at the time, in the Davis Mountains. I “debriefed” everyone I
could find, including my friend Ken Burroughs, who was a competent
young photographer who had photographed them Air Force Intelligence
showed up, paid Ken $250.00 for his photos, prints and negatives,
and made him sign a security document. Needless to say, the photos
were never published. That was a lot of money for a teenager in
1952, for a few snapshots.
By that time, I had designed over 250 different types of
experimental aircraft, rockets, cars, and even boats, and had built
and tested numerous models of them. As previously mentioned, I had
also built a couple of propeller-driven model flying saucers, and
already knew that props, jets, and rockets were not the means of
propulsioa In 1955, my father accidentally included my portfolio of
designs in a collection of unwanted furniture he carted away and
sold to a junk store, when we moved to Waco.
It was possible that some of my designs
found their way into the rocket and aircraft fields, judging from
material I saw when I worked in Air Force Intelligence in 1957,
since my book containing them was purchased from the junk dealer,
whose store was right on Highway 302, before I could get it back.
In late summer, 1953, just before school began, we had our last
family ice cream party of the summer, in our back yard Home made ice
cream had been a tradition in our family for as long as I can
remember. There were my parents, Raymond and Caleista, my older
sister, Ramona, and my younger sister, Liz. Liz sat on a towel
placed on top of the large, wood-sided, old fashioned, three-gallon
ice cream freezer, as I turned the crank, while my father chopped
ice and fed salt into the brine. The ice cream was almost ready, and
I could barely turn the crank We were joined by the young daughter
of our neighbor, Allen Pike, a former fullback at T.C.U. Pike’s
daughter, Carla, had been wistfully looking through the fence, her
mouth watering at die possibility of eating some of my mother’s
delicious peach ice cream, so we invited her over to join us. We
were also joined by our tenants, the Humphries.
Mr. Humphries was a leather-faced tool
pusher for a local drilling company, and Mrs. Humphries still
carried herself with the demeanor of her former wartime occupation
as an officer in the “W.A.C.s” (Women’s Army Air Corps). She had
eyes like a hawk, and had already been an expert shot with pistol
and rifle, before she took up and mastered the twin 50 caliber
machine gun.
She had light brown hair, and a
beautiful aquiline profile like that of a Kiowa princess, similar to
that of my Aunt Sina. She worked as a substitute teacher in our
junior high school, and had also been the former WWII Chief of
Aerial Gunnery Instruction, at the U.S. Army Air Corps Aerial
Gunnery School, at Sarasota, Florida, at the rank of captain.
Whenever our B-17 bomber crews took gun-camera film of any new
German aircraft, such as the infamous “foo fighters”, she was among
the first to know, since it was her duty to immediately develop and
integrate into her gunnery training program, whatever new
instructions required, to insure that our gunners were prepared to
defend our bombers from any new forms of enemy assault.
She was therefore not only a qualified
expert aircraft spotter and identifier, but was the chief American
gunnery instructor as well. I myself had practically memorized
Jane’s Handbook of the Aircraft of the World, and had discussed
aircraft on several occasions with Mrs. Humphries, who had observed
with a cool, detached candor, my construction of flying model
saucers, and experiments in electromagnetism.
The time of day was near sundown, with the late August sun around 15
degrees above the horizon on the right, to the west of our yard. We
sat near our rear fence, as little Carla, around seven, sat nearby.
As I struggled with the increasingly stubborn crank, while Liz tried
to hold the freezer down, and the dasher trudged through the
ever-thickening ice cream, I happened to glance up at the sky above
Liz’s head, in the direction of a nearby new water tower to the
south of the town’s old one. To my amazement, hovering there, at an
angle of around 45 degrees above our position, at a distance of
around 300 feet and an altitude of about 200 feet, was a flying
The saucer was precessing at an acute angle of around 45 degrees, at
a frequency of around two cycles per second.
Sunlight, from the horizon to our right,
shimmered across the striated, silvery, bright metal hull, on each
precession. A visual comparison to the water tower near and to the
rear of the saucer, showed its diameter to be close to 50 feet. Its
shape consisted of two evenly curved semispheres joined at the
edges. This was unlike the earlier, 1950 versions seen by my mother
and sisters. A cloud of “corona”—high voltage electricity emitted by
the hull—throbbed orange-pinkishly with each precession, and
scintillated into ghostly, silvery blue in the surrounding space, as
a gentle westerly breeze wafted the coronal clouds softly about.
The two entirely symmetrical, “wok-like” halves, each having an arc
of approximately 120’ radius of curvature, formed a ship
approximately 10’ thick.
The high angle precession created an initial optical illusion, which
explained why my mother had mistakenly thought the saucers she saw
in 1950 were flipping like coins, end-over-end, while hovering.
Mother’s sightings were in the early
afternoon, with the sun almost directly above her saucers, producing
a silhouette effect. This created an inverse illusion, by the large
angle precession of the elliptical shapes under those lighting
conditions. The low angle of the sun during my sighting, however,
and the shimmering sunlight dancing across what appeared to be a
spun metal hull, which was highly reflective, as the saucer
precessed, produced a clear picture of the movement and shape. Even
so, I too was initially baffled until I established the proper
The coronal discharge and scintillating, rainbow-colored clouds
produced, added a beautiful, ghostly “special effect” to the ship.
It was easy to understand why many viewers might get excited by
“extraterrestrials”, since the event was almost, but not quite,
I immediately exclaimed, “Look at that flying saucer up there!”
Everyone looked to see it, except Mrs. Humphries, who only allowed
her eyes to dart once at it, instead of staring at the saucer. She
was more interested in viewing me from my left, as I looked back and
forth between the saucer and her, attempting to get her to look at
it. I asked her, “What is that?!” She merely cocked a knowing and
sophisticated left eyebrow, and shrugged After perhaps ten seconds
of hovering, the saucer began to move slowly at first, due west,
toward Ft. Bliss and the southern extreme of White Sands Missile
It left a ‘buttermilk’ trail of silvery,
scintillating atmospheric ions, which lingered and sparkled,
gradually fading away. As the rate of acceleration and frequency of
precession increased, the angle of precession decreased to a mere
high-frequency wobble, as it suddenly shot forward to hundreds of
miles per hour, at which time it made a 90 degree turn down and a
second right angle back to horizontal, then accelerated to infinity,
in approximately three seconds, as I counted off
“...thousand-and-one, thousand-and-two, thousand-and-three...”.
I roughly calculated the velocity at
near 9,000 m.p.h., based on an approximately 7.5 miles distance
required for a 50-foot diameter object to become an infinite point
above the horizon, in three seconds. This was a minimum calculation,
which I believe was fairly accurate. My eyesight was at least 20/30
at the time. The rapid change to lower altitude seemed designed to
diminish the visibility of the ship by the public, when the flight
crew suddenly realized that they were over a town.
There was no sonic boom, perhaps because such rapid acceleration
gave a boom insufficient time to develop, and other reasons which I
was bound to discover.
There were no obvious protuberances or windows that I could see on
its surface. It was as if, at high speed, the pilots—who may have
had relatively primitive navigational, flight control, and
visibiliiy devices—had accidentally strayed over our town, or
malfunctioned, requiring some re-orientation to get the saucer back
to their base at Ft. Bliss or in New Mexico, which, at that speed,
would have taken every bit of 1.93 minutes to reach. I later
satisfied myself by concluding that it was a German pilot
instructing an American pilot, on how to operate the saucer.
Due to poor visibility on the early
model, they may not have realized that they were over a town, and
when they had, they rapidly departed In that area, at that time, one
could fly for miles over the barren Southwestern landscape, without
seeing a town or persoa The most significant ‘surprise’—aside from
the electrical corona discharge—was the precession and its
particularities. Since it was most pronounced when the saucer was
hovering, I considered the phenomenon as being closely linked to the
power level, in which the ship was on the balance between “gravity”
and “no gravity”, during which the circling polarity of the
accompanying magnetic field created by the electric currents, swept
around counter-clockwise, as well as I remember it, thus creating a
minimal sweeping gravitational pull.
The fact that the ship quietly hovered,
dispelled the idea that jet, rocket, or propeller-driven propulsion
was involved, and indicated an anti-gravitational propulsion by
electrical means. I entertained the idea that the ‘gyscopic’ action
of the ship may have been due to an internal device, such as an
engine, which rotated Since the ship processed while hovering, like
a gyroscope on gimbals, any considerable rotating machinery could
have produced the gyroscopic precession.
This was consistent with the idea that a
rotating engine and electrical generator caused the precession,
since the rate of precession increased, while the angle of
precession decreased, as the saucer’s acceleration increased. The
idea that the propulsion system was “gyroscopic” was negated by the
fact that the turn was perpendicular to the (vertical) axis of
gyroscopic precession, and was a “power turn”.
The answers to all my questions were delivered by my flying saucer,
in as glorious a manner as one could rationally hope for, and then
some. While I knew at the time that the propulsion system was
electrical, it would take me many years to discover exactly how the
“electro-physics” applied.
There we were having our last ice cream supper of the summer of
1953, near dusk, on a lovely end-of-the-summer day. And just as the
ice cream had thickened to its final state, and I happened to look
at the sky above my sister’s head, there it was, ghostily gyrating
in mid-air, no more than 300 feet away, as the beautiful wisps of
electrical corona drifted across the metallic shell and into the
air, then faded with a twinkle, like stardust from a magic wand
which had just passed across the sky.
I observed the colors of the corona at hovering power, which ranged
from a bright white, through every color of the rainbow. Generally,
the color was a “pink and blue”, with gold highlights and purple
undertones. The corona was not too unlike the flame produced by
burning zinc, such as when a welding torch was being used to cut
galvanized steel pipe. Very beautiful. The corona was emitted from
the entire shell at hovering, with a negative corona at the top, as
the wind blew gently from the left. Each time the saucer precessed,
the wind wafted the corona around on the surface and in the air. The
gyrating saucer reminded me of a precessing gyroscope. But the
saucer shell itself did not rotate, and the corona did not come out
of vents, because there were none.
The air in contact with the surface fluoresced orange-red, in
“throbs”, which corresponded to each cycle of the saucer’s
precession, on its bottom as it turned into the wind from the left
and in shadow, away from the sunlight from the right. I concluded
that the ‘throbs’ were probably due to the increased visibility of
the corona in the shadow, due to the increased light contrast. This
created the illusion that the corona came in ‘throbs’ which
corresponded exactly to the precession, which was only the product
of the relative light and dark which revealed the corona more in the
dark. The corona was still there on the light side of the saucer,
only you couldnt see it because the light was too bright.
The precession generally matched that which I had experienced in a
friend’s new 1954 Buick, at 120 mph. As the car approached 120, it
began to precess, as it sped down the highway, rolling around on the
coil springs, which scared us a bit. At that speed, the angle of
precession was at its maximum, and the precession frequency was at
its minimum, of approximately 2 c.p.s. As we passed through 120, and
sped up to 135, the precessional angle decreased, and the
precessional frequency increased, until it was a mere “shimmy”,
behaving in much the same manner as the saucer. In fact, we were
greatly relieved to be traveling at 135 rather than 120, where the
precession was so scary.
At very high speed, the two turns which the saucer had executed were
precise, square ones, and it did not ‘swing out’ at the corners.
This boggled the eyes, since one never sees things do that, except
on some mechanical devices, which hold moving parts into position
with rigid guides. At hundreds of miles per hour, the effect was
eerie. The movement indicated that the saucer experienced none of
the effects of momentum and inertia, and therefore operated on a
principle which controlled these forces, and created ‘synthetic’,
instantaneous momentum by increasing in the new direction of
Since the forward edge emitted a ‘hairy’
(i.e., negative) corona during the rapid acceleration, the
electrical polarity was indicated. Since the ship made instant
square turns which were perpendicular to its vertical axis, the idea
of an internal “gyroscopic” drive system was contraindicated. There
was no sound, hence no perceptible aerodynamic or “Coanda” effects.
The saucer accelerated much faster than a jet, rocket or
propeller-driven craft could have, and had no visible or audible
jets or rockets, orifices, pods, intakes, or shapes. It went from a
half mile away to infinity in three seconds, appearing to have
achieved a 9,000 m.p.h. velocity almost instantly, although it could
have been as high as 25,000 mph.
The metallic shell was similar in color to aluminum, only somewhat
duller, with concentric striations on its surface, like a ‘spun’
“wok” shape. The striations were approximately 1” wide and rather
crude, indicating perhaps a technical difficulty in fabrication,
such as that experienced in early, large-scale “spin-forming” of the
shells on very large vertical lathes, using new, special tungsten
alloy discs. A friend, who had worked in a secret government
factory, in Amarillo, Texas, in the ‘50s, described how they
fabricated such semi-spheres around 50’ in diameter in that same
manner. The shells were then shipped to New Mexico. When one of the
work crew asked what they were for, he was told they were “shells
for flying saucers”, and everyone had a good laugh.
As the saucer precessed, sunlight played across the striations on
the bottom, like it does on the microgrooves of a silvery compact
disc, or of an aluminum pan.
I had made the rough estimate of its diameter by visual comparison
to the new city water tower behind it and slightly to the right. The
approximate height through the center was visually extrapolated from
the diameter, together with the proportionate spherical sections
used, and the height-to-diameter proportionality.
What I saw in 1953 was a flying machine. The most irrational
assumption would have been that it was “extraterrestrial” in origin.
The most rational assumption was that it was made by human beings,
and that was my first impression. The puzzle parts I had gathered
that day, added to what I already had, eventually grew, until I had
enough to fit together to substantiate what I believed on my first
There were many sightings occurring at that general period of time,
especially in that area. That particular saucer was noted by Wink
Air Station, about 10 miles away, according to my brother-in-law’s
relative, who worked there. Wink Air Station was south of the flight
path, which was on a bee-line precisely due west toward the northern
edge of Ft. Bliss, Texas, where Wernher von Braun was at that time.
Had I not been viewing the saucer while it hovered, and its flight
to the horizon, almost directly along its trajectory, it might not
have been visible.
As I thought about the performance characteristics, 1 concluded that
the field of aerodynamics would soon become obsolete. This led me to
abandon my plans to become an aerodynamicist, although I still
wanted to be an aeronautical engineer. After all, the saucer was
powered by electricity, had canceled inertia, momentum and gravity,
made no sonic boom, and apparently ignored aerodynamics. I assumed
the aircraft was classified at the time, but that it would only be a
matter of no more than five to ten years before it would be
declassified, just as other aircraft had been. At the time, I
assumed that the general public would be using flying saucers by
1960. How wrong this turned out to be! The longer I waited, the more
I became determined to know why.
In 1953, at the time of my sighting, I assumed that the saucer was a
“secret government project”. By 1963, I confirmed instead that it
was a “Secret Government” project, and began viewing all government
statements as being intended to maintain that secrecy. By that time,
I also assumed that the Soviets did not have the saucer, as we knew
it, even though Habermohl, purportedly one of the top German flying
saucer scientists, had gone to the Russians in 1945, and we ended up
with Miethe and Schriever.
Neither of these two men appeared to
have anything to do with the electrically-powered saucers, and their
projects were probably misinformational. eventually considered the
assumption that the Soviets also had the saucer even more
improbable, hinging” on the question as to whether or not Habermohl
had access to the particular secrets involved, and whether he told
the Soviets about them if he did. It is more probable that Habermohl,
whose ideas were of the lowest order in the “flying saucer
hierarchy”, was purposefully ‘sacrificed’ to the Russians to mislead
them, and that the Russians incorrectly assumed that he would have
told them everything he knew, while he may have given them only
The CIA could have put a lot of money in
a Swiss bank account for him, while the Soviets continued to treat
him like a king. Besides, the kind of saucers under development by
Habermohl and Schriever were of the jet and rocket powered “boundary
layer” type, not the electric type, and really posed no risk to the
“real” “p2” flying saucer, based on Nikola Tesla’s original
discoveries, acquired by the Nazis and purportedly being developed
by Miethe, under von Braun’s immediate supervision, from his
research and development centers at Peenemunde and in Bavaria.
The Nazis were very shrewd, developing several different types of
saucers—some aerodynamic, but only one electrical—at different
locations using different designers, but they would never have
developed the “real” (“KT-p2”) electrically powered saucer outside
Germany, such as in Czechoslovakia, where Habermohl and Schriever
worked. The Czech projects appeared to be purely disinformational.
It is probable that the only military
organization made privy to all these secrets was the SS, as
suggested by evidence purportedly from Wiener Neustadt, in the
Austrian Bavarian Alps, and at General Otto Skorzeny’s special SS
commando headquarters near Munich Skorzeny’s groups’ specialties
included rescues. The saucers were purportedly viewed by the SS
mythically, as the Vimanas of the SS Aryan philosopher-rulers,
according to the neo-Platonist Nazi religion.
There has been a very carefully executed conspiracy to conceal real
photos of what I call “real flying saucers”—those of the purely
“electro-propulsive” type—from the public. The O.S.I, has seen to it
that many fake photos and configurations have been ‘inserted’ into
the mainstream, to confuse the public not only as to the real shape
of these saucers, but to the means of propulsion. I have encountered
very sly O.S.I, attempts to propagate the idea—within more
‘intelligent’ “UFOlogy” circles—that the Felix Schauberger designs
(which were non-electro-propulsive, claiming use of an “implosion
turbine”-driven ‘duct fan’, which put them definitely in the
“low-tec” category, somewhere in the category of a glorified air
conditioner vent)—were the kind developed by the Nazis.
From the numerous photos of flying
saucers—some real, some fabricated—it is difficult to determine with
relative certainty the stages of development which the ‘true saucer’
has undergone. Many of the photos are obviously hoaxes, and all the
types proffered by the “German-genesis” bunch are disinformational,
or based on data derived from CIA-generated disinformational
sources, so I will try to show you what I saw in 1953, and you can
draw your own conclusions. The illustration shown below should give
you some idea of what the particular type of saucer I saw looked

I knew by the way that the saucer
could ‘jump around’ in space, that it’s gravity was being
controlled. Otherwise, it would have flown to pieces, and any
pilot would have been slammed around so badly that he would have
been injured and rendered unconscious by the “G” forces. I knew
from the electrical corona, and the ‘buttermilk’ texture of its
corona trail, that the means for controlling gravity high
voltage electricity, and included at least some sort of high
frequency electricity. I knew also that the saucer disobeyed
conventional rules of gravity, inertia, momentum, aerodynamics,
aeronautics, and physics.
A rounded surface will hold charges
better than those of a small diameter or sharp points or edges,
which will ‘leak’ charges more quickly, and cause corrosion and
burns. A corner of 90 degrees or more, will reflect waves being
emitted from the top or bottom. This to me explained some of the
saucer’s physical shape parameters. The emissions seemed to
originate on the top surface on hovering—with positive corona on its
bottom—and at the front when accelerating.
In attempting to analyze the cause for the precession, I concluded
after many years of deliberation, that it was not caused by a
‘spinning’ mass inside the saucer, such as a gyroscope or motor, or
the saucer itself, but was caused by the same unidentified,
underlying reason that spinning objects precess, in an
electromagnetic interaction between the mass of the saucer and
something in the space in which it operated.
The precession of tops and gyroscopes as
they spin, compared to the saucer’s precession, since it was not
spinning—was caused by some underlying common principle. There was a
guidance system Meisterkreiselkompass (“master-gyro- compass”), to
work with the Peiltochterkompass (“polar-slave-compass”), a control
device from a German inertial guidance system I would later acquire,
as the only piece of physical evidence—a part from a flying
saucers—in private hands—my hands—thus far. The Meisterkompass would
have been on gimbals, and would not have related to the precession.
The electrically powered “Kreisel Teller” (“Gyrating Saucer”) was a
secret of such importance that only the elite of the Nazi hierarchy
were privy to these secrets. Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati beginnings
were at Ingolstadt. The Illuminati appeared to be alive and well
even before Weishaupt, among the Prussian aristocracy into which
Wernher von Braun was born. I will have more to say about this
In late 1955 the Korean War came to an end. In June, 1956, at age
seventeen, at the end of my junior year, I decided to drop out of
high school and get my “military obligation” out of the
way—preferably before the Military Industrial Complex could start
another war. I didn’t want to live through my twenties with that
uncertainty continually hanging over my head, with the possibility
that I might have to interrupt whatever I might be doing at that
Somehow, I was offered a presidential appointment to the Air Force
Academy, by President Eisenhower. Unfortunately, he wasn’t aware
that I was a high school drop-out, while the Air Force failed to
inform me that the obstacle could have been surmounted by a G.E.D.
test. Meanwhile, I also wanted to be in the Air Force Band, but
there were no new assignments. I was offered the position of first
bugler for the National Drum and Bugle Corps, in Washington, D.C.,
but at the time, my disappointment over not being in the Air Force
Band was so great, I failed to investigate the bugle corps offer and
what a great opportunity it represented, and turned it down.
This was while I was in basic training,
when I was in the Lackland A.F.B. Drum and Bugle Corps, where I was
first bugler. Second bugler was my best friend at the time, Kris
Kristofferson, who was quickly appointed as “barracks chief, because
he had two years of RO.T.C. at Pomona College. My other good friend
was Eddie Heywood, of Boston, Mass. Kris’ father was Army brass, and
Eddie’s older brother, Tom, was a Navy commander. Eddie’s lather was
an M.I.T. chemistry professor. I had been a Navy brat during WW II,
so we all sort of fell in together and got along well. Kris and I
had both gone out with the same girl, named Marilyn Wood, of Donna,
Texas, who was the National F.F.A. “Sweetheart” around 1956. Those
farmers couldn’t have picked a better girl, even though she liked
Kris and 1 reciprocated for base reville and taps. We had a crack
marching and performance group, and had some excellent Caribbean
drummers, as well as a bagpiping member of the Black Watch of
Scotland, on loan to us from the RC.A.F.
Kris was awaiting an application to Annapolis, and had another
application in for flight school just in case. After discovering
that I wouldn’t be able to accept the A.F. Academy appointment, and
that no band positions were open, I decided that jet mechanics would
be a good job, and would prepare me for my planned career in
aeronautical design and engineering. I already knew that I was a
mechanical whiz-kid, and didn’t anticipate any problems on my tests.
Besides, good jet mechanics were in short supply in the Air Force at
the time. Eddie wanted to be a tow-reel operator, because of the
extra hazardous duty pay, then just wanted to go back to being a
civilian again.
When we finally got to our testing phase, I came away feeling good
about my tests, even though I was rather exhausted at the time I
took them. Later, we were given our files by the testing personnel,
and ordered to deliver them to the counseling and classification
section. There, an airman first class told us we were not to look at
our test scores until the following week, when we were scheduled to
meet with the counselors for career counseling and job
classification and training
purposes. I considered the order too suspicious to obey, so the
minute the airman first’s head was turned, I disobeyed, opened my
file, and recorded my stanine scores on my pith helmet.
Mechanics (95) was my highest, with
administration (45) my lowest score, with the rest of my scores
graduated evenly in between. My A.F.Q.T. (Armed Forces Qualification
Test), taken in Dallas when I enlisted, was 97, placed me in the top
1 %.
The following week, when our files were returned to us, my scores
had been reversed, making me look like a potential administrative
whiz. There were, I noticed, five classification men working closely
together in a suspicious way, and I already had reason for my
suspicions, because they had reversed my scores. I didn’t tell the
counselor I knew my test scores had been reversed, and discovered
several other similar obvious discrepancies with my comrades.
The personnel man refused to consider
assigning me to jet mechanics, because of my “low mechanical
aptitude”, and insisted on placing me in Ground Control and
Approach, an air traffic and control job which required a high
administrative aptitude, and involved a highly responsible and
critical job landing aircraft under hazardous conditions. In other
words, he had not only misclassified me, but had placed me in a
critical field in which a single administrative error, such as
assigning two aircraft the same altitude, etc., could cost millions
of dollars and several lives. I already knew that the changes in my
scores were made after the records had been turned over to the
classification personnel, who therefore were the responsible parties
in all likelihood.
On return to our barracks, I made a rapid survey of others to see
how they had fared, bearing in mind that our records had been
sabotaged. There were several men scheduled for counterinteUigence,
some to be sent to Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, and other schools with
good Slavic language programs. I assumed that many of these
assignments were misclassifications, based on sabotaged scores that
made the airmen involved appear to have a higher aptitude for
languages than they actually had. As I later discovered, while my
scores were merely reversed, those of some others’ were juxtaposed
in different order, or graded upward or downward.
Among the airmen being sent to counterintelligence was a young
Bulgarian who was a trustworthy friend, who had been recruited just
for that purpose by U.S. Intelligence. He was a fine person, whose
family had been slaughtered by the Communists. The classifications
personnel had probably taken a wide berth with him, but had probably
blown his cover. Another guy, who claimed to be from Florida—which I
did not believe, and neither did the Bulgarian—was also classified
into counterintelligence. He had the same rosy cheeks and Slavic
mouth as my boyhood friend, Rudolf, who was a first generation
I consulted with the Bulgarian, and then
with Eddie, and finally with Kris, who was knowledgeable about
military affairs and procedures. Kris recommended that I report my
findings to the adjutant. By that time, the personnel saboteurs had
continued to do their damage, and had even managed to cut a set of
travel orders sending me to Air Police School in Compton,
California, even though I was assigned to G.C.A. school at Keesler
A.F.B., Mississippi, near Biloxi.
I told the adjutant that I had found what I believed to be a 5-man
K.G.B. cell operating in the Air Force Career Counseling Center at
Lackland, and that they had probably already routed a Czech mole
into counterintelligence. The adjutant straightened out my travel
orders, and said he would have the matter looked into.
Months later, Naval Commander Thomas W. Heywood—Eddie’s older
brother—on behalf of O.N.I., came to Keesler to spend four days over
Thanksgiving, 1956, with Eddie and I.
He said his reason for coming involved
the K.G.B. cell, informing me for the first time that the F.B.I.,
acting on my information, had uncovered them Tom said he had reason
to believe that the K.G.B. was responsible for certain problems I
was having, and that he would see what he could do to get me out of
trouble. He said that Eisenhower had transferred the bunch to the
Army where they could be more closely watched. The entire incident
was classified “Confidential”, and Tom was breaking the rules by
even discussing the matter with me. I received the same confirmation
from the squadron adjutant and commander, and was also clandestinely
visited by Air Force Intelligence and D.I.A. people, who were trying
to help me, while the Air Force officially refused to do anything.
About that time, Arthur C. Clarke, head of the British
Interplanetary Society, and a big friend to Wernher von Braun, came
to Keesler to give a lecture on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”,
which I attended. Clarke concluded that flying saucers did not exist
as such, and that all such sightings could be explained as natural
phenomena. After his address, I filed through a line to speak to
him. I shook his hand and told him,
“Dr. Clarke, I enjoyed your speech,
but both you and I know that you are a goddamned liar, and that
flying saucers are man-made flying machines powered by
Clarke chuckled and shook my hand. Two
days later, I was reclassified into intelligence, as a clerk-
typist, of all things (there was the uncorrected high score in
administration speaking again, which the Air Force refused to
correct). Both Eddie and I went to 8th A.F., S.A.C., Headquarters,
26th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Lockbourne, A.F.B., Ohio, near
Columbus. I was then processed and cleared for Top Secret.
It seemed an odd coincidence that the 8th Air Force intelligence
group to which I was attached was the same one which had encountered
the first allied air assaults of the German flying saucers, and was
also somewhat involved in Operation Paperclip.
While at Lockbourne, in late 1957, 1 met a lieutenant colonel named
A. W. Clements who was on T.D.Y. there, who had been one of the
lieutenants who were Captain Mantell’s wingmates, at the time of the
Jan. 7, 1948 incident near Mayville, Kentucky, involving a flight
out of Godman A.F.B. Flight Commander Thomas Mantell, Jr., led his
P-51s in pursuit of a flying saucer. His plane was completely
destroyed and Mantell with it. The later account by J. Allen Hynek,
in his “Operation Blue Book” report, was almost completely different
from the one given to me by Lt. Col. Clements. The situation gave me
cause to wonder that, should others have followed up on Hynek’s
footsteps on all the other reports he supposedly considered, that
almost just so many other errors might not emerge, showing a
consistent pattern of lies.
The way I came to meet Clements, a tall man with dark wavy hair, was
because of a discussion—actually more of an argument—which I was
having with a couple of intelligence officers, one a major and the
other a captaia I was making my argument on flying saucers, and they
were calling me crazy, saying flying saucers were either ‘aerial
phenomena’ or non-existent. The colonel came down the stairs,
introduced himself, and said he was on T.D.Y. at Lockbourne for a
couple of weeks, (from either Kentucky or Wright-Patterson, I don’t
recall for certain).
He said he couldn’t help but overhear
our argument, and said he was taking my side. He told us he had been
Captain Mantell’s wingmate in the 1948 disaster, and gave a
blow-by-blow account of the incident, which significantly differed
with the account written by Hynek when they spotted the saucer, and
immediately commenced pursuit under standing orders, they contacted
the control tower at Godman. Mantell led the way, and was close to
the saucer. The control tower patched them through to the Pentagon,
which ordered them to immediately cease pursuit.
Clements said that he was unable to make
radio contact with Mantell, because of the strong electric field
near the saucer, so Mantell continued the pursuit, within the
colonel’s view. Mantell’s plane flew into tiny pieces and Mantell
with it. There was no evidence or sighting of any weapons use. The
two officers who were arguing with me had to eat crow, for there was
a superior officer having direct personal knowledge of flying
saucers, in a famous incident, to corroborate my argument. 1 thanked
Clements for his honesty. The two other officers didn’t call him
My theory is that Mantell’s plane, at 500 mph., entered the saucer’s
electric field, which gravitationally neutralized the front of the
plane. As soon as his plane lost its charge, the front and rear of
the plane shredded together and apart in every direction, due to the
sudden effects of momentum and inertia. The Pentagon’s order to
cease and desist was heard by Clements, but not by Mantell, and must
have been intended to avoid such an incident, based on prior
knowledge by Pentagon personnel as to what could happen.
Otherwise, there is no case in which the
Pentagon has ever ordered the U.S.A.F. to cease pursuit of any
“unidentified” aircraft, while flying over the continental U.S.A.
The parts of Hynek’s report which were false, due to critical
omissions and misrepresentations—since Clements told his story to me
the same as he told Hynek—were related to the facts that they
clearly pursued a flying saucer, that Clements was in view of
Mantell’s plane at the time of the explosion, that radio contact had
been obviously broken with Mantell due to the electric field of the
saucer, and that the Pentagon had caEed off the pursuit immediately
on notification, prior to the incident. This incident has been
rehashed over and over, and Clements was very clear on the fact that
it was a flying saucer, and not a “weather balloon” as the
government later tried to fabricate.
On the night of Nov. 2,1957, while I was on leave from the Air
Force, visiting at my parent’s home in Odessa, Texas, my father was
returning from a marketing trip, en route to Odessa. Just after
passing through LeveEand, Texas after dark, his 1957 ford staEed and
aE Eghts went out, and he had to coast to a stop in the dark, on the
highway shoulder. He rolled down his window and felt a rush of air,
while over his car, a flying saucer hovering only a few feet above.
He sat there for around fifteen minutes before the saucer finally
departed In essence, he had been “arrested” during that time.
Afterwards, he was able to restart his
engine, but his lights were gone, so he returned cautiously in the
dark to a Levelland motel, where he spent the remainder of the
night. The following morning, at first light, he drove on to Odessa,
where he ate a quick breakfast and went immediately to SeweE Ford to
have his lights repaired, saying nothing about the flying saucer.
After he left, I turned on the T.V. for the morning news, which
included the well-known report about the Levelland saucers,
including an interview with the sheriff of Hockley County. I
immediately went to Sewell Ford to talk to my father.
The Sewell Ford repair shop had just opened, and the mechanic was
just beginning to check out the lights, as my father stood close by.
I asked Dad about the flying saucer, and he asked how I knew about
it. He was unaware that there were news reports concerning other
sightings and incidents around Levelland the previous night. He said
he had said nothing about it because he didn’t want to be called
The saucer was “egg-shaped”, about 200
feet long, and glowed in the dark. The mechanic said he’d never seen
a car with every single light bulb blown out, without there being a
blown fuse or any other evidence of a short or other electrical
malfunction. I suggested that the tungsten filaments were damaged
because the strong electric field around the saucer had caused the
filaments to burn out or break, as the weakest links in the
circuits, already weakened by their white-hot temperatures, when the
saucer hovered over the car. The magnetic field in the car, induced
by the strong electric field of the saucer, would cause the
electrons in the light filament and circuitry to spin like crazy.
I left the Air Force in 1958, because the classification errors made
by the K.G.B. in 1956 had led to an impasse, in which I eventually
could not be upgraded in the field in which I was working—in Special
Services P.C.U. (Physical Conditioning and Judo Unit)—until I had
first been upgraded in my primary A.F.S.C., which was as an
illustrator in Intelligence.
The Air Force had refused to correct my
test scores so that I could be classified into a field consistent
with my real aptitudes. Meanwhile, Intelligence decided they wanted
me back, after I had trained in the P.C.U. Using their ‘secret’
influence, Intelligence got the classification officer who was to
officially assign the P.C.U. classification number to me after
training in that field, so I could be upgraded, assign me a primary
A.F.S.C. as an illustrator in Intelligence, with a secondary A.F.S.C.
in the P.C.U., so that I could not be upgraded at all, until I had
gone back to Intelligence for six months so I could first be
upgraded there.
This created a “catch 22”, however,
because I had already been in the A.F. for two years and had not
been upgraded, so I demanded a discharge under an obscure 8th A.F.
Letter, a copy of which was in my possession. The ironic fact was
that, not only was I already trained as an illustrator, but there
was no one on the base to train me anyway. I had attended night
classes at the Columbus College of Art and Design for a year.
And now for the incident on the three Russian bombers: When I worked
in Intelligence as a clerk-typist, I had ‘spontaneously’ devised a
new briefing system during a “Red Alert”, called during a snowstorm.
I was the only one in my group to show up, and had to brief and
debrief the S.A.C. crews before and after takeoff. That alert
concerned three Russian bombers which crossed the Arctic Circle and
eventually landed in Minnesota under fighter escort, picked up over
Canadian air space.
That was the “Bison, the Bear, and the
Muskrat” incident I referred to earlier, being the three latest
Russian bombers, flown by three defecting Russian pilots and landed
in Minnesota. As far as we knew, it was an attack. The briefing
system I devised involved color-coding, in which the map pouches I
provided to the pilots identified their primary, secondary, and
alternate targets by color code. That system was adopted by S.A.C.,
as it was very handy under pressure, and the pilots liked it, even
though it was a breach of security for me to devise and distribute
the system without authority. What else was I to do, since the
responsible intelligence men were still at home hiding under their
Only survival officer, Lt. Don Cook and
I, did the whole routine with only a skeleton crew. I had picked up
what I knew by working in the same room Congress had rejected the
plans for the three Russian bombers, so the American designer had
sold his plans to the Russians. We had no defense from those planes
at that time, since they flew above our missiles.
The last time I ever personally heard from Kris Kristofferson, was a
letter I received from him at Keesler in late 1956, in which he said
he had been accepted to flight school. I later learned that he had
became a Rhodes scholar at Oxford, after finishing at Annapolis,
after his other application eventually came through. When he
appeared as a musician in the ‘60s, I hardly recognized him, except
for his voice and eyes. In 1956, he was rather stocky, wore a burr
haircut, and even had those little rolls of fat on the back of his
neck I was greatly disappointed in 1996 to learn of his connections
to Col. Michael Aquino and the CIA’s MK ULTRA program, in which he
was a Vatican-based Project Monarch slave-runner.1 Working with the
Jesuits, eh Kris?
Eddie’s older brother, Tom, eventually became the Chief of Naval
Operations. It didn’t surprise me, because he was always well aware
of what was going on, while others were still in the dark, and had
the guts to “violate” bad orders like a good American should
Ironically, the Air Force Records Center in St. Louis, Mo., was
burned out, because they could never correct the damage done to the
records by the K.G.B.
To this day, there are still numerous
claims and lawsuits resulting ultimately from the sabotage, and most
people don’t even know it ever occurred. If I had not stumbled
across the KGB. cell, there is no telling how long they might have
lasted, right under the noses of our ignorant government
bureaucrats, and the fact remains that they might never have been
caught. The distinct feeling I got was that I was being punished for
turning up this incident, not only by the K.G.B., but by my own
government as well, and that the only help I got was from people who
were disobeying orders.
I never received an official word of thanks from the Air Force, and
got only an unofficial thanks from Tom Heywood, and he was with the
In 1962, 1 applied for the Peace Corps, on a bet with J. Evetts
Haley, the western historian. Our bet was that I would apply for
duty in Southeast Asia, and be accepted for South America, based on
“bureaucratic probability”. My application was accepted for Ecuador,
with training in Puerto Rico. I never tried to collect on the bet,
since it was more in the nature of a joke.
While in training at Arecibo, and at the Universidad Inter Americano
at Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, I had some rather noteworthy
experiences. Beginning at Arecibo, I was under close scrutiny for
some reason unknown to me at the time. This immediately followed a
fiery speech by Fidel Castro of Cuba, in which he accused the Peace
Corps of being a front for the CIA. I was followed around by certain
administrative people, and even treated rather hostilely. Finally,
R. Sargent Shriver, brother-in-law to President John F. Kennedy,
came for a visit, and hung out with me over several days. Everyone
knew who he was, even though he used a phony name. One volunteer
even sculpted a limestone portrait of him. He was checking me out
for some unknown reason, and seemed disconcerted that we agreed on
so many things. My friend, Dr. A. Henry Sara-Nee, of Midland, Texas,
had been a graduating classmate of his at Yale Law School, class of
It was near this time that an old Puerto Rican man, who smuggled
back and fourth to Cuba in his row boat, most urgently approached me
at a rural cantina, to give me information. The story that he
related to me indicated that he had observed the Russians building
what I knew from his description were nuclear missile silos,
equipped with I.C.B.M.S.
1Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips,
Trance Formation of America, Reality Marketing, Inc., Las Vegas, NV
This was the first information picked up in the “Cuban Missile
Crisis”, and I passed the information along, after which it was
verified by intelligence people. The missiles were actually there,
contrary to later false reports (supplied by the CIA) that only fake
‘mock-up’ missiles were in Cuba. They were apparently setting
Kennedy up, and I knew it, the American public be damned.
It was also near this time mat I was harassed by Peace Corps
bureaucrats, because a friend and I had Puerto Rican girl friends.
The friend was a Black guy named Bill, who had won the Medal of
Honor in the Korean War, as a tank commander. The Peace Corps
officials particularly wanted me to stop seeing my girlfriend, a
school teacher named Maria, because her brother was the secretary to
the Bishop of Ponce, who had called Munoz Marin a communist Maria
had participated in freedom rides in the southern U.S., and I
thought it odd that Peace Corps officials should be guilty of such
bigotry and weirdness. Didn’t these guys ever see West Side Story?
They were acting like “Officer Krupke”.
I was finally ‘selected out’ of the Peace Corps, without any reason
being given. It would not be until four years later that I would
learn why.
In protest to the Peace Corps having ‘separating me out’, a group
Barranquitas citizens showed up with placards, in my support. They
were Puerto Ricans I’d become acquainted with, including my
girlfriend, her chaperone, and several others. I thanked them for
their sympathy, and said my goodbyes to them, after which we were
taken to the San Juan airport, thence flown back to the U.S. Though
the group had little money, they later very sweetly took up a
donation and sent a small gift of money and a nice card, after I
reached home.
As I was preparing to depart the training facility at the
Universadad Inter Americano at Barranquitas, I was offered some
damaging information on Peace Corps operations, from several people
whom I had already identified as CIA agents. The information ranged
from the fact that our “dance teacher” was paid $120.00 per day, to
the fact that many of the male officials abused their positions by
demanding ‘bed time’ with some of the female recruits.
What I also thought was very odd, was
the fact that nearly all the Peace Corps officials and other
trainees had almost nothing to do with the Puertoriquenos, and were
discouraged from doing so. At the forefront of this attitude, were
some people from the Union Theological Seminary. When I reached
home, I was surprised to have some media people very anxious to
‘expose’ the Peace Corps operations. I attributed this to CIA
orchestration as well.
Thanks to Walter Bowart, I read in 1994 that, according to The
Report from Iron Mountain (purportedly an accidentally leaked paper
of the Secret Government) that war is considered a desirable
component of modern society to reduce population, and to control
“..dangerous social dissidence and destructive anti-social
tendencies”. The military is considered a pool for “misfits...a
state-supported haven for the unemployable”.
They conceived of the Peace Corps as a
model for an alternative replacement for the non-military functions
of war, to sociologically control “misfits” a “modern
sophisticated form of slavery”, motivated by,
a) “intensified environmental
b) “new religious or other
c) “socially oriented blood
d) “combination forms”
In respect to my having been “selected
out” of the Peace Corps (which in view of the above report, was a
positive sign), the following copies of letters and documents are
included for your reflection:

Please note the evasive language of E.
Lowell Kelly’s second paragraph (“...I see no reason to discuss
specific reasons for your separation..”) in response to my letter
attempting to find out why I was removed. Kelly mentioned “Dr.
Boulger”, whom he asserted had ‘evidently’ told me “quite
specifically” why. To the contrary, Boulger never told me why, even
though very nervous, and actually broke down in tears when I asked
him for a reason. The only thing I could get out of him was a vague
reference to “...something to do with my military record”. Since
everything about my “”military record” had been fully disclosed at
the time of my recruitment, the Peace Corps had been fully informed,
and there was scarcely any basis for that.
I knew that Fidel Castro had delivered fiery damnations of the Peace
Corps in his radio broadcasts, which we had listened to, alleging
that it was a “front for the CIA”, but never imagined that I was
being set up as a scapegoat. I also knew that two of my fellow
recruits— John Bolin and Patricia Cohn—had fraternized with two of
Castro’s spies, when they had approached the training facility and
entered it, just prior to those broadcasts. I also knew that Bolin
and Cohn were CIA agents, along with John Barrett and a man named
Salazar. It wasn’t until four years later that I would realize what
Bolin and Cohn had told Castro’s agents, that I was a CIA agent.
In retrospect, I knew one of the men associated with the Peace Corp
was a Cuban associated with the CIA forces which had attempted to
overthrow Castro. He had brutally raped a friend of mine, a girl
from Kentucky. Everyone knew about it, yet no one said anything
about it or attempted to rectify it. She had black eyes and bruises
all over her face, was dejected and ashamed, yet nothing was done to
the fascist CIA Cuban pig.
In distinction to this, the following
letter is from a woman who, along with her friend “Libby”, were
kicked out of the Peace Corps for being “lesbians”:

Again, I couldn’t understand why the Peace Corps was kicking out
Inge and Libby, since it should have been obvious to any idiot who
had interviewed or investigated them in the first place, that they
were lesbians. With some women, you just know, and Inge was one of
those women.
I picked up bits and pieces of the flying saucer puzzle during my
college years, particularly when I took a freshman course in
physics, at Sam Houston State University, in Huntsville, Texas, in
1963-64. At that time, I began to see the relationship between
gravity and charge-to-mass ratio in individual atoms.
Later, while I attended a year of law school at U.T.-Austin, in
1965-66, M.B. Wood, the CIA Southwestern Regional Director, gave a
recruitment speech to our law class1, and said he’d be glad to
answer any questions he could, if we would contact his secretary to
set up an appointment, which I did. I was surprised to learn that
the “sweetheart” of our law class, ‘Sandy’ (Kay) Bailey, was also
M.B. Wood’s secretary. (I was not surprised 26 years later, when in
1992 Kay Bailey-Hutchinson became a U.S. senator from Texas.)
The meeting was held in a room of the
Business and Economics Building, on the U.T. campus. At my meeting
with Wood, I asked him point blank if he knew why I was kicked out
of the Peace Corps. He reached across the desk for a dossier on me,
opened it, and showed me an “executive edict” signed by John F.
Kennedy, staring that “ person who has worked for the CIA may
be in the Peace Corps.”
I asked Wood how that applied to me, and
he said “Because President Kennedy thought you worked for us.”. I
then asked Wood if the CIA had permitted Kennedy to believe that,
even though it was not true, and he said “Yes”. Then he proudly
showed me another executive edict dated around two weeks later,
stating that “ person who has worked for the Peace Corps may be
employed by the CIA.” Then Wood said, “However, we’d be glad to
consider your application five years from your date of departure
from the Peace Corps.” As I was leaving, Wood said “Stay dry!” (old
intelligence jargon, meaning “stay sensitive!”).
The facts were as follows: There I was having a beer at a rural
Puerto Rican cantina, listening to accordion music blaring from a
Wurlitzer juke box, and just happened to pick up America’s first
intelligence on the Cuban Missile Crisis. Though I was not a CIA
agent, this seemed of considerable importance to me, and I didn’t
think I should remain silent about it. After all, my family didn’t
even have a bomb shelter. Besides, I was in Peace Corps training,
and the missile silos sounded fairly unpeaceful, so I passed the
information along for the benefit of the American People and the
world, not the CIA. Castro’s radio broadcasts reminded me of
This incident proved to me what I had suspected all along, which was
that the CIA was not playing it straight with the president, who was
their commander-in-chief. If the president could not depend on the
veracity of the CIA, as his supposed means of intelligence gathering
upon which to base his decisions, then the American people could not
rely on those decisions as reflecting the rational options available
to the president, as betrayed by the CIA. It stands to John F.
Kennedy’s credit that he lacked confidence in the CIA, so much that,
even after they had scapegoated me, to avoid discovery of the fact
that they remained well represented in the Peace Corps in violation
of the President’s order, that Kennedy sent his own trusted
brother-in-law, Shriver, to see if they were lying to him, which
they certainty were.
If they had just told me why they were
kicking me out, I could have fingered Bolin, Cohn, Barrett, and
Salazar—who were not separated out—in a few minutes. They had told
Castro’s spies that I was a CIA agent, and then gave me the damaging
material on the Peace Corps as I was departing, obviously for use in
my later interviews with the media, which they had also arranged. It
seemed odd to me that the president of the United States did not
know who his own CIA agents were, yet I, a civilian, whom he was
falsely led to believe was with the CIA, did know who they were.
If the CIA answered to a ‘higher authority’, then this was truly
bigger than a “betrayal” of or by Kennedy, in his dealings with the
Military Industrial Complex. There was John F. Kennedy—a
Cambridge-educated Illuminatus (A.K.A. “Fabian Socialist”)—betraying
the Council on Foreign Relations’ goal of British-American world
imperialism, as envisioned by Cecil Rhodes, the British billionaire
who, as an Illuminist, had endowed Oxford’s Rhodes Scholarships
program, and was a ‘world-control’ adherent to the ancient teachings
of Hermes Trismegistus (“Thrice Greatest”), as elucidated by his
favorite Oxford professor, John Ruskin. These teachings say that
only an illuminated elite—which maintains a dualistic
(“Hermaphroditic”) difference between what is said and what is
done—should rule the world.
In 1968, while a graduate student in art
at U.T., I attended a lecture on gravity in the physics department.
I was disappointed to find that the physicists were still ignorant
of the scientific basis for gravity. I was also amazed to find a
grant application on the bulletin board, from the U.S. Department of
Energy, for prospective PhD. candidates in physics. All the
candidates had to do to pick up a $10,000 grant, was to base their
theses on the given government premise that “U.F.O.s are
free-floating plasmas.” This was apparently the manner by which the
Trilateral Commission bought phony “documentation” to support their
BIGGEST LIE, to be later used by UFOlogists. It also constituted a
prima facie case of scholastic dishonesty.
I left the university and my first wife and I divorced in 1970, then
I moved to New Mexico. By 1967, 1 had already done sketches of
flying saucer control systems, having twelve directional grids,
corresponding to twelve 30-degree incremental divisions of the
compass, such as I had surmised from my 1950s observations of flying
saucers navigating in the night sky above our back yard in West
Texas. This observation would later be corroborated, at least for
the early vintage saucers.
In 1973, at the Santa Fe Ski Basin, I
ran across some friends whom I had known in my U.T. days, who had
belonged to O.S.O. (“Organization of Students of Objectivism”), a
philosophy club I belonged to which studied the literature and
philosophy of Ayn Rand The friends introduced me to a woman who
accompanied them. I dated the woman on occasion over two years. In
1975, she attended the School of Law at the University of Houston,
and lived with her grandmother, in Pasadena, Texas.
While visiting her, after my return from
a trip to Europe—on which I had embarked on the Kraljevica, a vessel
of the Jugolinea—I was rather astounded when she and another
vivacious young woman suddenly announced that they were CIA agents,
and said, “...we are authorized to offer you M.B. Wood’s job, with
the provision that you return to your wife.” You could have knocked
me over with a feather! Wood was the CIA executive with whom I had
met in Austin, concerning the Peace Corps.
I turned the offer down. It was odd to
discover that a lady you had been seeing for ova two years, was all
the while checking you out for the CIA. It was also ironic that I
was offered the job of the same CIA employee with whom I had met
concerning J.F.K. and the Peace Corps. To make it stranger, the
offer came from George Bush, the new head of the CIA, whom I had met
and talked to while visiting my first cousin, Patsy, who was his
private secretary for five years, at his Tidewater Oil Company
office in the Nelly Esperson Building, in Houston.
It took me a while to sort out all of the pieces of that little
incident. The CIA “agentrix” was the first cousin of my first wife’s
first cousin’s wife. That cousin’s wife was the sister to a (now
retired) Texas Ranger, who presently lives in Santa Fe. That Ranger
had taken a shot at my second wife along highway 285, in October,
1983, to scare the hell out of her. George Bush had just taken over
the CIA. The girlfriend had commercial dealings with Bush, as one of
the owners of a major oil company. And why did the CIA try to bribe
and coerce me back to my first wife? George Bush and my first wife’s
father were butt-bumping buddies, in Bush’s 1950s Odessa, Texas
days. Beginning with George Bush’s command at the CIA, my problems
began in Lamy, stirred up by the CIA, in order to “motivate me” to
accept their offer. The problem continued for over seventeen years.
I later determined that the ‘friends’ from the O.S.O. were CIA
trainees, who had been sent to our club to spy on us, and to “learn
how to think”. The CIA had secretly used us as a surrogate
think-tank. The “Oil Queen” of the CIA had given me a copy of T. H.
White’s Once and Future King as a gift a few months before, and I
never knew what was intended, until I recalled the part about where
King Arthur just went about his business, despite the embarrassing
gossip about court caused by the carryings on of Lance and
Guinevere. Well, I considered myself a notch above ol’ Art, and the
In reminiscing about the Oil Queen, I am forever amazed at the
confirmations I got from her, concerning the inventions of Nikola
Tesla and his flying saucer. Heir to a large oil fortune with very
high connections, she was in the know about energy matters of
concern to oil interests; Tesla’s invention of the flying saucer,
free energy discoveries, and Tom Ogle’s 100 miles-per-gallon
carburetor, which I will tell you more about in this book.
In 1975 I began researching alternative methods of energy
generation, based on the premise that inexhaustible energy can be
obtained from the environment, because “ cannot be created
nor destroyed, but only changed in form...”. Since I conceive of the
universe as a never-ending perpetual motion (energy) process—as the
rule and not the exception—my goal was to discover ways to trick
nature into producing “free energy”. This involved gathering,
focusing, and channeling some part of the infinite perpetual motion
of the universe, through whatever work I wanted to do with it. I
finally evolved what I call my “Triax System”.
In 1976 or thereabouts, I had resumed my childhood research in
nuclear sciences, electricity, and magnetism, which I had begun in
1947, when I was nine years old. By 1978,1 had accumulated a lot of
material and knowledge on the work of Nikola Tesla. As a child, my
neighbor’s father, Elmer Schlosser, a self-taught electronics repair
man, told me about Tesla, his boyhood inspiration, while growing up
in the Cimmarron Territory.
He told me the saucer was Tesla’s
invention. He gave me a lot of materials to use in my experiments
with electricity and magnetism. I took the soft iron bars from the
windows of the barracks from the German P.O.W. camp in Roswell, from
which we’d built our new house in 1947, and used the bars in my
experiments with magnetism and electricity. Some of the things I
discovered seemed to defy the accepted laws of electromagnetism.
I had always presumed that Tesla had indeed invented the flying
saucer, because of the way the government and Trilateralists had
practically drummed his greatness from history.
By 1979,1 had several operational Tesla coils, and was hunting
materials in the salvage heaps of Los Alamos, Albuquerque, and Santa
Fe, to use in a multitude of experiments. It was during this time
that many of my new inventions and re-discoveries came about.
While browsing through a Santa Fe flea market in 1979,1 met a viejo
from Pojoaque, who was trying to sell an old wooden box which he had
made in 1937, to carry tools behind the cab of his Model A Ford
pickup. On the lid of the box, he had carved, in New Mexico “folk”
style, a map showing Los Alamos, Pojoaque (with a “zia” sign around
it), and the unpaved road leading to the interstate, showing “LA.”
(Los Angeles) one way, and “N.Y.” (New York City) the other. The
date (“1937”) was shown, as well as the name of the project (“p2”)
in which he was employed at Los Alamos.
The symbol for the project (a triangle
with a dot in its center) was also shown. It was a scientific
project headed by Wernher Von Braun. The old man said that after the
project was “shut down and moved away”, at the end of 1937, that he
was never rehired when the “new project” (the Manhattan Project) was
begun in 1942.
I knew at the time that the triangle with a dot in its center was
the “all-seeing-eye” of Bel, Ra, or “God”, that it was a Masonic
symbol, and that it appeared on the dollar bill. I was inclined to
buy the box at the time, not only as a curiosity, but also because
of some haunting reason of which I was not then fully cognizant, but
I didn’t buy it because I was so short on cash at the time. I also
thought “1937” was a little early for anything scientific at Los
Alamos. The Manhattan Project originated in late 1941/early 1942.
Our government was an “ally” with Germany, until the 1939 invasion
of Poland (Surprised?).
It would not be until a week later that
I would realize my mistake in failing to buy the box, and did not
remember the old man’s name. Somewhere in Pojoaque or Santa Fe,
there may still be an old, hand-carved wooden box, which looks like

The following week, I regretted having
failed to buy the box, when I realized what the carving meant. This
was revealed when I went to a surplus dealer’s yard in Albuquerque,
shortly after a fresh pile of unusual things had been sold to him by
an employee of Sandia Base. On top of the pile was a navigational
device of the type I knew early saucers would have used.
The entire
pile was not the usual stuff I was able to buy, so I asked Mark
King, the owner’s son, who was also a friend of mine, what he would
have to have for the device. He answered, “Oh...about seven-fifty”.
My heart sank. Seven hundred and fifty dollars was way out of my
budget. I asked, “Seven hundred and fifty dollars?” Mark answered,
“No...cents, for the whole pile”. I wasted no time picking the stuff
up and paying Mark, with a big thanks, a handshake, a smile, and
When I returned home, I began to examine the device, made in 1943 by
Lizt, in Germany, more closely. The label on the device was as
GeratNr. 127-178 A-l
Anforderz. FI 23374
WerkNr. 10143
Hersteller: gvy
There was the “p2” again. “KT-p2” was
the codename for “Kreisel Teller” (German, for “Gyrating Saucer”)
and “p2” was, according to Tesla’s drawings, either two plates,
potentials, or primaries.
The 1943 device had a 6-volt motor to drive a geared ring marked in
30-degree partitions, around an inner electromagnetically coupled
disk. A selection knob in the center of the face was used to
manually turn a pointer to the desired flight-heading. There were
fourteen contact points on the bottom, two of which supplied D.C.
current to the motor.
The motor would rotate the outer geared
compass ring until it showed the correct flight heading, based on
information relayed from “master” gyrocompass, oriented to earth’s
north pole, at which point the motor was automatically switched off
The term “Tochter” (German, for “daughter”), literally meant “slave”
in this respect, so the term “Peiltochterkompass” meant
“Polar-Slave-Compass”. The device was one-half of an inertial or
“celestial” navigation system. This manually operated device
presupposed the “master” (gyro) compass....and electromagnetic
propulsion, in 1943.
I had observed a flying saucer up close in 1953, and my father had
been ‘held’ for at least a quarter of an hour, by another large
“mother ship”—“egg-shaped” and about 200 feet long—as he left
Levelland, Texas, on the night of November 2, 1957, which hovered
only a few feet above his car, killing his engine and burning out
his lights. Both the 1953 and 1957 ships emitted electrical coronal
discharges rendering an ordinary compass useless.
That and the fantastic speeds
necessitated an inertial navigation system The 1953 ship was
obviously disoriented, its pilots surprised to find that they were
hovering over our town, so their relatively primitive
Peiltochterkompass was used to ‘dial in’ the proper heading, to
speed back to their base along the New Mexico-Texas border, between
Ft. Bliss and White Sands Missile Range, where Wernher von Braun had
brought the post-war German KT-p2 Projekt.
The Peiltochterkompass had partitions of 30 degrees, identical to
the 30-degree incremental turns of flying saucers I’d seen in the
night sky, from 1949 to 1953. It was designed to be mounted
horizontally, with 360-degree peripheral headings, indicating a
round ship, which moved in 12 directions. Photographs of the
Peiltochterkompass appear below:

FIG. 1: Top View - fluorescent dial
and face calibrations, with 12 30-degree peripheral increments.
With master gyrocompass calibrated to true north prior to
takeoff directional selections made with dial read on
FIG. 2: Horizontal rear view -label and receptacle at bottom for
control cable attachment with 14 contact points, including power
for 6-volt motor and 6 bi-directional polarities, interconnected
to the “Meisterkreiselkompass”. Appropriate high-voltage
switches automatically activated via opposite pairs of twelve
FIG. 3: Perspective View.
FIG. 4: Photo of two antiquated wooden high-voltage Tesla tuning
coil forms (coils missing), from Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory (“LAS.L”) salvage, ca 1978. Twelve 30-degree
increments on notched form primitively secured by old window
latch Among stuff cleared out of “old bam” in oldest area of
lab. Examination of patina, materials, screws, nuts, bolts, and
other hardware, indicated a ca 1900 construction date,
apparently reworked in’30s, to retrofit automotive thrust
bearings. Handwriting on them comports with Nikola Tesla’s.
Probably part of electrical apparati from Tesla’s Colorado
Springs experiments, taken south to Los Alamos for use in von
Braun’s 1936-38 Illuminati’p2” project Lab personnel were
probably unaware of their origin or use by the time they were
released for sale in 1978.

I knew that General Patton, on his 1945
saucer-hunt, had been ordered to destroy 200 of the celestial
navigation systems which he had found in a salt cave, deep beneath
the Peenemunde complex. Tesla had developed and flight-tested such a
navigational system in conjunction with the Sperry Gyroscope Company
in 1917. The device I saw on the salvage pile met all the criteria
for the device I knew had to exist, and it was made in Germany, by
Lizt, on October 1,1943.
Since I discussed the device with
several people, word soon reached Sandia Base Security that I had
it. In their investigation, they went to Mark, who told them he had
purchased it from a guy who usually brought stuff released to
salvage by Sandia Base. They could not confiscate the device from
me, because I had a bill of sale, and Mark had one too. Mark told me
later that the security people had told him that the employee from
Sandia had stolen the pile of classified salvage and sold it to him.
The employee was placed under surveillance, caught doing it again,
and sent to jail.
Confiscating my Peiltochterkompass would
have violated a security regulation prohibiting the confirmation
that something is classified. The security personnel also violated
that rule in their discussions with Mark. My Peiltochterkompass was
a part of a WW II-vintage German electro- propulsive flying saucer,
just as I said it was. Otherwise, it would not have been classified,
because its design was obsolete. Otherwise, one wonders just how far
behind America was.
At first, I could only document what it was not No such device was
to be found in a catalogue of known WWII German nautical,
aeronautical, electronic, or automotive navigational devices or
related equipment. In addition, it was to be mounted horizontally.
The “master” gyro retained its orientation, with reference to the
earth’s north pole, and relayed this information to the “slave”
compass, as the central navigational device used to control
electro-propulsive saucers of the earliest type. The one I bought
was from one of the German saucers brought to New Mexico in 1945,
under Operation Paperclip.
While in Ohio, in 1960,1 knew a German girl named Gertrude Thum,
whose father, Hitler’s personal valet, was released by the Russians
later that year. Thum was not even mentioned by other historians. On
his release by the Russians, the press was not allowed to interview
him. He was immediately spirited away by German and American
intelligence personnel, who only later, in their presence, allowed
Thum to speak to the press from a prepared statement.
The Berlin Fuehrerbunker, completely designed by Hitler, had an
unfinished tower opening to the sky at the top, with a landing pad.
The tower was directly accessible by private staircase from the
hallway just outside Hitler’s apartment in the lowest level of the
bunker. The couple were rescued around sunrise, April 29th, 1945, by
flying saucer test pilot Hanna Reitsch and flight expert and
navigator Hans Ulrich Rudel, who had made many flights to
“Feuerland” (“Fire-land”). The Russians entered the bunker over two
full days later, just before midnight, April 2,1945.
While taken to task on the survival of Hitler, other documented
information has reached me, concerning the fact that, not only was
Reinhard Gehlen, the head of the RSHA VI division of the Gestapo,
taken into the CIA, but also his accomplice, Heinrich Mueller, Chief
of the entire Gestapo1. One thing’s for certain; if Reinhard
Heydrich, Architect of the Holocaust, hadn’t been assassinated in
Bohemia in 1942, the CIA most certainly would have hired him, and
naturally, concealed it from us, just as they concealed their
hirings of Gehlen and Mueller for over 40 years. This Nazi specter
haunts us in the present, with stories from Yugoslavia.
When one recounts all the Big History
Lies we already know about, “official history” begins to look like
staged events scripted beforehand, with the complete cooperation of
the leaders of all sides, to produce a certain, predictable
‘ending’. Of what use is a United Nations, if it is completely
impotent to stop the ethnic and religious squabbling and slaughter
in Yugoslavia, with NATO finally becoming the bared fangs of the NWO
All NATO can do is destroy a lot of real
estate and create mass hysteria which is productive of nothing
except more suffering, death, and the destruction of the economy of
the poorest European countries, while enriching war industry
As stated in a biographical sketch of Nikola Tesla2 (in pertinent
“For a long time the Slav
people—who, after the battle of Kosovopjolje, in which the Turks
defeated the Servians, retired to the confines of the present
Montenegro, Dalmatia, Herzegovina and Bosnia, and “Borderland”
of Austria—knew what it was to deal, as our Western pioneers
did, with foes ceaselessly fretting against their frontier; and
the races of these countries, through their strenous struggle
against the armies of the Crescent, have developed notable
qualities of bravery and sagacity, while maintaining a
patriotism and independence unsurpassed in any other nation.”
1Gregory Douglas, Gestapo Chief
(three vols), R. James Bender, P.O. Box 23456, San Jose, Ca 95153.
2Nikola Tesla, Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential
and High Frequency (1904)
(NOTE: Some of the following material—that related to “flying
submarines”— is presented not as a “proven” fact, but as a
possibility, given the many suggestive facts and mysteriously
missing facts surrounding the disappearance of the German “super
aircraft carrier”, the Graf Zeppelin, as well as other
well-documented sightings of “cigar-shaped UFOs.”)
Prior to the war, the Nazis were searching for new ideas,
experimenting with and building various weapons and craft not
prohibited by the Treaty of Versaille. A primary contractor in this
field, was the Count (“Graf) Ferdinand von Zeppelin. There were a
total of three important craft named the “Graf Zeppelin”, the LZ-127
(775 feet long, commissioned 1928, hangered at Frankfort), the
LZ-130 (completed at Friedrichshafen, test flown 9/14/38, last
flight 8/22/39, hangered at Frankfort), and the 1,000 foot long
“Super Zeppelin”, the LZ-131 (work on which was purportedly stopped
at outbreak of war [1939-40]).
The LZ-127 and LZ-130 were dismantled,
and on May 6,1940, their two hangers at Frankfort were ceremoniously
blown up on the second anniversary of the Hindenburg disaster1. The
rather senseless destruction of two large dirigibles and their
hangers at Frankfort seemed to have been calculated to convince the
world that the Nazi dirigible program—and the “Super Zeppelin” as
well—were discontinued, dismantled, or destroyed—a big ceremony to
cover something important up. What’s more, an acquaintance from
Frankfort said the hangers are still there.
Recently, a greengrocer acquaintance related to me how, while he and
his daughter were traveling from the Albuquerque airport to their
home in Santa Fe one night in the 1980s, they were followed all the
way by a ‘cigar-shaped’ ship which flew not far above their car.
They got a good look at the bottom, described as looking like a
rusty old iron ship’s hull, complete with rivets. There were a line
of portholes along the bottom—like a dirigible—and he could hear the
drone of a diesel engine.
This to me brought to mind information I
had sought to assemble in 1957, regarding a “super aircraft
carrier”, 1,000 feet long, the construction of which was commenced
just before the war and ‘abandoned’, which was named the Graf
Zeppelin. While in Air Force intelligence, I had first heard of the
‘super ship’ in a book I was reading about Patton, and was curious
about its fate, so I asked my associate, a sergeant who had been a
spy in the area of Hamburg at the end of the war. He told me the
Graf Zeppelin had a stainless steel hull which was 11 inches thick,
and when I asked him what had happened to it, he said it was “sank
in the North Sea” or was ‘dismantled’. He then became evasive to my
further inquiries (Uh-oh! Still classified!).
The existence of a “Super Zeppelin” as a
supposed “dirigible”, is documented in Toland’s book, and as an
“aircraft carrier”, is documented in a naval history of WWII by
Keegan Both versions were 1,000 feet long, were both ‘discontinued’
“at the beginning of the war”, were both named “Graf Zeppelin”, and
were both “super”. A great coincidence in names for supposedly
“different” type ships.
The late model U-boat pressure hulls were “cigar-shaped”, perfectly
round tubes, to which were added the usual outer ballast tanks,
conning towers, etc. to complete the subs. With portholes added to
their bottoms, the “naked tubes” would have been perfect, ready-made
hulls for ships for a “Mars Mission”, such as von Braun had already
1John Toland, Ships in the Sky, Henry
Holt & Co., N.Y.
With a U-boat pressure hull as a prototype, complete with diesel
engines, batteries, and an ‘hennetically sealed’ living environment,
and applying the gravitational-to-electromagnetic force conversion,
von Braun built his first prototypes—some of which burned helium in
outer space, the earlier prototypes of which belched black diesel
smoke when near earth—based on “p-2”. The ‘rusty old iron ship’s
hull’ seen by my greengrocer friend, was apparently one of the early
prototypes, converted from a submarine hull, and later brought to
New Mexico with the rest of the German projects, and now hangered at
Sandia Base, Manzano Base, White Sands, or some other clandestine
The stainless-steel-hulled ‘super’ Graf Zeppelin LZ-131 “aircraft
carrier”—carrying flying saucers—could have been a “flagship” from
which Hitler and Doenitz could have directed the stalemate scenario
at the war’s end. Use of an (“11-inch-thick”) stainless steel hull
could have had two purposes, 1) to eliminate the need for the inner
ribs and ballast tanks (the heavy weight of the hull and all
internal equipment, including several flying saucers, being
sufficient to submerge it in the ocean), and 2) to provide
sufficient radiation shielding outside the Van Allen Radiation Belt.
The stainless steel could also have avoided the resistance,
hysteresis losses and inductance heating of a steel hull subjected
to high frequency, high voltage currents, supplied by large Tesla
coils powered by an hermetic helium generator and battery system.
Was the LZ-131 powered by helium reactors, just as my mother had
heard from our New Mexico friends in 1949? Trading With the Enemy1
documents how Germany would have obtained helium. We are told that
helium is an “inert gas”, but available scientific information shows
that by a simple electric spark discharge, helium will produce 760
This is the approximate caloric
equivalent to 760 loaves of bread, produced from a gram-atom of
helium subjected to van de Graaff discharge. Available documents
show a globular liquid helium tank (which misinformants call a
“Thule Tachyonator”), reaction chamber, and an interconnected van de
Graaff generator, in a German flying saucer. A van de Graaff would
have been an excellent, simple way to supply the required high
voltage discharges needed for helium generation of power to run the
two large Tesla coils shown in the documents, probably mislabelled
by the O.S.I.
With the generation of power from helium by electric spark
discharge, the use of “trigatron” spark gaps takes on a whole new
meaning. The spark gaps—fed by helium (falsely described as an
‘inert gas’ used to ‘insulate’ the spark gaps)—might have been the
fuel for generation of high voltage electricity. I traced the use of
trigatrons to 1930s Germany3.
Was the Graf Zeppelin originally outfitted to function alternately
as a battleship, submarine, and Super Zeppelin/cigar-shaped mother
ship/aircraft carrier/interplanetary space ship?
According to Rudolf Lusar4, she was scuttled outside Stettin,
salvaged by the Russians, and sank on the way to Leningrad. The
“official” story was that Hitler purportedly scrapped the huge Graf
Zeppelin super carrier before it was completed, to embark on some
“very ambitious” U-boat constructions and development.
The same or remarkably similar ship to
the Graf Zeppelin was sighted off the Straits of Madagascar on June
30,19471. Another documented sighting of the same ship (or its
identical twin) was sighted in 1962, at Hampton, Virginia2
1Charles Higham, Trading With the
Enemy, Dell Publishing Co., New York (1983).
2Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Van Nostrand’s Encyclopedia of Science,
5th Ed. (1976).
3Bethge, O; Kleen, Werner; Translations from Annalen derPhysik,
4Rudolf Lusar, German Secret Weapons of the Second World War,
Neville Spearman, London 1969.
Was the Russian salvage story a cover for the truth?. What about a
(likely) story that a huge convoy of U-boats with 30,000 mile range,
left Norway in 1945?
In 1945, as the Russians closed in on
the Berlin Bunker, flying saucer test pilot Hanna Reitsch and
Colonel Hans Ulrich Rudel, who had made many flights to “Feuerland”
(Tierra del Fuego, on the southern tip of South America), piloted
the flying saucer carrying Eva and Adolf Hitler to the safety of the
Graf Zeppelin, from which to direct the battle during the stalemate.
There, from the secret Nazi supership,
Hitler made his final demands on the Allies as a field commander,
and exacted his nuclear blackmail on America3. After the stalemate,
the Hitlers returned to Germany under secret allied protectioa
Today, German flying saucer bases, such as the huge underground base
built in Greenland, are probably maintained under joint
Trilateral/ex-Nazi control.
The Deutsche Antarktische Expedition (1938-39) laid out Germany’s
claim to part of Antarctica, which claim has been undisturbed since
the war. In the last coded messages from Martin Bormann, references
to “Tierra del Fuego” (A.K.A., “Feuerland”) were made, as the reins
of power were transferred to Reichschancellor Admiral Doenitz, and
his twenty-four German U-Boats surrounded the United States, armed
with I.C.B.M.s (A-9s), carrying neutron bomb warheads, and with
celestial guidance systems. From this position of strength, Doenitz
negotiated with the Allies, during a stalemate.
The Russians were overrunning Germany,
but Germany had its nuclear missiles trained on the heart of
America. If Germany fired the missiles, the Russians would take all
of Germany, and all would be lost for the Germans, who could have
bombed America, yet would have had no home to return to. Under the
circumstances, only America could save only half of Germany, and so
a deal was cut. Certain conditions were stipulated, and Doenitz was
required to “scuttle all U-boats with all hands on board”, as a part
of the amnesty agreement. Certain people were guaranteed amnesty,
including Eva and Adolf Hitler, who were secretly provided with a
cozy and secure home in Kassel Germany, for the rest of their lives,
under the protection of the N.A.T.O. allies4.
The story that Admiral Karl Doenitz assumed power after “Hitler’s
suicide” was untrue, since even available documents show that full
power was transferred to Doenitz as soon as the “opera” at the
Fuehrerbunker began, designed to buy time while Doenitz put Hitler’s
ultimate plan for the stalemate into place. If the commonly accepted
story were true, Doenitz would have assumed power on April 30, 1945,
with the “unconditional surrender” (signed by generals Jodl and
Friedeburg at Ike’s headquarters) on May 7,1945.
Doenitz was not taken into custody until
May 23, 1945. His headquarters was at Eutin in Holstein, within 50
miles of Hamburg. In April, they had “120 vessels [of the new
“electro-U-boat” type] ready for combat”, with only one of them
“going into combat”. That was double talk. No combat was necessary,
because of the stalemate.
1 Frank Edwards, Flying
Saucers: Serious Business, Bantam, New York (1966), p. 12.
2 Paul R. Hill, Unconventional Flying Objects, Hampton Road
Publishing Co. (1995).
3 Discussion of the author with an unnamed Ph.D. candidate with
access to L.B. J. ‘s papers at U.T., Austin, Tex., 1966.
4 6 supr. a.
Meanwhile, certain Nazi commanders opened lines of communication
with the Allies, ostensibly to pursue amnesty negotiations, made to
appear to be without Hitler’s consent, to get around Eisenhower’s
prior ultimatum which had already forclosed such negotiations. Not
once during this grand “opera” was Hitler ever in jeopardy of
capture, and as you may know, the opera ain’t over ‘til the fat
lady—in this case, Hitler—sings. As soon as power was transferred to
Doenitz and a ‘new hierarchy’ installed, Albert Speer was heard to
exclaim, “We now have an operatic government”1, a statement which
confirmed its purpose during the coming stalemate.
Hitler’s Alpine Redoubt had significance only to the extent that
last-minute technical work was being performed there, relative to
the special saucer operations of General Otto Skorzeny, and nuclear
weapons used in the missiles. The failure to expedite several secret
emergency plans for defense of various areas of the Reich, all
followed the direction of the still higher plan, being executed
under the cover of the other ‘last ditch’ plans of which the Allies
were advised. The Germans intentionally collapsed the western front
on cue, to suck the Allies into Germany, so the firestorm bombings
would stop, and so we could not nuke them.
In 1967, the Hitlers were invited by president Lyndon Johnson, to be
his guests, during Hemisfair, the world’s fair in San Antonio,
Texas. The main tower of the Hemisfair, was designed by an architect
who had been a high-ranking member of the S.S. As I sold paintings
with a friend of mine in the La Villita area, in the seating
opposite the Arneson River Theatre, along the San Antonio River,
Adolf and Eva Hitler came by us, as I spotted them the moment they
came into view. I had just been talking to a German “engineer”—whom
I realized was a security agent, the moment I spotted the Hitlers—and
Hitler took an interest in a particular painting of the Moritz Von
Schwindt variety.
When he saw that I recognized him, he
and Eva were quickly whisked away by their security agents. My
friend Bob, also a former Air Force Intelligence personnel, who sat
next to me, agreed that what we saw was what we saw. This event was
followed up by other security agents, who came by and talked to us,
to debrief us. We played it cool. What else could we do?
If we had said anything about it, who
would have believed us? I have been taken to task for this sighting,
but I’m sorry. There were just too many indicators to verify it. In
addition, since the fall of the Soviet State, Russian military
historians have admitted that they failed to find the bodies of
Adolf and Eva Hitler.
The celestial guidance system used on the nuclear-armed
rockets—predecessors to our Polaris missiles—and similar to the
“rocket-torpedoes” written about by Ley, were of the same type found
by General Patton in a salt cave at Peenemunde2. Patton hit the
ceiling because his superiors ordered him to destroy two hundred of
the systems, which he said he could get back through Allied lines
with. Our military didn’t obtain such systems until twenty years
later, Patton was sent to Peenemunde, on the Baltic, to pick up the
files, and to make sure the flying saucer and rocket projects were
cleaned out before the Russians got there, and that everything
valuable was destroyed Patton was probably assassinated, as several
biographers suggested, by Army Intelligence.
This was probably because of something
to do with the flying saucers and Operation Paperclip.
1William R. Shirer, The Rise and Fall
of the Third Reich, Fawcett Publications, Inc., Greenwich, Conn.
2This documentation has been censored from Patton’s war history
sources I found in 1957.
Though posthumously accused of wanting to be too soft on the Germans
after the armistice, it would have been more in keeping with his
temperament to complain about CIA collaboration with Nazi hard
liners under Operation Paperclip, and that Patton may have wanted to
blow the cover on it, so they killed him. I interviewed Patton’s
valet, George, who was married to my first wife’s aunt’s maid, in
Crockett, Texas:
All information concerning Patton’s trip to Peenemunde has since
been expunged from all current war histories that I have examined,
yet it was available to me in 1957.
As for the neutron bomb, when prisoners from Rommel’s Afrika Korps
were brought to Roswell, New Mexico, they carried some rather
strange post cards, apparently printed by Rommel’s field
lithographers, showing New York City being destroyed by a mushroom
cloud. The camp commandant, Dave Dunn, who later became an engineer
with Union Oil Company of California in their Midland, Texas Office,
and who prepared the U.S.G.S. for President John F. Kennedy in 1962,
thought these were humorous, and showed me one he had saved as a
souvenir. The fact was, however, that Rommel’s main mission in the
Libyan desert, was testing the neutron bomb.
The post cards carried by his troops
were a ‘morale builder’, which superimposed the photolithograph of
the mushroom cloud of the bomb they had actually tested and
photographed, over a photolithograph of New York City, in a
composite. The claims by the Manhattan Project members, that they
built the first ATOM bomb—from German plans—was true. After all,
Einstein had brought the stolen plans to us with the firm belief
that we would use the A-bomb on Germany. Since the Allies had
already succeeded in obtaining the German plans for the A-bomb,
Werner Heisenberg merely sidestepped the A-bomb, and built the
N-bomb. The question to me was not “if’, but “how” (did the Germans
make their neutron bomb)?
Dr. Sam Cohen, inventor of the American neutron bomb, traces the
production and sale of a mysterious substance called “red mercury”
to Russia1. Red mercury is a mercury antimony oxide, specially
prepared by irradiation and pressured into a gel to increase its
density to create the necessary preconditions for a neutron
explosion. A small quantity of it can then be used as a nuclear
trigger/igniter, to detonate a small amount of heavy hydrogen,
producing the deadly neutrons for a ‘clean bomb’.
In February, 1992, Russian president
Boris Yeltsin signed Directive No. 75-RPS, authorizing Promekologia,
a Russian company headed by Yeltsin’s ecological advisor, to
“manufacture, purchase, store, transport, deliver, and sell for
rubles and foreign currency” ‘red mercury’, in amounts up to ten
tons per year. The order was rescinded a year later because of
criticism within Russia of export of such a “valuable raw material”.
In a spring, 1994 documentary on
Britain’s Channel Four (“British PBS”), a Russian nuclear chemist
confirmed he had worked with red mercury since 1965, that it is
currently produced in a factory in the central Russian town of
Ekaterinburg, and that fusion weapons have been made in Russia from
it. Cohen believes red mercury represents one of the greatest
threats for potential terrorists to produce “baseball bombs” from
it. He may be right.
On April 4, 1944, Nazi submarine U-859 was sunk near Penang
(location of one of three Nazi far eastern U-boat bases), by the
British submarine Trenachant. The Nazi sub was carrying 33 tons of
mercury to Japan1.
1Dr. Sam Cohen, America
Online: DJIBO (3/1/95).
Perhaps the Japanese were to process the mercury, or use it in their
own neutron bombs. As for how the Soviets could have ended up with
the red mercury technology, a persistent rumor2 has it that a U-boat
rendezvoused with a Soviet surface vessel shortly after the
surrender in the South Atlantic, at Mar del Plata, Argentina, and
bartered Nazi neutron bomb technology for the release of German
P.O.W.s in Russia.
If the Germans indeed tested a neutron bomb in North Africa, I would
bet that it was produced with red mercury, since the Russians
employed German metallurgists and nuclear chemists in their nuclear
program, and it was they who produced Germany’s WWII supply of
plutonium, purer than any ever produced, so pure that it must be
diluted before use, even today.
Ironically, in 1946, my father bought the buildings comprising the
Roswell P.O.W. camp, and moved them to Kermit, because he couldn’t
get building materials anywhere else. The prisoners had done a
beautiful job of converting one of their barracks into an Alpine
“great hall”, and used egg-tempera to paint about 100 windows to
look like stained glass, with Alpine scenes, and coats of arms. They
even built a sauna. Vandals eventually smashed the windows where
they were being stored. Did the prisoners carry out and witness a
neutron bomb test in North Africa?
What happened at Los Alamos and Mescalero, New Mexico in the late
1930s, involved Wernher von Braun, project leader at Hitler’s
Vergeltungswaffen development and production center at Peenemunde—which
included the flying saucer project commenced in New Mexico.
Tesla had created a remarkable turbine, what we now know as the
alternator, and the T.M.T., all for use on his flying saucer. He
tried in vain to interest the government in his turbine and several
other potentially great defense inventions, but the government
showed little confidence in Tesla’s abilities, and considered them
too far flung to work or to be of value. In Jan., 1914, just prior
to the entry of America into WW I, after the government showed no
interest in the turbine, Tesla acquired a $5,000.00 loan from J. P.
Morgan, Jr., so he could finish and ship a turbine to the German
Ministry of Marine, High Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz.3
Since he had already unsuccessfully
offered the turbine to the U. S. government, he felt it no question
of loyalty. It is my belief that around 20 years later, after
unsuccessfully offering his flying saucer invention to the U. S.
government, he agreed to collaborate with the Germans in the p2
project at Los Alamos.
The person who was most instrumental in inducing Tesla to work with
the Germans in the “p2” Los Alamos project, aside from Uncle Sam,
was a close personal friend of Tesla’s, George Sylvester Viereck,
who was also a close personal friend of Adolf Hitler, and was
convicted in 1942 for failure to register with the U. S. Department
of State as a Nazi agent.4 Viereck took advantage of Tesla’s
loneliness, shoddy treatment and lack of respect from the U. S.
Government, and Tesla’s need to see his project through before the
end of bis life. He spent considerable time and patience in
cultivating Tesla’s trust, thus allowing the Nazis to end up with
his technology, with the complicity of the government, through the
American foundations who were involved
1Haarmann, D. H., Geheime
Wunderwaffen, Hugen Gesellschaft Fur Politisch-Philosophische
Studien E.V., Hoerstel, Germany (1985); Henry Stevens, Report Number
Three, German Research Project, Gorman, Ca. (1996).
2Zeiten Schrift, 1994, p. 64. Henry
Stevens, Report Number Three, p. 25, German Research Project (1996).
3Margaret Cheney, Tesla: Man Out of Time; Letter, Nikola Tesla to J.
P. Morgan, Jan., 1914, Library of Congress.
4John Roy Carlson, Under Cover, The Blakiston Company,
Philadelphia[1943]; Current Biography, 1943.
Also working in rocketry in 1930s New Mexico, was the late Peter Van
Dresser, who was the originator of “Van Dresser’s Constant”, a
mathematical constant which von Braun and others used to calculate
the trajectory of rockets fired into England and Antwerp. Van
Dresser was bitter and disgruntled about the fact that Dr. Robert
Goddard not only got all the credit for pioneer rocket research, but
also had “collaborated with the Nazis”, via his pre-war work with
von Braun, while he, Van Dresser, had done more important research,
had no truck with the Nazis, and had gotten very little, if any, of
the credit.
According to Van Dresser, his rockets
worked, and Goddard’s fizzled, at least in the early thirties. Van
Dresser used solid fuel, and Goddard liquid fuel. Van Dresser did
his research independently, on his own resources, being unsupported
by either the U.S. or Nazi government. And, Van Dresser was a
If anyone ever saw the movie “Gadget”, and remembers the guy who
strapped a rocket on his back and fired it off while he was on ice
skates, that was Peter. One must admit that, although the rocket
knocked him on his ass and caught his pants on fire, it damn well
worked! And at least he had the guts to try it out himself, right in
front of a movie camera. Little did he know that he would become a
part of a movie showing the wildest creations of funny inventors.
Peter was very embarrassed to admit that the “rocketeer” in the film
was him, because it was one of those great, yet very embarrassingly
funny moments in the progress of science. I saw the movie with Peter
and his wife, Florence, whom he nudged in the ribs when she
exclaimed, “Oh Peter!...that’s one of your’s!”.
So von Braun, Goddard, and the F.B.I. all saw to it that Hitler got
“p2” safely to Germany. And then they traded it back to us if we’d
give safe conduct to some of the criminal arch-socialists who led
the German people down the primrose path to the grisly holocaust and
the ghastly tribunal at Nuremberg, which left such an ugly blemish
on the “German national memory”. Let’s take a closer look at this
Wernher von Braun, Willy Ley, Dr.
Robert Goddard, And The Kreisel Teller-p2, In New Mexico and
The facts in this section bring forth some very interesting
questions which were missed by Charles Higham, in his Trading with
the Enemy. Beginning around March 26, 1926, when Dr. Robert Goddard
(1882-1945), professor of physics at Clarke University in
Massachusetts, launched the first liquid-fueled rocket, at Auburn.
In Germany, Willy Ley had read Hermann Oberth’s book on space travel
that year, then wrote his own first book, Trip into Space. He
communicated with Oberth, then formed the Verein fur Raumschiffahrt
(“Union for Space Travel”). In 1927, Ley introduced Wernher von
Braun to the Union, and was von Braun’s first tutor in rocket
In 1927, the Graf Zeppelin LZ-127 was commissioned. It was a 775
foot long dirigible.
From 1928 to 1933, Ley was vice president of the Union. Goddard had
fired the first instrumented rocket in America, in 1930. That year,
von Braun assisted Oberth in early liquid fuel rocket research. In
fall, 1930, von Braun joined the Union, which established a
launching field in an abandoned proving ground at Ploetensee,
outside Berlin (cost= $.25/year). Experiments were conducted with
13-lb. thrust rockets.
In 1931, Ley provided the basic ideas for a liquid fueled rocket
which was fired to an altitude of one mile. In 1932, von Braun
acquired his B.S. degree, having studied at the Technical Institute
in Berlin, and in Zurich, Switzerland. He completed 85 rocket tests
that year, with rockets which reached an altitude of a mile in free
In fall, 1932, the entire rocket program was transferred to
Wehrmacht ordnance, with the 20-year-old von Braun appointed to head
an experiment station at Kummersdorf. In 1933, nose-mounted
gyrostabilizers were tested Hitler came to power that year, and the
Gestapo seized all papers of the Union and the research center. In
June, 1934, von Braun was granted his Ph.D. in physics by the
University of Berlin. That year, a center-mounted gyrostabilizer was
tested, making a 2,000 meter (c. 6,000 ft.) flight.
In 1935, near Mescalero, New Mexico (Eden Valley), Goddard’s flights
exceeded 700 mph., and altitudes of 7,500 feet, with financial
support from the Smithsonian Institution and the Daniel and Florence
Guggenheim Foundation. This attracted the attention of Ley and von
On February 21,1935, on invitation from Goddard and the American
Rocket Society (the Smithsonian), Ley arrived in New York City,
thence traveled to New Mexico to work with Goddard. In 1936, Hitler
took greater interest, and poured 20 million marks into his
Peenemunde center, commissioning von Braun and his group to “produce
a field weapon capable of carrying a large warhead over a range much
beyond that of artillery”.
Through Goddard, Ley arranged an invitation for von Braun from the
American Rocket Society, for his visit to New Mexico, where in
1936-37, he collaborated with Goddard at Mescalero and the Eden
Valley firing range, while running a secret Illuminati “p2” flying
saucer project at Los Alamos. During that same time, he was still
Hitler’s project director at Peenemunde, in absentia.
Ley must have worked on the p2 project
also, because of his great knowledge of electrical science, but took
out American citizenship papers in 1937, the year von Braun was
appointed Obersturmbannfuehrer in the S.S. In 1938, von Braun
returned to Peenemunde with “p2”, and an increased knowledge of
higher performance liquid fueled rockets acquired from Goddard,
courtesy of the Smithsonian and the Guggenheims, and began
developing the V-2 (Vergeltungswaffen No. 2 [”revenge weapon No.
2”), with a range of about 11 miles. The Nazis lost a great
scientist when Ley decided to remain in America.
On May 6, 1940, two large dirigible hangers at Frankfort were
ceremoniously destroyed. They had housed the Graf Zeppelins LZ-127
and LZ-128. The “Super-Zeppelin” LZ-131 (1,000 feet long) was
supposedly also abandoned A “ship”—supposedly a “super aircraft
carrier”, also named the Graf Zeppelin, also 1000 feet long—was also
supposedly abandoned in 1940, and Hitler’s interest in rockets
dwindled (since the German flying saucer project, “KT-p2” was then
under way?). The rocket program apparently had to be resumed, to buy
more time for the KT-p2 program. Meanwhile in America, Ley became a
member of the scientific department for PM newspaper in May, 1941,
and on X-mas, 1941, married Russian-born ballerina Olga Feldman.
Ley had escaped Naziism in America.
In 1941-42, the V-2 became 20 times larger, with a c. 190 mile
range, and almost a ton payload. Before the war’s end, von Braun’s
rockets were capable of 20-ton payloads and a 3,000 mile range
(capable of hitting New York and other American cities). Von Braun
fired over 3,600 V-2s into England and Antwerp. Nice guy.
Beginning in 1944 (to 1948), Ley was appointed director of
engineering at Burke Aircraft Corporation, Atlanta, Ga., later made
part of Washington Institute of Technology, College Park, Maryland,
just outside Washington, D.C., adjacent to the Goddard Space Flight
Center. I surmise that, with his knowledge of “p2” and microwaves,
Ley formed the matrix of America’s earliest government-related
flying saucer project, within this corporation, followed by its
relocation to the environs of Washington, D.C., which indicated a
very high security priority.
In March, 1945, with Russian troops within 100 miles of Peenemunde,
von Braun and about 400 top colleagues left for the Bavarian
redoubt—code-named the Serail—occupying a resort hotel. They were
found by Operation Paperclip, and von Braun immediately signed a
contract with the U.S. Army. In Sept., 1945, von Braun and 116 of
his rocket colleagues were flown to Ft. Bliss, where von Braun was
appointed as Technical Director, U.S. Army Ordnance Guided Missile
Center. By May, 1946, V-2 testing was resumed at White Sands Proving
In the obituary of German missile expert Dr. Ernst A. Steinhoff, in
Alamorgordo (c. 1991), it was stated that during the war he was in
charge of flight dynamics, guidance, control and telemetry of the
German V-2s, and participated in the first launch of a missile from
a submarine under the Lafferenz Project (in preparation for the
missiles carried by the advanced “Electro-U-boats” in the stalemate
of 1945). In 1947, Willy Ley wrote about “submarine rockets” used by
the Germans during the war. Along with Germany’s Dr. Heinz Fisher,
Ley was one of the world’s greatest experts on radar. Microwaves
(“rapidly varying electrostatic forces) are directly related to
gravity and flying saucer propulsion, according to Tesla’s Dynamic
Theory of Gravity.
In Aug., 1949, von Braun was made an honorary member of the British
Interplanetary Society, through his friend, Arthur C. Clarke. During
the war, he was awarded the Knights Cross and title of Research
Professor (“Herr Doktor Professor”) at Peenemunde by Hitler, was
made an honorary member of the Gesellschaft fur Weltraumforschung,
Stuttgart, and of the Nordwestdeutsche Gesellschaft fur
Weltraumforschung, Friedrichstadt.
In 1950, the U.S. Army Guided Missile Center was moved from Ft.
Bliss to Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama, where von Braun was
transferred as technical director. In September of 1951, von Braun’s
paper on an 869-day Mars mission was read to the Second
International Congress of Astronautics, London (the “Super Zeppelin”
probably already made the trip in much faster time, beginning in
1945). On Oct. 12,1951, an ‘unmanned’ two-stage rocket (probably a
reworked German two-staged A-9) reached a 250 mile altitude from
White Sands.
Showing his Illuminist sympathies, von Braun once said “...As long
as national sovereignty exists, our only hope is to raise
everybody’s standard of ethics.” His rocket programs were nothing
more than a cover for the IllumiNazi flying saucer technology and
ether physics.
As mentioned in Chapter I, the government of New Mexico is fascist,
especially the judiciary. In Nazi Germany, the judiciary was among
the last institutions to succumb to fascism. In New Mexico, it leads
the way, in terms of “economic fascism”. This is true perhaps
because, in striking first to protect what it deems to be the
“public interest”, it is the lackey of the military-industrial
complex, the power of which is felt through the many secret agencies
connected to it in New Mexico.
The judiciary functions as a guardian of
the golden pipeline which channels the payola (taxpayers’ money)
into the state, and as such, are puppets dancing on the strings of
the CIA.
The state used judicial tactics to harass me, which delayed this
expose, beginning in early 1975, just after I turned down the
position of 9th Regional Director for the CIA. Ever since then,
behind-the-scenes agitation of, and manipulation by abusive,
incessant litigation prevailed Toward the end of this overt judicial
harassment, as I was gathering evidence in the County Clerk’s
Office, I spotted a young man observing me from nearby, and looked
him in the eye. Realizing that I knew he was a fed, he then said,
“You know, of all the people we’ve done this to, you’re the only one
who hasn’t broken..”
That was at the end of 1991, just prior
to Bush’s departure from office. Harassment immediately slackened,
perhaps in apprehension of a backfire. I am leaving a lot of NAMES
out of this book. Many CIA field agents are naively unaware of the
fact that the rats they serve are unworthy, and that their work will
ultimately serve the Trilateral Commission and betray their own
people. It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee, or perhaps, the
cocaine, smuggled by the new “Untouchables”, the CIA.
The history of cocaine, in the political sense, is tied to fascism.
It was the drug of choice of Hermann Goering and many other
fascists. In reference to what I call “contemporary New Mexico
fascism”, one looks for several things. Cocaine is only one means
for controlling high-placed users, such as judges, lawyers, and
public officials. For example, one Santa Fe judge is an
ex-pornographer who is strung out on cocaine. This gives the CIA and
cartels two means of extorting what they want, in addition to
protection of their supplying of the drug.
The ‘customer’ needs the drug, and he
doesn’t want to be exposed as a child pornographer, so he is in a
double bind. This is also why the CIA prefers corruption at the top.
They copied their methods from the mob. “We’ll just keep this video
tape on file, and no one will see it so long as you do like we say.
In addition, we’ll pay you every time you render a decision like we
want” (or vote a particular way, if a senator or congressman).
To raise money for CIA black operations in Central America, the
Medellin Cocaine Cartel was organized by Klaus Barbie—the Nazi war
criminal closely connected to Dr. Mengele, the “Angel of Death”.
Both Barbie and Mengele were brought to America under Operation
Paperclip, but were provided new identities and shipped off to South
America by the U.S. Army C.I.C., because they were too hot to handle
Others, even though “hot”, often shown
by history books to be dead, got new “Amerikan” names, and were
employed in America. Many of the kingpins of the cartel are the
offspring of S.S. officers who married South American women,
especially Colombian women. Jack Anderson, the columnist, uncovered
some of these things a few years ago. Because of the Spanish
history, as well as the inherent politically corrupt fascist
government, New Mexico, like the “Little Havana” of Florida, is
especially suited as the “cocaine capitol” Banana Republic of the
central U.S.
The government and law enforcement here
“belong” to the cartel. Political influence can also be bought more
cheaply here because the politicians of New Mexico are seedier,
cheaper, smaller-time crooks. No matter what turn the politics
takes, there seems to be no difference, as there has been no
significant change in CIA drug smuggling in the area. A governor is
without power to stop it, and would be risking his life to try.
There is a considerable amount of real estate and bank
money-laundering in New Mexico, on behalf of the fascist drug
marketeers, with a compliant judiciary to protect them Even the
I.R.S. cooperates with the cartel, “so long as its participants
declare the income and pay the taxes due”.
Their attitude is that of the Federal Reserve Bank. They only want
their piece of the action. They had rather collect the taxes, than
to roll the dice on prosecution for evasion. The judiciary merely
views the money-laundering and related big-time drug payola, in much
the same way that it does the secret government payola, all as part
of an economic boon to New Mexico, and therefore within its duty to
protect as a matter of “public policy”.
Northern New Mexico has become one of the primary deal-making and
distribution points for CIA-connected cocaine traffic in central
North America. This makes New Mexico’s small-time judiciary feel
more big-time, and they are flattered by it. As part of the
world-wide cocaine scenario, the involvement of New Mexicans
themselves, is rather menial by comparison, in the capacities of
quasi-lackies, sort of like “spear bearers” in an opera.
It is my belief that the cartels and CIA
even use flying saucers to make many of the drug shipments and
deliveries, because flying saucers were among the first of the
“stealth” aircraft used by the secret government. There are
connections between the real estate developments here, former S.S.
officers such as Colonel Otto Skorzeny (who died in 1975 in
Barcelona, Spain), the Trilateralists, the Krupps (who gave us
Hitler), and even Fidel Castro, of Cuba.
For example, one of my former tenants and her former Colombian
doctor husband (the offspring of a Nazi S.S. officer and a Colombian
woman), were involved in receiving shipments of cocaine in Encino,
New Mexico, where Cuban Air Force planes, piloted by uniformed
officers, delivered cargo plane loads of Colombian cocaine and
marijuana. They were never caught or stopped, and obviously had the
secret blessings of state and federal officials.
The tenant was later shown in the
papers, hugging Fidel Castro, who had muscled into the (CIA) drug
traffic, by threatening to shoot down dope-carrying planes, unless
the cartel cut him in for a ‘piece of the action’. This was arranged
through fugitive financier, Robert Vesco, a Nixon and Bush pal.
Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega was extradited and jailed by the
U.S. in Georgia, because of his little stunt—forming an alliance
with Castro, who cut the two in for a bigger piece of the action by
threatening to shoot down the Colombian planes.
This CIA-connected dope crowd worked with a former neighbor, a
former member of the Weather Underground and the Communist Party
(according to information my former attorney said the F.B.I gave
him), who handled at least fifteen tons of Colombian marijuana per
year, picked up in approximately 100-kilo shipments near my house,
in the limos driven by members of the Chicago mob. Though arrested
once, she beat the rap under the “adult prosecution diversion
program” which she was legally ineligible for, while all her
criminal records were erased, after she put up a total of $25,000.00
in bribes.
This was mere pennies to the dealer,
since, at a very conservative $50.00 per oz., there was easily $24
million per year in marijuana alone being exchanged, within 100 feet
of my back door, and probably over $100 million by the time it
became more ‘clandestine’, due to the publicity of the bust, which
was barely noticed in the papers. Add to this the probable take in
cocaine, the total was probably twice that.
I suppose all those money-making activities by my Weather
Underground neighbor were “...for ze revolution...”. Sadly, the only
‘revolution’ being financed, was one in which the New World Order of
John D. Rockefeller, Adolf Hitler, and George Bush et. al, was
protracted through black operations of the CIA in Central America
and elsewhere, funded by Klaus Barbie’s South American cocaine
cartel, spawned by the CIA’s “Operation Paperclip”, which is how
Bush and the CIA motivated my neighbors, made me suffer, and
suppressed energy and flying saucer secrets.
The judicial harassment which began in 1975, became particularly
obvious (to me) in 1980, when the D.A.’s office persisted in
prosecuting me on a fraudulent and abusive fish and game charge,
based on tampered evidence, similar to a prior, 1975 incident
created by the Communist/dope-dealing plea-bargainer, who
maliciously had me arrested on trumped-up assault charges, because
her Chicago Mafia customers were complaining about my neighborhood
They didn’t like me driving my vehicles
past their windows in the wee hours of the morning, while they were
trying to get a good night’s sleep, prior to their pre-dawn
departures back to Chicago, in the Mob’s Cadillac limos loaded to
the springs with dope. This was the obvious response of state and
federal officers toward an innocent neighborhood bystander, who had,
by his increased awareness and knowledge, threatened the Golden
Pipeline of funds for CIA black operations in Central America.
A dead “endangered specie” bird was planted in the refrigerator in
one of my apartments, wrapped in aluminum foil, as tenants vacated,
and I was charged with “possession”. This malicious prosecution
coincided with the $50,000.00 grant from the feds to the Santa Fe
D.A’s office, to investigate cattle mutilations, to be conducted by
ex-FBI agent Kenneth Rommel. Meanwhile, my key defense witness,
former tenant Bill Englert, was killed when the single-engine
aircraft he was piloting plowed into the ground in Alaska, during
his last flight to Anchorage, the day before his planned return to
Santa Fe to testify.
After obtaining his pilot license, Bill
worked as a fish-spotter for Alaskan fishing fleets near Anchorage.
I speculated that his plane had been sabotaged prior to his last
takeoff, just to prevent his testimony, since there were those
present with him in Alaska, who worked with my New Mexico neighbor
in the smuggling operations. In fact, they formed a direct extension
of the Colombia-to-Alaska drug conduit. Fish and Game fuzz John
Miles, who conducted the search and seizure illegally and without a
warrant, and issued the abusive subpoena illegally, and physically
assaulted me on my own property, is now head of the agency.
The malicious prosecution was coordinated with the government’s
investigation of itself in the cattle mutilations, smuggling dope to
fund its black operations, and murder of anyone who got in the way,
in the Big Lie program, designed to conceal these dark deeds along
with flying saucer propulsion secrets, along with activities
connected to a secret program involved with the cattle mutilations.
The mutilations program collects and
analyzes ‘specific biological tissue’ from mammals—cattle—which are
similar enough to humans to yield reliable results in tests of
“stealth” particle beam weapons under development, intended for use
on humans. This monitoring of the effects of ionizing radiation on
cattle, is ‘pseudo-justified’ to NSA oversight committees, on
‘environmental grounds’, since the techniques for studying the
effects of radiation—whether produced by the high-voltage electrical
discharges emitted by saucers, or defense-related weapons under
“national security purposes”—are essentially the same.
The weapons appear to be for “population control”, judging from the
degree of secrecy surrounding the removal of tissue from the cattle.
(See Chap. TV [”Sightings”] for more on this subject). The use of
other people’s animals without their permission helps to conceal the
research, since the presence of such large animals at government
facilities would be obvious. Since the weapons are designed for use
on humans in their natural environment, without their knowledge, use
of them on cattle, as the most available mammals around, produces
more realistic results.
A ‘spinof’ benefit of the perennial
“tests”, is to justify the continued veil of secrecy, since, so long
as there is “on-going” research involving the saucers, the secrecy
conceals them and everything connected to them. Though the
government continues to use the national security veil to deny
public access to saucer technology, the ultimate purpose is the
private, economic security of IllumiNazi corporations. One fascist
hand washes the other, as we are controlled and experimented on like
lab animals, and the sham continues.
Back in 1966, during my second semester of law school at U.T., I had
discussed saucer propulsion with another law student during a coffee
break between classes, within earshot of a student whom I knew to be
employed by the CIA. Immediately afterward, in a class of the
eminent constitutional law professor, Charles Allen Wright, the
CIA/student screamed out, “...What should the penalty be for a law
student who disclosed ‘national security secrets’ in the hallways?”,
gesturing toward me. Wright screamed, “He didn’t disclose national
security secrets!”
Around two days later, as I drove south down Red River Street at its
intersection with 6th Street, out of the corner of my eye to my
left, I spotted a discolored ‘55 Ford being driven by two Air Force
men, parked at the curb near the light. As I entered the
intersection, they floor-boarded the Ford, and accelerated directly
toward my left door. In a quick reflex, I applied brakes and swerved
to my right, just in time to deflect their blow. Both my Chevy
station wagon and the Ford were totaled. The Ford had no license
plate, and the two men, whose uniforms bore no insignia or other
markings, were ticketed for running a red light and causing the
collision, and nothing else, although circumstances indicate that
they should have been arrested on the spot.
The following day, I discovered that the two airmen were “shipped
out’ from Bergstrom Air Base, and the Base Commandant’s office
refused to give me their names or their “newly assigned base”. There
was no doubt in my mind that they were Air Force “hitters” from the
O.S.I. This incident was easy to connect to Air Force spooks, since
the men lacked identities, ranks, and addresses, their car was
equally anonymous, and the base Advocates office concealed their
identities and whereabouts. I could detail a half dozen more such
incidents, all of which had similar Kafkaesque qualities which could
only be created by a secret police state. This CIA harassment
occurred after they told President Kennedy that I worked for them,
and prior to to their actual attempts to recruit me. Some of it was
meddling in my life by George Bush, prior to his CIA directorship.
Most of the harassment and malicious prosecution in New Mexico was
ostensibly property related. Every property transaction I was
involved in since 1970, was intentionally engineered at the outset
by the CIA, or screwed up by them They initially suckered me into
coming to Santa Fe in the first place. In 1970, they offered me a
seven-acre tract at the junction of Cerrillos Road and Rodeo Road,
for a mere $4300.00, which is now worth millions, and presently
includes a business owned by my CIA girlfriend. In 1973, they
transferred a beautiful ten-acre parcel on Barrancas Drive to me,
filed the deed, and even had it assessed to me. That property is
worth at least a million.
The transaction was signed by an ex-CIA
employee (now a lawyer/banker), a former New Mexico Governor
connected to the CIA, and another well-known (also ex-CIA) lawyer.
It took me at least four trips to the county assessor’s and clerk’s
offices to convince them the property was not mine. These attempts
to give me property by the CIA, were related to attempts to
“recruit” me, by indebting me to them, in anticipation of future
employment which they intended to provide me, whether I liked it or
D.A.s, police, and judges are easily controlled by the N.S.A., and
can be made to do anything under the guise of “national security”.
Even more extreme, I knew that at least two D.A.S, (one in Texas)
were employees of the CIA, because one was involved in attempting to
recruit me directly, and the other I won’t say how I know. One judge
inadvertently disclosed to me that the N.S.A. was influencing the
case before him, in which I was involved, in his ruminations from
the bench, mumbling that I was supposed to be “...some sort of
‘rocket scientist’ or something...”, which the government wished to
That was because the particular orders
given to him came from security people connected ostensibly to
rocketry, but were actually concerned about flying saucers. That
judge was a close personal friend to a man I refer to as the
“Friend”, about whom I will say more later. We don’t control these
people. They operate on their own, inside our government,
representing the Trilateralists, not us.
For around ten years, I was grilled by northern New Mexico’s “Torquemada”,
(a Santa Fe judge). There, sitting in judgment of me, was a
psychologically tormented, insecure “momma’s boy” from Espanola—an
‘ex-pornographer’ who was addicted to cocaine—who for the sake of
his co-addict/sadist legal colleagues, took every opportunity to
pretend to impeach my credibility, or make underhanded swipes at my
character, which were really none of his business.
When I first moved to New Mexico, I was a sculptor and a painter.
I had already undergone a horrible
incident at the University of Texas, instigated by Jesuit-controlled
agents of Dr. John (“Long John”) Silber, which eventually resulted
in his being fired by Frank Erwin, President of the Board of
Regents, for FRAUD AND CONSPIRACY, and the revocation of the PhD. of
LB.J.’s Undersecretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Dr. Billy
McCrocklin, for plagiarizing his doctoral thesis from a 1920s top
secret document on the Garde d’Haiti called “The Hart Report”. These
were not retributions by me, but the result of anger by others over
the things being done to me, which tripped certain levers leading to
the undoing of an evil perpetrator, taking a few others with him.
Some of you may have heard of Dr. John (“Long John”) Silber, the Dr.
Strangelove-type president of Jesuit-run Boston College, who ran for
governor of Massachusetts and lost in 1993. He is a rigid,
dyed-in-the wool classicist/fascist, with a potential to create
great mischief. He left the University of Texas after I uncovered
his conspiracy, because he sent a cabal of his “hatchet-women” after
me. He dragged some of them on up to Boston with him, because they
were being run out of Texas too.
The incident was similar to one
involving John Henry Faulk, with the exception that there probably
never will be any attempt to redress what happened to me. What
brought the harassment temporarily to an end, was the blowing of the
cover of several CIA operations on the University of Texas campus,
which resulted from some of those angered and set into motion over
what was happening to me. Sometimes you never realize who your
friends are until the chips are down.
I once mentioned to a CIA man whom I respected, that it appeared
that the agency could be harassing someone at the same time another
group from the agency was trying to do them a favor, or gain their
cooperation. He explained it to me like this: Every organization has
its right wing and its left wing, each of which does not seem to
know what the other is doing.
Though I graduated with what my friend Henry said was the highest
grade-point average of any fine arts graduate student in the history
of the University of Texas, that incident had dragged me through the
mud as it was designed to do, and had taken a lot out of me already.
The seventeen years of New Mexico judicial harassment just about
stamped out all of the art in me. An artist cannot work under
conditions of “judicial war psychosis”. There are two horrible
aspects involved here, which are: (1) The government’s policy of
secretly violating freedom of speech and press; and (2)
clandestinely carrying out this policy through obedient government
yeggs and dupes, each motivated at his or her own level (and who
often don’t even know who is calling the shots).
The victim has no way of proving the
illegal motives or even the existence of the conspiracy, because of
the phony “national security” veil.
I turned away a large fortune rather than become beholden to the
CIA. After all the abusive litigation, I concluded that so-called
“justice” and “freedom” in America are terms used on the naive and
ignorant, to give them the false impression that they are the
fortunate recipients of “rights”, which in reality exist only for so
long as their individual interests don’t conflict with those of the
Trilateral Commission. I now realize what a wealthy young man was
trying to tell me in 1968, when he said “ is just a
I thought he was some kind of Communist
or something, who didn’t believe in property rights. I didn’t own
any real estate then, but thought I’d like to have some. I now
realize that what he meant was that a person who owns property can
be controlled by threats against the ownership of that property by
the state, or indirectly through others encouraged by the state. He
helped organized the Washington Monument demonstrations in the late
‘60s, to bring the Viet Nam War to an end. Though a
multi-millionaire, he refused to own property. The F.B.I. probably
didn’t even know who he was.
The last six years of horrible controversy which diminished in 1992,
involved motivating some of my thug neighbors to sue me, as others
continued to abuse me while the litigation progressed in court. As I
struggled in vain to hold my family together amidst the stress of
litigation and social ostracism created by the criminals behind it
and in the courts, they moved in for the kill and destroyed my
family. Causing my loved ones to suffer is a “blood crime”, if you
get my meaning, and it won’t go unpunished.
I’m part Kiowa, Cree, Cherokee and
Natchez—as well as Highland Scottish— so I know how to play the
“waiting game”. I’m incredibly patient.
This region is quite a crossroad of America, including many
Trilateral Commission connections. A friend of mine was one of the
surveyors for the International Geodetic Survey, in the 1950s,
during the Korean War. The survey was international, which meant
that the supposedly civilian American scientific crews, with
American military escorts, were allowed into China, the Soviet
Union, etc., even during the war. My friend was a surveyor in the
American military, as was the entire survey crew he worked with. The
scientific crew was civilian.
However, according to my friend, they
switched clothing, so that the military survey crew looked like
civilians, and vice-versa. The civilian-dressed (military) survey
crew, would determine the location of each of the points, to be
marked by the I.G.S. brasscaps, and were instructed to remove
themselves from the area, after which the (military-dressed)
civilian crew would then come to place the brass-caps.
One day, after locating a point, my friend left the area, then
discovered that he had forgotten some of his equipment, and went
back to get it. At that time, he came upon the other crew, while
they were supposedly in the process of setting the I.G.S. brass-cap.
This came as a surprise to them, because they were actually placing
a device underneath where the I.G.S. brass-cap was to be placed.
This “sub point” was marked with the
insignia of the Trilateral Commission, which was a triangle with a
dot in the center, just as I had seen on the old Pojoaque viejo’s
work box from the “p2” 1937 Los Alamos project. The civilians
(dressed as military) were very angry at him for having disobeyed
instructions, especially in view of the fact that he had seen the
concealed device being set into cement, beneath the surface, above
which the I.G.S. brass-cap was to be placed.
The secret point, marked by the Trilateral pyramid with a dot in the
center (the Masonic/Egyptian “all-seeing eye of Bel, God, or Ra” as
shown on the dollar bill), identified the “Illuminati” as the
controlling, so-called “civilian” parties of the I.G.S.
Each of the secret geodetic points on our globe, placed at the
vertices of geodetic triangles dividing our planet’s surface,
apparently contains a crystal resonator set to respond to a distinct
frequency, for navigating flying saucers (even unmanned ones), and
even rockets, either manually, electronically, or by computer.
Flying saucers can travel at least 9,000 m.p.h. At that speed-given
other limitations on visibility—the resonators provide a means for
computer navigation of saucers at high speeds, without visibility,
and allow for accurately determining global locations.
As a means for Secret Government world
navigation, the I.G.S. markers have been in place for forty years.
Without the means for using them in 1950, they would have been
useless. This survey, actually done for the Trilateralist world
government, under the “cover” of the I.G.S.—right under the noses of
the United Nations teams, military authorities, international
committees, survey teams, and host countries—showed the awesome
power of these world-wide conspirators, whose actions violated the
sovereignty of nations, through the United Nations.
This “geodetic navigation system” was a perfect solution for the
flying saucer and for the Illuminati and Trilateral Commission,
since it automatically involved triangular global areas generated by
the “great circles” of the “master builder”, according to the
Genesis passages relied upon in the “secret work” of the “Old
Prussian” Masonic Lodges based on the Johanite Gospel, the
membership of which excluded Jews, and were forbidden to belong to
“humanitarian” Masonry.
The teachings of this Johanite German
Freemasonry included a dogmatic Christianity, and is rooted in the
same, weird teachings of the former Jesuit priest and founder of the
“modern” Illuminati in Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt. Out of this sprung
the Thule Society and the Ahnenerbe Society, which figured strongly
in the S.S., among whose founders was General Karl Haushoffer, the
originator of the modern “science” utilized by “our” CIA, called
The following three archival emblems
show the transition from the Thule Society, the Deutsche
Antarktische Stiftung (the German Arctic Expedition, with swastika
and oak leaves showing Thule Society sponsorship), the “globally
conscious” I.G.S. Survey, ala Haushofer’s “geopolitics”, to the UN:

The several special multidisciplinary, integrated disciplines
developed by the SS inner circle, as part of a plan of fiiture world
government, included Geopolitics—combined politics and
geography—including the ethnic studies and ‘racial science’ of the
Ahnenerbe, linguistics, and culture—and Parapsychology—combined
religion and psychology—for use in the MASS PSYCHOLOGY BIG LIE
Parapsychology would assist the
‘geopoliticians’ in maintaining mind control of particular
populations, creating psychological conditioning conducive to
unquestioned obedience to faceless authority. This system was
ordered by John D. Rockefeller in 1923, when his people trained the
SS and chose Hitler as the future leader ofthe Third Reich, as R & D
for the fiiture mass-psychological control technology, now applied
in America since 1945.
In 1957, as a member of the Air Force—like all American armed forces
managed according to the Sturm Abteilung (“Storm Division”) Nazi
troop management manual written by the ‘synergist’, Ernst Roehm,
homosexual ‘father’ of Hitler’s SA—I was assigned to Operations
Intelligence, working in an ‘SS library’ as a monitor. I often heard
the term “geopolitics”, and logged various documents and books into
and out of that library. I was literally surrounded and controlled
by the trappings of the Nazis which had impressed our leaders so
much that they officially ‘adopted’ them. The library was the
creation of the Nazi intelligence network, the photos in the
documents and books dating from that period and bearing overwritten
German file indexes.
There was practically no way for the U.S. government to have
obtained such a ‘library’, other than from the files compiled during
the Nazi invasion of Russia
At the time of the German ‘surrender’,
American authorities were deeply impressed with these materials, so
thoroughly accumulated, catalogued, and organized by Reinhard
Gehlen’s SS group, which included the monsters Heinrich Mueller and
Reinhard Heydrich, that the CIA actually hired them in the U.S.
under assumed names1. These files were used by the SS in the death
camps and in sifting though the various Slavic “slave peoples” of
the Soviet Union, to ferret out and murder Soviet Jewry, Gypsies,
and others deemed “inferior”.
The documents acquired an ostensible
‘new’ purpose as barter and trade to an America which allowed itself
to be drawn into a Cold War based on the dubious urgings of the
Organization Gehlen’s “experts”, the new CIA’s Soviet ‘analysts’ and
‘specialists’—former SS intelligence officers—who convinced us that
the Soviets were planning to attack us at any moment. We in SAC
Intelligence could load the library into “mobility boxes” on a
moment’s notice, to take with us to a remote staging area nearer to
the Soviet borders, in the event of the outbreak of war.
But only after an invasion of the Soviet
Union by us as conquerors, would the library assume its actual
function because, other than the ostensible purely academic use as
an ‘invaluable reference library’, it still retained its true a reference to be used in the systematic subjugation
of foreign peoples by Nazi conquerors.
Almost a month before the fall of the Berlin Fuehrerbunker, Gehlen
was already deeply bartering with selling American intelligence on
the value of his organization, primarily on the basis of its
contacts in and expertise on the Soviet Union. In retrospect, it
appears that the long-range plan of the SS officers of Gehlen’s
organization was to get Hitler’s revenge against “Judaized America”,
by offering themselves to us as “intelligence experts” at a hefty
profit, allowing them to survive intact as a secret sect within the
secret core of our ‘intelligence community’, while embroiling us in
a tortuous Cold War which lasted for almost fifty years.
1Gregory Douglas, Gestapo
Chief (three vols.), R. James Bender, P.O. Box 23456, San Jose, Ca
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