My purpose has not been to document an overwhelming number of
sightings, in order to sell you on basic truths you should already
be familiar with. A vast quantity of misrepresented or fabricated
“documented sightings” is the province of the Big Liars and their
dupes, while the real sightings are concealed or ignored.
Blue Book has already buried more good information than I could ever
uncover, or need for that matter, and chasing after such material
would keep me busier than a one-legged Indian trying to stamp out a
grass fire, just as they intend.
The sighting I made in 1953 was the
only one I needed, to absolutely confirm the existence of saucers in
reality. In order for you to separate truth from lie, it is
necessary to discern a predominant pattern exhibited by government
“truth saboteurs”, consisting of the following repetitive
Witness statements which are exaggerated, misstated, falsified,
or obliterated; depicting witnesses as ridiculous, seeing things
like “...little green men”, or a saucer “two miles long”, generally
portraying them as “nuts”, drunks, drugged, or hallucinating; this
trick is contrite and easy to spot;
overstatement, misstatement, or entire fabrication of important
physical data, such as a saucer which “...had fire shooting out all
over it, with a strong smell of sulfur”, or which was “transparent”,
“appeared and disappeared”; this creates confusion about how the
saucer works, and fits in with “extraterrestrial origin” baloney, or
alleged “’hallucinations”, “fantasies”, “lies”, or “mirages”;
use of false, government-paid or procured witnesses, made to
appear as private citizens, often thrown in when an important
sighting is made, to confuse the public about what was seen,
especially where an articulate witness manages to register a clear
statement regarding what he or she actually saw. This pits one
witness against the other, in a “war of credibility” which nobody
wins, and “neutralizes” the truth. The press often has little
alternative but to repeat false, conflicting reports along with
whatever true ones there may be, or to print none at all;
use of government “experts”, high-ranking military know-it-alls,
or so-called “scientific” witnesses, often interjected to pose as
the ‘last word’ on a sighting. This attacks the truth, by attempting
to impress the reader with the ‘high credentials’ of witnesses who
in fact saw nothing, for the benefit of dupes who are still too
ignorant to realize that the government lost its credibility long
ago, and that high-ranking ex-military ‘experts’ rarely buck the
system and are liars, even when, as ‘part of the plan’, they may
pretend to be doing so;
tampering in commercial film processing labs, which are easy prey
for CIA thieves and saboteurs, as I learned long ago; you only get
what they want you to have.
The citizen who sends film exposures of saucers to such labs, will
probably end up with
blank, foggy, damaged, too-dark, tampered, substituted, or entirely
missing images, the
film may be stolen from one’s camera, even before an attempt is made
to remove it for
processing (as in the case of the first roll of film I used to
photograph Vicki Landrum
and her radiation burns, along with photos of my Peiltochterkompass
and other flying saucer equipment).
My first photos of Vicki clearly showed the burns on her arms and
legs. These were
stolen from my camera by an expert, in Santa Fe, from my camera as
it lay in my car,
just after my return from Texas. I had to use surreptitious means to
obtain replacement
photos, and it was necessary to circumvent adverse influences of
some of the members
of my own family, who were being manipulated by the CIA, via the
Masonic Order and
U.S. Army Intelligence operatives. Such people may be caught in a
conflict between obeying request from (what they think is) the
Masonic Order, and concern for the life or well-being of a family
member or close friend.
Witnesses are often astounded at what the media reports as their
statements, but have no chance to correct these intentional
distortions or errors, and usually fail to understand the subtle
nuances or scientific reasons for such misrepresented details. Most
witnesses are “little fellahs”, whose ‘day in history’ may be
transfixed by that one sensational, electric event. If it is made to
seem fantastic at the outset, who is going to believe their attempts
to correct the distortions?
An example of the ‘little fellah’ premise I laid out in Chapter I,
Vicki Landrum is a persistent, consistent, sticker to the truth. I
first heard of her story around 1989 or 1990, near the time of a
hearing on her incident, in Washington, D.C. The news report I heard
was made around nine years after the incident occurred. The incident
stuck in my mind, not only because I have so many relatives in the
area where it occurred, but because I had good reason to believe
there was a better, truer, story underneath the usual distortions.
Some trustworthy relatives had confirmed that it was ‘real’.
fact, the government would be hard pressed to cover all the
relatives and other reliable contacts I could martial in that area.
At the time I contacted her, Vicki Landrum resided only a few
hundred yards from my sister’s house, and the saucer entourage
passed through areas peopled by some of my other relatives. So,
despite the phony version of the incident which I had recently seen
on the “Unsolved Mysteries” T.V. program, I retraced prior
investigators, and determined the purpose of their lies.
I sought out Vicki Landrum in late 1992, and had some trouble
finding her, even with the assistance of some of her family members,
including her granddaughter. Army Intelligence had already sent a
man to check me out at my sister’s house, even before I decided to
contact Vicki. Once located, the situation I found was not a
pleasing one. If Vicki Landrum was a “sensation-seeker” who
persisted in her story for profit, as rumors had it, she certainly
hadn’t done a very good job of it.
It was easy to spread local
rumors, intended to taint Vicki’s credibility or motives, or damage
her economic standing in the community, and I found her to be a good
woman, not so different from many of the people in my own family.
Her health - and wealth - had been damaged by her own government, which
had subsequently misrepresented and flaunted its irresponsibility,
and trashed Vicki’s dignity.
There was very little if any accurate information published on Vicki
Landrum before this book in 1993, after which OSI writers and film makers
quickly glommed
onto her, to obliterate what I said, with more falsified or
distorted descriptions of the
event. Since that time, Vicki has stuck to the truth and refused to
lie like they want her to say she saw ‘little green men’,
“was abducted”, or “suffered time loss”. Because of this book - the
first to expose the Big Lie Mind Control scheme to conceal saucer
secrets - the Secret Government has had to rethink its strategy. They
can’t get around the Landrum/Cash sighting, because it was
corroborated by so many other witnesses, and because the victims
suffered real physical damage, and most of all, because Vicki hasn’t
played their game.
The place where Vicki lived was not a fashionable neighborhood, even
for the area. It was a somewhat run-down apartment complex, the main
office of which was gutted by fire. Some of the people there
appeared to be of the borderline (if not actual) criminal type, and
it was not a place for the faint of heart or weak of stomach.
Neglected, dirty, ill-clothed children wandered about, as some of
their parents sat in dingy and darkened apartments. After finding
the burned-out shell of the office, I managed to locate the
substitute office. I found Vicki only because I have conditioned
myself to question everything.
Everyone, including the manager, said
she didn’t live there, so I found her next door to a man who said
she didn’t live there and he’d never heard of her. Vicki’s family
was nice, clean, and quiet, out of place in the complex. The
apartment was well lit and friendly, with family members cozily
gathered about a table, engrossed in a board game. Vicki was a
little guarded at first, but soon warmed up to me, because we had
some common friends, including one of my old stump-jumping buddies,
She was originally from nearby Louisiana, and was typical
of many of her generation, having only a high school education, and
a necessity to earn a living as a wage earner. Her fine looking
husband was in his retirement years, having worked in harvesting and
fishing for many years, and was still working.
In 1980, Vicki Landrum and her grandson, Colby Lee Landrum (then
five years old), and Vicki’s friend and employer, Betty Cash, were
driving at night down a state highway in Betty’s car, near Huffman,
Texas, after leaving the store where Betty employed Vicki. They had
the distinct misfortune of encountering a malfunctioning flying
saucer, limping along just above ground, and accompanied by 24 U.S.
Army Chinook helicopters, two by two, each sweeping the surrounding
pathways with blinding searchlights, looking for potential witnesses
and obstructions. The route through which the crippled saucer and
entourage was moving, was a swampy, heavily forested,
non-residential one, apparently chosen as the most clandestine route
under the circumstances, en route to Louisiana, probably back to a
base for repairs.
The Chinook helicopters - the large ones with twin rotors - were
probably present in case the saucer should have to be
“freight-‘coptered” back to the base in a harness, in the event it
became completely disabled, or may have carried troops necessary to
cordon off and secure the area, in case it crashed. The idea also
seemed to have been that, with so much commotion created by the 24
helicopters, with blinding search lights and blasting air, in the
dark of night, who would notice the saucer?
Electrical energy leakage from the saucer’s lower section enflamed
the air as it
arced to the ground. The helicopter engine roar, prop blasts, and
blowing leaves were
confusing, deafening and tumultuous, and the lights, flames and
radiation created an
eerie, frightening, dangerous, and disorienting effect, as the
saucer landed on the narrow
black-topped roadway, just in front of the car. Vicki grabbed her
grandson and bolted
from the car, only to be forced back by conditions outside which
were even worse. In the
few seconds that Vicki and five-year-old Colby Lee were outside, the
metal of the car
had heated to a sizzling temperature.
As Vicki reached for the door
handle, her hand was burned. She then use a part of her plastic
jacket to open the door, and it was melted. She still had the
damaged jacket when I interviewed her. Vicki’s hand print was still
burned into the dashboard of the car, where she touched it inside.
Only microwaves or electrical induction could have heated the car so
rapidly and only penetrating radiation, such as ultraviolet, gamma
or X-ray, could have caused the radiation sickness and resultant
hair loss suffered by all parties, including Betty Cash, who didn’t
even leave the car.
The following photo was taken to replace those
stolen from me, showing Vicki Landrum and her burns:

Vicki, Colby Lee and Betty all experienced microwave (infra-red)
radiation burns over their entire bodies. The electrical discharges,
which ignited the oxygen and nitrogen in the air, were probably
responsible for secondary radiation in the form of ultraviolet or
X-rays, which caused them all the total loss of body hair. Little
Colby Lee - probably due to his tender age - suffered more severe
radiation sickness, and had to endure a great deal of embarrassment
and inconvenience, having to wear diapers throughout his elementary
and most of his junior high school years, due to the acute and
continuous diarrhea he suffered as a symptom of radiation sickness.
The radiation burns on Vicki’s body are still plainly visible. Colby
Lee’s diarrhea eventually subsided. At 19 he graduated from Dayton
High School. They will suffer for the rest of their lives.
The 24 helicopters were corroborated by a Dayton policeman, a Mr.
Walker, who,
at the time of the incident, was near Crosby, Texas, where he
witnessed the same
passing convoy. Vicki has always maintained that she saw a
government flying saucer
and other aircraft, involved in an “...experiment which had gone
wrong”, damaging the
three of them. Vicki was directly threatened by F.B.I. agents, and a
Pentagon official, a
Colonel George C. Sarran, who threatened Vicki, first in Washington,
D.C., and later by
phone, telling her to “...shut up or else...”, with the further
threat that unless she did shut
up, she would be unable to earn a decent living again. (This same
threat has often been
used and enforced by our secret government against others, including
The only
‘official’ person to ‘appear’ to lend any aid, was John Schussler,
of N.A.S.A, in nearby
Pasadena. He was purportedly fired for continuing to support Vicki’s
story, but the
‘firing’ was only to create cover for his new job with the O.S.I.
shamsters, as a
disinformationist/pseudo-‘turncoat’ from N.A.S.A. Schussler was only
conning Vicki and spying on her. His new job attempting to convince
gullible people that the “aliens are here”, uses his former N.A.S.A.
credentials to create pseudo-credibility. Vicki was under the false
impression that Schussler was her friend in 1992, but should know by
now that he wasn’t.
Texas senators Lloyd Bentsen and the late John Tower, managed to
refer Vicki and Colby Lee for treatment at the Scott-White veterans’
hospital in Temple, Texas, but they were so rudely mistreated there,
that they were forced to leave. In 1985, Betty, Vicki and Colby Lee
filed suit for damages. My facsimile clipping follows:

U.S. District Judge Ross Sterling (coincidentally, my distant
cousin) dismissed the suit with the right to refile, and I believe
it was refiled, and on last report, was still pending. Vicki’s
attorney, Clyde Ford, Jr., is married to my third cousin, though
this fact does not necessarily mean I endorse him, though it seems
that his work here has been commendable. He is a former professional
with Convair, Atlas Missiles, and General Dynamics, an excellent
background for a plaintiffs’ attorney in this suit.
At the time of my second edition, Vicki Landrum, Colby Lee Landrum,
and Betty
Cash, had never been compensated, treated, or indemnified for their
losses or injuries,
which certainly related to the dire and mysterious circumstances as
I found them. Who
knows what future medical problems await them? The government, as
the proximate
cause of the troubles, callously ignored and mistreated its victims,
and breached its responsibilities.
In 1989, hearings on the incident were scheduled in Washington, D.C.
Vicki, on their request, went to Washington for the hearings, at her
own expense. There was only one brief hearing session, at which the
government admitted that the operation was one of their ‘experiments
which had gone wrong’. All the remaining hearings were postponed and
finally cancelled, as Vicki waited in Washington until completely
broke, after which she returned home.
Based on my talk with Vicki, and Vicki’s description and drawing,
the saucer had a dulled, darkened, metallic surface (indicative of
stealth technology), and was shaped rather like what Vicki described
as an “ice cream cup shape” or “diamond” shape.
Vicki’s drawing, made on my request, placed alongside the same type
saucer shown in
some reliable photos, follows:

The use of Army Chinooks, when Air Force, Marine, and Naval aircraft
were available in the area, suggests the “city water-tower-sized”
ship was an Army or Special Forces troop-carrier, battle ‘saucer, or
ground weapons control ship. The air was inflamed by electrical
discharges which, because the saucer was apparently malfunctioning,
were being emitted from the bottom of the limping saucer, each time
the pilot attempted power up to become airborne.
The discharge
‘leakage’ about the bottom, which arced to the ground via Vicki and
company - probably attracted by the metallic car - drained the energy
required to maintain ‘buoyancy’, grounding and draining the
electrical activity necessary to compress the ether carriers and
block the gravitational effect on the bottom, to maintain proper
flight of the already crippled saucer. The ship was probably
experiencing internal dielectric breakdown of essential electrical
components. The presence of the car in close proximity to its path,
at the time it was crossing above the road, only made matters worse,
by forcing the saucer to make a landing on the road, until the car
was moved away from it so it could take off again.
Under the circumstances, the pilot could not fly more than a few
feet above ground,
since further internal damage or a sudden loss of power at a higher
altitude might have
caused the saucer to smash into the ground with sufficient impact to
destroy it and its
crew. They couldn’t just leave it parked. The convoy should have
been preceded by a scout copter, to clear the way and make sure
civilians were not harmed.
The show which the T.V. production, “Unsolved Mysteries” aired on
this incident, was false and exaggerated. Vicki never reported
seeing “rotating lights” or a “spinning saucer” at all. The media
also falsely stated that Vicki had reported seeing “little green
men”, or “space beings” through the “saucer’s windows”. This was an
outright government lie. Vicki saw no windows.
Red lights seen by
Vicki were a horizontal rowr of stationary discharge electrodes,
mounted in an annular line about the middle of the ship. These
“lights” (actually emission electrodes) were activated in sequence,
one after the other, in one direction around the ship, creating the
illusion of rotation. These reddish pulses of current neutralize the
“precession problem” I mentioned in the Introduction, by creating a
rotation of counteractive force in diametric opposition to the
precessive force, thus stabilizing a ship so the pilot has a steady
view of the outside.
The government’s covert Ufology lunatic fringe contingency tried to
discredit the sighting for the benefit of their pseudo-skeptic
counterpart, with the silly lie that the ship was an “alien flying
saucer” being escorted to a “meeting between aliens and our
scenarios are often accompanied by fabricated environmentalistic
bullshit, such as a desire by “aliens” to “bring us Earthlings to
our senses”, etc., because our “misuse of technology threatens the
whole universe”. Give us a break! If the entire earth or solar
system were to suddenly vaporize itself in a thorough and complete
nuclear explosion, the total effect would be less than that of a
flea farting in a tornado.
It is also interesting to note that Whitley Strieber, in his books,
or Budd Hopkins, in books such as “Intruders”, never mentioned Vicki
Landrum, et. al., even though Landrum said they had interviewed her.
She said she adamantly refused to say “...what they wanted me
to” - that she’d seen “aliens”, been “abducted”, or “suffered
time-loss” - and instead continued to insist that what she saw were
“government aircraft”, (including the saucer) and nothing more.
was apparently the reason she was threatened, slandered, and never
compensated for her health damage and losses, by our wonderful
government. It is obvious as to how most witnesses are induced to
say what their interviewers want them to, but not Vicki, a tough
little lady who deserves respect.
Regarding Vicki Landrum’s radiation burns, the “flames” described by
Vicki are 100% consistent with what Tesla described, as he developed
this technology,15 as follows:
“...The flame grew larger and larger, and its
oxidizing action more and more intense. From an insignificant brush
discharge a few inches long it developed into a marvelous electrical
phenomenon, a roaring blaze, devouring the nitrogen of the
atmosphere and measuring sixty or seventy feet across.”
15Nikola Tesla, The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, The Century
Magazine [June 1900].
I should also point out that the public is grossly malinformed and
misinformed regarding potentially “dangerous radiation”. I suffered
serious radiation damage after my 13th year, so I speak with some
experience. In spite of the fact that I am 6’ 3” tall, my growth was
stunted in my lower legs by perhaps 4”, by radiation. Sound crazy?
Read on.
In 1951, in my 13th year, my father wanted me to take an “uptown
job”, outside our own business (which I sometimes ran when my family
was absent). He wanted me to meet the rest of the “business
community” in our town at large, beyond the confines of our own
business sphere. That was the year my ‘growth spurt’ occurred. I got
a job at a Dunlaps Department Store a few blocks away, sweeping up
the store.
During rest breaks, I would often go to the shoe
department, where I would stick my feet into an X-ray machine used
to check out shoe fits in vitro, studying the bones of my feet and
toes. The machine was called a “fluoroscope”, which used ‘soft’
radiation, tuned to cause the bones to fluoresce, and to produce an
image on the screen, as one viewed his or her feet. During the time
I did this, I apparently absorbed dangerous levels of radiation,
which, as should be emphasized, were of the so-called ‘harmless,
softer’ variety (i.e., below the frequency of “hard” X-rays, but
above the general frequency of ultraviolet rays).
Unbeknownst to me,
the radiation was killing and mutating the red blood cell production
tissue in the marrow of the bones of my feet and lower legs
(remember what I said about the transmutation of elements below
Atomic No. 19 - such as calcium - in U.V. light?).
I soon began to experience so much pain in my feet and legs, that I
had to quit the job. I lost weeks of school, laying in bed with
strange fevers and leg and foot pain. I became anemic, had
nosebleeds, and experienced several other related symptoms. The only
explanatory diagnosis by local doctors for my mysterious symptoms,
was “growing pains”. I had to drop athletics for a year.
My time in
the 100 yard dash increased from 11 to 15 seconds. My lower legs
became “bird-like”, the objects of ridicule, as I struggled through
my upper body, to make my sluggish legs move faster. My upper body
continued to develop, making the disproportionate lower legs look
even stranger. There was no medical connection made at the time by
my doctor, as we were unaware that the machine at Dunlaps had caused
my life-threatening symptoms. I still have problems from it, and
have had discoloration around my feet and lower legs since my 13th
Though available to any kid or other person who happened to wander
into the
department store, the radiation was a dangerous, public hazard.
Powerful cosmic
radiation of very high frequency (the ZPR) penetrates our bodies all
the time, passing
even through the thickest lead. It passes clear through the earth
without incident. Its
frequencies are so high and wavelengths so small as to pass between
the tightest of
spaces within and between the atoms of even the densest of matter.
It is when the
wavelengths correspond to the resonant frequencies of our bodily
atoms, that dangerous
reactions occur. Relatively low frequency positive radiation of
lowest energy, penetrates
the clothing and flesh, and reacts with the calcium in our bones.
The bone marrow in the
lower body, in children, produces much of the red blood cells needed
to maintain healthy
life. As a child matures, these lower bones eventually stop
producing blood cells, after
which the bone marrow in the upper body continues to produce blood
At the time I
was exposed to the Dunlaps fluoroscope, my body was already in
transition to
produced in my lower legs. I came very near to dying shortly after
the incident. As best I could determine, I crossed the danger line
of ‘radioactive relaxation’, in 1977, 26 years following my
exposure. This period varies according to the radiation involved, in
respect to the particular matter excited by it, so this was just an
educated guess.
Ordinary matter which has been ‘excited’ by powerful ionizing
radiation, may show no detectable outward signs that it can ‘relax’
at some future date, to produce ‘synthetic radioactivity’ which is
harmful to anyone near it. This is one of the reasons the F.B.I.
conceals a book I mention below, and Los Alamos refuses to sell lead
which has been used for radioactive shielding, along with the fact
that lead shielding may contain some radium atoms (as well as gold)
into which some atoms may have been transmuted, by absorption of
high energy radiation, during experiments. Since radium emits gamma
rays and produces alpha particles of around 4.5 Mev (“million
electron volts”), the lead could be very dangerous.
Before 1892, a Frenchman named Gustave Le Bon wrote a book on
“synthetic radioactivity”16. This book related to the use of
ordinary, non-radioactive elements, to create nuclear reactions,
thus opening the way for safe nuclear power generators. The book was
among those on the F.B.I.’s ‘retrieval list’, in its 1942 sweep
through all U.S. public libraries, book stores, universities, and
even private collections and libraries. A copy of the book formerly
used by and available to Dr. T. Henry Moray, in his local Utah
public library, was confiscated by the F.B.I. in 1942.
In 1943, when Moray was attempting to reconstruct his radiant energy
generator of
the 1920’s (the 50 kw one), he sought the book at the library, and
was subjected to
F.B.I. threats. Nonetheless, Moray was able to surreptitiously
procure three copies of the book from a friend who was a book
dealer, for his private library.
Le Bon’s book related to techniques ‘rediscovered’ by me in the
1970s, as well as to the kind of radiation which almost ended my
boyhood life for no apparent reason.
Similarly, particle beam devices employing ultraviolet laser
concepts, in the hands of
Secret Government CIA maniacs, are in my estimation the basis for
“stealth murder
weapons” being tested on cattle, for which the ‘mutilations’ are
their removal of tissue
from the cattle to test for organic damage effects. Such weapons,
tuned to U.V.
frequencies, will disable a victim’s T4 immune cells, can cause
death by “terminal
pneumonia”, other related organic failures, cancer (by destroying
pl6 and p53
oncogenes), or tuberculosis17.
This can also be called “A.I.D.S.” or
“hantavirus”, since
all these victims - including cancer victims treated with
chemotherapy - once their T4
immune cell count drops below 250, will die of terminal pneumonia,
brought on by
“M.A.I.” (Microbacterium Arium Intercellulare), the ordinary ‘soil
bacteria’ we all
carry in our systems. In healthy persons, these M.A.I, seek out and
destroy cancer cells
five times as fast as any known anti-cancer drug.18
16Gustave Le Bon, The Evolution of Matter, publisher unknown [ca.
17Announcement by scientists, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
Tex. [Jan. 20, 1994], concerning immunosuppression by U.V.
radiation.18William R. Lyne, Stealth I: De-Population by U. V.
Immuno-Suppression, The Leading Edge, Yelm, Wa., Issue No. 76 [Nov.
Despite government misuse, “synthetic radiation” reactors - electric
generators using elements of low atomic number - are safer than any
known means of
energy production, even coal or oil. My conclusions, based partly on
my study of Blokhin’s book (see bibliography), were further
confirmed by my contact with an unnamed Mormon who experimented with
and manufactured power generators based on Moray’s generators.
Unfortunately, Moray’s theory and description of his radiant energy
invention can’t be trusted, as he apparently didn’t know how it
worked. In addition, he often used fake diagrams to conceal his work
from prying government snoops, and the diagrams and drawings
available do not provide so good an idea as my drawings do. Some of
my designs combined ideas of Tesla and Moray, with some of my own. I
conceived most of them independently, before I ever heard of Moray,
whose plans bear no similarity to mine. I will give all these plans
to the public in other books.
Though I created an “on-sale bar” for my universal rotary power
transmission (Appendix A), by offering it for sale to the Japanese
public in a 1991 newspaper ad, the appendix clearly bars anyone from
patenting it.
My introduction to the ‘unnamed Mormon’ was mysteriously arranged by
a man who sought revenge against the Illuminati, after they had
arranged for him to be falsely accused, tried, convicted, and sent
to federal prison for several years, for alleged S.E.C. violations,
following the discovery by he and his friends of an ancient,
revolutionary and simple piece of mining equipment, called the
“Clute Machine”, which had once threatened the Illuminati monopoly
on precious and ‘strategic’ metals production and banking, many
years before.
After finding the old machine sealed away inside an
abandoned Colorado mine tunnel, the group restored it to working
condition. After news of their discovery leaked out to the
Illuminati, the group was then Judas-goated into a criminally
conceived and orchestrated federal entrapment scheme, involving the
use of a federal con-man who wormed his way into their confidence. I
will reveal the details of this simple machine in another book. It
is already “public domain”.
The typical coercive suppression of monopoly-threatening technology
by the Illuminati, is carried out mostly under federal S.E.C.
regulations, through judicial abuse which is seemingly unrelated to
the technology it is used to suppress. When you think about it, this
is practically the only convenient way for them to do so, other than
outright brutal murder, which lacks the ‘cover’ provided by “color
of law”, though murder is at least more criminally honest and
In the early ‘50s, soon after WWII, my uncle, Angus Thomas Benton,
Jr. (“Uncle A.T.”) and his wife Ida, often watched flying saucers at
night, as they patrolled the skies above the Intercoastal Canal, on
the gulf of Mexico, within 20 miles of the Vicki Landrum incident,
in Pasadena, Texas.
During the war, A.T. had been a crack antiaircraft gunner on the
U.S.S. South Dakota (rear left deck, beneath which a Japanese
kamikaze plane crashed and exploded just beneath his platform,
killing many of those below deck, as A.T. blazed away, during the
“Great South Pacific Turkey Shoot”). Later, the U.S. fleet took
possession of the Nagato Maru, Flagship of the Imperial Japanese
First Fleet, in Tokyo Bay, in 1945.
A.T. was sent aboard in charge of a five-man crew instructed to
collect and arrange
worthy souvenirs, from which the officers were to take “first pick”.
Always one to
practice fair play, A.T. took his own first pick, including Admiral
Isoroku Yamamoto’s
‘sea glasses’, a giant pair of binoculars originally made and
presented to the admiral,
practice fair play, A.T. took his own first pick, including Admiral
Isoroku Yamamoto’s
‘sea glasses’, a giant pair of binoculars originally made and
presented to the admiral,
who had a keen appreciation for photography and optical science.
glasses were one
of twelve pairs made for the Japanese fleet, of which only seven
pairs then remained,
since the other five pairs had gone to Davy Jones’ locker. A.T.
dismantled the
binoculars, threw away his clothes, wrapped the Nagato’s battle flag
around half the
binoculars, and stuffed them into his sea bag. He paid his best
friend to carry the other
half, wrapped in his clothes. The Nagato was eventually sank in the
Bikini Island
hydrogen bomb test, in the ‘50s,
Yamamoto (who purportedly died earlier in the war), with the
assistance of an American-trained deaf mute, had used the glasses to
read U.S. Admiral William F. (“Bull”) Halsey’s lips, as he gave
commands from the bridge of his flagship, in an earlier engagement
from which Yamamoto had wisely decided to withdraw. The binoculars
could so magnify a person’s face, eight miles away, that it appeared
to be only a few feet away. One could also see the rings of Saturn,
etc. A.T. and Ida used the giant woolen Battle Flag of the Imperial
Japanese First Fleet, as a bedspread for several years (somehow in
all this, there is the flavor of Bill Mauldin’s Willy and Joe!). The
souvenirs are now in the possession of my cousin.
After the war, A.T. and Ida started a cleaning shop in Pasadena,
which they called the “U.F.O. Cleaners” (for “Undoubtedly Finest
Offered”). A.T. placed Yamamoto’s sea glasses atop the roof of his
shop, where he and Ida watched the flying saucers at night, as they
glided over the intercoastal sea lanes. A.T. said some of them
appeared to have “quilted aluminum” on their bottoms. This
apparently was the cris-cross ridge patterns of the early stealth
technology, developed by the Germans during the wartime years for
their U-boats, and adapted to the saucers.
Contrary to ‘history’, Admiral Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the
Japanese First Fleet, may not have been shot down over the western
Solomons on Apr. 18, 1943, but may have secretly surrendered to U.S.
Naval personnel near Guadalcanal, and been taken to a military jail
in the Phillippines, were my neighbor, Antonio Sanchez, probably
stood guard over him. When the admiral (Yamamoto?) told Tony in
perfect English, that he was educated at Stanford, Tony asked him,
“Then why you fight us?” Yamamoto (?) solemnly answered, “That was
the most regrettable mistake of my entire career.”
The most obvious sightings today, are right under your noses, if you
live in certain
areas of the country. For over 40 years, saucers have been ‘placed’
in the skies, locked
into stationary positions by the inertial navigation system using
the Peiltochterkompass,
for use on the Nazi saucers as well as the rockets carrying neutron
bomb warheads in the
1945 stalemate. The systems allow saucers to pose as ‘stars’ as they
constellations across the night skies, testing new equipment and
procedures, and
performing experiments and surveillance on us.
During the daylight
hours, saucers are
less visible, and are often concealed by heavy dark clouds which Dr.
Wilhelm Reich
called “DOR” (“Deadly ORgone Energy”). Such hoverings were
documented in the
early ‘50s by Reich, over his Maine observatory, using time-lapse
photography with
such skill that the government labeled them as “subversion” and
“espionage”. Reich’s
photos, which I have seen, revealed erratic movements of the
saucers, in contrast to the
background constellations which produced consistently parallel,
curved streaks of normal stars and planets across the film, as the
earth rotated.
Since at the time, use of the guidance systems on
saucers was still under development, and since the saucers were so
electrically unstable, their presence in the time-lapse photos was
starkly revealed because they emitted a different light spectrum,
and made brighter, ‘smeared’, meandering blurbs, cutting across the
background of fainter stars.
Though Reich - an Austrian Jew - held some rather leftist views, he
would have been immediately snuffed by the Russian Communists, and
certainly didn’t work for them. As a psychiatrist, he viewed sexual
repression as the primary cause of fascism. His experiments on what
he called Orgone Energy, were the basis for the government’s abuse
of process under which he was not only incarcerated under
allegations of insanity, but also held under a conflicting criminal
charge of contempt, for violating a federal injunction against his
work, which it was alleged constituted “illegal medical practices”,
pursuant to F.D.A. regulations.
Reich claimed there is an “Orgone Energy” (“ORGanic Energy”), which
is a naturally-occurring, life-sustaining, environment-permeating
ethereal energy related to beneficial negative ions, and that Orgone
has its antithesis, “DOR” (“Deadly ORgon energy”) , a toxic,
life-endangering, positively-ionizing substance , related to the
‘free radicals’ often associated with cancer and other diseases, and
manifested in certain types of heavy, dark clouds.
He invented a
device called a “cloud buster”, a trombone-like sliding, variable
antenna, which inductively grounded the DOR clouds and “erased”
them, conducting their death-dealing energy into a container of
water connected to the antenna. Purportedly, the water was converted
into heavy water (deuterium). Reich also discovered that his cloud
buster could disable UFOs (a discovery which evidently led to his
Reich claimed that, in the presence of great amounts of Orgone
energy, his instruments detected dangerous levels of DOR around his
laboratory, despite ‘radioactive shielding’, when 1 gram of radium
was placed there in a thick lead container. He at first blamed the
dangerous effects on the radium, until his discovery of the flying
saucers hovering continually over his lab. This discovery inflamed
the government, and marked Reich for death, perhaps because he had
stumbled across government “death ray” experiments on the public
(including Reich).
Reich claimed the DOR from the saucers was used to create
desertification. On October 10, 1954, Reich disabled two UFOs. On
October 15, his associate, William Moise, proudly presented Reich’s
findings to Colonel Wertenbaker, Deputy Commander, A.T.I.C,
Wright-Patterson A.F.B., Ohio. Though Reich believed he had “made
contact with aliens”, he had “made contact with the Pentagon”
instead. He had stuck his head right into a Secret Government meat
On November 2, 1954, Reich embarked on an experimental expedition to
Arizona, where he purportedly proved that, by use of his
“cloud-buster” to remove DOR being placed in the desert environment
by UFOs, grass grew a foot high in previously desertified soil. On
return from Arizona, he was arrested by the F.D.A. and jailed in
Lewisburg Penitentiary, for violation of an injunction, and was
found dead in his cell on Nov. 3, 1957, a week before he was to be
released. His books, publications and scientific literature were
banned and burned.
In the ‘50s I saw a film made of Reich outside his Maine laboratory,
as he erased a
DOR cloud over a nearby body of water and some trees, using his
cloud-buster. To his
amazement, with the erasure of the cloud, a flying saucer was
discovered hovering inside it. Reich’s antenna apparently grounded
the electrical system on the saucer, and it fell toward the ground,
as he and his small film crew ran toward the downed saucer, knocking
the camera over in the process and ending the film. The government
has since stolen the film. The kind of saucer shown in it was of the
same general type seen by me in 1953. It is my belief that either a
“stealth ray-gun” or the corona discharges of the saucers creates
the “DOR” effects observed by Reich.]
There have been many things written about Reich, much of which is
disinformational. Though he made some important discoveries, Reich
seemed to be unclear about what was happening, believing that what
he was observing were “alien” saucers. It appears to me that Reich
had either discovered a dangerous side-effect of flying saucers, or
had discovered secret experimentation on the populace and the
environment. I tend to think the latter is true, and I would not
like to find out that saucers are inherently dangerous.
I tend to
think that the DOR was the product of intentional “population
control” methods and “stealth weaponry” being tested or carried out
on the general population and the environment by the Secret
Government, since Reich was murdered to silence his investigation.
Saucers from Sandia and Manzano Bases usually proceeded to their
initial night-time positions along my southeastern horizon, at about
the same time each evening, in military fashion, despite the fact
that sunset comes earlier in winter.
The best visibility occurs
seasonally, whenever the evening trips coincide with dusk...that
time between day and night. In the brightness of full daylight in
midsummer, a glowing saucer is invisible, while in the half-light of
dusk, it is not only obvious, but usually shares the sky with no
visible stars or planets to confuse it with.
Many take up their
positions right in front of cloud banks which are clearly visible
along the horizon behind them at that time of the evening, before
the darkness has caused the clouds to become somewhat transparent to
the stars. It has always amazed me that people unquestioningly view
these ‘stars’ - with clouds behind them - without realizing that clouds
are never behind stars!
Saucers from Los Alamos (which is primarily engaged in scientific
research), have usually taken up their positions further to my
northeast, along the western slopes of the southern Sangre de
Cristos, often over the outskirts of Santa Fe. Laser communications
beams between the saucers and Los Alamos laboratories, can sometimes
be seen, especially when there is mist or dust in the air. Those
over the Pecos area to my east usually follow the constellations
westward across the night sky where, after around 10 hours of
flight, from positions just above the western horizon, they suddenly
zip back to their bases just before dawn.
The tell-tale things which
obviate these saucers are:
(1) The off-color (positive, ultraviolet)
light spectrum on their bottoms
(2) the overall excessive
(3) the ‘hairy’ (negative, infra-red) coronal brush
fanning out from their tops
(4) the precession, causing excessive
and ‘overly regular’ blinking
(5) the explosive, strobe-like
flashes of electrical emissions from an ‘anti-precession’
stabilizing system (usually used when the saucers are moving
(6) the bright red, green, blue, white and yellow
emissions of laser communications devices
These phony stars can be segregated from the real ones, by use of
photographic equipment, using spectrographic means to differentiate
the radiation
projected by them, or can be detected by amateur photographers by
use of special films,
filters and lenses, which are available commercially. Detection is
also possible by digital
analysis of video footage shot with telephoto lenses.
At night, it
is usually difficult to make out the surface details of these
saucers, because of the obliterating contrast between the bright
surface corona and the black sky, which defeats the eyes. That is
the reason the best photos have been made in bright sunlight, which
penetrates the corona clouds and reflects back off the metallic
surfaces underneath.
Dulled, darkened surfaces have been used, but
the saucers still show as obvious silhouettes.
The alarming degree to which many people have become brainwashed is
demonstrated by the fact that these saucers are in plain view at
night, yet most people ignore them, accepting them as ‘normal’. Many
younger people (below forty) have never seen the sky any other way.
Yet, in many cases, the behavior of the saucers is so outrageous,
that only a fool would accept them as “stars”, “planes”, or
They hover for hours, blinking, wobbling, flashing,
meandering, beaming out multi-colored lights, and often jumping or
shooting around, while numbed-out, intimidated, brainwashed people
refuse to allow themselves to believe there is anything
extraordinary or unnatural about them. I once pointed a large one
out to a neighbor, as it hovered over a nearby government bombing
range between Galisteo and Santa Fe. We then drove from Lamy, to
Galisteo, across a dirt road to State Rd. 14, up to Santa Fe, then
back to Lamy.
We drove completely around it, while continually
viewing it, yet afterward, my neighbor refused to allow himself to
believe he had seen anything other than a ‘star’, even after I
explained how and why one cannot ‘drive around’ a star!
Another characteristic I noted while viewing saucers many times, as
they flew right over Santa Fe at night, is that they appear to
imitate small planes, but they seem to have a problem with moving at
the speed of a normal plane. If they move too fast, they make
brightly glowing, tell-tale streaks, so must move ‘too’ slow to
disguise this (about 20-30 m.p.h.), below the stall speed of a light
plane. Some of the strobe-like flashes are not stabilization
systems, but are used to hide the faint glows of the saucers’ hulls.
Also, the fact that it takes a ‘slow-moving’ saucer too long to pass
over Santa Fe, while making no noise, is another dead give-away,
especially when a saucer just ‘parks’ for a half hour or so over the
southwest outskirts of Santa Fe.
I once pointed a saucer out to a tenant, as it soundlessly
approached Lamy low to the ground from the east, flashing its laser
communicators, as it went down not over 250 yards away. The tenant,
named Kroy Rubin, was totally unable to relate to the experience as
being real. In a couple of days, I heard rumors that a nearby
rancher - Joe Miller - had complained that ‘dogs from Lamy’, or
‘coyotes’, had killed some of his livestock, within a hundred yards
of where I saw the saucer land.
Since publication of my first edition in 1993, the saucers normally
visible near my home began to diminish, as the government began to
exercise more discretion. More recently, the number of saucers is
only a tiny percentage of what it once was.
Shortly after my first printing, I discussed this book with Joe
Miller, while
attending a small annual community flea market in nearby Galisteo.
Joe said he had four
young bulls mutilated at that time, which were ‘bloodless’, with the
usual precise,
cauterized cuts, etc. The bulls appeared to be air-dropped back into
the pasture.
rumor I had heard - that Joe believed “dogs” had mutilated his
cattle - was a completely
false rumor spread by the O.S.I. Joe said that he had never
suspected “dogs” or
“predators”, since the ‘mutilations’ were clearly of human,
government origin, consistent
with the findings of State Police investigator Gabe Valdez, who had
performed the
Not only had I and Kroy Rubin watched a saucer go
down on Miller’s
ranch, but had done so while it was either in the process of picking
up Joe Miller’s bulls, or dropping them back into the pasture. Since
Miller is definitely among those like myself, who think Gabe Valdez
has done a good job, he has been intensely harassed for over five
years by the County of Santa Fe and the Sheriffs department, using
any excuse. In 1995 they abused Joe and his wife, and eventually had
to pay him considerable damages. The manner of continued abuse
indicated that there was a concealed motive behind the abuse, which
was not apparent from the circumstances, similar to how I was
treated for so long.
I theorized a link between the legal abuse and Miller’s
corroboration of Gabe Valdez’ investigation and theory, since I had
been severely abused by the judicial and legal system under trumped
up charges based on lies and tampered evidence, at the same time
that ex-FBI agent Ken Rommel was conducting a mutilations
‘investigation’ through the Santa Fe D.A.’s office.
The multicolored laser communications system I observed on the
saucer which landed on Miller’s land was identical to what I’d
observed in the mid south Atlantic in late 1974. This system on the
saucers allows for multiple transmissions, as well as complex
coding. Unless an observer is in alignment with the laser
trajectory, he cannot possibly listen to it, or receive it, and then
only if he has the special receiver.
The combined or separate beams
carry the coded or voiced communications, through modulations in
beam intensity and intermittence. A receiver consists of a special
scope with lenses, which receives and translates the beams, similar
to an infra-red system. The communications system is very secure,
outside of personal compromises, and traverses the problem of radio
wave blockage or interference from electrical corona discharges from
the saucer. The only draw back is the necessity for line-of-sight
Those having access are controlled by national
security contracts, making them criminally liable and subject to
severe penalties (even death) without hearing or trial, for a
breach, under “national security laws”. These procedures are
unconstitutional, but the Trilateral Commission/Illuminati has never
been hindered by that, and neither have the Masonic Order, the
Jesuits, the Mafia, the K.G.B., the Mossad, or any other secret
I observed this system in October, 1974, in the mid south Atlantic,
en route between Savannah, Georgia, and Casablanca, Morocco, while
aboard the Kraljevicka, one of the freighters of the Jugolinea, the
socialist Yugoslavian national shipping line. Ironically, it was
only a few days after I had met and shook hands with Trilateral
Commission member Jimmy Carter, a former nuclear engineer and sub
commander, as he campaigned for the governorship of Georgia, in the
historic part of Savannah near the old Customs House, during a
holiday, shortly before the November elections of 1974.
The weather was stormy on that passage, and since I have always
enjoyed storms, I
had walked out onto the left rear deck just after supper, to observe
the sunlight, as it
disappeared beneath a hole in the clouds toward the western horizon,
on that October
evening. I had been on deck for only a couple of minutes when I
observed a flying saucer
coming out of the clouds around a mile behind the ship.
It took up
and maintained a
steady position, as it began to make laser transmissions, presumably
to the ship’s
communications officer on the bridge. I observed these transmissions
for around thirty
minutes, before the saucer retreated back up into the clouds above
it, as the golden light
faded from the window in the clouds over the gusty sea. I sighed in
amazement, then
walked back inside. As I stepped into the hallway, three of the
Yugoslavian officers
came downstairs from the bridge at my upper right.
The first man - the
communications chief - was pushing a little telescopic antenna-like
projection in on what appeared to be a small electro-optical scope
he had in his hands, upon which I saw what appeared to be
calibrations, code letters, lenses, and sensors. As the three
officers saw from whence I came, they immediately slowed, and looked
at each other and back to the scope, as the officer sheepishly
placed it in his upper shirt pocket, and they walked on by, shaking
their heads and mumbling pursed-lipped good-evenings, with some
At that time, N.A.T.O. ‘war games’ were occurring. Though Yugoslavia
was not a member, they conducted ‘sympathy maneuvers’, rolling their
tanks and divisions into place along the Soviet borders facing
Russia. I knew that a helicopter coming from a ship nowhere to be
seen, would not have stayed so long, or come from so far away, or
have been taking such risks in stormy weather, way out in the
central South Atlantic. 1,100 miles to land in either direction
should also be remembered that Tesla was a native of Yugoslavia.
Though the Kraljevicka carried the red star of communism on its
stacks, its crew and officers were at least 95% pro-capitalist.
However, among all of the Mediterranean or Adriatic nations,
socialist Yugoslavia was pitifully poor. Those lucky enough and
enterprising enough to sail on the Judgolinea in 1974, had
opportunities to engage in some profitable smuggling. For those not
so inclined, it was like a sentence to prison, away from their
families, with pay below that of their international capitalist
One young officer, recently married, wanted to take
his wife and defect, because he had spent only a couple of weeks
with her out of his first two years of marriage.
The socialist
government required him to work for menial wages on the ship until
he had ‘repaid the state’ for his engineering education. He was too
naive and inexperienced to smuggle, but some young members of the
crew were already making plenty of money without the benefits of a
formal education, because of their ‘supplemental’ smuggling income.
One enterprising young sailor, at the bottom of the totem pole, made
fake soles for his shoes out of ‘blonde Lebanese’ and ‘black
Pakistani’ hashish, wore them ashore and sold them, then brazenly
waltzed back up the gang-plank in classy, new and dapper attire, and
a pocket full of money.
The captain’s pay was round $4,000 per year, yet he was obviously a
capitalist who supplemented his income similarly, on a higher scale,
judging by his
smooth demeanor, and the car from Santa Fe in which he arrive at the
ship, just before
departing Houston. I would tend to think “Russian icons”, since I
knew the car belonged to a Santa Fe art dealer I knew, of
Yugoslavian descent. I recently - over 24 years later - met his cousin in Santa Fe, so I guess my assumptions were
One young crew member, whose ambition it was to become a successful,
American-style rock musician, had to wear long-sleeved shirts to
conceal the “Young Communist Pioneers” tatoo which he had foolishly
allowed to be put on his arm during his earlier years, later
concealed in shame, so that other crew members would not point at it
and jeer. Only a small number of passengers or crew were K.G.B.
informants or agents, as was obvious from their sour and bitter
dispositions, and the way everyone avoided them, or behaved
hypocritically in the presence of.
The young Yugoslavians were
generally hostile toward domination by the Russians, and proud of
Yugoslavia’s long tradition of fierce and heroic warriors. The
ancient pride and traditions of seafaring Anatolians could not be so
easily erased.
It is unfortunate that in the past few years since the breakup of
the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia has degenerated into a war-torn region
in which ethnic and religious groups have slaughtered each other,
and destroyed many of the beautiful and historic old cities and
towns. The root of this squabbling appears to be instigated by the
Illuminati, primarily through religious leaders, while seeing to it
that plenty of arms are supplied from outside.
This is not a
tradition of which Serbo-Croatian ‘warriors’ can be proud, for only
warriors who fights for freedom against oppression can be heroes.
Shooting your neighbors and their babies, then raping and mutilating
their wives and daughters, is not heroic, but yet another black page
in history which one would expect to find associated with Ghengis
Khan, Stalin, or Hitler, not with the Serbo-Croatians of today’s
Since this book has stirred up a renewed interest in “government
flying saucers” in this growing area, with several new subdivisions
nearby, the Secret Government is now being forced by the publicity
into finding other areas further away from encroaching population,
since people seem to be rediscovering the validity of their own
As you may have noticed, the “space alien” propaganda blitzes come
in periodic waves, on a regular basis, to continually revive in your
mind the corporate lie they have already planted there, that space
aliens are “here”.
As long as we, the tax payers, through our
government, continue to supply the money for the personnel, scripts,
and productions, Hollywood will continue to use our funds to
brainwash and deceive us, under the guise of “entertainment”.
Lately, the Official Big Liars have settled down to a single ‘type’
of space alien, which looks suspiciously like an old comic book
type, which conveniently also looks like a small human being actor,
outfitted with a more easily fabricated costume, mask, and makeup;
this also looks like the rhesus monkies of the “Roswell” and “MJ-12”
hoaxes. The eyes are sunglass-type dark lenses, which conceal the
actors’ human eyes.
This format was necessitated by the fact that
some of the Old Big Lies had not only become difficult to fabricate
in a convincing way (four arms, serpent skin, etc.), even for an
increasingly more sophisticated audience, but also because a more
“humanoid” type “space alien” format has proven to be more
believable, and can be more easily faked by actors, makeup artists,
costumers, and special effects technicians.
The huxters can also
point back to the corny Roswell hoax, minus the embarrassingly
stupid photos, and, using the MJ-12 documents created in 1985 based
on the ‘standard’ format, which harks back to the ‘cynocephalus’
rhesus monkies of the originally bungled Roswell hoax. They have
returned to the Roswell hoax, like dogs returning to lick up their
own vomit.
The scenario has progressed much further out in Nevada’s so-called
“Dreamland”, at Groom Lake, where the government has set up almost
an entire base for this fakery.
There are some highly classified projects under way at the base, but
due to its weird
terrain and obscure location, the government also uses the base for
one of its special
misinformation centers, perhaps to emphasize its need to conceal the
projects. Security
agents specially trained in the hoax - like Bob Lazar - convince their
curious victims on
the outside, that they are “ex-employees” of an “Area 51” top secret
government project,
and go through incredibly complex and expensive manipulations, to
convince “specially
chosen” (i.e., gullible) suckers, that they are attempting to “alarm
the public” about how
“aliens from space are taking over”.
They drug the rubes, take them
to a special part of their “secret base”, and expose them to
“things” - such as a fake little flying saucer with a tiny seat in
it - designed to convince them that a small, non-human ‘alien’ had
come to earth in it, so that the dupes will go out and “spread the
word”. Bob Lazar did this to a somewhat easy-mark gullible friend of
mine, who is still unable to accept the fact that our government
would go to such extremes to hide flying saucers being operated by
The government even uses “designer drugs” in this brainwashing
project, skillfully making suggestions under their influence,
breaking down psychological resistance, and inducing very convincing
hallucinations, while the victims remain unaware that they are under
the influence of drugs. (Yes, I know what you guys are up to!)
fact remains that many people really want to believe such lies,
right along with a lot of the other mystical baloney some people
want to cling to, like an old Viking who can’t stop swearing to
Odin. The old Army “Mind Control” experiments support these hoaxes.
That means that the U.S. Army and the intelligence community were
probably conducting their original experiments for use on us for the CFR all along, rather than for use on any “foreign enemy”.
Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control, and John Mark’s The Search
for the “Manchurian Candidate”, for some more related background
The basic thing drastically contradicting this scenario, is that
anyone working in such a project - including Bob Lazar - would have a
top-secret or higher clearance, and would now be in jail or dead,
for violating the national security agreement they signed when their
clearance was issued. He would be behind bars or worse, for merely
confirming anything seen, known, or even suspected as a consequence
of working there.
This would happen especially if it were true that
space aliens were visiting us, or were taking over. I signed a
national security agreement in 1957, when I was only eighteen years
old, and in those days, it was understood by most that the penalty
could include an “executive termination order” (an order to
assassinate a disobedient person).
Though I don’t want to scare you, some unfortunates in the more
distant past have been lobotomized, incarcerated in asylums and
perpetually drugged or sedated, jailed in special prisons, illegally
entrapped, falsely convicted and imprisoned, driven insane,
crippled, given “dumb drugs”, impoverished, had their marriages or
families torn apart, turned into homeless persons or vagrants,
totally intimidated, socially isolated, or had their credibilities
ruined so that no one would believe them. Wilhelm Reich was
arrested, incarcerated in an asylum, and murdered there.
His arrest
came only two days after a discussion he had with Einstein at
Princeton, about his investigation at his Maine lab involving
discoveries concerning flying saucers.
There seems to be more probability for legal protection today from
the kinds of abuse which only a few years ago the government could
get away with, while taking their impunity for granted, but the
public is much less tolerant to such abuse today.
Consistent with Jefferson’s adage that “the price of liberty is
eternal vigilance”, we
must forever question everything concerning flying saucers, gravity,
“extraterrestrials”, and realize that the Secret Government is
responsible for endless
misinformation, overstatement and understatement (the “untruth, the
half-truth and the
truth-and-a-half). We should question outrageous claims of personal
experiences which
are obviously fabricated by liars, drug-induced dupes, nuts, or
secret agents, and
remember not to confuse them with legitimate witnesses.
like “...I met space
beings..”, does several destructive things. It discredits legitimate
witnesses by
association, and thereby helps to conceal technology. If you have
seen something which does not comport with accepted theories, and
talk about it, be forewarned that “truth is stranger than fiction”,
and can damage one’s credibility. Sometimes, too much truth, too
soon, is more than most people can handle.
Insidiously, agents of the Secret Government pound away from every
conceivable perspective. While some government fronts (mostly
“UFOlogists”) promote the paranormal, others, such as one led by
Philip Klass, pose as debunkers, which I call “pseudo-debunkers”, in
support of the government, which ‘officially’ denies everything.
Paranormalists, pseudo-debunkers, and government deniers form a
triangle of withering
crossfire, and triangles, as you should know, are strong, rigid
shapes, unless they are
composed of weak or brittle materials. Rationalists ought to occupy
the side held by the
paranormalists, who actually belong with the pseudo-debunkers, since
their undisclosed
ulterior agenda is the perpetuation of ‘party-line’ relativism
(which Klass wouldn’t dare
have the guts to oppose), based on a Platonist epistemology.
truth, all three sides of
the triangle are created and controlled by the O.S.I.
pseudo-debunkers are led by
Philip Klass, ostensibly sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution,
and Klass, the
government spokesmen, and the paranormalists/UFOlogists are all
restricted and
controlled by the N.S.A./CIA/O.S.I.,
C.S.I.C.O.P. and the “pseudo-skeptic” movement, represented
primarily by the Skeptical Inquirer magazine, and The Skeptic
magazine, were created by the O.S.I./CIA to make inroads into the
humanist/skeptic philosophical movement, and to covertly control it
(as they had done with the Libertarian movement) because they
correctly perceived a potential future threat from this quarter,
represented by reasonable and analytical people like me.
following facsimile clipping, of March 9, 1991, (original in The
Santa Fe New Mexican) announced a “debunking” lecture by Philip Klass, entitled “Bringing UFOs Down to Earth” (for which we already
know what the conclusion was) as follows:

The “questions” asked by Klass were really statements, in which he
purported to arrogate to himself what “...even experienced military
and airline pilots” saw, presuming that they were “...unwitting
victims of myth and their imaginations.” These pilots fly-almost
every day, for thousands of hours, for thousands of days. What would
they know about what they see?
When you board an airliner, you place
your life in their hands, but if you believed Klass, you would never
ride an airplane again! Experienced pilots have years of training
and experience interpreting what they see - weather patterns, cloud
formations, other aircraft, velocities, directions, etc., etc. - and
military pilots are trained to identify other aircraft and their
flight characteristics very specifically. What do the hell do they
know? Why, Philip Klass, who flies his CIA desk all over the his dreams...knows more than the pilots do, right?
following facsimile clipping, from the Associated Press, concerns
some reports of the ‘unwitting victims”:

What do these Belgian military officials, fighter pilots, and
hundreds of reporting witnesses know about what they saw? Phil Klass
knows better than THEY do, by golly.
Flying saucers are seen by pilots with good eyesight, flying in
their vicinity - up in the sky - often from above. Klass has made a
“paranormal claim” here again, that hundreds - even thousands - of
separate people (including professional aeronautical experts) have
“mystically” seen the same things, at the same times. And some of
these people were airline pilots, military pilots, radar operators,
etc. - recognized “experts” in what they do, which is flying,
controlling, and identifying aircraft (really a bunch of bumbling
amateurs, in comparison to Klass, wouldn’t you say?).
These were not members of some fanatical religion, witnessing an
“apparition of the Virgin”, etc., but certified, professional,
experienced, aeronautical experts, required to pass high level
visual and spatial perception tests, who are constantly tested for
signs of psychiatric problems, whose experience is relied upon by
thousands of people.
Klass, on the other hand, has YEARS of
experience, in his CIA office, of imaginary flights in his DESK,
which, I’m telling you, really does some aerobatics, by golly (only
in Klass’s imagination).
Klass completely evaded the point, addressing only the allegations
of paranormalists, as if they are somehow the ones mystically
“chosen” to see flying saucers. Klass’s allegations were completely
unsupported by “physical evidence” that the people who reported the
sightings were making any paranormal claims, or that they believe in
anything paranormal whatsoever.
By Klass’s own standard, his claim
was a knowingly false, fraudulent claim, more appropriately called a
Who is the “unwitting victims of myth and their imaginations”? Klass
definitely fits the mold of his own statement. C.G. Jung would call
this a “projection” (of Klass’s mental fixation, neurosis,
psychosis, or aberration, which he “projected”onto hundreds,
thousands, or even millions of other people, as if it were THEY who
in fact had his problem).
Klass (and his O.S.I. mentors)
sociopathically chose the paranormalist element - which had absolutely
nothing to do with this situation (except they were created by the
CIA, the Nazi SS RSHA, and Hans Horbiger) because it represented a
weak and irrational position - a ‘straw man’, set up to be knocked
down - intentionally “designed’ to give ‘mystical’ and irrational
significance to particular events. Thus the CIA covertly created the
opening into which their pseudo-skeptics inserted the ‘wedge’ of
The paranormalists were created by and are clandestinely controlled
by the same
“forked-tonged’ O.S.I. intelligence agency which handles Klass, and
harks back to
Reinhard Gehlen’s Amt VI SS RSHA, which formed the core of the new
CIA/O.S.I. in
1946, and as such, was the Nazi ‘standard bearer’ of Hans Horbiger’s
straw man’ in this hoax.
The Nazis were the designers and trainers
of Klass’ pseudo-skeptic C.S.I.C.O.P. program, which is more
parapsychological than any of those who made the claimed sightings,
because those of C.S.I.C.O.P. SAW NOTHING, because THEY WEREN’T
THERE, and presented no evidence of paranormal claims.
As the following clipping shows, Klass drew a ‘packed audience’ in
the ‘captive audience’ government town, Los Alamos. Most of the
audience were instructed by their supervisors to ‘be seen’ at the
lecture, ‘or else’, in military fashion. Too bad Klass couldn’t wave
his magic wand and make the burns and radiation poisoning suffered
by Vicki Landrum, Colby Lee Landrum, and Betty Cash go away. That is
“physical evidence” of the most severe kind.
Klass, pretending to rely upon an Aristotelian epistemology,
contradicted himself,
and dishonestly deceived his audience with false arguments which
begged the questions
that “UFO sighters” believe UFOs are extraterrestrial, that they
believe in “ghosts” and
“the paranormal”, and that they are ‘chosen’ because they believe in
ghosts and aliens.
These claims by Klass are “paranormal”. Also,
since Klass believes in a “supreme being” according to recent news
articles, he is a “closet paranormalist”, by his own standard. I
certainly don’t believe in ghosts or any other paranormal crap, but
I have seen many saucers. These errors, which clearly show Klass’s
dishonesty, are the false assumptions upon which Klass’s entire
argument rests, and a false assumption used to win an argument by
fraud, is an unforgivable crime to any true skeptic like myself.
In the second column, in which Klass refers to “physical
evidence” - which he says is ALL man-made - he inadvertently admits that
ALL flying saucers are man-made.
Klass must deny that he has ever seen a flying saucer, because, were
he to admit seeing
one, logic would require him to agree with this book, based on the
The following is a facsimile copy of the news clipping
from the
Albuquerque Journal, which covered Klass’s lecture in Los Alamos, as

It is evil how Klass systematically mixes indisputable facts
- such
as, that we know of no thing which is not man-made (second column,
paragraph two) - with the begged questions of paranormal claims not
made by the “sighters”, and which Klass could have no knowledge of,
because he had no evidence to support such a lie, and would have
produced it if he had it.
As for the “cigar-shaped spacecraft”
sighted on March 3, 1968 (column one, paragraph four), the shape of
such an object, seen high enough in the sky to represent the point
at which it entered the atmosphere, would not be visible as
“cigar-shaped.” Besides, I myself have seen similar craft.
On the evening of January 26, 1996, at the Ten Thousand Waves
Japanese Health
Spa, on the western slopes of the Sangre de Cristos Mountains, above
the city of Santa
Fe, at approximately 7:00 o’clock p.m., as I sat in a hot tub with
several others, I met a
young woman who had read my book, just as I spotted a “blinking”
aircraft moving
slowly above the mountains, about 10,000 feet above our position.
said to her,
“Speaking of flying saucers, there’s one right there,” as I pointed
to it. A heckler across the tub said, “Aww, that’s a plane.” I
answered, “If it’s a plane, then why did it just park? ....and
there’s another one right there.”
As everyone looked at the two “blinkers”, which had just “parked”, I
said, “The reason for the flashes is to conceal their underlying
glow, which you can’t see because you eyes don’t have time to
recover between flashes. When they move faster, they glow brighter,
which is why they are going so slow.”
At that very moment, the ship on the left lit up a dark green, soft
glowing color, as it took off in a large circle which took it right
back to its previous position, where it stopped on a dime, and
returned to its small, “flashing aircraft” mode.
As it was flying in
the circle, I asked, “Does everyone see that thing?”, to which they
all said “Yes!”, as I followed it with my arm and pointing finger.
It took about ten seconds, and the circle was about thirty degrees
across, so at 10,000 feet, it was doing about 2.000 m.p.h.
At arm’s
length, it was about 1” long, and about ¾” wide, so that means it
was about 400’ long and 250’ wide. It’s thickness, based on a
proportional estimate, was around 50’. The ship was virtually a
five-story building, having the size and shape of the space at a
football field with the track around it.
It was lenticular in shape,
like a lozenge, with rounded edges. The following is a copy of a
painting I did of the ship:

There was a ‘dark space” around its immediate periphery, beyond
which there was a purplish “Tesla corona”, which extended out for
some distance in advance of the ship, and fanned out along the sides
as it moved through space.
A ship of that size would be large enough
to carry a whole battalion.
When the word reached Richard Sauter19, another writer, that I’d
seen the ship, he called me up from Flagstaff, Arizona, and asked,
“Bill, what’s this I hear about the ‘alien grays’ and their
underground base under Santa Fe Baldy?” My answer was, “Richard,
don’t give me this shit. I see you’ve sold out to the alien liars.”
In 1961, some friends of mine, oil operator George P. Parker and his
wife Margery, of Midland, Texas, and her brother Gordon (an F.A.A.
official) and his wife, told me about the time they decided to
‘innocently’ walk into a box canyon (“Manzano-Coyote Canyon”),
called “Manzano Base”, near Kirtland A.F.B., in Albuquerque, back in
the early ‘50s. Their plan was to pose as casual hikers, so they
could check out rumors of a government flying saucer base there.
Like another friend, the late Bob Guthrie of Santa Fe later
experienced, they were surrounded by troops carrying star wars
weapons, as a row of flying saucers hovered over them. In dire fear
of their lives, they were ordered out, and instructed never to say
anything about what they saw.
The following facsimile clipping
relates to 1980 sightings at Manzano Base:

The above clipping shows that Jerry Miller, a former Project Blue
investigator until that program ended in 1969, was later re-employed
in the 1980s as an
Air Force “scientific adviser” (Air Force O.S.I.) at Kirtland, in
attempt to dispel clear
and convincing reports of government flying saucer work being done
‘near’ there.
course Miller the O.S.I. man, copped out, saying he never
investigated sightings unless
Richard Sauter, “Ph.D.”, Underground Bases and Tunnels [1995].
they occurred on an air base! Manzano Base - which they also call
“Manzano-Coyote Test (Base)” - had been a “star wars” super weapons
base since the ‘50s, so was not specifically an ‘air base’ per se,
and therefore ‘out of his investigative jurisdiction.’ “Catcha-22”!
It becomes clearer as to how these double-talk specialists are moved
around by the government from one place to another, to sell the
public the same kind of evasiveness, and how the evasiveness of Air
Force “scientific advisers” (O.S.I. agents) are periodically
enmeshed with the likes of Philip Klass and his C.S.I.C.O.P. and
pseudo-skeptic ilk. It is Klass’s CIA O.S.I. (Office of Scientific
Intelligence) job, to pick up where Jerry Miller, of Air Force
O.S.I., left off, to ‘interpret’ (i.e., “debunk”) the legitimate
sightings of the public, as well as those of guards, air force
personnel, state policemen, airline pilots, and certified civilian
aeronautical experts, as the result of “over-active imaginations”
and “paranormal beliefs”.
If there is an active imagination at work
here, I think it is the imagination of Klass and his ilk, in
inventing new false arguments and BIG LIES to counteract the
evidence of the personal experiences and 20- 20 sightings of
seasoned airline pilots and radar operators.
Most of the Platonist mysticism attacked by Klass and his
pseudo-Aristotelians, is induced or spread by corresponding
Platonist government-funded counterparts, the paranormal front
groups, which descend from the Cayce group originally set up at
Wright-Patterson A.F.B., Ohio, in the early ‘40s, including Project
Bluebook, to conceal saucer secrets and promote the BIG LIES, based
on the original “parapsychology” of Hitler’s guru and ‘spiritual
adviser’, Hans Horbiger, the “father of parapsychology”.
Georgi Ivanovich Gurdjieff - often confused with Grigori Gurdjieff,
even by his own followers - was a deranged, mystical Turkish/Russian
occultist20, who was initiated by Sufi masters, before branching off
to form his own twisted philosophy. Gurdjieff produced much
suffering in the end, via his ‘students’, Dietrich Eckhardt and
General Karl Haushoffer (Hitler’s groomers), who were Gurdjieff s
students, along with a host of other monsters. We know a woodsman by
his chips, and Gurdjieff’s ‘chips’ were all too often some of the
world’s host heinous monsters.
The modern Russian anti-Semitic movement seemed to germinate in this
mysticism, along with totalitarianism. Decayed mystical philosophies
are fertile soil for the growth of other unhealthy mystical
philosophies. Almost all the top fascist and communist leaders of
the 20th century were students of Gurdjieff, including Mao Tsedong,
Stalin, and Ernst Roehm, the homosexual head of Hitler’s S.A., who
carried out the ‘Knight of the Long Knives’, the long march of
The Baltic-born Platonist, Alfred Rosenberg, adapted Plato’s
heirarchy to Nazi society, emulating those in Plato’s Republic, the
Iron, Bronze, Silver and Gold, with the SS being the Golden
“philosopher-rulers” at the top. This heiratic order was in turn
derived from Chaldean-based Hermetic and Egyptian esoteric
teachings, extracted by Plato from Egyptian and Assyrian sources a
few years before Alexander’s conquests.
The duality so typical of the Nazis and the Trilateral Commission,
is based on the myth
in which Hermes and Aphrodite loved each other so much that they
became one person,
an Hermaphrodite.
This relates to the Nazi troop management manual
written by Ernst Roehm, the homosexual “father of the brownshirts” , who advocated a
military “group
identity” principal, erroneously alleged to be derived from
Spartacism, including the idea
that Spartan soldiers laid down on the battlefield and made love
before battle, so they ‘would fight harder for their lovers’.
20Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy, Destiny Books, Rochester
Vermont [1989].
was executed by Hitler for turning the S.A. into a homosexual
Nazi/Sparticist drag circus. Roehm’s manual, based on Gurdjieff s
“Synergy”, was adopted by the U.S. Congress soon after WW II, as the
official troop management manual for all U.S. military forces, which
I believe has subsequently eroded individuality, causing
progressively poorer performance of American armed forces.
There is
always confusion and misperception as to what “excellent” military
performance is.
Those who are impressed with the parades of
spit-and-polish, goose- stepping jack-booted thugs in beautiful
uniforms, marching in perfect precision, such as those in Leni
Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will - a propaganda film commissioned by
Hitler - are bound to make the mistakes of history.
Who won the war on
the field of battle? Was it those who marched so prissy? No!
It was
American guerilla fighters who continued to fight when ‘order’ had
broken down, at the Battle of the Bulge. The “Redcoats” at Lexington
were mostly Hessians who marched and looked rather smart in their
beautiful rank and file, but the Minutemen shot them like fish in a
barrel. How could they miss?
Before WW II, Hermann Goering was an “ecologist” - the
Waldmeister - keeper of the Bavarian forests. In ecology, one specie
is sometimes sacrificed for the benefit of another, in order to
achieve a (teleological) “balance of nature”. A forest is often
“thinned out”, because its population may be “too great”. By
construction, one can move the concept of ecology around to the
human race, so they can be “thinned out” like “weeds”.
My point is
that the kind of people who want to control the population - often
attempt to convince us they are only interested in ‘ecology’, also
making (insincere) overtures to entice our curiosities about
decadent old secret mystery societies, maybe even appealing to
ethnic, religious, racial or tribal sympathies - and are the kind of
people who will tell you whatever it takes to motivate you at your
own level, to support their plans, which may include the
extermination of you as an “undesirable” or “expendable person”,
like a “human weed”.
I am appealing to your rational self-interest,
since it is irrational to sponsor the extermination or enslavement
of others, just because you are led to believe you will benefit from
it, because sooner or later, in a criminal society, the business end
of the gun moves around to you. The individual human life is the
ultimate value because you are human.
The kind of people who want to talk you out of the validity of your
senses, as tools of cognition, and to convince you that your life is
just an illusion, while saying “all things are possible”, are trying
to trade you a bill of goods for your Bill of Rights. These same
people do not want to improve the clarity of your thinking, or to
root out and expose the high and mighty power rats who control our
government. You will never hear them trying to take power away from
the Trilateral Commission-C.F.R. bunch.
They only want to throw a
monkey wrench into the cogs of your mind, so you will never figure
them out, and will do as you are told.
Refusing to believe what one sees is Platonistic and mystical, not
Aristotelian and
rational. Believing what you see, what you have good reason to
believe is true, and what
you have good reason to believe others have seen or know, is the
rational, scientific
approach. It is also reasonable to be suspicious of government
truth-saboteurs who mix
phony, pseudo-Aristotelian epistemology with Platonist bullshit. It
is also rational to
disbelieve the sleazy people who will lie for T.V. programs,
claiming they were
“abducted by aliens”. A future plot’s “germination” was revealed by
a clipping of March 11, 1993, by Cox News Service.
A synopsis of the clipping is as follows: In rural Alabama, a
‘documentary’ film maker became a “police officer”, while another
“UFO professional” (Linda Moulton Howe) interjected her “expert”
(O.S.I.) twisted opinion that “aliens” are responsible for
“bloodless cattle mutilations” in Alabama, near Sand Mountain.
Howe’s officious covert CIA intermeddling was necessary to fabricate
groundwork for her next government-backed film.
In the Alabama
back-woods locale, there was little of the type of official denials
which relied on the “documentation” of ex-F.B.I. agent/federal grant
huxter Ken Rommel (which attributed mutilations to ‘predators’),
with more credence being given to New Mexico State Police
mutilations investigator Gabe Valdez’ “secret government medical
experiments” theory (“..Another theory: Government agents, flying in
low-level helicopters at night, are killing animals and removing
their organs to study the effects [testing for cancer and other
diseases] on livestock living near high-power lines.”).
Meanwhile, local skeptic and good ol’ boy John Strawn of Albertville
saw through the corn, but threw out the baby with the bath water,
intimidated by the C.S.I.C.O.P. false accusation that seeing “flying
saucers” equated with seeing “little green men”. He mentioned a
“swamp ape” rumor (Hapi?), probably spread by Nazi/CIA Egyptologists
out of the N.A.S.A./O.S.I. center in nearby Huntsville - the
“Peenemunde of America” - created by the Illuminist, Wernher von
Again, through a fraudulent mixture of Platonist and
Aristotelian epistemology under the “government agent theory” of
cattle mutilations, “saucers” were disassociated from “mutilations”,
and “copters” were switched for saucers, in these sightings by a
gullible, back-woodsy ‘audience’ in rural Alabama. My applause goes
to the Cox News Service for a comparatively fair and objective
A 1993 example of false propaganda - an AP article in the Albuquerque
Journal, of March 12, 1993 - regarding Manzano Base (A.K.A. “Coyote
Canyon”, referred to earlier), stated that the government now calls
the “...hollowed out mountain bunker complex” (the ‘50s ‘star wars’
flying saucer base in the Manzano mountain box canyon “an old
weapons storage site” and “archive of top-secret parts from old
nuclear weapons”.
The article further stated that only “last year”,
“nuclear weapons” were moved from there to a “new underground
storage bunker” at Kirtland A.F.B.
Just before the purported “move” to Kirtland, it came to the
attention of federal
officers that New Mexico Land Grant heirs own the property in Coyote
Canyon, and that
the government never acquired title (an ‘omission’ previously
ignored by defense
department property procurement agents). Since even N.S.A. rules
cannot authorize the
U.S. government to claim title, except by proper purchase and deed
from the grant heirs, the government’s use violates the
(international) 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and is in contempt
of Congress, for a fraudulent breach of their trusteeship duties.
So - if the article is even partly credible
- the Defense Department
high-tailed it to Kirtland with its saucer/star wars paraphernalia,
leaving the D.O.E. holding the bag, since the grant heirs now had a
legal right to immediate possession of the base, as well as to
recover damages for the wrongful ouster, illegal detainer,
uncompensated use, and radioactive contamination.
On Nov. 5, 1975, Travis Walton, a young federal employee of the U.S.
Forest Service in Arizona, and his fellow crew members, were leaving
work just after dark, driving a pickup slowly toward Heber, over a
rocky road through the isolated timberland of Sitgreaves National
Forest, northeast of Phoenix.
When they encountered a glowing, ovalesque, government flying saucer hovering within 20 feet of the
ground, around 8 x 20 feet in size, they stopped the truck, and
Walton walked directly toward the saucer, despite the fact that it
had its warning beeper on.
As Walton approached dangerously near to
the saucer, the turbine whined, the saucer precessed, and Walton was
struck by an electric arc which passed through him to the ground.
Walton was knocked down and struck his head on rocks, causing a
concussion, rendering him unconscious. This bolt of high-voltage,
high frequency A.C. current, was the ‘ether-blocking’ current which
Tesla used on the bottom of his saucers when hovering. Lucky for the
drunk Walton that it was a Tesla current, the high frequency ‘skin
effect’ of which did not really harm him, but must have startled him
so much that he lost his balance, fell down, and hit his head.
As Walton laid there unconscious, his fellow crew members panicked
and fled in the truck in blind fear. On realizing that Walton had
been abandoned in an unconscious and injured state, the saucer crew
picked him up and took him to a secret flying saucer flight training
base infirmary.
Government doctors kept Walton in an unconscious
state, probably with chloral hydrate (a soporific), allowing him to
regain temporary consciousness only for purposes of an “alien
abduction hoax” they enacted, thus attempting to prepare him for
later use as a ‘witness’. Midgets - or what could have been children
or small women - dressed in our standard ‘alien’ get-ups, stood about
him as he awakened.
Walton later initially reported hearing one of
them speaking in a southern drawl, until they realized Walton was
conscious and stopped speaking. Walton wandered about in a dazed
state for a while, visiting a saucer flight simulator which was
equipped with an astronomical projector, and saw three saucer
types - ovalesque, rounded, and sauceresque - all “without angles” and
constructed of polished metal.
His description of the simulator’s
visibility and navigation system is consistent with the use of
geodetic I.G.S. transponders for navigation, and electronic image
converter tubes (I.R.), mounted in the saucer’s surface, to project
images of the outer landscape and cosmos onto a globular screen
surrounding the pilot’s seat.
Walton was then subdued and re-sedated by mute, normal-sized people
(both men and women), disguised as “aliens” with identical long,
dirty blond wigs, makeup, and clothes. Walton’s description of the
midget participants was consistent with the ‘foam rubber masks’ and
‘sunglass-lens eyes’ scenario, intended to hark back to the
“Roswell” hoax.
This story bears certain similarities to that of Vicki Landrum,
except for the phony aliens about which Walton now lies, and the
fact that all the Walton incident witnesses were federal employees.
Had Landrum gone along with the program, she and Betty Cash might be
rolling in cash from ‘their movie’. Nothing has been said recently
about the “space alien with a southern drawl”, since Walton’s
initial report.
Perhaps that ‘alien’ was recruited in the
Huntsville, Alabama area, by Wernher von Braun, unless they talk
“southern” in outer space. You might be a redneck if you use your
flying saucer for a chicken coop, and take your barbecue sauce with
you on ‘mutilations’ missions.
Had Vicki Landrum and Betty Cash been more ‘cooperative’, we would
undoubtedly be reading about their “abductions” or seeing them on
the X-files, or Sightings. Their incident has become one nagging and
persistent ache in the Big Lie program, ever since this book came
out in 1993.
Prior to that, The UFO Encyclopedia21 at least admitted
that Betty Cash had developed breast cancer, and that Vicki reported
seeing a “diamond-shaped” ship, but added that it must have been an
“...unshielded nuclear reactor” (since Betty, Vicki and Colby Lee
all had apparent and indisputable radiations burns). A levitating,
unshielded nuclear reactor? Sure sounds like a government flying
saucer to me.
As stated previously in the Introduction, the process of concealment
involves obliteration of the “Most Rational Alternative” to the two
sets of Big Lies - those of the Klass Psychophants and those of the
(George) Adamski Psychophants - so that the generally conservative
public buys the first set, the lunatic fringe buys the second one,
and the two mutually complimentary sets of lies fit tightly together
to exclude reason.
The “alien” and “paranormal” issues are so firmly
attached to the “ belief in saucers”, that those who see saucers
automatically believe they are seeing “space aliens”.
With this
false idea firmly implanted in their minds, their hearts usually
pound so hard in their throats and brains, that their perception is
altered, as their imaginations conjure up pictures of pilots with
large (“sunglass lens”) eyes, large heads, and small noses and
mouths, because they have been brainwashed for over 50 years.
they really see is a damned flying machine, flown by human beings,
but the cunning interjection of the incredible possibility that
aliens are involved, drives the ‘quasi-realistic’ people into the Klass position (that saucers don’t exist), leaving the Adamski
mystical masochists behind with the O.S.I, con-artists, as ‘partners
in martyrdom’, while ridicule is heaped upon all witnesses, whether
the false ones (the agents posing as irrational dupes), or rational
and sane analysts such as myself.
Some government agents posture themselves in an ‘anti-government’
stance - to convince us they are legitimate seekers of the truth - to
put the idea clear out of our minds that they might be government
agents, telling whatever stories necessary to motivate dupes at
their own levels. Doesn’t it give you a nice warm feeling when you
hear someone seeming to reflect your every belief...someone you can
trust? This is supposed to make you believe whatever they say.
Whenever you hear someone like that, question their motives, as they
try to exploit you through yours.
There is usually some
contradiction between their conduct and their vested interests. For
example, if Philip Klass really applied the stringent “test” which
he says he does, requiring “physical evidence” for proof of the
existence aliens OR flying saucers, then he wouldn’t believe in God,
because he doesn’t have physical evidence to prove God exists
either. I have physical evidence proving the existence of flying
saucers in the form of my Peiltochterkompass. Vicki Landrum and
company had physical evidence in the form of their burns and
symptoms of radiation sickness, corroborated by the government’s
The argument that the Klass ilk will never make, is that flying
saucers are exclusively man-made electro-propulsive ships, and that
the alien scenario is an orchestrated Secret Government fraud.
21John Spencer, The U.F.O. Encyclopedia, Avon Books, N.Y. [1991].
To finally clarify the design and methodology for the Secret
Government mind-control conspiracy, I will identify and analyze a
sort of eddy current effect, manifested by a syndicated newspaper
column called Down to a Science, written by Keay Davidson of San
Francisco, written from the perspective of the Klass Psychophants,
from the Apr. 7, 1993 New Mexican, concerning the movie, Fire in the
Sky, and another movie, Oliver Stone’s J.F.K. The article is a small
one, which fulfills an important function in a BIG LIE hoax (BIG LIE
The clipping follows:

The article is what will call a “triple-lie-repeater”, and is a good
example from the daily press of how the Secret Government
persistently derails the most rational assumptions and manipulates
the public, relying upon gossipy news writer dupes to spread
repetitious propaganda designed to create bewilderment and
confusion, and to orchestrate the staged fight between the Klass
Psychophants and the Adamsky Psychophants, as co-conspirators who
work together under O.S.I. direction, to dominate the forum, and to
exclude reason.
Davidson co-authored a highly Big-Brother-Liar-touted book on the
Really Big Bang22, just chock full of the kind of powerful
pseudo-science that one expects from the main author, who just
happens to be employed at the Lawrence-Livermore Lab.
Davidson is also involved with Klass, The Skeptical Inquirer
magazine, and
C.S.I.C.O.P. Taking Davidson on his face, he is incapable of
discerning subtleties, and is a dupe of the pseudo-rational,
polarized thinking of the Klass ilk, though I find it hard to
believe that a ‘scientist’ could be so naive, or worse, stupid None
of this incessant propaganda deserves to be dignified by a direct
response, or slightest iota of credibility. I am using specific
types of hoaxes as examples of the design format and method for
their implementation.
Each of these hoaxes (such as Ken Rommel’s New
Mexico cattle mutilations pseudo-study), becomes “documentation” for
other hoaxes, ad infinitum, thus eventually building up a massive
‘preponderance’ of phony “evidence” to back up one or the other of
the two sides of the phony fight. When the fight dies down, they do
something to stir it back up. The hoaxes contain mixtures of fact
and fiction. The fiction is used to misrepresent the facts, while
the facts are misrepresented as fictions, so that the Secret
Government always “wins” in the minds of pseudo-rational people.
The two hoax counterparts are complimentary. The frantically
defensive, paranoid and mystical posture of the alien-abductions
huxters is designed to attract the Adamsky Psychophants and invite
the ridicule of the Klass Psychophants, whose posture is designed to
attract sadistic bullies and residual pseudo-skeptics, who taunt and
incite the paranoia of the nuts even more. The overall effect is to
alienate reasonable people from the debate, or to obliterate any
appeal to sanity. The pseudo-skeptic dupes pretend to represent
sanity, by ‘blindly denying what any damned fool can plainly see’.
The Fire in the Sky story is a double hoax - a “hoax within a
hoax” - like the Roswell hoax.
The “alien” huxters and their news
writers, on one side of the hoax, ‘versus’ the protagonists of the
pseudo-rational Klass class, and their news writers - such as Keay
Davidson, in this article - on the other side of the hoax, are
counterparts to the same hoax. Whether witting liars or gullible
dupes, everyone is used to create two deep ruts adjacent to one
another, with no room between for rationality or truth. Both the
initially bungled Roswell and Fire hoaxes were much later revised,
one as the “MJ-12” hoax, and the other as the “Fire in the Sky”
Originally, after Walton was rescued by the flying saucer
crew, the government decided to turn the emergency into a
hoax - pursuant to a policy already in effect - during which Walton got
out of hand, saw more than he was supposed to see, and revealed most
of it in his initial 1975 press, radio and magazine inverviews. This
caused more harm than good to the intended hoax, so it backfired.
This explains the 17-year silence before the “Fire in the Sky”
patch-up job (they figured, how may people would have files so
old?), similar to the 38-year lapse between the Roswell hoax and the
MJ-12 hoax.
The second (Fire) hoax involved Walton’s witting
participation - enticed by a movie - ignoring his earlier interviews,
and used new lies designed to cover up critical facts inadvertently
made known to and revealed by Walton in 1975, concerning his
free-lance excursion from the infirmary and through the training
base facility, including the flight simulator and hanger areas,
while in a semi-violent and drugged-up stupor.
22George Smoot and Keay Davidson, Wrinkles in Time [1993].
These ostensible facts were entirely omitted from the movie, and
were replaced by BIG LIES, relying upon the probability that there
are just so many pudding-heads out there willing and anxious to
believe them.
The mass audiences of movies and T. V. are relied upon to stamp out
rationality. Davidson’s sole basis for alleging fraud by Walton, was
the fact that NBC’s The UFO Incident (the Betty and Barney Hill
fabrication) was premiered only two weeks prior to the Walton
incident (another government fraud), which only proved that the
government was already aggressively implementing the abductions
format, as borne out by Travis Walton’s experiences.
Only this could
explain why the government hucksters already had their “costumes”
and “script” ready to go at the time of the Travis Walton incident.
Despite the lies, the facts show:
that Walton was injured in 1975, by electrical discharges from a
saucer (similar to Vicki Landrum, Colby Lee Landrum, and Betty Cash
in 1982), causing his fall and concussion
that the injured
Walton was rescued and given emergency medical treatment at the
secret saucer base infirmary
that during this treatment,
Walton was exposed to an “alien play” enacted by government
personnel, in a corny hoax intended to prepare him for later use as
a “witness”
that due to the leakage of critical facts, the
government eventually paid Walton to lie pursuant to still another
hoax, intended to obliterate the original facts of the 17-year-old
bungled hoax, and to homogenize the hoax with the newly implemented
“abductions” format
Since there are now many more saucers in use than ever before, more
incidents are inevitable.
The need for more ‘streamlined’ hoaxes has
resulted in a new wave of government-funded hoaxes. The abductions
hoaxes have emerged as the most convenient, since the new age
movement has provided an almost endless supply of hypocritical
‘spiritualists’, willing to lie and fantasize their sexual
indiscretions, hallucinations, and nightmares, etc., into “abduction
experiences”, at $50,000 a whack.
A whole new generation of designer
drugs are available to neuter, convince or convert people who might
otherwise have been lobotomized or killed a few years ago. A few of
these ‘manufactured’ witnesses are actors, a few are paid
professional liars, a few are drug-induced guinea pigs, and many
more are the inevitable dupes. Skilled CIA psychiatrists are
available to guide the dramatis personae through their proper
performances, as they become Secret Government “movie stars”.
In a letter to Walter Bowart from Julianne McKinney23, backing up
what I said in
my first edition, McKinney stated that she had interviewed 125
government mind control
victims. One was used in the “Alien” program. Now in her 40s, she
was used as a young
child because she was “...small and just the right size for wearing
the costume of a ‘gray’, the big-headed aliens with big eyes and a
skinny neck which many UFO ‘abductees’ sketch under hypnosis.”
23Letter to Walter Bowart from Julianne McKinney, Director of The
Electronic Surveillance Project ofThe Associa- tion of National
Security Alumini, Silver Springs, Md., June .16, 1994.
She said the head and
neck were manipulated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the
costume. Here was a case where the Secret Government’s “special
effects” antedated Hollywood’s by 10 to 15 years.
According to McKinney’s expert documentation, the Government’s
special effects have at least caught up with Hollywood’s, since the
amateurish first attempts made during the Roswell Rhesus Monkey
Hoax, and she further stated:
“Having been given no reason to
believe otherwise, I have personally concluded that so-called UFO
abductions, and the events surrounding those abductions and
sightings, are a “black” intelligence operation, involving
government-sponsored kidnappings, experimental drugs, surgical
experimentation, sophisticated electronics and directed-energy
technologies, implantable micro circuited devices, experimental
aircraft, Hollywood-style special effects, and the exploitation of
so-called ‘abductees’ as sources of ova, sperm and aborted fetuses
for use in government-sponsored genetics experiments”.
Then, on the issue of “Hollywood”, I am certain that the Secret
Government controls a lot of the movie business.
In late 1974,1 was
offered a choice of two parts in an Italian movie being shot at Cinnecitta in Rome, about the downfall of the Allende government in
Chile, and the part played by the CIA in its overthrow. The movie
was supposedly produced by the P.C.I. (Partito Communisti Italiano)
and directed by ‘Communist’ director Giuseppe Ferrarri. The movie
was covertly produced by the CIA, which was behind securing the part
for me. The other part went to American actor, John Kellogg. I
walked away and did not do the part, since my complicity would have
indebted me to the CIA. What better way to control the opposition,
than to lead it?
99.9% of the audience have never dreamed there could be government
backing for such movies as Fire in the Sky, something Davidson could
admit only if he were not a witting agent. As a Klass psychophant,
he not only pseudo-debunked the movie, but used the occasion to lay
the blame for the OSI-created hoax - along with the news media’s
laziness, stupidity, and prostitution (using as an example Oliver
Stone’s excellent movie J.F.K.) - on “Hollywood”.
While many of the
news media and Hollywood are undeniably on the take from the Secret
Government, Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone - neither of whom sold out
to anyone - weathered horrible harassment, and survived to valiantly
debunk the Secret Government’s hoax concerning the murder of J.F.K.,
which reflected heavily on the manipulation of party-liners like
Davidson, the usual fascist liars who created obstacles to getting
to the bottom of Kennedy’s death.
Some news writers seek to endear themselves to the Secret
Government, attacking the good, the brave, and the true, from among
the safe ranks of the evil, the cowardly, and the false, who parrot
the Secret Government’s favorite lies. Keay Davidson’s “scoop” was
already stale “canned corn” from the Secret Government’s officially
approved menu. Where is “scepticism”, the spirit of courageous
investigative journalism? I learned as a boy, that cowards will side
with bullies, for fear of being beaten up by them.
Left unchecked,
bullies can eventually control a majority through fear alone. The
New Mexican is controlled by Robert M. McKinney, from his home in
Virginia, uncomfortably close to CIA headquarters. Bully for them!
Their fear sustains them.
Insidiously, a major mind-control propaganda center - serving up more
Government canned corn - operates out of Sedona, Arizona, particularly
publishers with names similar to “Light Technology Publishing”. The
ulterior purpose is to conceal the man-made nature of flying saucers
and continue the Illuminati mind-control of We the People. Names
such as “Holy Light” - with facetious allusions to Illuminism - appeal
to dark mysticism, as a typical diametric reversal, by substitution
of “dark” (“ignorance”) for “light” (“knowledge”).
mass-psychology propaganda preys upon ignorance, superstition,
psychosis, and neurosis, and gathers, encourages, and organizes mass
paranoia and delusions. Activity is focused on exploitation of the
“new age culture”, the “collective unconscious” theories of Swiss
psychologist C.G. Jung, and some pseudo-Native American ‘spiritual’
stuff, all thrown into a mystical slumgullion stew of new age
groupies and Secret Government liars.
This is insulting to Native
Americans, seeking to prey upon and use them as cheap ‘ornaments’ to
decorate the bizarre carnival ballyhoo, because Indians are “in”, as
the Illuminati cashes in on current new age fads, even enlisting
some Indians’ witting participations.
This conjures up some words
uttered by the “devil” (read “the Secret Government”) in Goethe’s
“Contempt your capacity to think,
Which is Man’s greatest power; Welcome Misty things and sorcery And the spirit of Illusion,
Then I shall get you surely enough”
There is an obvious predominance of some of the tackiest people on
this planet, who, like lumps of dough, have been molded into
cookie-cutter images designed by panels of CIA Ph.D.s.
seediness is a mirror-image of the sociopathy of misanthropic
Illuminati mind-engineers, based on their underestimation of the
‘American character’, and that of human beings in general.
For such
work, ‘inductees’ must have a lack of individual worth and self
esteem - like ideal bureaucrats - as the defective genotypes to be used
for transmutation into tacky, pathetic, new age stars, designed and
used by the government. Thus insecure, weak people surrender to a
phony lifestyle, in exchange for money and (self-delusional) worth,
where before there was little. Fringe benefits for the new age
‘celebrities’, include enhanced sexual, romantic, and socio-economic
opportunities, similar to the tacky relationships between the likes
of Jim and Tammy Bakker, and their adulating followers.
benefits are undoubtedly part of the appeal to such people,
providing a much better life than they might otherwise have, in
addition to giving them false patriotic pride in the delusion that
they are doing it all “for their country”. The CIA (the “devil”)
calls this “recruiting”, and asks each new prospect, “What is the
price of your mind?”
The choice of seedy people is obviously an appeal to the lowest
common social denominator - a sort of “affirmative action for the
tacky” - emphasizing “emotions”, “feelings”, “the heart”, and “faith”,
etc. ad vomitus, enticing emotionally unbalanced, pathetic people,
who need help in tieing their own shoes. This induces already
helpless people to stay right where they are, rather than
strengthening their use of minds and resources in constructive ways.
The end result contravenes the U.S. Constitution, Art. I. Sec. 8,
which legally requires the government to “promote” (not destroy)
“...the progress of science and the useful arts”, by maintaining
(not halting) the flow of inventions and discoveries into the public
domain, for use by all.
How much irreversible damage has been done by these programs, which
are somewhat successful? Are we doomed to a future of archaic
technology, delayed progress, planned ignorance, and Illuminati
mind-control? Do we expect our government, at some undetermined
future date, to suddenly ‘fess up’, admitting it has been
insidiously brainwashing and lying to us, to control our minds and
will powers, for our “own good”, at our expense, for over 50 years,
without our permission? Don’t hold your breath. It is time for a
reckoning, and further delay will cost us billions, and untold
damages of many kinds.
In the face of huge economic losses we are experiencing daily from
technology-concealment, some may ask what the harm is, in the
government’s herding a bunch of naturally superstitious suckers into
a new age religion, when they might otherwise have been under the
spell of some other form of mystical or ‘spiritual’ scam anyway?
answer is, such matters exceed the jurisdictional limits our
constitution places on our government, and this outrageous Secret
Government program for the subliminal manipulation of We the People,
is a religious, mind-control, psychopolitical brainwashing scheme,
run by BIG BROTHER, which has at least four very damaging results,
as follows:
it is an unconstitutional violation of our First Amendment
rights, in which the government is secretly doing what it is
forbidden openly do by law, namely, sponsoring an establishment of
religion, abridging the principle of the separation of church and
it fraudulently conceals and misrepresents material
facts from We the People, to our detriment and the corporate
fascists’ benefits
it promotes the educational,
intellectual, scientific and moral decline of We the People, by
concealing knowledge, and inducing dishonesty, psychological
disorientation, and detrimental reliance on ignorance, mysticism,
and superstition in people who need rational guidance
violates the fundamental democratic right to government by consent
of the governed, through secret, subliminal manipulation of We the
People, who cannot consent to things being done to us by BIG
BROTHER, in our own name, without our knowledge
Those in the N.S.A. and CIA believe they can do whatever they want
to and get
away with it, because their activities are “secret”.
The secrecy
protects the Illuminati
from the consequences of their illegal acts. Without evidence, what
can we prove? There
is no legitimate authority for the CIA to extend its “covert
operations”, under its
“Clandestine Services”, into our domestic lives, producing the
illegal and bizarre effects
and damages which these operations show.
There was never any
legitimate authorization
for these unconstitutional activities from the outset, when they
were commenced through
a fraud on the American People, when the bankers ‘created’ false
authority for the
United Nations, the NSA and the CIA at a time when the people were
preoccupied with
celebrating the end of WW II.
Congressional approval of the
“National Security Act”
was entirely circumvented in secret meetings, such as that held by
the Council on
Foreign Relations, on Jan. 8, 1968, at their ‘home’, the Harold
Pratt House, Park Avenue, New York City, chaired by C. Douglas
Dillon, private investment banker. These operations are approved by
the Illuminati, without official status or legitimate authority, to
secure their own corporate-fascist power.
The fraudulent ‘act’ was
never an “Act of Congress”, since it just ‘went into effect’ through
the coercive effects of the power of money and political influence
exerted by the C.F.R.
This book gives the public the wherewithal to reverse these
sickening policies, and to provide a means for obtaining unheard of
freedom and prosperity, through openness, free competition,
knowledge, creativity and reason, by rejection of the secrecy which
is the basis for the lies, and by our acceptance of flying saucer
knowledge... just the kind of things which the Pseudo-Illuminati
hypocritically claim to promote.
In 1894, before the Ford Model “T” had been created by Henry Ford,
Tesla had already tested his (flying saucer propulsion) theory, as
confirmed by statements to the FBI in 1943, by a New York socialite
named Marguerite Merrington, who witnessed “metallic plate
suspensions”24, in statements taken just after Tesla’s death and
shown on a “List of Persons Associated With Nikola Tesla”.
FBI/CIA censors missed this small reference, and failed to black it
out. They did, however release a misinformational and tampered
photocopy of a 9/22/40 article by William L. Laurence in the New
York Times entitled “Death Ray” for Planes”.
In that article, they
stated that “only two” of the four parts had been tested, and
substituted the word “repelling” for “propelling”, as discussed on
page 22 and 23, to coincide with misinformation in the HAARP
“patent”. The copy of the news article I have backs up what I say.
24 - FBI Documents Regarding Nikola Tesla (252 pages released in the
1980s under the FOIA).
This cutaway drawing is a close approximation of Tesla’s “Flivver

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