The previous Chapter VI was the consummation of the over 17 years of
overt judicial harassment which ensued the moment George Bush took
the reins of power at the CIA, and ended with his Presidency. Bush
is a pal with fellow Trilateralist and Republican, Robert O.
Anderson, the man who controls the North Slope of Alaska and the
HAARP project, though Anderson would now probably disavow any
connection to ARCO, which he created.
Chapter I can be thought of as
a kind of “Revolutionary Manifesto of Laissez Faire Capitalist Creatology”—(i.e., a manifesto of a radical and new artistic and
scientific religion, based on the “Science of the Creative
The Illuminati originated with “luminism”, or Mithraism, related to
the myth of ‘Osiris the Beautiful Hare”, an over 6,000-year-old
religion, devoted to sun-worship. As a solar god, Aestre (Easter,
Auser, Oser, etc., the “East Hare of Light and Goodness” [Ahuramazda])
is also the origin for “Aryans” (“Hare-ians”), or worshipers of

These included Moors, Greeks, Turks, Mongols, Norse, Schythians, Scots, Irish, Celts, Semites, Arabs, and Syrians, etc.
Many tribal names derive from the “hare” word, often combined with
the “duck” or “goose” word (emblematic of Isis, Osiris’ mate), as do
many other words in Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and
North and South America. For example, “Schythian” means
“Duck-Hares”, a word which is “Scutari” in Turkish.
The word “Aryan” did not originally denote a race, but rather a
religion. However, it later came to be misinterpreted as a race, by
the leaders of neo-Pagan religious movements of the 20th century.
In 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian Jesuit priest, and professor of
Canon Law at Ingolstadt University, “reinstituted” the secret,
“Illuminaten Orden”, infiltrating the Bavarian Masonic Lodges and
instilling the Johanite Gospel, requiring a compulsory belief in
“Almighty God”, and excluding Atheists and Jews, converting the
lodges into instruments of mystical and racial control. Though
declining in 1790, the Illuminati was still alive, resurging again
in 1912, particularly in 1914 Austria, fabricating the pre-Nazi
“Thule Society”, a “neo-Gnostic” racist group, teaching that “Aryan
was good, and Semitic was evil”.
This was begun by Joseph Lanz von
Liebenfel’s Ostara religion. Members were apparently unaware that
they were worshippers of the “Easter Bunny”, and that they, as
Germans, shared a common racial origin to many of the Jews. The
program against Masonic acceptance of Atheists or Jews, eliminated
their potential influence. The Illuminati had a secret world
government plan, maintained by compartmentalization, implementing
mystical and racial national concentrationism.
A ‘schism’ created
between Christian (Prussian) Masons and Atheist and Jewish (and
later Zionist-Atheist) Masons, was similar to the Lutheran
Reformation, in which Martin Luther’s anti-Semitic book, entitled
“The Jews in the Catholic Church”, isolated German Christians from
the ideologically competitive ‘foreign’ influences of the Roman
Catholic Church, by pointing out Jewish financial influence in Roman
During this time, the Illuminati made inroads in France, via the
Jacobins and French Masonic Lodges, during Napoleonic regimes, and
into Spain as the Alumbrados, who soon found themselves being
sponsored by the Duke of Pachucua, a knight of the Spanish Royal
Court, in Mexico. This eventually gave rise to the Penitentes in
Mexico and the North American Southwest, in which secret members
became known as “Pachucos”, named for their earlier official
sponsorship by the Duke of Pachucua, and their American origins in
the Mexican state of Pachucua.
Like the Thuggees of Asia, some
Pachucos were required to perform certain criminal acts, and openly
wore tatoos on their bodies, later concealed in the folds of their
hands, after the F.B.I. outlawed them, declaring them criminal and
subversive. As a boy, I knew many of them.
According to one of my uncles, a 32nd Degree Mason, and a Catholic,
of “Cajun” origin (who was never excommunicated for his Masonic
activity), the American Masonic Lodges refused to accept French
Masons into American Lodges, after the time of the Marquis de
Lafayette (a friend of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson,
converted to Masonry by Jefferson), because of the infiltration of
the French Masonic Lodges by the Illuminati.
When it went out the door with the expulsion of the Emperor
Maximilian, the Napoleonic Austrian puppet government of Mexico left
behind the Mexican National Anthem, Under the Double Eagle (Unter
den Doppel Adler), an Austrian march (written by Richard Wagner, the
German composer) referring to the “double eagle”, a symbol which can
be found before 655 A.D. on a gold and enamel purse cover from the
Sutton Hoo Ship Burial (now in the British Museum).
The emblem was
carried by German and Austrian Christian Knights Templars, during
their crusades against the Muslims, and is a Masonic symbol often
seen on Shriner rings. The symbol had already found its way into the
Roman Empire during the days of the emperor Trajan, when Germanic
slave-artisans from the north were imported to decorate Roman
architecture and monuments. The double eagle became popular during
the time of the first ‘Holy Roman’ emperor, Constantine
Porphyrogenesis (“Born of the Purple”), the son of a German officer
in the Roman Legions from Trier, and a Hungarian mother.
When my ancestors, the Fosters and the Richardsons, brought the
Mexican Napoleonic-dictator, Generalissimo Santa Anna, before
General Sam Houston, after his capture at the Battle of San Jacinto,
they first tried to hang him, until they saw the double-eagled
Masonic ring on his finger. Instead, they sent him back home via
Washington, where the Mexicans eventually decapitated him, double
eagle and all. The ring showed his membership in the
Jacobin/Alumbrado lodge of the Napoleonic regimes. Sam Houston was a
direct descendant of Phillip II of Spain, and according to the
Templars, Jesus Christ.
John Baptiste Lamy, Jesuit Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Santa
Fe, refused the
Holy Sacraments to Penitentes, unless they swore an oath disavowing
Penitente/Pachuco secret sect. Lamy excommunicated those who
refused, thereby also
stealing much of the lands of their “brotherhood”, El Rancho de
Nuestro Senora de La
Luz (The Ranch of Our Lady of Light), and several others, the titles
to which were
granted to their predecessors-in-title, by the
(Alumbrado-influenced) Spanish king, Phillip II, who was also a
Hapsburg (from the
House of Esterhazy [”East-Hare”, or “Osiris”, whose ‘house’ was at
Busiris, in the
Sixth Nome of Lower Egypt]). The Penitentes represented a
“fundamentalist schism” to
the Illuminati that Bishop Lamy knew and loved so well, and
represented a threat to the
exclusivity of secret control by the Jesuit Order, which is
jealously intolerant of any secret organization other than itself,
in any territory it controls.
The “Penitentes” represented an
undisciplined, unexpected, and intolerable branch of the Illuminati,
which had fused its elements with those of Native American Indian
populations, and had to be “pruned back” by the Jesuit Order in the
19th century, and by the F.B.I. in the 1950s. Some have even said
that J. Edgar Hoover was a Jesuit priest.
Figuring into all this was the “Holy Grail” and the “Golden Cup
Ceremony”. Its earliest known pre-Christian origin seems to be from
Indo-Sumerian traditions, which related to the Uralo-Altaic-speaking
tribes in Western Siberia, from which the Schythians (Scot-Irish),
Turks, Koreans, Japanese, Finns, Celts, Sumerians, Hittites,
Minoans, Britons, Saxons, and many other tribes descended.
Incorrectly thought by some to be Buddhist, it was actually
practiced by the more ancient, pre-Buddhist, Bonpas religion, of
Tibet, which worshipped “black magic” and “Kali Ma” [”Bloody
Mother”, the “Goddess of Chaos”], with obvious affiliation to the
Thuggee cult, the Society of Assassins, and the Death’s Head S.S.
Black Order [”Schwartze Korps”]).
The Bonpas, Thuggees and Assassins believed in a “collective
consciousness”, and that, as the population of the world increased,
this collective consciousness was “weakened” by being shared by too
many people. In service to “Bloody Mother” (“Kali Ma” or Kali
Matrakis), they believed in killing as many people as
possible—preferably everyone—so as to strengthen the “collective
consciousness”. Unlike the S.S., Bonpas, Assassins and Thuggees wore
white robes with red sashes. (In one photo however, Hermann Goering
can be seen wearing a white SS uniform with a white belt having a
thin red line on it.)
In 747 A.D., Padmasambava brought Buddhism to Tibet. He supposedly
killed or drove all the Bonpas out, but they just went
“underground”—figuratively and literally. Padmasambava
“ceremonially” incorporated the main idea of the Bonpas—the Doctrine
of the Non-Ego—into Buddhism. The original ceremony of the Bonpas,
entailed actual cannibalism, in which the hearts of sacrificial
victims were eaten, and their blood drank in the Dance of the Red
Tiger Devils}0 The Buddhists however reject actual cannibalism.
The “Holy Grail” or “Golden Cup” myth survived in Germany through
the Nibelungenlied (the bloody pan-Germanic epic, in which Attila
the Hun is believed to be the wise old uncle). Descended from
Tibetan and Uralo-Altaic/Sumerian origins, the Golden Cup myth
eventually became associated with the libation cup of the
Celto-Nordic peoples. As explained in Plato’s Timaeus, the ten Gods
of Atlantis commenced their gatherings by collecting the blood of a
young bull in the golden cup. This is evidenced by the two
beautiful, Late Minoan, golden Vaphio Cups, found in the
Peloponnese, upon which are depicted several ancient Minoan
“cowboys” lassoing young bulls.
The Golden Cup, or Holy Grail, eventually became the double symbol
“knowledge”, and of “pure blood”, in the diseased minds of Nazi
theorists. Among
Heinrich Himmler’s list of required reading for S.S. initiates, was
Crusade Against the
Grail and Lucifer’s Court in Europe, by Otto Rahn, Colonel, S.S., a
member of a
society called the “Ahnenerbe”.
10 Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines (Wentz Oxford U. Press, London).
“Lucifer” (meaning “Light-Hare”, from “Luci-“ +
“-fer”) identified the Illuminati (and Naziism/Trilateralism) as an
“Osirian” cult, with the “Holy Grail” (Golden Cup and bulls) as one
of their sacred myths.
In the 7th century, A.D., the Christian Holy Byzantine Emperor,
Justinian, drove 40,000 Mithraists (worshippers of Osiris) into a
hippodrome in Asia Minor, and exterminated them. Justinian married a
dancer, Theodora, whom he met at the Circo Massimo in Rome. Over
1300 years later, Hitler also married a dancer, Eva Braun. Justinian
reinstituted “proskynesis” (the Roman salute, “Hail, Caesar!”).
(Incidentally, Caesar, Kaiser, and Czar mean “Goose-Hare”, in
reference to the Sun-Goose...Isis...and the Sun-Hare...Osiris.)
Hitler did likewise. Hitler and the Thule society eclectically
copied the fanaticism of early Christianity, and several secret
societies, combined with the aggressive expansionism and
organization of the Roman state.
The Ahnenerbe Society (“Society for the Study of Ancestral
Heritages”, i.e., Indo-Germanic racial research), was supposedly
racio-theological in nature. In Jan., 1939, Ahnenerbe was
incorporated into the S.S., and already had fifty branches, led by
Prof. Wust, teacher of Sanskrit at Munich University. Meetings of
the general staff of the S.S. began with Yoga and a Bonpas/Bhuddist
“Sesshin”. The Ahnenerbe, which maintained constant contact with
Tibetan Bonpas lamas, also contained the mystical Black Order
(“Schwartze Korps”), the S.S. “inner circle”. Ahnenerbe’s general
manager, S.S. Colonel Wolfram Sievers, was hung by the Tribunal at
Ironically, a majority of the ancient “Sea People” tribes from whom
many of the Israelites under Solomon’s short-lived 10th century,
B.C. democracy derived, were originally “Aryans”, both in terms of
race, and in terms of the worship of Osiris. This is confirmed by
the word “Israel”, meaning “East-Sungod-Hare” (“Is-“ = “east”;
“-ra-“ = “sun-god”; “El” = the Babylonian Saturn [”Sa-“ = “sun”;
“-turn” = “hare”]), related also to the Ural (“Hare-El”) mountains,
and Mt. Elbruz (“El’s Burg” or “El’s Mountain”, in the Ukraine) a
couple of the ‘Aryan’ ancestral regions.
The upshot of this tangled, mystical baggage, collected by various
confused segments of the human race, is that “racio-religions” are
one of the many excuses that “races” or “tribes” have used for
exterminating one another, or even themselves, hi the Illuminati, we
meet ourselves coming back, because both Hitler, the Austrian, and
Einstein, the Jew, were members of it.
The Trilateral Commission (The “Three-Sided Commission”, in
reference to the triangle) IS the Illuminati. The triangle with the
“all-seeing eye of God”, is the triangular top of the pyramid with
the eye, as seen on the dollar bill. It was used in the 1937 Los
Alamos “p2” project, by von Braun. It is also a Masonic and
Rosicrucian symbol. Originally, it was the eye of Ra-Bel or Ba’al
(Ba’ + El), the Sun God, and of Osiris, symbolized by the “Apis Bull
at Memphis”, with the sun disk on its head, which is the “golden
calf mentioned in the Old Testament. Since the ‘Osirian’ Ba’alamites
were still the religious leaders of so many of the Israelites, the
Rabbis created a ‘new’ religion, in which the “old gods” were
disavowed (or rather recreated in disguised new forms).
More specifically, the “modern Illuminati” is a secret group of
world power
mongers, whose title suggests that they are “illuminated” (i.e.,
possessed of some special
or great “mystical secrets” or “wisdom of the ages”, which we normal
individuals do not
possess). This is a bunch of crap, because David Rockefeller and his
clique have no
greater knowledge than you or I, except for the criminal knowledge
that any gang of
“Thuggees” have.
The Illuminati have knowledge concerning the
technological secrets
which they have stolen and secreted away from the world, to maintain
their dictatorship
by secret economic control, and to protect their secret resources
from the threat of advanced technology which could free the people
of the world from their control. This is not “higher” knowledge, but
“lower knowledge”.
Osiris (“The Beautiful Hare”), as a sun god, originally represented
sunlight, and later “knowledge”. This was reflected in Greece and
Rome by Helios or Prometheus (“Pro-Mithraist”) the “...bringer of
light and knowledge...”. To fundamentalist Christians, this was
evil, because it was the same as Adam’s eating of the apple, and
“...partaking of the tree of knowledge...”, which “...took away
man’s innocence...”(i.e., ignorance). The fact that an evil group
calls itself “The Illuminated Ones”, claiming “higher knowledge”,
does not make real knowledge evil, but good. That is what this book
is all about. What is truly evil, is stealing and hiding
technological knowledge created by individuals for the good of
themselves and a civilized human race.
The evil “Set” (brother of Osiris) was obviously related to the
origin and namesake for the Judeo-Christian “Satan” (“Sa-“ = “sun”;
“-tan” = “dawn”), which was synonymous to the Minoan Minotaur
(“Min-“ = “A-min” [”East-Min”, or “Amon”, the Memphis fertility
goat-god], combined with “-taur” [”bull/hare”], to form a fertility
goat-god/Apis Bull/Hare/sun-god which roamed about the Labyrinth,
tormenting the damned sent there, beneath the isle of Thera
(“She-hare”, the Minoan name for “Ashera”, a form of Astoreth, the
female flying [Canaanite] form of Osiris).
This was the derivation
for the Christian “Purgatory”. The “immaculate conception” of
Christ, is similar to the ancient myth in which Isis (sister and
wife of Osiris) “immaculately” conceived of Osiris, and gave birth
to Horus, while Osiris was entrapped by Set in a knot in the trunk
of a Tamarisk tree which was used as a roof support for the house of
the King of Byblos. This ancient story originated in Western Siberia
with the Uralo-Altaics, as a mating of the Sun-Hare, Osiris
(“Heru-“) and the Sun-Duck, Isis (“-Khuti”), giving birth to the
Sun-Hawk, Horus (“Heru-Khuti”, or “Hare-Duck”!).
George Bush and the rest of the Trilateralists would clearly like to
force all of us to believe in their “god”, whoever or whatever that
is, and we are just no damned good unless we do. Again, the upshot
of all this is that we’re swimming in mythological garbage here, and
we simply cannot allow ourselves or anyone else to predicate our
political decisions on their personal, mystical, subjective
religious concepts, and should settle only for government by reason,
rather than a dictatorship based on “faith” in someone’s personal or
mass religious mythology.
The kind of thinking behind the Ahnenerbe/Nazi madness, could just
as well have supported a movement by neo-Pagan “Aryans” (i.e.,
German Safartic {i.e., “Aryan”} Jews) to use a holocaust of their
own making, based upon similar religious horse shit, as a pretext to
“purify their race”, by exterminating what they might have decided
were “non-Semitic” Aryans, such as Gypsies, Khazars, Germans, or
other Asiatic peoples who had converted to Judaism, rather than to
have been born into it, via some of the “tribes” delineated by the
post-Solomonic Rabbis, after the 10th century B.C. creation of the
ancient kingdom of Israel.
By such thinking, they could have
exterminated the Christians, as “non-Semitic, heretical Jews”. The
prejudice of German Jews toward Asiatic Jews is well-known in some
quarters, as reported by Meyer Levin (author of Compulsion, a true
story about some murderers on a cross-country killing spree), during
his promotion of The Diary of Anne Frank, when German Jews tried to
take away the manuscript because Levin happened to be of Asiatic
origin, and not pro-Communist.
The astonishing conclusion from all this, is that the modern
Illuminati are a group of powerful and wealthy coercive
monopolists—actually unfit and incompetent business men and
industrialists—who sustain their power and wealth as a group,
through theft of advanced technology, and concealment of it through
mystical “mind control”-type manipulation of society. If known to
the general public, this technology would break the coercive
monopoly, and reduce things to the normal realm of capitalist
competition and survival of the fittest.
For this reason, this book
is the greatest threat to Illuminati power ever seen, because it
discloses the technological secrets and true origin of the flying
saucer, as their best kept secret, and makes the construction of a
flying saucer a possibility for anyone having competent
technological skills, and wishing to build their own.
The work of Albert Einstein is useful to the Trilateral Commission,
not only for its fuzzy thinking, but also because of its support for
the Big Bang, and other Big Lies of Big Science. Einstein was
undoubtedly a great mathematician, but metaphysically and
epistemologically, he was an idiot.
Einstein was philosophically an existentialist, religiously a
Cabballist, and epistemologically a Platonist. It is odd that the
“Father of Existentialism”, Edmund Husserl, had two main students,
Jean-Paul Sartre, a Zionist, and Martin Heidegger, a Nazi. Einstein
was a follower of the former, and Hitler was deified by the latter.
Einstein’s theories were influenced by the Kabalah as well as
existentialism, which relies upon a Platonist epistemology—one based
upon Plato’s Cave Analogy, which holds that our knowledge of reality
is like that of an observer in a cave, outside of which a caravan
passes between a fire, also outside the cave, and a wall inside the
cave, casting a shadow of the caravan on the wall; according to the
analogy, we cannot know reality, but see only a “shadow” of it. In
keeping with this cave analogy, Einstein continually referred to
what he called an “apparent effect”, as if his eyes and senses were
unreliable tools of cognition, or means for acquisition of any valid
facts about reality.
Einstein applied his peculiar existentialist and Platonist
epistemological and metaphysical misconceptions to physics, thus
protracting many cognitive mistakes into this supposedly “exact
science”. His fundamental errors included his fictitious concept of
time, caused by his Platonist epistemology. The existence of what he
referred to as a space-time continuum concept, was a begged
He said that space is curved, attempting to attribute a
geometric configuration or “grain” to unarticulated space. He was so
subjective, that he thought what he called an “apparent effect” (his
subjective manifestation of Plato’s cave analogy), affected the
whole universe, in a giant contradiction, based on the Platonist
concept that man could not know reality or the nature of it, but
only an “apparent effect” or “shadow” of it, which existentially had
no relation to what anyone else knew or perceived. So why did he
even bother to say it?
In reality, “Time” is a fiction created by man, to measure the rate
at which events
occur in the universe, and to interrelate them to each other within
the spatial context on
and around our earth, as it moves through space, and to measure
cyclical movements
having distinct relationships to all other events, particularly the
movement of our planet
in the solar system.
A specific “time” is marked by a fictionalized,
‘frozen moment’ or
position in space, in respect to a particular cyclical measurement
of the clock and the
calendar—two mathematical computers used to measure “time”. Our
earth moves around the sun, while our solar system moves around our
galaxy, which in turn moves around the edge of the Milky Way, which
in turn moves around the outer reaches of the Magellanic Clouds. Our
earth and everything on it, and everything else in the universe, can
never be in the exact same place ever again. Any rational person
should be able to see why “time travel” is a physical and
metaphysical impossibility. But, if you can be tricked by the
Illuminati into believing it is possible, then you can be tricked
into believing any other Big Lie they arbitrarily choose to tell
In reality, we can know that, by the nature of reality, all events
always occur in the instant present, and are irretrievably locked
into their contexts in respect to all other events occurring at that
same instant, throughout the universe, whether we are aware of them
or not. References to “the future” or “the past” are purely
fictitious, though we may reconstruct events as they occurred in the
past intellectually. Single events cannot be displaced out of their
contexts, without reference to their relationship to the rest of the
universe at the time they occurred.
‘Time travel’ is also an
epistemological impossibility, because a jump forward or backward in
the fiction of “time”, would require a physical jump of the whole
universe from one configuration in one place, to another
configuration, at a far distant place, instantly. This is too much
to ask of the universe, just to satisfy the subjective,
psychological whims of an Einstein. Only the present exists,
forever, and reality is everything occurring or existing in that
same, instant present, everywhere. We can know the nature of
reality, without having to know all of its events and minute
Of the two epistemologies, the Illuminati propagate the Platonist
one (and Einstein’s theory of subjective ‘time travel’ and the
‘forth dimension’, etc.), because it supports the complete upheaval
of a rational, Aristotelian epistemology based on the primacy of the
senses as valid tools of cognition, and supports the mystical
Platonist epistemology based on faith, which allows the public to be
misled by, and to accept the Big Lie. The Big Bang cosmography is
only a cosmological extension of this Big Lie.
The laws of physics are determined only by a true philosophically
sound reasoning process. Einstein’s fundamentally subjective and
unsound reasoning errors were responsible for the wrongness of his
theories, which could not be corrected by all his mathematical
mumbo-jumbo. His peculiar metaphysical aberrations were manifested
in his well-known formula, purporting to show the
interconvertibility of “energy” and “mass”, as follows: “E = MC2”
(“Energy [the ability to do work] equals mass times the velocity of
light, squared”).
The formula ‘equivocated’ an abstract concept (the
“ability to do work”) with the manifestation of a physical
concretion (“mass”) multiplied times the velocity of light, squared.
This was sort of like saying something like “work equals a rock
times the velocity of light, squared.” The formula doesn’t say how
much work can be done, or anything else, for that matter.
“Energy” E, is the “ability to do work”, while the “velocity of
light” (“C”), is the velocity at which electromagnetic radiation is
said to be transmitted from one point in space to another. To
equivocate the abstract concept of “energy”, with mass times the
square of the velocity of light, can be considered as of an attempt
to explain how much work a particular mass might accomplish,
measured by the quanta of radiation it might hypothetically be
converted into, as a “non-inertial” form of dynamic energy stored in
electromagnetic radiation in space, as well as a measure of how much
potential electromagnetic energy is stored in a particular quantum
of mass, but it just isn’t true.
Einstein’s contradictory theory presupposes that mass is not
“energy”, since, only during some non-spontaneous process of
interconversion of mass into radiant energy, or radiant energy into
mass, could “work be done”. Mass appears impertinent, and “C = E/R”
(Tesla’s equation, which excludes mass) appears true, saying that,
at C, Energy E, is divided by resonant frequency R. ‘Massless’
radiant energy, or “cosmic radiation”, is dynamic energy stored in
transit in space, by the vibrations of the ether. I define space as
a volume, which is never empty, but contains an ether, and
omnidirectionally interpenetrating radiant energy, of many
frequencies. The energy level of radiant energy is determined by its
frequency. This radiant energy is the ZPR.
An interesting aspect of Tesla’s equation, is that while the
resonant frequency, R, divides the quanta of energy, E, at the
velocity of light, C, the reactance of the electromagnetic radiation
varies as the fourth power of the frequency; the higher the
frequency, the higher the reactance. This means that “p2” is more
effective at higher frequencies, since the time lag between changes
in charge and current distribution in the dipole, is enhanced by the
limitations of C.
This permits the dipole to continue to “shake out”
charges on the peak negative pole, both during and between negative
peaks. At 3/8th wavelength tuning, the positive and negative wave
components cross and neutralize one another at the neutral pole,
between the negative peaks at the opposite pole. The principle that
the negative pole will continuously shoot out negative charges is
also effective at ¼ wavelength tuning, with the exception that the
opposite pole will be peak positive rather than neutral.
Unlike Einstein, Tesla believed that the velocity of particles were
not limited by C, and even advanced examples in which he asserted
that particles had exceeded C, because the speed at which they were
propelled by light depends on the voltage and frequency of the
radiation. Mass or radiation in themselves do not represent
“energy”, since “work” requires the application of force to mass,
which is ignored in the Einstein equation, but was automatically
assumed by Tesla, who knew that space is full of potential energy.
The odd paradox under Einstein’s theory is that radiation traveling
through space would do no “work”, and therefore could not be
“energy”. The only way light could be energy, would be if, as
Einstein said, “it gets tired”, in which case some of the force
originally emitted at its source, is transferred to, and does work
on, some of the ‘space’ (the ether) through which it is transmitted,
but this case contradictorily requires the existence of something
Einstein denied, the ether. His statement concerning “light fatigue”
was inconsistent to his equation saying that ‘space’ has no mass,
and thereby agreed with Tesla’s equation, which was not plagued by
this inconsistency, since it concerns only dynamic force in radiant
form, as an “ability to do work”.
Another major difference between Tesla and Einstein, was that Tesla
conceived the so-called “atomic energy” possessed by an atom, as
radiant force being transmitted into an “atomic reaction” by the
cosmos. It may be for this reason that the “Tokamak” and other
“fusion” reactors, using a “magnetic bottle” to contain their
reactions, produce no net work.
The extremely strong magnetic fields
must create impenetrable barriers blocking reactions between the
“atomic fuel”, and the “outer cosmos” (i.e., occluding the ZPR).
Like obsolete nuclear fission reactors, “fusion” reactors are
intentionally designed as dangerous, behemoth structures, to be
operated only by a corporate/state socialist
(“competition-prohibited”), Trilateralist power company, providing
little competitive threat to conventional hydrocarbon-fueled
Einstein’s equation excluded resonance, as the time-relative
distribution of force in light per distance. The radiant energy
stored in space is relative to voltage, which in turn relates to the
frequency of the radiation, and the time it takes for it to be
transmitted from its point of emission to its point of
“reconversion” into inertia, momentum, or heat, or its expenditure
on the ether, as it in turn is converted into mass. Mass has
inertial characteristics which are not reflected, because the laws
of inertia are said not to apply to electromagnetic radiation, which
is 1040 times stronger than the gravitational interaction.
This implies that energy, like time, may not exist, but is only a
convenient fiction, since inert, static mass does no work, and
neither does radiation while in transit in space. The equations of
Tesla and Einstein are in direct conflict, because Tesla’s equation
is consistent with the universe as a dynamic, ever-changing,
eternal, infinite perpetual-motion system, while Einstein’s equation
describes the universe as a finite, temporary, Big Bang-type event,
expanding from an ultimate, fictitious, ‘original explosion’, which
is continually winding down. Of the two equations/metaphysics, the
Illuminati naturally prefer the latter, since it supports their
sales at the gas pump, and the suppression of flying saucer
technology via their Big Lie Program.
Energy can only be expressed in reality, during “changes in form”.
Of the two equations, only Tesla’s equation can be correct, since it
is the only one taking resonance into account, which is the rate per
second at which electromagnetic oscillations or “beats” occur.
Without oscillations, nothing is converted in form. The frequency of
electromagnetic radiation is the “beats per second”, and the level
of “force” or “voltage” at which work is done. The more beats per
second, the greater the work. Before 1902, Tesla already had
numerous patents for the use of “radiant energy”, both from
“synthetic sources” and from “the natural media” of the universe.
The Nazis and the Trilateralists stole Tesla’s flying saucer
invention, and the U.S. government helped them take it to Germany,
and now conceal it from us. Nikola Tesla was an Atheist/humanist,
who detested mysticism, Einstein, Communism, and the Nazis.
Einstein’s beliefs were consistent with the Nazis, Communists,
Trilateralists, and the
U.S. government. A naive Tesla tried to warn the U.S. government
about German militarism before WW I, and was naturally ignored,
because the Illuminati already had a big new war planned, and
intended to make billions selling munitions. Meanwhile, Communism—an
experiment in world slavery created by the Illuminati, as a mystical
religion based on the worship of the “collective consciousness”,
accepted on faith rather than reason—came into existence, failed,
and has finally collapsed, after murdering off literally hundreds of
millions of people, in service to “Kali Ma”.
This shows how heinous,
criminal conduct often originates with the Illuminati’s appeal to
“faith, rather than reason”, as a means of mind control, inevitably
followed by mass murder. I have a dream that some day the United
States will truly separate the “state” from “religion” and
mysticism, whether that of the Illuminati, Christians, Masons,
Buddhists, Bonpas, Moslems, Jews, Communists, New Agers,
“Scientologists”, “Environmentalists”, or “Synergists”.
In 1979, I went to the National Security Resources Study Center (now
The J.
Robert Oppenheimer Research Center), at Los Alamos, which was opened
to the public
in Oct., 1977 by President Jimmy Carter (whom I had met in Savannah,
in October, 1974,
during his campaign for governor of Georgia). I sought basic
information on hydrogen,
and could not find it, but what I did find was astounding.
simple data on
hydrogen was ‘unavailable’, I discovered the plans for the hydrogen
bomb! I also discovered the inadvertent “glossed” references to
Lorentz’ purported measurements concerning the excess positive
charge of the hydrogen nuclear proton, and his postulate concerning
the electrical cancellation of gravity. When I requested a
“bibliography on Tesla” from the librarian, she said “...all
information on Tesla is classified”.
On my return to Santa Fe that evening, at a restaurant, I angrily
proclaimed my disgust with the research facility, to a student from
Harvard sitting next to me, for refusing my request for Tesla
information, while making the plans for the hydrogen bomb available
to me. The Harvard student went to Los Alamos, photo-copied the
hydrogen bomb plans, and published a pamphlet on them at Harvard,
creating a sizeable controversy. The center was almost since closed
Edward Teller, “Father of the H-Bomb”, declared in 1979 that all
secret information possessed by the government belonged to us,
because we had paid for it, and that it should be made available to
us from one year of the government’s ‘acquisition’ of it. The H-bomb
plans were probably intentionally planted by the Illuminati, to
punish and scapegoat Teller, and to ‘justify’ increased “security
measures”, for the ulterior purpose of continued government
suppression of other, beneficial energy secrets, having nothing to
do with war or “terrorism”.
Nikola Tesla originally intended to give his flying saucer invention
to the Geneva Convention, for use in the prevention of war. He was
disillusioned when the League of Nations fell apart, and began to
conceal his discoveries. Tesla died a pauper in 1943, and the
government illegally confiscated all his known papers. Today those
scientific papers (over 80 large trunks, around a box car load), are
stored in secret vaults at Los Alamos, still classified, over 56
years later. The main reason for the continued secrecy is the flying
saucer, as well as things which we can only imagine.
In the end, the Illuminati perpetuate their power through mysticism,
exploiting the interplay between Judaism, as the precursor to
Christianity, and Christianity, as an heretical offshoot of Judaism.
Naziism, an Illuminati “synthesis”—a slop-pot of the concepts of the
Bonpas, Templars, Gnostics, Christians, Jews, and Mithraists—could
never last, but accelerated the work of scientists working for the
governments of the world, and produced a lot of discoveries in a
very short time, for the Illuminati to steal and hide, or use to
keep us in control.
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