Part of the “social manipulation” of course involves the use of the
mass media and instrumentalities of the state to suppress not only
the flying saucer technology, but also other powerful technology.
This small section is included to tantalize you with the
possibilities of what I refer to as “suppressed energy secrets”.
There are many of them, and many more variations.
This information
is included to also give you a glimpse of the outright fraud of the
“nuclear power” industry and the D.O.E. (“Department of Energy”,
formerly the A.E.C. or “Atomic Energy Commission”), and its
concealment of viable and safe options to the monstrosities which
they have foisted upon us, called “nuclear power generators”, which
represent a gross misuse of the principles involved, for which
responsible scientists and engineers should be subjected to criminal
fraud charges. The scientists themselves are bound by national
security secrecy orders, the violation of which would subject them
to criminal prosecution for treason or espionage.
To whet your appetite, please find APPENDIX B: Excerpts from Joseph
Papp’s Patent No. 3,670,494, of 6/20/72, Method and Means of
Converting Atomic Energy into Utilizable Kinetic Energy.
Around 1980, I stumbled not to my surprise, upon more suppressed
energy secrets11. Most of this type of information hitherto publicly
available, ‘disappeared’ from public access after 1942, due to the
‘national scouring’ operation by the F.B.I, which I mentioned
before, which was not as complete as they would have liked. In fact,
they missed some important material, due to their ignorance, being
guided chiefly by the Relativist Quantum Mechanics, who failed to
understand Tesla’s technology.
For example, on Tesla’s death on Jan.
8 (not the 7th as most documents say), 1943, the FBI got involved in
investigating as to whether or not anything of a national security
interest was involved in Tesla’s effects. In the opinion of John G.
Trump12, head of the government’s Office of Scientific Research and
Development, Technical Aids, Div. 14, NTRC (predecessor agency to
the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence), “nothing of any value
was contained”, and there was “no reason to retain” custody of
Tesla’s effects.
(Trump was also a professor at M.I.T., and had his
feelings hurt by Tesla’s 1938 review and critique of M.I.T.’s huge
Van de Graaff generator~with its two thirty-foot towers and two
15-foot diameter balls, mounted on railroad tracks—which Tesla
showed could be out-performed in both voltage and current by one of
his tiny coils about two feet tall.)
Altogether, in Tesla’s effects, there were the contents of his safe,
two truckloads of papers and apparati from his hotel, another 75
packing crates and trunks in a storage facility, and another 80
large storage trunks in another storage facility.
11 This information initially surfaced in a set of books entitled
Popular Science Library. The Story ofElectricity and Magnetism (six
volumes, P.F. Collier & Son Corporation, New York, 1941), pages
The Navy and several “federal officials” spent two days microfilming
some of the stuff
(concerning information mixed with what was generally thought to be
the “photo-electric effect”), and
page 7, concerning the structure of lithium, other elements below
atomic number 19, and the instabilities of elements generally possessing a ratio of neutrons-to-protons
which are “too low for stability”, particularly those in Group I of
Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table, which are especially susceptible to
emission”, some even with red light (cesium), or green light
(sodium), but all those below atomic No. 19 transmute in ultraviolet
12 FBI Documents Regarding Nikola Tesla (supra).
at the Office of Alien Properties storage facility in 1943, and that
was it, until Oct., 1945, soon after von Braun’s residency at Ft.
Bliss, Texas, at which time Wright-Patterson’s Air Force Research
and Development Command people took a closer look. They had all
previously completely missed the boat in their attempts to interpret
Tesla’s technology—according to the false Relativist physics—mainly
because of the snotty report by their “expert”, John G. Trump.
the FBI has failed to grasp the significance of the note concerning
Ms. Marguerite Merrington’s witnessing of Tesla’s 1894 “metallic
plate suspension”, and to black it out, in the Tesla papers released
under the F.O.I.A. It wasn’t until von Braun and company disclosed
that their flying saucer technology was based on Tesla’s 1890s
discoveries, that our government knew what they had, and what the
Nazis had already acquired in the 1930’s from Tesla’s files. Quite a
lot of Tesla’s technology had already leaked through several sources
before the FBI’s scanty look into it in 1943, fully seven years
after von Braun’s “p2” project at Los Alamos.
Practically the only thing they were looking for was technology
related to the atom bomb, and since Tesla had stated that so-called
“atomic energy” didn’t come from the radioactive elements
themselves, but from “cosmic radiation”, they decided he was crazy
and neglected his documents until the war was over. This concealment
by neglect was the apparent result of Nazi/corporate-state influence
in the government and F.B.I.
The data I found around 1980, which showed that all the elements
below atomic No. 19, actually transmute in ultraviolet light—some in
ordinary daylight—conflicted with Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.
The products of these light-element transmutations, brought about
with low energy bombardment, are alpha particles (stripped helium
nuclei, each carrying a +2 charge), and beta particles (electrons,
each carrying a -1 charge). On purchasing at Los Alamos salvage, two
withdrawn volumes on the physics of X-rays13.
These books showed the
existence of the transmutation process. I realized that this
information and all its reasonably construed implications, had been
known by some scientists in both the U.S. and Soviet governments for
years. These concealments apparently had nothing to do with
“national security”, and the two “governments” were apparently in
conspiracy to protract archaic technology. Some governments, huh?
Due to prior public access to these secrets, and the possibility
that some ‘uninitiated’ persons might still know about them, the
liar government scientists attempted to confuse these processes, by
describing them as the “photo-electric effect”.
That was simply another Big Lie, since the photo-electric effect
involves the ultraviolet
ejectment of electrons by suitable emitters, many of which are above
atomic number 19,
and does not involve the actual transmutation of the elements, or
emission of alpha
particles (helium). There are several other effects which
distinguish this from the
photo-elecrtric effect, such as mass which is unaccounted for by the
lower total weight
of the helium atom, from what it should be, according to the sum of
the weight of its
component parts, representing equivalent energy or particles
liberated, rearranged or
transmuted in the process, similar to the “fusion reaction” of the
13 M.A. Blokhin, The Physics of X-Rays (State Publishing House of
Technical-Theoretical Literature, Moscow 1957); Howard M. Stainer,
X-Ray Mass Absorption Coefficients (U.S. Dept. of the Interior,
Bureau of Mines, 1963).
In other words,
this simple process can release or absorb (the same difference) the
energy equivalent of the fusion reaction, in an externally
reversible “K-capture” process, in which a K-orbital electron of an
appropriate element “falls” into the nucleus (is “captured”),
converting a proton into a neutron, transmuting the element into one
with one more neutron in the place of the former proton. It is my
theory that ZPR and aether-borne energy contained in the space
encompassed by the electron prior to its capture, results in the
emissions observed, which are “squeezed out” when the electron is
captured by the nucleus.
In this process, neutrinos are emitted as the element goes up the
atomic scale, and are sucked back into the atom as it returns to its
former element, over and over, if the process is continued, in a
sort of “continuous nuclear orgasm”. Here, we have another
“table-top”-type fusion reaction, which has been concealed,
primarily by treating it as an insignificant ‘anomaly’, which is
then avoided and summarily dismissed.
A similar process occurs in nuclear excitation of a light element,
in which an electron orbit is distorted by a magnetic field, or is
excited a by a U.V. incident particle beam, and repeatedly becomes
eccentric, so as to “gather” energy in the “L” orbit, then emit it
in the form of ionizing radiation, as the electron “falls” back into
the “K” orbit. This process requires a carefully synchronized and
controlled excitation at the specific NMR frequency of the element,
under a specific magnetic flux density.
I soon realized that most of the “free energy” processes can be
produced by using a medium in a “box”, to transform electromagnetic
power from the ZPR. Based on these processes, I developed the idea
of what I call my “Triax (“three-axis”) System”, composed of three
axes at 90 degrees to each other, which are: (1) The magnetic field
axis; (2) the electric field axis; and (3) the particle beam axis
(or “atomic axis”, which may also be considered as the “momentum
axis” in respect to its use in flying saucer propulsion).
Any two of
the axes may be used to produce the third, as follows:

A magnetic field will separate positive and negative charges, by
turning negative
charges in one direction, as positive charges are diverted or
emitted in another direction
(negative charges may be easily turned, while the positive charges
are very difficult to
turn). The charges may be collected on separate plates, to create an
external current, and
vice-versa. The incident particle beam directed at a sample of one
of the light elements
or a compound of them (often better), placed in a “triax box” with a
magnetic field across it, causes the manufacture of positive and
negative charges.
The positive (alpha) particles charge the first
plate, while the negative electrons pass into the second plate,
being drawn into the circuit by the positive potential of the first
plate—created by the presence of the positively charged alpha
particles—and are drawn through an external circuit load, to perform
work. These particles may be steadily recycled in an oscillatory
fluorescent process which may be continued ad infinitum, so long as
the load placed on the external circuit is not dropped too rapidly.
The trick is to transmute an element into a temporarily radioactive
isotope of very short half-life, after which it quickly returns to
its ground state, with the emission of photon energy extracted
during its synthetically radioactive reaction with the ZPR:

Using a one-mole sample of lithium 6—or lithium niobate crystals,
manufactured by Union Carbide—this process will produce a continuous
external current of 50 kw, indefinitely, unless the load is dropped
too quickly, in which case a small explosion can occur. This can be
‘fail-safed’ by use of a computerized control of the incident
particle beam in respect to the load, in conjunction with an
appropriate device such as an ultraviolet laser. More simply, an
incident particle beam device can be easily fabricated using the
Tesla bulb shown, which may be controlled with an FET (field effect
transistor), which senses a change in the field strength and
instantly diminishes the current to the bulb.
Lithium is the most active of all elements, and is perhaps the most
unstable of the
“light elements”. In some cases, transmutation can occur in an
incident particle beam of less than 7 volts according to the Blokhin book (in the biblography,
and many other
similar X-ray references), which gives specific product emissions
for most elements (unless “classified”) in respect to the frequency
of an incident particle beam used at specific voltages. Powerful
ionizing radiation can be used to charge field plates, or to produce
‘pure electrical energy”. The energy produced, is vastly greater
than the electrical energy required to initiate the reaction,
because it comes from the ZPR (“starlight”), and need involve no
radioactive fuels or wastes.
These processes were explored by Tesla prior to 1900, and by T.
Henry Moray, of Utah14, while in Sweden in 1912. Tesla used aluminum
and some Group I elements, while Moray used spudomene or
lepidolite—lithium-aluminosilicate rocks—which he called his
“Swedish stone”, to which he soldered triple-distilled germanium,
producing semiconductor devices (which he called “valves”) almost
twenty years before Shockley, who got the credit. These rocks are
almost everywhere in Northern New Mexico, especially found in
pegmatite dikes.
Sheepherders in the vicinity of Dixon (where the
government mined lithium for the H-bomb), carried pieces of lithium
ore in their pockets in winter, to warm their hands. The moist hands
provided the electrolyte contact, and penetrating cosmic radiation
(the ZPR) did the rest. The lithium-aluminosilicate elements are all
below atomic number 19, and in compound form are supposed to work
better than the separate, pure elements. The normal number for
lithium is “lithium 7”, while the rarer (and more unstable) isotope
is “lithium 6”, as used in the Union Carbide lithium niobate
crystals. Lithium 6 has a low neutron ratio.
One Los Alamos scientist I discussed this with said this process was
an example of “chemical energy”, or the “photo-electric effect”, but
that was untrue. It could be perhaps called “nuclear chemical
energy”, I suppose. It is a reversible process, the explanatory
formula for which has been systematically omitted from nuclear
engineering texts, under national security laws, as shown by the
following statement:
Sec. 1.19: “...There are two other ways in which a nuclide with a
of neutrons that is too low for stability can become more stable.
One is
by the emission of an alpha particle (sec. 1.12), and the other is
by the
nucleus capturing a negative electron from outside the atom, thus
reversing the process described in sec. 1.16. In each case the
change is
associated with an increase in the neutron-to-proton ratio. Since
of theses modes of radioactive decay is important in connection with
nuclear reactors, it is unnecessary to consider them in further
And so, two separate possible “other” ways to produce atomic
energy—both using
non-radioactive light elements—are concealed. The primary
justification for the
concealment of these two processes is rationalized (for over forty
years, since 1952 or
earlier) because they are possibly being used to generate electrical
energy on flying
saucers and other secret projects.
14 T. HenryMoray,The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats,
CosrayResearch Institute, Salt LakeCity, Utah ( 4th Ed 15Samuel
Glasstone and Milton C. Edlund, The Elements of Nuclear Reactor
Theory. D. Van Nostrand Co. Inc., Princeton, 1952 (emphasis mine).
Although the processes are allegedly unimportant “
connection with (archaic) nuclear reactors” of the kind desired by
the Secret Government,
protected by the sham A.E.C./D.O.E. cover, it is obvious that the
use of these concealed processes might literally destroy the
obsolete petroleum and atomic energy industries as we know them
These two (reversible) processes, combined in the continuous,
oscillatory reaction, appear to be the same as that responsible for
the helium power system already mentioned in respect to the
helium-powered “...twelve B.M.W. engines...” purportedly used on WW
II German flying saucers, and in respect to the Papp engine shown in
the Appendix.
Can you imagine carrying one of these little generators around in
your hand, from your house to your car, airplane (flying saucer),
boat, or on camping trips, etc., to provide whatever, non-polluting
electrical energy you wished, more than you could probably use?
It comes clearly into focus at this point, that the culprit vested
interests are in the petroleum industry, or rather in the Wall
Street monopolists who took over almost all independent petroleum
production in the 1950s. I say this even though I could stand to
inherit many thousands of acres of proven gas and oil mineral rights
in southeast Texas.
Since the Trilateral Commission or Masonic
crooks within my own family will probably rip off those mineral
rights somehow, before I inherit them, and obliterate all evidence,
I probably won’t get them anyway, so why should I care? What is more
important, is replacing this archaic technology with “free energy”
Nikola Tesla discovered a simple, ‘special’ generator—the complete
secret of which is locked away in the Los Alamos vault—which was
constructed of “...copper, aluminum, and iron”, arranged in “...a
peculiar way”, and had weak magnets or only unmagnetized iron cases.
There is no document available, showing specifically how it worked,
and only Tesla’s cryptic comments on its construction, with claims
of fantastic output. The closest things I know of are Tesla’s
homeopolar generators.
Judging from them, and his invention of the
standard electric meter used by the power companies on our homes,
together with some actual experimentation and tests, I have
extrapolated the fundamentals of Tesla’s invention, since the
electric meters are constructed in a ‘peculiar’ way, are composed of
the three metals, and have weak magnets which can be reversed and
In 1979,1 took two old 115-volt Tesla electric meters—which are at
least 70 years old—and connected them together in a ‘peculiar way’,
attempting at first to measure two separate 115-volt currents coming
into an apartment. There are four unlabelled posts on each these old
meters, so I didn’t know how to connect them, so I just took a shot
in the dark. Due to the manner in which I connected them—which
apparently was wrong—the two meters behaved strangely. At a low
current drain, the disks rotated faster than when the current was
greater. At a sufficiently high current, the disks stopped, hummed
loudly—which I refer to as “snoring”—and even reversed, at a still
greater energy consumption in the apartment. As the current usage
went up and down, there were commensurate changes in the “snoring”
and disk directions in the two meters.
By actually using more electricity in the apartment, less usage was
recorded by the
meters, as well as the main meter for my entire complex, and the
electric bill for my whole
complex dropped by about one-third. The meters were generating
power, perhaps enough
to power the entire apartment. Sometimes, when the disks were
running in reverse, the
meters were generating more power than that being used, and when
they were running slowly in the opposite direction, the meters were
generating less, but overall, the one-third drop in the bill
indicated they were running that apartment, one-third of my complex.
Mr. Dort—the Virginia man whose father invented the special
generators stolen by the Nazis and used on their
“Electro-U-boats”—said that, when the ‘snoring’ was at its peak and
the disk stationary, that the meter was at the “center of load”,
which meant that the amount of current being used was equal to that
being generated by the meters! When the disks reversed, the ‘meters’
were generating more current than that being used, and were putting
electricity back into the grid! After I removed the old meters from
the circuits, my bill increased by one-third. By that standard, I
may have been able to reduce the usage to practically zero, by
connecting meters the same way in the other three residences, or by
running all my current through the meters.
Under the generally accepted theory of electric power generation
(inductance), a magnetic field and conductor are required. A dynamic
conductor must ‘cut’ stationary magnetic ‘lines of force’, or
dynamic ‘lines of force’ must expand and contract across a
stationary conductor, to create the cutting action necessary to
produce current in the conductor. Since energy is expended by use of
alternating current to create an expanding and contracting magnetic
field, the use of permanent magnets—which require no current to
create their fields—is considered most efficient, except where it is
desireable to have a reversing magnetic field in the core.
The Tesla
electric meter has weak magnets, which Tesla said was necessary so
the magnetic fields could be reversed and alternated. The meter
wouldn’t work if it had very strong, completely polarized magnets.
There are two basic ways the Tesla ‘meter’ can be used as a
generator, as far as I can tell:
1. Mechanical: The disk may be rotated in the weak permanent magnet
field, by a small motor connected to the shaft of the aluminum disk,
generating an electric current in the disk. The current rises until
sufficient to cancel the magnetic field, which it then reverses, as
the current in the disk collapses and reverses, due to the reversed
magnetic field, and the system begins to oscillate. An alternating
output current is induced in the windings of the two sets of
pole-pieces which are above and below the gap in which the disk
2. Electromagnetic: With this method, the current is run parallel
through the windings of the pole pieces of two separate meters,
creating a magnetic flux which alternately passes through the disk,
and into the lower pole pieces, creating a current at right angles
in the disk, which creates a thrust which rotates the disk in the
weak magnetic field of the permanent magnets. When the current in
the disk is sufficient to cancel the weak permanent magnetic fields,
the disk stops, then “vibrates” (“snores”), as it rapidly and
alternately reflects and transmits both the current and the magnetic
fields, producing an output alternating current in the pole piece
According to Mr. Dort, aluminum is the best “reflector”, copper the
“most active” (electronically conductive), and iron the “magnetic
core material”. Dort said his father’s magnetic drive was based on a
Tesla generator. Based on the drive system stolen from Dort’s father
by the Nazis, and used on the Electro-U Boats, Grand Admiral Karl
Doenitz promised Hitler a “miracle at sea”. How did the Tesla
generator work?
The particular Tesla generator used by Dort’s father—and the
Nazis—was one which
was being developed by Tesla in 1895, in conjunction with his
developments concerning
the liquefaction of air. Tesla knew, from Lord Kelvin’s discoveries,
that more heat is
absorbed by liquefied air when it is re-gasified and used to drive
something, than is required by theory, in other words, that the
liquefaction process is somewhat anomalous or ‘over unity’16.
prior to Tesla’s completion of his work, and the filing of a patent
application, Tesla’s laboratory was burned down, destroying all his
equipment, models and inventions. Immediately after the fire, Linde,
in Germany, filed ‘his’ patent application for the exact same
process, which recombined some of the heat energy produced in
compression of the air, to drive the process, just as Tesla had
Tesla had combined the liquified air process, with his pneumatic
piston-driven oscillator, even prior to the fire and Linde’s patent
application. In addition, he had calculated that, for every 200
pounds of iron connected to the device, a full horsepower was added
to it. Can you imagine how many horsepower were added by the
connection of the oscillator and liquifaction device to the body of
a submarine? If hypothetically a Type XXI German submarine were
retro-fitted with this oscillator, and its displacement were 2,700
tons, that would produce an extra 27,000 h.p., only a small part of
which would be needed to drive the oscillator, which involved very
little friction and force to produce a large current.
16 Nikola Tesla, Startling Prediction of the World’s Greatest Living
Scientist (Article, the North American, May 18, 1902).
The Tesla oscillator developed by Dort’s father, used on the Nazi
Electro-U-Boats, is shown in my following simplified, clarified
illustrations, based on Tesla’s originals:

The inductor-shaft of this oscillator was driven by the small
pneumatic piston, powered by the liquid air. The shaft needed to
vibrate only about 1/16 inch, producing a mere ‘hum’, which Tesla
said was capable of vibrating a system of considerable weight
“..many thousands of times per minute”17 (standard 60 cps would be
3,600 times per minute). It is assumed that the increased horsepower
from the iron of the sub, was combined thermodynamic energy added to
drive the liquifier, as well as energy received by the oscillator
from the same ELF transmitter which could also send messages.
iron could maintain the flow of heat liberated from the air as it
was being compressed and cooled, and from the iron where it was
stored, back to the air (in a Carnot cycle) when being expanded to
drive the piston. At the same time, the iron could act as an antenna
to receive earth’s electrical energy being regulated by the
‘transmitter’ at a distance, electrical energy of stationary waves
traversing the earth from pole to pole, as finally confirmed by
Tesla during his 1899 Colorado Springs experiments.
The iron
collected electromagnetic energy from the earth system to be added
to the electrical power of the oscillator as it was driving an
Electro-U-Boat’s motors and charging batteries. As stated by Tesla
in 189818, (in pertinent part):
“Primarily, I contemplated only the
sending of messages to great distances in this manner.”
“Now, this
idea I extended to a system of power transmission.”
The windings on the oscillator were about 50 miles in length, and
its inductive- capacitive system allowed it to operate on a
frequency which was consistent with the earth’s, at a wavelength of
about 925 miles, with a frequency close to 13.5 c.p.s., sometimes
mentioned in relation to Naval ELF communications. Was this part of
Tesla’s long wave system for “transmission of electric energy
without wires”, which he said he had completed just prior to his
death, as shown in the FBI documents? Is the Navy’s ELF (“Extremely
Low Frequencies”) system not only for communications, just as Tesla
said, but also for broadcasting energy to submarines—just as Tesla
also said?
This submarine power system is now a top secret of the
U.S. Navy. They could have had in 1943 if they had not listened to
their “experts”, who convinced them Tesla was crazy, something they
can blame on Einstein’s “R.Q.Ms”. They had paid no attention to
Tesla when he attempted to interest the Navy in the same kind of
technology in 190119.
The German government had wasted no time in taking Tesla seriously.
When Tesla’s laboratory was burned down in 1895, Linde filed his
patent on the liquefaction of air, identical to the system developed
and tested by Tesla in conjunction with running his oscillator. The
German Ministry of Marine purchased Tesla’s turbine right after the
U.S. Navy rejected Tesla’s attempts to interest them in it first. By
1905, German chemical interests had already begun liquefying and
storing thousands of gallons of liquefied air in steel bottles, in
anticipation of their need for it in the coming submarine warfare.
Today, the discoveries of Tesla are still classified, over 56 years
after his death, yet these discoveries laid in storage with the
Alien Properties Custodian between 1943 and 1945, during which time
no one even bothered to take a look, until after the war, when
German research revealed to the U.S. government that Tesla’s
discoveries were valuable, and the basis for flying saucer
technology and many other still classified developments.
17 Patent for Tesla’s Valvular Conduit, No. 1,329,559, Feb. 3, 1920.
18 The Sun, New York, Nov. 21, 1898.
19 The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires As a Means for
Furthering Peace, Nikola Tesla, ELECTRICAL WORLD AND ENGINEER, Jan.
7, 1905.
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