In his original foundations for the Bavarian Illuminati, officially
instituted by Adam Weishaupt on May 1,1776, his stated purposes were
“Princes and nations will
Reason will be the only code of man. “
Weishaupt recognized no divine power
outside of Man, and often referred to “...Nature and Nature’s God”.
The original purposes of the Declaration of Independence stated by
Thomas Jefferson and other American revolutionaries, on Jury 4,
1776—only two months after Weishaupt’s declaration—were good, also
referring to “...Nature and Nature’s God”, just as Weishaupt had
The original purposes of Michael Bakunin, in the founding of his Internationale (the
Alliance Internationale Sociale Democratique),
in Switzerland, in 1864, was good...seeking an instrument to destroy
the tyranny of the confiscatory state, and motivated by a genuine
horror of his own experiences under despotism.
The original purposes of Theodor Hertzl, in calling together the
first International Zionist Congress, of March, 1897, in Basle,
Switzerland, were good, advocating that “...sovereignty be granted
us over a portion of the globe large enough to satisfy the rightful
requirements of a nation,” intended by Hertzl to be guided by the
individualistic premises of Friedrich Nietzsche.
The problem with these and similar endeavors, is that the
Pseudo-Illuminati—by whatever name we know of it—lurks behind the
scenes, more ruthless, powerful, and thorough than ever, always
poised to take over and convert all organizations to its own use, in
a manner diametrically opposite to its stated purposes.
Organizations and movements originally
intended to create a new religion of “reason and nature”, were
converted into ones for the mass psychological mind control of
society, using religion, political mysticism and superstition to
prohibit the higher development of mankind, to conceal technology,
truth and higher knowledge, and to create and maintain a false
economic dependence on Illuminati-controlled governments and the
archaic technology of Illuminati industries. Meanwhile, the medical
establishments and world health organizations are controlled and
used to distribute and conceal population control methods developed
and expedited by secret military weapons laboratories, so as to
maintain world populations at “controllable levels”.
The Illuminati, hypocritically styling itself as the “...Bringer of
Light and Knowledge...”, preys upon the sincere beliefs of religious
people, and promotes irrational, mystical, superstitious or
exploitative ideas or means, contrary to what might have been
initially good purposes, showing the consciously designed,
sociopathic conspiracy to control the world through deceitfully
planned ignorance, mysticism, dependency, and the promotion and
exploitation of weakness.
Philosophy—the “master control” of rational scientific thinking—has
its “first laws”...irreducible primaries which must first be
accepted by presupposition, before further rational thought may
proceed. These first laws must rest on the facts of reality, before
we can reach other reliable conclusions, such as that involving a
possible ‘origin’...if there was an origin...of the universe.
This question was first begged in
religious ‘creationist’ myths of the most infantile sort, just as
UFOlogists begged the question that flying saucers are
extraterrestrial. A god in the image of man, space aliens in the
image of man, and ‘extraterrestrial’ flying saucers in the image of
man-made flying saucers. On the issues of God, the Big Bang, Space
Aliens, and Flying Saucers, rational people have been crowded into a
corner as the ‘nut cases’, defending the “irrational” positions of
the nonexistence of God, the infinity of the universe, the absence
of evidence of aliens, and the terrestrial origins of flying
saucers. That time has now ended. The Big Liars can prevail only by
exerting absolute control over the press, public speech, and the
media. They are now frantically multiplying their redundant Tired
Old Big Lies in the public media.
The Illuminati eventually came to secretly advocate the use of
unethical and murderous methods by its members, to cause unnecessary
struggle and conflict of every kind, and to exploit mystical
religious or political organizations, racial concentrationism, and
military nationalism, in order to set up conflicts needed to create
constant chaos and instability, in the midst of which they maintain
and increase their wealth and economic control.
The Jesuit and Masonic orders fell to Illuminati control, as did
Bakunin’s Anarchist Internationale (expropriated by Marx and his
Communists). The American Government fell to Illuminati control, via
exploitation of the conveniently covert natures of the CIA, FBI, NSA,
the Masonic Order, the Jesuits, the Trilateral Commission, the
Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberg group.
After the 1919 failure of “Morgenthau’s Pastoral Policy” to
exterminate the “German race”, at the end of WW I, the S.S. was
formed later that same year, as an experiment in mass psychological
control, financed by the World Bankers, the Rockefeller Commission
(now the Trilateral Commission), acting through the S.S., under the
auspices of the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health and “Eugenics
Program” of the University of Texas, and the American Psychiatric
Their purpose was the control of the
world through religion. To this end, a new religion, called “OSTARA
“—‘designed’ by Georg Lanz von Liebenfels—was promoted through the
S.S. and the Thule Society. This new Nazi religion used ancient
religious mythology as its basis, falsely depicting the ‘gods’ as
“aliens”. For example, the Egyptian God of Darkness, Apepi (Apophis),
a serpent, was claimed to be a “reptilian alien god” which lived
under the Great Pyramid at Giza.
In the mass-psychology experiment, the Nazi alien religion was used
to stretch the credulity of the German people, so they would believe
whatever Big Lies their government told them. It was decided in 1923
that Adolf Hitler was to lead the German people in this experiment,
to culminate in a mass suicide of the German people, in a “Wagnerian
tragedy”, then to fake his own suicide and make his secret exit.
After the fall of Germany, and “destruction of the weak”, the
Illuminati “New World Order” was to come into being in 1945, as the
United Nations.
Hitler handed over the flying saucer secrets to his benefactors in
the Trilateral Commission, in a secret deal cut between the World
Bankers and Industrialists, Trilateralists, CFR, Rockefellers and
the Nazis, with the U. S. government acting as “security guard.” The
Nazi alien religion has since been promoted covertly by the U. S.
government to conceal the flying saucer secrets, so that “UFOs” can
be depicted as “alien technology”, and kept from the people.
With the fall of the Soviet State, the U.S. political leadership
soon began to bully and officiously intermeddle into the affairs of
smaller, troubled, disadvantaged countries. Wars, pseudo-justified
as “humanitarianism”, are incredibly lucrative for IllumiNazi war
industries. In March, 1999, through NATO, the U.S. began bombing
Serbia, ostensibly to “save the (Muslim)ethnic Albanians from the
atrocities of (Orthodox Christian) Serbians”, following an
undisclosed agenda to establish the authority of a “New World
Order”, which I call InterNaziism, disguised as humanitarianism.
After the French Revolution of 1789,
Robbespierre became known as “the humanitarian with a guillotine,”
in a “reign of terror”. An “humanitarian with laser-guided bombs” is
no less a terrorist, and has no business sticking the American nose
into an ancient, foreign religious squabble, using this “wedge” as a
pretext to establish world InterNazi authority.
The mainstay of the IllumiNazis are their monopoly of energy,
minerals, raw materials, war materiel and military weaponry, related
technology, and the media and communications industries through
which they control information. The flying saucer represents their
single most important technology, the continued secrecy of which is
indispensable to the maintenance of Illuminati world control,
because of its incredible fuel efficiency, speed, and electrical
performance characteristics—all of which conveniently make the hoax
more convincing—which mandates a priority of utmost urgency, to be
pursued by them “at all costs”. That is the reason these secrets
have thus far remained concealed behind the Nazi “alien” religion.
Meanwhile, our physicists and aeronautical engineers stand idly by
in their dumb government jobs with their thumbs up their butts,
awaiting their next checks.
The exact same Nazi alien religion is being promoted covertly today
by the U. S. government and the Illuminati, through fancy,
well-financed TV productions, books, movies, UFOlogy and New Age
groups, which spread the lie that flying saucers are
“extraterrestrial”, to serve the dual purpose of concealing flying
saucer technology and hypnotizing the American masses. We have an
InterNazi government.
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APPENDIX “A” - Giving to the Public the Dvna-Lvne Universal Variable
Pneumatic or Hydraulic Transmission System
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APPENDIX “B” - The Papp Patent for the Conversion of Atomic Energy
into Utilizable Kinetic Energy (with an excerpt from the Britt
Patent based essentially on the same principle):
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APPENDIX “C” - Fabrication of Tesla’s Single Terminal Coils
highest coil development was his “single terminal coil”, his “method
for obtaining high voltage D.C. current through inductance” (without
a rectifier). The primary was placed around the outside of the coil,
providing greater inductance and protection from arcs between turns
and to the secondary. It was produced in two forms, conical and
pancake, with the single terminal at the center or top.
Spacing is
increased beginning at the lower outer end, toward the center. By
tuning at a quarter wavelength, the bottom is peak positive, or at
3/8 wavelength, is neutral, with the center terminal being peak
negative. At sufficiently high frequency, a D.C. current is created,
as explained on page 216. The same coil can also be tuned to a half
or full wavelength for use as the high frequency A.C. ether blocking
The following shows the basic Tesla coil layout:

This 150 kv coil design has a
single-turn primary and 10-turn secondary (1:10 ratio), with a
maximum voltage increase of 15 kv per turn of the secondary.
1/8” increased spacing per turn is sufficient, using a
dielectric with a K-value of 4. The secondary wire will be about
1/8” in diameter, and the primary will be a ½” wide copper strip
about 1/32” thick.
The following schedule of spacing
between turns is observed:

The secondary has a 16 ¼” diameter. ½” outside this is the primary,
with another 1” peripheral insulation, and the entire “pancake coil
capsule” is 19 ¼” O.D. The dielectric is thicker toward the center,
3” thick above and below the center, and 1” thick around the outside
(total of 2” at dia. and 6” at center). A 15 kv input transformer
should produce 150 kv. It should be firmly cast, excluding air,
inside a resin/fiber composite with a K-value of about 4. Below are
a few good dielectrics to give you an idea:__________________ air-c.
1.0 neoprene - 4. - 6.7 silicone-3.2-4.7 mica-filled phenolic - 4.2
- 5.2 mylar - 7.3 -9.3 formica - 3.6 -6. “fiber” - 5. cellulose
acetate-3.1 - 4.5
The diameters for the 10 turns are drawn out with a compass, on a
piece of heavy paper. These concentric circles are divided into 16
equal radial sections. The spiral between each circle will progress
1/16 of the total for each section, per radial line. I found it
convenient to use 32s of an inch, plus percentages (for example,
“18.25/32nds”). The set of points produced can be joined by curved
lines to produce the logarythmic spiral. Don’t forget to allow for
the thickness of the wire, compensated for by moving the schedule up
a 1/8” thickness from the bottom.

The wire thickness is then drawn
on the outer side of the spiral coming out with a 1/8" space at turn
#1, and 1.25" space at turn #10. Transfer the spiral to a piece of
heavy paper, and temporarily affix the wire. The upper side is cast,
then is turned over, the paper completely removed, and the mold used
to cast the other side, again taking care to exclude air. Don't whip
your dielectric when mixing, which produces unnecessary, troublesome
bubbles. There are castable, catalyzed silicone rubbers with high
dielectric constants, requiring no vulcanization, made by people
like Dow-Corning.
Enlarge the spiral which I have drawn to
scale, to a diameter of 16.25", on a copy machine (use 11" x 17"
paper, doing it in two equal halves). Such coils are usually
encapsulated in a vacuum chamber, eliminating bubbles of air, while
an electrically-heated mold vulcanizes something like a hard-rubber
Below is the casting process:

The tuner below, and capacitors can be
used to tune the coil. The physical length of the secondary wire is
about one-quarter of a 1 MHz wavelength, as an approximate starting

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