The Biefeld-Brown Effect
Author unknown
Some years ago, Professor Biefeld outlined to his student, Townsend Brown, certain experiments which led to the discovery of the phenomenon now known as the Biefeld-Brown effect. Further, these experiments helped to define the inter-relationship of electrical and gravitational fields. This coupling effect parallels electricity and magnetism.
This means that from the technical and commercial aspects, the Biefeld-Brown effect has potentialities for future development and exploitation at least as great as the present electrical industry -probably much more so!
Consider that electromagnetism is basic to electric generators and motors, power production and distribution, radio, television, radar, telephones, etc., and is indispensibly linked to all forms of commercial and other types of transportation. Then it can be easily seen that the possibility of a parallel development in the electrogravitational phenomena has almost unlimited prospects !!!
The original experiments conducted by Townsend Brown, as suggested by Professor Biefeld, concerned the behavior of a condenser when charged with electricity. The first startling result was that if placed in a free suspension with the poles horizontal, the condenser, when electrically charged, showed a forward thrust toward the positive pole !!! When the polarity was reversed, it caused a reversal of the direction of thrust. The experiment was set up in this manner:
The gravity-control effect of vertical thrust is demonstrated by balancing a condenser on a beam balance and then charging it. Upon charging, if the positive pole is pointed upward, the condenser moves upward. Conversely, if the charge is reversed, and the positive pole is pointed downward, the condenser thrusts down. The experiment is set up as follows:
These two simple experiments demonstrate what is now known as the Biefeld-Brown effect. This then is a method of eventually controlling gravity for man's use.
The intensity or magnitude of the effect is determined by five known factors, namely:
1.) The separation of the plates of the condenser - the closer the plates, the greater the effect.
2.) The ability of the material between the plates to store electrical energy in the form of elastic stress. A measure of this ability is called the 'K' factor of the material. The higher the 'K', the greater the Biefeld-Brown effect.
3.) The area of the condenser plates - the greater area giving the greater effect.
4.) The voltage difference between the plates - the greater the voltage, the greater the effect.
5.) The mass of the material between the plates - the greater the mass, the greater the effect.
It is this fifth factor which is unexplainable from the electromagnetic aspect, and which apparently provides the connection with gravitation.
Now that the basic concept of electrogravitation has been presented in the form of the Biefeld-Brown effect, we can now present the refinements necessary to accomplish the desired goal of a vehicle powered by a gravity-control (antigravity) mechanism.
The Earth creates and is surrounded with a gravitational field which approaches zero as we go deeper and deeper into space. This field 'presses' objects and people towards the Earth's surface, and therefore 'presses our conjectured vehicle to the ground. However, thru the utilization of the Biefeld-Brown effect, our vehicle can generate an electrogravitational field of its own which modifies the Earth's gravity field.
This generated field acts like a wave, with the negative pole at the top of the wave, and the positive pole at the bottom. Our vehicle travels like a surfboard on the incline of a wave that is kept continually moving by the vehicle's electrogravitational generator. Since the orientation of the field can be controlled, the vehicle can thus travel on its own continuously generated wave in any desired angle or direction of flight !
The method of controlling the flight of the vehicle is illustrated by the following simple diagrams showing the charge variations necessary to accomplish all directions of flight:
Townsend T. Brown Patents
* 300,311 - T.T.Brown (Nov. 15, 1928) A Method of and an Apparatus or Machine for Producing Force or Motion
* 1,974,483 - T.T.Brown (Sep. 25, 1934) Electrostatic Motor
* 2,949,550 - T.T.Brown (Aug. 16, 1960) Electrokinetic Apparatus
* 3,022,430 - T.T.Brown (Feb. 20, 1962) Electrokinetic Generator
* 3,187,206 - T.T.Brown (June 1, 1965) Electrokinetic Apparatus
* 3,296,491 - T.T.Brown (Jan. 3, 1967) Method and Apparatus for Producing Ions and Electrically-Charged Aerosols
* 3,518,462 T.T.Brown June 30, 1970 Fluid Flow Control System
Dr. Edwin Saxl - Electrified Pendulum
An interesting experiment conducted by Dr. Edwin Saxl and reported in Nature Magazine seemingly utilized the same connection between electricity and gravity that the Biefeld-Brown effect uses.
In his experiment, Dr. Saxl placed a torque pendulum inside an electrified cage. The cage was electrically charged with voltages varying from 0 to 5000 volts. With these conditions, the period of the pendulum was noted to decrease as the voltage increased.
Since the period of a pendulum is directly proportional to the gravitational constant, the conclusion is that gravity and/or mass was decreased within the statically charged cage.