Spanish version
Member posted 23 October 2000 05:14
Anomalies Website, and from
Scribd Website
If you went back in time and visited your granny during her ninth
birthday don’t kill her! Because if you put a gun to her head and
pull the trigger she could not have given birth to your mum. YOU
certainly were never born…
Therefore you could not have killed anyone as you never existed. Now
this means your granny couldn’t have been killed by you. She didn’t
die nine years old. This permits you to be born.
If you were born could you go back and kill your granny? No, not
your real granny. This general idea has been used in Back to the
Marty nearly stops himself from being born when he prevents
his parents from falling in love.
Solving The Problem
You simply can’t change history
meaning if you go back in time you have no free will (as shown in
Twelve Monkeys, Crime Traveler etc.) Events will get in your way
if you try to kill your granny. YOU CAN’T DO IT.
When you so-called change history
you’re actually moving up a different branch in time into
another universe. The previous universe (where you were born)
still exists. When you fire the gun you’re really killing
another version of your grandmother.
Any actions you make in the
so-called past has no affects on the present. It’s a different
time-line universe.
The laws true solutions don’t present
real time-travel as you go into another world.
Conclusion: We can’t simply use the grandmother paradox to rule out
time-travel claiming it causes logical inconsistencies. We need to
look at all the possibilities.
How could we build a
time machine?
The mathematics of general relativity suggest that under extreme
conditions space-time might become so warped it would be possible to
travel back in time.
There is also the possibility of tunnels in
time created by negative mass.
Very long rotating cylinders of matter-proposed by Frank Tipler
Kerr’s spinning black-holes - since most stars spin this becomes
worth looking (proposed by Roy Kerr).
Traveling faster than light – would take us back in time (as
suggested by solutions to relativity).
Wormholes might allow us to
outpace light (if you walk through the short cut quicker than light
through conventional (normal) space.
Tachyons -are sub-atomic particles which always travel faster than
light and therefore move back in time constantly. They have not yet
been found and remain hypothetical.
Contracting Universe-Time might then be running backwards but since
everything else also would it’s unsuitable.
Macro-wormholes (Kip Thorne showed how we could use it as a time
Suppose you could go back in time, lets say several decades and
found your grandfather when he was two years old. In his house you
could grab a knife and stab him to death. He doesn't get the chance
to have children with your grandmother. Therefore either your mother
or father doesn't get born. Your parents can't give birth to you
because one of them don't exist.
You could never have been born and don't
even exist. But could your grandfather have been killed by someone
who doesn't exist? He must have lived through his childhood. This
would allow you to exist if this is the case. Seemingly you can go
back in time to commit the murder if you are born but then you would
never have been born. And so on and so on. This situation is not
consistent with itself.
It doesn't make sense and can't possibly
You simply can't change the past.
Time will stop you limiting your freedom while you're in the
past from your point of view. This puts the concept of freewill
in serious danger especially if you tell people what's going to
happen to them in their future. If you believe when you go back
in time you are from one possible future from everyone else's
point of view they can simply go up any root in time they want.
According to quantum physics Many Worlds theory there are a huge
amount of universes where every possibility occurs between them
all. In some you're the opposite sex. In some you won the
lottery etc.
You might be heading towards the universe you originally came
from before you traveled back in time. Everything will happen
the way you remember it. But all the people you meet are free to
decide what they want to do and enter a different universe.
Since it's not possible for you to be there you disappear from
their lives. Meeting a time traveller from your future could
therefore be very strange.
A parallel universe might be created
when you seem to change the past.
Imagine if time itself was
just like a tree. The different branches show different ways
events could have happened. Every time we decide to do or not to
do something time splits. Even if we are not aware we decided
something it have affects. Quantum physics reveals a many worlds
theory like this.
Conclusion: Since this parallel universe is not really your past
(despite it's first appearance) anything you do there does not
affect you. You can prevent a version of yourself from being
born because you are not really related to anyone there. They
just look very like your family and friends. You are not home!
You may be somewhere that looks like the place you live but a
different universe in quantum physics is a completely different
No matter what you do in what is
really a parallel universe you will do back to your previous
universe which is not affected by your previous actions. A
space-time wormhole could lead you back to your original
unaffected universe.
What came out of the
wormhole if the ball never went into it?
Another common example of a paradox is a ball that goes through a
wormhole connected with a moment in the past. Therefore it comes out
of the other space-time wormhole mouth actually before it went in!
Then what might happen? If the ball then hits it's younger self out
of the way of the mouth then it never goes in. But if the ball never
did go in the wormhole then how can it ever come out.
The existence of the older version of
the ball is destroyed i.e. it never falls back in time. But then
this version certainly can't hit the younger version out of the way.
So it must go into the wormhole as a collision with it's older self
is evidently the only force that could and did stop the ball from
entering the wormhole. This of course is unexplainable and is
logically inconsistent.
But the situation could happen differently to allow it to become
self consistent.
What if after the ball comes out
of the wormhole at an earlier time it does hit it's previous
self but this collision is what makes the ball fall into the
mouth in the first place! It hits the other version into the
mouth. This would imply that the past or present is affected by
the future. In fact in this case the past is dependant on the
The ball might simply hit it's other
self only slightly so the direction of the ball is not altered
enough to cause a paradox.
The ball might just miss it's
younger self.
Nature might protect time and prevent
paradoxes. From theories and many stories it's clear that paradoxes
cannot happen in the real world.
Other types of
In the terminator movies John had something important to tell Sarah.
Thank her for her help through the hell. Tell her not to give up or
he will never exist.
Who wrote the speech?
John certainly didn't write it. He was told it since he was a kid
from Sarah who could remember it. Sarah just recalls what Kyle told
her in 1984. Kyle just remembered what John told him to say.
No one wrote it. It exists somehow but not by John, Kyle
or Sarah being creative. No one had to write it because it was
created by the affect the future on the past had on each other.
If I in 2000 study the history of work done in a private factory and
learn about the development of a time machine! Their scientists
worked from designs and plans noted in a book (never published) they
used. They had no idea how to achieve such technology until they
read it.
Then to experiment with temporal (time) paradoxes I am sent back to
1983. The entire building has not even been built as I arrive. Later
accidentally I meet one of the scientists and talk to him. When I
hear how excited he is I hand him that book which he uses future
The answers! He is more than willing to
read and use the book.
Thread from the TTI Board
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