Foreword by Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH
The following article by Jon Rappoport is the first I've seen reporting the harmful and possibly
devastating effects of the Bush administration's rapidly advancing smallpox
vaccination program. These results were previously predicted as expected
outcomes by this author and many, many others.
I interject this foreword to alert you to the additional support cited below
for the thesis raised earlier that the smallpox vaccination program is part
of a genocidal agenda facilitated by the Bush administration's "War on
Terrorism" and their current efforts to "immunize" the population against
smallpox and later anthrax. In reality, this policy aims to induce chronic
illness, additional healthcare expenditures (including pharmaceutical sales)
and, ultimately, population reduction in America.
Given the information
below, and far more published elsewhere, this is certainly the anticipated
outcome of this "preventative plan" for homeland insecurity. The "additional
support," I refer to, comes from identifying Baylor University and their
College of Medicine as the site of this initial study.
The following information was compiled for the book Healing Codes for the
Biological Apocalypse by this author along with Dr. Joseph Puleo. Based on reputable sources, Past President George H. W. Bush's
Secretary of State, James Baker III (Florida vote scam overseer for the
current president), was reported to have owned part of the vaccine
manufacturing company against whom ailing Gulf War veterans had filed a
lawsuit. Moreover, Mr. Bush is said to have been a major shareholder in that
company - Tanox Biosystems of Houston.
It is also well known that this past president, father to the current
president, has served in an official capacity at Baylor University for some
time. Not long before becoming CIA director, certain intelligence regarding
Tanox's collaborative studies with Baylor College of Medicine concerning
Mycoplasma infections and related vaccinations was available to the elder
Tanox was also closely linked to Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo, who, under employment by
The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, isolated and patented a "Pathogenic
Mycoplasma" originally taken from an AIDS patient, that somehow contaminated
many of the vaccines given to allied military personnel traveling to the
Middle East in lieu of "Operation Desert Storm." Only the French soldiers
who did not receive the American made vaccines did not develop GWS during
this earlier war with Iraq.
Further, what would seem inconceivable without seeing the documents
reprinted in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, Tanox and Baylor
College of Medicine first tested their Mycoplasma-infected vaccines on
Huntsville, TX prisoners. As a result, the prisoners, and others in the
community with whom the prisoners made contact, developed GWS long before
the Gulf War. Thus, GWS could have been, and probably was, predicted and
Furthermore, evidence compiled by lawyers for the class of people sickened
by Mycoplasma incognitas and related illnesses, from Huntsville, Texas,
revealed more astonishing documents. These, also published in Healing Codes
for the Biological Apocalypse, showed that Baylor College of Medicine
investigators collaborated on studies of vaccinated Huntsville prison
inmates beginning in 1968.
Mycoplasma inoculations, as well as Mycoplasma
vaccination studies, were listed as having begun in 1970 under U.S. Army
contracts. Incredibly, Baylor's contract literally raised the specter of
"ethnic cleansing" or racial genocide as it proved cervical cancer studies
comparing Christian versus Muslim women, as well as Jewish versus Black
women, were in progress.
Thus, to have this Bush administration authorized smallpox vaccine study be
conducted at Baylor, where the senior Bush has served in an official
capacity, with input from the Tanox-linked College of Medicine is chilling.
This is especially so considering the fact that today, unlike the early
1970s when the early Mycoplasma studies began, Mycoplasma is now considered
among the most common vaccine contaminants. It is also currently linked to
the recent onset of pandemic Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome and
many other illnesses, including certain expressions of HIV/AIDS.
In conclusion, as I wrote elsewhere and said often, if you see "first
responders" coming to inoculate you with "cow pus," which is virtually what
the smallpox vaccination is in its purest unadulterated form, run away and
by Jon Rappoport
The first returns are in on the smallpox vaccine. A recent multi-center US
government clinical trial on 200 "young adults" has been completed.
MSNBC reports. The volunteers who got the shot were VERY healthy to begin
with. One researcher, Kathy Edwards, called them the "crème de la crème."
Okay? So get this.
"Yet when she [Edwards] inoculated them with smallpox
vaccine, arms swelled, temperatures spiked and panic spread [at Baylor
University]. It was the same at clinics in Iowa, Tennessee, and California."
Stats: After the shot, one-third of the volunteers missed at least a day of
work or school. 75 out of 200 experienced high fever.
"Several were put on
antibiotics because physicians worried that their blisters signaled a
bacterial infection."
And look, smallpox is a VIRUS, and antibiotics DON'T WORK against viruses.
So, in essence, the researchers were inferring that the vaccine SUPPRESSED
THE IMMUNE SYSTEMS of the volunteers- --thus allowing bacterial infections
to bloom suddenly---OR the vaccine was contaminated with bacteria to begin
Researcher Edwards, who headed up the study, said,
"I can read all day about
it [the adverse effects of the vaccine], but seeing it is quite impressive.
The reactions we saw were really quite remarkable."
When a researcher makes a comment like this, you know some very bad things
are happening.
Of course, this story didn't get much play in the press. But the handwriting
is on the wall. Anyone can see what'll happen if they start shooting up
people by the millions with the vaccine. For example, people who don't
qualify as severely immune suppressed by any obvious assessment, but still
do, in fact, have reduced immune capacity - AND THAT IS A WHOLE LOT OF
PEOPLE - these folks will be AT GREAT RISK from the vaccine.
This government study is KEY. Because later on, they will try to cover up
the devastating effects of the vaccine. They will lie, distort, omit. But
right now, here it is. Out in the open.
The results, for all to see.
Let me tell you something. The CDC WANTED to release the results of this
study. They wanted to go on the record now, before the stuff really hits the
fan. They are very frightened of being nailed for killing people with the