(Spanish version)
For Immediate Release
Contact Jackie Lindenbach
SANDPOINT, ID -- "This is
incredibly serious," wrote Ingri Cassel, National Vaccination Liberation
Organization (VacLib) director. "So serious that the National Vaccine
Information Center (NVIC)," led by President, Barbara Loe Fisher, issued a
red alert on the Senate HELP Committee's passage of the "Biodefense and
Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005."
The bill, nicknamed "BioShield 2" is expected to pass in the Senate by
year's end. In its technically accurate assessment, the NVIC warns the
legislation will "strip Americans of the right to a trial by jury if harmed
by an experimental or licensed drug or vaccine that they are forced by
government to take whenever federal health officials declare a public health
Ms. Cassel issued the "CODE RED alert" for health groups nationwide to
launch a concerted effort to stop Richard Burr's Republican bill
co-sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), Senate Health,
Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY), and
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Judd Gregg (R-NH).
According to Cassel everyone should oppose this bill by calling and
e-mailing their senators to make them aware.
The bill:
a) undermines drug safety laws
b) violates the constitutional
right to a trial by jury in case a vaccine or drug causes injuries
c) keeps the public in the dark
about every aspect of vaccine research, development, injuries, and deaths
resulting from the partnership between government and the pharmaceutical
d) forces mandatory compliance
with public health proclamations demanding vaccinations and/or drugs be
taken by anyone declared at risk, not necessarily infected
"This is the latest
deception and distraction issued by government and grassroots activists
espousing public protectionism," said Dr. Leonard Horowitz, author of 15
books including the national bestseller,
Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident
or Intentional?.
"There is nothing new in this legislation that hasn't already been
politically dictated."
Technically, Dr. Horowitz is
also correct. Drug safety laws have been violated since their inception. The
constitutional right to a jury trial fell years ago in cases brought against
all federal officials including those engaged in public health practice. The
National Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, co-sponsored by NVIC and initially
promoted by Ms. Fisher, shielded drug companies from vaccine injury
The public, even medical
doctors, have always been in the dark about "proprietary" pharmaceutical
intelligence, the nitty-gritty on drug testing for FDA approval, and vaccine
injury data. And following 9-11, the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act
passed by most states forced compliance with public health
vaccination/intoxication mandates.
The only message worthy of social, not political, activism at this point is,
"WAKE-UP! At least half of
the world's population is targeted for elimination under the global
elite's depopulation agenda," Dr. Horowitz insists. "Avian flu over the
Russian dissident Alexander
Solzhenitsyn wrote the opening quote in the aforementioned bestseller.
"To do evil, a human being
must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology is
the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad
in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses
but will receive praise and honors."
This offers a great explanation
of why "the road to destruction is paved with good intentions."
See also:
Tetrahedron Publishing Group
Health Science Communications
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