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April 29, 2006
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EducateYourself Website
What every
parent and grandparent needs to know about vaccinations
and why health officials always quote safety records
from Canada |
Fewer children are having the MMR jab than at any time in the past
decade. It's a trend that is worrying health officials in the UK,
who are blaming parents' reticence on scare stories about the
vaccine, such as the possible link with autism.
But What Doctors
Don't Tell You (WDDTY), the health journal for consumers,
recognizes a deeper - and more disturbing - reason. Parents have
lost faith with their health officials, and no longer believe that
they are being told the truth about the safety record of vaccines.
Research by WDDTY has discovered parents have every
justification for their suspicions: in fact, health officials are
playing fast and loose with the truth in order to get immunization
numbers up.
WDDTY research has discovered that:
officials are
deliberately suppressing data about the safety of vaccines
they are
under-playing the side effects, which range far beyond
they are
over-stressing the prevalence and seriousness of some
diseases in order to scare parents into immunization
they know new
vaccines they're introducing to the UK have killed children
in the USA - something they've never told parents.
It's a scandal that
health officials are prepared to play with the health and well-being
of other people's children - just to keep up vaccination levels.
lie when they tell us vaccines are safe
The UK government has introduced a bold vaccination programme for
the nation's toddlers, and doctors are being incentivized with
bigger cash bonuses to get more than 90 per cent of the children on
their books vaccinated. Under the new programme, a child will have
been given 21 separate vaccines by the time he or she reaches the
age of 24 months.
This schedule includes the MMR jab, plus three new vaccines - a
'5-in-1' jab, and new pneumococcal and meningitis C vaccines.
The 5-in-1, introduced 18 months ago, is designed to protect against
diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, Hib and polio. It replaces the
old 3-in-1 DPT jab, and the Department of Health insists it's far
safer. Unfortunately, the safety records supplied by the vaccine's
manufacturer don't support the claim.
In one study, two-thirds
of the 451 infants vaccinated experienced a side effect, which
included some severe reactions. These included febrile convulsions,
hyporesponsive episodes, where the child loses consciousness, and
high-pitched and inconsolable crying, an early warning of
encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain.
Other reactions included dyspnoea, or breathing difficulties,
cyanosis, which is the discoloring of the skin due to lack of
oxygen, hives, edema, hypotension and anaphylaxis.
governments quote Canadian safety records
At the age of just three months, a baby should receive its first
vaccine against meningitis C. Again, health officials reassure
parents that the vaccine is safe - but, again, WDDTY researchers
have discovered this is a blatant lie.
In one study, 92 per cent of vaccinated children suffered a systemic
reaction of moderate to severe intensity within the first seven days
of being inoculated. And yet the manufacturer has gone on record
with WDDTY to state that "there are no safety concerns" with the
Amazingly, the new vaccine has never been through safety checks.
Instead the UK officials relied on data on a similar vaccine being
used in Canada - but it's not the same, as the manufacturer has
confirmed with WDDTY.
It's also more than mere coincidence that UK officials have looked
to Canada for its safety check. In Canada there is no compulsory
requirement to report a reaction to a vaccine, unlike in the USA
where every possible or likely reaction must be reported to the drug
monitoring authority, the FDA.
It's left to the manufacturer to voluntarily report an adverse
reaction to its vaccine - and according to research by WDDTY, this
is a loop-hole that's well used. Manufacturers can also use a 'time
window' - a period of time when it might reasonably be expected to
see a reaction. Any reaction that falls outside that window again
can be immediately ignored.
So, when health officials say a vaccine is safe "because of research
in Canada", you know the deck is stacked, and you should treat it
with extreme caution.
So can we trust our health officials to tell us the truth about
vaccinations? From what we've discovered, we don't think so. It's
therefore up to every parent and grandparent to take on the
responsibility, and become his or her own medical detective.
A 'safe'
vaccine that has killed 117 children
This month we've seen the introduction of the latest vaccine to this
intensive programme - the pneumococcal conjugate, or PCV. It's
designed to protect against pneumococcal meningitis, septicaemia and
pneumonia, and it's been hailed by Britain's chief medical officer
Sir Liam Donaldson as a "life-saver. It's already done much to
safeguard children in the USA, and will do the same here".
Unfortunately for Sir Liam, the USA keeps very good safety records
for vaccines, and it makes for disturbing reading. In the first two
years since the vaccine has been used in the USA, there have been
4,154 reports of serious side effects, including 117 deaths.
Overall, serious side effects were reported in 15 per cent of all
children given the vaccine, an alarmingly high figure.
And just how many lives will the new vaccine save? According to
figures unearthed by WDDTY, 11 children died of pneumococcal
meningitis, 2 died of pneumonia, and 10 died of septicaemia in 2004.
These are, of course, 23 tragic deaths - but so were the 117 who
died after receiving the vaccine. Furthermore, there's evidence to
suggest the vaccine is not always effective. The USA records show
that 34 children who had been vaccinated still went on to develop
invasive pneumococcal infection, suggesting the vaccine offered no
protection whatsoever.
Don't you need all the facts - the pros and the cons - before you
allow your child or grandchild to be vaccinated? These facts are
available in our special vaccine information pack that is sent out -
FREE OF CHARGE - to all new subscribers to What Doctors Don't Tell
To claim your pack,
click here:
Why we do the
work we do - and why it's so important
Finally, there might be one question left hanging in the air: why
should we support a journal like What Doctors Don't Tell You in the
first place? Well, here's a little behind-the-scenes glimpse of the
issues we faced when researching the vaccine report for you.
We'd already gleaned a great deal of data from 'insiders' who tell
us things they really shouldn't - but we needed more, and the only
people who had it were the vaccines manufacturers. We wanted to know
the real safety records of the vaccines, something the government
hadn't released to the public.
Immediately we were met with a blanket 'no'. Helpfully we were told
by one drug company spokesperson: "You could try to get the data
under the Freedom of Information Act, but you won't succeed. The
data is commercially sensitive."
So we did the one thing we could do - we threatened that we would
print what we knew anyway, and they wouldn't be able to put their
side of the story (we suspected what they knew was more damning than
the data we'd collated, but they weren't to know that). There
followed an awkward period of five days' silence. With an hour to go
before the deadline passed, the drug company came back with the
data, although it was in a style that would be unfathomable to any
but those most familiar with the scientific jargon employed.
This was a major breakthrough - and, of course, we were the only
ones outside of the drug company to have this data. You couldn't get
it on the web, in drug safety books, in reports to government
And that's what we do all the time, and that's why we matter, even
in this age of the Web and free information. We work very hard to
get you the information that really matters, the key to a
long-standing illness, perhaps, or the real facts that not even your
doctor may know.
It's work we've been doing for the public for 16 years - and our
paymasters are only you, the public, whose contributions keep us
going. That's why we need your support - because if we're not around
to tell you, who is?
Medicine has been taken over by the drug industry, the world's most
powerful - and secretive - industry group. We can fight them
together, but we need your support to do so. But we don't take that
support for granted. That's why we are always putting together
special 'thank you' packs for new subscribers.
To claim the vaccine
pack, click here:
Thank you.
Bryan Hubbard
What Doctors Don't Tell You