Rense Website
- Only six
days after almost every major newspaper around the world announced
the results of a scientific review undertaken by the NHS Center for
Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York - reporting the
fluoridation of public water supplies to be a safe public health
measure - shocking evidence was presented Thursday, 10-12-00, during
an interview aired on Vancouver radio station CKST AM 1040 which
revealed that the review thought to be the "final word on
fluoridation" might well turn out be the greatest scientific fraud
ever undertaken by a center in charge of evaluating scientific
information in the interest of public health.
In an interview conducted with Andreas Schuld, head of
a global organization of parents of children poisoned by excessive
fluoride intake, evidence was presented showing that the York Review
falsified vital information in their report and deliberately mis-informed
the public on the adverse health effects of fluoride.
The interview was conducted by Croft Woodruff, host of one of
Canada's longest running health radio talk shows, past president of
the Canadian Health Food Association and founding member of the
25,000 member-strong Canadian Health Action Network Society (HANS).
Schuld arrived for the interview with the York Report and numerous
studies which had supposedly been reviewed in-depth by the esteemed
He briefly recounted how the York Center had changed the wording in
the study protocol to avoid inclusion of specific information on
fluoride and thyroid effects, as well as data concerning the high
amounts of fluoride in tea - an issue of obvious concern for the
people in the UK.
Schuld's group had supplied the York team with evidence showing that
symptoms described in the literature on fluoride's adverse health
effects were identical to those observed in thyroid dysfunction, and
that the condition known as "dental fluorosis" - now proclaimed by
the York Review to be merely an issue of "aesthetic concern" - was
actually to be seen as a direct result of fluoride-induced iodine
deficiency during the time of enamel formation.
The field of dentistry claims that the biochemical factors leading
to the enamel defects observed in dental fluorosis are still
Schuld then cited specific examples as how the York Review had
falsified results.
First on the agenda was the issue of thyroid cancer. Schuld read an
excerpt from the York Report which claims that no association was
found between thyroid cancer and fluoridated water supplies in a
study conducted in Britain.
Schuld then asked Woodruff to read from the actual data of the
study. It showed an increase of 18% in observed thyroid cancers in
the fluoridated areas when compared to non-fluoridated areas. "No
association?", Schuld asked, and then proceeded to read from
newspaper articles from China, where entire villages are being
re-located due to fluoride contamination and where fluoride is being
openly acknowledged as the cause of thyroid cancer, Kaschin-Beck
disease and iodine deficiency.
Next Schuld presented a paper which had investigated whether
fluoridation had a protective effect on slipped epiphysis, one of
the most-common hip disorders observed in older children and
adolescents. Schuld said that this paper was especially close to his
heart as the condition has been strongly linked to hypothyroidism
since the 1920s. Schuld added that this was acknowledged by the
study authors themselves who had provided more than 16 references in
the paper's first paragraph. The York team which had been informed
of fluoride's effects on thyroid hormones should have woken up here,
Schuld said.
Schuld then read excerpts from the York Report which had found "the
direction of association to be positive (a protective effect) in
girls and negative (increased risk) in boys", but that neither of
these was statistically significant.
Schuld again asked Woodruff to look at the actual data in the paper.
Woodruff saw an 18 per cent increase of the disease in males in
fluoridated areas.
"Would you consider
an 18% increase here significant?" Schuld asked Woodruff, who at
this time joined Schuld in declaring the Review a total
scientific fraud and called it an example of severe and gross
scientific misconduct. Schuld then read further excerpts from
the paper in question, citing how the authors of the study had
found that more cases had come from rural areas, and "that, in
general, the rural areas had higher fluoride levels than
suburban or urban regions".
"In other words, the higher the fluoride levels, the more
slipped epiphysis", said Schuld, "another obvious sign showing
the anti-thyroid activity of fluoride".
Schuld ridiculed the
claim by York that fluoridation showed protective effects in girls.
"It is known that
the disease almost NEVER occurs in girls once menses have begun,
so walking around with a toilet bowl on your head would show
so-called protective effects in this group", exclaimed Schuld.
Schuld emphasized the
issue of delayed eruption of teeth, explaining how it has been
established since the 1930s that thyroid hormones control tooth
As Schuld read from the York Report,
"It has been
suggested that fluoridation may delay the eruption of teeth and
thus caries incidence could be delayed as teeth would be exposed
to decay for a shorter period of time. Only one study compared
the number of erupted teeth per child. The difference was very
small and in opposite directions in the two age groups
"This is total fraud", Schuld said, "I have 50 papers right here
showing the delayed eruption of teeth in fluoridated areas,
including the Newburgh-Kingston data and the papers by Kunzel
which were included in the York Review and which they supposedly
reviewed. The very same data which they use to prove fluoride's
benefits shows this delayed eruption. There are even papers
included here which explain how fluorosis gets more severe the
later a tooth erupts!"
"Delayed eruption is the single most important factor to
consider in evaluating data on fluoridation", explained Schuld,
"This delay will produce a delay in the onset of caries which is
then interpreted as a benefit. There is no benefit. Caries is
just delayed. Delayed eruption occurs because you have made the
child hypothyroid."
Schuld then reported on
studies done in the 1930s by Floyd DeEds which reported clear
results that dental fluorosis is a sign of thyroid dysfunction.
According to Schuld, any anti-thyroid administered during the time
of enamel formation will produce the effects seen in dental
fluorosis, again citing DeEds and his work which shows how cadmium
also caused mottled teeth.
Woodruff read from two separate studies by German dental researcher
Kunzel (who is represented with 4 papers in the York Report) which
showed how caries occurrence had dropped sharply after the cessation
of water fluoridation, including a study done in Cuba as well as one
from East Germany, where children enjoyed the greatest caries
reduction in 40 years after the practice of fluoridation was halted.
"Data from these
cities are also in the York Report" said Schuld, "but this time
misinterpreted to show a fluoridation benefit! This is an
outrageous fraud."
"Fluorides actually cause cavities", said Schuld. "There are
countless papers, some of them - again - also found in the York
Report, which clearly state that the dental defects seen in
fluorosis predispose to caries. Is this also a cosmetic concern
Schuld explained how
hyperthyroidism caused by adding iodine to public water supplies in
the early 1920s led to the use of fluorides as anti-thyroid
medication. He explained the biochemical activity of fluoride as a
mimick of TSH (thyroid-stimulating-hormone) on G protein activation,
molecular on/off switches by which all thyroid hormone activity is
"Fluorides are the
worst endocrine disruptor imaginable" he said. "What was once
known as the fluoride-iodine antagonism can now be explained in
detail by thousands of papers showing the fluoride power on G
protein activation."
"While the experts claim that the amounts of fluorides used in G
protein investigations are a thousand times higher than those
found in the human organism, experiments with rats clearly show
that the amounts required to cause thyroid disturbance are
identical to the levels which have been identified to cause
dental fluorosis."
Schuld talked briefly
about the findings by Professor Anna Strunecka in Prague who has
found that aluminum fluoride compounds can affect all the
pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease. Woodruff added the
disturbing news that this disease is now observed in 30- to
40-year-olds. Schuld further spoke about research done by his group
on Autism after parents reported of great improvements in their
children's conditions after fluorides were eliminated from the diet,
and how their research found a strong association with a particular
group of G proteins (Gq/11) which are also highly implicated in
Alzheimer's disease, Down Syndrome and thyroid dysfunction.
Schuld then spoke about his group's efforts to help the children of
Sosnivka, Ukraine, where mothers of 3000 sick children have been
trying for 5 years to get their children's ill health properly
addressed by the authorities after fluorides suddenly showed up in
the water supplies. Other appeals for help have also been received
from regions in Pakistan where similar industry contamination is
occurring. Schuld informed how UNICEF has now identified more than
25 countries where fluorides pose a great health concern.
Conservative estimates by UNICEF of the people affected number in
the tens of millions.
Woodruff commented on the severe fluorosis
observed in regions of China due to breathing airborne fluoride.
"Health care
providers in those areas need to be properly informed as how to
deal with the effects of this fluoride poisoning. This is an
urgent global concern. That the York Review and the British
Medical Journal have issued press releases world-wide saying
fluorides are safe while these people are suffering incredibly
is simply a crime."
He added that a third of
the world's population is suffering from iodine deficiency in areas
which are identical to endemic fluorosis areas.
Schuld further commented,
"Here we have the
York Review and its lead researchers running around telling the
public that people in fluoridated areas would not be consuming
more than 4 mgs a day from all sources, while our September
analysis of the top selling tea brands in the UK has shown
fluoride content up to 11mg per liter in tea prepared from one
teabag alone."
Meanwhile any studies
showing adverse health effects from areas with levels above 5ppm in
the water were excluded from the Review.
"We urge the people
in the UK to ask for an immediate public inquiry into the
scientific misconduct clearly prevalent at the York Center".
Schuld also announced
that a major global fundraiser will begin within months. A CD of
traditional children's songs from around the world is currently
being produced involving many well-known Canadian artists. The CD
will be available for sale world-wide and all net proceeds used to
immediately assist communities worldwide such as in Sosnivka.
Schuld's group will also use the funds to commission a proper
international scientific review on fluoride and related compounds,
so that true toxicity may finally be properly assessed. It hopes to
draw on the many outstanding scientists who have aided the group in
their 4-year-long research efforts.
Legal action is also
being prepared. Vast interactive reference sets verifying the claims
of the group are being placed on the PFPC website.
" I hope it doesn't
come to legal action as it would cripple the system and forever
damage the medical and dental professions," said Schuld. "We
don't have that time to waste. We need to act now. It affects
all of us. For example, there are now three fluoride compounds
among the six cited in the Kyoto protocol to cause the greatest
harm in global warming. There is fluoride contamination
everywhere. Kids are dying. We need to wake up."
Woodruff and Schuld
urged the listeners to spread this information to as many people as
possible, and dedicated the program to the memory of common friend
Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, who suddenly passed away Sunday, October
8th. Woodruff said that Yiamouyiannis will be remembered as one of
the most brilliant scientists of the past century.