by Mary Sparrowdancer
Rense Website
Sparrowdancer is an investigate science/medicine
writer and is the author of The Love Song of the
Universe, published by Hampton Roads. She lives in
Tallahassee, Florida.
The United States is in
the wake of yet another horrific school shooting - another shooting
carried out by another boy reportedly taking a fluorinated
pharmaceutical, Prozac. Another fluorinated drug, Luvox, was
reportedly taken by one of the shooters in the Columbine tragedy.
Similarly, there have been reports from US troops that bizarre,
psychotic, aggressive behavior has been observed in individuals
after taking Lariam, which is a fluorinated antimalarial.
According to a January
2004 article in the Archives of Internal Medicine,
cholesterol-lowering statins have now also been linked to
aggressive, violent behavior. Lescol, Lipitor, Baycol and Crestor are all fluorinated. Baycol was removed from the market, following
at least 31 known deaths from adverse symptoms. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Quite the opposite from America's ongoing lack of awareness
pertaining to fluorides, fluoride toxicity has been well-known,
studied and well-documented in other countries for almost a century.
Andreas Schuld, who is the founder of Parents of Fluoride Poisoned
Children headquartered in Canada, is considered by many at this time
to be among the world's leading experts on fluorides. He states, "IG
Farben chemists discovered that fluorides were potent anti-thyroid
substances back in the 1930s." (6)
Following this discovery in Germany, thousands of patients in one
clinic alone had their thyroid activity decreased through the
administration of minute doses of fluoride compounds. One proven,
effective method of administering this anti-thyroid medical
treatment was by having the patients bathe in water dosed with
minute amounts of fluoride compounds. (6)
While weight gain and obesity are perhaps among the more well-known
and visible signs of thyroid dysfunction, there are other signs of
thyroid crisis that are not as visible, and may not become apparent
until the affected person reaches a "breaking point."
The "silent" signs of thyroid crisis can include profound behavioral
changes, neurological problems, sleep and memory disturbances,
dementia, psychoses, depression, lethargy or loss of initiative,
increased cholesterol levels, and according to the Thyroid
Foundation of Canada, "general intellectual deterioration." (7)
In addition, violent and uncharacteristic episodes of rage are
reported with enough frequency that those suffering from one thyroid
disorder, "Graves' disease," refer to this disturbing symptom as
"Graves' rage."
Sometimes accompanying the depression are feelings of emotional
detachment and emotional numbness, both of which have been
repeatedly described by, or attributed to the boys involved in the
school shootings.
The number of citizens now suffering from thyroid problems in the US
is unknown because many are thought to be undiagnosed at this time.
In addition, most people do not realize that the above emotional and
psychological symptoms might actually be signaling a thyroid
According to information found on the website of the National
Institutes of Health, two-thirds of US adults are now struggling
with their weight. On the website of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), is a report stating that approximately
two-thirds of the people in the US are being fluorinated via their
drinking water. Also indicative of a national thyroid epidemic is
the fact that Synthroid, a drug used to treat thyroid malfunction,
is one of the most-prescribed drugs in the US. (8, 9, 10)
While many try to avoid drinking fluoridated water by purchasing
bottled water, two-thirds of the population have no choice but to
bathe in "water dosed with minute amounts of fluoride compounds" -
the same method of delivery once used in Germany to decrease thyroid
The full effects of fluoride's dark side are not yet known in the
United States, nor is it known yet if fluoride affects people
differently according to their race and, therefore, skin color.
Schuld states that research indicates tooth mottling or "dental
fluorosis" is actually a sign of thyroid disorder, and that in at
least one test conducted by the Bureau of Dental Health in New York,
it was noted that the risk for fluorosis was greater in
African-American children than in whites. (11)
Perhaps the ongoing occurrences of rage and other unexplained,
bizarre behaviors in the US, as well as the numerous epidemics now
plaguing us, are, in fact, all related to the fact that two-thirds
of our population is being dosed on a daily basis with a known
thyroid toxin, at an unknown dose. Poison the thyroid, and the
entire body as well as the mind will be affected.
The continued dosing of US waters as well as pharmaceutical products
with fluoride compounds without full inquiry into fluoride's effects
on mental capacity - especially in children - amounts to reckless
1. CBS/AP - "Friend:
School Shooter on Prozac" March, 2005. (4/2/2005) http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/03/26/
2. Denver Post - "Drug Taken by Columbine Killer Linked to
Increased Mania" September, 2004. (4/2/2005) http://www.denverpost.com/Stories
3. Consumer Reports - "Lariam's Legacy" March 2002. (4/2/2005)
4. Archives of
Internal Medicine - "A Randomized Control Trial Assessing the
Impact of Statins on Cognition, Behavior, and Biochemistry"
January 2004. (4/2/2005) http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/164/2/153
5. Molecular Formulas, on RxList. http://www.rxlist.com/
6. Schuld, Andreas. Personal Correspondence. Parents of Fluoride
Poisoned Children. 4/2/2005. http://www.bruha.com/pfpc/
7. Thyroid Foundation of Canada. http://www.thyroid.ca/
8. National Institutes of Health - "Nearly two-thirds adults
overweight.") 1999-2000. (4/2/2005) http://win.niddk.nih.gov/statistics/
9. CDC, Press Release, "Community water fluoridation now reaches
nearly two-thirds of US population." February 2002. (4.2.2005)
10. RxList Top 200 Prescriptions for 2003. "Synthroid," #3.
(4/2/2005) http://www.rxlist.com/top200.htm
11. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Bureau of
Dental Health Report, "higher prevalence of dental fluorosis
among African-American children." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/