by Tom Swans
Astrallion Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
"Tell A Lie Loud
Enough And Long Enough And People Will Believe It."
Adolph Hitler
"Fluoride Is Safe And Effective In The Prevention Of Tooth
Decay, And No Further Studies Of Its Effects On Human Health
Are Necessary."
Dentist's Fluoridation PR booklet)
"The plain fact that fluorine is an insidious poison,
harmful, toxic and cumulative in its effects, even when
ingested in minimal amounts, will remain unchanged no matter
how many times it will be repeated in print that
fluoridation of the water supply is 'safe'."
Ludwig Gross,
former Chief
of Veterans Administration Cancer Research, Bronx, NY.
The growing widespread
concern over public apathy, rising health concerns, and the apparent
stupidity of our school children keeps mounting. This fluoride issue
is offered as one of several possible important answers to that
The Halogen family consists of five chemical elements:
(Chlorine and Fluorine
are chief ingredients of the CFC's, that are causing the current
controversy with the ozone holes.) Depending upon use and
dosage, the Halogens have a varying effect on the human mind,
nervous system and metabolism.
For example one of the most
popular current hospital anesthetics, "Halothane", contains
Fluorine, Chlorine, and Bromine.
- The
Australians reportedly issued Bromide tea to their soldiers
in World War II, to decrease their sex urge and thus lower
the incidence of VD.
- Per a recent Internet search, investigators looking into
the Gulf War Syndrome found that all 695,000 troops in the
Persian Gulf War were involuntarily administered the
unproven, experimental toxicity-enhancer, Pyridostigmine
Bromide (PB) supposedly as a nerve agent pre-treatment
Officials estimated that approximately
two-thirds of those troops took the drug for varying periods
of time. However, DoD scientists who studied Pyridostigmine
and nerve agent Sarin concluded that PB should only be used
when the threat is nerve agent Soman; Pyridostigmine
pre-treatment unfortunately makes individuals MORE
vulnerable to Sarin.
Defense intelligence knew before the
war that Iraq did not manufacture, stockpile, or use Soman;
just one Iraqi chemical plant was estimated to produce up to
TWO TONS of Sarin per day, however.
- Chlorine Gas
and chlorine-bearing Mustard gas were feared in Europe in
World War I, and they are still currently in the
chemical-warfare arsenal of many countries. Chlorine gas was
reportedly released in Iraq during the Gulf War.
- Chlorine is widely added to U.S. drinking water today for
the sole purpose of killing something, while natural water
oxygenation treatments as used in Europe are much more safe
for human consumption.
- Fluorine is
the most highly-reactive and chemically unstable of ALL
existing chemical elements. Fluorine is not found by itself
in nature, because it is so unstable that it chemically
combines - violently, in many cases - with practically any
other element.
- Fluorine has the strongest effect of all the halogens.
Fluorine is one of the major ingredients in the
controversial psycho-active psychiatric drug PROZAC (Fluoxetene
Hydrochloride), and also in deadly Sarin military nerve gas,
U.S. designation GB. (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl Fluoride).
- While one lethal dose of Sarin would fit on the head of a
pin, the U.S. arsenal stockpiles literally billions of
lethal doses. In just two examples, 10 million pounds of
sarin are stored in weapons at the Tooele, Utah Army Depot,
and another 550,000 pounds are in the Blue Grass Army Depot
near Richmond, Kentucky. (Page A4, Anchorage Daily News,
Tuesday, 23 January 96.)
Other countries - especially
Russia - also have comparable stockpiles of nerve agents, if
not more. Chemical Warfare (CW) research and manufacture is
- The nerve-gas Soman (GD) is chemically similar to Sarin
(GB), and they both contain fluorine. They are called
"nerve" agents because they directly attack and destroy the
nervous system.
According to an EPA report (following), once
you remove the fluorine from Sarin, all that remains is a
non-toxic acid. In other words, fluorine - the same fluorine
that is in our drinking water - is what gives sarin its
- The U.S. was openly selling nerve gas ingredients to Iraq
as late as 1984, until the State Department banned the
export of certain chemical substances to Iraq:
"U.S. Halts
Shipment of Chemicals to Iraq (AP) WASHINGTON - U.S. Customs
agents in New York impounded a shipment of 74 drums of
potassium fluoride, a principal ingredient of a deadly form
of nerve gas, to Iraq, the Customs Service said Saturday. .
(Page 1, Battle Creek Enquirer, 1 April 1984).
shipment was destined for the "Ministry of Pesticides" in
Baghdad. No mention was made of the quantity of such
chemicals that had been sold to Iraq before the ban.
- Details on nerve warfare agents can be found at this
- The infamous date-rape hypnotic drug "Roofs" (Rohypnol) is
fluorinated Valium, which is reportedly 20-30 times more
potent than Valium alone. Note the following article:
WANTS 'DATE RAPE' DRUG CLASSIFIED. Washington - An illegal
sedative nicknamed the "date rape" drug should be put in the
same category as heroin, cocaine and LSD in the next three
months, the Drug Enforcement Administration said Thursday.
The agency recommended that Rohypnol, connected to more than
2,400 criminal investigations nationwide, be declared a
Schedule 1 drug, DEA spokesman Jim McGivney said."
(Page 6,
Anchorage Daily News, June 21, 1996.)
- Fluorine is widely added to drinking water today strictly
as mass-medication, supposedly to help the teeth of children
under 14 years of age. In spite of the initial stated
purpose of "helping the teeth of children under 14", our
military bases were among the first drinking water supplies
to be involuntarily fluoridated over 40 years ago.
Over 60%
of the U.S. fresh water supplies are currently fluoridated,
and according to pro-fluoride promotional literature,
current plans are to increase this to over 90% within just a
few years.
- Note the following entry in an EPA/NIOSH (National
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) Hazardous Waste
book, on page 3066 under SODIUM FLUORIDE:
"An experimental tumorigen [deliberately used to cause cancer in laboratory
experiments] and teratogen [deliberately used to cause
monstrous abnormalities in lab experiments].
Human system
overdose effects: Burning, prickling, tingling, itching of
the skin, drooping of the eyelid, tremors, extra fluid
intake, muscle weakness, headache, EKG [brainwave] changes,
cyanosis [bluish skin color from inadequate oxygen],
respiratory depression, hypermotility [extremely physically
active], diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, salivary gland
changes, changes in teeth and supporting structures, musculo-skeletal
changes, increased immune system response, and human
mutatogenic data [mutates human cells, in other words].
corrosive irritant to eyes and mucous membranes.
Experimental reproductive effects. It is very phytotoxic
[toxic to plant life]. Used in chemical cleaning, for
fluoridation of drinking water, as a fungicide and
insecticide... May be a carcinogen."
- In the same reference, page 1735 under FLUORIDES:
cause or aggravate attacks of asthma and severe bone
changes, making normal movements painful. Some signs of
pulmonary fibrosis are noted. Some enzyme systems effects
are reported.
Loss of weight, anorexia [loss of appetite],
anemia, wasting and cachexia [general wasting of the body
during a chronic disease], and dental defects are among the
common findings in chronic fluoride poisoning. Symptoms of
intoxication include gastric, intestinal, circulatory,
respiratory and nervous complaints and skin rashes."
A FLUORIDE is a combination of the chemical element Fluorine with
some other substance.
Sodium fluoride, a hazardous-waste by-product from the manufacture
of aluminum, is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons,
anesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, military nerve gas, and
U.S. drinking water.
Advertisements by Alcoa Aluminum recommending that we add sodium
fluoride to our drinking water supply, can be found in old
periodicals dated BEFORE fluoridation was officially approved by the
Fluoride promoter Oscar Ewing, head of the Federal
Security Agency (FSA) senior to the U.S. Public Health Service in
1951, left the employ of Alcoa Aluminum not long before he headed up
the U.S. fluoridation campaign in the early 1950's. (Follow the
Toxic sodium fluoride and its more toxic fluorinated cousins like
potassium fluoride have historically been quite expensive to
properly and safely dispose of, until around 1950 when some
industries with an overabundance of this toxic waste actually
convinced the public on the terrifically insane but highly
profitable idea of selling it to the public at a 20,000% markup,
injecting it into our fresh water supply, and then DRINKING it.
Yes, a 20,000% markup: Fluoride - intended originally for human
consumption only by children under 14 years of age - is injected into
our drinking water supply at approx. 1 part-per-million (ppm), but
since we only drink approximately 1/2 of one percent of the total
water supply, the rest literally goes down the drains as a free
hazardous-waste disposal site for the chemical industry, where we
PAY them for the "privilege" of flushing their expensive hazardous
wastes down our sewers.
How many salesmen dream of such a deal?
(Follow the money.)
Independent scientific evidence over the past 50 years reveals that
fluoride allegedly shortens our life span, promotes cancer and
various mental disturbances, accelerates osteoporosis and broken
hips in old folks, and makes us stupid, docile, and subservient, all
in one package.
One broad study found a direct relationship between
areas that were fluoridated, and reports of hip fractures among the
Fluorine has a natural affinity for calcium. (Sodium fluoride rat
poison rapidly alters the calcium metabolism of the body, rapidly
destroys enzyme activity, and severely interferes with functions of
the nerve channels.)
The most common form of fluorine in nature is
Calcium Fluoride, commonly called Fluor-spar. Fluor-spar is
relatively stable, and thus is less toxic than the man-made
toxic-waste derivations of fluorine.
However, even calcium fluoride
causes adverse reactions in humans, depending upon how much fluorine
is released.
Take India, for example. Due to the fact that millions of people in
India are afflicted with fluorosis (excessive fluoride disease) such
as malformed spine, neck and pelvis, weakened tooth structure and
mottled or discolored teeth, there have been much more thorough
scientific studies performed in India on fluoridated water, than in
the West.
In an extensive government-sponsored study Dr. A.K. Susheela of the
India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, found that
(contrary to American Dental Association literature) fluoride
severely disrupts the formation of the bone matrix, thereby
inhibiting the proper hardening of bones.
Dr. Susheela's work was so stunning and so conclusive that in 1986
it prompted the Indian government to authorize the construction of
defluoridation plants for their drinking water. The top-priority for
India's defluoridation campaign is pregnant women and young
breast-fed children. The studies conclusively showed that high
levels of fluoride in drinking water are clearly associated with
birth defects, stillbirths, and early infant mortality.
Dr. Susheela developed a blood test which enables early detection of
fluoride toxicity before bone and teeth disorders became
India's responsible research on fluoride toxicity is a properly
ethical, up-to-date scientific model, which contrasts strongly with
irresponsible and authoritarian fluoridation policy in the West
which is based on unethical, low scientific standards and high
political opinion.
Our major policy decisions demonstrably hinge
upon nothing more than emotionally-charged debate where an "expert"
dentist endorses an "expert" doctor who refers to "thousands of
fluoride studies" in a closed loop like a snake swallowing its own
tail, meanwhile neither of them has done their real homework on the
subject or they would find that the "thousands of studies" refuting
$20,000 REWARD
Dr. Robert Mick, DDS,
was one of the original scientists who promoted fluoridation, until
he did his own animal studies on sodium fluoride in the late 1940's
and then abruptly changed his mind after authorities ordered him to
cover up his test results.
He refused, and proceeded to do some more
research on those very authorities.
Dr. Mick's studies prompted him to confidently present this
"$20,000 to the first individual who can provide one copy
of any controlled experiment with any of the U.S. Public Health
Service (USPHS) recommended fluorides in water, at the USPHS
recommended parts-per-million, which shows that poisonous fluorides
are safe and will cause no future body harm."
Dr. Mick's $20,000 offer has been valid since the 1950's, but per a
1991 radio interview, Dr. Mick said that nobody had yet presented
even one claim to him in hopes of collecting the reward. His address
is 916 Stone Road, Laurel Springs, New Jersey.
He put his money
where his mouth is, with no takers.
There are reports of aluminum in the brain possibly being a
causative factor in Alzheimer's Disease.
Evidence points towards
fluoride's strong affinity for aluminum and also its ability to
"trick" the blood-brain barrier by looking like the hydrogen ion,
and thus allowing an easy chemical access to brain tissue.
Evidently Alzheimer's Disease came along after people started using
aluminum cookware.
Isabel Jansen, R.N., wrote of a simple experiment
regarding the use of aluminum pots, where you can easily prove for
yourself that both the aluminum and the fluoride content in water
both increase dramatically, when combined:
"In January 1987,
experiments performed at the Medical Research Endocrinology
Dept., Newcastle upon Tyne, England, and the Physics Dept of the
Univ. of Ruhana, Sri Lanka, showed that fluoridated water at 1
ppm, when used in cooking in aluminum cookware, concentrated the
aluminum up to 600 ppm, whereas water without fluoride did not.
(Science News, 131:73) (Note: Why wasn't this simple test ever
financed and done in the U.S.?)
"The researchers suggested that because of the known fact that
aluminum is neuro-toxic and is in abnormally high concentrations
in the brain of Alzheimer's and other neurological disease
victims, including AIDS, that these findings raise questions
about adding fluoride to the water supply of communities to
reduce tooth decay.
"Because of these findings, a test was made of Antigo, Wisconsin
water which had been fluoridated for 33 years. The water was
examined by a certified Wisconsin laboratory, and showed that
when it was used in cooking in aluminum cookware, it
concentrated the aluminum by 833 times and increased the
fluoride content by 100%.
"The maximum allowed aluminum content of water is set by the
World Health Organization at 200 micrograms per liter. This
makes Antigo water, when cooked in aluminum, 75 times over the
maximum. No test was made of distilled water, as the Antigo
Water Dept. does not dispense distilled water.
Antigo water
pipes are also encrusted with (calcified) fluoride from 26 to
3,100 ppm. This latter was analyzed and diagnosed by the
Wisconsin Dept of Hygiene as being aluminum fluoride. Regardless
of which findings are true, to chance exchanging a hole in a
tooth - which can be repaired at a nominal fee - for dementia
(organic brain disorder) in later years, for which there is no
remedy at any price, hardly seems to be a good bargain.
"Therefore, it would seem imperative that other communities test
their water in the same manner to see if it produces the same
results, as tests may vary depending on the mineral variations
of the water and the type of aluminum cookware.
This simple test
can be done by anyone, with the help of a laboratory to do the
(Journal of the National Academy
of Research Biochemists - Jan/Feb '90)
Legitimate scientists
who have repeatedly attempted to blow the whistle on the mega-bucks
fluoride PR scam have consistently been given a very unscientific
Black-PR treatment, and thus their valid facts disputing the current
vested interests never arrived in the press. (Follow the money.)
In 1952 a slick PR campaign was initiated, headed by Oscar Ewing who
was once an
Alcoa Aluminum attorney and spurred on by a dentist
named Bull.
This campaign ramrodded the concept of water
fluoridation through our national Public Health departments and
various national and local dental organizations. The campaign was
better described as a highly-emotional "beer-salesman's convention"
instead of the objective scientific experiment which it should
properly have been.
Fluoridation has continued in that same
emotional, unscientific vein right up to present time.
To illustrate the emotional vs. the scientific nature of this issue,
take an honest, objective look at the response given by people when
the subject of fluoridation comes up. By all means, ask your
Ask yourself honestly,
"Is this response
There is a tremendous
amount of emotional subjective opinion attached to fluoridation.
an MD about the possible toxic effects of fluoride, and instead of
correctly referring you to a toxicologist, he'll respond that he
trusts his dental colleagues who say that fluoride is not toxic. Ask
a dentist, and he'll respond that he trusts whatever he was told in
dental school.
Both have convincing answers which whitewash this
toxic hazardous waste and make it sound as if it is a vitamin or a
nutrient, but keep in mind that both of those opinions are only from
vested-interest individuals who receive a VERY GOOD standard of
living that is strictly dependent upon the illness of others.
They might have a good heart and they probably do, but even they
cannot deny that their professional training from day one, came from
a vested interest that endorses giving them attractive kick-back
benefits and vacations etc. for their referrals to expensive drug
prescriptions and medical procedures.
Seen from the standpoint of
the pharmaceutical industry, it's quite handy and profitable to have
virtually ALL doctors and dentists voluntarily standing up for them
and being their well-paid professional "agents" in the community at
They don't even have to PAY their own agents, but the
"victims" do! The only visibility the vested-interests have is their
incessant multi-million-dollar TV drug commercials which they hammer
the public with, day and night.
Many truly independent (unattached to any vested-interest)
scientists who've spent a large portion of their lives studying and
working with this subject have received a surprising amount of
uncalled-for and unfair character assassination from strong
vested-interest groups who profit from the public's ignorance, as
well as from their illnesses.
As they say,
"It's only business."
There are reportedly more than 11 million Americans with diabetes.
Since many diabetics drink more liquids than other people, then
according to the Physicians Desk Reference these 11 million
Americans probably shouldn't drink fluoridated water, because in
doing so, they'll receive an excessive dose of fluoride, which is
also accumulative in the body.
Kidney disease, by definition, lowers the efficiency of the kidneys,
which is your main route of fluoride elimination. People with kidney
disease also shouldn't drink fluoridated water. Cases are on record
(Annapolis, Maryland, 1979) where kidney patients on dialysis
machines died, due to a fluoride overdose in the city water supply.
There is no data as to what effects "standard" fluoridated water
causes to kidney patients on dialysis, but this should be highly
The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water was found in
Germany's Nazi prison camps, which were maintained partly by
The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride's supposed
effect on children's teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating
water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force them
into calm submission. (Ref. book: "The Crime and Punishment of I.G.
Farben" by Joseph Borkin.)
name "SARIN" is an acronym of the names of the four key I.G. Farben
employees involved in its initial chemical formulation and
Van Der Linde
Otto Ambros was the production chief of I.G. Farben's poison gas
facilities in Germany. (See Ambros' photo on p. 286 of "World
Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin.)
Sarin was developed to replace deadly Malathion and
Zyklon B nerve
gases, specifically with the intent to exterminate millions of
Fluoride-bearing Sarin was reportedly so strong,
"it made Zyklon B look like underarm deodorant."
(The Dickinson Statement,
"Health Consciousness", October 1988)
The following letter was received by the Lee Foundation for
Nutritional Research, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on 2 October 1954, from
Mr. Charles Perkins, a chemist:
"I have your letter
of September 29 asking for further documentation regarding a
statement made in my book, The Truth About Water Fluoridation,
to the effect that the idea of water fluoridation was brought to
England from Russia by the Russian Communist Kreminoff.
"In the 1930's, Hitler and the German Nazi's envisioned a world
to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism.
The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching
plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the
German General Staff.
This plan was to control the population in
any given area through mass medication of drinking water
supplies. By this method they could control the population in
whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would
produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of
mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place...,
"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in
time reduce an individual's power to resist domination, by
slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain,
thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to
govern him. [A convenient invisible lobotomy]
"The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit
children's teeth. If this were the real reason there are many
ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper,
and far more effective. The real purpose behind water
fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to
domination and control and loss of liberty.
"When the Nazis under Hitler decided to go into Poland, both the
German General Staff and the Russian General Staff exchanged
scientific and military ideas, plans, and personnel, and the
scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon
by the Russian Communists because it fitted ideally into their
plan to communize the world...
"I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an
official of the great Farben chemical industries and was also
prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all
the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent
nearly 20 years' research into the chemistry, biochemistry,
physiology and pathology of fluorine - any person who drinks
artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more
will never again be the same person mentally or physically."
Chemist, 2
October 1954.
Quoting Einstein's
nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a
prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed in The Catholic
Mirror, Springfield, MA, January 1952:
"It appears that the
citizens of Massachusetts are among the 'next' on the agenda of
the water poisoners.
"There is a sinister network of subversive
agents, Godless 'intellectual' parasites, working in our country
today whose ramifications grow more extensive, more successful
and more alarming each new year and whose true objective is to
demoralize, paralyze and destroy our great Republic - from within
if they can, according to their plan - for their own possession.
"The tragic success they have already attained in their long
siege to destroy the moral fiber of American life is now one of
their most potent footholds towards their own ultimate victory
over us.
"Fluoridation of our community water systems can well
become their most subtle weapon for our sure physical and mental
"As a research chemist of established standing, I built within
the past 22 years, 3 American chemical plants and licensed 6 of
my 53 patents. Based on my years of practical experience in the
health-food and chemical field, let me warn: fluoridation of
drinking water is criminal insanity, sure national suicide.
Don't do it.
"Even in small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to
which no effective antidote has been found. Every exterminator
knows that it is the most efficient rat-killer... Sodium
fluoride is entirely different from organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate
needed by our bodies and provided by nature, in God's great
providence and love, to build and strengthen our bones and our
This organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate, derived from
proper foods, is an edible organic salt, insoluble in water and
assimilable by the human body, whereas the non-organic sodium
fluoride used in fluoridating water is instant poison to the
body and fully water soluble. The body refuses to assimilate it.
"Careful, bonafide laboratory experimentation by conscientious,
patriotic research chemists, and actual medical experience, have
both revealed that instead of preserving or promoting 'dental
health,' fluoridated drinking water destroys teeth, before
adulthood and after, by the destructive mottling and other
pathological conditions it actually causes in them, and also
creates many other very grave pathological conditions in the
internal organisms of bodies consuming it.
How can it be called
a "health" plan? What's behind it?
"That any so-called "doctors" would persuade a civilized nation
to add voluntarily a deadly poison to its drinking water systems
is unbelievable. It is the height of criminal insanity.
"No wonder Hitler and Stalin fully believed and agreed from 1939
to 1941 that, quoting from both Lenin's Last Will and Hitler's
Mein Kampf:
"America we shall demoralize, divide, and destroy
from within." ...
"Are our Civil
Defense organizations and agencies awake to the perils of water
poisoning by fluoridation? Its use has been recorded in other
countries. Sodium fluoride water solutions are the cheapest and
most effective rat killers known to chemists: colorless,
odorless, tasteless; no antidote, no remedy, no hope: Instant
and complete extermination of rats...
"Fluoridation of water systems can be slow national suicide, or
quick national liquidation. It is criminal insanity - treason!"
Dr. E.H. Bronner,
Mfg. Research
Chemist, Los Angeles."
"I, Oliver Kenneth
Goff, was a member of the Communist Party and the Young
Communist League, from May 2, 1936, to October 9, 1939. During
this period of time, I operated under the alias of John Keats
with number 18-B-2.
My testimony before the Government is in
Volume 9 of the Un-American Activities Report for 1939.
"While a member of the Communist Party, I attended Communist
training schools in New York and Wisconsin ... and we were
trained in the revolutionary overthrow of the U.S. Government.
"... We discussed quite thoroughly the fluoridation of water
supplies and how we were using it in Russia as a tranquilizer in
the prison camps. The leaders of our school felt that if it
could be induced into the American water supply, it would bring
about a spirit of lethargy in the nation, where it could keep
the general public docile during a steady encroachment of
We also discussed the fact that keeping a store of
deadly fluoride near the water reservoir would be advantageous
during the time of the revolution, as it would give us
opportunity to dump this poison into the water supply and either
kill off the populace or threaten them with liquidation, so that
they would surrender to obtain fresh water.
"We discussed in these schools, the complete art of revolution:
the seizure of the main utilities, such as light, power, gas,
and water, but it was felt by the leadership that if a program
of fluoridating of the water could be carried out in the nation,
it would go a long way toward the advancement of the revolution.
"The above
statements are true."
Oliver Kenneth Goff
(Signed &
notarized 6/22/57)
20 years after Mr. Goff
was indoctrinated on the Communist purposes of fluoridating U.S.
water supplies, in New York there appeared an article in the 13
April 1956 issue of THE COMMUNIST DAILY WORKER entitled "Facts Spur
Campaign for Fluoridation Here":
"Politicians of the
[New York] City Council and Board of Estimate are timid men who
are catering to misguided sentiment, outmoded tradition, and
backward fears of the unscientific.
A widespread educational
campaign among both the politicians and people on the value of
the Board of Health's program for fluoridation is certainly
Note that the DAILY
WORKER was commonly used to give widespread advice to all Communists
in America.
Therefore the above article was official Party line
instructions on how to stigmatize people who opposed fluoridation as
being "misguided", "outmoded", "backward", and "unscientific."
Incidentally, a review of current ADA literature on how to handle
opponents to fluoridation parrots that same Party line even today,
almost word-for-word. Pure coincidence of course. (Follow the
Just for practice, read the above news quote aloud to a friend, and
you'll figure out for yourself if the Communists were only humanely
concerned about the dental health of our American children, in 1956.
Russia's use of sodium fluoride during World War II was entered into
the Congressional Record in the early 1950's. USAF Major George R.
Jordan testified before Un-American Activity committees of Congress
that he had been stationed in Great Falls, Montana during the war as
a U.S.-Soviet liaison officer.
Major Jordan stated that one of his tasks had been to procure "vast
quantities" of sodium fluoride for shipment to Siberia via numerous
Lend-Lease airplanes which we were sending to Russia from Montana,
via Canada and Alaska. (7,926 airplanes were sent to Russia via this
Major Jordan testified that the Russians openly admitted to
"... using the
fluoride in the water supplies in their concentration camps, to
make the prisoners stupid, docile, and subservient."
Of related interest,
regarding "follow the money".
In his book, "From Major Jordan's
Diaries" (Doubleday & Co, 1952), Major Jordan gives dates and
shipment numbers of our generous Lend-Lease program's many illicit
shipments of secret U.S. documents and ATOMIC MATERIALS, including a
whopping 1,200 POUNDS of CONCENTRATED URANIUM ORE - plus 2 pounds of
refined uranium and some heavy water - in 1943, to Stalin via the
Lend-Lease airplanes and ships which we freely gave to Russia.
This was thanks to Mr.
Harry Hopkins, who headed the Lend-Lease Program and who had an
office in Roosevelt's White House. It was a surprise to America when
the Russians detonated their first atomic bomb test in September
1949, but few Americans knew that generous and treasonous donations
of nuclear blueprints (some plainly labeled "Manhattan Project") and
raw materials to the Soviets actually began in 1943.
More data on
this treason can be found in the recent book "Dark Sun - The Making
of the Hydrogen Bomb" by Richard Rhodes, as well as on Internet
containing a transcript of Major Jordan's book:
How expensive is uranium today?
July 23, 1994: The Austin Texas
American Statesman ran an article describing how Istanbul, Turkey
police had recently seized 22 pounds of uranium, believed to have
been smuggled from a former Soviet republic. The estimated value of
those 22 pounds of uranium was $825 million.
Given that, then what
was the value of the 1,200 pounds of concentrated uranium ore (plus
frills) that our Lend-Lease program freely gave to Stalin in 1943?
History tells us that this supremely treasonous action headed by
Harry Hopkins was a major long-term cause of the tremendously
expensive (but highly profitable for the self-serving defense
industry) cold war which changed our national debt graph into an
exponential curve.
Quoting a State Department report dated June 1944, prepared by our
USSR Ambassador Averell Harriman,
"Stalin paid tribute
to the assistance rendered by the United States to Soviet
industry before and during the war. He said that about
two-thirds of all large industrial enterprise in the Soviet
Union had been built with United States help or technical
(Following the money,
Averill Harriman was also the head of Brown Brothers Harriman Bank,
the largest privately-held bank in the world. The record shows that
both Harriman and his Managing Director Prescott Bush - George's
dad - in the early 1930's had been instrumental in financing Adolph
Hitler, and also had strong financial connections with I.G. Farben.
Details can be found in
by Anton Chaitkin and Webster Tarpley.)
1952: The
Delaney Committee 82nd Congress Hearings on Fluoride revealed
that there was no actual scientific basis for the fluoridation
of water supplies in the prevention of tooth decay. The
recommendation of the Committee was that more research be done,
before proceeding with this national mass medication. Their
recommendation was totally ignored.
1953: In a joint speech, U.S. Surgeon-General Scheele and
Health, Education & Welfare Undersecretary Nelson (follow
the money) Rockefeller announced hopeful plans to put
more medicine than just fluoride into the U.S. water supplies:
"Dr. Scheele, in
discussing mass-application methods for preventing
non-infectious diseases, said a case in point was
fluoridation of water supplies to reduce tooth decay. Nearly
800 cities throughout the country have adopted the technique
during the past 10 years, he said. Such a community-wide
attack on "far more serious diseases than dental decay"
probably will be forthcoming after laboratory tests have
paved the way, he predicted." (Paterson Evening News,
comment by Edward L. Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud and
PR man for the fluoridation project under Oscar Ewing:
"... the most
direct way to reach the mind of the HERD is through the
leaders... Public Health Officers cannot afford the
professional modesty professed by physicians. A redefinition
of ethics is necessary.... and the subject matter of the
propaganda need not necessarily be true."
Crystallizing Public Opinion, by E. L. Bernays.)
The first available ADA Journal entry on fluoride was in 1936. Here
are a few quotes from that issue (#23, pages 569-570, 1936):
(Fluorine is not an
essential nutrient):
"Studies by Sharpless and McCollum (Sharpless, G.R. and
McCollum, E.V.: Journal of Nutrition, 6:163 March 1933) furnish
information regarding the biological role of fluorine.
found that young rats (aged from 16 to 18 days) contain little,
if any, fluorine, whereas, adult rats have considerable fluorine
in the bones and teeth, the amount varying with the diet fed,
and increasing with age."
"By feeding rats an experimental diet in which care was taken to
keep the fluorine content at a minimum, the following
observations were made: Reproduction was unaffected; the
fluorine content of the bones could be "reduced to between 6 and
25 ppm, and could be eliminated from the teeth, without showing
any gross deleterious effect" and no change was produced in the
calcium to phosphorus ratio in the bones. This evidence supports
the idea that fluorine plays no important useful biologic role."
"On the contrary, there is an increasing volume of evidence of
the injurious effects of fluorine, especially the chronic
intoxication resulting from the ingestion of minute amounts of
fluorine over long periods of time.
The studies conducted by Dr.
Smith and her co-workers at the Univ. of Arizona have shown that
1 ppm, and possibly .8 PPM of fluorine will produce definite
signs of enamel dystrophy in children born and reared in an
endemic [peculiar to a people or nation] area."
"Such data enable us to calculate the approximate dosage of
fluorine per unit of body weight per day, capable of producing a
definite degree of tooth injury in the majority of children.
During the first six years of life, the body weight ranges from
approximately 7 pounds at birth to about 40 pounds at the age of
The average weight during this period is about 25 pounds, or
12 kg. If it is assumed that the average daily water intake is 1
quart, or 1 liter, a fluorine content of .8 PPM would mean a
lifetime fluorine intake of .8 milligrams per day, which for 12
kg. of body weight would be .07 mg. per day, per kilogram of
body weight." [Note: Actual intake in the 1990's is twice that
"It is interesting to compare this value for the injurious
fluorine dosage, with the values that have been determined
experimentally for lead and arsenic in the white rat. Lead
acetate added to the food will check the growth and appetite of
the white rat, when a dosage of from .7 micrograms to 150
micrograms per day per kilogram of body weight is administered.
This wide dosage range is due to variation in susceptibility of
the rats and to variation in the severity of the symptoms.
Addition of arsenic trioxide to the food causes loss of body
weight in the white rat when the dosage is from 1.5 to 5
micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day. Such a
comparison of toxicity data suggests that fluorine, lead and
arsenic belong to the same group, as far as ability to cause
some symptom of toxicity in minute dosage is concerned.
far, the ability of fluorine to induce chronic intoxication when
administered in minute amounts over long periods of time has
been considered."
"Let us now pass on to the general actions of fluorine and its
action on bones and teeth. Fluorine, a general protoplasmic
poison, exerts a strong inhibitory action on many enzymes.
more complex inorganic compounds containing fluorine are
frequently toxic because of a direct action of the compound
itself, or because of a conversion of the complex compound, as
by hydrolysis [changing by taking up the elements of water],
into simpler compounds, such as the simpler fluorides."
"Similarly, many organic compounds containing fluorine are toxic
because of a liberation of fluorine in the presence of
protoplasm [the substance - fluids, cells, etc. - that is the
physical basis of life]. Moreover, even in the absence of such
disintegration of the organic molecule with liberation of
fluorine, the presence of fluorine in the molecule often
enhances the toxicity of an organic compound.
It has been shown
by Lehmann (Lehmann, F.: Arch f. Exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.,
130:250, 1928) that the introduction of fluorine into the side
chain of aromatic compounds, such as toluene and m-toluidine,
increased the toxicity to frogs.
The toxic effect of
fluorine compounds on yeast has been studied by Effront
(Effront, J.: 1892, Jrnl Chem. Society, A. 1532, 1891; A. 905,
1892; A. II, 425, 1894.) and by Arthus and Gavelle.
(Arthus and Gavelle: Compt. Rend. Society de Biol., 55:1481,
That wasn't the end of
the ADA Journal reference, but you get the idea. In spite of such
valid early studies reported in the ADA Journal, the ADA and USPHS
scientific opinion was later regulated more by lobbyists than by
scientists, on the fluoride issue.
Their literature of today
emphatically indicates that as long as your teeth are free of
cavities, the longevity of the rest of your body is not open for
The carefully-biased
literature repeatedly and exclusively hammers the dental benefit
point, meanwhile carefully avoiding references to any bodily toxic
load, or what the huge quantity of fluorides are doing to the
Think this through:
Fluoride slowly
accumulates in our bodies as well as in the environment. It
doesn't just blow away in the wind, nor get easily expelled in
the urine. It first goes to the bone, then to the teeth, then to
the hard tissue such as cartilage, tendons, and blood vessel
walls, and finally what's left over gets excreted via the
kidneys. Approximately 50% of the fluorine ingested, remains and
accumulates in the body.
Fluoride cannot be
removed from drinking water with a charcoal filter; only a
reverse-osmosis filter or steam distilling process will remove
fluoride. Boiling water for soup, coffee, tea or other drink,
only concentrates fluoride.
Approximately 1,200
mg (1.2 grams) of sodium fluoride ("just a pinch") will kill an
adult human being. That was the low estimate that Dominic Smith
ingested when he died from an overdose of fluoridated water at
Hooper Bay, Alaska on 23 May 1992. (Approximately 200 mg will
kill a small child.)
Water utility
companies advertise that they supply us with approximately 115
gallons of fresh water per person, per day. That's approximately
400 liters per person, daily.
Humans only drink
approximately one-fourth of one percent of the fresh water
supplied by the water utility companies. Therefore, for every
400 liters per person that gets supplied, just 1 liter get
swallowed in food or drink (including coffee, juice, soda pop,
soups or any other beverage made with fluoridated water), while
the other 399 liters of water goes for baths, watering lawns,
washing cars, flushing toilets, putting out fires, etc.
In the fluoridation
process at the water treatment plant, fluoride is added to our
water supply at the rate of one part per million, or 1 milligram
per liter. One milligram is the daily intended "target dose" of
this medicine, for each child under 14 years of age whose teeth
haven't yet fully formed. (Adults and pets supposedly don't
count in this equation, even though they also receive their own
fluoride in extremely unreliable and varying dosages.)
Therefore, for every 400 liters of water supplied to us, a full
400 milligrams of fluoride is added to the water supply.
However, since only 1 milligram of that amount (one liter of
water) is swallowed, 399 milligrams of excess fluoride literally
gets flushed down into the sewer or sprayed out onto the ground
as a fully legal toxic waste dumping ground. (And we pay $400.00
for just $1.00 worth of medicine.) Since we even bought the
toxic waste, that's quite profitable for whomever manufactured
and sold it, but not very healthy for Mother Earth.
QUANTITY: Exactly how many lethal doses are disseminated in this
Simple math on the above numbers reveals that 140 grams
of fluoride per person is dumped into the environment each year.
140 grams of fluoride gives us our rule of thumb of 130 LETHAL
ENVIRONMENT wherever "standard" water fluoridation is used.
Multiply 130 by 150
million people (the total number of U.S. population currently
drinking fluoridated water) and that makes 20 billion lethal
doses of fluoride per year, dumped into our environment. That's
an additive 10 million tons of rat-poison spread across America
yearly, in the name of dental health.
What does this actually
do to the environment?
Some small animals, such as
chinchillas, have
a low tolerance for fluoridated water. Note this 1964 letter from
Mr. R.J. Marshall, in British Columbia:
Dear fellow
citizens; I have been a chinchilla rancher in Kelowna since
My herd was healthy and prolific until the introduction of
sodium fluoride into Kelowna domestic water. In the first year I
noticed no ill effects. After the first year the animals began
to die in increasing numbers, and the offspring of such parents
proved sterile. As time went on more and more of the animals
died soon after birth.
By the year 1964 not only was the birth
rate of my herd extremely low but 72 percent of those born
failed to survive. My herd was then completely bankrupt."
"Another breeder moved into the Kelowna fluoridated area from
unfluoridated East Kelowna and his losses were parallel to mine.
When by chance we compared notes we discovered that losses to
both had commenced after our herds had consumed fluoridated
water. My friend never had any such trouble before.
Both of us
had been successful breeders, and we are both officers of the
Chinchilla Breeders Association. When we realized the cause of
our troubles we began feeding our chinchillas water that is not
polluted with sodium fluoride. Now with pure water we are
recovering from our difficulties; but I had to acquire new stock
because most of my surviving animals were permanently sterile."
"We learned, by comparing notes with experienced people all over
the continent, that our losses are by no means the first in
fluoridation history. It is common knowledge among U.S.
chinchilla breeders that chinchillas can not tolerate
fluoridated water. This is also true of hamsters, guinea pigs,
mice, rats, and rabbits.
They become sterile and die if they are
fed sodium fluoride indefinitely, at "recommended"
concentrations and even lower..."
What evidence is there
of environmental pollution causing problems more close to home?
USA Today's 28 May, 1993 article entitled DECREASING SPERM COUNTS
"Dramatic drops in
sperm counts in the past few decades may be due to rising levels
of environmental estrogen, as well as substances that act like
estrogen, a new report says.
The amount of sperm produced by the
average man has dropped by half in the last 50 years, say
researchers in the medical journal LANCET..."
It takes no huge stretch
of the imagination to offer fluorides as a possible factor in the
above equation, considering the quantity of fluorides currently
being distributed as well as their known similar effect on living
There are only several hundred registered toxicologists in the
entire country.
The subject of fluoride is actually the home
territory of toxicologists rather than dentists or doctors, but note
that the fluoride promoters never use toxicologists as a reference
because toxicologists (who are bright enough to know that God isn't
stupid enough to have created man with an inherent deficiency of rat
poison, and who have seen what rat poison actually does to rats, and
who are usually quite independent of vested interests) are almost
uniformly against fluoridation.
Just locate some
toxicologists, and ASK them.
"Fluorides are
violent poisons to all living tissue because of their
precipitation of calcium. They cause fall of blood pressure,
respiratory failure, and general paralysis. Continuous ingestion
of non-fatal doses causes permanent inhibition of growth."
Dispensatory, 24th Edition, pp. 1456-57.)
"Although it is true that the enamel of adult teeth is
unaffected by fluorine, the dentine, which receives nutrients
from the blood stream continually and whose composition is
subject to change, will suffer...
An inhibitory effect on the
action of enzymes, characteristic of antiseptics in general, is
a property of all inorganic fluorides. Evidence has been
established that there is a specific influence of fluorides on
certain enzymatic changes associated with carbohydrates and
The results of a study conducted by Kastle and Loevenhart
on the effect of antiseptics on the reactions of pancreatic and
liver extracts revealed a harmful effect on most substances
Solutions of sodium fluoride with a fluorine
content as low as 1 part in 15 million may inhibit the action of
the lipase (pancreatic juice) as much as 50 percent."
FLUORINE TO HEALTH, Univ. of New Mexico, 1 Aug 1938, pages
"Fluorine is known to be an enzymatic inhibitor which interferes
with metabolism of breakdown of glucose, between the 6 carbon
and 3 carbon compounds. The metabolim of glucose or its
breakdown is our primary source of energy for maintaining life
and doing useful work."
(Dr. Paul H.
Phillips, Univ of Wisconsin, Dept of Bichemistry)
From proven experiments
supported by the Medical Facility of the Univ. of Pretoria, S.
ingestion of minute quantities of fluorine causes disease of the
thyroid gland."
(Dr. Doug D.
Styne, Dept of Pharmacology)
"We ought to go slowly. Everybody knows that fluorine and
fluorides are very poisonous substances and we use them in
enzyme chemistry to poison enzymes, those vital agents in the
body. That is the reason things are poisoned; because enzymes
are poisoned, and that is why animals and plants die."
Mr. James
B. Sumner,
Director of Enzyme Chemistry, Department of
Biochemistry and Nutrition, Cornell University, and a Nobel
Prize winner for his work in the field of enzyme chemistry.
"It is known as a scientific fact that fluoride is a deadly
poison to enzymes, upon which all life depends."
Dr. J.J. Rae,
20-year associate professor of chemistry, and Ph.D. in
biochemistry and organics, Univ. of Toronto.
"The fluoride ion exerts its toxic effect by inhibiting the
action of many enzyme systems."
Hugo Theorell,
M.D., Nobel Prize winner for his research in the field of enzyme
"Contrary to what is widely assumed, the toxicity of fluoride is
not always related to concentration. Under certain conditions
fluoride toxicity actually increases as the concentration
decreases. This is what is known as a paradoxical effect."
Albert Schatz,
Ph.D., M.C.R.S., Professor at the Univ. of Chile and
co-discoverer of streptomycin.
"The debate should not be the merits of fluoridation of the
water supply, which is a public health problem, but rather the
ethical aspects of universal fluoridation which creates an
untenable situation for those individuals who are intolerant to
Do we have the moral right to create a situation from
which the intolerant individual has no escape? The answer thus
becomes very simple.
Each individual should be granted the
option to choose fluoride prophylaxis depending upon his need
and tolerance. You have my permission to state my position and
quote me as against universal fluoridation of the water supply."
Ben F. Feingold,
M.D., Chief Emeritus, Department of Allergy, Kaiser Permanente
Medical Center, San Francisco Calif.
(Dr. Feingold headed an organization which cares for hyperactive
children, which has found, incidentally, that fluoride causes a
severe adverse reaction upon the nervous system of hyperactive
children. Coincidentally, so-called "Attention-Deficit-Disorder"
or "A.D.D." is a common misdiagnosis for hyperactive or
overly-enthusiastic children, and for which RITALIN is commonly
prescribed. Thus, when a hyperactive child has an adverse
reaction to FLUORIDE, he's commonly put on destructive RITALIN
or fluoridated PROZAC as a "cure.")
"It is of doubtful legality; it offends deep convictions
concerning doctoring without consent; it is against the medical
tradition of care for the individual; against the function of a
public water supply; against sane economics; against the
considered opinion of eminent nutritionists, biochemists,
physiologists, pharmacologists, allergists, toxicologists; above
all, it is against natural caution and common sense."
Dr. C. G. Dobbs,
Prof. of Microbiology, Univ. of North Wales, Associate Royal
College of Science, formerly at King's College, Univ. of London.
An often-quoted study favoring fluoridation was done in the 1930's
in Hereford, Texas, once billed as "The Town Without Cavities", but
there are flaws:
1. Hereford
has a high level of naturally-occurring calcium fluoride in the
water, not sodium fluoride.
2. According to a letter from Dr. George Heard,
the dentist in Hereford, TX who initially promoted Hereford's
lack of dental cavities to the dental profession, even the
naturally-occurring calcium fluoride in the water supply in
Hereford was damaging to people's teeth. After many years of
dental practice and observation of dental patients in Hereford,
he concluded that fluoride was not beneficial.
Here is a 1954
letter from Dr. Heard:
"Hereford, Texas
has been called the TOWN WITHOUT A TOOTH ACHE. This is not
true. But the phrase has been used effectively by the people
interested in marketing SODIUM FLUORIDE all over the
I believe that fluorine does in a mild way,
retard cavities, but I also believe that the damage it does
is far greater than any good it may appear to accomplish. It
even makes the teeth so brittle and crumbly they can be
treated only with difficulty, if at all.
The dental
investigators who came to our county some fifteen years ago
did, in my opinion, make a serious mistake when they gave
fluorine the credit for our good teeth, and overlooked the
quality of food grown in our rich, well mineralized soil.
Every person I found who had no dental caries, consumed much
milk. Why use a poison, when correct food will maintain our
bodies free from diseases and tooth decay?
It is hellish and
non-American to put poison in city water supplies and force
citizens to drink it."
George W.
Heard, DDS, 15 March 1954.
In 1938, Dr. Gerald Cox, a research fellow of the Mellon
Institute, picked up the fluoride ball and began publicly promoting
the addition of sodium fluoride to public water systems, claiming
that it would reduce tooth decay.
The Mellons owned Alcoa, the
Aluminum Company of America, who stockpiled quantities of sodium
fluoride as a hazardous waste. Two major obstacles to Mr. Cox's
promotional campaign were the AMA and the ADA, whose initial
position was that fluoride was strictly a poison and that it
shouldn't be introduced into the public water supply as a
mass-medication. (Reference: AMA Journal, 9/18/43 and ADA Journal,
Despite the initial warnings from the AMA and ADA, Dr. Cox enlisted
the help of a Wisconsin dentist, Dr. J.J. Fritsch, to promote
fluoridation of drinking water, and in early 1945 Grand Rapids,
Michigan was the first to fall for their story and fluoridate its
water supply.
In his crusade Dr. Fritsch enlisted the support of P.R.
man, Dr. Frank Bull, the Wisconsin State Dental Health Officer, who
organized political campaigns in order to persuade local officials
to approve fluoridation. They applied constant lobbying pressure on
both the ADA and the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). Dr. Fritsch
was reportedly a "non-stop fanatic" on fluoridation. (Fluoridation
the Great Dilemma, Waldbott, p.258)
In 1945 both Grand Rapids, Michigan and Newburgh, New York were
artificially fluoridated with sodium fluoride in their drinking
water supply as an experimental procedure to see if fluoride
actually would improve dental health.
According to testimony of a
1952 Congressional Hearing on Fluoride, the officials in charge of
this "experiment" admitted that they hadn't really had prior
knowledge of artificial fluoridation with sodium fluoride (versus
naturally-occurring calcium fluoride), if it would actually work,
nor what side effects it would cause, because the standard
scientific laboratory method of first fully testing with animals had
been ignored and bypassed in this case of sodium fluoride. (82nd
Congress, 2nd Session, Report #2500 - 1952 - House Select Committee)
The researchers' only prior knowledge was admittedly based upon
observations that in areas containing natural calcium fluoride (fluor-spar)
in the water, such as in parts of Texas and Colorado, tooth decay
appeared to be less prevalent. (No allowance was made for excellent
nutrition in these opinions.) There were no prior studies made with
the highly toxic sodium fluoride, which was actually what they used
for fluoridation.
Note that an "optimum" level of 1 PPM of natural calcium fluoride in
water was what they studied in Texas and Colorado, yet they then
dosed our drinking water with 1ppm of the 20-times more toxic
hazardous-waste sodium fluoride, openly claiming that equal
concentrations of each had exactly the same effect on human health.
Thus even their starting premise was apples-versus-oranges.
The 1 PPM value was just picked at random because there were no
tests or studies showing exactly what was the "optimum" and because
people only supposedly drank one liter of water per day, and 1
milligram was a "proper" daily dose for normal people with normal
kidney function. (It turns out that our actual average daily intake
of fluoride is 2 mg, however.)
During the 1952 Delaney Committee
Congressional Hearings, scientists expressed concern that the dosage
was much too high, especially for children or people with diabetes
or kidney disease.
Speculation was that before risking millions of lives in Grand
Rapids and Newburgh, artificial fluoridation with sodium fluoride
was first secretly tested on the population of U.S. prisons and/or
military bases, to see if 1 PPM would actually kill or injure
anyone. (A Freedom of Information Act research project?)
The Grand Rapids/Newburgh experimental study was originally set up
with the intention to last for a full 10 years, after which a proper
scientific evaluation of the collected data would have enabled a
proper, safe decision to be made regarding fluoridation of the rest
of America's drinking water.
However, the U.S. Public Health Service suddenly changed their
minds. In 1950, after only 5 years, it was discovered that while the
cavity rates had indeed gone down in Grand Rapids, cavity rates had
also gone down at a comparable rate in Muskegon, its control city,
supposedly because people were becoming more hygiene-conscious.
Muskegon was then promptly fluoridated to cover up the discrepancy,
and the Grand Rapids fluoridation project was advertised as an
unqualified success. (Fluoride the Aging Factor, P.104)
Article from the Royal Oak Tribune, 1/21/59:
SECRET Lansing (AP)
- Seven more
Michigan communities started fluoridating their water last year,
the state health department reported today. But the names of the
communities are "top secret" as far as the department is
'We made a policy of not giving out the names of
those adding fluoride, a couple of years ago,' said Dr. Fred
Wertheimer, director of the dentistry section.
'Local officials
asked us not to make the announcements from here. Communities
are so split on fluoridation that they said they would be
barraged with letters and telephone calls from anti-fluoride
June 1965: Quote from Alfred Taylor, Ph.D, in a scientific
letter appearing in the Oct. 2, 1965 issue of Saturday Review:
" ... My contact
with fluoridation came about as a result of cancer research. In
one project, various chemicals were added to the drinking water
of mice susceptible to cancer in order to check the
responsibility that some chemicals might delay the onset of the
disease or prevent it altogether. Among the chemicals used in
this research was sodium fluoride.
In the first two preliminary tests, the results obtained
indicated that mice drinking fluoridated water tended to develop
cancer at an earlier age as compared with control animals
maintained on fluoride-free water. These earlier tests were
followed by further investigations so that altogether, twelve
experiments involving 645 mice were used in this research.
"The data indicated that drinking water with as little as 1 PPM
shortened the life span of mice an average of nine per cent.
This was true whether death was due to cancer or non-cancerous
diseases. The only notice proponents of fluoridation gave to
this work was to discredit it as much as possible...
experiments where the drug was added directly to suspensions of
cancer tissue before inoculation into eggs or mice, sodium
fluoride stimulated the growth of cancer tissue in
concentrations of one part in more than 20 million.
Scientists at
Cambridge University (British Medical Journal, Oct 26, 1963)
discovered that concentrations of sodium fluoride as low as one
part in ten million inhibited the growth of a culture of human
tissue... the growing weight of scientific evidence that
water-borne fluorides, even at 1 ppm, have toxic possibilities
must finally be recognized."
Foundation, Biochemical Institute, University of Texas, Austin
Texas, 1965.
Some years later Dr.
Taylor stated:
"The terrifying
conclusion of the studies was that fluorine greatly induced a
cancer tumor growth. If doctors and the public can be made aware
of this catastrophe, fluoridation shall end quickly.
It will
someday be recognized as the most lethal and stupid "Health
Program" ever conceived by the mind of man, witch doctors and
blood-letters not excepted."
Keeping Dr. Taylor's findings and his above heartfelt plea in mind,
how can the following be justified by any sane scientist:
According to the
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services publication
"FLUORIDATION CENSUS 1985", which lists the current fluoridation
levels of every fluoridated area in the United States, for the
entire year of 1985 the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
deliberately over-fluoridated four Alaskan village schools at
the rate of FIVE PARTS PER MILLION, instead of at the currently
approved rate of 1 PPM.
The schools were Unalaska, St. Michael, Shishmaref, and Stebbins. Why were these unsuspecting people
being thus experimented upon? How can five parts-per-million (a
whopping 20 milligrams per gallon of water) be justified?
Whatever the excuse, such covert slow genocide should be
actionable in a court of law. That was just the 1985 record;
previous years haven't yet been checked.
(A subjective
first-hand eyewitness observation, by this author, of the people
living in Stebbins and St. Michael in 1995 gave a definite
impression of a tragic spiritual wasteland; something seemed
very out-of-place with those people, almost like looking into
the haunted faces of prisoners in German death camps in World
War II. Go see for yourself.)
The EPA lists fluoride
as a "contaminant." The above intentional long-term 5 PPM overdose
of innocent native schoolchildren occurred when the EPA's "Maximum
Contaminant Level" (MCL) allowable for fluoride was just 2.4 parts
per million.
In the early 1990's there was talk of having the EPA reduce the MCL
of fluoride down to .4 PPM, due to recent studies that had connected
fluoride with cancer.
A challenge: Have some autonomous toxicologists with no
special-interest axe to grind, do an honest, unbiased and thorough
long-term scientific study of the residents of the above Alaskan
towns. Also include a study of the residents of Hooper Bay, Alaska,
where in May of 1992 a fluoride overdose severely poisoned 290
residents and killed Dominic Smith. (Since thirst is one of the
fluoride overdose symptoms, Dominic just kept drinking water until
he poisoned himself.)
Study what has happened to the above people
since fluoride became part of their lives and include their
physical, dental and mental histories as part of the study. Dental
health is, after all, why this entire situation began.
If fluoridation was doing its job as advertised, then the dental
health of Alaskan natives would be quite acceptable, but that's just
the opposite of the way it really is.
Note this 12/17/90 article in
the Ketchikan Daily News:
Examiners reported finding active
cavities among Native children aged 3 through 5 at three times
the national average. Nearly three-fourths of the 62 native
elders aged 65 or older had no teeth at all, the dental
examiners said... The study population represented 38 percent
of the total number of Alaskan Natives in the North Slope
Examiners said 40
percent of elementary students had cavities, and 70 percent had
cavities by the time they reached high school. In spite of the above
poor record, in 1991 the Director of the Alaska Health and Social
Services publicly stated,
"...fluoride has
substantially improved the dental health of Alaska Native
What's wrong with this
It's well-known that Alaskan natives today have almost the worst
dental health in the country, in spite of having been subjected to
fluoridated water for 40 years. (Incidentally, they practically live
on candy bars and soda pop.)
Which leads us to ask, just exactly what causes dental cavities?
the average, each American consumes 20-50 teaspoons of refined sugar
each day. Using 40 teaspoons as an average, multiplying 40 teaspoons
times approx. 250,000,000 people totals 10 billion teaspoons of
sugar sold EACH DAY, just in the United States alone. That's very
big business.
Vested interests who sell fluoride and pharmaceuticals, or who
repair the damage, would have you believe that God screwed up so
badly in engineering man's teeth that ALL of mankind is now born
with a permanent deficiency of fluoride, and thus mass
medication - with a nerve agent - is the most cost effective way to
correct God's stupid error.
However, the facts state differently.
Regarding dental cavities, refined sugar and soda pop are two of the
top contenders, whereas a sweeping lifetime-deficiency of rat poison
and nerve agents in our bodies is one of the biggest, most blatant
lies in all history.
Each year it's easy to find a school district science fair whereby a
smart kid makes an experimental study of soaking various items
(pennies, extracted teeth, etc.) in soda pop to see how long it
takes to dissolve them. In one such experiment it took only 14 days
for Pepsi Cola to dissolve the entire outer layer of enamel from a
human tooth.
For the benefit of enlightening the U.S. Public Health Service, the
ADA, the AMA, and the sugar and soda pop industries, try this
complicated scientific experiment: Obtain a couple of extracted
teeth, give just one of them a standard stannous fluoride treatment
which supposedly proofs it against cavities, soak both of them in
Coca-Cola or Pepsi - with a few teaspoons of sugar added - for a
couple of weeks, daily changing the liquid and scrubbing the one
tooth with fluoridated toothpaste, and then examine the two teeth.
That should conclusively prove who is more stupid, God or the broad
general public.
Since fluoridation was originally promoted as effective just for
children under 14 years old, then the public health officials had a
problem. How to justify mass-medicating adults with poisonous
One of the latest public health schemes along this line
actually states that fluoride in saliva kills tooth plaque,
emphasizing that the only way to get fluorine in your saliva is via
drinking fluoridated water! Nothing is said of the toxic,
life-shortening effects caused by having that much fluorine in your
body, however. It not only kills plaque, but everything else in its
Is the object only to give you the brightest smile in the morgue?
An unexplored avenue of interest here is the chemical concoction
inside a can of soda pop.
Given the above statements about the
corrosive action of soda pop, and also given the data on aluminum's
probable relationship to Alzheimer's disease, and also given the
fact that soda pop is made with fluoridated water, and given the
fact that poisons combine synergistically, usually in unpleasantly
toxic ways, is there ANY guarantee whatsoever that your typical
fluorinated can of soda pop will not even slightly assimilate some
of the aluminum metal out of the wall of the can, and thus make a
synergistic soda-fluoride-aluminum-sugar cocktail that has slow
acting, long-term lifetime effects?
Simple research challenge: Find some unopened soda pop that's
several years old, and have a laboratory analyze the ingredients to
check the aluminum and fluoride concentration.
NOTE: The following data on Sweden and Holland could not be
found in official medical, dental or other scientific literature,
almost as if it had been purged or never been reported at all.
13 June 1970 the Gothenburg POST (Sweden); 5 Aug 1970 the NEWS
REGISTER (Sweden); and 1 May 1970 NORSK FOLKEHELSELAG (Norway)
In 1969 the country
of Sweden intended to fluoridate their water supply due to the
strong advice of Professor Yngve Ericsson, a Swedish
dentist who was also the senior representative on the World
Health Organization's Expert Committee on Fluoridation.
it was then found that Professor Ericsson coincidentally was the
holder of two highly-profitable patents on fluoride toothpaste!
A subsequent investigation disclosed that the World Health
Organization's numerous so-called "objective" comparative
studies on mortality and morbidity for fluoridated vs.
non-fluoridated areas simply didn't exist! The investigation
stated that the World Health Organization's report was
unacceptable from a scientific point of view, and that some of
the claims set forth in the WHO report actually lack any and
every basis in fact.
The conclusion was that the details given
by WHO on risks and safety margins were grossly defective.
Sweden thus remains non-fluoridated, to this day.
In the mid 1970's the Netherlands fluoridated the city of Amsterdam,
after which an investigation disclosed that between 100,000 and
200,000 people had developed "more or less severe side effects" to
A subsequent campaign by concerned physicians and public
resulted in fluoride's complete removal from the Netherlands' water
supply, and the national law was also changed in such a way to
permanently ban future fluoridation for the Netherlands.
June 28, 1974: Little William Kennerly, age 3, of New York
died just four hours after receiving a brush-on stannous fluoride
treatment during his first and only trip to the dentist. William
didn't know that he wasn't supposed to swallow the fluoride, and he
paid with his life.
Extracts from the autopsy report, performed by a Dr. Torno on
25 May 1974 at Kings County Mortuary:
"William Kennerly
Age: 3 years
Height: 39"
Weight: 32 lb
Clinical history - the child swallowed about 45cc of 2% stannous
fluoride solution in the pediatric dental clinic, Bristol Street
Clinic, at 9:30 a.m. He was given epinephrine I.M. in dental
clinic and sent to Brookdale Medical Center for close
observation. The child came to Brookdale Medical Center at 12:30
noon, was well until 1:00 when suddenly went into cardiac
respiratory arrest and was in shock. The child vomited out and
had an unrecordable blood pressure. He finally expired on May
24, 1974, at 2:00 p.m."
A toxicologist's report stated that little William had swallowed
the equivalent of three lethal doses. His parents later
collected several hundred thousand dollars in a wrongful-death
lawsuit, but that was small consolation for the senseless loss
of their son.
Toothpaste is similar in
this regard, because a typical family-sized 7-ounce tube of
toothpaste contains enough stannous fluoride or sodium fluoride to
kill a 20-pound child.
To test this, just call the 800 number listed
on your toothpaste box, tell them that your 2-year-old child has
just eaten half a tube of toothpaste and that he's now vomiting, act
frantic, and watch how quickly your call gets patched directly
through to a Poison Control Center.
(It's common for a child to
vomit for 12 hours, after eating a large quantity of toothpaste.)
July 21, 1975: When
confronted with new evidence regarding the role of fluoride in
causing cancer, U.S. Congressman Delaney recommended immediate
suspension of all artificial fluoridation, pending further
research. His recommendation was ignored.
Dec. 16, 1975:
Congressman Delaney entered into the Congressional Record the
results of a new study showing another link between fluoridation
and cancer. This time he demanded "that all artificial
fluoridation of our water supplies be suspended immediately."
Once again, his unprofitable demands were ignored.
August 1, 1979: A letter from the Secretary of the Victorian
Branch of the Australian Dental Association stated, "In a
community with a fluoridated water supply, the dental manpower
required to maintain a good standard of dental health in a
community is always halved."
The 1976 edition of the C.B.S. News Almanac published figures
showing the number of dentists per 100,000 population in 30
"Representative American Cities." Of these 30 cities, 16 were
artificially fluoridated. A simple comparison of the fluoridated
vs. non-fluoridated cities shows that there were an average of
76.7 dentists per 100,000 population in the fluoridated cities,
vs. 59.2 dentists per 100,000 in the non-fluoridated cities.
Furthermore, data
from the 1971 American Dental Directory, the 1971 U.S.
Statistical Abstracts and the 1973 World Almanac reveals that
the three American cities which have been fluoridated the
longest (Grand Rapids, Newburgh, and Evanston) averaged 121
dentists per 100,000 population, or over twice the national
average, after approximately 25 years on fluoridated water.
(Data compiled by Phillip R.N. Sutton, D.D.Sc., Melbourne,
Australia, 1979.)
24 August, 1982: The
Japan Times published an article expressing concern about
potential hazards of topical fluoride applications (9000 ppm) to
teeth, and fluoride mouth rinses (250-500 ppm) has prompted
researchers at the Nippon Dental College in Tokyo to investigate
effects of fluoride on hamster fetal cell cultures, with results
that can only be described as very disturbing.
At the August '82
meeting of the Japanese Society for Cancer Research, Associate
Professor of Pharmacology Taketi Tsutsui and his colleague, Dr.
Maizumi, reported that 24-hour contact with sodium fluoride
solutions at concentrations of 34, 45, and 57 ppm (fluorine
ion), results in morphological changes and malignant
transformations in second-generation hamster fetal cells. After
the one-day fluoride treatment, one group of cells was cultured
for one week and then fixed and stained for study. Survival
rates of 90, 50 and 30% were found for the exposure to 34, 45,
and 57 ppm respectively, with morphological changes of 0.1, 0.5,
and 1.0% in the surviving colonies. In the untreated control
cultures, the incidence of abnormalities was significantly lower
- only 0.03% or less.
In another series of
experiments, cells from the 34 and 45-ppm fluoride treatments
were found to have acquired the ability to proliferate in soft
agar for an additional 50 to 200 days. These cells were then
shown to have developed a strong tumor-forming capacity. In the
untreated control cultures, neither proliferated in soft agar
nor acquisition of tumor-forming capacity were observed, and
only one of four cultures had transformed into one having
infinite proliferative characteristics.
Between 100 and 200
days after the sodium fluoride treatment, cells from the 34 and
45-ppm treated cultures were transplanted subdermally into each
of two 10-hamster groups. The animals were then observed for the
appearance of tumors. All surviving three hamsters in the group
that received cells from the 34-ppm treated culture developed
cancer (fibro-carcinoma) at the site of injection. Likewise, all
eight surviving hamsters receiving the 45-ppm treated cells
developed cancer. The other hamsters in both groups died from
causes other than cancer, before the experiments were completed.
None of the hamsters in the control group that received the
untreated cells, developed cancer.
1990: The residents
of Cumberland, Maryland voted to ban fluoride from their
drinking water, not long after the community's 26-year ban on
the chemical was lifted because of the urging of dentists and
other special-interest officials. The fluoride issue divided the
city such that it was reportedly responsible for the defeat of
Cumberland's incumbent pro-fluoride mayor George Wycoff, who
lost to Harry Stern, a strong opponent of fluoridation.
1992: Statement by
Pennsylvania Justice Flaherty, after 40 days of court hearings
on fluoride:
"... I entered an injunction against the
fluoridation of the public water supply for a large portion of
Allegheny County... In my view, the evidence is quite
convincing that the addition of sodium fluoride to the public
water supply at one part per million is extremely deleterious to
the human body, and a review of the evidence will disclose that
there was no convincing evidence to the contrary."
Supreme Court Justice John P. Flaherty
(Townsend Letter For
Doctors - June 1992, p. 450)
May 23, 1992: 290
residents of Hooper Bay, Alaska were severely poisoned by sodium
fluoride when the city's fluoride dispenser malfunctioned,
injecting 150 PPM of fluoride into the drinking water for over a
week. Dominic Smith, previously healthy 41 year-old leader of
the local National Guard, died of fluoride poisoning after
swallowing an estimated 1200-2400 mg of sodium fluoride from the
local drinking water supply. One overdose symptom of fluoride is
thirst, and Dominic just kept drinking more water until he died.
Fluoride is
cumulative in the body - somewhat like radiation - so it's been
predicted that those poisoned residents who didn't die will have
worsened health for the rest of their life. (We'll know in a few
years. Half of the town drank from a different well, and they
didn't get sick.)
It's common for a
private vested interest to put up a "smokescreen" by redefining
terminology to fit their needs. In this case a Public Health
Service report regarding the above incident called it an
"outbreak" as if it were a live disease organism out of control,
instead of the mass poisoning that it actually was. (The end
justifies the means; it's all God's fault, after all, by being
stupid and neglecting to engineer enough fluoride into our
Similar malfunctions of fluoridation equipment have occasionally
happened nationwide over the past 40 years, each accompanied by a
careful news cover-up.
Fluoride dispensing machinery is not perfect. Human overdoses of
fluoride can be found in such places as Annapolis, Maryland in 1979,
when their water treatment plant dumped up to 50 PPM fluoride into
their water supply, giving approximately 50,000 people toxic
reactions. Officials kept it quiet for 2 weeks afterwards saying,
"We didn't want to jeopardize the fluoridation program."
However, Dr. John Yiamouyiannis studied the Annapolis
situation after the spill, and reported his findings in a book,
"Fluoride the Aging Factor". On page 63 of his book, he stated that
more than 5 times the normal number of people died of heart failure
in Annapolis during the week following the fluoride spill.
During a conversation in 1992, Dr. Yiamouyiannis stated that the
actual cause of the Annapolis spill was a human error, done to cover
up a mechanical malfunction that had occurred. Evidently Annapolis
had a small fluoride day-tank which was supposed to fill up with
fluoride and then the pump would stop. However, the pump
malfunctioned and kept running after filling up the tank, and the
excess fluoride spilled over into a large waste-sump before it was
finally discovered. To cover up the error, the operator who
discovered it deliberately pumped the entire overspill (1,000
gallons) directly back into the fresh-water supply.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA 1980:244; 7)
had this short PR article on the above fluoride spill, meanwhile
carefully avoiding using Annapolis' name:
In what
the PHS [Public Health Service] calls "the first instance of
fluoride overexposure known to have caused serious illness in
the 35 years since fluoridation of community water supplies was
begun," eight patients undergoing renal dialysis (kidney bypass)
in a Maryland community became ill and one died.
Charles M. Wax,
MD, assigned by the CDC to the Maryland State Department of
Health, said investigation revealed that failure to close a
valve in the community's treatment plant led to the spilling of
3,800 Liters (1,000 gallons) of 22% hydrofluosilicic acid into
the water supply.
Further investigation, he said, "raised the
possibility of widespread mild fluoride intoxication within the
community as the result of drinking overfluoridated water."
Dr. Yiamouyiannis said
that many fish in Annapolis pet shops died shortly after the
Annapolis fluoride spill.
JAMA's report was false, however. Public records show that contrary
to the above PHS claim that Annapolis was the first of such a
malfunction, the following 12 U.S. communities had had overdoses of
sodium fluoride in their water supplies before that time:
Further, since 1979 the
following communities have also had fluoride overdoses in their
drinking water supplies:
Indian Res. WA 1980
VT 8/30/80
Potsdam, NY
NY 2/7/81
Springs, NY 5/81
OR 6/28/81
ME 10/6/81
County, CA 1982
Rouses Pt.
NY 1982
Braunsfels, TX 7/3/82
Painted Post
Village, NY 12/14/82
NY 1/1/83
MI 1983
Crown Pt. NM
Rapids, MI 7/84
WA 1/20/85
Elkhart, IN
IL 1985
Sequoyah, OK
New Haven CN
Antigo, WI
Hooper Bay,
Alaska, May 1992 (one fatality, 290 toxic reactions).
In the July 84 Grand
Rapids MI spill, 8 PPM of fluoride was reportedly dumped into that
city's water supply for more than a month, before being discovered
and repaired.
In the 5/92 Hooper Bay Alaska spill, up to 150 PPM
fluoride was tested in the village water supply one week before the
death of Dominic Smith, the near-death of his sister, and
simultaneous flu-like symptoms experienced by over 290 villagers.
In 1989 the State of Illinois had 1,931 public water facilities,
1,000 of which were fluoridated.
The State Health Department gave
awards out to each state water treatment facility that was able to
maintain the recommended dosage of fluoride in their water for the
entire year, but they only gave 115 awards out to the 1,000
fluoridation facilities that year, meaning that 885 treatment plants
did NOT keep the fluoride dosages within required limits. (Crete
Record, Crete, IL 9/21/89)
From an
article in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 67, No. 2, Pp.
230-238: Researchers in the Dept. of Psychology at Florida
International University, North Miami, found a statistically
significant delay (almost 1/2 second longer to respond) in visual
response to a peripheral light stimulus in subjects given just 1/2
milligram of sodium fluoride.
That dose is less fluoride than the
amount you get from drinking one cup of coffee or tea made from
fluoridated tap water.
June 3, 1993: New
Jersey State Assemblyman John V. Kelly held a press conference
in Room 109 of the New Jersey State House in Trenton, NJ. He
requested that the FDA remove all children's fluoride
supplements from the market, after he asked the FDA to supply
his office with the studies supporting the safety and
effectiveness of children's fluoride supplements and the FDA
evidently searched their files back to 1939 and reported to him
PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. All children's fluoride supplements, in the
FDA's own words, were and are "unapproved new drugs." The
pharmaceutical companies have been openly running a scam for
years, by selling these products.
Thus illegal, unscientific but highly profitable fluoride
supplements are still being promoted and sold by the medical and
dental professions, meanwhile in 1997 the FDA is quietly gearing
up on an active campaign to ban common herbs and food
supplements from our health food stores for the purpose of
redefining them as "drugs" so that pharmaceutical companies will
then have a monopoly on these substances. (Follow the money.) To
find more data on this, do an internet search on the word CODEX,
which is the European program already in place.
1994: The US Public
Health Service and the American Dental Association are both
continuing to strongly promote and expand the profitable U.S.
fluoridation campaign. They boast that over 60% of the United
States population is now drinking fluoridated water every day,
even though fluoride's only original stated purpose was to aid
the developing teeth of children under 14 years.
"Fluorine was
substituted for chlorine in Lindane, to make it a far more toxic
(Plummer, W.J.
and Wall, L.H. Science, Vol. 127, 1958)
"Fluorine is substituted for chlorine in DDT to produce more
effective and more toxic insecticides."
R. Suddent. Apoth. Ztg. 1947)
"Fluorine in the atmosphere increases the sensitivity of the
thyroid gland to damaging effects of atmospheric sulfur
(Gabovich, R.D.
et. al., Chemical Abstracts, p. 9051) In other words, fluoride
has a synergistic poisoning effect with sulfur dioxide, a
component of smog.
"Sodium silicofluoride spray on oranges remains in the peel, and
so can cause severe toxicity..."
(Union of So.
Africa, Dept Agr. Forestry Sci. Bull. No. 236, 1943) Note:
Marmalade is made from citrus peel.
"1080, or Sodium Fluoroacetate, is described in a federal
training manual as a 'biological high-explosive.' "
(Los Angeles
Times, December 6, 1970)
Sodium fluoroacetate
(also known as FAC, RATBANE 1080, COMPOUND 1080, FRATOL, FURATOL,
listed in a hazardous waste book as being 500 times more toxic to
rats than was regular sodium fluoride.
This is because it's an
"organic metabolite." 1080 was used to kill rodents as early as
1944, but was eventually banned for use in buildings due to dogs
dying from eating poisoned rats.
In 1952, according to
Circular No. 140 of the UCLA College of Agriculture, it was reported
that 1080 worked so rapidly that it was impossible to save
experimentally poisoned animals, even with first aid and under the
best of laboratory conditions. Scientists had yet to find an
antidote for 1080 at that time. Only our nerve warfare laboratories
have the full story.
QUESTION: If fluoridation of our water supplies was
originally stated to be just for the "developing teeth of children
under 14," then why were U.S. military bases among the first to
fluoridate their water supplies? Why would anybody want Rambo to be
STUPID, DOCILE, and SUBSERVIENT? (And why did Admiral Forrestal
"commit suicide" by jumping out a window with his hands tied behind
his back and a sheet knotted around his neck, not long after he'd
adamantly opposed the fluoridation of his military bases, among
other things?)
Incidentally, fluoride reactions resemble Attention Deficit Disorder
in a certain percentage of the population, and especially in
hyperactive children. The simple test of this is to get the person
under question off of ALL sources of fluoride (fluoridated water,
toothpaste, soda pop bottled with fluoridated water, canned soup,
etc.) and see if their condition improves over a period of 3-4
weeks. Use distilled water, because most simple charcoal water
filters will not remove fluorides. To remove possible variables,
also test the child for negative reactions to sugar and
It's a tragedy that children are given the habit-forming drug
Ritalin to counter the effects of a "disease" that might only be due
to their adverse reactions to the drug fluoride, and/or to sugar.
Following the money, this tragedy is good business, and the
"sickness industry" is a multi-multi-billion-dollar business.
Note the following fluoride symptoms as referenced in "Encyclopedia
of Pure Materia Medica," Vol IX, p.333. These symptoms - by
volunteers who took varying quantities of fluorides - were listed one
hundred years ago, in 1887!
Increasing Accumulation in the Brain
Great loss
of memory, forgets almost everything.
Good memory
in morning, forgetfulness every evening.
Forgetfulness in his daily employment of dates.
On making
notes, mistakes right for left.
indifference towards those he loves best.
(intense dislike) to his own family, bordering on
disposition, everything is satisfactory.
hilarity; great buoyancy of mind.
depressed in mind.
anxious, causing sweat; greater in morning than evening.
Sensation as
if danger menaced him, but without fear.
Felt certain
that something dreadful would happen, with dullness in
Fear of
apoplexy (stroke).
disagreeing mood.
Moodiness in
evening, greater than morning.
Very ill
and excessive ill humor followed by indifference and
forgetfulness, and finally by perfect contentment and
uncommonly gay disposition of mind.
of blood mostly to forehead.
Feeling in
brain as if on the verge of being struck with apoplexy.
(A stroke)
Vertigo with
sickness of stomach.
A kind of
sinking weakness, has to sit down.
Feeling as
if in an earthquake.
Sensation of
weakness, like numbness in head, same in hands.
Sensation of
numbness in forehead.
above eyes, with nausea.
pressing of both temples.
pain in temples.
Slight pain
in right temple, followed by left.
Headache in
skull, behind ears.
accompanied by congestion of blood to head, sensation of
every morning.
Sensation of
weakness, like numbness in head.
Numbness in
head and hands.
Dull, heavy
Dullness &
pressure in back of head.
Dullness in
back of head.
Pressure on
both sides, back of head.
Headache in
back of head, with fullness in head.
from neck to forehead; dull feeling in head.
Atrophy of
Is it a coincidence that
the above-listed fluoride symptoms sound almost exactly like the
expensive TV commercials, pharmacies, physicians and psychiatrists
are so eager to "cure" with their endless supply of profitable new
drugs, many of which contain fluoride?
This is like a snake
swallowing his own tail.
The bottom line is to follow the money. Look at the high standard of
living of those who are promoting and distributing the current crop
of pharmaceuticals, versus the lower living standards and
drug-education level and gullibility of the ignorant general public
who are becoming convinced that pharmaceuticals in general are a
Public sickness and ignorance is good business, in some
Brain Damage
from Exposure to Fluorides
"Those who are for
and against fluoridation have little common ground other than
issues they disagree on. They cannot dialogue objectively
because they have different realities.
They see things
differently, and have different criteria in determining
validity. Our lives are enriched by artists for whom "beauty is
in the eye of the beholder."
But our lives are often endangered
when scientific truth is in the eye of the beholder."
Schatz, discoverer of streptomycin).
Only now are the
insidious facts about Sarin (nerve gas) surfacing as more comes out
about the "Gulf War Syndrome" and the Tokyo subway incident. It
appears that with both incidents, the people exposed to Sarin are
suffering from a variety of chronic adverse health and lingering
neurotoxic effects such as memory loss.
Sarin is the most potent neurotoxic substance known. Sarin is
also a fluorinated organophosphate similar to, but more
toxic to humans than the insecticide Parathion. Sarin is the prime
example of toxicokinetics of the fluorine ion. When the fluorine ion
is combined with relatively benign substances it often creates a
powerful toxicant (toxic synergism).
With Sarin, the fluorine ion is
like an arming mechanism for the relatively benign organophosphate
which transforms it into a compound with one hell-of-a-wallop.
Acute exposure to Sarin, a drop about the size of a grain of sand,
causes spasms (tetany), heart palpitations (cardiac arrhythmia),
many other neurological disorders, and possibly, collapse of the
nervous system and death. Production of acetylcholine, the most
important chemical for nervous system function is disrupted.
Acetylcholine is responsible for carrying all neuro-transmissions in
the brain and throughout the nervous system of the body.
Many animal studies of fluorinated organophosphates also suggest a
delayed neurotoxic reaction similar to those experiences by those
people exposed to Sarin.
With water fluoridation, the public is exposed to a variety of
fluorides, and aside from the fluorine ion, some of those fluorides
are neurotoxic. Many scientists discount the fluorine ion as being
neurotoxic; however, the weight of scientific evidence strongly
indicates that the fluorine ion is, if nothing else, the
perpetrator. This is evidenced by the variety of highly effective
fluorinated drugs that are used to treat mental disorders, and the
fluorine ion's role in the devastating effectiveness of Sarin as a
chemical nerve agent.
Many psychoactive drugs are fluorinated. Two of the most noted are
Prozac and Rohypnol (better known as the infamous date-rape drug,
"Roofs."). Rohypnol is fluorinated Valium, which is about 20-30
times more potent than Valium alone. Essentially, these drugs effect
enzyme functions in certain areas of the brain to achieve the
desired effect.
The primary ingredients of most psychoactive drugs
suppress enzyme production, and the fluorine ion is also an enzyme
inhibitor. The one particular side effect common to almost all
fluorinated drugs which is mentioned in the Physician's Desk
Reference is memory loss. These drugs include Fenfluramine (a
fluorinated weight loss drug), fluorinated corticosteroids, and
fluorinated psychoactive drugs. Memory loss and learning disorders
are associated with the hippocampal area of the brain.
On page 125 of the Toxicological Profile for Fluorides it is stated:
Because fluoride interacts with calcium ions needed for
effective neurotransmission, fluoride can affect the nervous
This statement is
reinforced by recent studies performed by Dr. Robert Isaacson and
Dr. Phyllis Mullenix which were concluded shortly after the
publication of the profile.
Since 1992 there have been three studies confirming that fluorides
affect brain functions. Dr. Robert Isaacson, Binghamton University,
New York conducted two studies using low levels of aluminum fluoride
and sodium fluoride. The levels were similar to the amounts people
are exposed to on a daily basis from fluoridated toothpastes and
drinking water.
Results showed that both types of fluorides were neurotoxic. The most recent study, "Neurotoxicity of Sodium Fluoride
in Rats", Mullenix, et al, published in Neurotoxicology and
Teratology 1995, was done using larger doses of sodium fluoride and
corroborated the results of both Isaacson studies (1992 &.1994).
All the studies demonstrated that the hippocampal region (learning
center) of the brain was the most susceptible to the effects of
It was also stated in the study published in Neurotoxicology and
Teratology, 1995, Mullenix, et al, that:
"Hyperactivity and
cognitive deficits are generally linked with hippocampal damage,
and in fact, the hippocampus is considered to be the central
processor which integrates inputs from the environment, memory,
and motivational stimuli to produce behavioral decisions and
modify memory."
However, the researchers
said that although the behavior of rats does not extrapolate to
humans, the generic behavioral patterns created in rats from
fluoride exposure can and probably do occur in humans.
They also
said the problems that might occur in humans from typical chronic
fluoride exposure during pregnancy and early childhood are:
"motor-sensory dysfunction, IQ deficits' and/or learning
disabilities" (environmentally induced retardation of brain
While Dr. Mullenix's study dealt only with sodium fluoride, Dr.
Isaacson's studies focused on aluminum fluoride compared to
fluoride and were performed to determine if fluoridated water's
effect on leaching aluminum or combining with the aluminum sulphate
added to some water as a clarifier [by water treatment facilities]
had an impact on the development of Alzheimer's Disease.
studies had determined that there was a significant build-up of
aluminum in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease.
Population studies also suggested that there appeared to be a higher
incidence of Alzheimer's disease among people who lived in
fluoridated areas which was the impetus for Dr. Isaacson's study.
Isaacson's study indicated that the aluminum fluoride was more
neurotoxic than the sodium fluoride.
Recent studies in China, where coal containing fluorides is used for
cooking and heating, determined that fluorides released during
burning and inhaled by young children were responsible for lowered
Documents with regards to the neurotoxic effects of fluoride
exposure among the workers who processed uranium for the first
nuclear bombs in 1944 were recently declassified by the government.
These documents indicate that the US Government has known for more
than fifty years that fluorides are neurotoxic. Other studies dating
back to 1949 indicate that exposure to fluorides can have neurotoxic
effects on animals.
The first form of nerve gas, Soman (a fluorine compound) was
developed by the Germans during World War II which indicates that
scientists were well aware of neurotoxicity of fluoride compounds
almost sixty years ago.
Through water fluoridation, the general population, especially
children who are most susceptible to developmental changes, are
exposed to fluorides. In the "Toxicological Profile for Fluorides",
1993, page 90, it states:
"The fluorine ion
carried in human blood serum exists in two forms, namely as an
inorganic ion (F-) and in combination with an organic molecule.
The toxicological significance of the latter form is unknown.
portion of circulating fluoride acts as an enzyme inhibitor
because it forms metal-fluoride-phosphate complexes that
interfere with the activity of those enzymes requiring a metal
ion cofactor.
In addition, fluoride may interact directly with
the enzyme or the substrate. It is a general inhibitor of the
energy production system of the cell...."
The fluorine ion has a
negative electrical charge while metal ions have a positive
electrical charge, and they readily combine to form
Both metal ions and fluorine ions are very
small. Consequently, they can easily pass through cell membranes.
Once in the cell, a natural chemical reaction occurs where the
fluorine ion is released from the metal ion. The fluorine ion
interferes with the enzyme function and continues on, while the
metal ion is left behind. It is also possible for the fluorine ion
to attach to a trace mineral such as zinc which is essential to
enzyme function and remove it from the cell.
This same scenario is
how fluoride acts as a delivery mechanism for psychoactive drugs,
but with water fluoridation, the passenger is a neurotoxic substance
such as lead, mercury or aluminum for which the brain is the target
Because the poisoning of the brain is accomplished from chronic,
low-level doses of highly potent (synergized)
metal-fluoride-complexes, conventional standards used to determine
intoxication would be inadequate (a linear dose-response to a
particular neurotoxic substance). Like Rohypnol or Sarin, the
neurotoxic substances may well be synergized with the addition of
the fluorine ion.
Consequently, lead or mercury fluoride
combinations could be much more neurotoxic than the independent
metal ion.
While symptoms may indicate that a person is suffering from
neurotoxicity, the method and standards used to measure toxicity
and/or serum levels of substances would not indicate toxic levels in
the body. The present accepted method used by researchers to
determine adverse effects is to attempt to target a single substance
as the causative rather than address chemical interactions that can
and do occur when chemicals are metabolized in the human body or
through environmental reactions.
The consequences of not considering
synergized chemical interactions would be misdiagnoses and possibly
the prescribing of a medication that may exacerbate the condition.
To further confound the problem, there are only several animal
studies available on the neurotoxic effects of
metal-fluoride-complexes on which to base any diagnosis.
The present thought among most pro and anti-fluoridation scientists
and researchers is that since the neurotoxic
metal-fluoride-complexes are only found at trace levels in
fluoridated water, they are of little significance. Most scientists
are only concerned with how much of a specific toxicant will cause
an adverse immediate health effect, not how little of a synergized
toxicant will cause an adverse health effect with prolonged chronic,
low-level exposure.
The problem with fluorides is that it is difficult to prove that the
fluorine ion had anything to do with a metabolic crime involving neurotoxic damage related to metal-fluoride-complexes. This is
because the fluorine ion is the vehicle that carries the neurotoxic
substance, effectively delivers it to the target area of the brain
where it will do the most damage, leaves it, and then continues on
its metabolic journey.
With lethal doses of poisons such as Sarin or sodium fluoroacetate,
it would be almost impossible to determine that a person had been
poisoned from the fluorinated toxicants.
This is because of the
bioactivity of the fluorine ion which is in a constant state of
transition as it travels through the body. With these fluoride
compounds, the examining physician would have to know that a person
was exposed to these substances to determine the cause of death,
otherwise, it would be written off as heart failure.
Diagnosing the
effects of chronic, low-level exposure to fluoride compounds would
be almost impossible unless appropriate research was done to
determine what those adverse affects were and that the physicians
were aware of the research.
In essence, it can be said that the ubiquitous fluorine ion when
combined with another substance could be the perpetrator of almost
perfect neurological or biological crimes.
This is because:
1. neither toxic
levels of the fluorine ion nor the accomplice substance can
be placed at the scene of the crime in significant amounts
to indicate intoxication
2. scientists
generally discount toxic synergism as a factor with chronic
fluoride toxicity
3. there is no
research data on which to base a diagnosis
The weight of scientific
evidence suggests that the fluorine ion is the most logical
perpetrator of neurotoxic damage.
It is also a scientific fact that
the fluorine ion has a particular affinity for metal ions of which
some, such as lead, aluminum and mercury are neurotoxic and
accumulate in brain tissues. And it is a well known scientific fact
among toxicologists that the fluorine ion acts as a synergizing
agent for many toxicants.
Consequently, it is only logical to assume
that the neurotoxic metal-fluoride-phosphate complexes act as
potentiated neurotoxicants. [Note: Only several hundred registered
professional toxicologists exist in the entire U.S.)
The only adverse effects most scientists are interested in with
regards to water fluoridation are the effects of the fluorine ion,
which is an intangible, and which accumulates in endpoint tissues
after the fact (meaning, after the metabolic damage has been done).
The fluorine ion, alone, only exists instantaneously in a
transitional phase during such a chemical reaction.
Long term
effects of low-level chronic exposure to synergized fluoride
compounds/complexes are possibly considered inconsequential,
although the population is exposed to low-levels of these cumulative
chemicals on a daily basis via fluoridated water, toothpaste,
mouthwash, residual fluorinated insecticides, pesticides, herbicides
and fungicides on fruits and vegetables along with environmental
fluoride pollution.
In the Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 69, Feb. 1990, pg. 584,
there is a mention of toxic synergism and concern over
metal-fluoride complexes in Recommendations from Session IV, Needed
Research, #7,
"Consider variations in physiological, nonphysiological, and pathological changes __ for example, diet,
ambient temperature, altitude, environmental pollution and disease
states. Environmental pollutants __ heavy metals, for example __
should be monitored not just for their effects on Fluorine but for
their other effects per se".
The effects of long-term, low-level exposure to these cumulative
metal-fluoride complexed neurotoxicants and organophosphates are
contingent on several factors:
Not all people react the
There is much research data on the neurotoxic effects of lead,
mercury and aluminum: Lead is associated with environmental
retardation (learning disorders); mercury is associated with various
nervous and mental disorders (the "mad hatter" syndrome, where
hatters once used mercury to make felt hats); and aluminum has been
associated with memory loss (Presenile dementia, or Alzheimer's
However, since there are only several studies about neurotoxic metal-fluoride-complexes, one can only speculate what
effects chronic, long-term, low-level exposure to synergistic
combinations of these complexes could be.
In reviewing pharmaceutical, agricultural and chemical warfare
research data, it appears safe to assume that the neurotoxic effects
of metal-fluoride-complexes would be magnified as with the case of
Rohypnol and other psychoactive drugs.
It is also logical to
believe, that like soldiers suffering from Sarin exposure ("Gulf War
Syndrome"), there might not be an antidote for the adverse metabolic
reaction caused by organophosphates that are also used in
agricultural products or metal-fluoride-complexes.
Possibly, continued
chronic exposure to low-levels of fluorides might well exacerbate
the initial effects.
As previously stated, Sarin was developed and used by the Nazis in
Germany, used by terrorists in Tokyo several years ago (in Newsweek
Magazine's coverage photos of the Tokyo gas attack, did you notice
the photo of numerous small light-green barrels clearly marked
SODIUM FLUORIDE, in the terrorist's Sarin-manufacturing facility?),
and used by Iraq in the Gulf War.
The following EPA Chemical Profile of SARIN nerve gas was recently
published on the Internet, after pressure from Gulf War Syndrome
veterans. Notice this quote from SECTION VII of the following
chemical profile, regarding the neutralization of SARIN:
"Rapidly hydrolyzed
by dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate forming
relatively non-toxic products. Water alone removes the fluorine
atom, producing a non-toxic acid (Merck 1983, p. 1204)"
October 31, 1987
CHEMICAL IDENTITY - SARIN (Military Chemical Nerve Agent)
CAS Registry Number: 107-44-8
Synonyms [alternate names]: (NIOSH/RTECS 1983 Synonyms, Volume
3, p. 122)
- GB
- T-144
- T-2106
- TL 1618
- Sarin II
- Trilone 46
- Isopropyl Methylfluorophosphate
- Isopropyl Methanefluorophosphonate
- Isopropoxymethylphosphoryl Fluoride
- Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl Fluoride
- Phosphine Oxide, Fluoroisopropoxymethyl
- Methylphosphonofluoridic Acid-Isopropyl Ester
- Phosphoric Acid, Methyifluoro-Isopropyl Ester
- Phosphonofluoridic Acid, Methyl-Isopropyl Ester
Chemical Formula:
Molecular Weight: 140.11
Toxicity Value Used for Listing Under Section 302: LC50
inhalation (kills 50% of humans) 0.07 mg/liter (*NIOSH/RTECS
TPQ: 10 (pounds)
RQ: 1 (pound) (statutory, for notification under SARA Section
Section 313 Listed (Yes or No): No
Physical State: Liquid
Boiling Point: 2970F, 1470C (Merck 1983, p. 1204)
Specific Gravity (H2O=1): 1.10 at 200C/40C (Merck 1983, p. 1204)
Vapor Pressure (mmHg): 2.9 at 250C (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4)
Melting Point: -710F, -570C (Merck 1983, p. 1204)
Vapor Density (AIR=l): 4.86 (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4)
Evaporation Rate (Butyl acetate=1): About the same as water
(U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4)
Solubility in Water: Miscible with and hydrolyzed by water
(Merck 1983, p. 1204)
Appearance and Odor: Liquid (Merck 1983, p. 1204). A colorless
liquid and vapor. Almost no odor in pure state (U.S. Army 1975,
p. 3-3 to 3-4).
OSHA PEL: Not Found
ACGIH TLV: Not Found
IDLH: Not Found
Other Limits Recommended: Not Found
Routes of Entry: Inhalation: Yes (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4)
Skin: Yes (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4)
Ingestion: Yes (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4)
Health Hazards (Acute, Delayed, and Chronic): Extremely toxic;
lethal dose in humans may be as low as 0.01 mg/kg. [10 parts per
billion.] Extremely active cholinesterase inhibitor. Toxic
effects similar to, but more severe than those of parathion
(Merck 1983, p. 1204). Death within 15 minutes after fatal dose
is absorbed (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4). Medical Conditions
Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Not Found
Flash Point (Method Used): Non-flammable (U.S. Army 1975, p.
Flammable Limits:
LEL: Not Found
UEL: Not Found
Extinguishing Methods: Extinguish with foam, carbon dioxide, and
dry chemical (Sax 1984, p. 1662)
Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Protective clothing and
respiratory protection (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-5).
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Non-flammable (U.S. Army
1975, p. 3-5)
NFPA Flammability Rating: Not Found
Stable: Yes (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4)
Conditions to Avoid: Not Found
Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Slightly corrosive to
steel (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4). Hydrolyzed by water (Merck 1983,
p. 1204).
Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: Acidic conditions produce
hydrogen fluoride; alkaline conditions produce isopropyl alcohol
and polymers (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4). When heated to
decomposition or reacted with steam, it emits very toxic fumes
of fluorides and oxides of phosphorus (Sax 1984, p. 1662).
Hazardous Polymerization:
May Occur: Not Found
May Not Occur: Not Found
Conditions to Avoid: Not Found
Quick-acting military chemical nerve agent (U.S. Army, p. 3-4).
Chemical warfare agent (Merck 1983, p. 1204).
Rapidly hydrolyzed by dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide or sodium
carbonate forming relatively non-toxic products. Water alone
removes the fluorine atom producing a non-toxic acid (Merck
1983, p. 1204).
Decontaminants include bleach slurry, dilute alkali, hot soapy
water, steam and ammonia (U.S. Army 1975, p. 3-4).
For emergency situations, wear a positive pressure,
pressure-demand, full facepiece self-contained breathing
apparatus (SCBA) or pressure-demand supplied air respirator with
escape SCBA and a fully-encapsulating, chemical resistant suit.
See the introductory information section at the beginning of the
profiles for additional information.
PERFORMANCE (Based on EPA/USCG "Guidelines", 1987)
Chemical Resistance/Amount of Data)
Butyl/Neoprene GOOD/LIMITED**
Viton/Neoprene GOOD/LIMITED**
*Based on qualitative performance information.
**Based on a chemical analog.
Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Symptoms include difficulty in
breathing, drooling, excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting,
cramps, involuntary defecation and urination, twitching,
jerking, staggering, headache, confusion, drowsiness, coma,
convulsion, dimness of vision and pinpoint pupils (U.S. Army
1975, p. 3-3)
Emergency and First Aid Procedures: Immediate decontamination of
the smallest drop is essential.
Vapor penetrates the skin (U.S.
Army 1975, p. 3.4). Toxic effects are similar to parathion (Sax
1984, p. 1662). Treatment for parathion is as follows: move
victim to fresh air; call emergency medical care. If not
breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is
difficult, give oxygen.
In case of contact with material,
immediately flush skin or eyes with running water for at least
15 minutes. Speed in removing material from skin is of extreme
importance. Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes
at the site. Keep victim quiet and maintain normal body
Effects may be delayed; keep victim under
observation (DOT 1984, Guide 55).