by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
March 01, 2011
NaturalNews Website
The Fluoride
Deception exposes the truth about water fluoridation and
phosphate mining industry |
Water fluoridation around the world is achieved through the purchase
of chemically contaminated toxic waste chemicals from China which
are then labeled "fluoride" and dumped into public water supplies in
local cities and towns.
That's the conclusion of a shocking new mini
documentary (watch video far below) released today by the
Consumer Wellness Center.
The 12-minute video documents the history of fluoride and how this
toxic chemical is produced as an industrial byproduct of the
phosphate mining industry.
Decades ago, fluoride used to be released
into the air through the smokestacks of phosphate mining operations,
but this resulted in the widespread death of cattle and plants on
nearby farms and ranches.
To stop the deaths, phosphate mining
companies installed "wet scrubbers" that captured the toxic fluoride
chemical vapors.
While consumers might think that deadly fluoride chemicals captured
in these wet scrubbers are disposed of as hazardous industrial
waste, the surprising truth is that they are sold to cities and
towns as "fluoride" to be dumped into the local water supply where
they are consumed by adults and children. This is all being done to
"prevent cavities" - a medical claim that technically turns
fluoride into an unapproved drug being used in an illegal mass
medication scheme.
The FDA has never approved fluoride as a drug, and no recipient of
fluoride has ever been medically evaluate for their "need" for the
The full story of fluoride is revealed in
The Fluoride Deception.
The making of
The Fluoride Deception
The video was created and narrated by consumer health advocate Mike
Adams, the executive director of the CWC.
Adams is best known for
creating the "Blueberry Deception" documentary which revealed many
name-brand breakfast cereals that claim to be made with blueberries
are actually made with petrochemicals and artificial colors (and
contain no blueberries at all).
"Consumers have a right to know what's in their water," Adams
"They have a right to know where chemical fluoride really
comes from, because if they knew the truth about this industrial
chemical, they would never allow their children to consume it."
The Fluoride Deception also takes aim at doctors and dentists who
have long recommended fluoride without telling people where the
chemical fluoride really comes from.
"They tell you it's good for
your teeth," Adams explained.
"But they don't tell you how it
damages your brain, your bones, your health and the environment.
They don't tell you about the toxic cadmium, lead and other deadly
materials that routinely contaminate the fluoride dumped into the
water supply."
As The Fluoride Deception ultimately reveals, the practice of water
fluoridation is a method by which the phosphate mining industry can
dispose of its toxic waste byproducts by passing them through the
bodies of people first.
The Fluoride Deception
is the latest mini documentary from Mike Adams, executive director
of the Consumer Wellness Center. Through the use of animation and
motion graphics, it exposes the truth about where fluoride really
comes from: The toxic byproducts of the phosphate mining industry!
Here is the transcript of this documentary:
Fluoride. Dentists say that drinking it can protect your teeth
against cavities. Cities and towns all across the world actually
dump it into the water supply, hoping to indiscriminately medicate
the population through their tap water faucets.
The official story on fluoride sounds wonderful:
Drink the stuff,
and you won't get cavities, we're told.
It's a nice story. But
there's another side to this story - the side you're never told.
And it starts with the astonishing but verifiable fact that nearly
all the fluoride dripped into municipal water supplies isn't
naturally occurring fluoride at all.
In fact, it's actually a combination of
hexafluorosilicic acid and
sodium silicofluoride.
These two chemical are considered highly toxic by
the EPA. They're
actually classified as hazardous waste and when packaged for
transportation, they must be labeled as poison and handled by
workers wearing industrial safety gear.
So what are hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride, and
where do they come from?
That's the part of this story that you probably won't believe. That
is, not until you check it out yourself. Because the more you look
into the mythology of fluoride, the more bizarre this story becomes.
And this bizarre story begins at phosphate mining companies.
Phosphate is an important mineral used in fertilizers. It's mined
from natural rock deposits scattered across the world, and the
phosphate rock is then refined to produce phosphoric acid. If that
name sounds familiar, that's because it's one of the main
ingredients in
carbonated sodas such as Coke and Pepsi.
acid is often compared to battery acid. It's a highly acidic liquid
that is believed to be the primary reason why drinking sodas can
result in kidney stones and a loss of bone mineral density.
Phosphate rock is also used to create fertilizers. The problem is,
phosphate is often contaminated with high levels of fluoride - as
much as 40,000 parts per million, or up to 4% of the raw ore. To
remove the fluoride, sulfuric acid is added to a wet slurry of
phosphate and water. This causes the fluoride to vaporize, creating
highly toxic gaseous compounds such as hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetrafluoride.
These toxic fluoride chemicals used to be released directly from the
smokestacks of phosphate mining operations, but the nearby farms
suffered devastating losses of cattle and food crops which withered
away and died due to... guess what? Fluoride poisoning.
In order to stop this environmental destruction, the phosphate
mining industry put in place a way to capture the toxic fluoride
chemical vapors so that they wouldn't be released into the air and
kill the surrounding livestock and vegetation. This was accomplished
by installing "wet scrubbers" that captured the toxic fluoride
chemicals, preventing them from being released into the environment
and killing the plant and animal life living nearby.
It is from these wet scrubbers that toxic fluoride chemicals are now
harvested. They're collected, re-packaged, shipped to your local
city, then dumped into the municipal water supply. So instead of
these toxic fluoride chemicals being released by the phosphate
mining smokestacks, they are instead captured, and then released
into the water supply of large cities where the chemicals then
contaminate the water of millions of people at a time.
This is called water fluoridation.
When dentists and doctors say they support fluoride in the water
supply, what they're really saying is that they support the mass
poisoning of the population with a highly toxic hazardous waste
product that, if it weren't dripped into the water supply, it would
have to be disposed of as highly toxic hazardous waste under strict
EPA regulations.
Curiously, it is a violation of federal law to dump
hexafluorosilicic acid or sodium silicofluoride into the water. Such
an act, in fact, is considered an act of terrorism. Yet it is
mysteriously allowed today as long as it is accompanied by a
loosely-justified claim that "we're doing this to stop cavities."
But setting aside for the moment the inconvenient truth that water
fluoridation involves the illegal act of dumping hazardous waste
into the water supply, there's another important question in all
Do these toxic fluoride chemicals actually prevent cavities?
Roughly ninety-nine percent of the municipal water pumped through
any given city never ends up in the mouths of the people. Most water
is used for showering, washing dishes, washing clothes, watering
yards and filling pools. Almost none of the fluoride dripped into
the water supply comes into contact with human teeth.
It does, however, end up downstream, where it contaminates rivers,
streams and ultimately the oceans of our world. In this way, water
fluoridation policies have become a convenient loophole through
which the phosphate mining industry can dump its toxic waste
byproducts into the environment without adhering to any EPA
regulations whatsoever. Phosphate mining companies even turn a
profit by selling their hazardous waste to cities, then labeling it
"fluoride" even though this name is scientifically inaccurate.
All this raises obvious questions:
If fluoride kills cows, and
crops, and fish, and is considered a hazardous waste chemical by the
EPA, then how could it be healthy to ingest?
And why don't doctors and dentists, even though they openly
recommend fluoride - sometimes with irrational exuberance - know
where fluoride really comes from?
If dentists knew fluoride was
derived from the chemical waste of the phosphate mining industry,
would they still recommend that we consume it?
The truth about fluoride
is a lot like the truth about Enron, or
Goldman Sachs, or every other shocking revelation that nobody
believed until it suddenly became obvious that we were all being
fooled for so long.
Fluoride is a clever scheme, where a hazardous
waste chemical is dumped into the environment by passing it through
the bodies of people first. We, the People, have become the toxic
waste dump site of the phosphate mining industry, and chances are,
your local dentist fully supports this entire process.
Over the last several decades, an astonishing twenty-four studies
have established a statistical link between fluoride exposure and
low IQs in children.
One study conducted by the
Center for Endemic
Disease Control in China found that each additional milligram of
fluoride detected in every liter of a child's urine was associated
with a 0.59 point decrease in their IQ score. Another study found
that fluoride exposure slashed the number of children achieving
"high IQs" by more than 70 percent.
It shouldn't be surprising, of course, to learn that a consuming a
hazardous chemical might impair brain function.
Water fluoridation,
in turns out, may be the root cause of the alarming drop in academic
aptitude among children in first-world nations. Historically
speaking, the mathematics that used to be taught to eighth graders
in the 1950s are now college-level courses in 2011. Maybe the reason
why Johnny can't read or spell is because Johnny's been drinking too
much fluoride.
So I have three bits of advice for you.
First, for your dental
needs, always seek out a holistic dentist who understands the
toxicity of fluoride and mercury. They will advise you NOT to drink
toxic fluoride chemicals from your tap water.
Secondly, don't drink unfiltered tap water. In addition to the toxic
fluoride chemicals, tap water is also usually contaminated with
chlorine and even dangerous elements from old water pipes. Buy a
good countertop water filter from a company like Aquasana. Or get a
whole-house filter to remove chlorine and fluoride from the water
entering your home.
Thirdly, help fight water fluoridation in your local city or town.
If your city is like most cities, water fluoridation policies have
been pushed by dentists and doctors who are technically ignorant of
the origins and the composition of fluoride, and yet they seek to
assert power over the composition your local water supply. They
essentially attempt to mass-medication the entire population with
what can only be called a "drug" - a biologically active chemical
that they claim can prevent a health condition.
And yet,
Has this "drug" called fluoride ever received FDA approval
as a drug?
Have the individual members of the population been
individually assessed for their need for such a drug?
medication doses and drug interactions been considered?
Has anyone
even been written a prescription for this drug?
The answer is no.
Fluoride is an unapproved drug, being used in a
highly illegal mass-medication scheme that provides an excuse for
the real agenda of disposing of a highly toxic hazardous waste
It's time to stop fluoride.
Demand an end to fluoridation in your local cities and towns. Call
for those who purchase and handle fluoride to stop what they're
doing. Question the safety of these toxic chemicals being dripped
into the water supply. These are actions that endanger the public.
They could be called acts of terrorism.
And publicly shame the
doctors and dentists who have taken part in this mass chemical
poisoning, causing untold harm to populations all over the world.
Help us stop the fluoride poisoning of our world.
The Fluoride Deception Exposes The Truth
Water Fluoridation and The Phosphate
Mining Industry