September 8,
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An Inconvenient Tooth is a documentary film about fluoride by
local filmmaker Guy Wagner. It was released September 6, 2012
at the Portland City Hall.
Mayor Sam Adams
and Commissioner Randy Leonard watched the film before voting
on fluoride.
On September 12 the City
Council unanimously voted to add fluoride to our water without a
public vote even though Portland voters have rejected fluoride three
times in the past.
With the success of the signature gathering effort to put
fluoridation on the ballot it is now up to all of us to decide if we
want fluoride added to our water instead of five people in City Hall
deciding for us. Everyone in Portland is
invited to watch this film and
decide if they agree with the judgment of the City Council or not.
An Inconvenient Tooth
is one tool that can help to sort out reality from myth and get to
the truth about fluoride.