by PF Louis
April 20,
NaturalNews Website
The Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation is financially backing and publicly endorsing
mass polio virus vaccinations in India. In case you didn't hear him
yourself, Bill Gates publicly announced that vaccines could help
reduce the world population by 15%.
Gates also proclaimed that every newborn should be registered for
vaccinations immediately to assure the goal of 90% of the population
getting vaccinated for his "century of the vaccination."
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation program in India was promoted
as "The Last Mile: Eradicating polio in India."
The promotional video
displayed numbers showing thousands of cases of polio in India
decades ago, with the number of cases dropping to 42 by 2010. But it
appears that wild polio virus stats have been traded for polio from
vaccines and non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP).
In India, over 47,000 cases of NPAFP were reported in 2011. The
paralysis symptoms of NPAFP are practically the same as what's
attributed to "eradicated" wild virus polio. Apparently, vaccine
polio viruses also cause polio paralysis.
Some experts argue that wild virus polio rarely causes paralysis and
was declining on its own before
the Salk vaccine. Ironically, the
Salk vaccine contained SV-40 (Simeon virus 40) associated with
cancer's surge since the 1950s.
In neighboring Pakistan during 2011, 136 children came down with
polio. Yet 107 of them had been vaccinated multiple times with oral
polio vaccines (OPVs). That's over 78% of those supposedly
"immunized" against polio
getting that same disease.
Yet the Gates Foundation wants to vaccinate the world? Hmmm...
OPVs (oral polio vaccines)
OPVs have been phased out in western countries because of their high
incidence of adverse side effects.
This type of vaccine was
developed by Dr. Albert Sabin and FDA approved in 1963. The
viruses in this vaccine are not dead. They are merely "attenuated"
but still alive.
What is done with OPVs that are produced but banned in the West?
Dump them on third world countries with the humanitarian cover that
they are less expensive and easier to administer to large groups
Outbreaks of paralysis using labels other than polio, such as NPAFP
(non-polio acute flaccid paralysis), conveniently obscures polio
outbreaks among vaccinated populations. Experts outside the
vaccination dogma box point out there are other polio type maladies
with different names, including NPAFP, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and
Some incidents of vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) from OPVs are
reported, which is why OPVs were banned in the West. Those polio
episodes can be vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP). VAPP
affects only those who had consumed the OPVs.
Yet there are other ways OPVs can spread polio. Family members,
friends, even villagers associated with those who took OPVs can be
infected from viral shedding.
Viral shedding is common among OPV vaccinated persons and those
inoculated with attenuated live viruses. The attenuated viruses
become more virulent after residing in the vaccinated person's body.
Upon excretion, water and materials exposed to the urine or stool
has been known to spread this now more virulent polio virus to
Read more on case histories of OPVs' causing polio in the USA and
Nigeria, both to vaccine recipients and to others from rejuvenated
viruses shed by
those who were vaccinated.
This "Last Mile" campaign has caused many to walk their last mile. A
lot of money has been spent for this campaign, money that could have
been used more wisely on improving general basic living health
conditions to minimize all diseases.
When millions are spent on vaccinations instead of improving basic
sanitation and potable water in poorly developed regions, there is
another agenda behind the humanitarian cover story.