by Paul Fassa
August 15, 2012
NaturalNews Website
About the author:
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the
current corruption of food and medicine and guiding
others toward a direction for better health with no
restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog
at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com |
There have been reports from epidemiological studies confirming
suspicions that those who are vaccinated often don't do as well with
long-term health as those who are vaccination free.
Those epidemiological studies (statistical surveys) have shown that
bad health is more common among the vaccinated who survive without
serious injury than children not vaccinated.
But how and why has not come under controlled animal lab studies
until Japan's Kobe University animal lab study of 2009.
This study was reported and peer reviewed in the PLOS One Open
Journal at the end of 2009, but has not received much if any public
attention. It was brought to public's attention very recently by
homoeopathist and health writer
Heidi Stevenson's
article on her Gaia Health blog.
Japanese study
Here's the conclusion quoted from the Kobe University study's
journal report:
autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of
over-stimulating the host's immune 'system' by repeated
immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system's
self-organize criticality."
The initial purpose of
this independently funded study was to understand how autoimmune
diseases develop from autoimmunity. It was not an effort to prove
vaccination safety or danger.
The researchers used mice that were bred to avoid autoimmune
diseases and injected them with solutions that contain antigens.
Antigens generate antibodies to protect against invading disease
pathogens. Antibodies can turn against the host if they become self
generated, causing autoimmune diseases.
A vaccination injects cultured vaccine antigens of weakened or dead
viruses to create an immune response of antibodies to that antigen,
supposedly for creating immunity to that particular disease.
It's not very unusual for cytokine storms (immune system
overreactions) to overwhelm one who has been vaccinated. Vaccine
adverse reactions have caused injuries of permanent disability,
autism spectrum disorders, or death more often than publicly
The Kobe researchers injected the mice that were bred to not develop
autoimmune diseases repeatedly with antigens, much like vaccinations
are administered to infants and children, to study how an immune
system could turn on itself to create autoimmune diseases.
They were pushing the mice's immune systems to see if and when they
would no longer bend, but break. They used Staphylococcus entertoxin
B (SEB) as their injected antigens.
The study report did not mention including any
toxic adjuvants or
preservatives such as mercury, aluminum, or formaldehyde used in
vaccines. Antigens were used without the toxic additives normally
used in vaccinations.
After seven injections the mice recovered each time with their
immune systems intact. But after the eighth injection, problems with
key immunity cells began arising.
Damaged cells were observed microscopically and showed signs of
early autoimmunity. Their immune systems had started to self
generate antibodies for autoimmune reactions after repeated antigen
inoculations. (Source below)
This study should put to rest the notion that "greening" vaccines,
that is removing or withholding vaccines' normal toxic additives,
would make the childhood vaccination schedule of close to 40
vaccinations by 18 months of age more agreeable.
The Kobe animal trials demonstrated how autoimmune reactions were
created as a consequence of repeated antigen only inoculations with
long enough breaks between each injection to allow complete
Autoimmune diseases have increased in quantity and variety as
childhood vaccination schedules increased and more vaccines were
made available for naive recipients. Even infectious diseases that
vaccines are supposed to immunize against have appeared among the
vaccinated more often than publicly admitted.
The very basis of creating immunity with even "greened" vaccinations
is worse than false, it is actually unhealthy.