by Catherine J. Frompovich
February 23, 2015
ActivistPost Website
Catherine J Frompovich (website)
is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced
degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences,
Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus
Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in
national and airline magazines since the early 1980s.
Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along
with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians,
nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has
been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and
Catherine's latest book, published October 4, 2013, is
Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don't Know About Vaccines.
Catherine retired
from researching and writing,
but felt compelled to
write this article. |

Have any readers read about the
Italian court's ruling that vaccines have caused autism?
Have you heard about it on your
nightly TV news channels?
Have you scanned it on your
favorite online newspaper?
Probably not - but even more so, why
Well, there were at least two such autism rulings, the latest being
in September 2014. Here is the
8-page official court document written in Italian, signed by
Judge Nicola Di Leo.
Mary Holland, JD,
wrote an article about that ruling, which everyone at the HHS,
CDC, FDA and all state and local health agencies should read, know
about and, furthermore, accept because vaccines DO cause autism.
The Italian court in Milan ruled against GlaxoSmithKline for damages
caused by its hexavalent vaccine Infanrix Hexa, which is given to
children during their first year of life.
Several factors were considered by the court in coming to the
decision it rendered.
One important fact was that the vaccine
at the time administered
contained Thimerosal (49.6%
"in concentrations greatly exceeding
the maximum recommended levels for infants weighing only a few
In Italy, Thimerosal has since been
banned due to its neurotoxicity.
It still is present in many
vaccines in the USA.
The other apparently incriminating
factor(s) came from the 1271-page GlaxoSmithKline report
"Confidential to Regulatory Authorities
- Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis, Hepatitis B
enhanced Inactivated Poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae type B
vaccine (Infanrix™ hexa)" which GSK had to present
to the Italian court.
That document has since
been posted online and I encourage readers
to take the time to scan, especially the last 50 or so pages.
Take note that a comprehensive listing
of Adverse Events from Infanrix Hexa starts on pages 1129-30. On
page 626, though, we see "Autism" listed two times for a total of 6
adverse events.
Apparently, they did know!
In June of 2012, another court in Rimini, Italy, ruled that the
vaccine caused autism in a 15-month-old boy. The UK newspaper
Daily Mail, however,
did report on that ruling.
Isn't that an obvious legal vindication of Dr.
Andrew Wakefield's
hypothesis about the MMR vaccine?
The rather depressing, but interesting, aspect of both Italian court
rulings is that their remarkable adjudications did not seem
important enough to be reported by - or in - the supposed 'free
press' of the United States of America!
So, how can anyone in the USA believe
the apparent 'fairytales' communicated about vaccines by the
non-transparent and obviously controlled media, if they
don't report all the facts, all the time?
However, in September of 2013, Natural News online reported
something interesting at the U.S. "Vaccine Court":
Of particular note in the case is
the fact that concession documents by the government remain
under seal.
While the court and the government
at large openly admitted that the MMR
vaccine caused Ryan's encephalitis, it did not make public
its opinion on whether or not that encephalitis led to Ryan's
other injuries, including those that fall into the category of
But the fact that these documents
remain censored shows that the government is hiding something of
importance from the public, which most definitely has to do with
the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.
The Huffington Post
online reported in January of 2013 that the U.S. "Vaccine
Court Awards Millions to Two Children with Autism".
Why would the CDC, FDA, and health
authorities say that vaccines don't cause autism? Something is
categorically wrong when they don't acknowledge the Vaccine Court's
decisions, plus claims payouts for autism resulting from vaccine
adverse events.
What kind of double-speak goes on
regarding vaccines in federal health agencies? Congress needs to
investigate that.
See this rather 'nut-case-like' repartee that took place at a
Congressional hearing between Senator Elizabeth Warren [D-MA]
and Anne Schuchat, MD, Director of National Center for
Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC. [2]
Their 'script' sounds more like something old-time comedians Laurel
and Hardy would have concocted.
Shouldn't Dr. Schuchat know better than to lie under oath in
testimony before a member of Congress? Should Dr. Schuchat be
prosecuted for perjury? Aren't lies made in congressional hearings
Contempt of Congress?... that will get you 6 months in jail.
Probably Dr. Schuchat has the same sort
of 'truth exemption' status as did the Director of National
Intelligence, James Clapper, who apparently lied under oath to
Congress, or former CIA director Michael Hayden,
[3] who apparently lied about torture.
How come there seems to be a double
standard of law and ethics within federal agencies?
Furthermore, numerous times vaccine-associated-autism HAS BEEN
DOCUMENTED SCIENTIFICALLY, but collusion occurred to keep it from
healthcare consumers.
Causal links between vaccines have been identified in the past by
CDC epidemiologists and researchers, viz.:
the Simpsonwood
Meeting in June of 2000 - a clandestine meeting to figure out what
to do with
the Verstraeten study that showed the link between Thimerosal (ethylmercury)
in vaccines and autism.
Then, as recently as 2014,
William Thompson, PhD,
blew the whistle on how he fudged
vaccine study papers regarding the link between vaccines and autism.
Additionally, on page 5 of the HHS Health Resources and Service
Administration National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
Statistics Report, we find for the MMR vaccine there were 890
injuries/adverse events and 57 deaths reported with only 367
compensated claims and 502 that were dismissed without compensation
for damages, proving vaccines are not safe!
In other countries such as Italy, vaccine-damaged vaccinees have
much more equitable recourses at law than those who are damaged by
vaccines in the United States.
Congress needs to change that 1986 law,
since vaccines really do cause autism, as the Italian court
adjudicated and the U.S. Vaccine Court knows and paid claims for.
And lastly, readers and members of Congress ought to know that,
Gates Faces Trial in India for Illegally Testing Tribal Children
with Vaccines"
Vaccine crimes everywhere, especially at the CDC and FDA, must stop
- and Congress must do a thorough and independent investigation of
an apparent agenda between
Big Pharma's pseudoscience cappers they
are permitted pull off and the terrible damage being done to human