by Vera Sharav
29, 2019
HumansAreFree Website

In Japan, young women and
girls suffering from severe chronic generalized pain following
vaccination with
Merck's Gardasil® or GSK's Cervarix®, have
organized and are speaking out.
The issues are being debated at public hearings, at which scientific
presentations have been made by independent medical experts who
validated the women's suffering with documented evidence of the
severe nature of the pain related to the HPV vaccine.
The opposing view, presented by scientists aligned with the vaccine
establishment, disregarded the scientific plausibility of the
evidence and declared the pain was a "psychosomatic reaction."
Such public debates do not take place where vaccine stakeholders are
in full control of vaccine safety information. (Like in the U.S.,
for example.)
Following a public hearing (February 2014), at which scientific
evidence was presented by independent scientists [2], the
Japanese government, not only rescinded its recommendation that
girls receive the HPV vaccine, but established guidelines and
special clinics for evaluating and treating illnesses caused by the

Public Hearings Regarding HPV Vaccine Injuries in Japan
Allowed Because Pro Vaccine Forces
are Not
in Full Control of Public Health Policies.
It is a scenario that Merck, GSK, and vaccine stakeholders globally
are extremely anxious to suppress.
The Merck-commissioned,
CSIS (Center for Strategic &
International Studies)
report, co-authored by Dr. Heidi Larson,
paints a picture of an all-out war over media coverage - not over
the high rate of serious adverse reactions.
The authors resort to the usual tactic of discrediting
vaccine-injured individuals; they dismissed the serious health
effects suffered by girls and young women following vaccination, as
The CSIS report presents the entire issue as an epidemic fueled by
Internet rumors and "vaccine hesitators."
"Over the last year,
controversy within the Japanese medical and political arenas
over the HPV vaccine has touched the public at large.
Through social media
and highly publicized events, anti-vaccine groups have gained
control of the narrative surrounding the HPV vaccine."
Collaborators in Action - Trash Honest Scientists to Suppress
Inconvenient Evidence

The following case demonstrates how the global network of
government/academic and industry stakeholders suppresses information
about genuine scientific findings and, when needed, is engaged in
corrupt practices to thwart the airing of information about vaccine
safety issues.
This case involves inconvenient scientific laboratory findings in
post-mortem tissue samples, showing that the HPV vaccine was
contaminated with foreign HPV DNA fragments.
The case also involves
evidence (contained in internal correspondence) of deceptive
practices by officials of "authoritative" international public
health institutions.
In January 2016,
pathologist Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, Director of Milford Medical
Laboratory, sent an
open letter of complaint to the Director-General of the World
Health Organization (WHO), Dr.
Margaret Chan, in which he
challenges the integrity of the GACVS
Statement on the Continued Safety of HPV Vaccination (issued
March 2014), and charges professional misconduct on the part of the
following individuals (and suggests that others may have also been
actively involved) in a scheme to deliberately mislead the Japanese
Expert Inquiry on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine safety before,
during and after the February 2014 public hearing in Tokyo.
Dr. Lee challenged
the integrity of the GACVS Statement on the Continued Safety of HPV
Vaccination written by Dr. Pless, accusing him of deliberately
misrepresenting his scientific findings in order to mislead
non-scientific readers and those who set vaccination policies.
Dr. Pless is
accused of deliberately conflating two unrelated articles, dealing
with two different chemicals, written by different authors
"apparently to create a target to attack."
Furthermore, Dr.
Lee notes that the GACVS Statement relied on an unpublished
12-year-old "Technical
Report" written by an unofficial, unnamed "group of
participants" (according to CDC's disclaimer).
These are the
In 2011, Dr. Lee
found that every one of the 13 Gardasil samples that he examined
HPV L1 gene DNA fragments.
He also found that
the HPV DNA fragments were not only bound to Merck's proprietary
aluminum adjuvant but also
adopted a non-B conformation, thereby creating a new chemical
compound of unknown toxicity.
This non-B
conformation, Dr. Lee believes, is responsible for the array of
autoimmune illnesses experienced by children and young women
following vaccination with Gardasil.
In 2012, Dr. Lee
testified at a coroner's inquest of the death of a New Zealand
teenager, 6 months after receiving 3 Gardasil vaccine injections.
He then published
his case report in the open access journal,
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology (2012).
Dr. Lee was a
presenter at the Tokyo hearing (2014), at which he disputed those
who claimed the young women weren't really suffering severe pain;
they were having "psychosomatic reactions."
He stated:
"I do not
believe psychosomatic reactions can cause sudden unexpected
death in sleep, or inflammatory lesions in the brain as
demonstrated by the MRI images and the brain biopsy
histopathology with perivascular lymphocytes and macrophages and
Following the
public hearing, GAVC issued a statement (March 12, 2014) aimed at
discrediting Dr. Lee's research by conflating his research with the
research of other scientists who presented at the Tokyo hearing.
This case should
have been prominently reported in the medical journals and by the
mass media, and the allegation should have been investigated.
publications have been silent; the case was reported only in
alternative news outlets. [3]
In July 2016, a
victims' group filed a multi-plaintiff lawsuit in the district
courts of Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka against the Japanese
government and the two pharmaceutical companies that had produced
these vaccines.
Furthermore, in
December of the same year, additional victims joined the
multi-plaintiff lawsuit, bringing the total number of plaintiffs to
119 (Indian
Journal of Medical Ethics, 2017).
The Hazards of
Aluminum in Vaccines Is the Focus Of Intense Research
Of note:
placebo comparator in (most) vaccine clinical trials is not inert,
it contains aluminum.
Several independent
teams of international autoimmune experts have investigated this,
led by the internationally recognized authority of autoimmune
diseases, Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld of Tel Aviv University,
Israel, and another group by Dr.
Christopher Exley, Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry,
Keele University in the UK.
However, studies
that document the hazards of aluminum in vaccines are not published
in major influential medical journals.
Recent surveys of
those journals document that medical journal editors have concealed
financial conflicts of interest, most Editors of Top Medical
Receive Industry Payments
(Retraction Watch, Nov. 2017).
In two cases,
journal editors received over $1 million from industry sources. (Ed
STAT, 2017.)
The following case
is an example of how science is subverted by tightly controlled
journal gatekeepers.
Journal editors who
have sold their integrity by accepting industry kickbacks block
publication of reports that might pose a financial threat to an
intricate web of government and non-government institutions and
professional associations - all of whom are financially tied to
pharmaceutical industry.
The case
demonstrates the great difficulty encountered by independent
scientists who have not sold their integrity to the highest bidder.
Publication Saga
Case Examples of
Harassment Aimed At Suppressing Harmful Findings Regarding the
HPV-Gardasil Vaccine
The study,
Behavioral Abnormalities in Young Female Mice following
administration of Aluminum Adjuvants and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Vaccine Gardasil, was conducted in Israel by a team of
researchers headed by Prof.
Yehuda Schoenfeld, an internationally recognized authority,
who is considered to be the pillar in the field of autoimmunity.
Indeed, Dr.
Shoenfeld identified a new syndrome ASIA (Autoimmune/Inflammatory
Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants).
"The idea of
ASIA as a new syndrome developed after some studies on Gulf War
syndrome reported that soldiers who had not been deployed to the
Gulf area were suffering from symptoms such as,
severe fatigue
cognitive impairment
This raised the
question of whether it was the vaccines administered to the
soldiers that induced these syndromes. The most common adjuvants
The focus of the
research seeks to shed light on,
"the roles and
mechanisms of action of different adjuvants which lead to
autoimmune/inflammatory response."
Prof. Shoenfeld
encountered blockades from journal editors who attempted to suppress
the findings of neuro-inflammation and,
abnormalities following administration of aluminum adjuvants and
HPV vaccine Gardasil."
Those editors
have financial stakes in the business of vaccines

Dr. Michael Racke
The HPV-mouse study
was first submitted to for publication to the Journal of Human
Immunology where it was shelved for 8 months and was then rejected
by that journal's
Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Michael Racke.
According to
the American Academy of Neurology:
"Dr. Racke has
received personal compensation for activities with EMD Serone,
Novartis, Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Genentech, and
Amarantus as a consultant."
EMD Serono, Inc. is
a subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.
The HPV-mouse study
was published in the journal Vaccine in January 2016. It was summarily
withdrawn a month later following orders by the Editor-in-Chief,
Gregory Poland. [5]
Dr. Poland's direct
conflicts of interest [5] include those disclosed on the
Mayo Clinic website:
"Dr. Poland is
the chairman of a safety evaluation committee for
investigational vaccine trials being conducted by Merck Research
Dr. Poland
offers consultative advice on new vaccine development to Merck &
Co., Inc. [Dr. Robert Chen is an Associate Editor of Vaccine.]"
How is it that this
incestuous relationship did not raise loud cries of foul play?
Those rejections by
editors who had deeply vested financial interest in protecting
vaccination rates, whose own financial interest was intertwined with
vaccine manufacturers, elicited no protest from the scientific
academic community.
Instead, these
rejections were followed by vicious attacks against two of the
scientists by industry's cyber hit-squads that are hired to attack
independent scientists whose honest research contradicts vaccine
orthodoxy. That is viewed as a heresy inasmuch as it poses a
financial threat. [6]
The study was
revised, again peer-reviewed, and published in the journal
Immunological Research (Nature-Springer) (2017). [7]
The reported
findings remained the same:
adjuvants and vaccines may induce autoimmune and inflammatory
manifestations in susceptible individuals.
To date most
human vaccine trials utilize aluminum (Al) adjuvants as placebos
despite much evidence showing that Al in vaccine-relevant
exposures can be toxic to humans and animals…
It appears that
Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to
trigger neuro-inflammation and autoimmune reactions, further
leading to behavioral changes…"
"In light of
these findings, this study highlights the necessity of
proceeding with caution with respect to further
mass-immunization practices with a vaccine of yet unproven
long-term clinical benefit in cervical cancer prevention."
The basis for those
findings was deemed to be scientifically sound by three sets of
peer-reviewers, at three different journals
article was extracted from Vera Sharav's article "Betrayal
of Public Trust and Institutional Corruption - Vaccine Safety
Ratings and Vaccine Science Falsified" - which is part of
a multi-document series about vaccine fraud and Dr.
Wakefield's persecution for exposing the truth regarding vaccines.
Ethical and Legal Challenges of Vaccines and Vaccination
Lessons learnt in Japan from adverse reactions to the HPV
vaccine: a medical ethics perspective by Hirokuni Beppu, Masumi
Minaguchi, Kiyoshi Uchide, Kunihiko Kumamoto, Masato Sekiguchi,
Yukari Yaj, Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, 2017
HPV Vaccination in Japan: The Continuing Debate and Global
Impacts, Rose Wilson, Pauline Paterson, Jeremy Chiu, William
Schulz, Heidi Larson. A Report of the CSIS Global Health Policy
Center, April, 2015
[3] Scientific/Medical Evidence
Video Q&A: what is ASIA? An interview with Yehuda Shoenfeld,
BioMedCentral, 2013
Detection Of Human Papillomavirus L1 Gene DNA Fragments In
Postmortem Blood And Spleen After Gardasil® Vaccination - A
Case Report by Sin Hang Lee, Advances in Bioscience and
Biotechnology, 2012;
WHO: Accusations of Misconduct
Over HPV Vaccine Safety Inquiry January 15, 2016 by Thinking
Moms’ Revolution
Behavioral Abnormalities In Young Female Mice Following
Administration Of Aluminum Adjuvants And The Human
Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Gardasil, Rotem Inbar Ronen
Weiss, Lucija Tomljenovic Maria-Teresa Arango, Joab Chapman,
Yehuda Shoenfeld, Vaccine, Jan. 2016; UBC Researcher Defends
Gardasil Vaccine Study After It Gets Pulled, Toronto Metro News,
2015; Did Two Medical Journals Just Blacklist Gardasil Research
Showing Dangers of the Vaccine? Jefferey Jaxen, Health Impact
News, 2016
[7] As reported by Health Impact
"Dr. Poland
has conducted four studies to date with direct affiliation
to Merck. One such study was the pro-HPV trial from 2005,
published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings titled Immunogenicity And
Reactogenicity Of A Novel Vaccine For Human Papillomavirus 16: A
2-year Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Dr. Poland’s 2005
study was published one year before the approval of Gardasil by
the FDA in 2006. In addition, Dr. Poland
acted as a Safety Monitor for two other clinical trials of
HPV vaccines funded by Merck Research Laboratories".
Editor-in-Cheif of the Journal of Neuroimmunology, the first
journal to withhold and then reject the Gardasil HPV study, is
Dr. Michael Racke."
According to the American Academy of
"Dr. Racke has received personal compensation for
activities with EMD Serone, Novartis, Roche Diagnostics
Corporation, Genentech, and Amarantus as a consultant." EMD
Serono, Inc. is a
subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany."