by Paul Fassa
March 23, 2010
NaturalNews Website
There was a mumps outbreak in the New York area late 2009 through
early 2010 that surprised many because virtually all those infected
had been vaccinated for mumps. Approximately 80% of the almost 2000
afflicted had received the required two
shots of MMR (measles, mumps,
rubella) three in one vaccines.
So what are regional
health authorities recommending as a solution? A third dangerous MMR
Even a CDC reviewed site admits that mumps in children is a mild
disease, and once you've had the mumps, you won't get it again.
You've been immunized by having it! Mumps and measles used to occur
mostly with children well before puberty.
What's weird about this outbreak is that the average age for the
afflicted is 15! In some communities years ago, parents would
intentionally expose their kids to children with measles, mumps, or
chickenpox to confer future immunity, successfully.
So what's with all these
Medical Authority
The CDC reported that it takes two
shots to immunize against mumps. The fact that almost all of those
who came down with the mumps did receive both shots was ignored with
that comment.
Administering a third MMR shot is raising the stakes for vaccine
injury or long term bad health from this vaccination to purportedly
prevent mild childhood diseases. Vaccines are loaded with toxins
such as
thimerosal (mercury), aluminum, and
formaldehyde, and they're bypassing much of the immune system by
injecting live attenuated viruses directly into the blood.
And there are those who think that a three phase vaccination
provides the greatest risk of a cytokine storm, when an overly
stimulated immune system feeds on the host with terrible, even
lethal consequences.
Double Speak
and Double Think
In his novel
George Orwell explained double speak as the ability to make
contradictory statements in one statement and double think as the
ability for others to hold those contradictions simultaneously.
For example: Newborns
are required to receive hepatitis B vaccinations; hepatitis B is
transmitted sexually or by sharing needles. Huh?
Reporting on the outbreak, mainstream media (MSM) said the CDC told
them that the MMR vaccine was not 100% effective against mumps, but
75% to 85% effective. The percentage range of the mumps victims who
did receive both MMR vaccinations was 75% to 85%! These two
statements were printed very near each other in the same body of an
MSM report.
If you agree to
double speak, you're conditioned with double think.
Since an attenuated live virus is being pumped into the blood, the
very disease vaccinated against can be given. So if a third shot is
administered, maybe closer to 100% of the "immunized" will come down
with mumps?
Industry Scientist Blows the Whistle
Investigative journalist
Jon Rappaport interviewed a
former vaccine scientist in 2009 who used the pseudonym Dr. Mark
Randall to avoid harassment and pension loss since he was once
of "the inner circle".
Here's a small sampling
from this revealing interview.
"The decline of
disease is due to improved living conditions. [After
investigating] I realized I was working in a sector based on a
collection of lies."
Most dangerous?
"The DPT shot... The
MMR. As far as I'm concerned, all vaccines are dangerous."...
"They can actually cause the disease they are supposed to
prevent. They can cause other diseases..."
(Source below)
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