by Mark Sircus
04 May 2010
IMVA Website

This T cell (blue),
one of the immune system’s principal means of defense.
An old medical
acquaintance of mine Dr. Harold E. Buttram wrote many years
ago about a little-noted letter-to-the editor in the New England
Journal of Medicine, in 1984, about an interesting German study.
In the study, a
significant though temporary drop of T-helper lymphocytes was found
in 11 healthy adults following routine tetanus booster vaccinations.
“Special concern
rests in the fact that, in 4 of the subjects, the T-helper
lymphocytes fell to levels seen in active AIDS patients. The
implications of this study are enormous.
In regards to this
German study, if this was the result of a single vaccine in
healthy adults, it is sobering to think of the possible
consequences of multiple vaccines (18 vaccines within the first
six months of life at latest count) given to infants with their
immature and vulnerable immune systems,” wrote Buttram.
The New England
Journal of Medicine study showed that tetanus vaccines cause
T-cell ratios to drop below normal, with the greatest decrease after
two weeks.
Though the altered
ratios were found to be similar to those found in AIDS victims the
important information from this study has never seen the light of
“I consider it one
of the most flagrant examples of negligence in the area of
safety testing in childhood vaccines, the fact that this study
has never been repeated,” wrote Buttram.
Literally billions of
people around the world have been given tetanus toxoid processed
with formaldehyde (as anthrax vaccine is).
This might seem
incredible when one looks at the fact that during World War Two the
American Army reported only six cases of tetanus of which two of the
cases were vaccinated. Vaccines in general are medicines against
boogie men viruses and it was a dark day when institutionalized
medicine fell down this black whole.
Dr. Buttram has been
gracious enough to agree to write a forward to my upcoming book
Humane Pediatrics.
Through the years I have
written about pediatrics starting with my books on the dangers and
terrors of vaccines and pediatric medicine. It is simply terrible
how pediatricians think and how hurtful they act. For instance:
If T helper and other similar types of immune cells have their
activity reduced by vaccines then we have a stupendous medical
disaster on our hands. And that is exactly what we have. One of the
main functions of the T helper cell is to augment or potentiate
immune responses by the secretion of specialized factors that
activate other white blood cells to fight off infection.
Then we have specialized
T cells that are important in directly killing certain tumor cells,
viral-infected cells and sometimes parasites.
Some of these T cells
are called natural killer cells and they directly attack and kill
cancers such as melanomas, lymphomas and viral-infected cells, most
notably herpes and cytomegalovirus-infected cells.
How can medical officials and doctors turn a blind eye to such
things and not schedule studies to increase our knowledge of this
important area of medicine? Well you know it is impossible for the
medical establishment to come up with any study or information that
would directly threaten the entire childhood and adult vaccination
program. It would be suicidal, so necessary and honest research is
deliberately not done.
Thus honest medicine was
and still is being completely thrown out the window.
It’s the same people who
justify using neurotic mercury in vaccines as a preservative that
are at the heart of this terror. They would rather attack kids and
adults’ causing increased incidences of cancer with all the
suffering and death implied then be honest and look at the truth.
We certainly think it strange when we read of Americans and now
Chinese breaking into schools to stab and shoot at little children
but we don’t think so when we read about what is happening to our
children at the hands of modern pediatrics.
Many years ago I wrote a chapter called The Rape of Vulnerability.
It was an adaptation of an even earlier and most important work of
mine from HeartHealth called the Vulnerability of Being. The essence
wisdom expressed in that chapter tells us to treasure vulnerability
and to do so is the mark of and first law of a pure heart.
The following is from
The Rape of Vulnerability -
(you can see it too, at page 82 of
Cry of The Heart - Stop Hurting The Children):
On the day of our
birth doctors and nurses, with the willing acceptance and
surrender of our parents, plunge cold steel into our flesh and
inject a foreign fluid laced with poison and other modified
genetic materials that assaults our immune and other critical
systems of our bodies.
By the time a baby
is born their ultra sensitivity keeps them alert to the total
environment surrounding their birth. They can feel, and their
beings remember in terms of conditioned fear and trust all the
attitudes that surround them. It does make a difference to them
how they are treated, how they are welcomed into this world.
It matters when the
doctor becomes impatient and cuts open the mother’s belly,
thinking more about money and time than the natural rhythm of
mother and infant.
It matters on a being level when cold steel penetrates our
tender young body injecting something alien that we are totally
defenseless to. It matters the arrogance of the minds of others
who violate us in the name of false assumptions, judgments and
rationalizations about what is and what is not best for our
young lives and what they think is best for society.
There are many things doctors and nurses have traditionally done
to rip us away from the pure vulnerability of the moment of our
birth, they have hung us upside down and spanked us, taken us
away from our mothers before we could bind with them, and shined
bright lights in our faces. Making it cold and clinical in
operating rooms as opposed to warm and natural in settings that
facilitate feelings of safety and security.
But what waits is a quantum level more disturbing to our
At the moment of our
birth we are confronted with something that holds a threat to
our life, with a potential for an early death (for some) for we
are injected with nerve toxins that can quickly accumulate and
lead to severe neurological damage.
Certainly it is a stress and a hurt that makes us scream to the
high heavens but the doctors and nurses smile it off as being
normal. Their base line of normality is thrust on our
vulnerabilities and often sets the stage for much disruption of
health in our very young lives.
Babies and young
children are totally at the mercy of their environment, they are
totally vulnerable.