by Ethan A. Huff
July 25, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Get your shots, or else get shot...
That is the message
being sent by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its
partners in Africa that are helping the organization achieve its
goal of
vaccinating every single child on the planet.
According to a recent report in the Malawi Voice, at least
131 Malawian children were vaccinated this week at gunpoint after
having previously fled the country with their parents to avoid the
mandatory jabs.
Reports indicate that a number of children and their parents
belonging to Zion and Atumwi Churches fled the southeast African
country of Malawi to neighboring Mozambique a few months ago in
order to avoid a measles vaccine campaign.
Upon recently returning, officials apparently learned of the
unvaccinated children's whereabouts and, with the help of Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation allies, forcibly injected them at
gunpoint with the vaccines.
"We were alerted
that some children who were hiding in Mozambique were back in
the country and we asked police to escort the health officials
in order to vaccinate them, and we have managed to vaccinate
about 131 children," said Dr. Medison Matchaya, District Health
Officer in Nsanje, Malawi, to the Malawi Voice.
The faith and personal
beliefs of the children and their parents obviously convinced them
that the vaccines were not a good idea - and as individual human
beings, they have every human right to deny any form of forced
"medicine" that violates their convictions or risks putting
their health at serious risk - which is why they were willing to
flee in the first place.
But thanks to programs launched and promoted by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, these and many other Africans no
longer have a choice but to accept forced vaccinations or face being
murdered by police.
Foundation supports 'health surveillance assistants' program
...responsible for pushing
vaccines at gunpoint
In January 2010, Melinda Gates took a special trip to Malawi
to see how the country was progressing at achieving the United
Nation's Millennium Development Goals, which include "ending
poverty" by 2015.
In a video posting at the Gates Foundation website, Melinda
lauds Malawi's efforts to reduce child mortality, which include the
establishment of 11,000,
"health surveillance
assistants" that she says "spend three weeks out in the
villages... providing basic vaccinations... and they make sure
the vaccinations happen not just at the village level, but all
the way back through the system"
And just how do these
"health surveillance assistants" make sure that the vaccinations
By forcing villagers to
get them at gunpoint which, of course, is not mentioned in
Melinda's video blog. If you simply watch the video and accept it at
face value, you will be left with the false impression that the
Malawi government's health initiatives are nothing but benevolent
efforts to help people that want it.
In reality, the "health surveillance assistants" that Melinda speaks
of are more like health care police that, with the backing of
actual armed police, force villagers and those "all the way back
through the system," as Melinda puts it, to get vaccinated whether
they want to or not.
And if they refuse, they can literally be arrested and thrown in
jail, or potentially even murdered.
This is the dirty
reality behind the "humanitarian" efforts of the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Foundation vaccine campaigns are creating totalitarian health care
police states
The message emanating from the likes of the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation and its partners in Malawi is very clear:
accept our vaccines
or face legal punishment.
Though it is quickly
diminishing even in the US, the freedom to not vaccinate is
something that most states still respect, whether it be for
personal, religious, or health reasons.
But in developing
countries that have been targeted by groups like the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, this is simply no longer the case.
The same Malawi Voice article reports that Chipiliro Kalimira,
a member of the Seventh Day Apostolic faith that does not believe in
vaccines, was arrested and put in prison on a two-year term for
refusing to let authorities force the measles vaccine on his three
Kalimira cares for a number of orphans at his home in addition to
his own children, and has asked the court to be lenient with him,
but it refused. Instead, the court sentenced him to 24 months
imprisonment with "hard labor."
Freedom of vaccination choice simply does not fit the agenda of the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. And the group, by its very
nature, is complicit in helping to establish the types of
dictatorial health care police states that are willing to arrest
parents for not vaccinating their children, by the mere fact that it
continues to support them.
The Gates Foundation will never come right out and say that
it supports forced vaccinations at gunpoint - that, of course, would
be bad public relations.
But by wrapping its
"humanitarian" efforts in pleasant rhetoric accompanied by
heart-wrenching photos of poor Africans - all while hiding what is
really taking place behind the scenes - the Gates Foundation
is demonstrating that its efforts are far from benign, and,
dare we say, evil.