by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
September 15, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Explosive new evidence has emerged that Gardasil vaccines appear to
be contaminated with a genetically engineered
Human Papillomavirus
recombinant DNA.
This has been revealed by SANE Vax, Inc., which
conducted the laboratory testing which found contamination in 13
vaccine vials purchased in countries across the globe.
Could this help explain the devastating (and sometimes deadly) side
effects being experienced by adolescent girls
who take HPV vaccine
shots? |
In seeking answers to why adolescent girls are suffering devastating
health damage after being injected with HPV vaccines, SANE Vax, Inc
decided to have vials of Gardasil tested in a laboratory.
they found over a dozen
Gardasil vaccine vials to be contaminated
with rDNA of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The vials were
purchased in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Spain,
Poland and France, indicating Gardasil contamination is a global
This means that adolescents who are injected with these vials are
being contaminated with a biohazard - the rDNA of HPV. In
conducting the tests, Dr. Sin Hang Lee found rDNA from both HPV-11
and HPV-18, which were described as "firmly attached to the aluminum
That aluminum is also found in vaccines should be frightening all by
itself, given that aluminum should never be injected into the human
body (it's toxic when ingested, and it specifically damages the
nervous system).
With the added discovery that the aluminum
also carries rDNA fragments of two different strains of Human
Papillomavirus, this now reaches the level of a dangerous biohazard
- something more like a biological weapon rather than anything
resembling medicine.
SANE Vax explains in its announcement, these tests were conducted
after an adolescent girl experienced "acute onset Juvenile
Rheumatoid Arthritis within 24 hours" of being injected with an HPV
rDNA found in Gardasil is genetically engineered
The rDNA that was found to be contaminating Gardasil is not
"natural" rDNA from the HPV virus itself. Rather, it is a
genetically engineered form of HPV genetic code that is added to the
vaccines during their manufacture.
As Dr. Lee, the pathologist who ran the laboratory tests identifying
the biohazard contamination of Gardasil said:
"Natural HPV DNA does not remain in the bloodstream for very long.
However, the HPV DNA in Gardasil is not 'natural' DNA. It is a
recombinant HPV DNA (rDNA) - genetically engineered - to be
inserted into yeast cells for VLP (virus-like-particle) protein
production. rDNA is known to behave differently from natural DNA.
may enter a human cell, especially in an inflammatory lesion caused
by the effects of the aluminum adjuvant, via poorly understood
mechanisms. Once a segment of recombinant DNA is inserted into a
human cell, the consequences are hard to predict.
It may be in the
cell temporarily or stay there forever, with or without causing a
mutation. Now the host cell contains human DNA as well as
genetically engineered viral DNA."
Innocent girls being injected with genetically engineered HPV rDNA
What all this means is that through Gardasil vaccines, innocent
young girls are being injected with the recombinant DNA of HPV, and
that this biohazardous substance persists in their blood.
implications of this are rather scary, as Dr. Lee explains:
"Once a segment of recombinant DNA is inserted into a human cell,
the consequences are hard to predict. It may be in the cell
temporarily or stay there forever, with or without causing a
mutation. Now the host cell contains human DNA as well as
genetically engineered viral DNA."
The vaccine industry, of course, has a long and dark history of its
vaccines being contaminated with cancer-causing viruses and other
frightening contaminants.
Watch this astounding video of
scientist Dr. Hilleman openly admitting that polio vaccines were
widely contaminated with SV40 viruses that cause cancer:
It's called "Merck vaccine scientist admits presence of SV40 and
AIDS in vaccines - Dr. Maurice Hilleman" and was partially narrated
by Dr.
Len Horowitz. You can view the full transcript of this
extraordinary interview at
below report.
If you thought vaccines were safe, think again. Get informed. Learn
the truth, and please share this story so that others may also be
Listen up, folks: Why do you think the vaccine industry pushed so
hard for total financial immunity under the government's vaccine
injury compensation plan?
Because they knew that if the truth ever
got out about how many cases of cancer, autism and even death were
truly caused by vaccines, they would be financially wiped out!
Merck Vaccine Scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman
Presence of SV40, AIDS and Cancer Viruses in
by Mike
the Health Ranger
September 15, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Transcript of a secret interview featuring Dr. Maurice
Hilleman, a top Merck vaccine scientist,
openly admits that vaccines contained
leukemia, SV40 and cancer viruses that cause tumors.
shocking admission from the history of western medicine. |
One of the most
prominent vaccine scientists in the history of the vaccine industry
- a
Merck scientist - made a recording where he openly admits that
vaccines given to Americans were contaminated with leukemia and
cancer viruses. In response, his colleagues (who are also recorded
here) break out into laughter and seem to think it's hilarious.
They then suggest that
because these vaccines are first tested in Russia, they will help
the U.S. win the Olympics because the Russian athletes will all be
"loaded down with tumors." (Thus, they knew these vaccines caused
cancer in humans.)
This isn't some conspiracy theory - these are the words of a top
Merck scientist who probably had no idea that his recording would be
widely reviewed across the internet (which didn't even exist when he
made this recording). He probably thought this would remain a secret
When asked why this
didn't get out to the press, he replied,
"Obviously you don't
go out, this is a scientific affair within the scientific
In other words, vaccine
scientists cover for vaccine scientists.
They keep all their
dirty secrets within their own circle of silence and don't reveal
the truth about the contamination of their vaccines.
Transcript of
audio interview with Dr. Maurice Hilleman
Transcript of audio-video:
Dr. Len Horowitz:
Listen now to the voice of the worlds leading vaccine expert Dr
Maurice Hilleman, Chief of the Merck Pharmaceutical Company's
vaccine division relay this problem he was having with imported
monkeys. He best explains the origin of AIDS, but what you are
about to hear was cut from any public disclosures.
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: and I think that vaccines have to be
considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th century.
Narrator: 50 years ago when Maurice Hilleman was a high school
student in Miles City Montana, he hoped he might qualify as a
management trainee for the local JC Penney's store. Instead he
went on to pioneer more breakthroughs in vaccine research and
development than anyone in the history of American medicine.
Among the discoveries he made at Merck, are vaccines for mumps,
rubella and measles…
Dr. Edward Shorter: Tell me how you found SV40 and the polio
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: Well, that was at Merck. Yeah, I came to
Merck. And uh, I was going to develop vaccines. And we had wild
viruses in those days.
You remember the
wild monkey kidney viruses and so forth? And I finally after 6
months gave up and said that you cannot develop vaccines with
these damn monkeys, we're finished and if I can't do something
I'm going to quit, I'm not going to try it.
So I went down to
see Bill Mann at the zoo in Washington DC and I told Bill Mann,
I said,
"look, I got a problem and I don't know what the hell to
Bill Mann is a real
bright guy.
I said that these lousy monkeys are picking it up
while being stored in the airports in transit, loading, off
loading. He said, very simply, you go ahead and get your monkeys
out of West Africa and get the African Green, bring them into
Madrid unload them there, there is no other traffic there for
animals, fly them into Philadelphia and pick them up. Or fly
them into New York and pick them up, right off the airplane.
So we brought
African Greens in and I didn't know we were importing the AIDS
virus at the time.
Miscellaneous background voices:…(laughter)… it was you who
introduced the AIDS virus into the country. Now we know!
(laughter) This is the real story! (laughter) What Merck won't
do to develop a vaccine! (laughter)
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: So what he did, he brought in, I mean we
brought in those monkeys, I only had those and this was the
solution because those monkeys didn't have the wild viruses but
Dr. Edward Shorter: Wait, why didn't the greens have the wild
viruses since they came from Africa?
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …because they weren't, they weren't, they
weren't being infected in these group holding things with all
the other 40 different viruses…
Dr. Edward Shorter: but they had the ones that they brought from
the jungle though...
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …yeah, they had those, but those were
relatively few what you do you have a gang housing you're going
to have an epidemic transmission of infection in a confined
So anyway, the greens came in and now we have these and
were taking our stocks to clean them up and god now I'm
discovering new viruses. So, I said Judas Priest. Well I got an
invitation from the Sister Kinney Foundation which was the
opposing foundation when it was the live virus…
Dr. Edward Shorter: Ah, right…
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: Yeah, they had jumped on the Sabin's band
wagon and they had asked me to come down and give a talk at the
Sister Kinney Foundation meeting and I saw it was an
international meeting and god, what am I going to talk about? I
know what I'm going to do, I'm going to talk about the detection
of non detectable viruses as a topic.
Dr. Albert Sabin …there were those who didn't want a live virus
vaccine… (unintelligible) …concentrated all its efforts on
getting more and more people to use the killed virus vaccine,
while they were supporting me for research on the live viruses.
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: So now I got to have something (laughter),
you know that going to attract attention. And gee, I thought
that damn SV40, I mean that damn vaccinating agent that we have,
I'm just going to pick that particular one, that virus has got
to be in vaccines, it's got to be in the Sabin's vaccines so I
quick tested it (laughter) and sure enough it was in there.
Dr. Edward Shorter: I'll be damned
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: … And so now…
Dr. Edward Shorter: …so you just took stocks of Sabin's vaccines
off the shelf here at Merck…
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …yeah, well it had been made, it was made
at Merck…
Dr. Edward Shorter: You were making it for Sabin at this point?
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …Yeah, it was made before I came…
Dr. Edward Shorter: yeah, but at this point Sabin is still just
doing massive field trials…
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …uh huh
Dr. Edward Shorter: okay,
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …in Russia and so forth. So I go down and I
talked about the detection of non detectable viruses and told
Albert, I said listen Albert you know you and I are good friends
but I'm going to go down there and you're going to get upset.
I'm going to talk about the virus that it's in your vaccine.
You're going to get rid of the virus, don't worry about it,
you're going to get rid of it… but umm, so of course Albert was
very upset...
Dr. Edward Shorter: What did he say?
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …well he said basically, that this is just
another obfuscation that's going to upset vaccines. I said well
you know, you're absolutely right, but we have a new era here we
have a new era of the detection and the important thing is to
get rid of these viruses.
Dr. Edward Shorter: Why would he call it an obfuscation if it was
a virus that was contaminating the vaccine?
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …well there are 40 different viruses in
these vaccines anyway that we were inactivating and uh,
Dr. Edward Shorter: but you weren't inactivating his though…
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …no that's right, but yellow fever vaccine
had leukemia virus in it and you know this was in the days of
very crude science. So anyway I went down and talked to him and
said well, why are you concerned about it?
Well I said,
tell you what, I have a feeling in my bones that this virus is
different, I don't know why to tell you this but I
…(unintelligible) …I just think this virus will have some long
term effects."
And he said what?
And I said "cancer". (laughter)
I said,
"Albert, you probably
think I'm nuts, but I just have that feeling. Well in the mean
time we had taken this virus and put it into monkeys and into
hamsters. So we had this meeting and that was sort of the topic
of the day and the jokes that were going around was that "gee,
we would win the Olympics because the Russians would all be
loaded down with tumors." (laughter)
This was where the
vaccine was being tested, this was where… so, uhh, and it really
destroyed the meeting and it was sort of the topic. Well anyway…
Dr. Edward Shorter: Was this the physicians… (unintelligible)
…meeting in New York?
Dr. Maurice Hilleman …well no, this was at Sister Kinney…
Dr. Edward Shorter: Sister Kinney, right…
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …and Del Becco (sp) got up and he foresaw
problems with these kinds of agents.
Dr. Edward Shorter: Why didn't this get out into the press?
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …well, I guess it did I don't remember. We
had no press release on it. Obviously you don't go out, this is
a scientific affair within the scientific community…
Voice of news reporter: …an historic victory over a dread
disease is dramatically unfolded at the U of Michigan. Here
scientists usher in a new medical age with the monumental
reports that prove that the Salk vaccine against crippling polio
to be a sensational success.
It's a day of triumph for 40 year
old Dr. Jonas E Salk developer of the vaccine. He arrives here
with Basil O'Connor the head of the National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis that financed the tests. Hundreds of
reporters and scientists gathered from all over the nation
gathered for the momentous announcement….
Dr. Albert Sabin: …it was too much of a show, it was too much
Hollywood. There was too much exaggeration and the impression in
1957 that was, no in 1954 that was given was that the problem
had been solved , polio had been conquered.
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …but, anyway we knew it was in our seed
stock from making vaccines. That virus you see, is one in 10,000
particles is not an activated… (unintelligible) …it was good
science at the time because that was what you did. You didn't
worry about these wild viruses.
Dr. Edward Shorter: So you discovered, it wasn't being
inactivated in the Salk vaccine?
Dr. Maurice Hilleman: …Right. So then the next thing you know is,
3, 4 weeks after that we found that there were tumors popping up
on these hamsters.
Dr. Len Horowitz: Despite AIDS and Leukemia suddenly becoming
pandemic from "wild viruses" Hilleman said, this was "good
science" at that time.
NaturalNews wishes to
thank Dr.
Len Horowitz for uncovering
this interview from the national archives, and for getting it
released so the public can learn the truth behind the deadly vaccine