Concealed Messages—The Importance of Hand Signs to the Illuminati
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their
foreheads... — Revelation 13:16
Raise the right hand...extending the two fingers like a fork...then
draw it back over the right shoulder and with a quick motion dart
the extended fingers forward in a horizontal direction. It alludes
to the penalty of gouging out the eyes of a traitor.
—Second Sign of a Super-Excellent Master Mason Richardson's Monitor
of Freemasonry (p.91)
As we shall see, the llluminati worship deity by many names in many
disguises. One such name and disguise is "Jahbuhlun." In pursuit of
their worship of this false God, Jahbuhlun, they have devised many
rituals in which they employ "hidden" hand signs. In all the 33
degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and in the rituals of the York
Rite, the
Order of Skull and Bones, the Ordo Templi Orientis, the
Grand Orient Lodge of France, the Grand Lodge of Jerusalem, and on
and on in almost all the secret societies and orders, handsigns, and
handshakes are prominent.
In Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia we read:
"The hand is important in
Freemasonry...for the purpose of giving and receiving modes of

J. C. Coopers's An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols 2,
the author notes that hand signs include the following symbolic
Hand on Breast—submission and the attitude of a servant or slave
Crossed at wrist (X) — binding or being bound
Hand on neck—sacrifice
Clenched fist—threat, aggression
Raised hand—adoration, worship, horror, amazement
Both hands raised, palm outward—weakness, supplication,
adoration, admiration
Raised to head—thought, care, intellect, wisdom

Numerical hand signs from a Renaissance text on mathematics. Such
usage often combines the teachings of numerology with the secret
messages of hand communications'.
The International Secret Language
Is the occult hand sign, in its many forms and varieties, the
international secret language of the Freemasons and other covert
societies? Manfred Adler, in his German-language book, The
Freemasons and The Vatican, says the answer to this question is,
He writes that according to the findings of a United States
Senate Committee that investigated the Central Intelligence Agency
"Ninety percent of the secret news is transmitted via the
media, in particular the press, with the aid of coded texts and
Messages in the Media
Others, too, besides Adler, have noted the frequent use of hand
signs in the media as signals of secret society insiders. Juan Maler, Argentine author and Masonic researcher, explains that the
use of the hand sign is for the uninitiated a completely trivial and
inconspicuous gesture.
"But for the members of the Secret Societies,
the hand sign is used as a sign of recognition by those who are in a
leading position or who have a mission to fulfill and usually
appears with a relevant text."5
Johannes Rothkranz, German authority on Masonic signs, suggests
"If one collects the photos of well-known personalities from
the daily papers, then one possesses, in a very short time, a great
number of conspicuous and — for those who understand the signs—also
meaningful poses."6
According to Rothkranz, the historic handshake between Helmut Kohl,
then the
Chancellor of West Germany, and Modrow, the head of the Communist
East German regime which sealed the deal for German reunification
was clearly a Masonic handshake. Rothkranz further notes that the
historic handshake of the two elitists was shown at length on
European television.7
A Symbol of Power
Why is the use of the hand considered to be so significant as a
means of concealed communications by occultists? The Herder
Dictionary of Symbols states that the hand is "a symbol of activity
and power." It notes that finding oneself "in the hands of a ruler
or God means being in that person's power, but also standing under
that person's protection."8 The dictionary goes on to say that the
"shaking or offering of the hand is a sign of friendly openers,
devotion or forgiveness." But a closed hand signifies secrets or
keeping silent. Other uses of hand signs are to indicate fear,
threats, devotion, admiration, and argument.
The Herder Dictionary explains, too, that, "In antiquity, covered or
veiled hands were generally customary when one approached high
dignitaries." Hands with palms resting on one's knees express deep
concentration and reflection.9
The hand can also be used as a threat to any would-be traitors or
betrayer of the Illuminist cause. In the authoritative Richardson's
Monitor of Freemasonry we find an example of this in the second sign
of the Super Excellent Master Mason. The sign consists of raising
the right hand, making the two first fingers like a fork, and
simulating the gouging out of the eyes of a "traitor."
On the Other Hand...
There is a great symbolic difference between the use of the left and
right hands. The right hand is said to be the hand of blessing, a
good and positive influence, and those who use it in the occult
world are known as those on the "right-handed path." This is
considered "white magic."
Those on the left-handed path, however, are practitioners of "black
magic." Full-fledged Satanists are typically of the left-handed
path, though, in reality, it does not matter to the devil which hand
is used!
The left hand is ever considered the sinister hand. It is associated
with words like diabolical, witchlike, clever, deceptive, sly,
cunning, evil, wrong, backward, and perverse. The evil eye is said
to be the left eye. Some early Christians (for example, the writer
of the apocryphic Gospel of Nicodemus) taught that of the two
thieves crucified next to Jesus, the one at his left side
rejected truth and was consigned to hell.

An odd, old drawing of a priest with hands in prayer, but aimed
downwards toward Satan!

At Left: Josephine Bonaparte's Palm from Mlle Le Normand's Les
Memoires historiques et secrets de l'lmperatrice Josephine, Paris,
At Right: The Sabazios Hand. Bronze symbol of the syncretic Jewish
mystery cult of Sabazios in Asia Minor. Circa First Century, C.E.
(Collection of the British Museum)
Witches throughout history have danced in ritual circles to the
left, that is, counterclockwise. Druid priests do likewise as they
dance and march around the holy stone at Tara, Shrine of Mother
Earth. To blaspheme God, some Satanists and witches derive pleasure
in giving the sign of the cross with their left hands.
But while witches and deep occultists are aware of the sinister
nature and meaning of the left hand symbolically, one of the
foremost Masonic authorities evidently has a more favorable view.
Professor James Curl, author of the reference book, The Art and
Architecture of Freemasonry, writes that, "The left hand is the
symbol of equity."10
In other words the symbol of justice and
fairness. Strange, indeed, unless one elevates the devil to the
virtuous level of one who serves justice and brings equity or
equality. But then, why would a Masonic authority think otherwise of
the Lodge's true Grand Master, the Prince of the Power of the Air, aka Lucifer?
An Indicator of Attitude
According to most reference books of the occult, the positioning of
the hand on a
particular part of the body indicates one's mental attitude and
inner meaning. A hand placed on the breast indicates a tender, loyal
or sympathetic attitude. Placed on the neck, the hand denotes
sacrifice and penalty, while the joining of hands signifies mystic
marriage and fidelity.

Three or more people linking hands signifies the joining of forces
or energy, and is expressive of a virile fraternity and of
solidarity in the face of danger.
The authors of A Dictionary of Symbols note that the hand expresses
"ideas of action, as well as those of power and dominion." They say
it is also a sign of royalty. The Jewish Kabbala (or Cabala) teaches
that the left hand is the "hand of punishment," while the righthand
is the "hand of blessing."11
The same reference guide explains that the word "manifestation"
derives from the same root as "manus," the Latin word for hand.
"What is manifest can be held in, or grasped by, the hand."12
The Fingers Can Be Revealing
The position of a specific finger, or fingers, of a hand may also
denote great importance. Sammy Davis, Jr., the black entertainer and
member of the infamous Sinatra "rat pack," confessed in his
autobiography, Yes, I can, to being a Satan worshipper. The talented
singer/dancer said that as a Satanist he painted the fingernail of
his left-hand "pinkie" finger ebony black as a sign. "The chicks
loved it," said Davis, "and found it really a sexual turn-on."
Islamic imams (teachers) preach that the hand of Fatima, a revered
daughter of Mohammed, represents the summation of the whole religion
of Islam, and that Fatima's index finger points heavenward to Allah.
A hand with finger pointed to or touching the lip indicates, "Be
silent." A finger touching or pointing to the head signifies
"intellect or wisdom."
The pictures and illustrations in this section and the immediately
following sections give evidence of the importance the Illuminati
minions give to the use of hands, either in handshakes and grips, or
in various poses. The old phrase, "a show
of hands" certainly has a multiplications of meanings to the members
of secret societies.
Open to Interpretation?
A word of caution and advice is in order, however. Although I have
used the best reference guides and the best knowledge obtainable
from myriad investigative sources, it is sometimes very difficult to
judge and evaluate a particular handshake, hand sign, pose or grip.
For one thing, even though a masonic reference book or occult
textbook may clearly spell out the specifications for a type of grip
or sign, the people who practice it are not always so precise.
I noted in a 20-year career in the U.S. Air Force that while the
military manuals and guidebooks clearly explain how to perform a
hand salute, not all in uniform complied. Some high-ranking officers
render a shoddy, confusing, lackadaisical salute while others give a
snappy, precise salute exactly as the textbook prescribes. One can
see a hundred different types of salutes at a typical Air Force Base
exchanged on a given day, each a little bit different in one aspect
or the other. And, of course, if you compare the way the U.S.
military salutes with the salute of a British Sergeant Major, the
difference is striking, indeed.
Still, even taking into account the human factor, it is possible to
identify many of the hand signs and poses given and used by the
elite. Check out my selection on the pages that follow and see if
you agree.

secret orders and societies display and use secret handshakes
and signs. In Wales (Great Britain) the Order of the True Ivorites
was established in 1836 and prospered for many years. Some believe
two lodges of Ivorites still exist today. Pictured here are some of
their secret signs and handshakes.
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