February 13, 2012
TheIntelHub Website
In the last few weeks the FBI, in conjunction with the Department of
Homeland Security and the Department of Justice, have sent out 25 flyers
that label normal everyday activities as possible terrorist indicators.
These flyers also specifically target political speech and the belief that
the CIA and others had a part in 9/11 in order to justify, among other
things, multiple foreign wars.
That’s right, our government is teaching state and local law enforcement
nationwide that 9/11 truthers should be immediately looked at as possible
In an FBI, Bureau of Justice document on spotting potential sleeper cells
within the United States it specifically states that someone may be a
terrorist sleeper agent if they believe that the CIA had a hand in 9/11.
fact that has been heavily documented by thousands of experts. Rogue
elements does not mean the entire CIA)

Late last week Intel Hub contributing writer
Madison Ruppert wrote an extensive article that highlighted the details of
all the 25 flyers that were sent out.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
has routinely released their “Communities Against Terrorism” advisories
in the form of fliers which encourage the public to report suspicious
activity, something which the DHS has heavily promoted under their “See
Something, Say Something” citizen spying program.
Through releasing these fliers, the FBI has effectively made most
activities possible indicators of terrorism. Many of these are so
innocuous it is almost laughable to think of them as hints of terrorist
These are intended to make the people of the United States live in a
constant state of fear, constantly on the lookout for non-existent
terrorists lurking behind every corner.
This also helps create a culture of citizen spying in which neighbors
are reporting each other for what would otherwise never be considered
noteworthy activities.
Thus, it makes it much easier for the government to track down supposed
dissidents since just about everything they do is likely to be
considered suspicious when applying all of the absurd guidelines
promoted by the FBI.
Although all the supposed possible terrorists
indicators are absolutely absurd, the fact that the FBI choose to
specifically target 9/11 truthers shows how important, even after ten years,
covering up the truth of the horrendous 9/11 attacks is to the powers that
In August 2011 a video report from media outlet Russia Today highlighted a
bill introduced in Congress that would allow indefinite detention of any
American that the government declares a terrorist or terrorists sympathizer
(which we now have with
The report specifically spoke about the
possibility of 9/11 truthers being locked up throughout the country and now,
with an FBI flyer specifically stating this very thing, questioning 9/11 is
becoming an increasingly dangerous use of free speech.
Meanwhile, the fact that the United States and Israel openly support and
fund an al Qaeda affiliated terrorist group in Iran (MEK) is in the public
domain yet everyday Americans are being labeled terrorists by the very
officials who either indirectly or directly support terrorists themselves.
An article written by Tony Cartalucci on his Land Destroyer blog and
syndicated on The Intel Hub outlined the documented facts that show that
high levels US politicians and the Israeli government openly endorse and
support the terrorist group MEK (listed by the State Department as a
terrorist organization.)
It was also revealed in Seymour Hersh’s 2008 New
Yorker article “Preparing
the Battlefield,” that not only had MEK been considered for their
role as a possible proxy, but that the US had already begun arming and
financing them to wage war inside Iran:
“The M.E.K. has been on the State
Department’s terrorist list for more than a decade, yet in recent years
the group has received arms and intelligence, directly or indirectly,
from the United States. Some of the newly authorized covert funds, the
Pentagon consultant told me, may well end up in M.E.K. coffers.
“The new
task force will work with the M.E.K. The Administration is desperate for
He added, “The M.E.K. has no C.P.A. auditing the books, and
its leaders are thought to have been lining their pockets for years. If
people only knew what the M.E.K. is getting, and how much is going to
its bank accounts - and yet it is almost useless for the purposes the
Administration intends.”
Seymore Hersh in an NPR interview, also claims
that select MEK members have already received training in the US.
It was also revealed that US forces in Iraq had provided MEK’s main camp
with security, and with the recent “withdrawal” of US troops from Iraq, the
US State Department and even the UN have been scrambling to find a new safe
haven for the US listed terrorist organization.
Even more unimaginable is
the fact that many of the foremost fearmongers and proponents of the “War on
Terror” are engaged in desperate lobbying efforts to get MEK delisted by the
US State Department. In October of 2011, a full page ad was taken out in the
Washington Post on MEK’s behalf.
Image: Full-page treason - US politicians, many the most prominent
proponents of the “War on Terror,” appeal to the President of the United
States to delist MEK as a terrorist organization.

While hand-wringing
humanitarian concerns are cited, what the ad fails to mention is that MEK
has long been sought after to serve as an armed US-proxy to be turned on
Iran and carry out a campaign of terror, as stated clearly in the Brookings
Institution “Which Path to Persia?”
Among those signing the statement made in the ad were John Bolton, Howard
Dean, Rudy Giuliani, Ed Rendell, and Tom Ridge.
When reading the statement,
it must be kept in mind that the Brookings Institution already confirmed
that MEK was a terrorist organization and that it had verifiably killed US
military personal and civilians.
Considering the fact that 99.9% of the so called
9/11 truth movement has
been completely peaceful, the logical conclusion as to why 9/11 truthers and
other everyday Americans are being labeled possible terrorists while certain
American and Israeli officials publicly work with real terrorists is because
of the threat they pose to the
military industrial complex police state
takeover plan that has been in the works long before 9/11.
You can view the
full document here.