October 6,
Rense Website
I suggest you keep these facts in mind
as you read the following article:
Israel controls all FAA and
NORAD encryption codes - through
Israel controls security at all
major US airports - through
Israel has access to records of
90% of US private telephone companies - through
Israel has control Financial
market software and post-9/11 FBI wiretapping technology -
Israel control the software used
by all key federal governmental agencies, including the U.S.
Army, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Naval Air Command,
Congress, the Department of Energy, the Internal Revenue
Service, NATO, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
Secret Service and even the White House - through
Israel now have control of the
computers at the Pentagon - through
Israel control Congress and the
White House - through
AIPAC (American Israel
Public Affairs Committee)
The upper echelons of the Bush
administration are riddled with dozens of Neocon Israeli-US
dual citizens (Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith,
Elliot Abrams, Donald Kagan, Richard Haas, Kenneth Adelman,
Edward Luttwak, Robert Satloff, David Frum, David Wurmser,
Steve Goldsmith, Marc Grossman, to name a few...)
The head of US Homeland Security
is an Israeli citizen (his mother reportedly was the first
woman Mossad agent)
The CIA is infested at virtually
all levels with US-paid Israeli nationals and US-Israeli
dual citizens
This email you are reading is
being scanned by Israeli companies contracted by the US
Now ask yourself: Who benefited most
from the attacks of 9/11?
Let's let former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu take a stab
at the answer. His response when asked what the attacks would mean
for US-Israeli relations:
"It's very good."
"We control the United States. And the Americans know it."
--Former Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon.
"Ringing Like
Were U.S. Military Phones 'War-Dialed'
On 9-11?
"On the morning of 9/11, every
NORAD phone had been ringing off the hook... that would be
quite a hindrance when you are trying to respond to an
unprecedented emergency. And if telephones 'ringing like crazy'
were really such a harmless occurrence, the U.S. military would
have had no need to practice dealing with it during the training
exercises that were underway that morning.
Might a Computer Network Attack
(CNA) have provided a smokescreen for sabotaging the
phone system, at a time when the U.S. military needed to
communicate most effectively so as to respond to the real world
attacks? If so, who was behind this act of treason?"
Activists and researchers have long
tried to understand how the highly sophisticated U.S. military could
have failed so completely to stop the attacks that took place on
September 11, 2001. Statements made by several U.S. military
personnel who were deeply involved in the crisis response that
morning suggest an alarming method that may have been used to
sabotage normal defenses.
Revealed here for the first time, this
is one possible reason that the military was in such a state of
paralysis until it was too late to make a difference.
A key military installation on 9/11 was the North American
Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) operations center,
located deep under Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. Major General
Eric Findley, NORAD's director of combat operations, was there,
and has recalled events around the time of the first attacks. He had
just been finishing breakfast when a colleague said to him:
"The Federal Aviation
Administration's asked for NORAD assistance with a hijacking."
As he then came back to the battle cab,
someone told him:
"Sir, you want to have a look at
The monitor was showing television
footage of the North Tower of the World Trade Center, with a
burning hole in it from having just been hit by an airplane. Before
Findley knew it, TV showed the second tower being struck.
He said:
"We've got a coordinated attack."
Crucially, Findley has recalled
that, at that moment,
"every phone in this cab, and every
phone over in the command center, and every phone in all the
centers in this building were ringing off the hook." [2]
Master Corporal Daniel Milne, the
emergency action controller on duty in the NORAD operations center,
has similarly recalled:
"The feeling was total disbelief.
Then the phones started ringing like crazy. I could not believe
that we were under attack." [3]
This wasn't just happening at NORAD. The
American Forces Press Service has described events in the
National Military Command Center (NMCC), located within
the Pentagon, based on the recollections of two officers who were
there. Like the NORAD operations center, the NMCC would have been
one of the most important parts of the military that morning. After
the second plane hit the WTC, phones there "began ringing off the
hook." [4]
What caused all these phones to suddenly ring? Could it have been an
influx of concerned agencies suddenly requesting help, now it was
obvious the U.S. was under attack? Or was it something more
sinister? A clue is in a 1996 article from the U.S. Air Force's own
magazine, Airman. The article quoted Stacey Knott, a
technician in the NORAD operations center:
"Things can be pretty quiet in
However, she added:
"One of the busiest times is during
exercises. This room fills up... The phones are ringing off the
hook, and I've got phones in each hand." [emphasis added] [5]
It just so happens that NORAD was in the middle of a major
annual exercise the morning of 9/11, called Vigilant Guardian (Warrior???).
It involved "all HQ NORAD levels of command," and "would pose an
imaginary crisis to North American Air Defense outposts nationwide."
Vigilant Guardian was conducted in conjunction with a U.S.
Space Command exercise called Apollo Guardian and a U.S.
Strategic Command exercise called Global Guardian. [6] While
little is known about Apollo Guardian, Global Guardian has been
confirmed as being "in full swing" at the time the real attacks
started. [7]
Furthermore, a military newsletter reported in 1998:
"For the last few years, United
States Strategic Command has incorporated computer network
attack (CNA) scenarios into its annual major exercise known as
Global Guardian. The primary purpose of including CNA is to test
the processes we have in place in case of a real attack against
our information infrastructure."
To carry out these attacks, the U.S.
Strategic Command (Stratcom) would employ "red team"
members "and other organizations to act as enemy agents." The
attacks would range "from attempting to penetrate the Command from
the Internet to a 'bad' insider with access to a key command and
control system."
Most significantly,
"The attackers also 'war dialed' our
phones to tie up the phones and sent faxes to numerous fax
machines throughout the Command." [emphasis added]
Could a "computer network attack" where
the phones were "'war dialed" have been incorporated into the
exercise on 9/11? The 1998 article had ended:
"We plan to increase the level of
CNA in future Global Guardian exercises to imitate as closely as
possible the technical capabilities of a hostile source." [8]
This raises many questions. Might a CNA incorporated into Global
Guardian have provided a smokescreen for sabotaging the phone
system, at a time when the U.S. military needed to communicate most
effectively so as to respond to the real world attacks? If so, who
was behind this act of treason? A thorough and dedicated criminal
investigation would be required to identify these rogue individuals.
Major General Eric Findley has tried to suggest that it was
not a problem when all the NORAD operations center phones
suddenly started ringing. He told the CBC:
"The good news is we had lots of
people here and we already had an operational architecture. We
already had the command and control, the network, the phones,
the data links. Everything was already in place that enabled us
to react to the situation." [9]
Yet how believable is this? As
Findley had himself stated, "every phone" had been "ringing off
the hook." Now I can imagine that would be quite a hindrance when
you are trying to respond to an unprecedented emergency.
And if telephones "ringing like crazy"
were really such a harmless occurrence, the U.S. military would have
had no need to practice dealing with it during training exercises.
[1] "NORAD and September 11." CBC,
September 11, 2002.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ray Dick, "Inside NORAD." Legion Magazine, November/December
[4] Jim Garamone, "9/11: Keeping the Heart of the Pentagon
Beating." American Forces Press Service, September 7, 2006.
[5] Pat McKenna, "The Border Guards." Airman, January 1996.
[6] Hart Seely, "Amid Crisis Simulation, 'We Were Suddenly
No-Kidding Under Attack.'" Newhouse News Service, January 25,
2002; "Vigilant Guardian."
GlobalSecurity.org, April 14,
[7] Joe Dejka, "Inside Stratcom on Sept. 11 Offutt Exercise Took
Real-Life Twist." Omaha World-Herald, February 27, 2002.
[8] Ward Parker, "Incorporating IA Into Global Guardian." IA
Newsletter, Summer 1998.
[9] "NORAD and September 11." CBC, September 11, 2002.