Officially released on 8/18/2008
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Some Supporting Documentation...
U.S. troops would enforce peace under Army
by Rowan Scarborough
The Washington Times
September 10, 2001
(Article ID: U00682760115, available through, search key "MOSSAD SAMS"
Public-Action Website
An elite U.S. Army study center has devised a plan for enforcing a major
Israeli-Palestinian peace accord that would require about 20,000 well-armed
troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state.
There are no plans by the Bush administration to put American soldiers into
the Middle East to police an agreement forged by the longtime warring
parties. In fact, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is searching for ways
to reduce U.S. peacekeeping efforts abroad, rather than increasing such
But a 68-page paper by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS)
does provide a look at the daunting task any international peacekeeping
force would face if the United Nations authorized it, and Israel and the
Palestinians ever reached a peace agreement. Located at Fort Leavenworth,
Kan., the School for Advanced Military Studies is both a training
ground and a think tank for some of the Army's brightest officers.
Officials say the Army chief of staff, and
sometimes the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ask SAMS to develop contingency plans
for future military operations. During the 1991 Persian Gulf war, SAMS
personnel helped plan the coalition ground attack that avoided a strike up
the middle of Iraqi positions and instead executed a "left hook" that routed
the enemy in 100 hours.
The cover page for the recent SAMS project said it was done for the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. But Maj. Chris Garver, a Fort Leavenworth spokesman, said
the study was not requested by Washington.
"This was just an academic exercise," said
Maj. Garver. "They were trying to take a current situation and get some
training out of it."
The exercise was done by 60 officers dubbed
"Jedi Knights," as all second-year SAMS students are nicknamed. The SAMS
paper attempts to predict events in the first year of a peace-enforcement
operation, and sees possible dangers for U.S. troops from both sides.
It calls Israel's armed forces a,
"500-pound gorilla in Israel. Well armed and
trained. Operates in both Gaza and the West Bank. Known to disregard
international law to accomplish mission. Very unlikely to fire on
American forces. Fratricide a concern especially in air space
Of the MOSSAD, the Israeli intelligence service,
the SAMS officers say:
"Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has
capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a
Palestinian/Arab act."
On the Palestinian side, the paper describes
their youth as "loose cannons; under no control, sometimes violent." The
study lists five Arab terrorist groups that could target American troops for
assassination and hostage-taking.
The study recommends "neutrality in word and deed" as one way to protect
U.S. soldiers from any attack. It also says Syria, Egypt and Jordan must be
warned "we will act decisively in response to external attack."
It is unlikely either of the three would mount an attack. Of Syria's
military, the report says:
"Syrian army quantitatively larger than
Israeli Defense Forces, but largely seen as qualitatively inferior. More
likely, however, Syrians would provide financial and political support
to the Palestinians, as well as increase covert support to terrorism
acts through Lebanon."
Of Egypt's military, the paper says,
"Egyptians also maintain a large army but
have little to gain by attacking Israel."
The plan does not specify a full order of
battle. An Army source who reviewed the SAMS work said each of a possible
three brigades would require about 100 Bradley fighting vehicles, 25 tanks,
12 self-propelled howitzers, Apache attack helicopters, Kiowa Warrior
reconnaissance helicopters and Predator spy drones.
The report predicts that non-lethal weapons would be used to quell unrest.
U.S. European Command, which is headed by NATO's supreme allied commander,
would oversee the peacekeeping operation. Commanders would maintain areas of
operation, or AOs, around Nablus, Jerusalem, Hebron and the Gaza strip.
The study sets out a list of goals for U.S. troops to accomplish in the
first 30 days.
They include:
"create conditions for development of
Palestinian State and security of Israel "; ensure "equal distribution
of contract value or equivalent aid" . . . that would help legitimize
the peacekeeping force and stimulate economic growth; "promote U.S.
investment in Palestine"; "encourage reconciliation between entities
based on acceptance of new national identities"; and "build lasting
relationship based on new legal borders and not religious-territorial
Maj. Garver said the officers who completed the
exercise will hold major planning jobs once they graduate.
"There is an application process" for
students, he said. "They screen their records, and there are several
tests they go through before they are accepted by the program. The
bright planners of the future come out of this program."
James Phillips, a Middle East analyst at
the Heritage Foundation, said it would be a mistake to put peacekeepers in
Israel, given the "poor record of previous monitors."
"In general, the Bush administration policy
is to discourage a large American presence," he said. "But it has been
rumored that one of the possibilities might be an expanded CIA role."
"It would be a very different environment than Bosnia," said Mr.
Phillips, referring to America's six-year peacekeeping role in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. "The Palestinian Authority is pushing for this as
part of its strategy to internationalize the conflict. Bring in the
Europeans and Russia and China. But such monitors or peacekeeping forces
are not going to be able to bring peace. Only a decision by the
Palestinians to stop the violence and restart talks could possibly do
One Arrested, Others Detained at NY Airports
September 14, 2001
FOXNews Website
At least one man claiming to be a pilot has been arrested and up to nine
others detained in at least two of New York's three area airports, as
officials probed the possibility some of those held were carrying knives,
tickets booked for flights Tuesday morning and might be hijackers.
The arrest and detainments caused the immediate closure of all three of the
city's airports, which had opened just hours earlier. Peter Yerkes, a
spokesman for the Port Authority, which runs the airports, said planes in
the air were being allowed to land, but no planes were allowed to take off.
The hold went into effect shortly before 5 p.m.
A source knowledgeable of the workings of the airline industry said the man
arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport checked in sometime
between noon and 4 p.m. The man was trying to board American Airlines flight
299 bound for San Jose.
The man had been scheduled for an earlier flight on Tuesday bound for Los
Angeles, but that flight was canceled after the terrorist attack began on
the World Trade Center, the source said. A subsequent strip search found the
man had a pilot's certificate from a Florida school, the source said.
The FBI was already investigating whether an altercation at Kennedy Airport
on Tuesday was linked to the World Trade Center explosion, a law enforcement
source told The Associated Press on Thursday.
The Tuesday incident occurred about 9 a.m. - the same time two hijacked jet
airliners crashed into the World Trade Center towers, toppling the two
110-story buildings. The source said the FBI is investigating whether the
incident may have been an aborted hijacking attempt.
After the plane was boarded, United Airlines officials told passengers that
United Airlines Flight 23, bound for Los Angeles, had been cancelled. Three
males traveling refused to disembark. The argument with a member of the
flight crew became so heated that the crew member called airport security.
But before security arrived, the men had vanished, said the source, who
spoke on the condition of anonymity.
On Thursday, according to the airline industry source, a man presented a
ticket for Tuesday's Los Angeles flight at the counter -- but told airline
employees that he had changed his mind and now wanted to travel to San Jose.
People at the ticket counter were suspicious, but they changed the ticket
and alerted a supervisor who, in turn, notified Port Authority police.
Authorities tracked the man to the gate, where he passed through security
checks, including metal detectors. He was then stopped at the gate by
A short time later, three more men arrived at Kennedy and boarded American
Airlines flight 133 to Los Angeles. Minutes later, law enforcement officers
secretly boarded the plane using a catering cart, according to the industry
source. The officers, with weapons drawn, then removed the three from the
The industry source was unable to account for the other two people detained.
ABC News reported Thursday night that 10 people in all were detained trying
to board flights at JFK and LaGuardia. They included nine men and one woman
carrying knives, false identification cards, and flying licenses/certificate
from Flight Safety International in Vero Beach, Fla. Four men and a woman
were detained sometime before 5 p.m. at JFK, ABC said. Another five were
detained between 7:30 and 8:15 p.m. at LaGuardia.
Early Friday, U.S. and Philippine authorities raided a hotel in the
Philippines in connection with the attacks, Philippines President Gloria
Arroyo said.
Arroyo, speaking at a Tokyo news conference, said the "joint action" was
taken at the Bayview Hotel, which is near the U.S. Embassy in Manila.
The investigation was fueled by the discovery of the black box from United
Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania and the reception of a signal from the
black box of the plane that crashed at the Pentagon.
Search crews will not be able to retrieve the black box at the Pentagon,
which could contain information about the last minutes of American Airlines
Flight 77, until they are able to enter the collapsed area of the Pentagon,
where the plane's fuselage rests.
They were to begin moving into the collapsed area sometime Thursday night,
said Arlington County Fire Capt. Scott McKay.
The Justice Department said Thursday that at least 18 hijackers were on the
four planes that crashed; two planes with five and two with four. There are
reports Thursday that up to 50 suspects have been identified, with 40
accounted for, many of them dead, and 10 missing.
Meanwhile, one person was arrested Thursday in connection with the attacks
in Hamburg, Germany, Fox News has confirmed.
"Most of it today points to Usama bin Laden
but the speculation at the end of the road is that he and his network
were very much involved with Hezbollah, Fatah" and other terrorist
organizations, Sen. Charles Grassley said.
FBI Searches Florida
On Wednesday, a Venice, Fla., man said FBI agents told him that two men who
stayed in his home in July 2000 while training at a local flight school were
two of the hijackers. Charlie Voss said agents identified the men as
Amanullah Atta Mohammed and Marwan Alshehhi.
FBI agents,
"informed me that there were two individuals
that were students at Huffman Aviation, my employer, and FBI told me
they were involved in yesterday's tragedy," Voss said.
A former employee at a Florida flight school
where some of the terrorists may have trained said Atta and Marwan had
arrived from Germany in July 2000, reports say.
Federal agents had warrants to search the Florida homes of at least four men
listed on the manifest of American Airlines Flight 11, The Miami Herald
reported Thursday.
Some of the FBI agents sought information on a graduate of Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, The News-Journal of Daytona Beach
Citing two unidentified law enforcement sources, the newspaper reported that
Waleed Al Shehri, 25, was listed as a passenger on the American
Airlines flight that left Boston and crashed into the World Trade Center.
FBI agents removed student files from the Florida Flight Training Center,
which is down the street from Huffman Aviation and offers the same type of
pilot training. School owner Arne Kruithof would not give specific
information about what the agents were seeking but said one of the files was
related to a student from Tunisia.
Agents in Vero Beach asked Hank Habora about a neighbor, Amer Kamfar, 41.
Kamfar was licensed as a flight engineer to fly turbojets and listed a Saudi
Airlines post office box as his address in FAA records.
Federal agents were also interviewing Adnan Bukhari, who worked for Saudi
Airlines and was in Vero Beach for more flight training.
Landlord Lonny Mixel said Thursday the tenant in the house adjacent to
Bukhari's was Abdulrahman Alomari, who he said arrived in July 2000 and told
him he was a commercial pilot from Saudi Arabia and was in Vero Beach to
attend Flight Safety Academy.
Alomari said he would be out of the house by the end of August 2001. Then he
pushed the date back until Sept. 3 and moved out that day. Alomari told
Mixel that he knew Bukhari. Bukhari and his wife began renting a home from
Paul Stimelind in June 2000, Stimelind said. The couple's lease was up Aug.
31, but Bukhari asked for a two-week extension, through Sept. 15.
Stimelind said Bukhari told him he would be leaving by Sept. 17.
"He never gave a reason," Stimelind said.
"He said he had a couple of things to clear up."
Attorney General John Ashcroft said authorities
believe the hijackers were professionally-trained pilots. At least one
hijacker on each of the four planes was trained at a U.S. flight school,
authorities say.
The London-based Ash-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper reported Thursday that the
Taliban forced an Afghan pilot and a retired Pakistani general to train 14
young Arab, Afghan and Pakistani radicals how to fly in Afghanistan.
The group was said to have left Afghanistan a year ago and to carry European
Eyes on bin Laden
Officials were said to be focusing their efforts almost exclusively on bin
Laden, who had recently warned of massive attacks against the United States.
Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday that bin Laden was a
"prime candidate" in the attacks. He denied, however, that bin Laden was a
Early evidence, including communications between bin Laden supporters
discussing Tuesday's attacks, indicated the attacks were tied to the
suspected terror mastermind. Bin Laden congratulated the people who carried
out the attacks but denied that he was involved, a Palestinian journalist
said. Authorities were also investigating a possible network of bin Laden
supporters in Boston.
At least one set of hijackers thought to have ties to bin Laden is believed
to have crossed from Canada en route to Boston, from where two of the deadly
flights launched.
Officials confirmed a car containing an Arabic language flight manual was
confiscated at Boston's Logan Airport.
Abu Dhabi Television in the United Arab Emirates reported that two men with
Saudi Arabian passports and international drivers licenses issued in the UAE
were linked to the Mitsubishi sedan.
Officials said authorities were gathering evidence about four terrorist
cells that may have had prior involvement in earlier plots against the
United States. Those include the USS Cole bombing in Yemen and the foiled
attack on U.S. soil during the millennium celebrations.
Bin Laden is linked to both of these plots, as well as the 1998 U.S. embassy
bombings in Africa.
Other Leads
Fox News has confirmed that 2 weeks ago, American Airlines issued a memo to
their employees to be on alert for imposter pilots after burglars broke into
flight crews' rooms in Rome, stealing uniforms and ID badges.
The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up
video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and
were seen congratulating one another afterwards.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11
Hundreds of Mossad Agents Caught Running Wild in America!
by Warren Royal
July 28th, 2003
YouTube Website
Five celebrating Israeli "movers", (Mossad agents), were arrested and placed
in solitary confinement for weeks after they were spotted in a white van
suspected of attempting to blow up the George Washington Bridge. (On Sept 11,
We also reviewed how the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems - Dominick
Suter - then suddenly abandoned his "moving company" and fled for Israel on
But there were still more Israeli "movers" and other Israelis whose actions
raise serious suspicions. Even more suspicious is how they are always
quietly released and deported.
In October of 2001, three more Israeli "movers" were stopped in Plymouth, PA
because of their suspicious behavior.
These "movers" were seen dumping furniture near a restaurant dumpster! When
the restaurant manager approached the driver, a "Middle Eastern" man later
identified as Moshe Elmakias fled the scene.
The manager made note of the truck's sign which read "Moving Systems
Incorporated" and called the police. When the police spotted the truck, two
other Israelis - Ayelet Reisler and Ron Katar began acting suspiciously. The
Plymouth police searched the truck and found a video.
The Israelis were taken into custody and the video tape was played at the
police station. The video revealed footage of Chicago with zoomed in shots
of the Sears Tower.
The police quickly alerted the FBI and it was also discovered that the
Israelis had falsified travel logs and phony paperwork on them. (1) They
were also unable to provide a name and telephone number for the customer
that they claimed to have been working for.
These Israelis were up to some sort of dirty business, and you can be sure
it had nothing to do with moving furniture.
These Israeli spies may have had a dark sense of humor.
The name of their "moving company" actually contained the word MOSSAD
embedded inside.
Moving Systems Incorporated...
MOving SyStems IncorporAteD....... MOSSAD
Partial list of Jews in the Bush Administration
(March 26, 2003)
Richard Perle
Paul Wolfowitz
Douglas Feith
Edward Luttwak
Henry Kissinger
Dov Zakheim
Kenneth Adelman I.
Lewis Libby
Robert Satloff
Elliott Abrams
Marc Grossman
Richard Haass
Robert Zoellick
Ari Fleischer
James Schlesinger
Cliff Sobel Ambassador to the Netherlands.
Bernstein Ambassador to Denmark.
Nancy Brinker Ambassador to Hungary
Lavin Ambassador to Singapore.
Ron Weiser Ambassador to Slovakia.
Mel Sembler Ambassador to Italy.
Martin Silverstein Ambassador to Uruguay.
Lincoln Bloomfield
Jay Lefkowitz
Ken Melman
Brad Blakeman
...are all Zionist
Jew loyal to Israel the apartheid state for Jews only.
Welcome to the real world....
Jew - CBS - Paley
Jew - NBC - Jeff -(rey) Zucker
Jew - ABC -Stuart Bloomberg/G. W. Bodenheimer
Jew - ABC news - David Westin
Jew - CNN - Gerald Levin
Jew - FOX - Gail Berman
Jew - MBS - Ronnessen
Jew - Daily News - Maxwell, real name HOCH
Jew - US News - Zuckerman
Jew - New York Times - Sulzberger
Jew - Reuters - (Jewish org.)
Jew - PARAMOUNT PICTURES - Bradley Alan Grey
Jew - 20TH CENTURY FOX - Peter Chernin
Jew - WARNER BROTHERS - Barry M. Meyer
Jew - WARNER CO - Martin S. Davis
Jew - DREAMWORKS - Spielberg
Jew - Walt Disney TV, Touchstone TV and
Jew - Buena Vista TV - Micheal D. Eisner
Jew - VIACOM - Sumner M Redstone (Rothstein)
Jew - MTV - Murray Rothstein
Jew - Nickelodeon - Murray Rothstein
Jew - Universal Pictures - Stacey Snider
Jew - Universal Studios - Ron Meyer
Jew - BBC, Sunday News - Michael Ian Grade
Jew - Murdoch empire
911 Truckload of Explosives
The Five Dancing Israelis
Arrested On 9-11
WhatReallyHappened Website
the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for
US-Israeli relations.
His quick reply was:
"It's very good…….Well, it's not
good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)"
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you
about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy
"By way of deception, thou shalt do war"
Motto of the Mossad
A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on
As the world watched in disbelief and asked the question...
 ...Mossad operatives were seen dancing with joy. |
The New York Times reported Thursday that a
group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to
the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards.
Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming
"middle-eastern" men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with
shouts of joy and mockery.
"They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me" said a
[T]hey were seen by New Jersey residents on
Sept. 11 making fun of the World Trade Center ruins and going to extreme
lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage.
Witnesses saw them jumping for joy in Liberty State Park after the initial
impact. Later on, other witnesses saw them celebrating on a roof in
Weehawken, and still more witnesses later saw them celebrating with high
fives in a Jersey City parking lot.
"It looked like they're hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what
was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park."
One anonymous phone call to the authorities actually led them to close down
all of New York's bridges and tunnels. The mystery caller told the 9-1-1
dispatcher that a group of Palestinians were mixing a bomb inside of a white
van headed for the Holland Tunnel.
Here's the transcript from NBC News:
Dispatcher: Jersey City police.
Caller: Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like
Palestinians and going around a building.
Caller: There's a minivan heading toward the Holland tunnel, I see the guy
by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniform.
Dispatcher: He has what?
Caller: He's dressed like an Arab.
(Writer's note: Why would this mystery caller specifically say that these
"Arabs" were Palestinians? How would he know that? Palestinians usually
dress in western style clothes, not "sheikh uniforms")
Based on that phone call, police then issued a "Be-on-the-Lookout" alert for
a white mini-van heading for the city's bridges and tunnels from New Jersey.
White, 2000 Chevrolet van with 'Urban Moving Systems' sign on back seen at
Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner
into World Trade Center Three individuals with van were seen celebrating
after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office
requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain
When a van fitting that exact description was stopped just before crossing
into New York, the suspicious "middle-easterners" were apprehended. Imagine
the surprise of the police officers when these terror suspects turned out to
be Israelis!
According to ABC’s 20/20, when the van belonging to the cheering Israelis
was stopped by the police, the driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the
"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems.
The Palestinians are your problem."
Why did he feel that Palestinians were a problem for the NYPD?
The police and FBI field agents became very suspicious when they found maps
of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters (the same items
that the hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and
foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing
dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled
The FBI seized and developed their photos, one of which shows Sivan Kurzberg
flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the smoldering ruins in an
apparently celebratory gesture.

Click for full size
The Jerusalem Post later reported that a white van with a bomb was stopped
as it approached the George Washington Bridge, but the ethnicity of the
suspects was not revealed.
Here's what the Jerusalem Post reported on
September 12, 2001:
American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George
Washington Bridge. The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an
approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to
blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio
"...two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives was
discovered around the George Washington Bridge ... The FBI ... says enough
explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington
It was reported the van contained tonnes of explosives.
What's really intriguing is that ABC's 20/20, the New York Post,
and the New Jersey Bergen Record all clearly and unambiguously reported
that a white van with Israelis was intercepted on a ramp near Route 3, which
leads directly to the Lincoln Tunnel.
But the Jerusalem Post, Israeli National News (Arutz Sheva), and Yediot
America, all reported, just as clearly and unambiguously, that a white
van with Israelis was stopped on a ramp leading to the George Washington
Bridge, which is several miles north of the Lincoln Tunnel.
It appears as if there may actually have been two white vans involved, one
stopped on each crossing. This would not only explain the conflicting
reports as to the actual location of the arrests, but would also explain how
so many credible eye-witnesses all saw celebrating "middle-easterners" in a
white van in so many different locations. It also explains why the New York
Post and Steve Gordon (lawyer for the 5 Israelis) originally described how
three Israelis were arrested but later increased the total to five.
Perhaps one van was meant to drop off a bomb while the other was meant to
pick up the first set of drivers while re-crossing back into New Jersey?
a van was to be used as a parked time-bomb on the GW Bridge, then certainly
the drivers would need to have a "get-away van" to pick them up and escape.
And notice how the van (or vans) stayed away from the third major crossing
-the Holland Tunnel- which was where the police had originally been directed
to by that anti-Palestinian 9-1-1 "mystery caller". A classic misdirection
From there, the story gets becomes even more suspicious. The Israelis worked
for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems. The name of
the company actually contains the word MOSSAD embedded inside - MOving
SyStems IncorporAteD ... MOSSAD.
An American employee of Urban Moving
Systems told the The Record of New Jersey that a majority of his co-workers
were Israelis and they were joking about the attacks.
The employee, who declined to give his name said:
"I was in tears. These
guys were joking and that bothered me." These guys were like, "Now America
knows what we go through."
A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner,
Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country for Israel. He was in such
a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System's customers were
left with their furniture stranded in storage facilities.
Suter's departure was abrupt, leaving behind coffee cups, sandwiches, cell
phones and computers strewn on office tables and thousands of dollars of
goods in storage. Suter was later placed on the same FBI suspect list as
9/11 lead hijacker Mohammed Atta and other hijackers and suspected al-Qaeda
sympathizers, suggesting that U.S. authorities felt Suter may have known
something about the attacks.
The Jewish weekly The Forward reported that the FBI finally concluded that
at least two of the detained Israelis were agents working for the Mossad,
the Israeli intelligence agency, and that Urban Moving Systems, the
ostensible employer of the five Israelis, was a front operation. This was
confirmed by two former CIA officers, and they noted that movers' vans are a
common intelligence cover.
The Israelis were held in custody for 71
days before being quietly released.
"There was no question but that [the order to close down the investigation]
came from the White House. It was immediately assumed at CIA headquarters
that this basically was going to be a cover-up so that the Israelis would
not be implicated in any way in 9/11."
Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli
talk show after their return home. Said one of the men, denying that they
were laughing or happy on the morning of Sept. 11,
"The fact of the matter
is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose
was to document the event."
How did they know there would be an event to document on 9/11?
It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots of the
dancing Israeli Mossad agents - here's the most logical scenario:
The Israeli "movers" cheered the 9-11 attacks to celebrate the successful
accomplishment of the greatest spy operation ever pulled off in history.
One of them, or an accomplice, then calls a 9-1-1 police dispatcher to
report Palestinian bomb-makers in a white van headed for the Holland Tunnel.
Having thus pre-framed the Palestinians with this phone call, the Israeli
bombers then head for the George Washington Bridge instead, where they will
drop off their time-bomb van and escape with Urban Moving accomplices.
But the police react very wisely and proactively by closing off ALL
bridges and tunnels instead of just the Holland Tunnel. This move
inadvertently foils the Israelis' misdirection play and leads to their own
capture and 40 day torture.
To cover up this story, the U.S. Justice Department rounds up over 1000
Arabs for minor immigration violations and places them in New York area
jails. The Israelis therefore become less conspicuous as the government and
media can now claim that the Israelis were just immigration violators caught
in the same dragnet as many other Arabs.
After several months, FBI and Justice Department "higher-ups" are able to
gradually push aside the local FBI agents and free the Israelis quietly.
Osama bin Laden was immediately blamed for the 9/11 attacks even though he
had no previous record of doing anything on this scale.
Immediately after
the Flight 11 hit World Trade Center 1,
CIA Director George Tenet said,
"You know, this has bin Laden's fingerprints
all over it."
The compliant mainstream media completely ignored the Israeli connection.
Immediately following the 9-11 attacks the media was filled with stories
linking the attacks to bin Laden. TV talking-heads, "experts", and
scribblers of every stripe spoon-fed a gullible American public a steady
diet of the most outrageous propaganda imaginable.
We were told that the reason bin Laden attacked the USA was because he hates
our "freedom" and "democracy". The Muslims were "medieval" and they wanted
to destroy us because they envied our wealth, were still bitter about the
Crusades, and were offended by Britney Spears shaking her tits and ass all
over the place!
But bin Laden strongly denied any role in the attacks and suggested that
Zionists orchestrated the
9-11 attacks.
The BBC published bin Laden's statement of denial in which he
"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did
I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a
government within the United States. The United States should try to trace
the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to
make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and
Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the
attacks. ... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose
first priority is Israel, not the United States."
You never heard that quote on your nightly newscast did you?
[A] number of intelligence officials have raised questions about Osama bin
Laden's capabilities.
"This guy sits in a cave in Afghanistan and he's
running this operation?" one C.I.A. official asked. "It's so huge. He
couldn't have done it alone."
A senior military officer told me that because
of the visas and other documentation needed to infiltrate team members into
the United States a major foreign intelligence service might also have been
Bin Laden is not named as the perpetrator of 9/11 by the FBI:
When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on
Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web
page, [Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI] said,
“The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama
Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence
connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”
"So we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin
Laden [sic] was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been
- Dick Cheney []
To date, the only shred of “evidence” to be
uncovered against bin Laden is a barely audible fuzzy amateur video that the
Pentagon just happened to find "lying around" in Afghanistan. How very
convenient, and how very fake.
There is no evidence, be it hard or circumstantial, to link the Al Qaeda
"terrorist network" to these acts of terror, but there is a mountain of
evidence, both hard and circumstantial, which suggests that Zionists have
been very busy framing Arabs for terror plots against America.
"I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the
terrorists were assisted not just in financing -- although that was part of
it -- by a sovereign foreign government ... It will become public at some
point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from
- Senator Bob Graham.
If the sovereign foreign government mentioned by Senator Graham was an enemy
of the United States the "compelling evidence" would not be kept secret for
20+ years.
One final point; at 09:40 on 9-11 it was reported that the Democratic Front
for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attacks.
This claim was immediately denied by the DFLP leader Qais abu Leila who said
it had always opposed "terror attacks on civilian targets, especially
outside the occupied territories."
Why would a Palestinian organization comprising of less than 500 people
make the suicidal move of immediately claiming responsibility for the
Sharon and the other Israeli leaders aspire to fulfill what the goals of the
political Zionist movement have been since its origin a century ago: to turn
all of historic Palestine into an exclusively Jewish state. A central tenet
of the Zionist ideology is expressed in the racist slogan,
"A land without
people for a people without a land."
The implication of Palestinians in the 9/11 attacks would have handed
Zionists a golden opportunity to achieve the above because all Palestinians
would have been labeled terrorists.

"By way of deception, thou shalt do war"
Motto of the Mossad
911 - The Israeli Connection
Israel Conducts Massive Spying Operation in U.S.
by Michael Collins Piper
AmericanFreePress Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
Exclusive To American Free Press
You read it here first. The FBI believes Israel had advance knowledge about
the impending September 11 terrorist attacks and failed to inform the United
States. |
American Free Press was first to expose the “big secret” that the major
media has been suppressing: that 60 Israeli Jews—many of whom are still in
the military or intelligence—were taken into custody following the terrorist
attacks and being held because the FBI suspects they have material knowledge
about the attacks.
For publishing that story, critics angrily denounced AFP for spreading
“ridiculous conspiracy theories.”
However, on Dec. 12 Fox News with Brit Hume, featuring reporter Carl
Cameron, carried an eye-opening story that echoed precisely what AFP first
According to Cameron:
There is no indication the Israelis were involved in the Sept. 11 attacks,
but investigators suspect that they may have gathered intelligence about the
attacks in advance and not shared it. A highly-placed investigator told Fox
News there are “tie-ins,” but when asked for details flatly refused to
describe them.
“Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I
cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It is classified
During the broadcast segment, Hume asked Cameron:
“What about this question
of advance knowledge of what was going to happen on 9-11? How clear are
investigators that some Israeli agents may have known something?”
Cameron responded:
“It’s very explosive information, obviously, and there’s
a great deal of evidence that they say they have collected. None of it
necessarily conclusive. It’s more when they put it all together. A bigger
question, they say, is ‘How could they not have known?’ [That is] almost a
direct quote [from the investigators].”
Although Fox reported the Israeli embassy in Washington offered “categorical
denials,” Fox indicated that it has been learned that,
“one group of Israelis
spotted in North Carolina recently is suspected of keeping an apartment in
California to spy on a group of Arabs who the U.S. authorities are
investigating for links to terrorism.”
The Fox report revealed that federal investigators have said that some of
the Israelis,
“failed polygraph questions inquiring about alleged
surveillance activities against and in the United States,” echoing precisely
what AFP said.
Fox confirms that AFP was on the mark only 10 days after the attacks when
“Did Israelis Have Fore knowledge?” and pointed out numerous odd
items that suggested America’s reputed “ally” may have known in advance of
the impending attack.
AFP’s story, a media exclusive by Christopher Bollyn, focused in particular
on what had already been reported in Israel: that numerous Israelis had been
picked up in the United States and were suspected by the FBI of being
Israeli intelligence operatives. AFP went further than the Israeli news
reports, reporting that evidence suggested the Israeli operatives had
foreknowledge of the attack.
In the meantime, AFP has learned that on Oct. 17, the Pulitzer Prize-winning
Pottstown (Pa.) Mercury reported that “two men whom police described as
Middle Eastern” were detained in the Pottstown area (just northwest of
Philadelphia) after being found with “de tailed video footage of the Sears
Tower in Chicago”—the tallest building in the world, widely mentioned as a
possible terrorist target
The Mercury did not identify the men’s nationality, but their names were
Moshe Elmakias and Ron Katar.
“Moshe” is a Hebrew name which is not likely to have been bestowed on a
Muslim or an Arab.
A woman named Ayelet Reisler, in their company, was also detained. She had a
German passport in her name and medication in a different name.
The two men worked for a company known as “Moving Systems
Incorporated”—which is intriguing because AFP’s report of Oct. 1 revealed
several suspected Israeli intelligence operatives seized by the FBI in the
New York area after filming the World Trade Center disaster from at least
two venues also purportedly worked for moving companies.
Supporters of Israel suggest that it is “just a coincidence” that several
different groups of Israelis in the United States—some of whom are
definitively connected to Israeli intelligence—would be working for moving
companies and also have detailed videos of the WTC disaster and the Sears
Tower, a potential terrorist target.
What is additionally damaging—from an Israeli perspective— is that,
according to Fox, even prior to Sept. 11 as many as 140 other Israelis had
been detained or arrested in what Fox described as,
“a secretive and
sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United
According to Fox reporter Cameron:
Investigators from numerous government agencies are part of a working group
that has been compiling evidence in the case since the mid-1990s. These
documents detail hundreds of incidents and cities and towns across the
country that investigators say “may well be organized intelligence-gathering
Investigators are focusing part of their efforts on Israelis who said they
are art students from the University of Jerusalem or Bezalel Academy and
repeatedly made contact with U.S. government personnel by saying they wanted
to sell cheap art or handiwork.
Documents say they “targeted” and penetrated military bases, the Drug
Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, dozens of
government facilities and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of
law enforcement and intelligence personnel.
The Fox report said federal investigators believe that dozens of Israelis
working at kiosks in American malls, where they were selling toys called
“Puzzlecar” and “Zoomcopter,” were suspected of being “fronts” for Israeli
intelligence activity.
Many malls are fronts for Israeli interests.
For the benefit of shocked listeners who might be surprised to learn that
America’s ally would be spying illegally on the United States, Fox explained
A General Accounting Office investigation referred to Israel as Country A
and said, “According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of
country A conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the U.S.
of any U.S. ally.”
Fox also cited a Defense Intelligence Report which said Israel has “a
voracious appetite for information,” asserting that:
The Israelis are motivated by strong survival instincts which dictate every
facet of their political and economic policies. It aggressively collects
military and industrial technology and the U.S. is a high priority target.
Israel possesses the resources and technical capability to achieve its
collection objectives.
The Israeli Connection to 9/11
by Christopher Bollyn
7 April 2005
IAmTheWitness Website

David Rockefeller, who built the World Trade Center,
with Gov. George
Pataki, Mayor Bloomberg, and the Mossad "sayan" Ronald Lauder
U.S. investigators and the controlled media have ignored a preponderance of
evidence pointing to Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, being
involved in the terror attacks of 9/11.
From the very morning aircraft smashed into the World Trade Center (WTC) and
the Pentagon, news reports have indicated Israeli intelligence being
involved in the events of 9/11 – and the planting of "false flags" to blame
Arab terrorists and mold public opinion to support the pre-planned "war on
Shortly after the destruction of the twin towers, radio news reports
described five "Middle Eastern men" being arrested in New Jersey after
having been seen videotaping and celebrating the explosive "collapses" of
the WTC.
These men, from a phony moving company in Weehawken, N.J., turned out to be
agents of Israeli military intelligence, Mossad. Furthermore, their "moving
van" tested positive for explosives.
Dominic Suter, the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems, the phony "moving
company," fled in haste, or was allowed to escape, to Israel before FBI
agents could interrogate him. The Israeli agents were later returned to
Israel on minor visa violations.
The Assistant Attorney General in charge of criminal investigations at the
time was Michael Chertoff, the current head of the Dept. of Homeland
Security. Chertoff, the son of the first hostess of Israel's national air
carrier, El Al, is thought to be an Israeli national.
One of the Israeli agents later told Israeli radio that they had been sent
to "document the event" – the event which took the lives of some 3,000
Despite the fact that the Israelis arrested in New Jersey evidently had
prior knowledge or were involved in the planning of 9/11, the U.S.
mainstream media has never even broached the question of Israeli complicity
in the attacks.
On September 12, 2001, the Internet edition of The Jerusalem Post reported,
"The Israeli foreign ministry has collected the names of 4,000 Israelis
believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon at the time of the attack."
Yet only one Israeli was killed at the WTC and two were reportedly killed on
the "hijacked" aircraft.
Although a total of three Israeli lives were reportedly lost on 9/11,
speechwriters for President George W. Bush grossly inflated the number of
Israeli dead to 130 in the president's address to a joint session of
Congress on September 20, 2001.
The fact that only one Israeli died at the WTC, while 4,000 Israelis were
thought to have been at the scene of the attacks on 9/11 naturally led to a
widespread rumor, blamed on Arabic sources, that Israelis had been
forewarned to stay away that day.
"Whether this story was the origin of the rumor," Bret Stephens, the Post's
editor-in-chief wrote in 2003, "I cannot say. What I can say is that there
was no mistake in our reporting."
Evidence that Israelis had been forewarned several hours before the attacks
surfaced at an Israeli instant messaging service, known as Odigo. This
story, clear evidence of Israeli prior knowledge, was reported only briefly
in the U.S. media – and quickly forgotten.
At least two Israel-based employees of Odigo received warnings of an
imminent attack in New York City more than two hours before the first plane
hit the WTC. Odigo had its U.S. headquarters two blocks from the WTC. The
Odigo employees, however, did not pass the warning on to the authorities in
New York City, a move that could have saved thousands of lives.
Odigo has a feature called People Finder that allows users to seek out and
contact others based on certain demographics, such as Israeli nationality.
Two weeks after 9/11, Alex Diamandis, Odigo's vice president, reportedly
"It was possible that the attack warning was broadcast to other Odigo
members, but the company has not received reports of other recipients of the
The Internet address of the sender was given to the FBI, and two months
later it was reported that the FBI was still investigating the matter. There
have been no media reports since.
Odigo, like many Israeli software companies, is based and has its Research
and Development (R&D) center in Herzliya, Israel, the small town north of
Tel Aviv, which happens to be where Mossad's headquarters are located.
Shortly after 9/11, Odigo was taken over by Comverse Technology, another
Israeli company. Within a year, five executives from Comverse were reported
to have profited by more than $267 million from "insider trading."
Through Israeli "venture capital" (VC) investment funds, Mossad spawns and
sponsors scores of software companies currently doing business in the United
States. These Israel-based companies are sponsored by Mossad funding sources
such as Cedar Fund, Stage One Ventures, Veritas Venture Partners, and
As one might expect, the portfolios of these Mossad-linked funding companies
contain only Israeli-based companies, such as Odigo.
Reading through the strikingly similar websites of these Israeli "VC" funds
and their portfolio companies, one can't help but notice that the key "team"
players share a common profile and are often former members of "Israel's
Intelligence Corps" and veterans of the R&D Department of the Israel Air
Force or another branch of the military. Most are graduates of Israel's "Technion"
school in Haifa, Mossad's Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, or a
military program for software development.
The IDC, a private, non-profit university, is closely tied to the Mossad.
The IDC has a "research institute" headed by Shabtai Shavit, former head of
the Mossad from 1989 to 1996, called the International Policy Institute for
The IDC also has a,
"Marc Rich Center for the Study of Commodities, Trading
and Financial Markets" and a "Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and
The cosmetics magnate Ronald S. Lauder, who is a supporter of
Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his far-right Likud Party, founded
the Lauder school.
Lauder, president of the Jewish National Fund and former chairman of New
York Governor George Pataki's Commission on Privatization, is the key
individual who pushed the privatization of the WTC and former Stewart AFB,
where the flight paths of the two planes that hit the twin towers oddly
converged. Ronald Lauder played a significant, albeit unreported, role in
the preparation for 9/11.
Pataki's wife, Libby, has been on Lauder's payroll since at least 2002 and
reportedly earned $100,000 as a consultant in 2004. According to The Village
Voice, between 1994 and 1998, Gov. Pataki earned some $70,000 for speaking
to groups affiliated with Lauder.
Ptech, a mysterious software company has been tied with the events of 9/11.
The Quincy, Massachusetts-based company was supposedly connected to "the
Muslim Brotherhood" and Arab financiers of terrorism.
The firm's suspected links with terrorism resulted in a consensual
examination by the FBI in December 2002, which was immediately leaked to the
media. The media reports of the FBI "raid" on Ptech soon led to the demise
of the company.
Ptech "produced software that derived from PROMIS, had an artificial
intelligence core, and was installed on virtually every computer system of
the U.S. government and its military agencies on September 11, 2001,"
according to Michael Ruppert's From the Wilderness (FTW) website.
"This included the White House, Treasury Dept. (Secret Service), Air Force,
FAA, CIA, FBI, both houses of Congress, Navy, Dept. of Energy, IRS, Booz
Allen Hamilton, IBM, Enron and more," FTW reported.
"Whoever plotted 9/11 definitely viewed the FAA as the enemy that morning.
Overriding FAA systems would be the most effective way to ensure the attacks
were successful," FTW reported. "To do this, the FAA needed an evolution of
PROMIS software installed on their systems and Ptech was just that; the
White House and Secret Service had the same software on their systems –
likely a superior modified version capable of 'surveillance and
intervention' systems."
But did the U.S. government unwittingly load software capable of
"surveillance and intervention" operations and produced by a company linked
to terrorism onto its most sensitive computer networks, or was Ptech simply
a Mossad "cutout" company?
Oussama Ziade, a Lebanese Muslim immigrant who came to the U.S. in 1985,
founded Ptech in 1994. But the company's original manager of marketing and
information systems was Michael S. Goff, whose PR firm, Goff Communications,
currently represents Guardium, a Mossad-linked software company.
And Goff comes from a well-to-do line of Jewish Masons who have belonged to
Worcester's Commonwealth Lodge 600 of B'nai Brith for decades. So, why would
a recently graduated Juris Doctor in Law leave a promising law career to
join forces with a Lebanese Muslim's upstart company sponsored with dodgy
funders in Saudi Arabia?
"As information systems manager [for Ptech], Michael handled design,
deployment and management of its Windows and Macintosh, data, and voice
networks," Goff's website says. "Michael also performed employee training
and handled all procurement for software, systems and peripherals."
AFP asked Goff, who left the Worcester law firm of Seder & Chandler in 1994,
how he wound up working at Ptech.
"Through a temp agency," Goff said.
for the name of the agency, Goff said he could not remember.
Could it be Mossad Temps, or maybe Sayan Placement Agency?
Goff, the original marketing manager for Ptech software, said he did not
know who had written the code that Ptech sold to many government agencies.
Is this believable?
Goff leaves a legal practice in his home town to take a job, through a temp
agency, with a Lebanese Muslim immigrant who is selling software, and he
doesn't know who even wrote the code?
AFP contacted the government agencies that reportedly have Ptech software on
their computers, and IBM, to ask if they could identify who had written the
source code of the Ptech software.
As of 7 April 2005, only Lt. Commander Ron Steiner of the U.S. Navy's Naval
Network Warfare Command had responded. Steiner said he had checked with an
analyst and been told that none of the Ptech software has been approved for
the Navy's enterprise networks.
For more on Ptech:
Is MITRE Corp. The Trojan Horse of 9/11?
by Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press
1 April 2005
ZeitenSchrift Website
Did a central controller with "super user" privileges of the command and
control systems of the Department of Defense, NORAD, the Air Force, and the
FAA, control the aerial attacks of 9/11?
There is only one agency that has that
capability - a little-known private company known as MITRE Corp.
There are basically two versions of events surrounding the terror attacks of
September 11, 2001. There is the government version, propagated by the
controlled media, which claims that 19 Arab terrorists, organized by Osama
Bin Laden in Afghanistan, hijacked 4 passenger aircraft and used them to
attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This version, used to launch
the "war on terror" and two invasions in the Middle East, is challenged by a
lack of evidence.
On the other hand, a host of unofficial explanations, based on available
evidence, make up what can be called the "inside job" or anti-government
version. This version basically claims that agents embedded within the U.S.
military and intelligence organizations conspired to carry out the terror
The two foreign nations most often implicated in the unofficial explanations
of 9/11 are Israel and Britain. Both countries are supporters and
beneficiaries of the Bush administration's "war on terror."
For the Israelis, Iraq, a major threat, was drastically reduced in power and
put under military occupation. For the British, a oil-rich territory, Iraq's
southern region of Basra, which it originally occupied in 1914, was
reoccupied and its immense oil assets put under control of the Crown. Royal
Dutch Shell and BP, formerly named British Petroleum, are two companies said
to be controlled by the Crown, which have posted record profits since 9/11.
While both Britain and Israel have substantial assets and powerful
organizations in the United States, proponents of the anti-government
version have not explained how a foreign power could manipulate the computer
systems of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the
North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and the U.S.
Air Force, and thereby control the aerial attacks of 9/11.
When American Free Press interviewed Eckehardt Werthebach,
former president of Germany's domestic intelligence service, in December
2001, he said,
"the deathly precision" and "the magnitude
of planning" behind the 9/11 attacks would have required "years of
Such a sophisticated operation, Werthebach said,
would require the "fixed frame" of a state intelligence organization,
something not found in a "loose group" of terrorists like the one allegedly
led by Mohammed Atta. Many people would have been involved in the planning
of such an operation, Werthebach said. He pointed to the absence of leaks as
further indication that the attacks were "state organized actions."
Andreas von Bülow, who served on Germany's parliamentary commission
and oversaw the three branches of the German secret service, told AFP that
he believed that Mossad, Israel's intelligence service, was behind the
terror attacks.
The attacks, he said, were carried out to turn
public opinion against the Arabs and boost military and security spending.
"You don't get the higher echelons," von
Bülow said, referring to the "architectural structure" which masterminds
such terror attacks.
At this level, he said, the organization doing
the planning, such as Mossad or British intelligence, is primarily
interested in affecting public opinion.
In a recent article in AFP, "The
Perfect Terrorist Plan To Level the Twin Towers Created In 1976"
by Greg Szymanski, it was reported that the U.S. Army devised a plan
in 1976 to bring down the towers using commercial airliners and box cutters
as weapons.
At the time, George H.W. Bush was head of the CIA and Martin R.
Hoffmann was Secretary of the Army. Hoffmann told AFP that he did not
recall being involved in this planning reportedly done by the U.S. Army.
An architect, even of destruction, needs a contractor. Proponents of the
anti-government version of 9/11 provide evidence to support their claims,
but do not explain how the U.S. military and civil aviation control systems
could have been hijacked to allow the aerial attacks to occur.
Because the attacks involved systems used by the FAA, NORAD, and the U.S.
Air Force, the conspirators would have needed "super user" access to the
command and control centers of these three separate organizations.
Super user means the most privileged user on a computerized data system. The
super user has complete access to all files on the system. For the
previously mentioned agencies, and virtually all other U.S. defense and
intelligence organizations, there is one such possible super user: a
little-known private not-for-profit organization, based in Bedford, Mass.,
known as MITRE Corp. MITRE also has a headquarters in McLean, Va., on a
campus it shares with Northrop Grumman.
The MITRE Corp. is a major defense contracting organization headed by the
former Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), Dr. James
Rodney Schlesinger. Schlesinger, who was reportedly made DCI at the
request of Henry Kissinger in 1973, later served as Secretary of
Schlesinger, a former director of strategic studies at the RAND Corp., was
described in a 1973 biography as a "devout Lutheran," although he was born
in New York in 1929 to immigrant Jewish parents from Austria and Russia.
Schlesinger earned three degrees from Harvard University. Schlesinger's
father, an accountant, founded the accounting firm Schlesinger & Haas, and
was a trustee and chairman of the budget of the Stephen Wise Free
Synagogue. His father was also a member of the New York State Grand
Lodge of Masons.
The MITRE Corp., of which Schlesinger is chairman of the board of trustees,
is connected to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, and Mitretek Systems of Falls Church, Va.
Schlesinger is a senior advisor for the Lehman Brothers investment firm and
a member of the Defense Policy Board and advisory council for the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The MITRE Corp. has provided computer and information technology to the FAA
and the U.S. Air Force since the late 1950's. MITRE is a Federally Funded
Research and Development Center (FFRDC) for the Dept. of Defense,
the FAA, and the Internal Revenue Service.
The chairman of the board of trustees of Mitretek Systems, a spin-off of
MITRE Corp., is Martin R. Hoffmann, who served as Secretary of the
Army when the "perfect terrorist plan" was reportedly prepared in 1976.
MITRE's Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I)
FFRDC for the Dept. of Defense was established in 1958.
The C3I,
"supports a broad and diverse set of
sponsors within the Department of Defense and the Intelligence
Community. These include the military departments, defense and
intelligence agencies, the combatant commands, and elements of both the
Office of the Secretary of Defense and the office of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff," according to MITRE's website.
"Information systems technology," it says, "coupled with domain
knowledge, underpin the work of the C3I FFRDC."
The U.S. Air Force maintains its Electronic
Systems Center (ESC) at the Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Mass. The ESC manages
the development and acquisition of electronic command and control (C2)
systems used by the Air Force.
The ESC is the Air Force's "brain for
information, command and control systems," according to Charles Paone, a
civilian employee of the ESC. It is the "product center" for the Air
Force's Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) and
Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (J-STARS),
Paone said.
Asked about MITRE's role at the ESC, Paone said,
"MITRE does the front-end engineering. It's
basically our in-house engineer."
MITRE employees operate the computer systems at
Hanscom AFB, Paone said. MIT's Lincoln Laboratories, the parent of MITRE, is
located on the Hanscom AFB.
A second FFRDC, the Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (CAASD)
provides computer engineering and technology to the FAA. MITRE's support of
the FAA began in 1958, when the company was created. The FAA's Airspace
Management Handbook of May 2004, for example, was written and published by
the MITRE Corp.
Jennifer Shearman, MITRE's public relations manager for "corporate
identity" in Bedford, told AFP that MITRE is a "trusted mentor" for the FAA
and is a "unique" provider of "objective and independent" information for
the U.S. civil aviation authority.
MITRE's Bedford headquarters are located near Boston's Logan airport where
the two planes that struck the World Trade Center supposedly originated.
Bedford lies directly under the flight path of westbound flights leaving
MITRE developed the technology,
"to aid controllers in solving problems
while keeping aircraft close to their route, altitude, and speed
Shearman was unable to say why the MITRE
technology apparently failed on 9/11.
Indira Singh, an "IT consultant" who previously worked on a
Defense Advanced Research Project, and who was employed by J.P.
Morgan on 9/11, in risk management, pointed to MITRE's role at the FAA
during the 9/11 Citizens' Commission hearings in New York last September.
"Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the
basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11," Singh said. "Their
specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with
NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. If anyone was in a
position to know that the FAA - that there was a window of opportunity
or to insert software or to change anything - it would have been Ptech
along with MITRE."
A representative of Ptech could not be reached.
[Ptech appears to have been a Mossad front
company created to provide insecure Trojan Horse software to the U.S.
military and intelligence agencies. Ptech has the typical Arab owners and
financiers - and Mossad operators.]
2 found with video of Sears Tower
by Michelle Mowad
Special to The Mercury
October 17, 2001
PottsMerc Website
PLYMOUTH -- Two men whom police described as Middle Eastern were detained in
the township by federal immigration authorities after being found with
detailed video footage of the Sears Tower in Chicago. Plymouth Police
encountered the men after an officer responded to Pizzeria Uno on the 1000
block of West Ridge Pike at 2:40 p.m. Thursday for a report of illegal
dumping, according to reports.
A manager there advised the police officer that a tractor-trailer was
observed backed up to the Dumpster at the rear of the restaurant. The
manager noticed a freshly dumped pile of furniture adjacent to the Dumpster,
according to police. The manager confronted the vehicle's operator, a Middle
Eastern man, police said.
The man, who later identified himself as Moshe Elmakias, 30, denied
that he did anything and fled the scene, heading west on West Ridge Pike,
according to police. The manager was able to provide township police with
the Florida registration number of the tractor-trailer and said that a sign
posted on the side of the vehicle read "Moving Systems Incorporated" and
included a phone number, police said.
The area was searched by township police, and the vehicle was spotted parked
on the curb in front of John Kennedy Ford on Ridge Pike, just west of
Industrial Way.
An officer proceeded to make contact with the occupants of the truck by
knocking on the cab, according to reports. A Middle Eastern man, later
identified as Ron Katar, 23, exited the sleeper area of the cab and said
that the operator was across the street as he pointed toward the Don Rosen
Porsche dealer, reports said.
Elmakias and a white female, Ayelet Reisler, 23, were approaching the
vehicle from the dealership, but the female then began walking in a
different direction, acting as if she were not with Elmakias, according to
reports. Reisler was detained and checked for identification. She had a
German passport in her name and medication in a different name, police said.
Plymouth Police Sgt. Thomas Longo was notified and responded to the
Elmakias allegedly admitted to being behind Pizzeria Uno, although he said
that he did not dump furniture, he was only turning around. Elmakias said
that his destination was New York and that he was also coming from New York.
He said he was in Plymouth because he was supposed to make a pickup from a
male in the morning and pointed toward the Storage USA facility on Belvoir
Road and West Ridge Pike, police said.
Elmakias could not, however, provide a name or telephone number of the
Township police dispatched a request for a Motor Carrier Safety Assistance
Program Inspector. Officer Gerald Schwartz of the Whitpain Police
Department responded. Schwartz discovered through his investigation that the
operator's log had been falsified and put the truck out of service due to
violations, police said. In addition, the vehicle reportedly had numerous
equipment violations that rendered the truck unsafe.
Inspection of the tractor-trailer's contents revealed a load three-quarters
full containing household items, including furniture and boxes. Among the
items in the truck was a Sony video camera.
Plymouth Police Officer David McCann reviewed the tape found inside
the camera. The tape had video footage of Chicago with zoomed-in shots of
the Sears Tower, according to police.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was notified of the incident and all
three subjects were transported to the Plymouth Police station. The subjects
were then processed through the National Crime Information Center and placed
into detention, according to the report.
FBI Agents James Sweeney and Richard Tofani arrived at the
station and proceeded to investigate both the subjects and their belongings
with the assistance of Immigration and Naturalization Services. Elmakias and
Katar were eventually detained by INS and transported to a federal facility,
said police. Reisler was released.
All evidence collected by Plymouth and Whitpain officers was transferred to
federal facilities with the exception of a VCR.
Special Agent Linda Vizi, a spokeswoman for the Philadelphia FBI,
could not be contacted for comment on further investigations.
Army general and head of the PGR releases two
Israelis arrested with guns and explosives inside the Mexican Congress
by Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan
WhatReallyHappened Website
Two Israelis arrested with bombs in
the Mexican Congress
As reported in La Vox De Aztlan, two men posing as press
photographers, one of them a former Israeli Colonel and Mossad
agent, were arrested INSIDE the Mexican congress on October 10, 2001
armed with
9-mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives, three detonators, and 58
bullets, but were released following intense pressure from the
Israeli Embassy.
"We believe that the two Zionists terrorist were going to blow up
the Mexican Congress. The second phase was to mobilize both the
Mexican and US press to blame Osama bin Laden. Most likely then
Mexico would declare war on Afghanistan as well, commit troops and
all the oil it could spare to combat Islamic terrorism."
Los Angeles, Alta California
October 15, 2001- (ACN)
In a mind-blowing development, La Voz de
Aztlan has learned that Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo de
la Concha who heads the Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican
Department of Justice) has released the retired Israeli Defense Forces
colonel and presumed MOSSAD agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and
Israeli illegal immigrant Saur Ben Zvi after both had penetrated the
security of the Mexican Congress and where in possession of guns, hand
grenades and explosives.
This morning La Voz de Aztlan had a personal telephone interview with
the Mexican Congressional Press Secretary, Lic. Adriana Lopez,
and verified the arrest of the two Israelis after they had entered through
the highly secured front entrance of the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro.
She stated to La Voz de Aztlan that the two terrorists had taken
advantage of a situation that occurred around 1700 hours of Wednesday
October 10 when a large contingent of Sugar Industry Unionists were entering
through the metal detectors.
The two Israelis followed about 50 of the
unionists to the office of the President of the Mexican Congress Beatriz
Paredes. The two Israelis were first pretending to be press
photographers but called the attention of the sugar unionists because of
their nervous and out of the ordinary behavior. About ten of the unionists
confronted them and observed that they were carrying guns and and what
looked to them to be explosives. They held the two Israelis until Official
Congressional Security personnel took them into custody.
The head of Congressional Security Salvador
Alarcón verified that the Israelis had in their possession nine hand
grenades, sticks of dynamite, detonators, wiring and two 9mm "Glock"
Mexican Congressional Press Secretary Lic. Adriana Lopez informed La Voz
de Aztlan in the telephone interview that Congressional Security then
turned the terrorists Salvador Guersson Smecke, age 34, and Saur Ben Zvi,
age 27, to the Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican Department of
Justice) which is headed by Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la
Initial reports by the Procuraduría General
de la República (PGR) were that both Israelis worked for a
private security agency and that they both had gun permits. It turned out
that there is no connection of either suspect to any private security
agency. The PGR has released the retired Israeli I.D.F. colonel with the
official explanation that he had a legal permit to carry a gun.
They also released the illegal Israeli immigrant
on about $4000 bail and the case turned over to the Mexican immigration
authorities. Mexican Congressional Press Secretary Lic. Adriana Lopez was
surprised to hear from La Voz de Aztlan of the release of the two
La Voz de Aztlan has also learned that the Israeli Embassy used heavy
handed measures to have the two Israelis released. Very high level emergency
meetings took place between Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Jorge
Gutman, General Macedo de la Concha and a top Ariel Sharon envoy
who flew to Mexico City specially for that purpose.
Elías Luf of the Israeli Embassy worked
night and day and their official spokeswoman Hila Engelhart went into
high gear after may hours of complete silence. What went on during those
high levels meetings no ones knows, but many in Mexico are in disbelief at
their release.
Guns and any kind of explosive is highly illegal
for Mexican citizens and the fact that these two Israelis had them inside
the Mexican Congress makes their release highly suspect. What is really
going on? Jorge Gutman, the Mexican Foreign Secretary, has very
strong Zionist connections and himself is of Jewish descent. Mexican Army
General Macedo de la Concha has strong connections to the U.S. Military
Industrial-Complex and through this to the Israeli Defense Forces.
Have any of these connections influenced the
decision to release the two Zionist terrorists?
The initial arrests of the two Israelis inside the Palacio Legislativo de
San Lázaro made top news on Mexico City television and radio on the
evening of October 10. TV Azteca had extensive coverage on the first night
and on the following day. La Cronica de Hoy Newspaper and El
Universal Newspaper both covered the incident the following two days but
now it seems that there is a lack of reports.
The PGR has a Press Bulletin on their official
website but they have made no updates. No U.S. media has made any mention,
that we know, except one by
Pravda of Moscow has a note of the initial La
Voz de Aztlan article at:
What were the Israelis up to? We think we know. The Vicente Fox government
has been very careful of involving Mexico in a war against Islam. The
Mexican population as well as the two major opposition political parties,
the PRI and the PRD will not allow it.
President Bush and the U.S. Zionists want
Mexico fully involved in the war principally because if things get tough in
the middle east and the oil rich Arabs leave the coalition, the U.S.
military machine is going to need alternative sources of oil and PEMEX is
just across the border. We believe that the two Zionists terrorist were
going to blow up the Mexican Congress. The second phase was to mobilize
both the Mexican and US press to blame Osama bin Laden.
Most likely then Mexico would declare war on
Afghanistan as well, commit troops and all the oil it could spare to combat
Islamic terrorism.
NSA infiltrated by hostile intelligence agents
October 30, 2007
ProThink Website
According to U.S. intelligence sources, there is another purge of loyal
American intelligence personnel taking place at the hands of neocons who
want to politicize U.S. intelligence reports.
This time the targets are the National Security Agency's (NSA)
Hebrew linguists. Hebrew linguists at NSA have always been caught in a
politically-sensitive vise. Because of the power of the Israel Lobby in the
United States, the fact that the NSA eavesdrops on Israeli communications
has always been handled gingerly. In fact, Hebrew linguists at NSA were once
referred to as "Special Arabic" linguists to hide the fact they were spying
on Israel.
However, Israel, like China, Russia, and North Korea, is considered a
hostile intelligence threat by American counter-intelligence elements.
Israel has a long history of spying against the United States, the most
infamous case being the arrest of Jonathan Pollard, a Navy
intelligence analyst, for espionage on behalf of Israel in 1986. Pollard's
Israeli intelligence controller, code-named "Mega," and reportedly a
high-level official in the Reagan administration, has never been identified.
The Pollard affair came at the same time Israeli contractors working for
Mossad penetrated NSA security through two programs initiated by the Reagan
administration to involve Israel in NSA-related signals intelligence
activities: DINDI and PIEREX.
NSA's skepticism about Israel arises from the Israeli attack on the NSA
signals intelligence ship, the USS Liberty, in 1967. It was an attack that
is now considered by a majority of historians and intelligence experts to
have been a deliberate attack aimed at blindsiding U.S. intelligence from
war crimes being carried out by Israel in the Sinai Desert during the 1967
Arab-Israeli War.
Recent revelations about the Liberty also indicate that in 1967, Israel's
ambassador to the United States, Avraham Harman, cabled to Israeli
Foreign Minister Abba Eban that Israel had a high-ranking source
close to the U.S. government, code named "Hamlet," who told the Israelis
that the U.S. government was aware that the Israelis knew the Liberty was an
American vessel, not an Egyptian ship as had been previously reported.
Hamlet is suspected of being then-US ambassador to the UN Arthur Goldberg.
With this history, NSA has always taken a realistic view of Israel as far as
intelligence is concerned. That is, until the advent of the neocons
inside the intelligence community.
WMR has learned that NSA's Hebrew linguists are currently being purged if
they are considered unlikely to "cook" intercepts of Israeli communications
intercepts to paint Israel in a favorable light. One Hebrew linguist was
recently threatened because of views opposing U.S, military intervention in
Iraq and threats against Iran. The neocons and their Israeli friends
are also concerned that Israel's training of terrorist groups like Turkey's
Kurdish PKK and Iran's MEK will be documented in intercepts by NSA of
Israeli communications.
In the past, WMR has reported on concerns by a number of NSA personnel about
the outsourcing by the agency of operational duties to firms with dubious
foreign links.
Some of the firms that have placed operational
contractors inside NSA are tied to Israel.